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Chusssss escribió:Buenos combates ayer Taxenco y ELESSAR jajaja lo de las risas no es por ti macho, es por las expresiones que sueltas ya sabes, del tipo, pero que orte que tienes, la concha de mi hermana jajajajaaaaaaaa y ya sabes sigue dandole y pillando los tiempos a los Ultras que tiras muchos por tirar y asi es muy facil de esquivar.
ELESSAR_31 escribió:Chusssss escribió:Buenos combates ayer Taxenco y ELESSAR jajaja lo de las risas no es por ti macho, es por las expresiones que sueltas ya sabes, del tipo, pero que orte que tienes, la concha de mi hermana jajajajaaaaaaaa y ya sabes sigue dandole y pillando los tiempos a los Ultras que tiras muchos por tirar y asi es muy facil de esquivar.
Sí tio estuvieron guapos... por lo menos al Taxenco le gane dos !! xDD aunque tiene mucho mas dominio que yo. Lo siento por las expresiones pero es que tengo que liberar tensión xDDDDD.
te corrijo una palabra que ponias... vocabulario argentino.. para que aprendas... es ORTO ( culo ) no orte xDDDD
Saludos compi, nos vamos viendo campeón !
ELESSAR_31 escribió:Bueno ... acabo de terminar en superchungo con ABEL, VEGA y BISON... joder se me atragantan personajes chorras y luego contra Seth no me cuesta tanto !! Hay cada personaje que vaya tela, eh !
taxenco escribió:ELESSAR_31 escribió:Bueno ... acabo de terminar en superchungo con ABEL, VEGA y BISON... joder se me atragantan personajes chorras y luego contra Seth no me cuesta tanto !! Hay cada personaje que vaya tela, eh !
Va que el combo que yo hago con Abel es la clave jajajajajajjajajajaja si lo haces con puño fuerte quita mucho xD.
Y si lo cancelas y puñetazo fuerte agachado y lo combinas con el falling sky ya es para flipar xD
reberes escribió:Una cosa, que me he vuelto a reenganchar a esto aunque con mando doy pena xD.
Estoy utilizando a Yun, Ryu y Sakura. Estrategias para los Zangrief y T.Hawk? Solo recibo paliza tras paliza xd. Me gustaria probar a Cammy que era mi main en SFIV pero no se yo frente a la guerra de proyectiles xD.
Astral escribió:reberes escribió:Una cosa, que me he vuelto a reenganchar a esto aunque con mando doy pena xD.
Estoy utilizando a Yun, Ryu y Sakura. Estrategias para los Zangrief y T.Hawk? Solo recibo paliza tras paliza xd. Me gustaria probar a Cammy que era mi main en SFIV pero no se yo frente a la guerra de proyectiles xD.
Mi consejo es que contr ellos no prfundices mucho en el cuerpo a cuerpo e intentes mantener la distancia ya sea con proyectiles o con ataques a distancia porque lo peor de todo es que te pueden cortar los combos con el agarre y para mi es lo peor xD
m_alejandro_p escribió:Necesito ayuda!!! Quiero sacar el trofeo "Cuanto tiempo", pasando el modo superdificil venciendo a Gouken, hago lo de los 5 first attacks, 2 perfects y 3 ultra combo finish y solo me aparece Gouki, jajaja por queeeeeAYUDA
Astral escribió:m_alejandro_p escribió:Necesito ayuda!!! Quiero sacar el trofeo "Cuanto tiempo", pasando el modo superdificil venciendo a Gouken, hago lo de los 5 first attacks, 2 perfects y 3 ultra combo finish y solo me aparece Gouki, jajaja por queeeeeAYUDA
Son 10 first attacks no 5
ELESSAR_31 escribió:Y sin continuar?? o se puede perder algun round?
ELESSAR_31 escribió:Por cierto.. me salto el trofeo " todo despejado " jugando en Superchungo y eso que aun no me los he pasado con todos. Máquina loca !!
Astral escribió:m_alejandro_p escribió:Necesito ayuda!!! Quiero sacar el trofeo "Cuanto tiempo", pasando el modo superdificil venciendo a Gouken, hago lo de los 5 first attacks, 2 perfects y 3 ultra combo finish y solo me aparece Gouki, jajaja por queeeeeAYUDA
Son 10 first attacks no 5
Elflautas escribió:Tal vez me lo creería si no hubiese puesto eso de gratis, Capcom los cobraría aunque fuera a 5 Euros. Aunque ojala sea cierto a mi Hugo es un personaje que me encanta.
Mckeijas escribió:Oye chicos, tenía una preguntilla, a la hora de sacarse el trofeo de subir a todos a C:
- ¿Tambien se cuenta los luchadores de la AE para el trofeo?
- En la versión normal, tenía luchadores con rango C+ ,al jugar en la versión AE salen con rango D, de cara al trofeo, ¿te cuenta el rango de la versión normal o tienes que subirlo a C tambien en la versión AE?
Es que estoy rejugando el SSF4, porque al fin y al cabo yo pienso que el objetivo de los trofeos es rejugar un juego, y la verdad que este me encanta ^^ Un saludo
taxenco escribió:http://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B0038KMOXK/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=A1AT7YVPFBWXBL
Que os parece ?
Ancient escribió:Mckeijas escribió:Oye chicos, tenía una preguntilla, a la hora de sacarse el trofeo de subir a todos a C:
- ¿Tambien se cuenta los luchadores de la AE para el trofeo?
- En la versión normal, tenía luchadores con rango C+ ,al jugar en la versión AE salen con rango D, de cara al trofeo, ¿te cuenta el rango de la versión normal o tienes que subirlo a C tambien en la versión AE?
Es que estoy rejugando el SSF4, porque al fin y al cabo yo pienso que el objetivo de los trofeos es rejugar un juego, y la verdad que este me encanta ^^ Un saludo
Puedes combinar las ediciones. Si ya tienes a Ryu a C en SSF4 no hace falta resubirlo. Tampoco te ahorras personajes si resubes a un personaje que ya tienes.
[Hadouken]: Damage has been increased from 60->70. Chip damage remains the same at 15.
[H. Shoryuken]: Changed to be a 1 hit move, from the previous 2 hits. Start up is 3F. A deep hit (from active 1F to 2F) deals 160 damage, a shallow hit (from active 3F and up) deals 60 damage. First 4F from startup are invincible. Also [H.Shoryuken] cannot be EX Focus Canceled anymore, regardless of hit or block, so the risk and reward has been increased.
[cr.HK]: Startup changed from 7F->8F. So [far LP] -> [far MP] -> [cr.HK] combo string will no longer work.
[far HK]: Startup changed from 12F->11F, recovery from 21F->18F. On hit it now gives +1F, and on block -3F.
[Thunder Kick] (f+HK): Entire frame length of the feint version shortened from 27F->24F.
[EX Hyakuretsukyaku]: Distance the move covers until hit detection has been increased. Tough combos should be easier to connect with now.
[close HP]: Causes additional 1F guard stun on opponent. Push back distance from a hit has been decreased by about half. So [close HP] -> [H. Spinning Bird Kick] combo is now possible (290 damage, 400 stun).
[H. Spinning Bird Kick]: Damage and stun adjusted to 200.
[Tenkukyaku] (MK during Kintekishu): Hit box enlarged downwards so it is easier to hit crouching opponents.
[H. Hundred Hand Slap]: Hit box towards the end has been increased, allowing for easier full combo hits off a [cr.LP].
[EX Oicho Throw]: Stun damage increased from 100->150.
[Orochi Breaker]: Command has been simplified so it will be easier to use from now on.
[EX Vertical Roll]: Now causes knockdown on hit. However on block, Blanka will now land even closer to the opponent so the risk is greater.
[far HP]: Deals knockdown damage on hit.
[Flash Kick]: Deep hit now deals an additional +10 damage across the board: light 110, medium 130, heavy 140 damage.
[Sonic Hurricane]: Damage distribution has been changed from the existing 150+15*4+90 to 90+30*4+90. Total damage has not changed, but [Flash Kick] -> [Sonic Hurricane] combo now does an additional 50 damage or so.
[Reverse Spin Kick]: Causes additional 1F of hit stun, leading to a total of +5F on hit.
[LP]: Causes additional 1F of hit stun, leading to a total of +2F on hit. So [LP] -> [EX Yoga Flame] combo now works.
[Yoga Blast]: On hit, light and medium version recovery has been reduced by 10F, heavy version recovery has been reduced by 5F.
[Dirty Bull]: Command has been simplified so it will be easier to use from now on.
[Bloody High Claw]: Hit properties have been adjusted. For example, the Ultra will now combo properly after a [Cosmic Heel] (df+HK).
[EX Sky High Claw]: Hit box has been enlarged downwards, making it easier to connect the whole thing.
[cr.MP]: Hit box has been enlarged towards Sagat’s base, fixing a problem that caused it to whiff against certain crouching opponents.
M.Bison (Dictator)
[HK]: Damage from a shallow hit increased from 80->90.
[Air Burning Kick]: Damage reduced from 100->90.
[Big Bang Typhoon]: Adjusted move properties so that opponents won’t drop out early after an air hit.
[Target Combo]: Hit box of the 2nd hit has been enlarged downwards, making it easier to hit crouching opponents.
[EX Galactic Tornado]: Opponents who are hit by the suction part of the move now gain an additional 7F of stun. It will consume a lot of meter, but by performing an [EX Focus Cancel] afterwards, Rufus will now be at a maximum +8F. This will allow for new combo opportunities.
El Fuerte
[EX Guacamole Leg Throw]: El Fuerte’s stun after landing has been reduced by 3F, making it 10F total.
[Breathless]: Removed throw invincibility from the lunge to hit detection period. It still has throw invincibility from startup to lunge period.
[Shoryuken]: Excluding the EX version, when the 2nd hit is blocked, opponent guard stun has been reduced by 2F. Seth is now -3F when doing [Shoryuken (2nd hit blocked)] -> [EX Focus Cancel] -> [Forward Dash].
No additional changes since the “SSFIV AE Ver.2012 Alpha” location test.
[Sakotsukudaki] (f+MP): Hit box enlarged downwards, active frames changed to 4F. Hit stop and guard stop time has been changed from medium attack length to heavy attack length. Hittable area has been reduced, making it easier to dodge crouching attacks.
[Forbidden Shoryuken]: Startup greatly reduced from 11F->3F, which makes it easier to combo and counterattack with.
[far MP]: Deals additional 1F of hit stun, and is now special/super cancelable. Thus [far MP] -> [M. Senkugoshoha] combo is now possible.
[far HP]: Active hit frames changed from 3F->5F.
[close HK]: Active hit frames of first part changed from 2F->5F.
[Denjin Hadouken]: Lever rotations needed to speed up the move have been reduced.
Elflautas escribió:Mas cambios para algunos de los personajes, mañana sale el resto. Ahora ya no se puede cancelar el SRK fuerte de Ryu.Ryu
[Hadouken]: Damage has been increased from 60->70. Chip damage remains the same at 15.
[H. Shoryuken]: Changed to be a 1 hit move, from the previous 2 hits. Start up is 3F. A deep hit (from active 1F to 2F) deals 160 damage, a shallow hit (from active 3F and up) deals 60 damage. First 4F from startup are invincible. Also [H.Shoryuken] cannot be EX Focus Canceled anymore, regardless of hit or block, so the risk and reward has been increased.
[cr.HK]: Startup changed from 7F->8F. So [far LP] -> [far MP] -> [cr.HK] combo string will no longer work.
[far HK]: Startup changed from 12F->11F, recovery from 21F->18F. On hit it now gives +1F, and on block -3F.
[Thunder Kick] (f+HK): Entire frame length of the feint version shortened from 27F->24F.
[EX Hyakuretsukyaku]: Distance the move covers until hit detection has been increased. Tough combos should be easier to connect with now.
[close HP]: Causes additional 1F guard stun on opponent. Push back distance from a hit has been decreased by about half. So [close HP] -> [H. Spinning Bird Kick] combo is now possible (290 damage, 400 stun).
[H. Spinning Bird Kick]: Damage and stun adjusted to 200.
[Tenkukyaku] (MK during Kintekishu): Hit box enlarged downwards so it is easier to hit crouching opponents.
[H. Hundred Hand Slap]: Hit box towards the end has been increased, allowing for easier full combo hits off a [cr.LP].
[EX Oicho Throw]: Stun damage increased from 100->150.
[Orochi Breaker]: Command has been simplified so it will be easier to use from now on.
[EX Vertical Roll]: Now causes knockdown on hit. However on block, Blanka will now land even closer to the opponent so the risk is greater.
[far HP]: Deals knockdown damage on hit.
[Flash Kick]: Deep hit now deals an additional +10 damage across the board: light 110, medium 130, heavy 140 damage.
[Sonic Hurricane]: Damage distribution has been changed from the existing 150+15*4+90 to 90+30*4+90. Total damage has not changed, but [Flash Kick] -> [Sonic Hurricane] combo now does an additional 50 damage or so.
[Reverse Spin Kick]: Causes additional 1F of hit stun, leading to a total of +5F on hit.
[LP]: Causes additional 1F of hit stun, leading to a total of +2F on hit. So [LP] -> [EX Yoga Flame] combo now works.
[Yoga Blast]: On hit, light and medium version recovery has been reduced by 10F, heavy version recovery has been reduced by 5F.
[Dirty Bull]: Command has been simplified so it will be easier to use from now on.
[Bloody High Claw]: Hit properties have been adjusted. For example, the Ultra will now combo properly after a [Cosmic Heel] (df+HK).
[EX Sky High Claw]: Hit box has been enlarged downwards, making it easier to connect the whole thing.
[cr.MP]: Hit box has been enlarged towards Sagat’s base, fixing a problem that caused it to whiff against certain crouching opponents.
M.Bison (Dictator)
[HK]: Damage from a shallow hit increased from 80->90.
[Air Burning Kick]: Damage reduced from 100->90.
[Big Bang Typhoon]: Adjusted move properties so that opponents won’t drop out early after an air hit.
[Target Combo]: Hit box of the 2nd hit has been enlarged downwards, making it easier to hit crouching opponents.
[EX Galactic Tornado]: Opponents who are hit by the suction part of the move now gain an additional 7F of stun. It will consume a lot of meter, but by performing an [EX Focus Cancel] afterwards, Rufus will now be at a maximum +8F. This will allow for new combo opportunities.
El Fuerte
[EX Guacamole Leg Throw]: El Fuerte’s stun after landing has been reduced by 3F, making it 10F total.
[Breathless]: Removed throw invincibility from the lunge to hit detection period. It still has throw invincibility from startup to lunge period.
[Shoryuken]: Excluding the EX version, when the 2nd hit is blocked, opponent guard stun has been reduced by 2F. Seth is now -3F when doing [Shoryuken (2nd hit blocked)] -> [EX Focus Cancel] -> [Forward Dash].
No additional changes since the “SSFIV AE Ver.2012 Alpha” location test.
[Sakotsukudaki] (f+MP): Hit box enlarged downwards, active frames changed to 4F. Hit stop and guard stop time has been changed from medium attack length to heavy attack length. Hittable area has been reduced, making it easier to dodge crouching attacks.
[Forbidden Shoryuken]: Startup greatly reduced from 11F->3F, which makes it easier to combo and counterattack with.
[far MP]: Deals additional 1F of hit stun, and is now special/super cancelable. Thus [far MP] -> [M. Senkugoshoha] combo is now possible.
[far HP]: Active hit frames changed from 3F->5F.
[close HK]: Active hit frames of first part changed from 2F->5F.
[Denjin Hadouken]: Lever rotations needed to speed up the move have been reduced.
Ancient escribió:Se puede combear el U1 de Vega! AWWWWWWWWWWWW YEEEEEEAH!!
THumpER escribió:Ancient escribió:Se puede combear el U1 de Vega! AWWWWWWWWWWWW YEEEEEEAH!!
Pues ya me diras como..... xD
THumpER escribió:Buah... es combeable con el cosmic heel el cual con el ultra 2 solo me ha salido una vez! la unica para hacer el desafio xD
Y si es lo mismo pero con ultra 1..... tampoco me saldra...![]()
Astral, esa patada para dar a los que se agachan, se hace diagonal abajo hacia adelante + patada media.
Y el ataque EX que dices, se hace cargando pa abajo hacia atras como siempre un par de segundos, y diagonal arriba pa alante + triple patada.
Me explico mal, lo se xD Es muy bueno ese ataque ya que se puede usar para todo tipo de combos
ELESSAR_31 escribió:Hablando de VEGA, ya podrían poner el mapa de la reja, no??? Me encantaba ese mapa lolailo ! xDDD
THumpER escribió:ELESSAR_31 escribió:Hablando de VEGA, ya podrían poner el mapa de la reja, no??? Me encantaba ese mapa lolailo ! xDDD
Si... la verdad es que una putada no poner ese escenario.... aunque vega no pueda subirse a la red, da igual. Solo en meter ese escenario tan carismatico con el theme de vega
ELESSAR_31 escribió:THumpER escribió:ELESSAR_31 escribió:Hablando de VEGA, ya podrían poner el mapa de la reja, no??? Me encantaba ese mapa lolailo ! xDDD
Si... la verdad es que una putada no poner ese escenario.... aunque vega no pueda subirse a la red, da igual. Solo en meter ese escenario tan carismatico con el theme de vega
Si lo pusiesen dices que Vega no podría subirse??
ELESSAR_31 escribió:Tios, podeis entrar en la network??? me sale un puto error todo el rato.. se sabe por qué??
Astral escribió:ELESSAR_31 escribió:Tios, podeis entrar en la network??? me sale un puto error todo el rato.. se sabe por qué??
Está en mantenimiento