Cori escribió:Hey everyone, the T4: Argon Queen part1 teaser site is up! Tons of info and images. Will update the OP with info

Sorry, but the forum only lets me have 10 pics per post, some are just linked. Zones (same order as on the teaser site):
Tirkai ForestOriginally the beautiful home of the forest fairies now terraformed by the Argon. Nature is struggling to regain it's former self but no doubt, it is going to take a long time.
Blue Sky ValleyMany have explored the place conducting different researches but as they progressed more and more Argon have stood in their way. This place is now considered very dangerous
The Three TowersOne of the most important bases of the Argon, the main plot is centered around this dungeon. Discovering what happens here means risking your life every second.
Kanovia WiresThe Argon front lines force at Kanobia is on par with that of the Federation. The land carries the marks of the never ending war.
ArgoneaAlso referred to as the 'Argon Land', this soil has been occupied by the Argon for a long time. A light bluish glow surrounds the land.
KargoneaGetting deeper in Argonea you get to Kargonea, the heart of the Argon land. This is the Argon Queen's home.
Gardens of SunInfused by the power of Balder and the good climate, the land has flourished for many decades now. The High Elves have recently set up their research facilities to study the many wonders this zone has to offer.
New Instances (same order as on the teaser site):
Balder's Temple (also referred to as Temple of Sun or Solar Temple)
It is said that the people of Balder have settled and built the temple here. According to the legend the hero that wishes to find the remains of Balder's power will be tested by the guardians of the temple.
Abandoned ChurchThe Mitra have managed to steal the forbidden resurrecting scrolls from the Velika Academy, their plan is to awake Capricorn, who was sealed inside the forsaken place. Who will stop the Mitra and Capricorn?
New SkillsFor the new skill descriptions please refer to".
Dark Rifts (literally Black Cracks,
according to Brian Knox they will be referred to as Nexuses in the english version -thanks to bygeorge for poining that out)
Appearing RiftsThe Rifts can appear in Argonea, Kargonea and Kanobia Wires. Once a Rift opens, monsters will invade the place. Players have to collaborate by defeating the rampaging monsters and closing the Rifts." Rifts are shown on the map.
Closing RiftsOnce all phases of the invasion have been stopped, the Rifts will close and players get compensated for completing the corresponding quests.
Public QuestsWhen Rifts appear players automatically get some Public Quests assigned. Completing the quests will earn you points which you can use to obtain special items, cosmetic items and many other rewards.
RewardsCompleting the quests will earn you reputation points. A variety of items can be exchanged for these points. For a full list of current rewards (korean wiki site, not translating that atm)
Reputation System and Daily QuestsWith the Argon Queen update a reputation system and daily quests get intoduced to the audience. Players can earn points in different categories and exchange their points for different rewards from equipment to new crystals.
Daily Quest locations: Tirkai Forest, Blue Sky Valley, The Three Towers, Kanobia Wires, Argonea, Kargonea, Gardens of Sun and Dark Rifts
Only a certain number of Daily Quests can be done per day, different quests have different goals. For some of the reputation categories you can earn points by other quests (Dark rift public quests) than the daily ones. A variety of rewards to choose from!
New ItemsNew EquipmentSeveral new equipment has been addded to the current Instances. Some can be acquired via Daily Quests and some through Dark Rifts. Additionally, new endgame instances and Dark Rifts will feature Tier 13 Weapons. Armor 1 Armor 2 Armor 3 Armor 4
New Green CrystalsNew slotted accessories have been added in which green crystals can be inserted.
Players will have 4 slots all together to use crystals (Earrings 2x, Rings 2x). Green Crystals affect base character stats. Can be earned through Daily and Public Quests.
New MountsWider variety of Mounts to suit player needs: Ancient War Horse Zebra Undead Horse [url]"]Black Panther[/url]
Cosmetic ItemsMore customization with several new accessories, cosmetic items. Finish Daily Quests and earn Achievements to collect the items. Among these items you'll find masks and other special ornaments that can lend a unique appearance to your character. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Cosmetic Item
9 Cosmetic Item 10 Cosmetic Item 11
Changes in Existing Content Currency Changes: current ingame gold system divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze Coins. House Changes: the new Smart Search function ensures a more comfortable searchinge experience and players can now register 50 items for sale. Pegasus Express: players aren't required anymore to stop by at major cities to reach their destination. The new system offers direct flights. Achievements: several new achievements have added to the list.