[HILO OFICIAL] Uncharted 3: La Traición de Drake

Joanastic escribió:
In an interview on GTTV regarding their upcoming game, Naughty Dog's Evan Wells has mentioned that Uncharted 3's multiplayer is similar to Killzone. Killzone 2 and 3 contain an online mode where the game loops through around 7 different game types. So rather than separating each mode, teams must try to win four of the seven games in order to win overall. Naughty Dog are taking a slightly different approach to the multiplayer, where there can be certain events called "power plays" that the trailing team can perform in order to take the lead:

"One of those power plays is called "marked man," during which one or two members on the leading team get marked, and if the trailing team can kill them, they'll get three points for that kill so it can help them catch up."

Wells continues and compares the multiplayer to Killzone:

"It becomes kind of like the Killzone game mode where you go from death match to capture the flag to territories and the like. Over the course of a 10-minute death match you'll probably only experience maybe one or two of these power plays but for those short bursts you get a different flavor."

In a sense they are using a watered-down version of Killzone's online gameplay, whether it works or not, we'll have to wait and see. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will be on store shelves on November 1st, 2011.



joe, mola la imagen, y con los fps y todo xD
que suertudo,ya podria pulsar el estar el muy jodio [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad] .

Y ya queda menos para la beta y el E3 [babas] [babas]
Para Uncharted 3 se plantearon los de ND usar la tecnología de reconocimiento facial de L.A Noire!!!!, pero al final la descartaron...
http://n4g.com/news/768413/naughty-dog- ... ncharted-3
Veremos qué sucede en un futuro, cuando esta tecnología se desarrolle un poco más....
mithra escribió:
Joanastic escribió:
In an interview on GTTV regarding their upcoming game, Naughty Dog's Evan Wells has mentioned that Uncharted 3's multiplayer is similar to Killzone. Killzone 2 and 3 contain an online mode where the game loops through around 7 different game types. So rather than separating each mode, teams must try to win four of the seven games in order to win overall. Naughty Dog are taking a slightly different approach to the multiplayer, where there can be certain events called "power plays" that the trailing team can perform in order to take the lead:

"One of those power plays is called "marked man," during which one or two members on the leading team get marked, and if the trailing team can kill them, they'll get three points for that kill so it can help them catch up."

Wells continues and compares the multiplayer to Killzone:

"It becomes kind of like the Killzone game mode where you go from death match to capture the flag to territories and the like. Over the course of a 10-minute death match you'll probably only experience maybe one or two of these power plays but for those short bursts you get a different flavor."

In a sense they are using a watered-down version of Killzone's online gameplay, whether it works or not, we'll have to wait and see. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will be on store shelves on November 1st, 2011.



joe, mola la imagen, y con los fps y todo xD

Poner esa imagen es como ponerle un vaso de alcohol a un alcohólico .... un vicio total y tentación!!! [poraki] [poraki]
During an interview with French website Gameblog, Christophe Balesta, Co-founder of Naughty Dog, confirmed that there will be a collector’s edition of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
He said that they’ll be unveiling details about the edition in the near future and that fans can expect it to be great. Here’s a rough translation:
“There will be a collector’s edition (…) This version will incorporate it, we’ll talk about it soon … and it will be great!”
Most big titles are released with collector’s editions nowadays, and Uncharted 2 had one (albeit a rather dissapointing one), so it is no surprise that Uncharted 3 will get the treatment as well. Hopefully it will include lots of top notch goodies and will leave up to the high standards set by the game this time around.
I’m probably going to be writing this on most news stories for the next month, but you can expect to hear lots about Uncharted 3 more from Naughty Dog at E3.

Fuente: gamersmint
Espero que no sea cara,porque ultimamente se pegan unas columpiadas con las EE....
Pues la Edicion coleccionista del U2 costaba igual que la normal, me conformo con eso.
Que ganas de ver la EC, espero que sea de las curradas y a un precio razonable, aunque se que cueste lo que cueste va a caer, con las ganas que le tengo a este juego... :)

que ganas de q salga ya el juego........jajaja que larga se va hacer la espera.
QUE SALGA YA EL GOTY 2O11 POR FAVOOOOR QUE SALGAAAAA, JUEGAZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas]
Pues yo no tengo prisa por que salga, tengo muchos pendientes xD de todos modos que salga cuando tenga que salir y yo ya me lo pillaré cuando pueda.

Un saludo!
Kysox escribió:Pues yo no tengo prisa por que salga, tengo muchos pendientes xD de todos modos que salga cuando tenga que salir y yo ya me lo pillaré cuando pueda.

Un saludo!

Estoy como tú, pero deseando que salga cuanto antes, así cuando pueda pillármelo estará ya más baratillo XD
esta leyendo algo del hilo y no se si lo habeis dicho o aun no pero...¿que levara la edicion coleccionista? o aun no lo han dicho
Kysox escribió:Pues yo no tengo prisa por que salga, tengo muchos pendientes xD de todos modos que salga cuando tenga que salir y yo ya me lo pillaré cuando pueda.

Un saludo!

yo tampoco tengo prisa por que salga, pero este juego va a ser difícil no catarlo en su salida.
gatito20 escribió:esta leyendo algo del hilo y no se si lo habeis dicho o aun no pero...¿que levara la edicion coleccionista? o aun no lo han dicho

Aun no se sabe nada.
"Sony ha explicado las diferentes formas que habrá de acceder a la beta multijugador de Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. El título, que tiene previsto su lanzamiento el mes de noviembre, es uno de los lanzamientos más importantes del año para la consola de Sony y con la beta o dema multijugador acercará el modo online a todos los usuarios de PS3.

De esta forma, los primeros en acceder a la beta de Uncharted 3 serán los que compren el próximo 8 de junio inFamous 2. Dentro del título de Sucker Punch encontraremos el primer acceso a la beta. Posteriormente, del 28 de junio al 4 de julio, podrán disfrutar de la demo todos los suscriptores de PlayStation Plus. Por último, los jugadores normales de PSN podrán tener la demo entre los días 5 y 13 de julio.

Sony se ha asegurado de que todos los usuarios de PS3 tengan acceso a la demo de Uncharted 3 para ir preparando el camino de la promoción del título, que posiblemente tenga mucho que ofrecer durante el próximo E3 2011. Os mantendremos informados."

Fuente: http://www.juegosdb.com/juegos/playstat ... s-ps3.html
Bien bien, el 4 de Julio tenemos la demo gracias al "regalo" de sony de PlayStation Plus.
jujuju esa beta con el infamous 2 a casita jusjus
dany0015 escribió:Bien bien, el 4 de Julio tenemos la demo gracias al "regalo" de sony de PlayStation Plus.

Perdon por el offtopic:

¿Es totalmente seguro que nos dan un mes de inscripción gratuito?
De ser así: ¿Como sabemos que ese mes será Julio?
En todo caso ese mes sería Junio ya que la vuelta de la store está prevista para finales de mes. Vamos, que los que no tenemos plus, a esperar toca...
Nueva localización


El artwork se titula "The Pelican Inn" y googleando un poco se trata de una hotel rural en la localidad inglesa de Muir Beach. Un núcleo rural que guarda un estilo muy parecido al de la Inglaterra del siglo XVI, juuuustamente la época en que vivió Sir Francis Drake y se fundó la sociedad clandestina que encabeza Katherine Marlowe.

¿Buscarán pistas Drake y Sully en los sitios que visitó Sir Francis Drake? ¿Habrá estado en The Pelican Inn? Se calientan los motores...

PD: este artwork es de Andrew Kim y ha salido a la luz en una exposición a través de internet. Justin Richmond lo ha comentado en su Twitter


Más detalles del mismo Andrew Kim

“The Pelican Inn is one of the first scenes you’ll see in UNCHARTED 3, where Drake will toughen up his fists for the first time. It’s a compact space with mostly drunken brutes and hustlers. What a perfect place to start a brawl! When I was first introduced to this level, I was amazed at how a typical London pub has so many stories contained within itself. The mix of vibrant colors from the stained glass and muted colors of antique furniture with all kinds of stuff behind the bar, old frames, and personal messages on the wall… wow, I really could picture so many things that might have happened in this pretty small, compact space. We decided to give the pub a boxing theme, as it seemed a perfect fit to have Drake and Sully brawling in a small pub that has been historically patronized by boxers and boxing fans. It definitely was lot of fun decorating the place under that theme. I paid lot of attention to the details knowing that we wanted to show a very authentic looking pub yet very suitable for our game world. Having said this, it’s a tremendous honor to be recognized by Into the Pixel. As an artist, it’s always very fulfilling and proud when my work is liked and appreciated by an audience and such competition like Into the Pixel just adds that much more magnitude to this honor.” - Andrew Kim

Será de las primeras escenas de Uncharted 3 donde veremos a Drake peleando con algún borrachuzo. Es el lugar y el momento adecuado para enseñarnos los nuevos movimientos cuerpo a cuerpo y, entre otras cosas, la posibilidad de estampar elementos del escenario (como botellas) en los enemigos.
Supongo q de ahí es de donde salimos al callejón de la escena con la villana, la verdad es q han detallado bastante el lugar, con vidrieras y demás atrezzo... me gusta mucho.
yoyo1one está baneado por "Faltas de respeto continuadas - The End"
Sony inicia una misteriosa cuenta atrás con el desierto como protagonista.
La compañía japonesa nos emplaza al próximo miércoles, 1 de junio.


Con el E3 cada vez más cerca, las compañías no dejan de preparar el ambiente usando mensajes enigmáticos o misteriosas cuentas atrás. Un formato que ha empleado Sony para anticiparnos al que podría ser uno de sus anuncios sorpresa del evento.

“Descubre al misterioso hombre que continúa caminando en el desierto”. Con esta enigmática frase y una imagen de fondo que muestra precisamente lo que se describe, Sony ha iniciado una cuenta atrás que nos emplaza a este miércoles, 1 de junio, como día en el que mostrarán información sobre el asunto.

La web, alojada en los dominios japoneses de Sony, quizá podría estar relacionada con Uncharted 3, que recordemos tendrá al desierto como protagonista; pero sería raro que dieran tanto bombo a un juego que ya ha sido mostrado cuando podría aprovechar el evento previo al E3 para dar a conocer nuevos proyectos.


yoyo1one escribió:
Sony inicia una misteriosa cuenta atrás con el desierto como protagonista.
La compañía japonesa nos emplaza al próximo miércoles, 1 de junio.


Con el E3 cada vez más cerca, las compañías no dejan de preparar el ambiente usando mensajes enigmáticos o misteriosas cuentas atrás. Un formato que ha empleado Sony para anticiparnos al que podría ser uno de sus anuncios sorpresa del evento.

“Descubre al misterioso hombre que continúa caminando en el desierto”. Con esta enigmática frase y una imagen de fondo que muestra precisamente lo que se describe, Sony ha iniciado una cuenta atrás que nos emplaza a este miércoles, 1 de junio, como día en el que mostrarán información sobre el asunto.

La web, alojada en los dominios japoneses de Sony, quizá podría estar relacionada con Uncharted 3, que recordemos tendrá al desierto como protagonista; pero sería raro que dieran tanto bombo a un juego que ya ha sido mostrado cuando podría aprovechar el evento previo al E3 para dar a conocer nuevos proyectos.



.....¿"quizá podría..."???, ¿"quizá"??? [qmparto] no hay que ser un lince para saber que se trata segurísimooo de Uncharted 3, esas montañas, con esos colores y esos tonos/contrastes son una seña de identidad del video ingame mostrado de Uncharted 3 hace meses!!!, así que...para el día 1 ya tenemos nueva información/videos [jaja] ,y en el E3 todavía más [plas] . Lo que no entiendo es precísamente eso!, el por qué,(no soy Mourinho eh? [+risas] ) a escasos días de las comferencias de las grandes compañías, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo...en este caso, Sony empieza a mostrar "cuenta atrás" para algunos de sus juegos estrella, para ANTES del E3... :-? ¿y para su conferencia qué se guardan?? :-? ojalá que esto de mostrar alguno de los "pesos pesados" antes, sea un sinónimo de que en la conferencia del E3, Sony nos tenga preparadas algunas sorpresas en forma de nuevas exclusivas importantes, (God of War 4??, Killzone 4??, o esas nuevas IP´s de Guerrilla Games, o de Santa Mónica??, ¿qué pasa con Kingdom Hearts 3??, podría ser un "bombazo" en forma de exclusiva...porque mostrar alguna información de PS4 lo veo dificil...aunque con esta gente nunca se sabe! ;)

yo no tengo mu claro q sea de uncharte 3 xD
ese desierto se parece mucho al del trailer del juego pero me gustaria que anunciaran el God Of war 4
Aquí la prueba de que se trata de Uncharted 3, la primera imagen es la de "la cuenta atrás" de la web...la segunda imagen es del trailer ingame de Uncharted 3. A no ser que la web haya cogido esa imagen del desierto "al azar" y la haya colgado....pero creo que sería rizar el rizo! [+risas] .Blanco y en botella, Uncharted 3.

Agenda de informació PRE-E3

El miércoles 1 de junio deberemos estar pendientes a la web japonesa que comentáis más arriba. Es la fecha en la que nos emplazan a descubrir que pasa en ese desierto de Uncharted 3 (totalmente confirmado). Además, han encontrado lo siguiente en el interior de la web.


Y por si fuera poco, un día después, el 2 de junio se emite en USA un nuevo programa de GTTV con un trailer exclusiva del modo cooperativo del multijugador de Uncharted 3. Lo confirmó Christophe Balestra, copresidente de Naughty Dog, ayer en su twitter.


Y después ya vendrá el día 7 con el E3 y la conferencia de Sony donde se espera: trailer oficial del juego, gameplay del desierto, vídeos del modo multijugador en los modos cooperativos y competitivos y puede que algún gameplay más de otro escenario inédito.
Revelados los fps a los que irá Uncharted 3.(30fps)

"Uncharted 3 Frame Rate (FPS) Revealed
Recently confirmed by the Naughty Dog community manager Arne Meyer ; Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will run at 30 frames per second. His exact words were "Uncharted 3 is a 30 FPS game."

Don't forget that Uncharted 2 was locked at 30 fps which means the frame rate never dropped below 30 on both single player and multiplayer."

Fuente: http://n4g.com/news/773059/uncharted-3- ... s-revealed

Vídeos de los 2 mapas que habrá disponibles en la beta (Chateau y aeropuerto) + imágenes + nueva información del multiplayer.

Cuando llegue a casa ya actualizaré todo el hilo :)
que buena pinta que tiene el mapa de la base aerea.Y por lo que dice en la info habra 3 modos coop,espero que sean niveles,aunque vete a saber
se sabe que duracion tendra el juego?
es mucho soñar que la cuenta atras sea un adelanto de la beta a mañana??

La verdad es que seria el mejor apoyo posible al welcome pack [360º] [360º] [360º]
Queremos la beta ya!!!!!! y a poder ser que dure hasta Noviembre!!!!
¿pero no era el día 1 Miércoles, cuando nos iban a mostrar algo del juego??, ¿entonces porqué los de Gametrailers, ahora dicen del día 3 ??,(y ponen "día 3, jueves"???, qué pasa aquí?, [+risas]

http://www.3djuegos.com/noticias-ver/11 ... el-jueves/

Vamos a estar toda la semana con nuevas noticias??, y luego en el E3 más todavía?? [carcajad] [plas]
Desde ayer hasta finales de semana vamos a tener novedades diarias gracias a IGN.

Además, el 1 de junio es cuando finaliza la cuenta atrás de la web japonesa donde se ve el desierto de Uncharted 3 con alguien que camina a través de él.

Y por si fuera poco, el jueves noche (lo veremos el viernes ya en España) GTTV desvelará el modo cooperativo y un nuevo nivel (sin aclarar si es del modo historia o online).

Y luego, el E3...ESPATARRANTE!!
El otro día en eol, vi en un hilo sobre el sonido envolvente que piensa implementar sony en 3.70,un eoliano puso un video que me dejo de una pieza, imaginad como sería jugar a uncharted 3 con este sonido:

Escuchadlo con auriculares buenos stereo ( yo he probado, con unos grandes y cerrados que tengo de sony se nota mucho la diferencia...), cerrad los ojos :)

Espero que los videojuegos no tarden en implementarlo, es IMPRESIONANTE. Y además, si costos añadidos parar el consumidor, con cualquier headset stereo funciona.
Quién tenga una pantalla 3d, y jugar con este sonido ya debe de ser el acábose...
Saludos! :)
xusclis escribió:El otro día en eol, vi en un hilo sobre el sonido envolvente que piensa implementar sony en 3.70,un eoliano puso un video que me dejo de una pieza, imaginad como sería jugar a uncharted 3 con este sonido:

Escuchadlo con auriculares buenos stereo ( yo he probado, con unos grandes y cerrados que tengo de sony se nota mucho la diferencia...), cerrad los ojos :)

Espero que los videojuegos no tarden en implementarlo, es IMPRESIONANTE. Y además, si costos añadidos parar el consumidor, con cualquier headset stereo funciona.
Quién tenga una pantalla 3d, y jugar con este sonido ya debe de ser el acábose...
Saludos! :)

Ese "vídeo" lo escuché hace 5 años así que yo de ti no esperaría a que lo implantasen, no tiene nada que ver con el 7.1. Es un filtro que además, no sé por qué, no sirve para el sonido frontal.
q ganas que sea 1 de noviembre para pegarme la santa viciada
Pues yo excepto el teaser no he visto nada más del juego,que si lo hice con los otros 2 este no será menos,y yo lo que quiero es que me sorprenda,no sabermelo entero incluso antes de que salga [+risas]
Más de lo mismo acabado de publicar en el blog de PlayStation

UNCHARTED 3: Naughty Dog Talks Multiplayer


By now you’ve probably read the full details of what you’ll get with UNCHARTED 3’s upcoming multiplayer beta. Now, in our new video interview, Naughty Dog’s top developers reveal just how deep this rabbit hole goes. At a glance, UNCHARTED 3’s most obvious multiplayer enhancement lies in its sweeping character customization options in the form of weapon loadouts, gun mods and a wide selection of ability-enhancing Boosters. You’ll be able to modify your character’s appearance in almost every way, whether you want to slap some aviators on Nathan Drake or cobble together a custom hero or villain from scratch. “There are hundreds and hundreds of parts and every part has a customizable color,” Game Director Justin Richmond tells us. “You can look the way you want to look. We want it to feel personal.”

“Personal” is a theme that permeates every yawning nook and cavernous cranny of UNCHARTED 3’s redesigned multiplayer experience. Underneath the ultra-polished shooting mechanics and well-balanced arsenal of weapons lies a social media platform that is positively thrumming with potential. With UNCHARTED 3, community is finally a two-way street: You can tap into your Facebook friend list to recruit a Buddy, then fight by his side while earning rewards for coordinated kills — with a bonus for landing the obligatory post-kill high-five. Afterwards, you can upload your favorite video clips to Facebook and YouTube for sharing. Or, if you prefer, you can watch streaming community clips via UNCHARTED TV while you wait for the next match to begin.

You’ll get your hands on UNCHARTED 3’s new multiplayer modes when the beta begins on June 28th for PlayStation Plus subscribers and owners of specially marked copies of inFAMOUS 2; full access follows on July 5th for all PSN users. Watch the video and read on for more excerpts from our interview with Game Director Justin Richmond and Game Designer Roger Cogburn. And chime in with any questions in the comments!

You’ve already contributed to UNCHARTED 3’s multiplayer mode by playing The Lab
“We’ve been running The Lab sessions for UNCHARTED 2,” UNCHARTED 3 Game Director Justin Richmond explained, “and we used that feedback to help design UNCHARTED 3.” With The Lab, Naughty Dog’s designers experimented with new modes using UNCHARTED 2’s sizeable multiplayer audience. “Plunder Pistols ended up being super popular,” Richmond said, “We knew it was fun internally, but being able to test it with the fans in The Lab verified that we thought was cool. We want to do even more of that with UNCHARTED 3. We have the ability to get feedback from the fans, and we want to maintain that dialog.”

UNCHARTED 3’s 3D technique paved the way for split-screen multiplayer support
“There are a number of ways to implement 3D; some are more ‘fake’ than others,” Richmond explained. “We committed to using 3D early on, and we wanted to do it as real as possible because it allowed for splitscreen. 3D and splitscreen are kind of the same thing because the game is basically rendering each frame twice. As soon as we figured out how to do that with 3D, we knew we could handle splitscreen. Now, I am grossly oversimplifying that — the programmers would kill me for saying it was that easy! But basically, our 3D implementation allowed for splitscreen support.”

UNCHARTED 3’s splitscreen multiplayer enables dual PSN logins
“You don’t have to be on some guest account,” Richmond said. “You and your friend can sit down in splitscreen and level up both of your characters. We support two different PSN ID logins.”

The dynamic multiplayer events were inspired by UNCHARTED 2
“UNCHARTED 2’s Trainwreck multiplayer level that had an event where a cargo train fell down and revealed an RPG,” Game Designer Robert Cogburn explained. “We were surprised by how that resonated with people, so with UNCHARTED 3 we decided to swing for the fences and go as epic as we can.” Every level includes some sort of dynamic event: Airstrip’s opening truck chase ends in a finale at the airport; Chateau’s spreading fire slowly consumes the central floor and reveals a new area and weapons.

You’ll collect random loot in order to unlock new gear
Fallen foes will occasionally drop randomized Treasures, and you’ll want to collect every piece you find. “The Treasures add a bit of an RPG element,” Cogburn said. “Every Treasure piece has a varying level of scarcity, and they fit into sets. Once a set is fully completed, you’ll earn an item: a gun, a custom part, an emblem, and so on.” What’s more, if you’re battling with a buddy, he or she can run over and grab Treasure for you. “We can update the Treasures dynamically, too,” Cogburn teased, “so we can add more later if we want to.”

You’re no longer helpless while climbing
Back in UNCHARTED 2’s multiplayer, climbing left you high and dry — especially if you encountered another enemy. “It came down to who could hit the ground first and get his gun out,” Richmond said. “It kind of sucked — you could only climb or drop down.” Not so with UNCHARTED 3. “Now it’s more like a chess match. Should I edge over and try to kick him? Should I drop? Should I climb? If I do, will the other guy pull me down? It adds an extra dimension to the combat.”

UNCHARTED TV support supports uploads and downloads for YouTube and Facebook
Plenty of games enable you to capture multiplayer footage and show it to your friends, but UNCHARTED 3 is transforming its multiplayer component into a full-blown video publishing platform. “We can not only upload your video clips to YouTube and Facebook, we can stream videos into the engine,” Richmond said. That means you’ll be able to watch Clips of the Week and community clips while you wait for that next multiplayer level to start. “And we will constantly update that content,” Richmond promised.

UNCHARTED 3 will give high-level players much, much more do
“With UNCHARTED 2, high-level players would hit a point where they didn’t have anything to spend money on,” Cogburn said. “UNCHARTED 3 is much deeper.” Boosters, which enhance player abilities, can now be leveled up with use. And if the competition gets really tough, you can even buy pricey-but-potent Paid Boosters to temporarily even the odds. “The ranking system plays into that because the higher your rank, the more Paid Boosters will appear. It’s a far more interesting ranking system than in UNCHARTED 2.”


La nueva informació de hoy. Segunda entrega de la semana: Link

E3 2011: Uncharted 3 Beta Tips
Pwn Drake's Deception with Naughty Dog's help.
US, May 31, 2011

Now that you know all the Uncharted 3 multiplayer details, it's time to make sure you don't suck at it. Obviously, playing and honing your skills is the preferred way to get awesome at the game, but the beta doesn't begin until at least June 28, 2011. While you wait for that glorious day, IGN grabbed developer Naughty Dog and asked them to give you the ins and outs of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Some of the tips are obvious, but plenty of them give you insight that you wouldn't get on your own until the end of June.

DID YOU KNOW: Treasure Sets

o) There are different levels of rarity for Treasure Sets. Artifact Sets, Idol Sets, Relic Sets and Legendary Sets
o) Treasure Sets unlock "Appearance" items and "Emblem" parts. They also unlock special items we're not quite ready to talk about yet!
o) Treasures drop in a variety of game types
o) Some Treasures will only drop in certain Game Types or Maps

Rolling is an excellent way to avoid fire
Always consider how you can combine Boosters. Some combinations create a great loadout

DID YOU KNOW: Paid Boosters

o) You are given the option to purchase them before a game starts
o) They can be purchased at any time during a match by pressing start

Pick the right moments when to use a Medal Kickback. Speedy G (an in-game speed boost) works quite well with certain Power Weapons
Don't take the risk of aiming out of cover when someone is nearby. Blindfire from cover, when someone is close, is very powerful

DID YOU KNOW: Treasure Drops

o) A Treasure Drop will be either money or a piece of a Treasure Set
o) Picking up a treasure will always award a Medal

When a Treasure drops in a game, it will only be around for a certain amount of time. Get out there and get it!
Anytime a cinematic event happens on a competitive map, new gameplay elements can open up. Keep an eye out for them

DID YOU KNOW: Buddy System

o) A Buddy can pick up a treasure for another Buddy. Doing so will award money but not the Treasure
o) A Buddy can spawn on another Buddy when they are not in combat
o) Buddies can high-five each by holding square next to each other
o) When Buddies take down a enemy together, an icon appears over the corpse and the Buddies can high-five each other (it's awesome)
o) A Buddy can be abandoned by high-fiving with another teammate
o) Never leave your Buddy

It's not always helpful to just spawn on your buddy. Consider when to spawn on your Buddy or you may regret it
Take the time to study what Boosters and Weapon Mods will be unlocked at certain Ranks. You can always save up money for the Loadout you want

DID YOU KNOW: Medal Kickbacks

o) Not all Medal Kickbacks are created equally. Some cost more medals than others
o) Medal Kickbacks are activated by pressing up on the D-pad
o) Teammates will show the Medal Kickback icon near their player arrow when they have one activated

Taunting is awesome. You can taunt by not moving and pressing X
You can high-five anytime by holding down on the D-pad

DID YOU KNOW: Mechanics

o) Sprint has been added and is defaulted to R3. It can changed to L3 under Options
o) Grenades can be thrown back with the right timing
o) A grenade can be dropped while rolling or jumping
o) Ziplines are awesome -- you can shoot from them or throw a grenade

Swapping to your pistol is always faster than reloading
Not all guns are created equal, select the gun that works with your play style
"Me estoy mojando" como diria Tomas Guasch..... [babas]

Si ya el multiplayer de U2 me pareció soberbio, con estas awesomizantes posibilidades de customización, la conexión instantanea con las redes sociales asi como estos nuevos modos de juego unido a tales graficos de ensueño.....me parece que voy a tener que dividirme para poder simultanear el online de este con el de BF3.

A la espera de mas noticias me hallo, thanks Joanastic!!!! [oki]
Joanastic escribió:Desde ayer hasta finales de semana vamos a tener novedades diarias gracias a IGN.

Además, el 1 de junio es cuando finaliza la cuenta atrás de la web japonesa donde se ve el desierto de Uncharted 3 con alguien que camina a través de él.

Y por si fuera poco, el jueves noche (lo veremos el viernes ya en España) GTTV desvelará el modo cooperativo y un nuevo nivel (sin aclarar si es del modo historia o online).

Y luego, el E3...ESPATARRANTE!!

Sí, todo eso es justo lo que escribo en mi comentário anterior!, [+risas] pero lo que yo quiero reálmente, es que me muestren un video ingame, de la campaña del juego!, y que nos quedemos todos "espatarraos" de verdad ante semejante nivel de gráficos,(los que llevan actualmente), y luego ya en el E3 que es jugable, que muestren un gameplay en el desierto... [mad]
Contrast_1988 escribió:
Joanastic escribió:Desde ayer hasta finales de semana vamos a tener novedades diarias gracias a IGN.

Además, el 1 de junio es cuando finaliza la cuenta atrás de la web japonesa donde se ve el desierto de Uncharted 3 con alguien que camina a través de él.

Y por si fuera poco, el jueves noche (lo veremos el viernes ya en España) GTTV desvelará el modo cooperativo y un nuevo nivel (sin aclarar si es del modo historia o online).

Y luego, el E3...ESPATARRANTE!!

Sí, todo eso es justo lo que escribo en mi comentário anterior!, [+risas] pero lo que yo quiero reálmente, es que me muestren un video ingame, de la campaña del juego!, y que nos quedemos todos "espatarraos" de verdad ante semejante nivel de gráficos,(los que llevan actualmente), y luego ya en el E3 que es jugable, que muestren un gameplay en el desierto... [mad]

Es la emoción, que me puede XD Y a todo eso añádele que aún debe ver la luz la 2ª parte del Behind The Scenes de 2PlayersProduction (anunciado para el 1r quatrimestre de año y que no se ha publicado)
Joder, maldito Uncharted, la barra de hype esta empezando a subir.
Joanastic escribió:
Es la emoción, que me puede XD Y a todo eso añádele que aún debe ver la luz la 2ª parte del Behind The Scenes de 2PlayersProduction (anunciado para el 1r quatrimestre de año y que no se ha publicado)

[+risas] Es comprensible! [qmparto] , a ver si va a ser lo de la "2ª parte de Behind the scenes" lo que van a mostrar mañana?, (bueno, la hora que es..."hoy"), [jaja] , a lo mejor es eso!, y nos muestran más a Drake por el desierto, y tal...aunque eso no provocaría ningún "impacto" en el espectador...lo que sí haría un trailer de la campaña, ingame!, (pero me parece que esto será más bien para la conferencia del E3...), habrá que esperar, [oki]
una pregunta : cuando compras infamous 2 te dan la beta ok, la beta funcionara a partir del 9 de junio o tendremos q esperar a q este operativa el 28 q es donde sale para los del plus??

pq pa eso me espero al 28!!!! y a q infamous 2 baje de prix
La información del día de hoy, la 3ª entrega de 7.

E3 2011: Uncharted 3 - 'You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet'
Naughty Dog's promising big things from its E3 demo and beta.

E3 is next week. That means Sony's having its yearly press conference, and that means Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is going to do something cool. IGN has been bringing you Uncharted 3 love each and every day this week, but we're just warming you up for whatever piece of amazing developer Naughty Dog breaks off and throws the world's way Monday at Sony's E3 PlayStation press conference.

While we all wait, Naughty Dog Co-President Evan Wells took some time off from building Nathan Drake's next game to answer our questions about the E3 demo, pressure, and what makes ziplines so darn cool.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Interview

IGN: So, it's a quiet time for you guys and gals, right? You just have E3 next week, a beta starting after that, and a game to launch in a few months. Oh, and a multiplayer community to keep entertained. Easy stuff, right?

Evan Wells: There's definitely a lot of moving pieces going on at any given time while in the middle of development of a large scale console game. There's a lot to juggle every day, but it isn't anything we haven't experienced before many times over. That is not to say that we don't have our work carved out for us – we absolutely do, in no small part because we're trying to outdo ourselves in such a grand scale over Uncharted 2.

IGN: Obviously people expect big things from Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception in general, but they're really expecting something out of E3. What's that kind of pressure like?

Evan Wells: We've been saying for quite some time that we feel the pressure we put on ourselves internally far outweighs any external pressures that filter into the studio. There are a few times each year this level of expectation for our work manifests itself – each press demo or reveal, E3, our multiplayer beta and, of course, locking down the game and pressing our final gold master disk. In every single case, we're working right up to those deadlines (and sometimes beyond – don't tell!) to cram every single thing possible into Uncharted 3 that meets our own high standards of quality. It's sometimes grueling and can feel overwhelming in the moment – but as we see Uncharted 3 start to take shape, it's very clear that such high expectations of ourselves make the end result look and play better than we ever expected.

IGN: Do you stop working on the game proper to focus on the E3 content or is it just business as usual in the Naughty Dog offices?

Evan Wells: If you take a stroll through the studio, it's business as usual, albeit at a more intense pace. E3 works to our favor in several ways – the most vital of which is that it creates a very concrete milestone for us to work towards. Whatever we show at E3 has to play smoothly with nearly no issues (that you can see, at least!) and have the highest levels of polish we can muster, or else it won't go out the door. That's just for the demo content – the timing of E3 works out great since we're normally right at the start of the home stretch before we hit our gold master deadline in late summer. This is essentially our Super Bowl, and the excitement and energy of working on content for E3 allows all of us to kick it into high gear for the remaining months as large portions of Uncharted 3 are locked down.

IGN: Any hints you can give us as to what to expect Uncharted-related at E3?

Evan Wells: We've all been working feverishly to top our E3 2009 showing of Uncharted 2 gameplay – which is no small feat. At E3 we're going to give everyone a first solid glimpse at how everyone at Naughty Dog is pulling out all the stops to deliver incredible, technically complex action-adventure sequences leagues beyond what we were able to accomplish in Uncharted 2. If you thought the burning Chateau sequence we released late last year was exciting, you ain't seen nothing yet!

IGN: OK, the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta. Why do it? Couldn't you just try modes out in the Uncharted 2 multiplayer through the lab? What's the benefit of a brand new beta?

Evan Wells: The differences between Uncharted 2 multiplayer and Uncharted 3 multiplayer are like night and day. We're making the same leap forward for MP that we made with single player between Uncharted and Uncharted 2. We wouldn't be able to properly test everything we wanted to get knowledge about without running a full scale multiplayer beta. While the game mechanics retain much of the signature Uncharted gameplay, we've added in new traversal moves, ziplines, dynamically changing maps, a ton of new systems and much more into Uncharted 3.

Despite what I just said, the Uncharted 2 multiplayer experience as a whole, not to mention the various Title Updates and our Lab series, were incredibly helpful sources of information for us throughout development so far on the multiplayer modes in Uncharted 3.

IGN: When someone like, let's say, an out of shape game critic asks you why people should be excited about Uncharted 3 multiplayer, what do you say?

Evan Wells: Uncharted 2 multiplayer was just the appetizer for us and our players – we're pulling out all the stops with our multiplayer modes in Uncharted 3 in hopes that we provide the PS3 community with the definitive multiplayer experience that can only be found on the PS3 console.

We're expanding on the gameplay technology, the depth, and overall experience in so many different ways. We're introducing new features like 3D stereoscopic support and single-console split screen with individual PSN sign in. Our community will be able to play brand new and returning competitive modes including Team Deathmatch, Three Team Deathmatch (2 vs. 2 vs. 2), Free For All, Plunder, and Team Objective.

Customization is a major focus for us this time around and we're introducing countless ways for players to create their own unique play styles and characters. Players can now make their own hero or villain characters and choose from hundreds of customizable accessories, as well as weapon customization and modifications. Uncharted 3 is also introducing a Paid Booster slot, allowing players to spend some of their cash for a one-time booster, along with Medal Kickbacks, that allow players to activate a performance-based reward after collecting a number of medals during a match. With all these options to keep track of, we've also added player loadout slots to help players choose their weapons, mods, Boosters, and Kickbacks to create their own individualized loadout that matches their playstyle for each game and map.

We're also introducing a host of new social media features and functionality to multiplayer in Uncharted 3. In addition to being able to directly upload to YouTube and Facebook, we're also deeply integrating Facebook in ways that that are innovative and unique to console games so far. We've also expanded the Cinema Mode for creating and sharing videos, and we'll be launching a new feature called Uncharted TV that will showcase some of the best user-generated content and videos from YouTube, viewable directly in-game.

We've also confirmed Uncharted 3 will support multiple multiplayer co-op modes – there's much more to come on that front very soon. Oh! And all that is in addition to an engaging, narrative-driven single-player campaign!

And believe it or not, even after all of that, we still haven't discussed every bit of Uncharted 3 multiplayer.

IGN: Are people going to get to do all that in the beta? What's the focus this time around?

Evan Wells: The Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta that begins on June 28 is going to be one of the more extensive video game beta experiences to date. We have a solid multi-week plan that changes and updates content on a regular basis, along with providing bonuses to players who participate as much as possible throughout the beta period. We covered a good amount of this in detail with you earlier this week.

Our internal focus is to get a ton of quantitative data and community feedback that ends up in actionable updates and changes to our multiplayer modes for the final version included with the Uncharted 3 retail copy. We also really, really want to give our community some hands-on time with Uncharted 3 and there's no better way than to run a multiplayer beta.

IGN: How do you decide what makes the beta and what doesn't? Is it really to test your modes and servers or just to get people excited for the game?

Evan Wells: For us, a multiplayer beta serves multiple goals – it allows us to test our modes and mechanics, test our servers and networking code, provides us a solid milestone to get significant portions of multiplayer up to a high level of polish, all while providing our fans with an excellent way to get their first taste of what Uncharted 3 has to offer.

IGN: What's your favorite map in the beta? What's your favorite moment from playing the beta internally?

Evan Wells: Without a doubt it's The Airstrip. First, you start the match on a moving airplane being chased by military trucks that you can all jump to and from, harkening back to the thrilling Convoy sequence in Uncharted 2 BUT within the multiplayer context. Once the massive airplane hits takeoff speed, the match changes locations to the hangar area of the airstrip, complete with an environment that changes during the match, while having to contend with hazards in the form of strafing airplanes. The Airstrip is our most feature filled map and one of the most technically ambitious – but it's also a blast to play!

IGN: What's the one thing everyone should try in the beta?

Evan Wells: The ziplines – they're a great way to either escape a situation or get the jump on an opponent, not to mention you can shoot your pistol as you're zipping across the map. How can you miss out on fun like that?

IGN: The thing I'm excited about when it comes to Uncharted 3 Multiplayer is the split-screen mode. Is that available in the beta?

Evan Wells: Yes, you will get a chance to play with your buddy sitting right next to you on the couch! What better way to really experience Three Team Deathmatch (2v2v2), and all the cool features of our Buddy System.

IGN: In my experience, the split-screen causes the visual quality to drop a bit, but it's so damn fun that it's totally worth it. Was that a tradeoff you were worried about making?

Evan Wells: Split-screen was made possible, in part, by our work to add in stereoscopic 3D support into Uncharted 3 – we're already trying to render each frame of the game twice for 3D, so it didn't take long for us to wonder if we could do that to render split-screen instead. The end result was that yes, we could use all of that work and knowledge to create a great split-screen experience for our players, and we put it into our feature list for Uncharted 3. That understates things a bit as we couldn't just flip a switch to add in split-screen and many Dogs at the studio put in significant work to make it happen. It was worth it to us because we know that it's a pretty awesome experience to be able to have a friend over and play online multiplayer, side by side on the couch, instead of only meeting up online.

IGN: Will you ever let Nate and Elena get married? WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THEY'RE IN LOVE?!

Evan Wells: Who knows what will happen with those two? They've got a very complicated relationship, as their chosen lifestyles seem at odds with each other – you've definitely seen the strain it's had on them in the events we've shown since they met in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Everything appeared rosy between them as Uncharted 2 came to a close, but you'll have to wait and see if Elena returns to figure prominently – or not – in Drake's life in Uncharted 3.
Muchas gracias Joanastic [oki] , al final no va a quedar nada para el E3 XD
Quien de aqui va a ver la conferencia de sony en directo , yo la vere lo que procurare irme a algun sitio alejado de las habitaciones no vaya a ser que se me escape un orgamos videojueguil y la lie a las 3 de la mañana XD.
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