CEF TN-X (FW 3.00-3.20)
* TN-X menu with cover arts and rumbling effect for DS3. Pressing triangle will open the configuration menu.
* Button combination to return back to TN-X menu by pressing L/L1 + SELECT.
* Integrated super fast SaveState plugin by holding SELECT for some seconds (remember that savestates in pspemu and ps1emu cannot be shared).
* Plugins support, but only CWCheat will be displayed correctly.
If you want to have an specific plugin being supported, contact me either via email (total_noob@hotmail.com) or write me a PM on wololo’s /talk.
* Official Vita’s screenshot feature with TN-X signature.
* TN-X custom button assignment (set your Vita’s offical button assignment to standard before using TN-X’s custom button assignment).
* Fullscreen hack for Vita TV (not all games/not all screen modes can be stretched up to 16:9).
* Fast forward feature by pressing R/R1 + SELECT to turn on/off.
* Enabled soundtracks in CDDA games.
* Possibility to use a custom bios by placing a bios file at ‘ms0:/PSX-BIOS.BIN’.
* Official PSN PS1 games can be played without licence file or ‘KEYS.BIN’.