-InMortal- escribió:Bueno pues en principio este es el Sun, ya con estos tres no esta mal, aun tengo que arreglar alguna cosilla con las lentes y demas pero bueno creo que igual lo subo asi y si eso ya lo pulire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkrb3DT ... e=youtu.be
elgui escribió:Ayer justamente comentaba en el TS que estaba al caer este mod, habrá que probarlo pero desde luego que tiene una pinta increible.
eddye escribió:-InMortal- escribió:Bueno pues en principio este es el Sun, ya con estos tres no esta mal, aun tengo que arreglar alguna cosilla con las lentes y demas pero bueno creo que igual lo subo asi y si eso ya lo pulire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkrb3DT ... e=youtu.be
Muy interesante sin duda. Los probaré por supuesto, pero te agradecería que pusieras el preset para el sweetfx también, si quieres claro. Todo lo que sea mejorar esta maravilla bienvenido sea.
elgui escribió:Ayer justamente comentaba en el TS que estaba al caer este mod, habrá que probarlo pero desde luego que tiene una pinta increible.
First of all, let me change the thread from critical which is not obviously. I love to hear you people discussing physics and driving, but labeling critical a thread like this is not a good idea.
Let me also let out AC for a moment so that I can simply give facts on real life races and eliminate my subjectivity on the AC part of the story. ok?
Let's go, Spa 6 hours 2014, Qualifying session.
Let's start with the weather at Spa 6 Hours: http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re...ing Practice/26_Meteo_Qualifying Practice.PDF
Ambient temperature was around 7-8°C
Track Temperature was around 10-9°C
Humidity was 91-87%, track status was declared WET.
Wind speed was 10-15kmh
2:30.556 laptime under those conditions, so comparisson with any sim that doesn't have rain is out of question.
So let's go on to Practice session 2 which had the fastests laps for the whole weekend.
http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re..._Free Practice 2/26_Meteo_Free Practice 2.PDF
Ambient temperature was 11-9°C
Asphalt temp was 12-11.5°C
Humidity was 85 to 89%
Wind was 8 to 20kmh from north
Track conditions DRY
Now, DRY conditions with such humidity and knowing Spa, probably means that the track had tons of humidity and was also in green state. Spa is also notorious for low grip asphalt.
Now let's analyze how a car is setup for such races.
GT2 cars have 4 sets of tyres + 2 tyres (not a set, just 2 tyres!) MAXIMUM for the whole free practice sessions and a warmup if one is scheduled.
This means that during practice, qualifying and warmup the teams have 4 sets of tyres of just one compound, usually the harder one, to try. With those 4 sets, they have to setup the car for two different drivers and most importantly find acceptable performance for the least fuel and tyre consume possible.
Very important: The is no use of gaining 1 second per lap more if you have to stop one extra time than you competitors. The setup must be satisfactory enough for both drivers and deliver the best compromise in terms of laptimes and pitstops. This is not a "let's see how fast we can go flat out" setup.
Top speed. Cars are very restricted and race very close to each other. There's no use if you have half a second faster setup when everybody else overtakes you on the straights because too slow. Often the setup is made to give some more top speed to the cars, compromising absolute laptime.
BOP: Balance of Performance. All GTE cars have ballast and rear wing height modifications imposed by the Federation in order to balance their performance. No car is in perfect form during races they are all limited in one way or another, especially the ones at the front.
Let's analyze how drivers react and drive those cars.
The fear factor is almost bull****... no real driver thinks about dying... their main focus is being faster. BUT... there are many but's...
Test limiting is very harsh on drivers in the last years. They visit a track and have a total of 20-30 laps before racing.... that's on par with the laps an enthusiast manages to do on a track day... ridiculously low amount of time.
They can't setup their car 100% to suit the track, their style, their necessities. It's a "good enough" setup that has to satisfy both drivers...
Their driving style can't be flat out either. We talk with GT3/GT2 drivers to name a few, , Alex Balzan, Nick Catsburg, Stefano Colombo... great guys. I'd also like to remind you that Kunos doesn't have the budget to put such names on a payroll, but they are very polite and happy to talk to us about their experience.
On Spa they told us, "yes you could go flat out on eaurouge and blanchimont, but you don't want too. Your race engineer doesn't wants too. It's an unnecessary risk for 6 hours and puts great stress to the tyres and you want them to last as much as possible, so you lift a bit and go safer and the lost time on track you gain back from 1 less pitstop. On fresh tyres, low fuel you can go flat out anytime if you want, but unnecessary risk."
Traffic. There's tons of traffic during a GT race. LMP1, LMP2, LMGTE pro, LMGTE Am cars... all in the same track at the same time... F1 traffic is a joke in comparison.
There are many other reasons, like mechanical parts preservation and setup choices for the race weather...
As you can see, all of those reasons are completely different from the conditions we found when we drive on our simulators... any simulator. I'm not talking or defending AC here, I'm talking generally.
In AC you should set the track in green conditions, lower the temperature (and you'll still be 2-3°C higher temp than reality, we go down to 10 only), use only hard tyres and try 20 laps. You still won't be equal to the real conditions. Then you should try to not cause graining, blistering, flatspotting in the tyres everytime you go out for a fast lap.
But let's forget about all of this and focus only on the lap difference. Which if I'm right is about 3.5 seconds AC vs Reality. That's on soft tyres, proper setup, on the limit driving etc etc.
Spa is a big place, it has 15 turns. If you gain just 0.25 seconds (a quarter of a second) on every turn, then by the end of the lap you have 3.5 seconds difference. That's just gaining 2 tenths of a second on every turn, not calculating braking distances or acceleration and speed on the straights and "alien" drivers dedication to details and infinite experience.
Add all of the above... I think some interesting conclusions can come out. I'm not saying AC is perfect, but when comparing real life laptimes to a sim, ANY sim out there, you must be less superficial. You need to analyze all variables and go deep in the details. Screaming "sim X is 2-4 secs faster than a laptime in real life that I saw on a website" is simply misleading.
KS Dev. Vehicle physics, Ui, Web | Aristotelis Vasilakos
elcaras escribió:Una duda, no os parecen demasiado raros los tiempos en SPA, es decir en spa veo gente capaz de hacer 2:13 con el ferrari gt2, eso son tiempos de lmp2, lo mas rapido que he visto en la realidad en gt son 2:19, estamos hablando de mas de 5 segundos de diferencia.
En el WEC la pole en el 2013 se hizo con 2:19.811.
eddye escribió:Alucinantes esos modelos. Por cierto, hay alguna manera de poner el efecto de lens flare tan bonito en los faros y el sol, sin utilizar el post-procesado?
clockwok escribió:En lo virtual siempre se van hacer mejores tiempos, no se pueden comparar a la realidad.
En lo virtual haces una hotlap con el grip a 100%, los neumaticos a temperatura perfecta,sin viento,puedes tocar en todo lo que es setup,hacer 300 vueltas en un dia, no hay miedo a probar frenar mas tarde o entrar a lo loco en una curva porque estas detras de un monitor y no te va a pasar nada ni a ti ni al coche, etc etc
Es un simulador mejor o peor pero es eso y un simulador no simula a 100% las condiciones reales.
Y eau rouge si que se puede hacer a tope en realidad:
En Iracing el mejor tiempo en SPA con un GT3 es 2:14.811 en Assetto es 2:15.023, vamos que esto es un "problema" de los simuladores que no pueden simular la realidad al 100% o la realidad que no puede simular lo virtual.![]()
Un texto MUY interesante de Aristotelis(trabaja en las fisicas de Assetto) sobre este tema:First of all, let me change the thread from critical which is not obviously. I love to hear you people discussing physics and driving, but labeling critical a thread like this is not a good idea.
Let me also let out AC for a moment so that I can simply give facts on real life races and eliminate my subjectivity on the AC part of the story. ok?
Let's go, Spa 6 hours 2014, Qualifying session.
Let's start with the weather at Spa 6 Hours: http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re...ing Practice/26_Meteo_Qualifying Practice.PDF
Ambient temperature was around 7-8°C
Track Temperature was around 10-9°C
Humidity was 91-87%, track status was declared WET.
Wind speed was 10-15kmh
2:30.556 laptime under those conditions, so comparisson with any sim that doesn't have rain is out of question.
So let's go on to Practice session 2 which had the fastests laps for the whole weekend.
http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re..._Free Practice 2/26_Meteo_Free Practice 2.PDF
Ambient temperature was 11-9°C
Asphalt temp was 12-11.5°C
Humidity was 85 to 89%
Wind was 8 to 20kmh from north
Track conditions DRY
Now, DRY conditions with such humidity and knowing Spa, probably means that the track had tons of humidity and was also in green state. Spa is also notorious for low grip asphalt.
Now let's analyze how a car is setup for such races.
GT2 cars have 4 sets of tyres + 2 tyres (not a set, just 2 tyres!) MAXIMUM for the whole free practice sessions and a warmup if one is scheduled.
This means that during practice, qualifying and warmup the teams have 4 sets of tyres of just one compound, usually the harder one, to try. With those 4 sets, they have to setup the car for two different drivers and most importantly find acceptable performance for the least fuel and tyre consume possible.
Very important: The is no use of gaining 1 second per lap more if you have to stop one extra time than you competitors. The setup must be satisfactory enough for both drivers and deliver the best compromise in terms of laptimes and pitstops. This is not a "let's see how fast we can go flat out" setup.
Top speed. Cars are very restricted and race very close to each other. There's no use if you have half a second faster setup when everybody else overtakes you on the straights because too slow. Often the setup is made to give some more top speed to the cars, compromising absolute laptime.
BOP: Balance of Performance. All GTE cars have ballast and rear wing height modifications imposed by the Federation in order to balance their performance. No car is in perfect form during races they are all limited in one way or another, especially the ones at the front.
Let's analyze how drivers react and drive those cars.
The fear factor is almost bull****... no real driver thinks about dying... their main focus is being faster. BUT... there are many but's...
Test limiting is very harsh on drivers in the last years. They visit a track and have a total of 20-30 laps before racing.... that's on par with the laps an enthusiast manages to do on a track day... ridiculously low amount of time.
They can't setup their car 100% to suit the track, their style, their necessities. It's a "good enough" setup that has to satisfy both drivers...
Their driving style can't be flat out either. We talk with GT3/GT2 drivers to name a few, , Alex Balzan, Nick Catsburg, Stefano Colombo... great guys. I'd also like to remind you that Kunos doesn't have the budget to put such names on a payroll, but they are very polite and happy to talk to us about their experience.
On Spa they told us, "yes you could go flat out on eaurouge and blanchimont, but you don't want too. Your race engineer doesn't wants too. It's an unnecessary risk for 6 hours and puts great stress to the tyres and you want them to last as much as possible, so you lift a bit and go safer and the lost time on track you gain back from 1 less pitstop. On fresh tyres, low fuel you can go flat out anytime if you want, but unnecessary risk."
Traffic. There's tons of traffic during a GT race. LMP1, LMP2, LMGTE pro, LMGTE Am cars... all in the same track at the same time... F1 traffic is a joke in comparison.
There are many other reasons, like mechanical parts preservation and setup choices for the race weather...
As you can see, all of those reasons are completely different from the conditions we found when we drive on our simulators... any simulator. I'm not talking or defending AC here, I'm talking generally.
In AC you should set the track in green conditions, lower the temperature (and you'll still be 2-3°C higher temp than reality, we go down to 10 only), use only hard tyres and try 20 laps. You still won't be equal to the real conditions. Then you should try to not cause graining, blistering, flatspotting in the tyres everytime you go out for a fast lap.
But let's forget about all of this and focus only on the lap difference. Which if I'm right is about 3.5 seconds AC vs Reality. That's on soft tyres, proper setup, on the limit driving etc etc.
Spa is a big place, it has 15 turns. If you gain just 0.25 seconds (a quarter of a second) on every turn, then by the end of the lap you have 3.5 seconds difference. That's just gaining 2 tenths of a second on every turn, not calculating braking distances or acceleration and speed on the straights and "alien" drivers dedication to details and infinite experience.
Add all of the above... I think some interesting conclusions can come out. I'm not saying AC is perfect, but when comparing real life laptimes to a sim, ANY sim out there, you must be less superficial. You need to analyze all variables and go deep in the details. Screaming "sim X is 2-4 secs faster than a laptime in real life that I saw on a website" is simply misleading.
KS Dev. Vehicle physics, Ui, Web | Aristotelis Vasilakos
Valgreen escribió:En la ultima foto, el mazda esta en el circuito de Valencia? Esta disponible ese circuito?
Locks Quest escribió:Nueva tanda de MODS de calidad de ASPEC, Era contrario a comprar paquetes a modders pero la selección de coches me apetecía mucho. Me ha sorprendido la calidad de los modelados, las físicas y el sonido están perfectos, muy contento...
Aquí tenéis mas info. http://aspec7878.wix.com/acmods#!download/c1zn3
Prometheus06 escribió:Locks Quest escribió:Nueva tanda de MODS de calidad de ASPEC, Era contrario a comprar paquetes a modders pero la selección de coches me apetecía mucho. Me ha sorprendido la calidad de los modelados, las físicas y el sonido están perfectos, muy contento...
Aquí tenéis mas info. http://aspec7878.wix.com/acmods#!download/c1zn3
Son 5€ por cada coche?
Braxx escribió:Cómo se instala lo de los filtros para la imagen del assetto? Me descargué el enlade de Mirrl, pero no sé dónde va cada archivo, está lioso.
Braxx escribió:Braxx escribió:Cómo se instala lo de los filtros para la imagen del assetto? Me descargué el enlade de Mirrl, pero no sé dónde va cada archivo, está lioso.
Me cito de nuevo para decir que me los he instalado a pelo en la carpeta EOL, los de la carpeta "pp_ON" y no noto nada.
pupegbl escribió:Braxx escribió:Braxx escribió:Cómo se instala lo de los filtros para la imagen del assetto? Me descargué el enlade de Mirrl, pero no sé dónde va cada archivo, está lioso.
Me cito de nuevo para decir que me los he instalado a pelo en la carpeta EOL, los de la carpeta "pp_ON" y no noto nada.
Eso archivos van a la raiz del juego. Te deberia funcionar así.
elcaras escribió:Una duda, no os parecen demasiado raros los tiempos en SPA, es decir en spa veo gente capaz de hacer 2:13 con el ferrari gt2, eso son tiempos de lmp2, lo mas rapido que he visto en la realidad en gt son 2:19, estamos hablando de mas de 5 segundos de diferencia.
En el WEC la pole en el 2013 se hizo con 2:19.811.
clockwok escribió:En lo virtual siempre se van hacer mejores tiempos, no se pueden comparar a la realidad.
En lo virtual haces una hotlap con el grip a 100%, los neumaticos a temperatura perfecta,sin viento,puedes tocar en todo lo que es setup,hacer 300 vueltas en un dia, no hay miedo a probar frenar mas tarde o entrar a lo loco en una curva porque estas detras de un monitor y no te va a pasar nada ni a ti ni al coche, etc etc
Es un simulador mejor o peor pero es eso y un simulador no simula a 100% las condiciones reales.
Y eau rouge si que se puede hacer a tope en realidad:
En Iracing el mejor tiempo en SPA con un GT3 es 2:14.811 en Assetto es 2:15.023, vamos que esto es un "problema" de los simuladores que no pueden simular la realidad al 100% o la realidad que no puede simular lo virtual.![]()
pupegbl escribió:Si tienes activados los efectos de postproceso en los ajustes del juego, tienes que meter lo que hay dentro de la carpeta PP_ON en la raiz del juego directamente, a cholón. Luego dentro del juego desactivas y activa el efecto con la tecla "Bloq Despl". Ojo, no pegues la carpeta PP_ON, pega el contenido de dicha carpeta.
Braxx escribió:pupegbl escribió:Si tienes activados los efectos de postproceso en los ajustes del juego, tienes que meter lo que hay dentro de la carpeta PP_ON en la raiz del juego directamente, a cholón. Luego dentro del juego desactivas y activa el efecto con la tecla "Bloq Despl". Ojo, no pegues la carpeta PP_ON, pega el contenido de dicha carpeta.
Y eso dónde se activa, please?
O cómo se llama la opción en el juego?
clockwok escribió:En lo virtual siempre se van hacer mejores tiempos, no se pueden comparar a la realidad.
En lo virtual haces una hotlap con el grip a 100%, los neumaticos a temperatura perfecta,sin viento,puedes tocar en todo lo que es setup,hacer 300 vueltas en un dia, no hay miedo a probar frenar mas tarde o entrar a lo loco en una curva porque estas detras de un monitor y no te va a pasar nada ni a ti ni al coche, etc etc
Es un simulador mejor o peor pero es eso y un simulador no simula a 100% las condiciones reales.
Y eau rouge si que se puede hacer a tope en realidad:
En Iracing el mejor tiempo en SPA con un GT3 es 2:14.811 en Assetto es 2:15.023, vamos que esto es un "problema" de los simuladores que no pueden simular la realidad al 100% o la realidad que no puede simular lo virtual.![]()
Un texto MUY interesante de Aristotelis(trabaja en las fisicas de Assetto) sobre este tema:First of all, let me change the thread from critical which is not obviously. I love to hear you people discussing physics and driving, but labeling critical a thread like this is not a good idea.
Let me also let out AC for a moment so that I can simply give facts on real life races and eliminate my subjectivity on the AC part of the story. ok?
Let's go, Spa 6 hours 2014, Qualifying session.
Let's start with the weather at Spa 6 Hours: http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re...ing Practice/26_Meteo_Qualifying Practice.PDF
Ambient temperature was around 7-8°C
Track Temperature was around 10-9°C
Humidity was 91-87%, track status was declared WET.
Wind speed was 10-15kmh
2:30.556 laptime under those conditions, so comparisson with any sim that doesn't have rain is out of question.
So let's go on to Practice session 2 which had the fastests laps for the whole weekend.
http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re..._Free Practice 2/26_Meteo_Free Practice 2.PDF
Ambient temperature was 11-9°C
Asphalt temp was 12-11.5°C
Humidity was 85 to 89%
Wind was 8 to 20kmh from north
Track conditions DRY
Now, DRY conditions with such humidity and knowing Spa, probably means that the track had tons of humidity and was also in green state. Spa is also notorious for low grip asphalt.
Now let's analyze how a car is setup for such races.
GT2 cars have 4 sets of tyres + 2 tyres (not a set, just 2 tyres!) MAXIMUM for the whole free practice sessions and a warmup if one is scheduled.
This means that during practice, qualifying and warmup the teams have 4 sets of tyres of just one compound, usually the harder one, to try. With those 4 sets, they have to setup the car for two different drivers and most importantly find acceptable performance for the least fuel and tyre consume possible.
Very important: The is no use of gaining 1 second per lap more if you have to stop one extra time than you competitors. The setup must be satisfactory enough for both drivers and deliver the best compromise in terms of laptimes and pitstops. This is not a "let's see how fast we can go flat out" setup.
Top speed. Cars are very restricted and race very close to each other. There's no use if you have half a second faster setup when everybody else overtakes you on the straights because too slow. Often the setup is made to give some more top speed to the cars, compromising absolute laptime.
BOP: Balance of Performance. All GTE cars have ballast and rear wing height modifications imposed by the Federation in order to balance their performance. No car is in perfect form during races they are all limited in one way or another, especially the ones at the front.
Let's analyze how drivers react and drive those cars.
The fear factor is almost bull****... no real driver thinks about dying... their main focus is being faster. BUT... there are many but's...
Test limiting is very harsh on drivers in the last years. They visit a track and have a total of 20-30 laps before racing.... that's on par with the laps an enthusiast manages to do on a track day... ridiculously low amount of time.
They can't setup their car 100% to suit the track, their style, their necessities. It's a "good enough" setup that has to satisfy both drivers...
Their driving style can't be flat out either. We talk with GT3/GT2 drivers to name a few, , Alex Balzan, Nick Catsburg, Stefano Colombo... great guys. I'd also like to remind you that Kunos doesn't have the budget to put such names on a payroll, but they are very polite and happy to talk to us about their experience.
On Spa they told us, "yes you could go flat out on eaurouge and blanchimont, but you don't want too. Your race engineer doesn't wants too. It's an unnecessary risk for 6 hours and puts great stress to the tyres and you want them to last as much as possible, so you lift a bit and go safer and the lost time on track you gain back from 1 less pitstop. On fresh tyres, low fuel you can go flat out anytime if you want, but unnecessary risk."
Traffic. There's tons of traffic during a GT race. LMP1, LMP2, LMGTE pro, LMGTE Am cars... all in the same track at the same time... F1 traffic is a joke in comparison.
There are many other reasons, like mechanical parts preservation and setup choices for the race weather...
As you can see, all of those reasons are completely different from the conditions we found when we drive on our simulators... any simulator. I'm not talking or defending AC here, I'm talking generally.
In AC you should set the track in green conditions, lower the temperature (and you'll still be 2-3°C higher temp than reality, we go down to 10 only), use only hard tyres and try 20 laps. You still won't be equal to the real conditions. Then you should try to not cause graining, blistering, flatspotting in the tyres everytime you go out for a fast lap.
But let's forget about all of this and focus only on the lap difference. Which if I'm right is about 3.5 seconds AC vs Reality. That's on soft tyres, proper setup, on the limit driving etc etc.
Spa is a big place, it has 15 turns. If you gain just 0.25 seconds (a quarter of a second) on every turn, then by the end of the lap you have 3.5 seconds difference. That's just gaining 2 tenths of a second on every turn, not calculating braking distances or acceleration and speed on the straights and "alien" drivers dedication to details and infinite experience.
Add all of the above... I think some interesting conclusions can come out. I'm not saying AC is perfect, but when comparing real life laptimes to a sim, ANY sim out there, you must be less superficial. You need to analyze all variables and go deep in the details. Screaming "sim X is 2-4 secs faster than a laptime in real life that I saw on a website" is simply misleading.
KS Dev. Vehicle physics, Ui, Web | Aristotelis Vasilakos
elcaras escribió:clockwok escribió:En lo virtual siempre se van hacer mejores tiempos, no se pueden comparar a la realidad.
En lo virtual haces una hotlap con el grip a 100%, los neumaticos a temperatura perfecta,sin viento,puedes tocar en todo lo que es setup,hacer 300 vueltas en un dia, no hay miedo a probar frenar mas tarde o entrar a lo loco en una curva porque estas detras de un monitor y no te va a pasar nada ni a ti ni al coche, etc etc
Es un simulador mejor o peor pero es eso y un simulador no simula a 100% las condiciones reales.
Y eau rouge si que se puede hacer a tope en realidad:
En Iracing el mejor tiempo en SPA con un GT3 es 2:14.811 en Assetto es 2:15.023, vamos que esto es un "problema" de los simuladores que no pueden simular la realidad al 100% o la realidad que no puede simular lo virtual.![]()
Un texto MUY interesante de Aristotelis(trabaja en las fisicas de Assetto) sobre este tema:First of all, let me change the thread from critical which is not obviously. I love to hear you people discussing physics and driving, but labeling critical a thread like this is not a good idea.
Let me also let out AC for a moment so that I can simply give facts on real life races and eliminate my subjectivity on the AC part of the story. ok?
Let's go, Spa 6 hours 2014, Qualifying session.
Let's start with the weather at Spa 6 Hours: http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re...ing Practice/26_Meteo_Qualifying Practice.PDF
Ambient temperature was around 7-8°C
Track Temperature was around 10-9°C
Humidity was 91-87%, track status was declared WET.
Wind speed was 10-15kmh
2:30.556 laptime under those conditions, so comparisson with any sim that doesn't have rain is out of question.
So let's go on to Practice session 2 which had the fastests laps for the whole weekend.
http://fiawec.alkamelsystems.com/Re..._Free Practice 2/26_Meteo_Free Practice 2.PDF
Ambient temperature was 11-9°C
Asphalt temp was 12-11.5°C
Humidity was 85 to 89%
Wind was 8 to 20kmh from north
Track conditions DRY
Now, DRY conditions with such humidity and knowing Spa, probably means that the track had tons of humidity and was also in green state. Spa is also notorious for low grip asphalt.
Now let's analyze how a car is setup for such races.
GT2 cars have 4 sets of tyres + 2 tyres (not a set, just 2 tyres!) MAXIMUM for the whole free practice sessions and a warmup if one is scheduled.
This means that during practice, qualifying and warmup the teams have 4 sets of tyres of just one compound, usually the harder one, to try. With those 4 sets, they have to setup the car for two different drivers and most importantly find acceptable performance for the least fuel and tyre consume possible.
Very important: The is no use of gaining 1 second per lap more if you have to stop one extra time than you competitors. The setup must be satisfactory enough for both drivers and deliver the best compromise in terms of laptimes and pitstops. This is not a "let's see how fast we can go flat out" setup.
Top speed. Cars are very restricted and race very close to each other. There's no use if you have half a second faster setup when everybody else overtakes you on the straights because too slow. Often the setup is made to give some more top speed to the cars, compromising absolute laptime.
BOP: Balance of Performance. All GTE cars have ballast and rear wing height modifications imposed by the Federation in order to balance their performance. No car is in perfect form during races they are all limited in one way or another, especially the ones at the front.
Let's analyze how drivers react and drive those cars.
The fear factor is almost bull****... no real driver thinks about dying... their main focus is being faster. BUT... there are many but's...
Test limiting is very harsh on drivers in the last years. They visit a track and have a total of 20-30 laps before racing.... that's on par with the laps an enthusiast manages to do on a track day... ridiculously low amount of time.
They can't setup their car 100% to suit the track, their style, their necessities. It's a "good enough" setup that has to satisfy both drivers...
Their driving style can't be flat out either. We talk with GT3/GT2 drivers to name a few, , Alex Balzan, Nick Catsburg, Stefano Colombo... great guys. I'd also like to remind you that Kunos doesn't have the budget to put such names on a payroll, but they are very polite and happy to talk to us about their experience.
On Spa they told us, "yes you could go flat out on eaurouge and blanchimont, but you don't want too. Your race engineer doesn't wants too. It's an unnecessary risk for 6 hours and puts great stress to the tyres and you want them to last as much as possible, so you lift a bit and go safer and the lost time on track you gain back from 1 less pitstop. On fresh tyres, low fuel you can go flat out anytime if you want, but unnecessary risk."
Traffic. There's tons of traffic during a GT race. LMP1, LMP2, LMGTE pro, LMGTE Am cars... all in the same track at the same time... F1 traffic is a joke in comparison.
There are many other reasons, like mechanical parts preservation and setup choices for the race weather...
As you can see, all of those reasons are completely different from the conditions we found when we drive on our simulators... any simulator. I'm not talking or defending AC here, I'm talking generally.
In AC you should set the track in green conditions, lower the temperature (and you'll still be 2-3°C higher temp than reality, we go down to 10 only), use only hard tyres and try 20 laps. You still won't be equal to the real conditions. Then you should try to not cause graining, blistering, flatspotting in the tyres everytime you go out for a fast lap.
But let's forget about all of this and focus only on the lap difference. Which if I'm right is about 3.5 seconds AC vs Reality. That's on soft tyres, proper setup, on the limit driving etc etc.
Spa is a big place, it has 15 turns. If you gain just 0.25 seconds (a quarter of a second) on every turn, then by the end of the lap you have 3.5 seconds difference. That's just gaining 2 tenths of a second on every turn, not calculating braking distances or acceleration and speed on the straights and "alien" drivers dedication to details and infinite experience.
Add all of the above... I think some interesting conclusions can come out. I'm not saying AC is perfect, but when comparing real life laptimes to a sim, ANY sim out there, you must be less superficial. You need to analyze all variables and go deep in the details. Screaming "sim X is 2-4 secs faster than a laptime in real life that I saw on a website" is simply misleading.
KS Dev. Vehicle physics, Ui, Web | Aristotelis Vasilakos
como siempre buena aportación clock, luego intento hacer una vuelta con los settings que pone el de kunos a ver cuanto segundos pierdo. Aun asi en el video se le ve sufrir en ese gt3 para hacerlo, en el juego es facilisimo subir eau rouge sin aflojar, En silverstone con el gt2 en cambio los tiempos se ajustan completamente a los de la realidad. Por cierto impresionantes el mod de coches que han puesto, muchas horas de trabajo detras, yo entiendo que hoy en dia la gente quiera cobrar, los sims son ahora muy complejos y requiere muchas mas horas de trabajo hacer un mod que en el rfactor 1 por ejemplo. Yo compre el mod de coches de Wec para el rfactor 2 y contentisimo.
Locks Quest escribió:Valgreen escribió:En la ultima foto, el mazda esta en el circuito de Valencia? Esta disponible ese circuito?
Si claro toma... es un mod gratuito.
https://mega.co.nz/#!QtFi1QSL!LvYa0Jh7p ... Mi96Q2-ICY
Prometheus06 escribió:Se que hay mucho curro... Pero 5 dólares por coche.... No se...
Pon 15 y todos los coches y te lo sacan de las manos...
clockwok escribió:Al parecer esos mods son conversiones ilegales de forza 4.
http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index ... rts.16949/
Locks Quest escribió:Lo que no entiendo es tanta indignación ?¿?![]()
En el caso que sea cierto, que para demostrarlo tela, ( por que una vez a desencriptadas las texturas son texturas como cualquier otra ) que se lucra con conversiones de coches de otros juegos pues ya se encarga turn 10 o EA de mandarle una cartita o lo que sea.
Pero yo quiero esos coches y ni yo ni nadie que conozca de todo el mundillo de los Simuladores de PC o de la edición 3D ( y es a mucha gente) sabe de ninguna manera tener esos modelados funcionando en Assetto a ese nivel. Dejar que cada uno pague lo que le apetezca, que otros esperaran a una filtración o a que este el coche que ellos quieren...
Y si me respondéis que todas estas personas tienen mas "ética" ... pues no, a lo mejor no tienen tiempo o habilidad suficiente pero se lo harían aunque fuese para ellos mismos y no es así. Ahora me decís si os meto en un rar mi pack de EGT 2014 1.0RC, el de Sim Dream 2014 1.0RC y este de Aspec.1.0RC con todos los coches no lo descarga medio foro ?¿ Gratis si, verdad?
Cuanta demagogia y doble moral no ?
Un saludo
Locks Quest escribió:http://shop.sim-dream.com/
Estos son los 3 packs de pago a los que me refiero no veo a ninguno mas legal o ilegal que otro.
Y estos 3 están preparándose para cobrar también sus nuevos MODS.
Todos han sacado algún coche o varios gratis para publicitarse y ver su calidad. Para después cobrar por los siguientes. Si acaso el único aquí, que regala 6 coches y varios circuitos justamente es Aspec.
Locks Quest escribió:Lo que no entiendo es tanta indignación ?¿?![]()
En el caso que sea cierto, que para demostrarlo tela, ( por que una vez a desencriptadas las texturas son texturas como cualquier otra ) que se lucra con conversiones de coches de otros juegos pues ya se encarga turn 10 o EA de mandarle una cartita o lo que sea.
Pero yo quiero esos coches y ni yo ni nadie que conozca de todo el mundillo de los Simuladores de PC o de la edición 3D ( y es a mucha gente) sabe de ninguna manera tener esos modelados funcionando en Assetto a ese nivel. Dejar que cada uno pague lo que le apetezca, que otros esperaran a una filtración o a que este el coche que ellos quieren...
Y si me respondéis que todas estas personas tienen mas "ética" ... pues no, a lo mejor no tienen tiempo o habilidad suficiente pero se lo harían aunque fuese para ellos mismos y no es así. Ahora me decís si os meto en un rar mi pack de EGT 2014 1.0RC, el de Sim Dream 2014 1.0RC y este de Aspec.1.0RC con todos los coches no lo descarga medio foro ?¿ Gratis si, verdad?
Cuanta demagogia y doble moral no ?
Un saludo
Locks Quest escribió:SI y el Nissan primera sera el siguiente MOD portado a oficial y también es gratis y que ? Lo considero junto al de F1 alguno de malagoni y poco mas, los mejores de Assetto y son los 3 gratis.
Pero en la variedad esta el gusto y faltan muchos coches normales. Que significa para ti Falso?¿ físicas bastante buenas algunas excelentes, modelados casi perfectos y sonido muy por encima de la media. por poner un ejemplo están por encima de los de sim-dream y valen lo mismo o mas, a estos no se les ha dicho ni mu y "puede" que también tengan partes de otros juegos.
Que el tío sea ruso, tambien hace sospechar eso seguro jajaja
Locks Quest escribió:Jaja yo atacado ?¿ estoy encantado con los coches eso si. el tocho se puede resumir en...
Esto seria cierto si se demuestra que son coches importados ilegalmente, ni tu ni nadie tiene las pruebas necesarias para demostrarlo,mas que conjeturas y esa conjeturas se basan en la alta calidad de los mods ya que salen todas las semanas supuestas "importaciones de mods" (de esas tan fáciles que tu comentas que son) también y son todas infumables.
Te ha quedado bien el royo ético. Pero no des lecciones a nadie. Por que el mero hecho de tener miles de euros en herramientas de producción 3D sin licencia dicho por ti mismo, ya lo dice todo.
Un saludo.
Locks Quest escribió:SI y el Nissan primera sera el siguiente MOD portado a oficial y también es gratis y que ? Lo considero junto al de F1 alguno de malagoni y poco mas, los mejores de Assetto y son los 3 gratis.
Pero en la variedad esta el gusto y faltan muchos coches normales. Que significa para ti Falso?¿ físicas bastante buenas algunas excelentes, modelados casi perfectos y sonido muy por encima de la media. por poner un ejemplo están por encima de los de sim-dream y valen lo mismo o mas, a estos no se les ha dicho ni mu y "puede" que también tengan partes de otros juegos.
Que el tío sea ruso, tambien hace sospechar eso seguro jajaja
clockwok escribió:Locks Quest escribió:SI y el Nissan primera sera el siguiente MOD portado a oficial y también es gratis y que ? Lo considero junto al de F1 alguno de malagoni y poco mas, los mejores de Assetto y son los 3 gratis.
Pero en la variedad esta el gusto y faltan muchos coches normales. Que significa para ti Falso?¿ físicas bastante buenas algunas excelentes, modelados casi perfectos y sonido muy por encima de la media. por poner un ejemplo están por encima de los de sim-dream y valen lo mismo o mas, a estos no se les ha dicho ni mu y "puede" que también tengan partes de otros juegos.
Que el tío sea ruso, tambien hace sospechar eso seguro jajaja
A si?sera el proximo?trabajas para Kunos?
Sonido por encima de la media?Pero si hoy por hoy no hay suporte de Kunos para el FMOD!!!!!
Pero si estas contento con lo que has comprado pos eso es lo importante.
Aqui tienes un link interesante pa ti:
http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index ... rts.16949/
Y pa terminar link de muchos coches de Assetto/forza: