david_keen escribió:....
Bueno, por si sirve de algo aquí la lista:
3 Skulls of the Toltecs
Beneath a Steel Sky (CD VGA)
Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth, The (CD DOS, Multilanguage)
Black Cauldron, The (Floppy DOS)
Broken Sword I - The Shadows of the Templars (CD Windows)
Broken Sword II - The Smoking Mirror (CD Windows)
Broken Sword 2.5 - The Return of the Templars (Windows, Multilanguage)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (CD DOS)
Castle of Dr. Brain (CD DOS)
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood (Floppy DOS)
Cruise for a Corpse (VGA DOS)
Curse of Monkey Island, The (CD Windows)
Day of the Tentacle (CD DOS)
Dig, The (CD DOS)
Discworld 1 (CD DOS v2)
Discworld 2 - Missing presumed...!? (CD DOS)
Drascula - The Vampire Strikes Back (CD DOS, Multilanguage)
Dreamweb (CD DOS)
EcoQuest 1 - The Search for Cetus (CD DOS)
EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (Floppy DOS)
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of Cerberus (Floppy DOS)
Eye of the Beholder (CD DOS)
Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon (CD DOS)
Eye of the Beholder III
Fascination (CD DOS, Multilanguage)
Feeble Files, The (CD Windows)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (CD DOS)
Full Throttle (CD DOS)
Future Wars (CD DOS)
Geisha (Floppy DOS)
Gobliiins 1 (CD DOS)
Gobliins 2 (CD DOS)
Goblins Quest 3 (CD DOS)
Hopkins FBI (CD Windows)
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (CD DOS)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (FM Towns)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (FM Towns)
Inherit the Earth - Quest for the Orb (CD Windows)
King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown (Floppy DOS VGA Remake)
King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (Floppy DOS)
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (Floppy DOS, SCI)
King's Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder (CD DOS)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (CD DOS, Windows)
Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos (CD DOS, Multilanguage)
Loom (CD FM Towns)
Lost in Time (CD DOS, Multilanguage)
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, The - The Case of the Rose Tattoo (CD DOS)
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, The - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (CD DOS)
Lure of the Temptress (Floppy DOS)
Maniac Mansion (Floppy DOS v1)
Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge (Floppy DOS VGA)
Neverhood, The (CD Windows)
Nippon Safes Inc. (Floppy DOS, Multilanguage)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (Floppy DOS VGA Remake)
Police Quest 3 - The Kindred (Floppy DOS)
Quest for Glory 1 - So You Want to be a Hero (Floppy DOS VGA Remake)
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial by Fire (Floppy DOS)
Quest for Glory 3 - The Wages of War (Floppy DOS)
Rex Nebular And The Cosmic Gender Bender (Floppy DOS)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (CD DOS)
Secret of Monkey Island, The (CD DOS VGA)
Simon the Sorcerer 1 (CD Windows)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (CD Windows)
Soltys (DOS)
Space Quest 1 - The Sarien Encounter (Floppy DOS)
Space Quest 2 - Vohaul's Revenge (Floppy DOS)
Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon (Floppy DOS)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (CD DOS)
Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (Floppy DOS)
Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths (CD Windows)
Toonstruck (CD Windows)
Touche - The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer (CD DOS)
Urban Runner (CD Windows)
Waxworks (Floppy DOS)
Ween - The Prophecy (Floppy DOS)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (FM Towns)
Ace Ventura - Detective de Mascotas
Pantera rosa - Abracadabra Rosa
Pantera rosa - Mision peligrosa
Agatha Christie: Asesinato en el Orient Express
Agatha Christie: Maldad Bajo el Sol Nuevo
Agatha Christie: Y no Quedó Ninguno
Alfred Pelrock: En Busca de un Sueño
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark 2
Alone in the Dark 3
Ark of Time
Batman Returns
Broken Sword: El sueño del dragón
Barrow Hill - Curse of the Ancient Circl
Black Dahlia
Blade runner
Broken Sword - El Angel de la Muerte
Crime City
Dark Fall 2
Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder
Darkseed II
Daryl F. Gates Police Quest: Open Season
Daughter of Serpents
Dead Mountaineer's Hotel
Dirty Splits
Discworld Noir
Escape from Delirium
El Tesoro de Isla Alcachofa
Fausto: Los Siete Misterios del Alma
Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner
Freddy Pharkas
Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria
HCA: The Ugly Prince Duckling
Hollywood Monsters
Hollywood Monsters 2
Innocent Until Caught
It Came from the Desert
Jack el Destripador
Jack Orlando - Una Aventura Cinematografica
La Abadía del Crimen
La Fuga
La Fuga de Monkey Island
La Mitad Oscura
Legend of Djel
Leather Goddesses of Phobos! 2
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Leisure Suit Larry 6
Leisure Suit Larry 5
Leisure Suit Larry 3
Les Manley in
Little Big Adventure
Little Big Adventure 2
Los Pasajeros del Viento
Operation Stealth
Necronomicon: El Alba de las Tinieblas
Nibiru: El Mensajero de los Dioses
Nico en el Planeta Robot
Phantasmagoria 2
Randal's Monday
Red Hell
Robinson's Requiem
Prisoner of Ice
Return to Ringworld
Ringworld: La Venganza del Patriarca
Ripley's Believe It or Not - The Riddle of Master Lu
Sam and Max: Seasion 1
Runaway 2
Runaway 3
Secret Files: Tunguska
Shadow of the Comet
Sherlock: El Misterio de la Momia
Still Life
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary
Star Trek - Judgment Rites
The Black Mirror
The Black Mirror II
The Black Mirror III
The Big Red Adventure
The Beast Within - A Gabriel Knight Mystery
The Dagger of Amon Ra
Famous Five
The Journeyman Project Turbo
The Journeyman 2
The Journeyman 3
The Gene Machine - La Gran Aventura Britanica
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fable and Friends
The Legend of Kyrandia - Hand of Fate
The Legend of Kyrandia - Malcolm's revenge
The Orion Conspiracy
Trick or Treat
Time Gate - El Secreto del Templario
The Last Express
Torin's Passage
Town with no Name
Veil of Darkness
Wayne's World
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra
Vudu KID
Vladimir Difusius: ¡Menudo Despiste!
Who is Oscar Lake
The Cat Lady
The Dark Eye - Chains of Satinav
Gemini Rue
Gods Will Be Watching
Gray Matter
La Fuga de Deponia
Lost Horizon
Lost Horizon 2
The Last Door
To the moon
A Bird Story
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Broken Sword 2: Director's Cut
-A New Beginning Final Cut
Alex Hunter
Art of Murder - Deadly Secrets
Art of Murder 3 - Cards of Destiny
Caos en Deponia
Clockwork Tales - Of Glass and Ink CE
Dear Esther
Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure
Dreamscapes - The Sandman
El sabueso de los Baskerville
Enigmatis 2 - The Mists of Ravenwood
Experiment 112
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island
Gabriel Knight 1
Goobye Deponia
Dead Mountaineer's Hotel
The Silent Age
Inbetween Land
The Samaritan Paradox
Blackwell Legacy
Art of Murder - The Hunt for the Puppeteer
A Golden Wake
Alpha Polaris
Dark Fall - Lost Souls
Face Noir
Lost Lands 2
Kelvin and the Infamous Machine
Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded
Plaza Missing an Interactive Thriller Episode
Lucius 2
Monkey Island SE Collection
Moebius Empire Rising
Between me and the Night
True Fear Forsaken Souls
Valiant Hearts
Please Don’t Touch Anything
Tesla Effect A Tex Murphy Adventure
Sacra Terra Angelic Night
Sacred Almanac - Traces of Greed
Samorost 3
Slap Village - Reality Slap
The Stanley Parable
The Crows Eye
The Abbey
The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy
The Last NightMary - A Lenda do Cabeca de Cuia
Art of Murder The Secret Files
The Shivah
Thimbleweed Park
The Little Acre
Time Mysteries 3
Yesterday Origins
Papers Please
House of 1000 Doors - Secretos de familia E. C
Small Town Terrors - Pilgrim's Hook E.C
Art Of Murder - FBI Confidential
Secret Files 2 - Puritas Cordis
The Tiny Bang Story
Brink of Consciousness - El sindrome de Dorian Gray
Doc Apocalypse
House of 1000 Doors - La palma de Zoroastro
Sherlock Holmes contra Jack el Destripador
Perfil De Riesgo
También aviso que hay muchas quitadas porque necesitan escribir con teclado en exceso (ya que es de una recreativa y no hay teclado en sí) y también hay ciertos juegos que quizás no entrarían como aventura gráfica pero ahí están.
Y por supuesto todo aporte a mi género favorito es bienvenido

EDIT Acabo de fijarme que algunos nombre salen cortados. Sorry