Ufs, me ha dejado muy muy frío esto
9. "Will there ever be a DM tool to make custom campaigns and maps?"
NO. It will be a huge undertaking and too complicated.
10. "Will you guys support modding, can a DM mode be modded in?"
Swen - We will support modding, and we plan to introduce modding tools . It will be a huge challenge though to create new areas, you would need a team. Introducing a DM mode would be an epic undertaking. The engine is there and there is a lot you can do - but the visuals you must put in are quite extensive to make, there is no way to rapidly put a dungeon together, you would need to really spend time to do it.
Joer, cosas básicas que hasta Vampire The Masquerade tenía, y que le dan mucha vidilla para jugar luego con colegas, y parece que no han pensado en ello ni van a pensarlo
![decaido [decaio]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/decaido.gif)
y a saber cómo han hecho sus herramientas para que sea complicado hacer una mazmorra, desde luego me parece un desatino....
Por otro lado, ¿dice que soltarán el juego y se irán a otra cosa (vamos, que no DLCs de BG3 ni contenido adicional ni nada así) o soy yo?
11. "Will there be more content coming for BG3?"
We know what we are doing next, and we can't talk about it but probably not any additional content for BG3. *shakes his head no*
Tampoco tengo muy claro esto
1."Can you roll for stats?"
Swen NO rolling for stats. Reason - Production reasons, they wanted to implement it but just ran out of time and were not able to get it to work.
No suena a una funcionalidad especialmente difícil de implementar, la verdad, pero bueno, tampoco me mata