So, like you I am eagerly awaiting patch 1.04. We already heard some exciting prospects. I just hope Blizz can deliver. So as a community that's pretty deflated I wanted to share what Blizz should be doing in the form of some patch notes styley stuff. Might not look like Blizz typical patch notes but... the main point is they're stuff I cant see anyone really disputing and it's things that would not be too hard to implement in the time they have had/are still having
Dear Diablo 3 community
We have been working very hard with patch 1.04 to alleviate or resolve some of the main problems we have found after releasing this game. Please rest assured that we have been listening to your feedback and we urge you to continue giving it as it is invaluable to the Diablo 3 team. Having said that we would also like to raise concern about some individuals behaviour on the forums. Specifically we would like to reiterate that abuse directed at other forum members or (as we have seen more frequently) to specific members of our staff will not be tolerated and will result in an instant lifetime ban from the forums. We take this kind of behaviour very seriously. In addition we urge constructive feedback, criticism and discussions about the game, but for the sake of everyone involved please refrain from threads which add no value to the forum. While we will not ban players for this... it fills the forum full of junk, making other forum users annoyed as well as wasting moderators time sifting to find good feedback or to help someone.
Having said that, without further ado, patch 1.04 notes below:
First things first: We have been working hard to reduce or eliminate many technical issues surrounding players and hope to have achieved this in the latest patch. Players should see:
1) reduction in rubber banding
2) frame rate drop due to asset loading fixed
3) Lag spikes from our side heavily reduced
4) Massive improvement in stutter
Please continue to let us know if these problems persist excessively.
Now onto the changes.
Intro: There were several major concerns from the community we have done our best to improve in the short time span we have had. There are other concerns also, but we aim to resolve these in future patches (details at the end). Please rest assured that changes are not permanent and will be subject to change if they are discovered to not be working as we intended.
1) Buffs to skills.
We have been analysing data of which skills players are using and which they are not and using this data and feedback from both staff and players we have decided to buff many skills. Please note that we do not consider any skills to be particularly overpowered right now. As we said though, we will continue to monitor this situation and may need to further adjust (buff/nerf as appropriate) certain skills in future hotfixes or patches.
<list of all skill buffs>
2) Legendary Items
We have already mentioned that we would be making many great improvements to legendary items. Some have very unique and exciting new properties never seen before while others have been given guaranteed stats as well as stats subject to rolls.
<list of all legendary item changes> (eg Legendary boots x: will always have 25% run speed, legendary sword y has a 2% chance to do double damage for 5 seconds upon activating)
3) The Item hunt
We agree that its tough to find upgrades. We also agree that items are very overpriced on the auction house and this leaves players annoyed at their struggle to make any progress. The following changes have been implemented to alleviate these problems somewhat:
Magic find now plays a part in the rolls of rare items (details would be given)
Inferno item drops will now be level 55 and above only with a stronger emphasis to lv 60+
A new type of item has been added to the game called Epic items:
Epic items are rare items that we have taken and simply made them have a very good chance of being as good as a great roll rare item. So desireable stats such as "Strength, dexterity, vitality, crit chance, crit damage, attack speed, all resist" etc etc will be much more likely to appear on these items. Secondly any stat that appears on an Epic item will be subject to a roll that favours higher numbers (to an extent). For example:
Epic bracers drop. You identify them and they have Strengh, Vitality, All resistance, Crit chance, Dexterity and thorns damage. So you got 5/6 good stats.
Each of these were subject to a roll on a distribution where low numbers are unlikely, medium-high numbers are likely and very high numbers are unlikely.
So lets say you got bracers with 146str, 110vit, 71 all resist, 2.5% crit chance, 111 dexterity and 500 thorns damage.
Pretty nice.
Of course sometimes you might still get a bad item but its much less likely.
Some notes on epic items:
Epic items are subject to magic find
Epic items will ONLY drop from elite packs or bosses
Epic items are Purple in colour and will always be prefixed "Epic" before the item name
Epic items are 1.5 times as likely to drop from bosses when NV is at 5 stacks AFTER all other modifiers such as magic find.
Epic item drops are subject to monster level with higher monster level increasing the chance
All this being said you could expect the average time between Epic drops to be anything between 3 and 20 hours of normal play/farming dependent on the above.
4) Champion Levels intoduction:
While we hope to put more into this in future patches a quick solution to provide more of an endgame in addition to adding the item hunt as above has been outlined below:
Champion levels will now be awarded post level 60. There are 40 champion levels in all. For the time being while we work on it, Champion levels will take roughly 50 hours to achieve each and each one will award +20 stat points to distribute to your character where you so choose. An NPC has been added to the game who can erase your champion levels should you wish to start again with your distribution.
Future thoughts for champion levels include skill point distribution, visual changes to characters with champion levels or allowing bonuses such as additional followers etc. Please continue to give ideas about this.
5) Auction house
There has been one change to the auction house which we thought (and you thought) was essential. Other changes are continuing to be reviewed and considered.
Auction house items can now be searched for with up to 6 preferred stats.
Here are some of the lesser changes we have also made to improve the game (more detail in the real patch notes obv):
1) Trading items in game now requires a second confirmation where players are asked to review the trade. No changes can be made to the trade windows when this happens. Upon both players agreement the trade is complete
2) Some elite affixes have been reviewed and adjusted to remain challenging but not be "instant death". We have not made any plans to limit affixes that can be present with each other as yet but we will continue looking into this. For now we have simply adjusted them to make them more fair. eg waller mobs will use ability 2/3 as much and players can now no longer be "trapped inside the actual wall"
3) Followers will now ignore treasure goblins until the player attacks them first
4) Fixed bugs such as "demon hunter no health left", "invulnerable wiz", "god mode barb"
Future content we are thinking about (other than PvP)
1) Adding more customisation to legendaries such that they interact with skills
2) Adding skill point allocation with every x champion levels (minor buffs such as every 2 levels you get one and it would say reduce cool down of a skill by 0.5 seconds)
3) Adding a ladder for champion levels
4) Removing RMAH and replacing it with "Buy and sell gold for real money house"
5) Allowing players to remove real money funds in Bnet account
6) Endless dungeons spawn in random locations on the map rarely: - elaboration (rough idea): Each floor has random mobs of all 4 acts and champion/elite packs. End of each floor boss is there with 20% chance. Mob level begins at 58 and increases by 1 each floor to infinity. Magic find increases by 2%, then 4%, then 8% etc etc and stacks each floor. No experience would be gained from these dungeons
eg Dungeon level 5: would be: Monster level 62, +62% MF
Level 6: Monster level 63, +126% MF
7) coop mode with increased magic find but a flat de buff of 80% to most stats. In this mode no experience would be gained.
We look forward to hearing your comments and have fun!

EDIT: something else we forgot to mention also:
In future patches we will be looking to modify the jeweler and blacksmith to make them a more desirable option to use as well as being very expensive for this. Ideas include allowing the user to have a guarenteed stat on the item they craft for a lot of gold with the blacksmith and allowing items to be imbued with magic find or gold find at a large cost with the jeweler.
Also we will be implimenting a system whereby swapping gear induces a cool down where magic find is 0 for 3 minutes