eL PiRRi escribió:
Muchisimas gracias, no deberia haber empezado ya?
Diablo III - Sistemas de juego y el Cruzado 20:15 - 21:15 CET
silenius escribió:eL PiRRi escribió:
Muchisimas gracias, no deberia haber empezado ya?
Diablo III - Sistemas de juego y el Cruzado 20:15 - 21:15 CET
Ha empazado ya? por que en diablofans estan poniendo ya cosas? Puede ser que lo que han puesto haya salido del video que ha salido antes del D3? donde hablaban algunos desarrolladores
ahona escribió:He estado algo desconectado, pero por lo que leo, no han contado nada ni de fechas, ni contenidos de la EC ni nada, ¿no?
¿Se supone que hoy pueden hablar algo de eso? ¿O lo damos ya por perdido?
huet escribió:A ver si alguno se enrrolla y pone algunos enlaces con el streaming !!! Saludos ...
EDIT :: http://www.diablo3-esp.com/indexBlizzcon.php
Aqui estan comentando un poco la jugada de las cosas que van apareciendo , no es streaming de la presentacion..
silenius escribió:Yo creo que no van a decir nada de nada. Espero equivocarme.
ahona escribió:He estado algo desconectado, pero por lo que leo, no han contado nada ni de fechas, ni contenidos de la EC ni nada, ¿no?
¿Se supone que hoy pueden hablar algo de eso? ¿O lo damos ya por perdido?
eL PiRRi escribió:#11 - ¿Habrá una beta de Reaper of Souls?
En este momento no tenemos nada que anunciar sobre este asunto.
#12 - ¿Cuándo se estrenará Reaper of Souls?
En este momento no estamos en situación de confirmar una fecha de estreno.
#13 - ¿Cuánto costará Reaper of Souls? ¿Habrá una Edición de Coleccionista de Reaper of Souls?
En este momento no estamos en situación de confirmar ni el precio ni la disponibilidad de una Edición de Coleccionista.
ahona escribió:eL PiRRi escribió:#11 - ¿Habrá una beta de Reaper of Souls?
En este momento no tenemos nada que anunciar sobre este asunto.
#12 - ¿Cuándo se estrenará Reaper of Souls?
En este momento no estamos en situación de confirmar una fecha de estreno.
#13 - ¿Cuánto costará Reaper of Souls? ¿Habrá una Edición de Coleccionista de Reaper of Souls?
En este momento no estamos en situación de confirmar ni el precio ni la disponibilidad de una Edición de Coleccionista.
En este momento me están tocando las pelotas
silenius escribió:Y lo peor de todo es que parece ser que el parche no lo veremos como minimo hasta que quiten la AH como sospechabamos
The Crusader was a great choice to balance against Malthael
We wanted the Paladin back, but in a darker version. That's what become the Crusader
Knight in scarred armor, versus the Paladin's Knight in shining armor
Design of a new character begins with the silhouette
The shield is an important part of the character, also used as a melee weapon
Lots of concepts were drawn (see pictures below, after panel has ended)
After a lot of brainstorming the team decides on the pillars of the Crusader - big and bulky, cloth and shield
After concepts begins modeling. Once that is done the team goes into production
Several tier armors are shown
For animation everything begins with an idle pose
The flail's physics were specifically made to look very realistic
Shield Bash is showcased. The Crusader charges his shield and shoots out holy damage out of it
The Crusader loves to be up close and personal, but Diablo III already has 2 melee characters. That's why a strong ranged component was added
Wrath is the resource and it generates outside combat, but is also generating with Primary skills
Crusader won't be able to dual-wield, he needs a shield
He starts with 24 skills
Developers experimented with a skill like Zeal, but it didn't work too well. In Diablo 2 you had 2 skill buttons, but in Diablo 3 you have 6. You have utility skills, AoE and other things. Zeal demands you press only it. The visual was also hard to read
In the end though Zeal become a rune for Slash
Fist of Heavens felt so good that the developers still haven't made changes to it since its implementation. Literally its first version is in the game
Heaven's Fury's went through several iterations. The first version was constant beams shooting from the skies below the cursor. Second version was a single beam going after the cursor. The third version is AI controlled and simply follows enemies while the Crusader deals with other monsters
Steed Charge makes the Crusader dash super fast, on the back of a horse and looks quite awesome!
Blessed Hammer is a nice reminder that the Crusader is still at least somewhat related to the Paladin
The Other Classes
Barbarian's new skill is Avalanche. 30 second cooldown. Cooldown is reduced with Fury spent
Wizard is getting a bit more love with the elements, up until now she had mostly Arcane skills
Arcane Orb now has a rune that makes it resemble Frozen Orb from Diablo II
Wizard's new skill is called Black Hole - sucks enemies inside of it. Nothing prepares a good Meteor like Black Hole
The Monk should be the fastest character on the battlefield.
Fists of Thunder's teleport is now baseline
Monk's New skill is Epiphany. Allows all melee attacks to teleport you to your opponent
Demon Hunters should feel a lot more ranged and use more traps
Demon Hunter's new skill is called Vengeance. Every attack you do fires more shots. Rockets, arrows, etc.
Witch Doctor's mechanics aren't 'all there'. One of the fantasies is to be a Pet class. Pets don't do enough damage though. Same goes for being a DoT class
One of his new passives is to make his DoTs last 5 minutes
Witch Doctor's new skill is Piranhas. Enemies affected will take more damage from all sources. Below the water's surface (of where Piranha's spawn) is actually a massive crocodile that swallows enemies whole
The new Artisan is the Mystic - she can Transmogrify and Enchant items
Enchanting lets you chose one property to reroll and offer 3 new, plus the same property, as a new roll
The Loot 2.0 philosophy is: Less is more, Items Support Builds, Rarity = Power
Smart Drop affects Item Type, Items Stats and Skill Affixes
Previously some rolls were 1-100 Strength (for example). Now the range is much lesser: 75-100
Item stats are now separated into Primary and Secondary. All items will have a fixed number of both. It's displayed on the tooltip
Legendary used to be hard to find in the game. Players wanted more of them, but really they just wanted them to be better
The new philosophy for the expansion is "endgame for everyone"
Legendary are still by far the most rare items, but are also the most powerful in RoS, by far
Legendary items will drop at the killed monster's level. If you kill a level 33 monster you can get a level 33 Legendary
All Legendaries are revamped in Loot 2.0
A lot of unique powers are given to them
Frostburn Gauntlets for example increased Cold skills damage by 27% and an effect - 50% chance to Freeze instead of slow enemies
"Grey" text comes up when you hold control over an item - it shows the max and min values of the stats on an item
Examples of new affixes -
Haroutunian Arm Guards - Every time you destroy a wreckable object, you gain a short burst of speed
Illusory Boots - you may move unhindered through enemies
Tiklandian Visage - Horrify causes you to Fear and Root enemies around you for 8 seconds
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker - Chance on hit to blast your enemy with Lightning and slow its attack speed and movement speed; This effect jumps to additional enemies
Ninja Gloves and Ninja Boots (Set bonus): (2 pieces) - Your Spike Traps lure enemies to them; (4 pieces) Automatically cast Smoke Screen when you fall below 25% Life. This effect only occurs once every 30 seconds
How big is the item stat inflation?
It's a concern we might have in 8-9 years. We love big numbers.
Arcane Sanctuary from Diablo 2. Can it get some love?
We're not going back to the Arcane Sanctuary. Pandemonium Fortress has some aspects inspired from it. When you see the level you'll see a bunch of stuff in there.
In Diablo II character appearances changed if you complete an item set. Any plans to do so in D3?
We haven't talked about anything like that yet. It's not a terrible idea though, it might happen. Our focus right now is to make the set items and their bonuses feel as crazy as possible. It's totally possible we could add visual components.
................... editing..... ASI LO DEJO asi dejo patente la pirada de pinza de la tarde mia![]()
silenius escribió:Y lo peor de todo es que parece ser que el parche no lo veremos como minimo hasta que quiten la AH como sospechabamos
ahona escribió:silenius escribió:Y lo peor de todo es que parece ser que el parche no lo veremos como minimo hasta que quiten la AH como sospechabamos
Si, no tiene mucho sentido que lo pongan antes cuando lo que pretenden es evitar que se pueda dopar al personaje de forma fácil con al AH.
Para mi que las fechas las tienen mas que listas, y el cierre de la AH puede ser el mejor indicativo de cuando se va a poner en marcha todo esto.
eimia escribió:Manda huevos sino sacan nada nuevo hasta marzo. Manda huevos....
silenius escribió:eimia escribió:Manda huevos sino sacan nada nuevo hasta marzo. Manda huevos....
Mas los meses que ya llevamos acumulados. Al paso que vamos cuando pongan algo esto va a ser un erial y no va a quedar nadie con el D3 instalado. Yo llevo ya una semana y poco jugando mucho menos y dedicando mas tiempo a otros juegos, a pesar de poder subir paragon en otros personajes pero es que se hace tan pesado farmear o para que te caiga mierda o solo para subir de nivel y nada mas que...
eL PiRRi escribió:parece que estan con preguntas y respuestas... no se yo si queda ya nada... que parece que no...
eL PiRRi escribió:y solo para tener "X" numeros mas de puntos para distribuir en el arbol de habilidades cuando salga... al menos me lo sigo pasando bien cuando juego con gente de por aqui pero la verdad que ya el ambiente es tirando a pesimista, muchos han migrado de juego y a mi me cuesta horrores desengancharme y muchas runs las hago parece que como "por cumplir" a ver en que queda la cosa, veo que quizas no dan la fecha de marzo 2014, porque si no ya si que seria desertico, seria un movimiento logico para que la poca gente siguiera jugando algo ahora, pero me da a mi que ni con esas... no se vende nada de nada ni por oro regalado... te comprendo completamente
huet escribió:Como se estan riendo de nosotros macho , es ver las otras presentaciones y flipas con la gente lo animada que esta por todas las novedades...
Y sigues leyendo los foros y webs pro Diablo 3 y son todas pesimitas e intentando a traves de videos preparados y fotos super elegidas darle un empujon al juego cuando esta literalmente muerto...
Lo han matado y lo unico que le faltaba para que la peña se enganchara a tope era el parche y no ignorar a los fans..
Estoy bastante desanimado la verdad ...
que ganas de una de estas de abajo con critico, es la que mas me gusta visualmente del WD
eL PiRRi escribió:FUENTE: http://www.diablofans.com/news/2192-dia ... -crusader/ SISTEMA DE BATALLA Y CRUZADO
The Crusader was a great choice to balance against Malthael
We wanted the Paladin back, but in a darker version. That's what become the Crusader
Knight in scarred armor, versus the Paladin's Knight in shining armor
Design of a new character begins with the silhouette
The shield is an important part of the character, also used as a melee weapon
Lots of concepts were drawn (see pictures below, after panel has ended)
After a lot of brainstorming the team decides on the pillars of the Crusader - big and bulky, cloth and shield
After concepts begins modeling. Once that is done the team goes into production
Several tier armors are shown
For animation everything begins with an idle pose
The flail's physics were specifically made to look very realistic
Shield Bash is showcased. The Crusader charges his shield and shoots out holy damage out of it
The Crusader loves to be up close and personal, but Diablo III already has 2 melee characters. That's why a strong ranged component was added
Wrath is the resource and it generates outside combat, but is also generating with Primary skills
Crusader won't be able to dual-wield, he needs a shield
He starts with 24 skills
Developers experimented with a skill like Zeal, but it didn't work too well. In Diablo 2 you had 2 skill buttons, but in Diablo 3 you have 6. You have utility skills, AoE and other things. Zeal demands you press only it. The visual was also hard to read
In the end though Zeal become a rune for Slash
Fist of Heavens felt so good that the developers still haven't made changes to it since its implementation. Literally its first version is in the game
Heaven's Fury's went through several iterations. The first version was constant beams shooting from the skies below the cursor. Second version was a single beam going after the cursor. The third version is AI controlled and simply follows enemies while the Crusader deals with other monsters
Steed Charge makes the Crusader dash super fast, on the back of a horse and looks quite awesome!
Blessed Hammer is a nice reminder that the Crusader is still at least somewhat related to the Paladin
The Other Classes
Barbarian's new skill is Avalanche. 30 second cooldown. Cooldown is reduced with Fury spent
Wizard is getting a bit more love with the elements, up until now she had mostly Arcane skills
Arcane Orb now has a rune that makes it resemble Frozen Orb from Diablo II
Wizard's new skill is called Black Hole - sucks enemies inside of it. Nothing prepares a good Meteor like Black Hole
The Monk should be the fastest character on the battlefield.
Fists of Thunder's teleport is now baseline
Monk's New skill is Epiphany. Allows all melee attacks to teleport you to your opponent
Demon Hunters should feel a lot more ranged and use more traps
Demon Hunter's new skill is called Vengeance. Every attack you do fires more shots. Rockets, arrows, etc.
Witch Doctor's mechanics aren't 'all there'. One of the fantasies is to be a Pet class. Pets don't do enough damage though. Same goes for being a DoT class
One of his new passives is to make his DoTs last 5 minutes
Witch Doctor's new skill is Piranhas. Enemies affected will take more damage from all sources. Below the water's surface (of where Piranha's spawn) is actually a massive crocodile that swallows enemies whole
The new Artisan is the Mystic - she can Transmogrify and Enchant items
Enchanting lets you chose one property to reroll and offer 3 new, plus the same property, as a new roll
The Loot 2.0 philosophy is: Less is more, Items Support Builds, Rarity = Power
Smart Drop affects Item Type, Items Stats and Skill Affixes
Previously some rolls were 1-100 Strength (for example). Now the range is much lesser: 75-100
Item stats are now separated into Primary and Secondary. All items will have a fixed number of both. It's displayed on the tooltip
Legendary used to be hard to find in the game. Players wanted more of them, but really they just wanted them to be better
The new philosophy for the expansion is "endgame for everyone"
Legendary are still by far the most rare items, but are also the most powerful in RoS, by far
Legendary items will drop at the killed monster's level. If you kill a level 33 monster you can get a level 33 Legendary
All Legendaries are revamped in Loot 2.0
A lot of unique powers are given to them
Frostburn Gauntlets for example increased Cold skills damage by 27% and an effect - 50% chance to Freeze instead of slow enemies
"Grey" text comes up when you hold control over an item - it shows the max and min values of the stats on an item
Examples of new affixes -
Haroutunian Arm Guards - Every time you destroy a wreckable object, you gain a short burst of speed
Illusory Boots - you may move unhindered through enemies
Tiklandian Visage - Horrify causes you to Fear and Root enemies around you for 8 seconds
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker - Chance on hit to blast your enemy with Lightning and slow its attack speed and movement speed; This effect jumps to additional enemies
Ninja Gloves and Ninja Boots (Set bonus): (2 pieces) - Your Spike Traps lure enemies to them; (4 pieces) Automatically cast Smoke Screen when you fall below 25% Life. This effect only occurs once every 30 seconds
How big is the item stat inflation?
It's a concern we might have in 8-9 years. We love big numbers.
Arcane Sanctuary from Diablo 2. Can it get some love?
We're not going back to the Arcane Sanctuary. Pandemonium Fortress has some aspects inspired from it. When you see the level you'll see a bunch of stuff in there.
In Diablo II character appearances changed if you complete an item set. Any plans to do so in D3?
We haven't talked about anything like that yet. It's not a terrible idea though, it might happen. Our focus right now is to make the set items and their bonuses feel as crazy as possible. It's totally possible we could add visual components.
................... editing..... ASI LO DEJO asi dejo patente la pirada de pinza de la tarde mia![]()
ELwendo escribió:bueno, empiezan las preguntas, haber que dicen.
huet escribió:ELwendo escribió:bueno, empiezan las preguntas, haber que dicen.
Ve comentando por aqui , que no puedo ver el streaming !! Estoy en el curro ....
Gracias Elwendo.
eL PiRRi escribió:nosotros al menos tenemos un palioooo un palio un palioooooo
4lb3r1ch escribió:eL PiRRi escribió:nosotros al menos tenemos un palioooo un palio un palioooooo
De los creadores de "Un paliooo" llega ahora, "Nos vamos a comer un kanabo". xD
ertitoagus escribió:Lo que parece evidente es que las stats principales, armadura y resistencias aumentan brutalmente en los nuevos objetos, y que las stats que hasta ahora importaban (prob crit, daño crit, vel ataq) se quedan mas o menos como estaban, con lo cual el tema cambia MUCHISIMO.
Y además se ve claramente que potencian el recuperar vida sobre todo de las maneras que no se utilizaban (vida por muerte, vida por recurso gastado), no es ni mejor ni peor, es diferente, habrá que cambiar el modo de juego sin duda.
Haciendo números así por encima, veo que el salto en daño no va a ser del orden de un 20-30%, si no que vamos a 20 o 30 veces más de lo actual, con lo cual, está clarisimo que estamos en un borrón y cuenta nueva de todas todas. El equipo actual solo vale por que quedan muchos meses, tras la expansión dudo que tenga utilidad más allá de la hora de juego
redscare escribió:Pues yo creo que la expansión pinta muy bien. El Crusader pinta muy bien y las nuevas habilidades de las clases actuales también molan. Es una mierda que no haya nada hasta marzo, eso si.
joa_kin escribió:redscare escribió:Pues yo creo que la expansión pinta muy bien. El Crusader pinta muy bien y las nuevas habilidades de las clases actuales también molan. Es una mierda que no haya nada hasta marzo, eso si.
Ahora que dice eso, se saben todas las nuevas habilidades y pasivas? que alguien me diga que ponerle 2 armas de 2 manos a el barbaro es una de ellas (aunque tenga que mentirme xD)
redscare escribió:Jajaja. Nop, sorry. Las nuevas habilidades son:
Barbaro: Avalancha. Cascoporro de rocas que caen del cielo. Cooldown de 30s que se reduce cuanta más furia usas en otras habilidades.
Wizard: Agujero negro. Vortex que atrae a los enemigos. Ideal para soltarles encima un meteorito a continuación.
Monje: Epifanía. Durante su duración todos los ataques te teletransportan al enemigo.
Witch Doctor: Amplificar Daño. Básicament un debuff tocho.
Demon Hunter: Venganza. Básicamente un boost al DPS.
Y además hay nuevas runas y cambios en las actuales y tal.
http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/commen ... anscript/2