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Blingerman escribió:Bunnker escribió:Narcyl escribió:pues a saber como se consigue el traje, porque no viene ningun codigo dentro de dead space 2.
Si que viene, Detras del manual, hay un par de folletos de anuncios de videojuegos, detras de uno de esos te viene la explicacion y el codigo para el dragon age II![]()
P.D: A mi tambien me costó encontrarlo en un principio jaja
En PS3 al menos no viene y se te activa en tu cuenta bioware social network simplemente con iniciar el juego en la consola. De hecho esto es algo que me comentaron expresamente en el chat de ayuda de EA. Para xbox no lo sé pero me extraña que sea distinto. No estarás confundiendo el código del online con el supuesto código para la armadura de DAII?
De hecho luego me he metido en la social network y en Perfil/Your registered game promotions sale la armadura para el DA2 y yo no he metido ningún código
According to the ratings body’s description of the BioWare RPG, “attacks are often accompanied by slashing sounds, large explosions, and cries of pain,” also mentioning that “blood splatter effects occur when enemies are hit, and damage sometimes results in dismemberment or decapitation—blood stains and body parts occasionally appear in the environment.”
The description then goes on to describe one particular scene where “a man’s severed head is held up then tossed to the ground.”
It’s not all about violence, though. ESRB also pointed out that “characters sometimes engage in sexual dialogue,” with comments such as ”Why is it always about sex with you?” and ”Sailing is like sex. Do it wrong, and it’ll make you sick.”
Finally, the description also goes on to mention how players can also initiate brief cutscene sequences “in which couples (male-female or same-sex) are shown kissing and embracing one another in a bedroom as the screen fades to black.”
In fact according to ESRB, in one cutscene, a woman kneels in front of a male character and appears to perform “fellatio,” although there is no depiction of the sex act: the camera pans out to the rest of the room.
goldenaxeband escribió:Parece que Dragon Age 2 no lo patrocina Disney
darzia escribió:El primero me lo pasé con el guerrero, lo mismo en este me animo y me lo pasó con el mago, aunque normalmente en los rpg que he jugado, pasártelo con el mago aumenta la dificultad del juego por la poca armadura y vida que tiene. Puede ser un buen reto![]()
En el vídeo el mago es una pasada, bueno en realidad todos son una pasada
Dragon Age II is golden folks. It was just announced as being so.
Bunnker escribió:wow, los combates pintan bien, un poco mas rapidos que el Origins, y con mas agilidad para los personajes.
Eso si, nadie cree que los graficos dejan bastante que desear?? Espero que la version final se vea mejor o que sea el video porque sinó... La demo nos abrirá los ojos...
JeanPaulDesgrava escribió:Bunnker escribió:wow, los combates pintan bien, un poco mas rapidos que el Origins, y con mas agilidad para los personajes.
Eso si, nadie cree que los graficos dejan bastante que desear?? Espero que la version final se vea mejor o que sea el video porque sinó... La demo nos abrirá los ojos...
Creo que "es lo que hay", al igual que en Origins el foco es la jugabilidad, no los gráficos.
kikon69 escribió:¿se puede mirar en algun sitio ké idioma llevará la versión uk?..es k está mu barata...
uno_ke_va escribió:kikon69 escribió:¿se puede mirar en algun sitio ké idioma llevará la versión uk?..es k está mu barata...
Según shopto, está solo en inglés.
kikon69 escribió:uno_ke_va escribió:kikon69 escribió:¿se puede mirar en algun sitio ké idioma llevará la versión uk?..es k está mu barata...
Según shopto, está solo en inglés.
gracias...joer es k estaba solo a 20 leuros en the hut...
dorkiem escribió:¿Al primero se podía jugar con teclado y ratón en la Ps3?, ¿se sabe algo al respecto con el 2?
DeaDeYe escribió:A mi me gusta la pinta que tiene viendo el video de ps3 , lo que no me gusta es el rogue con los super movimientos tipo ninja rollo anime , los saltos y todo eso , y sobre todo que tengas que llevar al barbas si o si
BioWare has posted a Call to Arms on the official Dragon Age II site, and it appears that should the demo of the game get downloaded enough, the firm will unlock some goodies.
According to the site: “If we get over 1 million demo downloads and logins on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 combined before March 1, we will unlock two in-game items for the entire community to use in Dragon Age II. Demo download progress will be tracked on this page, so check back often!”
The items that will be unlocked are:
The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall: Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems describes her dreams of a new start in Kirkwall, the city across the sea. Readers will surely be enriched by her insights. (Gives money when read.)
Lothering’s Lament: Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems contains touching reminiscences of all she had to leave behind. Readers will surely benefit from her experience. (Gives XP boost when read.)
There seems to be no end to the various goodies or ways to get a hold of extras for the game.
The demo of the game will be unlocked on February 22, and in it, folks will play through the game’s prologue, choosing from three different character classes. They’ll also learn more about Hawke and “hone the skills and abilities that will make them the ultimate hero.”
After finishing the prologue, players will enter a location called Kirkwall, meet your romantic interest in the game Isabela, and upon completion of the demo, unlock a special weapon: Hayder’s Razor which is a dwarven blade that increases health, mana, and combat abilities in the full release of the game.
seregrog escribió:Pero ¿la demo sale el 22 de Febrero o el 22 de Marzo? Que si es el 22 de Febrero, cambiad el título del post para evitar confusiones
labor escribió:el juego para ps3 se vera mas o menos como el de pc?? o habra una diferencia abismal (de verguenza ¬¬) como ocurrio con el dragon origins??, es que paso de que me la metan doblada otra vez...
PD: el otro dia volvi a retomar el origins y cuando he actualizado el juego me he fijado que los graficos han mejorado un poco con respecto a los graficos que tenia en su dia de lanzamiento, es eso posible??? vosotros tambien lo habeis notado o es que estoy alucinando?? :S
1. Shield Defense
Requires: Level 3
Requires: Shield
The warrior assumes a defensive stance, reducing damage taken from the front. However, the warrior inflects less damage against enemies and sacrifices the ability to make closing attacks.
Damage: -25%
Damage resistance +25% vs. frontal attacks
Reserved: 15% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
2. Shield Wall
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Shield Defense
Points required in Weapon and Shield: 4
Shield Defense now reduces the damage from all attacks, rather than just the front. Additionally, the warrior's shiield deflects some regular strikes, shrugging off most of the damage.
Damage resistance: +50% vs. rear attacks
Effect: 20% chance that normal hits against the warrior become glancing blows
Type: Upgrade
3. Perception
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Shield Defense
Requires: Shield
The warrior maintains constant awreness of the battlefield. So long as the warrior has a shield equipped, enemies receive no bonus for attacking from behind.
Effect: Immune to flanking
Type: Passive ability
4. Safeguard
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Scatter
Requires: Perception
Points required in Weapon and Shield: 4
Requires: Shield
While a shield is equipped, the warrior shrugs off the extra damage from critical hits.
Effect: Immune to critical hits
Type: Passive ability
5. Scatter
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Shield Bash
Requires: Shield Defense
Points required in Weapon and Shield: 2
Requires: Shield
The warrior clears a forward arc, throwing enemies back.
Physical damage: 24
Physical force: 4x
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 25s
Type: Activated ability
6. Disperse
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Scatter
Scatter now forces back even large creatures, and is particularly punishing against enemies whose defenses a rogue has lowered.
Physical damage: +12
Physical damage: 300% vs DISORIENTED targets
Physical force: +2x
Type: Upgrade
7. Shield Bash
Requires: Level 2
Requires Shield
The warrior's shield arcs out, striking foes like a battering ram.
Physical damage: 10
Physical force: 12x
Cost: 10 stamina
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
8. Pummel
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Shield Bash
Shield Bash can be used more frequently, and enemies slammed by the warrior's shield are STAGGERED.
STAGGER chance: 100%
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
9. Assault
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Shield Bash
Requires: Shield
The warrior spins into a vicious assault that inflicts significant damage and often throws enemies back.
Physical damage: 10 (x3 hits)
Physical force: 2x (x3 hits)
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
10. Battery
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Assault
Points required in Weapon and Shield: 3
Assault can now be used more frequently. Is is also much more effective, particularly against enemies a rogue has left in a vulnerable state.
Physical damage: +5 (x3 hits)
Physical damage: 400% vs. DISORIENTED targets on final hit
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
1. Mighty Blow
Requires: level 2
The warrior leaps into the air, crashing down on foes with tremendous force.
Physical damage: 24
Physical force: 2x
Cost: 20 stamina
Type: Activated ability
2. Shattering Blow
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Mighty Blow
Points required in Two-Handed: 2
Mighty Blow now crushes enemies who a mage has made BRITTLE.
Physical damage: 300% vs. BRITTLE targets
Physical force: 200% vs. BRITTLE targets
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
3. Killer Blow
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Mighty Blow
Mighty Blow becomes considerably more punishing.
Physical damage: +12
Type: Upgrade
4. Scythe
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Mighty Blow
Points required in Two-Handed: 2
The warrior charges through enemy lines, felling combatants in the way.
Physical damage: 18
Physical force: 2x
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
5. Reaper
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Scythe
Scythe inflicts a great deal more pain, particularly against enemies a mage has made BRITTLE.
Physical damage: +9
Physical damage: 200% vs. BRITTLE targets
Physical force: +1x
Physical force: 200% vs BRITTLE targets
Type: Upgrade
6. Giant's Reach
Requires: Level 3
Points required in Two-Handed: 1
The warrior's two-handed attack rip through the air with such power that each generates a shockwave past the point of impact, effectively extending the weapon's reach. The affects basic attacks, Whirlwind, Mighty BLow, and Scythe.
Size: +1m for two-handed attacks
Type: Passive ability
7. Whirlwind
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Mighty Blow
Requires: Giant's Reach
Points required in Two-Handed: 3
The warrior cuts through foes, hitting all targets within melee range with a single sweeping arc.
Physical damage: 18
Physical force: 2x
Size: 6m
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
8. Tornado
Requires: Level 13
Requires: Whirlwind
Points required in Two-Handed: 6
Whirlwind now lands a critical hit with nearly every swing.
Critical chance: 100%
Type: Upgrade
9. Cyclone
Requires: level 11
Requires: Whirlwind
Whirlwind becomes murderously effective and can be used more frequently
Physical damage: +6
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
10. Sunder
Requires: Level 4
Points required in Two-Handed: 1
The warrior's strikes carry such weight that critical hits gain a chance to STAGGER the victim.
Critical chance: +10%
STAGGER chance: 50% vs. normal enemies on a critical hit
Type: Passive ability
1. Control
Requires: Level 3
The warrior fights with discipline, not anger, making every swing count. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Might.)
Attack: +10%
Reserved: 15% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
2. Command
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Control
Points required in Vanguard: 2
Control results in even more focused attacks. which increases the warrior's chance to land a critical hit.
Critical chance: +10%
Type: Upgrade
3. Destroyer
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Control
Points required in Vanguard: 3
The warrior is now an elite combatant, so experienced in battle that enemies suffer more pain when fighting the warrior than they would when fighting anyone else.
Enemy damage resistance: 90% vs. warrior's basic attacks
Enemy damage resistance: 50% vs. warrior's critical hits
Type: Passive ability
4. Cleave
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Control
Requires: Might
Points required in Vanguard: 2
For a short time, the warrior's damage output increases tremendously.
Damage: +100%
Duration: 10s
Cost: 20stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
5. Claymore
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Cleave
Points required in Vanguard: 4
The warrior now retains the damge bonus from Cleave for longer and leaves some opponents off-balance, ready for further exploitation by a mage or rogue.
STAGGER chance: 40% vs. normal enemies
Stun chance: 100% vs. BRITTLE targets
Duration: +5s
Type: Upgrade
6. Massacre
Requires: Level 12
Requires: Cleave
Points required in Vanguard: 4
The warrior culls the weak. In most cases, when an enemy falls below a certain health threshold, the next hit is fatal.
Effect: Deathblow vs. normal enemeis below 20% health
Effect: Deathblow vs. lieutenants below 10% health
Type: Passive ability
7. Might
Requires: Level 3
The warrior focuses on heavy swings that cleave through foes. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Control.)
Damage: +10%
Reserved: 20% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
8. Muscle
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Might
Points required in Vanguard: 2
While Might is active, the warrior's critical hits are more likely to be fatal.
Critical damage: +25%
Type: Upgrade
9. Assail
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Might
Points required in Vanguard: 3
For a short time, the warrior throws more weight into each swing, significantly inceasing the force of any attack, as well as boosting the damage output.
Damage: +10%
Physical force: 3x
Elemental force: 3x
Duration: 15s
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
10. Besiege
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Assail
Points required in Vanguard: 4
When the warrior is using Assail, every attack now slams into other foes near the intended target.
Physical damage: 6 per hit vs. all nearby enemies
Type: Upgrade
1. Stonewall
The warrior braces for impact, shrugging off damage for a brief moment and pushing back against any foe who
Physical force: 2x vs. attacking enemies
Damage resistance: +50%
Duration: 5s
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
2. Bulwark
Requires: Level 3
Requires: Stonewall
Stonewall now protects the warrior further, increasing the resistance to damage and making the warrior temporarily immune to the effects of force. The warrior's strikes against attacking foe now inflict damage as well.
Damage resistance: +50%
Knockback resistance: 100%
Knockdown resistance: 100%
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
3. Adamant
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Stonewall
Requires: Turn the Blade
Points required in Defender: 3
The warrior's deep knowledge of the defensive arts grants a permanent resilience against damage of all type.
Damage resistance: +5%
Type: Passive ability
4. Turn the Blade
Requires: Level 3
While many warriors choose to endure their foe's hits, some prefer to deflect the damage instead. (This mode
cannot be used at the same time as Elemental Aegis.)
Defense: +10%
Reserved: 20% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
5. Raise the Guard
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Turn the Blade
Points required in Defender: 2
Further training in defensive tactics increase the effectiveness of Turn the Blade.
Defense: +5%
Type: Upgrade
6. Steady the Foot
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Turn the Blade
The warrior holds ground, becoming remarkably resilient against forceful attacks.
Fortitude: +20
Type: Upgrade
7. Resilience
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Turn the Blade
Requires: Elemental Aegis
Points required in Defender: 2
Warriors trained in resilience have learned not to flinch from wounds, making it almost impossible to break their attacks, push them backwards, or distract them with elemental effects like mild immolation. The warrior will only be interrupted by attacks that deal so much force as to knock the warrior completely down or that cause lengthy elemental effects.
Knockbackresistance: 100%
Type: Passive ability
8. Elemental Aegis
Requires: Level 3
The secret to warding off the elements is to rely on your armor, keeping it between you and the blast. The warrior has learned this lesson well, and can anticipate magical attacks. *This mode cannot be used at the same time as Turn the Blade.)
Fire resistance: +40%
Cold resistance: +40%
Electricity resistance: +40%
Nature resistance: +40%
Spirit resistance: +40%
Reserved: 15% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
9. Elemental Shroud
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Elemental Aegis
Points required in Defender: 2
The warrior has grown increasingly adept at resisting elemental attacks.
Fire resistance: +20%
Cold resistance: +20%
Electricity resistance: +20%
Nature resistance: +20%
Spirit resistance: +20%
Type: Upgrade
10. Resolute
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Elemental Aegis
Points required in Defender: 4
The warrior has faced more mages in battle than most denizens of Thedas even see in a lifetime. This experience has built a mental fortitude that any templar would envy.
Magic resistance: +10%
Type: Passive ability
1. Pommel Strike
Instead of leading with the fatal attack an enemy expects, the warrior strikes out with a weapon's blunt end to stun the opponent.
Stun chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Duration: 5s
Cost: 10 stamina
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
2. Pommel Blow
Requires: Level 3
PommelStrike now stuns enemies for longer and sends them reeling.
STAGGER chance: 100% vs. stunned targets
Duration: +3s
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
3. Tremor
Requires: Level 5
Push a warrior and prepare to be pushed back. Nearby enemies are knocked back as the warrior slams a weapon into the ground.
Physical force: 8x
Size: 6m
Cost: 30 stamina
Type: Activated ability
4. Quake
Requires: Level 11
Requires: Tremor
Points required in Warmonger: 3
The warrior can push back a larger crowd of enemies, and those thrown to the ground are now stunned.
Stun chance: 100% vs. knocked-down targets
Size 10m
Type: Upgrade
5. Aftershock
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Tremor
Tremor can be used more frequently and now has a chance to send enemies reeling.
STAGGER chance: 40% vs. normal enemies
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
6. Taunt
Requires: Level 3
A mocking cry catches the attention of nearby foes, causing them to immediately abandon attacks on other allies to concentrate on the warrior instead.
Threat transfer: 100% from companions to warrior
Size: 10m
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
7. Below
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Taunt
Points required in Warmonger: 2
Taunt now effects enemies in a larger area, drawing them away from allies and to the warrior.
Size: 16m
Type: Upgrade
8. Bravery
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Taunt
The warrior's unwavering courage grants bonuses that increase proportionally to the number of enemies the warrior is engaging. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Battle Synergy.)
Attack: +10% per naerby enemy, after the first
Critical chance: 3% per nearby enemy, after the first
Size: 10m
Reserved: 30% of stamina
Cooldown: 10s
Type: Sustained mode
9. Bravado
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Bravery
Bravery now draws more enemies toward the warrior, thus further increasing the mode's bonuses.
Threat generation: +50% per nearby enemy, after the first
Type: Upgrade
10. Bravura
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Bravery
Points required in Warmonger: 3
Every enemy who swarms the warrior while Bravery is active now increases the warrior's damage further.
Damage: +5% per nearby enemy, after the first
Type: Upgrade
1. Rally
Requires: Level 4
The warrior rallies fellow combatants, briefly boosting other party members' mana or stamina regeneration rates and lending them the benefits of Might, Control, Turn the Blade, or Elemental Aegis if the warrior currently has one of those sustained modes active.
Effect: Might, Control, Turn the Blade or Elemental Aegis apply to companions if active
Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +200 for companions
Duration: 10s
Cost: 15 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
2. Unite
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Rally
Point required in Battlemaster: 2
Other allies now gain the benefits of the upgrades to Might, Control, Turn the Blade, or Elemental Aegis if the warrior currently has one of those sustained modes active, and party members regenerate mana or stamina even more quickly.
Effect: Upgrades for Might, Control, Turn the Blade or Elemental Aegis apply to companions if active
Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +400 for companions
Type: Upgrade
3. Battle Synergy
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Rally
While this mode is active, the warrior and other party members within range fight as a cohesive unit that is deadlier than the sum of its parts. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Bravery.)
Defense: +5% per companion, for all party members
Damage reduction: +3% per companion, for all party members
Size: 10m
Reserved: 30% of stamina
Cooldown: 10s
Type: Sustained mode
4. Fearless Synergy
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Battle Synergy
Points required in Battlemaster: 2
The warrior now taunts nearby enemies while Battle Synergy is active, drawing the foes' attention away from party members.
Threat transfer: +50% from companions to warrior
Type: Upgrade
5. Hero's Synergy
Requires: Level 11
Requires: Battle Synergy
Points required in Battlemaster: 2
The warrior now makes sacrifices on behalf of other party members, voluntarily suffering damage that the allies would otherwise have suffered themselves.
Damage transfer: +25% from companions to warrior
Type: Upgrade
6. Bolster
Requires: Level 3
Steeling for battle, the warrior takes a deep breath to regain some stamina.
Stamina regeneration: 5%
Type: Activated ability
7. Second Wind
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Bolster
Long years of training grant access to deep reserves of vigor, instantly restoring the warrior's stamina.
Stamina regeneration: 100%
Cooldown: 60s
Type: Activated ability
8. Last Push
Requires: Level 14
Requires: Second Wind
The warrior quickly recuperates from recent exertion.
Effect: Talents currently in cooldown become available more quickly
Type: Upgrade
9. Deep Breath
Requires: Level 12
Requires: Second Wind
Second Wind can be used more frequently.
Cooldown: -15s
Type: Upgrade
10. Deep Reserves
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Bolster
The warrior's extensive combat experience grants great fortitude in battle.
Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +10
Type: Passive ability
1. Unforgiving Chain
Requires: Level 3
For a short time, every basic melee attack the rogue executes in rapid succession increases the chance to score a critical hit. Activating any other talent cancels the effect, but Explosive Strike can exploit the chain for extra damage
Critical chance: Stacking +2% per hit, up to 10 hits.
Type: Passive ability
2. Explosive Strike
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Unforgiving Chain
The rogue completes the combo built up by Unforgiving Chain. Every basic melee attack that the rogue completed immediately prior to using Explosive Strike increases the damage inflicted by breaking the chain.
Physical damage: 10
Physical damage: +50% per basic attack in previous chain, up to 10 hits
Physical force: 2x
Cost: 15 stamina
Cooldown: 25s
Type: Activated ability
3. Merciless Strike
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Explosive Strike
Points required in Dual Weapon: 3
Explosive Strike now guarantees a critical hit and inflicts significantly more damage against enemies who have been knocked off balance by a warrior.
Physical damage: 400% vs STAGGERED targets
Critical chance: 100%
Type: Upgrade
4. Backstab
Requires: Level 2
The lightning-quick rogue vanishes in a smoke screen and reappears behind the enemy with a fierce strike to the back.
Physical damage: 25
Physical force: 2x
Cost:20 stamina
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
5. Murder
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Backstab
Points required in Dual Weapon: 3
The rogue now exploits weaknesses in an opponent's defenses when using Backstab to inflict extra damage.
Critical chance: 100%
Type: Upgrade
6. Perforate
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Backstab
Backstab now cools down more quickly, allowing the rogue to use it more frequently.
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
7. Twin Fangs
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Explosive Strike
Requires: Backstab
Points required in Dual Weapon: 4
The rogue slashes at a target with both weapons, dealing an automatic critical hit with each blade.
Physical damage: 60 (x2 hits)
Physical force: 2x (x2 hits)
Critical chance: 100%
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
8. Reversed Grip
Required: Level 10
Twin Fangs can now be used more frequently, allowing the rogue to rapidly tear down any opponent.
Cooldown: -10s
Type: Upgrade
9. Lacerate
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Backstab
Points required in Dual Weapon: 2
While this mode is active, the rogue's deadly blades have a chance to inflict bleeding wounds that continue to cause damage for a short time.
Chance: 10%
Physical damage: 10
Reserved: 10% of stamina
Cooldown: 10s
Type: Sustained mode
10. Main
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Lacerate
Points required in Dual Weapon: 4
Lacerate now cuts deeper, inflicting serious damage.
Chance: 100% vs. STAGGERED targets
Physical damage: +5
Type: Upgrade
1. Bursting Arrow
Requires: Level 3
Requires: Bow
This arrow explodes on impact showering the area in sharpnel and flame.
Fire damage: 8
Elemental force: 2x
Size: 5m
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
2. Shattering Arrow
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Bursting Arrow
Points required in Archery: 2
Bursting Arrow is now more powerful and can be used more frequently.
Fire damage: 600% vs. BRITTLE targets
Elemental force: 400% vs. BRITTLE targets
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
3. Smoking Arrow
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Bursting Arrow
Bursting Arrow now generates a cloud of smoke that veils allies from enemy attacks.
Obscure chance: 100% for all party members
Type: Upgrade
4. Hail of Arrows
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Bursting Arrow
Points required in Archery: 2
Requires: Bow
The archer unleashes an entire quiver into the air. For a short time after, the missles rain down on enemy ranks.
Physical damage: 3 every 1s
Duration: 4s
Size 10m
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
5. Storm of Arrows
Requires: Level 9
Requiers: Hail of Arrows
Points required in Archery: 5
Hail of Arrows now sweeps across a greater area of the battlefield and slows most enemies to a crawl.
Enemy atack speed: -50%
Enemy movement speed: -50%
Size: 15m
Type: Upgrade
6. Archer's Lance
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Pinning Shot
Requires: Bursting Arrow
Points required in Archery: 3
Requires: Bow
This arrow carries such force that it tears through every enemy along its deadly path.
Physical damage: 19 vs. all enemies along path
Physical force: 2x vs. all enemies along path
Critical chance: 100% vs. targeted enemy
Cost: 40 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
7. Punishing Lance
Requires: level 11
Requires: Archer's Lance
Points required in Archery: 6
Archer's Lance scythes through weaker opponents.
Effect: Instantly kills weaker enemies
Physical damage: +9 vs. all BRITTLE targets along path
Physical force: 400% vs. all BRITTLE targets along path
Type: Upgrade
8. Pinning Shot
Requires: Level 2
Requires: Bow
The archer looses an arrow that immobilizes a target for a short time.
Physical damage: 19
Physical force: 2x
Pinning chance: 80% vs. normal enemies
Duration: 8s
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
9. Improved Pinning Shot (Unconfirmed information, may not be 100% correct)
The archer can now use Pinning Shot more often and it immobilize enemies longer.
Duration: +2s
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
10. Disorienting Shot
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Pinning Shot
Points required in Archery: 3
The damage inflicted by Pinning Shot becomes so severe that it oten leaves enemies unable to defend themselves.
Physical damage: +9
DISORIENT chance: 100% vs. pinned enemies
Type: Upgrade
1. Rush
Requires: Level 3
The rogue rushes forward, attempting to knock down the target and all nearby enemies.
Physical force: 16x
Cost: 15 stamina
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
2. Charge
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Rush
The rogue covers more ground with Rush, knocking enemies down along the path.
Type: Upgrade
3. Blitz
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Rush
Points required in Sabotage: 2
The rogue bowls enemies over with a Rush attack that now inflicts damage.
Physical damage: 11
Type: Upgrade
4. Fatiguing Fog
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Rush
Points required in Sabotage: 3
The rogue envelops enemies in a dense fog that slows them to a near crawl.
Enemy attack speed: -50%
Enemy movement speed: -50%
Duration: 10s
Size: 6m
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
5. Overpowering Fog
Requires: Level 13
Requires: Fatiguing Fog
Points required in Sabotage: 5
Fatiguing Fog becomes so oppressive that it leaves most enemies DISORIENTED, reducing their defenses and make them vulnerable to follow-up attacks from a warrior or mage.
DISORIENT chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Type: Upgrade
6. Impenetrable Fog
Requires: Level 11
Requires: Fatiguing Fog
Fatiguing Fog now lingers in teh air and veils allies from enemy attacks.
Obscure chance: 100% for all party members
Type: Upgrade
7. Miasmic Flask
The rogue lobs an explosive flask into a group of enemies, briefly stunning them.
Stun chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Duration: 4s
Size: 5m
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
8. Improved Formula
Requires: Level 3
Miasmic Flasks are now available moer frequently, and the stun effect lasts longer.
Duration: +2s
Cooldown: -5s
Type: upgrade
9. Confusion
Requires: Level 5
Points required in Sabotage: 2
The rogue tricks nearby enemies, causing some to fight among themselves for a short time.
Confuse chance: 50% vs. normal enemies
Duration: 10s
Size: 4m
Cost: 30 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
10. Chaos
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Confusion
Points required in Sabotage: 6
Confusion persists longer, and enemies who were attacking each other now leave their defenses open as well.
DISORIENT chance: 100% vs. confused targets
Duration: +10s
Type: Upgrade
1. Speed
Requires: Level 4
While this mode is active, the rogue attacks with much greater speed. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Precision or Power.)
Attack speed: +10%
Reserved: 20% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
2. Lightning Speed
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Speed
Points required in Specialist: 3
While Speed is active, the rogue's attacks become even quicker.
Attack speed: +5%
Type: Upgrade
3. Energizing Speed
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Speed
Points required in Specialist: 5
While Speed is active, the cooldown time of each of the rogue's talent is now reduced.
Cooldown: 90% for all talents
Type: Upgrade
4. Precision
Requires: Level 3
While this mode is active, the rogue focuses on accuracy in order to gain bonuses to critical hits and attack. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Speed or Power.)
Attack: +20%
Critical chance: +10%
Reserved: 15% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type Sustained mode
5. Precise Attack
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Precision
Points required in Specialist: 2
While Precision is active, the rogue's attacks are now even more likely to hit enemies.
Attack: +10%
Type: Upgrade
6. Precise Criticals
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Precision
Points required in Specialist: 3
While Precision is active, the rogue now has an even greater chance of landing a critical hit.
Critical chance: +5%
Type: Upgrade
7. Harmony
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Speed
Requires: Precision
Requires: Power
Points required in Specialist: 3
While in any of the Power, Precision, or Speed modes, the rogue gains an additional bonus from the other two.
Attack speed: +5% in Power or Precision
Attack: +10% in Speed or Power
Critical chance: +5% in Speed or Power
Stun chance: 1% vs. normal enemies in Speed or Precision
Type: Passive ability
8. Power
Requires: Level 5
While this mode is active, the rogue throws more force into each shot or strike, hoping to stun enemies. Given the speed of the rogue's attack, the chance to stun is significant. (This mode cannot be used at the same time as Precision or Speed.)
Stun chance: 3% vs. normal enemies
Reserved: 20% of stamina
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
9. Stunning Power
Requires: Level 11
Requires: Power
Points required in Specialist: 5
While Power is active, the rogue becomes even more liekly to stun foes.
Stun chance: +3% vs. normal enemies
Type: Upgrade
10. Slashing Power
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Power
Points required in Specialist: 3
The rogue's attacks become so forceful that opponents who are stunned by Power begin to bleed, suffering addtional damage for a short time.
Physical damage: 11 vs. stunned targets
Type: Upgrade
1. Blindside
Requires: Level 5
The rogue beceoms capable of more potent attacks when engaging distracted opponents. Any target not actively engaging the rogue suffers increased damage from any of the rogue's attacks.
Damage: 120% vs. enemies engaging other allies
Type: Passive ability
2. Twist the Knife
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Blindside
Points required in Scoundrel: 2
The rogue is more concerned with victory than ensuring a fair fight. Against any stunned enemy, the rogue now inflicts automatic critical hits.
Critical chance: 100% vs. stunned targets
Type: Passive ability
3. Follow-Through
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Back-to-Back
Points required in Scoundrel: 2
The rogue thrives on continued momentum in combat, dashing from one attack to the next. The rogue now regains more stamina than normal from every basic attack.
Stamina regeneration: +1% per basic attack
Type: Passive ability
4. Back-to-Back
Requires: Level 3
The rogue stealths and moves to a targeted ally's side, appearing an instant later, ready to render aid.
Cost: 15 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
5. Invisible Friend
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Back-to-Back
Points required in Scoundrel: 2
When using Back-to-Back, the rogue now remains stealthed for a short time. This effect occurs even if the rogue has not learned the Stealth talent.
Stealth chance: 100%
Duration: 10s
Type: Upgrade
6. Armistice
Requires: level 4
The rogue distracts all enemies surrounding a single party member, drawing them away from that ally and redirecting them toward whichever ally each considers the second-greatest threat on teh battlefield.
Threat reduction: 100%
Size: 10m
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
7. Truce
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Armistice
Points required in Scoundrel: 3
The rogue can now use Armistice more frequently, granting respite for party members who inflict significant damage but who are unable to survive enemy onslaughts.
Cooldown: -5s
Type: Upgrade
8. Goad
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Armistice
The rogue incites all enemies in an area into attacking a chosen ally instead of their current targets. Besides simply direction foe to cluster around a particularly hardy party member, this effect complements spells or talents that provide bonuses based on the number of enemies surrounding a companion, like Bravery, Grave Robber, Savvy, or Wrath of the Elvhen.
Threat redirection: 100% to targeted companion
Size: 6m
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
9. Corral
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Armistice
Points required in Scoundrel: 4
Goad now draws enemies from across a larger area toward the chosen companion.
Size: 10m
Type: Upgrade
10. Brand
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Back-to-Back
Rogue are collaborators and conspirators by nature, not solo powerhouses. After the rogue selects an enemy for allies to destory, any warriors or mages in the party become much more likely to land critical hits against the unfortunate designee.
Critical chance: +10% vs. target for warriors and mages
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
1. Stealth
Requires: Level 3
The rogue fades from view, stalking the battlefield. Enemies immediately cease attacking the stealthed rogue, although any action beyond movement will break the cover.
Stealth chance: 100%
Movement speed: 60%
duration: 10s
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
2. Silent Running
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Subterfuge: 2
The rogue no longer suffers a movement penalty while stealthed.
Movement speed: 100%
type: Upgrade
3. Camouflage
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Subterfuge: 3
The rogue now stays hidden for longer, and dropping into stealth is less tiring.
Duration: +5s
Cost: -10 stamina
Type: Upgrade
4. Ambush
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Subterfuge: 2
The rogue executes an automatic critical hit if striking from stealth. This ability also combines with other talents, such as Hail of Arrows or Backstab.
Critical chance: 100% when stealthed
Type: Passive ability
5. Lingering Shroud
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Suberfuge: 2
The rogue is master of concealment. If the rogue is obscured and stealthed at the same time, the rogue is able to take a single action, like making an attack or using an item, while still maintaining stealth. Only the obscure effect is lost. The rogue's second action will still break stealth. When paired with other abilities that enhance stealth. When paried with other abilities that enhance stealth, like Ambush or Shadow Veil, this can be a powerful advantage.
Type: Passive ability
6. Evade
The rogue leaps backward. Enemies within melee range will often seek an easier target instead.
Theat reduction: Based on enemy rank
Size: 5m
Cost: 15 stamina
Cooldown: 10s
Type: Activated ability
7. Tactical withdrawal
Requires: Level 3
Requires: Evade
The suddenness of the rogue's escape now frequently leaves enemies stunned.
Stun chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Type: Upgrade
8. Chameleon's Breath
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Evade
The rogue tosses a flask that shatters in a haze of smoke, obscuring nearby allies for a short time, which means that enemy attacks are much more likely to miss them.
Obscure chance: 100% for all party members
Duration: 10s
Size: 5m
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
9. Chameleon's Cloud
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Chameleon's Breath
Points required in Subterfuge: 2
The rogue gains access to a more potent version of Cameleon's Breath that persists longer and can obscure a larger group of allies.
Duration: +5s
Size: 8m
Type: Upgrade
10. Subtlety
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Evade
Points required in Subterfuge: 2
The rogue is adept at the art of subtlety and distraction, generating significantly less threat from all attacks and abilities. As a result, enemies are far less likely to turn on the rogue.
Threat generation: -25%
Type: Passive ability
1. Winter's Grasp
The mage summons a blast of cold that injures and slows a single enemy.
Cold damage: 27
Elemental force: 2x
Enemy attack speed: -50%
Enemy movement speed: -50%
Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
2. Winter's Blast
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Winter's Grasp
Points required in Elemental: 2
Winter's Grasp is now likely to freeze opponents, and may leave some in a BRITTLE state that warriors and rogues can exploit.
Freeze chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
BRITTLE chance: 40% vs. frozen targets
Type: Upgrade
3. Cone of Cold
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Winter's Grasp
A cone of deadly ice shoots forth from the mage's hands to injure and slow opponents.
Cold damage: 18
Elemental force: 2x
Enemy attack speed: -75%
Enemy movement speed: -75%
Size: 12m
Cost: 30mana
Type: Activated ability
4. Deep Freeze
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Cone of Cold
Points required in Elemental: 3
The Cone of Cold freezes some enemies solid, and may even leave them BRITTLE, vulnerable to further attacks.
Freeze chance: 60% vs. normal enemies
BRITTLE chance: 20% vs. frozen targets
Type: Upgrade
5. Fireball
The mage unleashes a bolt of flame that explodes, scattering and scorching foes.
Fire damage: 8
Elemental force: 2x
Size: 5m
Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
6. Searing Fireball
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Fireball
Points required in Elemental: 2
Fireball scorches a larger area and is more likely to send enemies flying.
Elemental force: +2x
Size: 10m
Type: Upgrade
7. Pyromancer
Requires: Fireball
Long practice with wielding flame increases all fire damage that the mage inflicts, including baisc attacks from a fire staff.
Fire damage: +25%
Type: Passive ability
8. Firestorm
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Fireball
The mage calls forth a devastating shower of flame that blasts down on the targeted area.
Fire damage: 8 every 1s
Elemental force: 2x
Duration: 10s
Size: 10m
Cost: 60 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
9. Apocalyptic Firestorm
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Firestorm
Points required in Elemental: 3
Firestorm now burns with greater intensity and scorches a larger area.
Fire damage: +3
Size: 15m
Type: Upgrade
10. Elemental Mastery
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Cone of Cold
Requires: Firestorm
Points required in Elemental: 7
The mage learns to command nature's two brutal extremes, mastering the dreadful effects of both fire and ice.
Fire damage: +25%
Cold damage: +25%
Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +10
BRITTLE chance: 100% vs. frozen targets
Type: Passive ability
1. Stonefist
The mage hurls a stone projectile that strikes with massive force.
Physical damage: 24
Physical force: 4x
Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
2. Golem's Fist
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Stonefist
Points required in Primal: 2
The density of Stonefist increases. It now packs a tremendous wallop, particularly against enemies who a rogue has addled.
Physical damage: +12
Physical damage: 200% vs. DISORIENTED targets
Physical force: +2x
Physical force: 200% vs. DISORIENTED targets
Type: Upgrade
3. Petrify
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Stonefist
The mage entombs an enemy in stone, leaving the foe temporarily unable to move. However, the target becomes more resistant to damage for the duration of the spell.
Paralyze chance: 100% vs. any enemy
Enemy damage resistance: +50%
Duration: 15s
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 45s
Type: Activated ability
4. Desiccate
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Petrify
Points required in Primal: 3
Petrify now leaves the foe more exposed, decreasing protection from attacks and turning most enemies BRITTLE.
Enemy damage resistance: -30%
BRITTLE chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Type: Upgrade
5. Rock Armor
A layer of stone encases the mage in a shell that protects against damage for as long as this mode is active.
Armor: +25%
Reserved: 10% of mana
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
6. Chain Lightning
The mage singles a target with lightning, and electrical arcs lance out to hit other nearby foes.
Effect: Lightning arcs 2 times
Electricity damage: 19
ELemental force: 2x
Size: 2m
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Activated ability
7. Chain Reaction
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Chain Lightning
Points required in Primal: 2
Chain Lightning now leaps between more enemies and strikes STAGGERED foes with further electricity damage.
Effect: Lightning arc +2 times
Electricity damage: 600% vs. STAGGERED targets
Elemental force: 200% vs. STAGGERED targets
Size: +2m
Type: Upgrade
8. Tempest
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Chain Lightning
Magical bolts of lightning stab down into foes across a wide area of the battlefield.
Electricity damage: 4 every 4s
Elemental force: 2x
Duration: 20s
Size: 15m
Cost: 50 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
9. Strikes Twice
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Tempest
Points required in Primal: 3
Tempest's fury increases substantially, striking the affected area much more frequently.
Strike interval: -2s
Type: Upgrade
10. Galvanism
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Petrify
Requires: Tempest
Points required in Primal: 7
The mage masters the powers of earth and sky, inflicting greater electricity damage and learning moer effective forms of the stone-based spells in this school.
Physical damage: 125% for Stonefist
Armor: 125% for Rock Armor
Duration: 125% for Petrify
Electricity damage: +25%
Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +10
Type: Passive ability
1. Spirit Bolt
The mage fires a bolt of energy that slams into target. Although other spells may be more powerful, the bolt can be cast with great frequency.
Spirit damage: 16
Elemental force: 2x
Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 10s
Type: Activated ability
2. Spirit Strike
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Spirit Bolt
Points required in Spirit: 2
Sprit Bolt now surges with more power and requires less mana.
Spirit damage: +8
Spirit damage: 200% vs. DISORIENTED targets
Elemental force: 200% vs. DISORIENTED targets
Cost: -5 mana
Type: Upgrade
3. Walking Bomb
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Spirit Bolt
The mage curses an enemy with an effect that turns the victim's own body into a weapon. If the enemy dies while the spell is still active, it explodes, harming all otehr foes nearby.
Spirit damage: 100% of victim's maximum health vs. nearby targets upon explosion
Physical force: 1x vs. nearby targets upon explosion
Duration: 10s
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
4. Corrosive Walking Bomb
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Walking Bomb
Points required in Spirit: 3
Walking Bomb now includes a corrosive effect that inflicts continual spirit damage. If the enemy dies while the effect is active, it explodes, harming all foes nearby.
Spirit damage: 16 vs. victim
Spirit damage: 200% vs. victim If DISORIENTED
Type: Upgrade
5. Virulent Walking Bomb
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Walking Bomb
Points required in Spirit: 4
When a victim of Walking Bomb explodes, it can now infect nearby enemies with the same effect.
Spirit damage: 200% vs. vs. nearby targets upon explosion if victim is DISORIENTED
Physical force: 200% vs. vs. nearby targets upon explosion if victim is DISORIENTED
Walking Bomb infection chance: 20% vs. nearby targets
Type: Upgrade
6. Dispel Magic
The mage interrupts enemy spellcasting, removes hostile magical effects from the party, and disables sustained magical abilities from enemies across an area of the battlefield.
Dispel chance: 100%
Size: 5m
Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 15s
Type: Activated ability
7. Transmutation
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Dispel Magic
Points required in Spirit: 2
Dispel Magic now inflicts spirit damage against any enemy using a sustained spell, and heals any party member from whom harmful effects are dispelled.
Spirit damage: 16 vs. enemies using sustained spells
Health regeneration: 20% for companions affected by hostile spells
Type: Upgrade
8. Death Syphon
Requires: Level 5
The mage replenishes vitality by consuming entropic energy from nearby corpses for as long as this mode is active.
Mana regeneration: 5% per corpse
Size: 10m
Reserved: 20% of mana
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
9. Death Vortex
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Death Syphon
Points required in Spirit: 3
Death Syphon becomes a vortex that wrings nearby corpses dry, renewing the mage's health and restoring even more mana.
Health regeneration: 5% per corpse
Mana regeneration: +5% per corpse
Type: Upgrade
10. Spirit Mastery
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Walking Bomb
Requires: Death Syphon
Points required in Spirit: 7
Drawing from years of experience, the mage channels significant power from the Fade, inflicting greater spirit damage and regenerating mana more quickly.
Spirit damage: +25%
Critical chance: +5%
Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +10
Type: Passive ability
1. Elemental Weapons
Requires: Level 4
While this spell is active, the caster's staff channels its base elemental power across the entire party, enchanting the weaopns of allies to give them additional elemental damage. For example, a mage using a fire staff adds extra fire damage to attacks from all other party memebers.
Effect: Elemental damage bonus on staff type for all party members
Reserved: 10% of mana
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
2. Mind Blast
The mage projects a wave of telekinetic force that knocks enemies back and diverts hostile attention.
Physical force: 6x
Threat reduction: Based on enemy rank
Size: 5m
Cost: 10 mana
Cooldown: 10s
Type: Activated ability
3. Stunning Blast
Mind Blast becomes a sweeping torrent of energy that can stun opponents as well.
Physical force: +12x
Stun chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Size 8m
Type: Upgrade
4. Barrier
Requires: Level 5
The mage or ally is enveloped in a telekinetic field that repes significant damage.
Damage resistance: +50%
Duration: 6s
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 45s
Type: Activated ability
5. Arcane Fortress
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Barrier
Points required in Arcane: 4
Barrier now shields the target more effectively.
Damage resistance: +50%
Type: Upgrade
6. Arcane Shield
The mage conjures a protective aura that deflects incoming attacks for as long as this mode is active.
Defense: +20%
Reserved: 20% of mana
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
7. Arcane Wall
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Arcane Shield
Points required in Arcane: 4
Arcane Shield's protection now envelops all party members.
Type: Upgrade
8. Elemental Shield
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Arcane Shield
Points required in Arcane: 2
Arcane SHield now absorbs a portion of elemental attacks as well.
Fire resistance: +20%
Cold resistance: +20%
Electricity resistance: +20%
Nature resistance: +20%
Spirit resistance: +20%
Type: Upgrade
9. Crushing Prison
Requires: Level 6
Points required in Arcane: 2
The mage traps a target in a collapsing cage of telekinetic force, inflicting a great deal of damage over a short time.
Physical damage: 65
Enemy attack speed: -50% (40% chance vs. normal enemies)
Enemy movement speed: -50% (40% chance vs. normal enemies)
Duration: 10s
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
10. Paralyzing Prison
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Crushing Prison
Crushing Prison now inflicts more damage and paralyzes foes who were previously slowed.
Physical damage: +22
Physcial damage: 200% vs. STAGGERED targets
Paralyze chance: 40% vs. normal enemies
Paralyze chance: 100% vs. STAGGERED targets
Type: Upgrade
1. Hex of Torment
Requires: Level 4
The mage curses the enemy, increasing damage from all sources for a short time.
Enemy damage resistance: -25%
Duration: 15s
Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
2. Death Hex
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Hex of Torment
Points required in Entropy: 5
All successful strikes against the cursed target become automatic critical hits.
Critical chance: 100%
Type: Upgrade
3. Horror
Terrifying visions rend an enemy's mind, leaving the target stunned.
Stun chance: 100% vs. any enemy
Duration: 10s
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 25s
Type: Activated ability
4. Despair
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Horror
Points required in Entropy: 2
Horror now inflicts recurring spirit damage for as long as the enemy remains stunned.
Spirit damage: 27 every 1s (Typo on the Demo version, it's suppose to be 27 over 10 seconds says Peter)
Type: Upgrade
5. Sleep
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Horror
Points required in Entropy: 3
The mage affects the minds of all enemies in an area, attempting to put them to sleep for a short duration. Attacking a sleeping target will wake it, however.
Sleep chance: 50% vs. normal enemies
Duration: 10s
Size: 6m
Cost: 40 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
6. Coma
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Sleep
Points required in Entropy: 5
Sleep now paralyzes enemies as well, leaving them vulnerable even if an attack wakes them.
Paralyze chance: 100% vs. sleeping targets
Type: Upgrade
7. Misdirection Hex
Requires: Level 5
Requires: Hex of Torment
Requires: Horror
The mage casts a binding spell that makes an enemy likely to miss and prevents it from inflicting critical hits.
Enemy attack: -50%
Enemy critical chance: 0%
Duration: 10s
Cost: 25 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type Activated Ability
8. Shackling Hex
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Misdirection Hex
Points required in Entropy: 3
Misdirection Hex now also beleaguers an enemy with fatigue, slowing the speed of attacks.
Enemy attack speed: -75%
Enemy movement speed: -75%
Type: Upgrade
9. Entropic Cloud
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Misdirection Hex
Requires: Sleep
Points required in Entropy: 4
The mage afflicts a foe with lesser forms of all entropic spells. This chaotic energy swirls into a cloud that also affects other enemies near the target.
Enemy attack: -25%
Enemy defense: -25%
Sleep chance: 10% vs. normal enemies
Stun chance: 25% vs. normal enemies
Duration: 15s
Cost: 35 mana
Cooldown: 40s
Type: Activated ability
10. Death Cloud
Requires: Level 12
Requires: Entropic Cloud
Points required in Entropy: 6
The cloud now inherits lesser forms of the upgrades to spells in this school, regardless of whether the mage has learned them.
Spirit damage: 1 every 4s
Enemy attack speed: -50%
Enemy movement speed: -50%
Enemy damage resistance: -25%
Paralyze chance: 100% vs. sleeping targets
Type: Upgrade
1. Glyph of Paralysis
Requires: Level 4
The mage inscribes a glyph on the ground that paralyzes most foes who cross its bounds.
Enemies paralyzed: 2
Paralyze chance: 100% vs. normal enemies
Paralyze duration: 4s
Duration: 20s, or 1s after first paralysis
Size: 6m
Cost: 25 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
2. Glyph of Binding
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Glyph of Paralysis
Points required in Creation: 2
The Glyph of Paralysis now persists for longer after an enemy crosses it.
Enemies paralyzed: +2
Paralyze duration: +6s
Duration: +2s after first paralysis
Type: Upgrade
3. Glyph of Repulsion
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Glyph of Paralysis
The mage inscribes the ground with a glyph that repels opponents with a strong wave of physical force.
Physical force: 6x
Duration: 10s
Size: 6m
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
4. Glyph of Defiance
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Glyph of Repulsion
Points required in Creation: 3
Glyph of Repulsion now hits oppoents with a much stronger wave of physical force.
Physical force: +12x
Type: upgrade
5. Heal
The mage imbues an ally with restorative energy, knitting flesh and mending bone.
Health regeneration: 40%
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 40s
Type: Activated ability
6. Greater Heal
Requires: Heal
Heal becomes a tide of restorative energy.
Health regeneration: +40%
Type: Upgrade
7. Heroic Aura
The mage enhances the party's aptitude in battle for as long as this mode is active.
Attack: +15% for all party members
Defense: +8% for all party members
Reserved: 20% of mana
Cooldown: 5s
Type: Sustained mode
8. Valiant Aura
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Heroic Aura
Points required in Creation: 2
Heroic Aura becomes a beacon of destructive power as well as protection.
Damage: +10% for all party members
Critical chance: +10% for all party members
Type: Upgrade
9. Haste
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Heroic Aura
Requires: Heal
Points required in Creation: 3
The mage imbues the party with speed for a short time.
Attack speed: +50% for all party members
Duration: 10s
Cost: 30 mana
Cooldown: 60s
Type: Activated ability
10. Greater Haste
Requires: Level 11
Requires: Haste
Haste now last significantly longer.
Duration: +10s
Type: Upgrade
Se sabe si aparecerá de nuevo Morrigan??? Me parece un personaje fascinante.