Pua escribió:Es como te dicen. PERO, si haces ALT+TAB mientras estás en el menú principal y luego vuelves al juego, las indicaciones de los botones se te vuelven invisibles. ¿Puede ser eso lo que te pasó?
DSenora escribió:Yo le odiaba con todas mis fuerzas. Después de medio juego llorando, el otro medio muriendo por su baja vitalidad -que si bien en esta partida no está tan mal, ya tengo 900HP con un tungsten bangle y voy por Palumpolum- de ahora en adelante los enemigos van a dar unos ostiazos que te hace falta un protector si o si, si quieres llevar a Hope y poder atacar o si no, de la que se fijen en él, a cambiar a alguna formación para sanarte. Con el problema que ello conlleva, cadenas de aturdimiento que pierdes, etc, sobre todo si no entrenas bien, que es lo que me ocurrió en mi primera partida.
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# read them before changing anything!
## NOTE 1: you might want to set most of these settings in game-specific setting files
# if a game has a profile the settings there overwrite the defaults specified here!
## NOTE 2: if you want your personal settings to persist across updates
# put them into a user config file (created with the "U" button below)
# Graphics settings
# The actual rendering resolutions you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think they work at.
# format: renderResolution [width]x[height]@[hz]
enableBloom True
enablePostprocessing True
renderResolution 1920x1080@60
# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
# 0 = main monitor resolution
presentWidth 0
presentHeight 0
presentHz 60
# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval -1
# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
# lanczos: higher quality and sharp, most expensive performance-wise
# nearest: extremely cheap, generally ugly, but useful to upsample retro games
scalingType bilinear
# Whether to maintain the aspect ratio if different ratios between input and output
# false = stretching
# true = pillar/letterboxing
maintainAspectRatio true
# Compatibility Settings
# Forces the constant reporting of the downsampling resolution in all applicable
# scenarios - a small selection of games needs this to show the DS resolutions
forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes false
# Emulate exact flipping behaviour
# requires some extra performance/memory,
# but may be important for some games to work
emulateFlipBehaviour false
# Restricts interception to only system dlls
# might increase compatibility with 3rd-party injectors, but decrease stability
interceptOnlySystemDlls false
# Force disables Steam in-game overlay from getting loaded into the process
# which caused some games to crash, even if it was disabled in Steam settings
preventSteamOverlay false
# Loads Steam overlay early
loadSteamOverlayEarly true
# Loads D3D dlls early - may cause some games to recognize GeDoSaTo which wouldn't otherwise
loadD3DEarly false
# Forces the present resolution to be set, regardless of what the game requests
# usually only makes sense in conjunction with game-specific plugins
# for games with resolution limits
forcePresentRes false
# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 0
overrideHeight 0
# [GenericDepthPlugin] Zbuffer access compatibility flags (required for some reluctant games)
# zbufCompatibilityFlag : bypasses d3d9 Clear flags (possible values: 2/3/6/7)
# zBufClearIndex : delays the bypass by x number of iterations (usually 1/2/3 is fine)
zbufCompatibilityFlag 0
zBufClearIndex 0
# Override the plugin selection process to always select the given plugin
# example: pluginOverride GenericDepthPlugin
pluginOverride None
# Delays the detouring operation until the first hook call (like the old default injection)
# may fix startup crashes in some games (e.g. Alan Wake)
delayDetouring false
# Windowing settings
# Hides the mouse cursor, at all times
# options: "true" (= hidden) and "false" (= unchanged)
hideMouseCursor false
# Forces borderless windowed fullscreen mode instead of fullscreen mode
# options: "true" (= force borderless windowed FS) and "false" (= unchanged)
forceBorderlessFullscreen false
# Image processing settings
# Note: may or may not apply depending on the plugin used
## AA
# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 4
MSAASampleCount 8
enableCoverageSampling true
shadowScale true
# AA type
# either "smaa" or "fxaa", depending on your preferences
aaType fxaa
# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO (default)
# "SAO" = Scalable Ambient Obscurance (heavy)
# "MSSAO" = Martinsh SSAO inspired by ArKano22 (light)
ssaoType SAO
# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect
# (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 0
# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
ssaoScale 1
# Set SSAO Blur type
# gaussian = soft, cheap
# sharp = depth-dependent, more expensive
ssaoBlurType gaussian
## DOF
# Enable Depth of Field
# false = off
# true = on
enableDoF false
# Select the type of DOF effect
# basic = basic pseudo-Bokeh DoF
# bokeh = shaped circular Bokeh DoF - WARNING: high performance impact
dofType bokeh
# Bokeh Depth of Field radius
# default = 1.00
# higher = more blurry (e.g. 1.1)
# lower = less blurry (e.g. 0.9)
# note: small changes make a large difference
dofBaseRadius 1.05
## Post
# Enable Postprocessing
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
enablePostprocessing true
# Postprocessing type
# durante = basic postprocessing adapted from SweetFX (dark, local contrast)
# asmodean = postprocessing by Asmodean (with tone mapping, softer)
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
postProcessingType durante
## Bloom
# Enable HDR Bloom
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/bloom.fx"
enableBloom false
# Texture settings
# Dump game textures loaded using d3dx to textures\[gamename]\dump\[hash].tga
# if you enable override at the same time, the overridden texture will be dumped
enableTextureDumping false
# Override game textures loaded using d3dx with those from
# textures\[gamename]\override\[hash].(dds|png), if available
enableTextureOverride false
# Mark textures with their hash (for texture modders)
# WARNING: extremely slow if a game loads many textures
# (if you think a game crashed, it's probably still just loading textures)
enableTextureMarking false
# Mouse settings
# you may have to play around with these a bit to get mouse input working correctly
# while downsampling in some games
# Modify the mouse position reported by "GetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifyGetCursorPos false
# Modify the mouse position set by "SetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifySetCursorPos false
# Intercept the WindowProc callback of the game and adjust mouse messages when downsampling
interceptWindowProc false
# Adjust the mouse position reported in peeked Windows messages when downsampling
adjustMessagePt false
# Adjust the reported client rect when downsampling
modifyGetClientRect true
# Adjust the reported window rect when downsampling
modifyGetWindowRect true
# Internal settings
# The amount of logging output for debugging purpose.
# Should be set to 0 if everything works fine for performance reasons.
logLevel 0
# The maximum degree of parallelism for screenshot encoding
# N = use up to N worker threads for screenshots
# 0 = synchronous (no parallelism)
# -1 = TheOctagon mode (stores .bmp using D3DX API, very slow, use only as a workaround)
maxScreenshotParallelism 4
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
injectPSHash 023bb3d2
injectDelayAfterDraw true
# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
# 0 = main monitor resolution
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 60
# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
# lanczos: higher quality and sharp, most expensive performance-wise
# nearest: extremely cheap, generally ugly, but useful to upsample retro games
scalingType bilinear
# Forces the present resolution to be set, regardless of what the game requests
# usually only makes sense in conjunction with game-specific plugins
# for games with resolution limits
forcePresentRes true
# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 1280
overrideHeight 720
pluginOverride GenericPlugin
# Image processing settings
# Note: may or may not apply depending on the plugin used
## AA
# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 4
# AA type
# either "smaa" or "fxaa", depending on your preferences
aaType fxaa
## Post
# Enable Postprocessing
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
enablePostprocessing true
# Postprocessing type
# durante = basic postprocessing adapted from SweetFX (dark, local contrast)
# asmodean = postprocessing by Asmodean (with tone mapping, softer)
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
postProcessingType durante
#End of Config
Vli escribió:Pua escribió:Es como te dicen. PERO, si haces ALT+TAB mientras estás en el menú principal y luego vuelves al juego, las indicaciones de los botones se te vuelven invisibles. ¿Puede ser eso lo que te pasó?
Seguramente sea eso, he vuelto a ponerlas y ya si me salen. Vaya cachondeo de port.DSenora escribió:Yo le odiaba con todas mis fuerzas. Después de medio juego llorando, el otro medio muriendo por su baja vitalidad -que si bien en esta partida no está tan mal, ya tengo 900HP con un tungsten bangle y voy por Palumpolum- de ahora en adelante los enemigos van a dar unos ostiazos que te hace falta un protector si o si, si quieres llevar a Hope y poder atacar o si no, de la que se fijen en él, a cambiar a alguna formación para sanarte. Con el problema que ello conlleva, cadenas de aturdimiento que pierdes, etc, sobre todo si no entrenas bien, que es lo que me ocurrió en mi primera partida.
La verdad es que hasta que no madura Hope es bastante insoportable, pero en cuanto madura y acepta todo lo que pasa en el juego es un pedazo de personaje. Si lo entrenas bien llega a ser el mejor Fulminador, es el personaje con mayor fuerza y defensa magica. Ya te digo, creo que este Final Fantasy es el que más equilibrados tienes a los personajes en la recta final, obviamente cada uno con su especialidad y eso se agradece.
kouga85 escribió:veo que la mayoria ha jugado este juego antes :/, hare una pregunta noob y es que nose como sacar capturas de pantallas apreto el F12 y nada print de pantalla y nada acaso sera mi note o es otra tecla???
mi otra pregunta ya que han jugado este juego, hay que especializar a cada personaje en algo especifico osea fulminador, sanador, etc ??? yo estaba tratando de usar los puntos de forma equilibrada.
matete18 escribió:Pues a mi me sobren los "pc" para subir de nivel todas las ramas que tiene cada uno :S, igual hago mal en gastarlos. Luego viendo su magia o ataque, los pongo en una formación o en otra.
Por ahora el juego em esta encantando, hacia tiempo que no me enganchaba tanto un juego. Una cosilla, hay misiones secundarias o algo para alargar el juego? Voy por el 6 capi.
eguren escribió:yo lo estoy jugando a full, pero capado a 30 fps ya me he acostumbrado a ello, pero es lo que falta, solucionar el tema de los fps y por lo menos para mi nada mas
trandeira escribió:eguren escribió:yo lo estoy jugando a full, pero capado a 30 fps ya me he acostumbrado a ello, pero es lo que falta, solucionar el tema de los fps y por lo menos para mi nada mas
como lo capas a 30? porque yo en eso del gedosato le pongo a 30 pero vaya que nada... que va a 60 y bajones
Gromber escribió:Confirmo algo que ya se sabía, que los videos no son los de 360, que en total ocupan 9,79 en ingles, mientras que los de PC en ingles 19,8, aunque no llega a ps3, digamos que es un termino medio.
Tenía por aquí el juego de 360 sin tocar y queria comentarlo.
eguren escribió:trandeira escribió:eguren escribió:yo lo estoy jugando a full, pero capado a 30 fps ya me he acostumbrado a ello, pero es lo que falta, solucionar el tema de los fps y por lo menos para mi nada mas
como lo capas a 30? porque yo en eso del gedosato le pongo a 30 pero vaya que nada... que va a 60 y bajones
He respondido a tu privado, tienes una miniguia escrita en el momento, xD espero que sepas apreciarla jajajaja y ya sabes re-enviala en un futuro
p.d en un rato pondré otro par de imágenes que saque con el gedosato, pero pesan mucho porque no están comprimidas así que toca esperar xD
trandeira escribió:no te envie ningun privado, y aparte de eso no recibi ningun privado jeje
supongo que te habras ekivocado de user. gracias de todas formas
matete18 escribió:Pues a mi me sobren los "pc" para subir de nivel todas las ramas que tiene cada uno :S, igual hago mal en gastarlos. Luego viendo su magia o ataque, los pongo en una formación o en otra.
Por ahora el juego em esta encantando, hacia tiempo que no me enganchaba tanto un juego. Una cosilla, hay misiones secundarias o algo para alargar el juego? Voy por el 6 capi.
eguren escribió:matete18 escribió:Pues a mi me sobren los "pc" para subir de nivel todas las ramas que tiene cada uno :S, igual hago mal en gastarlos. Luego viendo su magia o ataque, los pongo en una formación o en otra.
Por ahora el juego em esta encantando, hacia tiempo que no me enganchaba tanto un juego. Una cosilla, hay misiones secundarias o algo para alargar el juego? Voy por el 6 capi.
no haces mal, yo cada poco cuando veo que un grupo de monstruos me da unos 150 para arriba lo farmeo, por si acaso, ademas que los pc van a todos los personajes, estén o no en ese momento, así que por si las moscas ando farmeando a ratejos sin interrumpir el avance del juego xD
yo tambien me sorprendi, quitando lo de pasillo run, la historia esta wapa, y eso que lo compre por jugarlo, un fan de ff no puede llamarse fan si no lo ha jugado todos, le gusten o no xDDDDD y mira, la historia esta wapa, por lo menos y gedosato ha hecho un grandisimo curro asi que doblemente feliz
AsTeRoIdE escribió:matete18 escribió:Pues a mi me sobren los "pc" para subir de nivel todas las ramas que tiene cada uno :S, igual hago mal en gastarlos. Luego viendo su magia o ataque, los pongo en una formación o en otra.
Por ahora el juego em esta encantando, hacia tiempo que no me enganchaba tanto un juego. Una cosilla, hay misiones secundarias o algo para alargar el juego? Voy por el 6 capi.
Pues yo igual!! según leí en una review de 3djuegos, en el cap 11 dan libertad y hay 60 misiones secundarias que dan para muchas horas de juego, entre 25 y 35 horas...y que el juego (sin esas misiones) da para unas 40-45horas...aún lo que nos queda!! jeje.
Lo que si, es que yo la historia, me tiene intrigado, pero la llevo muy en el aire, aún no me quedaron claras muchas cosas, espero que pronto lo expliquen, porque algo perdido si ando...
AsTeRoIdE escribió:matete18 escribió:Pues a mi me sobren los "pc" para subir de nivel todas las ramas que tiene cada uno :S, igual hago mal en gastarlos. Luego viendo su magia o ataque, los pongo en una formación o en otra.
Por ahora el juego em esta encantando, hacia tiempo que no me enganchaba tanto un juego. Una cosilla, hay misiones secundarias o algo para alargar el juego? Voy por el 6 capi.
Pues yo igual!! según leí en una review de 3djuegos, en el cap 11 dan libertad y hay 60 misiones secundarias que dan para muchas horas de juego, entre 25 y 35 horas...y que el juego (sin esas misiones) da para unas 40-45horas...aún lo que nos queda!! jeje.
Lo que si, es que yo la historia, me tiene intrigado, pero la llevo muy en el aire, aún no me quedaron claras muchas cosas, espero que pronto lo expliquen, porque algo perdido si ando...
Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# read them before changing anything!
## NOTE 1: you might want to set most of these settings in game-specific setting files
# if a game has a profile the settings there overwrite the defaults specified here!
## NOTE 2: if you want your personal settings to persist across updates
# put them into a user config file (created with the "U" button below)
# Graphics settings
# The actual rendering resolutions you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think they work at.
# format: renderResolution [width]x[height]@[hz]
renderResolution 3200x1800@60
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
renderResolution 5120x2880@60
renderResolution 7680x4320@60
# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
# 0 = main monitor resolution
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 30
# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval -1
# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
# lanczos: higher quality and sharp, most expensive performance-wise
# nearest: extremely cheap, generally ugly, but useful to upsample retro games
scalingType bilinear
# Whether to maintain the aspect ratio if different ratios between input and output
# false = stretching
# true = pillar/letterboxing
maintainAspectRatio true
# Compatibility Settings
# Forces the constant reporting of the downsampling resolution in all applicable
# scenarios - a small selection of games needs this to show the DS resolutions
forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes false
# Emulate exact flipping behaviour
# requires some extra performance/memory,
# but may be important for some games to work
emulateFlipBehaviour false
# Restricts interception to only system dlls
# might increase compatibility with 3rd-party injectors, but decrease stability
interceptOnlySystemDlls false
# Force disables Steam in-game overlay from getting loaded into the process
# which caused some games to crash, even if it was disabled in Steam settings
preventSteamOverlay false
# Loads Steam overlay early
loadSteamOverlayEarly true
# Loads D3D dlls early - may cause some games to recognize GeDoSaTo which wouldn't otherwise
loadD3DEarly false
# Forces the present resolution to be set, regardless of what the game requests
# usually only makes sense in conjunction with game-specific plugins
# for games with resolution limits
forcePresentRes false
# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 0
overrideHeight 0
# [GenericDepthPlugin] Zbuffer access compatibility flags (required for some reluctant games)
# zbufCompatibilityFlag : bypasses d3d9 Clear flags (possible values: 2/3/6/7)
# zBufClearIndex : delays the bypass by x number of iterations (usually 1/2/3 is fine)
zbufCompatibilityFlag 0
zBufClearIndex 0
# Override the plugin selection process to always select the given plugin
# example: pluginOverride GenericDepthPlugin
pluginOverride None
# Delays the detouring operation until the first hook call (like the old default injection)
# may fix startup crashes in some games (e.g. Alan Wake)
delayDetouring false
# Windowing settings
# Hides the mouse cursor, at all times
# options: "true" (= hidden) and "false" (= unchanged)
hideMouseCursor false
# Forces borderless windowed fullscreen mode instead of fullscreen mode
# options: "true" (= force borderless windowed FS) and "false" (= unchanged)
forceBorderlessFullscreen false
# Image processing settings
# Note: may or may not apply depending on the plugin used
## AA
# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 0
# AA type
# either "smaa" or "fxaa", depending on your preferences
aaType fxaa
# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO (default)
# "SAO" = Scalable Ambient Obscurance (heavy)
# "MSSAO" = Martinsh SSAO inspired by ArKano22 (light)
ssaoType SAO
# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect
# (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 0
# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
ssaoScale 1
# Set SSAO Blur type
# gaussian = soft, cheap
# sharp = depth-dependent, more expensive
ssaoBlurType gaussian
## DOF
# Enable Depth of Field
# false = off
# true = on
enableDoF false
# Select the type of DOF effect
# basic = basic pseudo-Bokeh DoF
# bokeh = shaped circular Bokeh DoF - WARNING: high performance impact
dofType bokeh
# Bokeh Depth of Field radius
# default = 1.00
# higher = more blurry (e.g. 1.1)
# lower = less blurry (e.g. 0.9)
# note: small changes make a large difference
dofBaseRadius 1.05
## Post
# Enable Postprocessing
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
enablePostprocessing true
# Postprocessing type
# durante = basic postprocessing adapted from SweetFX (dark, local contrast)
# asmodean = postprocessing by Asmodean (with tone mapping, softer)
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
postProcessingType durante
## Bloom
# Enable HDR Bloom
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/bloom.fx"
enableBloom false
# Texture settings
# Dump game textures loaded using d3dx to textures\[gamename]\dump\[hash].tga
# if you enable override at the same time, the overridden texture will be dumped
enableTextureDumping false
# Override game textures loaded using d3dx with those from
# textures\[gamename]\override\[hash].(dds|png), if available
enableTextureOverride false
# Mark textures with their hash (for texture modders)
# WARNING: extremely slow if a game loads many textures
# (if you think a game crashed, it's probably still just loading textures)
enableTextureMarking false
# Mouse settings
# you may have to play around with these a bit to get mouse input working correctly
# while downsampling in some games
# Modify the mouse position reported by "GetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifyGetCursorPos false
# Modify the mouse position set by "SetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifySetCursorPos false
# Intercept the WindowProc callback of the game and adjust mouse messages when downsampling
interceptWindowProc false
# Adjust the mouse position reported in peeked Windows messages when downsampling
adjustMessagePt false
# Adjust the reported client rect when downsampling
modifyGetClientRect true
# Adjust the reported window rect when downsampling
modifyGetWindowRect true
# Internal settings
# The amount of logging output for debugging purpose.
# Should be set to 0 if everything works fine for performance reasons.
logLevel 0
# The maximum degree of parallelism for screenshot encoding
# N = use up to N worker threads for screenshots
# 0 = synchronous (no parallelism)
# -1 = TheOctagon mode (stores .bmp using D3DX API, very slow, use only as a workaround)
maxScreenshotParallelism 4
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
## Rendering Resolution
# can't select res in-game so write it here
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
#renderResolution 4480x2520@60
## Anti Aliasing
# MSAA sample count, default 4, other options: 2, 8
# higher = higher performance impact
MSAASampleCount 4
# Enable coverage sampling (CSAA on NV, EQAA on AMD) if HW supports it
# (improvement for small performance hit)
enableCoverageSampling true
## Shadow Resolution
# 1 = default
# sensible values: 2, 4, 8 (extreme)
# higher numbers = larger performance impact
shadowScale 4
## Required settings, don't change
injectPSHash 1329c9bf
maxScreenshotParallelism -1
forceRenderRes true
#forcePresentRes true
karman01 escribió:Os dejo a todos el mensaje privado de eguren y de paso le agradezco enormemente que me haya pasado esto, ya que se ve DE LUJO el juego con estos ajustes.
te dejo un code con ambos inis aqui:
gedosato.iniLines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# read them before changing anything!
## NOTE 1: you might want to set most of these settings in game-specific setting files
# if a game has a profile the settings there overwrite the defaults specified here!
## NOTE 2: if you want your personal settings to persist across updates
# put them into a user config file (created with the "U" button below)
# Graphics settings
# The actual rendering resolutions you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think they work at.
# format: renderResolution [width]x[height]@[hz]
renderResolution 3200x1800@60
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
renderResolution 5120x2880@60
renderResolution 7680x4320@60
# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
# 0 = main monitor resolution
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 30
# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval -1
# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
# lanczos: higher quality and sharp, most expensive performance-wise
# nearest: extremely cheap, generally ugly, but useful to upsample retro games
scalingType bilinear
# Whether to maintain the aspect ratio if different ratios between input and output
# false = stretching
# true = pillar/letterboxing
maintainAspectRatio true
# Compatibility Settings
# Forces the constant reporting of the downsampling resolution in all applicable
# scenarios - a small selection of games needs this to show the DS resolutions
forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes false
# Emulate exact flipping behaviour
# requires some extra performance/memory,
# but may be important for some games to work
emulateFlipBehaviour false
# Restricts interception to only system dlls
# might increase compatibility with 3rd-party injectors, but decrease stability
interceptOnlySystemDlls false
# Force disables Steam in-game overlay from getting loaded into the process
# which caused some games to crash, even if it was disabled in Steam settings
preventSteamOverlay false
# Loads Steam overlay early
loadSteamOverlayEarly true
# Loads D3D dlls early - may cause some games to recognize GeDoSaTo which wouldn't otherwise
loadD3DEarly false
# Forces the present resolution to be set, regardless of what the game requests
# usually only makes sense in conjunction with game-specific plugins
# for games with resolution limits
forcePresentRes false
# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 0
overrideHeight 0
# [GenericDepthPlugin] Zbuffer access compatibility flags (required for some reluctant games)
# zbufCompatibilityFlag : bypasses d3d9 Clear flags (possible values: 2/3/6/7)
# zBufClearIndex : delays the bypass by x number of iterations (usually 1/2/3 is fine)
zbufCompatibilityFlag 0
zBufClearIndex 0
# Override the plugin selection process to always select the given plugin
# example: pluginOverride GenericDepthPlugin
pluginOverride None
# Delays the detouring operation until the first hook call (like the old default injection)
# may fix startup crashes in some games (e.g. Alan Wake)
delayDetouring false
# Windowing settings
# Hides the mouse cursor, at all times
# options: "true" (= hidden) and "false" (= unchanged)
hideMouseCursor false
# Forces borderless windowed fullscreen mode instead of fullscreen mode
# options: "true" (= force borderless windowed FS) and "false" (= unchanged)
forceBorderlessFullscreen false
# Image processing settings
# Note: may or may not apply depending on the plugin used
## AA
# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 0
# AA type
# either "smaa" or "fxaa", depending on your preferences
aaType fxaa
# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO (default)
# "SAO" = Scalable Ambient Obscurance (heavy)
# "MSSAO" = Martinsh SSAO inspired by ArKano22 (light)
ssaoType SAO
# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect
# (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 0
# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
ssaoScale 1
# Set SSAO Blur type
# gaussian = soft, cheap
# sharp = depth-dependent, more expensive
ssaoBlurType gaussian
## DOF
# Enable Depth of Field
# false = off
# true = on
enableDoF false
# Select the type of DOF effect
# basic = basic pseudo-Bokeh DoF
# bokeh = shaped circular Bokeh DoF - WARNING: high performance impact
dofType bokeh
# Bokeh Depth of Field radius
# default = 1.00
# higher = more blurry (e.g. 1.1)
# lower = less blurry (e.g. 0.9)
# note: small changes make a large difference
dofBaseRadius 1.05
## Post
# Enable Postprocessing
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
enablePostprocessing true
# Postprocessing type
# durante = basic postprocessing adapted from SweetFX (dark, local contrast)
# asmodean = postprocessing by Asmodean (with tone mapping, softer)
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
postProcessingType durante
## Bloom
# Enable HDR Bloom
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/bloom.fx"
enableBloom false
# Texture settings
# Dump game textures loaded using d3dx to textures\[gamename]\dump\[hash].tga
# if you enable override at the same time, the overridden texture will be dumped
enableTextureDumping false
# Override game textures loaded using d3dx with those from
# textures\[gamename]\override\[hash].(dds|png), if available
enableTextureOverride false
# Mark textures with their hash (for texture modders)
# WARNING: extremely slow if a game loads many textures
# (if you think a game crashed, it's probably still just loading textures)
enableTextureMarking false
# Mouse settings
# you may have to play around with these a bit to get mouse input working correctly
# while downsampling in some games
# Modify the mouse position reported by "GetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifyGetCursorPos false
# Modify the mouse position set by "SetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifySetCursorPos false
# Intercept the WindowProc callback of the game and adjust mouse messages when downsampling
interceptWindowProc false
# Adjust the mouse position reported in peeked Windows messages when downsampling
adjustMessagePt false
# Adjust the reported client rect when downsampling
modifyGetClientRect true
# Adjust the reported window rect when downsampling
modifyGetWindowRect true
# Internal settings
# The amount of logging output for debugging purpose.
# Should be set to 0 if everything works fine for performance reasons.
logLevel 0
# The maximum degree of parallelism for screenshot encoding
# N = use up to N worker threads for screenshots
# 0 = synchronous (no parallelism)
# -1 = TheOctagon mode (stores .bmp using D3DX API, very slow, use only as a workaround)
maxScreenshotParallelism 4
ffxiiimg.ini# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
## Rendering Resolution
# can't select res in-game so write it here
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
#renderResolution 4480x2520@60
## Anti Aliasing
# MSAA sample count, default 4, other options: 2, 8
# higher = higher performance impact
MSAASampleCount 4
# Enable coverage sampling (CSAA on NV, EQAA on AMD) if HW supports it
# (improvement for small performance hit)
enableCoverageSampling true
## Shadow Resolution
# 1 = default
# sensible values: 2, 4, 8 (extreme)
# higher numbers = larger performance impact
shadowScale 4
## Required settings, don't change
injectPSHash 1329c9bf
maxScreenshotParallelism -1
forceRenderRes true
#forcePresentRes true
copia y pega, para mi portátil es la mejor configuraron que he podido sacar, si ves que te va lento o algo en el config del ffxiii cambia el shadow etc por algo inferior, tb me he descargado el pack de shadders nuevos y he actualizado a la ultima versión de gedosato, si no sabes, solo tienes que ir al programa y ver si en una de las opciones pone "update to xxxx" o si en cambio lo tienes a la ultima versión te pondrá "Up to date"
te paso el link de los shadders nuevos, solo tienes que copiar y pegar en la carpeta donde tengas instalado el gedosato
http://www.mediafire.com/download/mv45t ... l+v1.2.rar
te dejo tb el link de donde lo he sacado: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =326261967
p.d: cada actualización de gedosato, creo que reinicia las configuraciones que hagas, asi que toca siempre volver hacer copy paste, para que lo tengas en cuenta ^^
karman01 escribió:Os dejo a todos el mensaje privado de eguren y de paso le agradezco enormemente que me haya pasado esto, ya que se ve DE LUJO el juego con estos ajustes.
te dejo un code con ambos inis aqui:
gedosato.iniLines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# read them before changing anything!
## NOTE 1: you might want to set most of these settings in game-specific setting files
# if a game has a profile the settings there overwrite the defaults specified here!
## NOTE 2: if you want your personal settings to persist across updates
# put them into a user config file (created with the "U" button below)
# Graphics settings
# The actual rendering resolutions you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think they work at.
# format: renderResolution [width]x[height]@[hz]
renderResolution 3200x1800@60
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
renderResolution 5120x2880@60
renderResolution 7680x4320@60
# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
# 0 = main monitor resolution
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 30
# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval -1
# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
# lanczos: higher quality and sharp, most expensive performance-wise
# nearest: extremely cheap, generally ugly, but useful to upsample retro games
scalingType bilinear
# Whether to maintain the aspect ratio if different ratios between input and output
# false = stretching
# true = pillar/letterboxing
maintainAspectRatio true
# Compatibility Settings
# Forces the constant reporting of the downsampling resolution in all applicable
# scenarios - a small selection of games needs this to show the DS resolutions
forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes false
# Emulate exact flipping behaviour
# requires some extra performance/memory,
# but may be important for some games to work
emulateFlipBehaviour false
# Restricts interception to only system dlls
# might increase compatibility with 3rd-party injectors, but decrease stability
interceptOnlySystemDlls false
# Force disables Steam in-game overlay from getting loaded into the process
# which caused some games to crash, even if it was disabled in Steam settings
preventSteamOverlay false
# Loads Steam overlay early
loadSteamOverlayEarly true
# Loads D3D dlls early - may cause some games to recognize GeDoSaTo which wouldn't otherwise
loadD3DEarly false
# Forces the present resolution to be set, regardless of what the game requests
# usually only makes sense in conjunction with game-specific plugins
# for games with resolution limits
forcePresentRes false
# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 0
overrideHeight 0
# [GenericDepthPlugin] Zbuffer access compatibility flags (required for some reluctant games)
# zbufCompatibilityFlag : bypasses d3d9 Clear flags (possible values: 2/3/6/7)
# zBufClearIndex : delays the bypass by x number of iterations (usually 1/2/3 is fine)
zbufCompatibilityFlag 0
zBufClearIndex 0
# Override the plugin selection process to always select the given plugin
# example: pluginOverride GenericDepthPlugin
pluginOverride None
# Delays the detouring operation until the first hook call (like the old default injection)
# may fix startup crashes in some games (e.g. Alan Wake)
delayDetouring false
# Windowing settings
# Hides the mouse cursor, at all times
# options: "true" (= hidden) and "false" (= unchanged)
hideMouseCursor false
# Forces borderless windowed fullscreen mode instead of fullscreen mode
# options: "true" (= force borderless windowed FS) and "false" (= unchanged)
forceBorderlessFullscreen false
# Image processing settings
# Note: may or may not apply depending on the plugin used
## AA
# AA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 0
# AA type
# either "smaa" or "fxaa", depending on your preferences
aaType fxaa
# Determine the type of AO used
# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO (default)
# "SAO" = Scalable Ambient Obscurance (heavy)
# "MSSAO" = Martinsh SSAO inspired by ArKano22 (light)
ssaoType SAO
# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect
# (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 0
# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
ssaoScale 1
# Set SSAO Blur type
# gaussian = soft, cheap
# sharp = depth-dependent, more expensive
ssaoBlurType gaussian
## DOF
# Enable Depth of Field
# false = off
# true = on
enableDoF false
# Select the type of DOF effect
# basic = basic pseudo-Bokeh DoF
# bokeh = shaped circular Bokeh DoF - WARNING: high performance impact
dofType bokeh
# Bokeh Depth of Field radius
# default = 1.00
# higher = more blurry (e.g. 1.1)
# lower = less blurry (e.g. 0.9)
# note: small changes make a large difference
dofBaseRadius 1.05
## Post
# Enable Postprocessing
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
enablePostprocessing true
# Postprocessing type
# durante = basic postprocessing adapted from SweetFX (dark, local contrast)
# asmodean = postprocessing by Asmodean (with tone mapping, softer)
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx" or "assets/post_asmodean.fx"
postProcessingType durante
## Bloom
# Enable HDR Bloom
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/bloom.fx"
enableBloom false
# Texture settings
# Dump game textures loaded using d3dx to textures\[gamename]\dump\[hash].tga
# if you enable override at the same time, the overridden texture will be dumped
enableTextureDumping false
# Override game textures loaded using d3dx with those from
# textures\[gamename]\override\[hash].(dds|png), if available
enableTextureOverride false
# Mark textures with their hash (for texture modders)
# WARNING: extremely slow if a game loads many textures
# (if you think a game crashed, it's probably still just loading textures)
enableTextureMarking false
# Mouse settings
# you may have to play around with these a bit to get mouse input working correctly
# while downsampling in some games
# Modify the mouse position reported by "GetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifyGetCursorPos false
# Modify the mouse position set by "SetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifySetCursorPos false
# Intercept the WindowProc callback of the game and adjust mouse messages when downsampling
interceptWindowProc false
# Adjust the mouse position reported in peeked Windows messages when downsampling
adjustMessagePt false
# Adjust the reported client rect when downsampling
modifyGetClientRect true
# Adjust the reported window rect when downsampling
modifyGetWindowRect true
# Internal settings
# The amount of logging output for debugging purpose.
# Should be set to 0 if everything works fine for performance reasons.
logLevel 0
# The maximum degree of parallelism for screenshot encoding
# N = use up to N worker threads for screenshots
# 0 = synchronous (no parallelism)
# -1 = TheOctagon mode (stores .bmp using D3DX API, very slow, use only as a workaround)
maxScreenshotParallelism 4
ffxiiimg.ini# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
## Rendering Resolution
# can't select res in-game so write it here
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
#renderResolution 4480x2520@60
## Anti Aliasing
# MSAA sample count, default 4, other options: 2, 8
# higher = higher performance impact
MSAASampleCount 4
# Enable coverage sampling (CSAA on NV, EQAA on AMD) if HW supports it
# (improvement for small performance hit)
enableCoverageSampling true
## Shadow Resolution
# 1 = default
# sensible values: 2, 4, 8 (extreme)
# higher numbers = larger performance impact
shadowScale 4
## Required settings, don't change
injectPSHash 1329c9bf
maxScreenshotParallelism -1
forceRenderRes true
#forcePresentRes true
copia y pega, para mi portátil es la mejor configuraron que he podido sacar, si ves que te va lento o algo en el config del ffxiii cambia el shadow etc por algo inferior, tb me he descargado el pack de shadders nuevos y he actualizado a la ultima versión de gedosato, si no sabes, solo tienes que ir al programa y ver si en una de las opciones pone "update to xxxx" o si en cambio lo tienes a la ultima versión te pondrá "Up to date"
te paso el link de los shadders nuevos, solo tienes que copiar y pegar en la carpeta donde tengas instalado el gedosato
http://www.mediafire.com/download/mv45t ... l+v1.2.rar
te dejo tb el link de donde lo he sacado: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =326261967
p.d: cada actualización de gedosato, creo que reinicia las configuraciones que hagas, asi que toca siempre volver hacer copy paste, para que lo tengas en cuenta ^^
Zack_VII escribió:Es raro que a unos poniendo el valor de 30 se nos bloquee desde inicio (en cuanto arranca el juego vaya, logo incluido) y otros no, usando todos la misma config....puede ser por un tema de frecuencia de los monitores? quizá esque tengais en el panel de la grafica, en vez de "dejar decidir al juego", la tipica opcion de "usar ajustes avanzados", y que ésta entre en conflicto con la config del gedosato?
matete18 escribió:Podeis poner el link de los shaders esos? Esq el link de arriba no va
hkg36e escribió:me va perfectamente. Eso si, las sombras...
eguren escribió:trandeira 2 cosas, tienes un core i? tienes instalado el panel de control de nvidia y lo tienes así configurado?
trandeira escribió:hkg36e escribió:me va perfectamente. Eso si, las sombras...
que le pasa a las sombras?
linkerm escribió:Para el que todavía esté interesado en esta información; ya tengo casi completada la descarga del sparrow de Ps3 y entre lo que ya descargué puedo confirmar que el primer video del juego está al igual que los otros en 720p, por tanto queda desmentido que el juego corría algo a 1080p, es FALSO, todo en la versión de Ps3 está a 720p tanto el juego en si mismo, como todos y cada uno de los videos. Sin embargo son los de mejor calidad hasta ahora en plataforma alguna por lo que ya he mencionado antes que no poseen compresión. Lo único que ha existido en 1080p del juego hasta ahora son los trailers proporcionados por la propia Square durante el desarrollo del juego para trollearnos a todos![]()
Saludos gente.
Main Screen: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 1 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download + 1080p Download
Chapter 1 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 2 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 2 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 3 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 3 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 3 Cutscene C: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 4 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 5 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 7 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 7 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 8 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 8 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene C: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene D: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 10 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 11 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 11 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 12 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 13 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Klonoa del Viento escribió:Ahi hay algo raro, hay sitios donde han extraido las CGs del Blu-ray de PS3, y al menos la primera CG del juego (no me refiero a la del menu de inicio) está a 1080p, eso seguro. De ahi las dudas con el resto de CGs del juego.
No tiene sentido que un sitio fan fuese a molestarse en reescalar de 720p a 1080p un video, si la resolucion original es 720p (otra cosa es que por cuestiones de ancho de banda o facilidad de descarga, hayan decidido subir el resto de CGs solo a 720p, pero eso ni confirma ni desmiente si originalmente estaban a 1080p o no).Main Screen: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 1 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download + 1080p Download
Chapter 1 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 2 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 2 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 3 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 3 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 3 Cutscene C: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 4 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 5 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 7 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 7 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 8 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 8 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene C: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 9 Cutscene D: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 10 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 11 Cutscene A: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 11 Cutscene B: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 12 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
Chapter 13 Cutscene: Preview + 720p Download
linkerm esa iso sparrow está modificada, por tanto no se pueden sacar conclusiones fiables de ella.
Seguimos a la espera de que alguien que tenga:
A) Un lector Blu-ray en su PC
B) El disco Blu-ray original de FFXIII para PS3
Cuelgue capturas de los videos y nos saque de dudas.
AlbertX escribió:Pero en caso de tener el lector blu ray y el juego original en PS3 luego como ves los videos? hay alguna utilidad?
De todas formas yo ya he investigado en la red bastante sobre el tema y todos dicen lo mismo, los videos están a 720p, de hecho ya había mencionado esta página http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digit ... me-article que está en ingles, pero confirma todos los datos tecnicos de ambas versiones y da mucha información que me ha sido útil. Seguiré investigando.
Gromber escribió:Ahí solo veo la primera cutscene a 1080p.