Tekan escribió:AsheOlssen escribió:Tekan escribió:Un servidor tiene que ser "global" a mi modo de ver
Si vas a un servidor con 100% de horarios europeos... ireis a matar el mismo mierdabicho TODO el server en la misma franja horaria y os comereis los mocos y matareis a ostias todos los días...
Es cuestión de equilibrio, lo de hacer un servidor EU y que se marchen todos corriendo lo veo raro
Eso esta muy bien cuando los servidores tienen mucha gente y puedes hacer party a cualquier hora, cosa que ahora mismo no pasa. Por lo menos cuando yo lo deje hacer party por la noche era bastante difícil.
El problema está en que mantengan unos servidores de una pseudobeta para la 2.0 ... podrían decir si van a dar la opción a hacer migración de nuevo en 2.0 de nuevo o algo...
Todo me parece muy raro.
Zaguer, noob, sabes lo que hay que hacer ahora.![]()
, qué tiempos aquellos...
Shilvenrha escribió:Me gustaría opinar un tema.
Se puede??
Como veo que a la gente le afecta que opine gente que no juega/paga .... y que a la vez les molesta que pongan el foro de FF14 solo para subscriptores..
[dev1301] Private Player Residences
* The following changes are scheduled for the 1.21 patch release.
* Features are under development and subject to change or postponement.
With Patch 1.21, players will be able to access inn rooms, private areas for their own use, after completing certain quests.
Inn quests
In each city, players will be able to use an inn room after completing a quest issued by the NPC manning the front desk of the inn. Players must first complete the main quests listed below in order to accept an inn quest.
City Quest
Limsa Lominsa Treasures of the Main
Gridania Souls Gone Wild
Ul'dah Court in the Sands
Inn functions
Inns can be used free of charge, and provide the following functions:
Replay event scenes
In the inn, players may access a list of completed quests called the Records of a Journey (provisional name) from which they can replay event scenes as many times as they like. Event scenes can also be skipped.
* When replaying event scenes, player characters are shown with their current equipment, rather than the equipment they were wearing when they first completed the quest.
* Event scenes from inside raid dungeons and non-event scenes will not be viewable from the Records of a Journey (provisional name).
Rested bonus (provisional name)
When player characters enter an inn, they go into “resting mode,” accumulating a rested bonus as time passes. Even after players have logged out, the rested bonus will continue to accumulate up to a maximum limit.
The accumulated bonus is visible on the EXP bar.
When characters have accumulated sufficient rested bonus, they receive a boost to experience points received. The accumulated bonus decreases in proportion to the experience point bonus granted, and when it reaches zero the effect ceases.
* When playing with a level 50 class, the rested bonus does not decrease.
* The bonus does not apply to experience points received as part of quest rewards or for completing levequests.
With the implementation of the rested bonus, Guardian's Aspect will be abolished and the experience points awarded in regional levequests will be adjusted. Players will receive more experience points than they do now when not under the effect of Guardian's Aspect.
In the current Patch 1.21, the inn rooms are simplified private areas, and players cannot synthesize, repair, or affix material while in them. (Such features are planned for inclusion in FFXIV Version 2.0's housing system.)
* More features, such as login events, are planned for the future.
Me gustaría opinar un tema.
Se puede??
Como veo que a la gente le afecta que opine gente que no juega/paga .... y que a la vez les molesta que pongan el foro de FF14 solo para subscriptores..
- Ponen moghouse.
- En la moghouse puedes ver las CS pasadas.
- Por estar en la moghouse, incluso si no estás conectado en el juego te sube una barra de "descanso", cuando llega a cierto punto te da un bonus a la experiencia que ganes.
- Quitan el guardian's favor.
- Aumentan la exp de las leves regionales.
- En la moghouse no se puede craftear (eso lo ponen en la 2.0).
Zaguer escribió:Entones habra que pagar un mes, poner al char en la moghouse y volver con la 2.0 con un bonus de exp que al matar una rata subas a lvl 50.
Tekan escribió:Zaguer escribió:Entones habra que pagar un mes, poner al char en la moghouse y volver con la 2.0 con un bonus de exp que al matar una rata subas a lvl 50.
En lugar de pagar a un chino/koreano para que te haga powerlevel... pasas al siguiente punto "powerlevel de suscripción".
Lo siguiente será tomar el siguiente mierdainvento del Diablo III, la Action House tipo ebay, compraventa de items con dinero real dejando un % a Blizzard por el camino
Khazar escribió:lo de dejar el pj en la inn hasta la 2.0 ... alomejor tiene cap la barra de rested, en otros juegos acumula por ejemplo 2 niveles y no sube de ahi. no se si le habran puesto estos o no...
AsheOlssen escribió:Khazar escribió:lo de dejar el pj en la inn hasta la 2.0 ... alomejor tiene cap la barra de rested, en otros juegos acumula por ejemplo 2 niveles y no sube de ahi. no se si le habran puesto estos o no...
No esperes que hayan pensado tanto, estos lo habrán puesto sin ningún cap ya veréis, parece mentira que aun no conozcáis a esta gente
Lodestone escribió:the rested bonus will continue to accumulate up to a maximum limit
Colen escribió:AsheOlssen escribió:Khazar escribió:lo de dejar el pj en la inn hasta la 2.0 ... alomejor tiene cap la barra de rested, en otros juegos acumula por ejemplo 2 niveles y no sube de ahi. no se si le habran puesto estos o no...
No esperes que hayan pensado tanto, estos lo habrán puesto sin ningún cap ya veréis, parece mentira que aun no conozcáis a esta gente
Tampoco pareces conocerlos mucho tú, eh?Lodestone escribió:the rested bonus will continue to accumulate up to a maximum limit
Adel escribió:Sera como el "guardian favour", pero en vez de rellenarse 10 puntos cada x horas, pues una barrita ¿no?
La verdad, si no ponen fin a la barra (cosa que dudo) me alegraré. No todo el mundo puede dedicarle 12 horas al día y ya que hablamos de un juego donde el pvp no existe... ¿porque no facilitar las cosas en lo que a subir lvl se refiere a los que solo pueden jugar por ejemplo los fines de semana?
Yo encantado, por fin un juego online premia a los que no viven en el
Tekan escribió:Básicamente es como si en la vida real te regalasen la parte proporcional de una casa mientras no trabajas para que cuando trabajes lo tengas más fácil "como los que trabajan" y no quedarte atrás, para animarte y tal![]()
Zaguer escribió:Tekan escribió:Básicamente es como si en la vida real te regalasen la parte proporcional de una casa mientras no trabajas para que cuando trabajes lo tengas más fácil "como los que trabajan" y no quedarte atrás, para animarte y tal![]()
Algo asi existe, se llama paro, becas injustas etc etc etc
A mi si me parece bien, mas que nada por que si tu juegas 10 horas y yo 2 tu vs a tener mas nivel que yo, aun que yo tenga esa pequeña ayuda.
About the World Merge and World Transfers (02/17/2012)
In order to improve the player experience, we will be merging Worlds on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
We have reevaluated the World merge system based on the large amount of user feedback we received in response to the World Merge and Character Transfers update of February 9. Now that the details of the new World merge system have been decided, we recommend that all players review the World Merge Summary and Notes Regarding the World Merge and World Transfer.
This World merge is intended to improve the player experience during the period up to the launch of FFXIV Version 2.0. New Worlds may be added in the future, for example after the relaunch or when player numbers increase.
[World Merge Summary]
Key Dates
March 1 (Thursday) to March 19 (Monday), 2012: World transfer application period. *
March 27 (Tuesday), 2012: World merge maintenance to be carried out.
Information regarding the time required for the merge maintenance process and other details will be released at a later date.
* The World transfer application period will consist of two stages. For details, see World Transfer Application below.
Merge Details
The Worlds will be merged according to the system below. The new Worlds will be named after the merge has taken place.
Current Worlds New Worlds
Selbina -> Ridill
Wutai + Gysahl -> Masamune
Rabanastre + Cornelia -> Durandal
Melmond + Figaro -> Aegis
Istory + Mysidia -> Gungnir
Saronia + Lindblum -> Sargatanas
Fabul + Besaid -> Balmung
Trabia + Kashuan -> Hyperion
Karnak + Palamecia + Bodhum -> Excalibur
Ragnarok *
* Recommended for European time zone players.
Ragnarok will be recommended for players in the European time zones. This should improve the playing experience for European players, who form a small minority scattered across the Worlds, and make it easier for them to get together and form parties. However, this is a recommendation only. The World will not be restricted to European players, and players from other regions will be free to transfer to the World.
Please note that if we determine that the new Ragnarok does not attract enough players to deliver a satisfying game experience, we will consider options such as reopening World transfer applications or merging with another World. We therefore encourage players to keep it in mind as one of the options.
World Transfer Application
During the World transfer application period indicated below, players will be able to select a destination World on the World Transfer Application Page.
* The World Transfer Application Page is scheduled to be available from March 1.
World transfer application period: From 8:00 GMT, March 1 (Thursday) to 7:59 GMT, March 19 (Monday), 2012.
* The World transfer application period will consist of a first and second stage.
First Stage: From 8:00 GMT, March 1 (Thursday) to 7:59 GMT, March 12 (Monday), 2012.
- Players will still be able to change Worlds even after applying for a World transfer.
* Players will not be able to select Worlds that are already populated with the maximum number of characters, but players will be able to move from such Worlds to other Worlds. Note that if a player leaves one World to transfer to another World, and in the interim the first World is filled with the maximum number of characters, the player will no longer be able to transfer back to the original World.
* It is possible that some Worlds will reach the population limit very soon after World transfer applications begin.
Second Stage: From 8:00 GMT, March 12 (Monday) to 7:59 GMT, March 19 (Monday), 2012.
- Worlds that are populated with the maximum allowable characters will be fixed and locked.
- Locked Worlds cannot be selected as a transfer destination.
- As well, all players in locked Worlds will no longer be able to apply for World transfers.
For this reason, we recommend that players complete their World transfer applications in the First Stage.
If Hyperion becomes populated with the maximum allowable number of characters:
- Players cannot apply to transfer to Hyperion.
- Characters who have already applied for Hyperion can no longer select another World to transfer to.
- All characters in Trabia and Kashuan who have not already applied for a transfer to another World can no longer do so.
Conditions Required to Apply for a World Transfer
To apply for a World transfer, an existing playable character must be associated with a player's service account. As long as a player has at least one usable character, a destination World may be chosen for all characters in the service account, including characters that have not yet been paid for.
* To view and change subscription details, visit the Square Enix Account Management System and click Select Service on the left-hand menu, and then select FINAL FANTASY XIV.
Notes Regarding the World Merge and World Transfer
All character data will be transferred, with the exceptions described below.
Character Names
After the merge and transfer, if two or more characters with the same first and last name exist in the same World, only one character can keep the name, based on the order of priority below.
1. Characters that are playable on both March 26 (Monday) and March 27 (Tuesday), 2012.
2. Characters that were created first.
If your character name must be changed because another character's name takes priority, please enter a new name by following the on-screen instructions when you first log in after the World merge maintenance has taken place.
* After you enter a new name for the character, the change will also be reflected on the Lodestone.
With this World merge, all character names reserved for use from the Open Beta that have not yet been assigned to characters in the release version will be deleted, and thus no longer able to be carried over.
Retainer Names
If retainers with the same name exist in the same World, only one of the retainers can continue using the name, based on the same conditions described above for player characers.
If you are required to change the name, please do so by following the on-screen instructions when you first log in after the World merge.
About Linkshells
Carrying over linkshells
All linkshells shall be carried over to the new merged Worlds.
* The Lodestone linkshell pages will also be carried over.
* Players who transfer from the new merged World to a different World will be removed automatically from all linkshells in the current World.
* If the linkshell master leaves the merged World and transfers to a different World, the master will no longer be a linkshell member, but the linkshell itself will continue to exist in the merged World.
Linkshell names
If two or more linkshells end up sharing the same name in a merged World, the linkshell with the most active characters will keep its name. For linkshell names that must be changed, the game will automatically add numbers such as "01" and "02" after the name.
In this case only, players may use a GM call to change the linkshell name after the World merge maintenance is completed. Because linkshell names may be rejected due to the use of forbidden words or other reasons, players should submit multiple candidates when making the GM call.
* Only masters can change linkshell names.
Friend Lists/Blacklists
Friend lists and blacklists can be carried over after the merge, but players who leave the merged World to transfer to another World will lose their friend lists and blacklists.
Character Info on the Lodestone
The World name displayed in character pages, diaries, and histories (including finished histories) will change to the new World name after the merge. If the character name changes, that will also be updated.
Kyoukotsu escribió:Yo voy a mirar atentamente que hace la comunidad española
Pythes SativaGonks FemtoKlaus VolkaNarim QasimPerfect MuleScarface ChampionAnklebiter JuniorAurr EonBaaj BantiumBuuul CanadianCalypso TrielaCelebriel NerevarineDeath SlayerDiddy OfcarbuncleInsta LibLoogash CanadianMythe VandalayNovah CepheiRise AgainstTalbak CanadianThe ArmageddonTrina RathbunVilnious NostalviukXavier BladeYow RabntahSolumbum HircineRogue MuseArado RaidDentalfloss TycoonGold LionMariya ShidouShorty OrcaSylkis TeaTora FomalhautVicious ValentineAlsarius VitezslavArmadeus LavenArtic TigressAsthar DzuAthra VeldanaAyr CopperfieldBad LuckBeat PunchbeefButton BottomCale ImrikCalevino CefersCaol AndrasteCaol RinChook HenChronic FapperCristine SoraCrono LavosCyan GaramondeDaegen AloriasDeath DealerDeitan SalveminiDino GuerillaDraggon WolfDrop BearEiko CarollEithelas KeendrawEntropy RisingEor SukramEscadawn EsteliaEstur LeoneFolkien TyrandusGennosuke KougaGospel DufauxHome HopperJaell RhaJafnharr NiflheimJanis DzirvikKatlyna LavenKilli AndorosKohere LandicaKris NotusKrystle TrepeKuro DaiouKyoshiro MibuLazza CorleoneMaster JtecMimett TeaMobli BbyMonte CarloNiqote AmritaOni JinOnyx RoadPearl JamPeraz AlegriaPerpsie WerpsiePuddle JumpaRadbrad SockssmellRaheem ReginaldRubieus AmritaRyu MagiSakamoto NaokiSanguine EpilogueSblz FarronSean CodySengoku ElbuddhaShero SunSolus SylvariStance DralionThadiel CasadeThalakos DauthiThraxx DolphusTreno OnokTurkish DelightTyrone WoodsUlysses VarakaiUsagi FomalhautVad SnowVan WolfwoodVess AkoriaZaroki Dekito
Black RoseLuna EspandiWycor OdiraMasamune MuramasaSami MasaniAegis NiaraBenhe HappolFidi SausKandi AranKougi ShadowMad MasaniMini LaerionNarik HeirRaika LunahSaga NoahSam MasaniVulkan LorgarPata FihxAlustriel MaindargentLuneane KikoNaevi MeavySshibal MetalXentis EntreriZelea EliadeAlexandre PonceAribo MiieAsurmen VorondileChoko ChtiCyrius SkyDjpoete DivinJohn DarkomKael AkarLeinth RossLeona LiloMano LowMelanie PaladineMosiko PikkoOpi XopiSeikyo RenkoTetine UnderallThalian AkhXoxo DarkYokuki MimiruYue YukiShin ZantetsuZottan StreinleghtShourisha NanayaAntipika FonewearlAku CrimsonArashi HisweDelhora KaineKhazar TarutaruRigo DonAnko MakaijuBlintz SuuCloudiar StrifeCoildry FryDelroy OdesseironIberica RosanegraKaine SalvationKriz BernsteinKurohi LongheimLou VenthLylle EclairMazt EntropyMenta SamaNagi SoruNisha ColenNookah MakaijuQuadaess NightshadeRaistlin MajereSahz LockeShana FlamyrSir DidymusKasty HeavenEvarella RakshassNyu PsykoYune WalkAkaham BalditchArthur DoyleAstral LightAutomne FeuilledoreBanoune ShiryuBardamu CelineBehamoth DaisetsuCeles LockfieldDapkaplay GamesDei MoonsFrayzar LapidusJoph WalkJynsia DenlhisKane YuuhiKhaorizo InisKwenede BalalaikaLann DenlhisLevayon LutinLuminos LegrandLynas OkamiMasamune FeeMimikan HeartsMiss TiqueNeliel KurosakiNeo ScorpionNeomy GraalwillNiya NiyaPrimura HiraiSelena TyraVael VargasXneat BolgrotYami NekoZell DenlhisZissual DeskreedNatas TerrorJinko Jinko
Delhora escribió:Deberías saber que no es del todo fiable, ya que los lideres son libres de mover a su antojo a toda su ls (en el sistema de pads).
Colen escribió:A mí también me parece fatal que los líderes hagan tal cosa ò_ó
UserBar de "A mí también me movieron en contra de mi voluntad" en 3, 2, 1....
Colen escribió:Es una coña con aku, que es una dictadora ;_;
Aku escribió:Colen escribió:Es una coña con aku, que es una dictadora ;_;
Si lo cojonudo es que me piden todos que les mueva PORQUE SON DEMASIADO VAGOS COMO PARA LOGEAR EN PADS PARA HACERLO ELLOS MISMOS y luego me montan estos espectáculos, si es que... a Sargatanas os voy a mandar a todos.
Khazar escribió:Pues si, en verdad vamos a liarla parda y montar un drama y pelearnos con aku y luego el resto crearemos una perla q se llame la almeja amarilla y nos iremos al server sargentas o como se llame! jujujuju
osfoel escribió:Entonces os vais vosotros a Ragnarok ????
Es la decision final ???
Tekan escribió:osfoel escribió:Entonces os vais vosotros a Ragnarok ????
Es la decision final ???
En XIVPADS trae una cosa pero puede ser verdad o mentira y nadie desmiente ni confirma de los presentes![]()
Como detalle en xivpads podeis ver los que están registrados con potestad de cambiarse pinchando en su perfil, yo aparezco en la web pero en realidad no tengo cuenta ni me voy a molestar en hacerla.
La gran jugada es que para ir al server EU, pasas por aqui primero si no estás activo:
Se sabe que harán otro cambio de servers más adelante pero sin detalles asi que mas vale pajaro en mano.. a que después pongan precio a cambiarte de servidor o cualquier cosa.
Tekan escribió:Yo hablo de la gente de EOL , no de Wycor and company, no de de qué hablas ni con qué no estás deacuerdo
Aquí no hubo nadie que individualmente dijese que va a otro server, hay un grupo de una ls que se irán , y gente esperando a ver qué hacen los demás, pero leyendo todo el post no se sabe nada.
Tekan escribió:Yo ya pagué hace mucho, pero soy un rácano y no gasto los crysta, de todas formas cuidado que no se te gasten los ojos leyéndome mientras los demás todavia no aparecen![]()
voy a empezar a escribir en otro color distinto como "no pagador" , que no es ni el primero ni el segundo ni el tercer comentario en el que se descalifica a la gente que no juega activamente, si quieres saber qué van a hacer te van a contestar igual escriba yo o no .