This thread is to organize the community's opinion for The Coalition.
Vote YES if you like the bullets coming from the center of the screen
Vote NO if you'd like the bullets to come from the barrel of the gun
My Opinion: I'm all for having a good remake and keeping it most identical as possible, but there are tons of flaws with shooting from the center. I'm going to say No, however if it ends up center screen, I'll take it either way. This is something the community needs to at least agree on. Core Gears 1 players won't agree with modern Gears players but we need to respect each other opinions and whatever decision is taken in the end by the Coalition. We cannot frown upon each other because the community is nearly split 50/50. We all must appreciate the fact a remake has been done, now we need to keep the bar were we all can play.
Yo me estoy acostumbrando a como está ahora, pero entiendo que si la gente está molesta este tipo de encuestas están muy bien.
A mi lo que se decida me parece perfect. Eso es algo que vas pillando. Si sale el tiro desde el cañon o desde el centro de la pantalla es indiferente, porque es para todos igual.