[HO] Grand Theft Auto V (Compras y temas técnicos a sus hilos)

Una pregunta con la "sincronizacion vertical", veo que mucha gente la desactiva para ganar FPS, yo tengo que tenerla activada porque sino veo el efecto ese de que se parte la pantalla, la linea esa que se ve cuando te mueves y tal, a la gente es que eso no les molesta y juegan igual o depende de la pantalla que se vea o no?

Es que ya me da por pensar que si tienes un monitor decente ese efecto no se ve y puedes desactivar la sincronizacion vertical, "monitor decente" no son palabras que acompañen al mio precisamente xD

P.D: Por cierto, han cambiado el editor del foro no? lo de escribir mensajes, ayer no lo veia como hoy, y ya no me sale el boton de editor avanzado con mas opciones xD
Viernes 19 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de Simeon más doble de GTA$ en las solicitudes de importación y exportación de Simeon.
Sábado 20 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de Ron más un 50% de descuento en todos los Blazers.
Domingo 21 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de Trevor más un 50% de descuento en bidones de gasolina.
Lunes 22 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de Martín más un 10% de descuento en casas sobre pilotes.
Martes 23 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de Lester más un 25% de descuento en los servicios de Lester.
Miércoles 24 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de Gerald más un 50% de descuento en microsubfusiles y pistolas ametralladoras.
Jueves 25 de febrero: doble de GTA$ y RP en todas las misiones de contacto de GTA Online.
Nexus_VII está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Puede ser que al quitar el vsync y volverlo a poner me vaya mejor el juego? es que me a dado la sensación que si porque al principio giraba la cámara y cuando se veía el coche notaba la bajada pero después de quitar y poner el vsync ya no me hacia eso a parte de que e puesto dos opciones mas en muy alto que tenia en alto.
Habeis visto el vídeo donde demuestran la primera X del monte que se ha descubierto
y el huevo?
Vaya, veo que algunos teneis mucho dinero, me gustaria apuntarme a eso de ganar dinero rapido, y ademas si alguien que quiera un helicoptero Swift me hiciera el favor de comprarmelo, ya que compre uno por error y no lo quiero, estoy ahorrando para un yate, ya tengo 6 millones, pero ese millon y pico que me gaste se echa en falta.

Un saludo.
Estoy buscando gente activa para golpes y demás. Sabéis donde puedo buscar?
Bentley escribió:Vaya, veo que algunos teneis mucho dinero, me gustaria apuntarme a eso de ganar dinero rapido, y ademas si alguien que quiera un helicoptero Swift me hiciera el favor de comprarmelo, ya que compre uno por error y no lo quiero, estoy ahorrando para un yate, ya tengo 6 millones, pero ese millon y pico que me gaste se echa en falta.

Un saludo.

No le puedes vender cosas compradas a otros jugadores xD
DOSCO_09 escribió:Estoy buscando gente activa para golpes y demás. Sabéis donde puedo buscar?

Yo busco lo mismo, ademas de hacer el reto de los 10 millones, en este video explican como hacerlo, lo de hacerlos todos sin morir parece chungo.
davoker escribió:Una pregunta con la "sincronizacion vertical", veo que mucha gente la desactiva para ganar FPS, yo tengo que tenerla activada porque sino veo el efecto ese de que se parte la pantalla, la linea esa que se ve cuando te mueves y tal, a la gente es que eso no les molesta y juegan igual o depende de la pantalla que se vea o no?

Es que ya me da por pensar que si tienes un monitor decente ese efecto no se ve y puedes desactivar la sincronizacion vertical, "monitor decente" no son palabras que acompañen al mio precisamente xD

P.D: Por cierto, han cambiado el editor del foro no? lo de escribir mensajes, ayer no lo veia como hoy, y ya no me sale el boton de editor avanzado con mas opciones xD

Si quitas la Vsync aparece tearing (el efecto de pantalla partida del que hablas), pero se puede evitar poniendo el juego en modo "ventana sin bordes" en lugar de "pantalla completa". Al ejecutar el juego en modo "ventana sin bordes", aunque desactives la Vsync no sufrirás tearing, dado que se aplica al juego la Vsync del escritorio de Windows.

Resumen: modo ventana sin bordes + desactivar Vsync = más fps sin tearing

Espero haberte ayudado a pesar de que formulaste tu duda hace más de un mes.
Juanatan escribió:
davoker escribió:Una pregunta con la "sincronizacion vertical", veo que mucha gente la desactiva para ganar FPS, yo tengo que tenerla activada porque sino veo el efecto ese de que se parte la pantalla, la linea esa que se ve cuando te mueves y tal, a la gente es que eso no les molesta y juegan igual o depende de la pantalla que se vea o no?

Es que ya me da por pensar que si tienes un monitor decente ese efecto no se ve y puedes desactivar la sincronizacion vertical, "monitor decente" no son palabras que acompañen al mio precisamente xD

P.D: Por cierto, han cambiado el editor del foro no? lo de escribir mensajes, ayer no lo veia como hoy, y ya no me sale el boton de editor avanzado con mas opciones xD

Si quitas la Vsync aparece tearing (el efecto de pantalla partida del que hablas), pero se puede evitar poniendo el juego en modo "ventana sin bordes" en lugar de "pantalla completa". Al ejecutar el juego en modo "ventana sin bordes", aunque desactives la Vsync no sufrirás tearing, dado que se aplica al juego la Vsync del escritorio de Windows.

Resumen: modo ventana sin bordes + desactivar Vsync = más fps sin tearing

Espero haberte ayudado a pesar de que formulaste tu duda hace más de un mes.

No lo sabia omg, gracias friend, pues lo probare con todo juego, recuerdo una vez haber puesto el modo ventana sin bordes y me parecio ver que se veia la resolucion un pelin diferente, como si se viera un poquitin todo mas pequeño o algo asi, igual fue cosa mia, pero preferi ponerlo a modo de pantalla completa para no rayarme xD voy a probarlo, mientras no haya el efecto tearing asi se queda si con ello gano rendimiento jeje
DOSCO_09 escribió:Estoy buscando gente activa para golpes y demás. Sabéis donde puedo buscar?

Yo también estoy buscando,somos 2 y hablamos por Skype mientras jugamos,a ver si nos juntamos cómo mínimo 4,solemos jugar a partir de las 20:00 ó 20:30 horas
@Bentley te digo lo mismo que a DOSCO_09
Mi nick en steam es paxama
paxama escribió:
DOSCO_09 escribió:Estoy buscando gente activa para golpes y demás. Sabéis donde puedo buscar?

Yo también estoy buscando,somos 2 y hablamos por Skype mientras jugamos,a ver si nos juntamos cómo mínimo 4,solemos jugar a partir de las 20:00 ó 20:30 horas
@Bentley te digo lo mismo que a DOSCO_09
Mi nick en steam es paxama

Dime tu nick en el juego, por que yo no lo tengo por steam o agregame, mi nick es Jedah-Dohma.
Yo busco amigos para jugar al GTA,ya que mis amigos solo juegan al CSGO,Rust,LOL y poco mas.

El juego me esta bajando una actualizacion.
Bolo_assassin escribió:Yo busco amigos para jugar al GTA,ya que mis amigos solo juegan al CSGO,Rust,LOL y poco mas.

El juego me esta bajando una actualizacion.

Pues dinos tu nick o agrega a gente, mi nick es Jedah-Dohma, agregame cuando quieras.
Si me dais permiso os agrego, lo único q no tengo son cascos con micro
En cuanto llegue a casa os agrego,el chatlo hacemos.por skype
Nuevo Update

[3/15/16] GTAV Title Update Notes 1.33 (PS4/Xbox One/PC)

Rockstar Games
Yesterday at 18:35
New Content – PS4, Xbox One & PC

One new vehicle is now available for purchase from Benny’s Original Motorworks Website in GTA Online:
Dundreary Virgo Classic
This vehicle can be upgraded at Benny’s Original Motorworks in GTA Online:
Dundreary Virgo Classic > Dundreary Virgo Classic Custom
One existing vehicle is now available for purchase from Benny’s Original Motorworks Website in GTA Online:
Vapid Slamvan
This vehicle can be upgraded at Benny’s Original Motorworks in GTA Online:
Vapid Slamvan > Vapid Slamvan Custom
One existing Benny’s vehicle now has a new upgrade type:
The Willard Faction can now upgrade into the Willard Faction Custom Donk
NOTE: The Willard Faction Custom upgrade is also still available.
NOTE: Players who have any of the existing stock vehicles can upgrade to a Custom version, they do not need to purchase a new stock vehicle from Benny's.

New ‘Benny’s Bespoke’ Wheel Types are available from Benny’s Original Motorworks.
One new Adversary Mode has been added to GTA Online which unlocks at Rank 1:
Push the other teams off of Maze Bank (and other locations).

Two new Weapons have been added to GTA Online:
Double Barrel Shotgun
Compact Rifle
Three new player actions have been added to GTA Online:
You Loco
Finger Kiss
Over 120 Lowrider themed clothing items and Outfits have been added to the Clothes Stores for Male and Female characters in GTA Online.
16 new Tattoos are available from Tattoo Parlors in GTA Online.
Three new Hairstyles are available for Male and Female characters in GTA Online.
New Features/Updates – PS4, Xbox One & PC

Ghosted to Player
Ghosted to Player is a new option on the Wasted screen that appears under the following criteria:

Player X kills you 3 times within 5 minutes.
You have not damaged Player X during those 3 kills.
This option can be found alongside the Respawn, Passive and One on One Deathmatch options and is triggered via R1/RB and displays as “Go Ghosted to Player X”. Once this option has been selected, you and Player X will be ghosted to each other and each other only for two minutes.

Contact Mission Unlock Update
The Contact Mission unlock system has been updated. Players now have two ways in which Contact Missions can be unlocked to allow for direct launching from the start menu:

Reach the requisite rank for the Mission (This unlocks the Mission for that character slot only).
Play the Mission via an invite (This unlocks the Mission for the whole profile).
Ammu-Nation Wall Re-Organization
Melee, Pistols and Throwable DLC Weapons have been moved from the DLC wall to appropriate cabinets.

The ‘No Shoes’ option is now available in wardrobes.
Players can now launch VIP Work and VIP Challenges when on the deck of their Yacht.
Mouse support for the ‘Move Yacht’ menu has been added.
A free retry has been set up for moving the Yacht when your chosen destination is full. If your Yacht fails to sail to the chosen destination and you’re placed nearby, you will be allowed to sail back there for free when a space becomes available as long as you don’t sail anywhere else.
General/Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One & PC Only

Fixes have been implemented to improve game stability and network performance for GTA Online.
Improvements have been made to reduce loading times when joining sessions and transitioning between sessions in GTA Online.
Fixed an issue where players who owned the Collector’s Edition and had transferred to PC were unable to sell 124 Popular St.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to modify or sell vehicles at Los Santos Customs shops after the Lowriders update.
Fixed an issue where the Vapid Hotknife was being delivered with no engine cover.
Fixed an issue where 0897 Mirror Park Blvd had no map icon when purchased as a 5th property.
Fixed an issue that caused the power of low-end hydraulics to display differently between players in a GTA Online session.
Fixed an issue that caused some Pegasus vehicles to be damaged when being delivered in certain locations.
Fixed an issue where players’ BMXs were changing color to black after logging out and back into Online.
Fixed an issue that was causing car purchase colors to be applied to BMX purchases.
Fixed an issue where the 'Moving Day' award was not being awarded to players.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to blow themselves up when completing the VIP Challenge - Sightseer hacking mini-game while piloting a Buzzard.
Fixed an issue where players’ 4th and 5th properties were not being cleaned by the cleaner.
Fixed an issue that was causing a strobe effect on wheels that were upgraded at Benny's.
Fixed issues where players’ Yacht names were being cut off.
Fixed an issue that was causing Heist music to fade out early and be replaced with standard Mission music during Heists.
Fixed an issue that was causing the license plate 'Blue on White 2' to revert to 'Blue on White 1' when players were logging out and back into Online.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to remove a Crew Emblem from their Personal Vehicles.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Social Club website to display “Unable to retrieve personal vehicle details.” for some players.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘New’ tab not displaying all new Apartments on the Dynasty8 website.
Fixed an issue that was causing the ‘Crew Cut’ Trophy to not be awarded when the requirements are met on Slasher modes.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be returned back to the same location due to the area being full, despite having paid to move their Yacht.
Fixed an issue that meant players could still use docked Seasharks on a Yacht despite the owner having the Yacht Vehicle Access set to ‘Passengers’.
Fixed an issue that was causing docked Yacht vehicles at the back of players’ Yachts to not disappear after they had moved their Yacht.
Fixed an issue where players’ docked Yacht vehicles would float away despite a player standing on it.
Fixed an issue where Bodyguards could not always enter the Yacht Helicopter despite their VIP having their Yacht Vehicle Access set to 'Associates'.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being forced out of Yacht Vehicles despite the owner having set their access set to ‘Anyone’.
Fixed an issue that caused players to disconnect from a GTA Online session when purchasing a Galaxy Super Yacht.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to have no button prompts or icons when opening Snapmatic after using the Radio in the Apartment.
Fixed an issue that was causing players not to receive a Wanted Level during the VIP Challenge - Most Wanted.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck with no functionality in Benny's Garage while in with a passenger.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to spawn in the middle of the city after launching a Contact Mission from the interior of a player’s Yacht.
Fixed an issue that was causing Apartment interiors to disappear after changing to the Monochrome interior.
Fixed an issue that was causing the door at Benny's Original Motor Works to not open.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be stuck in the sky after hosting a Playlist and choosing to replay it upon completion.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to be placed into an Adversary Mode when trying to join through the map.
Fixed an issue that causing all phone calls to in-game services to endlessly ring.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to spawn without a vehicle after dying during the Vehicle Deathmatch - Savage vs Savage.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be stuck on a black screen after timing out then rejoining a Till Death Do Us Part Adversary Mode round.
Fixed an issue that meant players were not given the Adversary Mode specific Outfit unless they had joined the Job in progress.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to have limited functionality after answering Simeon’s Online Tutorial phone call and initiating Lamar’s Lowrider Missions at the same time.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be stuck ‘Launching Session’ if the host launches while another player is joining.
Fixed an issue that caused players to have no functionality after getting a private dance.
Fixed an issue that wasn’t allowing players with a different targeting mode than the host to join their User Generated Content lobby.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to have no functionality when trying to use the Bong.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be stuck facing 4 Hangman Avenue when attempting to start an invite-only session while having your Apartment as your spawn location.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be stuck in the sky after selecting to join a full Job and confirming to spectate.
Fixed an issue that was causing players who joined a Playlist in progress to see fewer total Jobs than players who had originally joined. This resulted in the joining player showing as Idle and the Playlist could not be launched.
Fixed an issue that was stopping players from being able to change any Parachute options in the Personal Interactions Menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the player falling through their Apartment when attempting to get into bed from the left-hand
Fixed issues that resulted in players spawning in their beds under the map.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be stuck in the sky after joining a Playlist in progress while in a queue to join it, then canceling when being asked to spectate.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to spawn inside a wall in 2874 Hillcrest Avenue after accepting an invite to the Apartment whilst being in their own Apartment.
Fixed an issue that was causing mods applied to vehicles to not save properly.
Fixed issues with the resale value of the Sultan RS.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to clip into each other after accepting an invite to a friend's Yacht.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning on the shore instead of on their Yacht after dying close to it.
Fixed an issue where players would become stuck if they were blown up when approaching Lester’s house during the Tutorial.
Fixed an issue where players would lose functionality after being killed when attempting to use the Rollercoaster.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Runner to explode at the beginning of Hunting Pack.
Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to collect pickups in a GTA Race.
Fixed an issue that was causing the VIP Challenge - Point to Point to not end correctly and leave the host with limited functionality.
Fixed an issue that was displaying spectating players as active participants at the beginning of Round 2.
Fixed an issue that was causing a loss of functionality when sitting on the Sofa and attempting to watch TV.
Fixed an issue that was causing the TV in Eclipse Towers to not display certain channels.
Fixed an issue that caused the Apartment TV to remain frozen on a single image when entering an Apartment.
Fixed an issue that resulted in TV audio to get stuck playing when spectating other players through your Apartment TV.
Fixed an issue that was causing Till Death Do Us Part to end after 1 round despite it being set to 2 rounds.
Fixed an issue that was causing The Prison Break – Finale to fail at the beginning of the Job.
Fixed an issue that caused players to be stuck in the sky after failing Prison Break – Plane.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving The Captain's text message after purchasing the Yacht.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning inside of Yachts if they are standing inside a move location.
Fixed an issue that was causing two Yacht Move destinations to display incorrectly on the Yacht Move menu.
Fixed an issue where Tutorial progress would be blocked if the player quits the game on the Mall or Nothing settings screen and then returns to GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving a Bulletproof Helmet after completing the January Event Playlist.
Fixed an issue where characters were displayed as being in default clothing on the Character Selection screen.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ bodies to disappear immediately after being killed in various modes.
Fixed an issue that resulted in VIPs and Bodyguards being unable to access Accessories, Body Armor or Parachute menus in the Personal Interactions Menu.
Fixed an issue that resulted in VIP and Bodyguard weapons not unlocking after being part of an Organization.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Radio in Apartments to play for a second when switching Apartment styles despite the Radio being turned off.
Fixed an issue that was causing Hunter players to still have the Rhino’s UI elements present on their screen even after leaving the Rhino Hunt area.
Fixed an issue that was causing Crew Emblem Tattoos to be removed after completing The Prison Break - Finale and rebooting the game.
Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to pick up Bullshark Testosterone dropped by the VIP while they are in a vehicle.
Fixed an issue that was causing spectating players to spawn on foot during Slasher Adversary Mode.
Fixed an issue that was causing winning Runner teams to be displayed as losers at the end of the match during Hunting Pack.
Fixed an issue that was causing players’ characters to flash while spectating them as they entered their Yacht Bridge.
Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to change into their Christmas Gift Pajamas in their Apartment Wardrobe.
Fixed an issue that was causing the message “Sorry - Your vehicle already has this item fitted.” when trying to upgrade the rear wheel on a Motorcycle.
Fixed an issue that caused the Yacht to change location after finding a new session.
Fixed an issue that was causing VIP players to receive the incorrect descriptive text “Key player in Freemode Event” instead of “Not enough Bodyguards” when trying to launch the VIP Challenge - Due Diligence as Spectator.
Fixed issues with The Yacht Captain’s dialogue.
Fixed an issue with The Yacht Barmaid’s dialogue.
Fixed issues with stat boosts being applied to Bodyguards when in their VIP’s radius.
Fixed attacker spawning issues during Yacht Attack.
Fixed an issue that was causing strippers to not give players their contact number if the player only owned a Yacht and no Apartment.
Fixed an issue that would result in a significant frame drop when calling a VIP vehicle from an out of range distance.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving numerous messages from other players who were looking for work.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Yacht Activities and the Yacht itself becoming unusable after exiting the Yacht.
Fixed an issue that was causing characters of players who had left session while in the Hot Tub to remain stuck walking on the spot and unable to exit the area.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Bodyguards being unable to request a delivery of the Washington or BeeJay once they have
Fixed an issue that resulted in some players being shown a different player’s Yacht Move cutscene and would be briefly placed on the deck before eventually being returned to their own Yacht.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ being killed if they were in the area that another player was moving their Yacht to.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the end of Mission leaderboard displaying 'Voted' instead of 'Rounds Won' when playing with 2 players.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players in Dinghies outside of the Yacht not being moved with the Yacht when the owner chose to move it.
Fixed an issue where players’ Yachts were being moved after choosing to replay a Job.
Fixed an issue that was stopping Yacht help text for certain players during Piracy Prevention.
Fixed an issue that meant the VIP could be pulled out of their Armored Limo by The Mugger.
Fixed an issue that results in players being unable to buzz in nearby Crew Members into their Apartment.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Switchblade Default Skin being purchasable.
Fixed an issue with Yacht Helicopter spawns.
Fixed an issue that was causing a prolonged transition back to Freemode after finishing a Heist Mission.
Fixed an issue that was causing Platinum Awards to not correctly update.
Fixed an issue that was causing Bodyguards to display as “-1” when attempting to change Organization Outfits as the VIP.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being spawned at their Yacht’s previous location when switching session.
Fixed an issue that was causing Heist Outfits to not be correctly applied meaning players were left in their Freemode clothing.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Press right d-Pad to stop leaning on the rail.” Yacht message to persist indefinitely while in Freemode.
Fixed an issue that resulted in an offset view when aiming in First Person while wearing the ‘No Shoes’ option.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning in on foot when spectating Siege Mentality.
Fixed an issue that was causing VIP players to be told that the challenge was over while spectating during the VIP Challenge - Courier Service.
Fixed an issue where players would lose Personal Interactions Menu functionality after being pushed into the Piracy Prevention capture area whilst using the Radio.
Fixed an issue that caused the water texture in the Hot Tub to display on the player and surfaces looked at in 3rd
Fixed an issue that was causing prolonged transitions between rounds in Last Team Standings.
Fixed an issue that resulted in DLC weapons in Ammu-Nation to pop into view.
Fixed an issue that caused players to lose Personal Interactions Menu functionality after killing a player in a Hot Tub.
Fixed an issue that was causing Prostitutes to not charge any money for their services.
Fixed pricing issues with the purchasing of the Yacht and Yacht modifications.
Fixed an issue where Bodyguards would not receive payment for delivering Moving Target vehicles when their VIP was playing an Executive Search that had been launched by a rival VIP.
Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect payments being distributed to the Organization that destroyed both vehicles during Asset Recovery.
Fixed an issue that was causing the UI to incorrectly display to Bodyguard players that they received $10,000 cash when they actually only receive $500 during Moving Target.
Fixed an issue where players that have an active Personal Vehicle that is one of the VIP Abilities vehicles causes it to cost money when requested, rather than being marked as FREE.
Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect payouts occurring on the Del Perro Time Trial.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being charged by The Captain twice after ordering the same vehicle twice due to the first one not arriving.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the delivered vehicle being counted twice during the VIP Challenge - Auto Buyout.
Fixed an issue where members of an Organization would receive the proximity bonus RP, despite being out of the VIP’s range.
Fixed an issue with insurance premiums for the Karin Sultan after another player destroys it.
Fixed an issue that would cause no score to play after restarting the Mission during Humane Labs - Key Codes.
Fixed an issue that resulted in Organization Style Outfits being removed after finding a new session.
Fixed an issue that caused the black Parachute Bag set by the Adversary Outfit to revert to the standard white colors during Drop Zone.
Fixed an issue in Drop Zone where a player who accepted an invite to the Job after it had launched and chose to spectate began spectating another spectator rather than the players actually in the Job.
Fixed an issue that resulted in an incorrect message displaying when attempting to apply a Crew Emblem to the Albany Roosevelt Valor.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Bullpup Rifle and Special Carbine to not display all mods on the stats screen.
Fixed an issue that created a betting column on the final scoreboard for Drop Zone despite no one being able to bet before the Job.
Fixed an issue that was preventing players from looking around in First Person while in mod shops.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the Bravado Banshee 900R's name not fully displaying in Japanese when entering Benny's.
Fixed an issue that caused the Rockstar Created Air Race 'Island Air Race' to not be translated on the Online Map when playing in Japanese.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ names not being visible above their head when targeting them after completing Rhino Hunt.
Fixed camera issues when previewing dials Benny's.
Fixed an issue that would cause the passenger's camera to clip through the car when the driver browses through the interior mods in Benny’s.
Fixed an issue that resulted in all teams being given 'Runner' vehicles during the second round of Offense Defense
Fixed an issue that was causing Parachute canopies associated with Organization styles to not match as expected.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to access Los Santos Customs in the Albany Roosevelt Valor.
Fixed an issue that was causing players’ Hairstyles to change from the Ponytail to Layered Bob in a Job Playlist and remain present in Freemode.
Fixed an issue that caused the Online Tutorial to stop if a VIP Work was active in the session at the time.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to spawn falling through the world after joining a player who was standing in a Stilt Apartment.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to purchase ammo via the option in the Personal Interactions Menu.
Fixed an issue with the Personal Interactions Menu having limited functionality after being idle kicked from Drop Zone and returning to Freemode.
Fixed an issue that was causing the alert “There are no players suitable to spectate. Joining a new GTA Online session.” when trying to spectate a player.
Fixed an issue that was causing ‘Vehicle Remote Functions’ and ‘Vehicle Door Options’ to stop working if the player rag dolls when restoring their Vehicle Doors.
Fixed an issue that caused players to T-pose if they rag doll while performing ‘Vehicle Remote Functions’ and ‘Vehicle Door Options’ actions.
Fixed an issue that would cause scrolling to break after moving to a menu that has fewer Jobs in its list than the previous.
Fixed an issue that caused players to spawn into Eclipse Towers, Penthouse Suite 3 Shower with their clothes on.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be sent back to Freemode after friend spectating a player who chose to quit from the Next Job Voting Screen.
Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck when entering a full Garage after accepting a One-on-One Deathmatch invitation while in the vehicle replacement menu.
Fixed an issue that caused some players to be kicked from their Yacht during sessions with a high number of players.
Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to remove the SA Flight School Cap.
Fixed an issue that caused players to lose functionality after being forced out of the Sightseer app during the VIP Challenge - Sightseer.
Fixed an issue that caused the menu option for Blusher to disappear when browsing through the Makeup menu.
Fixed an issue that was causing players to be unable to exit their Garage after driving into it with a vehicle that had a trailer.
Fixed an issue that caused a spectating player’s character to spawn on foot after joining a Survival with a round in progress.
Fixed an issue that was causing the delivery area to be floating at 2045 North Conker Drive during Fleeca – Scope Out.
Fixed an issue that caused the rank in dpad down leaderboard to copy the player below during the VIP Challenge - Sightseer.
Fixed an issue that meant activating the leaderboard whilst spectating would overlap the team UI.
Fixed an issue that caused the Wheat Grass drink to continuously fall through the table in Apartments.
Fixed an issue that caused players’ Parachute Bags to change from the Drop Zone specific bags to Default Parachute Bags.
Fixed an issue that meant the option to remotely turn Headlights on/off is still usable despite the option being grayed out when Headlight Covers are equipped.
Fixed an issue that resulted in the leaderboard for Be My Valentine incorrectly displaying '0 rounds won' despite a team winning when the game is set to 1 round.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to remove 2014 Valentine Vest Ties while wearing vests from the 2016 Valentine pack.
Fixed an issue that caused ‘Cuffed Shirt’ options to disappear from Shop menus.
Fixed an issue that caused other players to see the Yacht Captain to fall through the Yacht when the owner moves it.
Fixed an issue that caused players to have invisible arms when equipping gloves with Narco Polo 1 Bodyguard Uniform.
Fixed an issue that resulted in ‘The Blues’ Outfit featuring a combination of invalid clothing.
Fixed an issue with clipping on various female Business Update clothing.
Fixed multiple issues with certain clothing clipping into vehicle interiors when modifying a vehicle in Benny’s while in First Person.
Fixed an issue that caused changes being made to the dials difficult to see when modifying the Moonbeam Custom in Benny’s.
Fixed an issue with a “+” appearing on the flag page when purchasing or modifying a Yacht.
Fixed an issue where players’ Rebreathers would be used while underwater in the Kraken.
Fixed an issue that was causing the upgrade flash filter when upgrading vehicles in Benny’s to incorrectly display for passenger players.
Fixed an issue that caused long names of Organizations to overlap with text 'Organization Name'.
Fixed an issue that was causing parts of the text in the Yacht name to clip into the Yacht's texture.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being notified why they are being removed from their current vehicle when a player moves their Yacht.
Fixed an issue that was causing restricted area Wanted Levels to carry on into Single Player from Director Mode.
Fixed issues that caused certain modifications on the Sultan RS to render incorrectly in recorded Rockstar Editor Clips.
Fixed a crash that occurred while panning the camera in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that was causing text to display as “NULL” or an unsupported character when adding multiple special characters to a Capture’s objective text.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to unlock Sea and Air Races after publishing a Land Race.
Fixed an issue where players would get stuck on a black screen when attempting to test a Raid Capture.
Fixed an issue that was causing Created Capture Jobs to not be present in-game if the player saves or loads midway through testing.
Fixed an issue where the Revolver and Switchblade weapon pickups were appearing as Baseball Bats on the radar in the Creator.
Fixed names of multiple vehicles in the Creator to avoid confusion.
Fixed an issue that meant the Heavy Revolver could not be set as a forced weapon in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that was stopping players placing any more actors after having already placed ten.
Fixed an issue that stopped players from selecting to choose whether a specific team can score with a particular vehicle or not.
Fixed issues with multiple weapons having different weapon blips in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Grenade to be listed under two categories in the Creator.
Fixed an issue that was causing User Generated Content Jobs that were bookmarked to be subject to the matchmaking rules in place for Rockstar Created Jobs.
Fixed issues where no button prompts/icons appeared when opening Snapmatic in Single Player.
General/Miscellaneous – PS4 Only

Fixed an issue that wouldn’t load the player into the appropriate modes when using the PS4 Live Tile for Drop Zone and Till Death Do Us Part Adversary Modes.
Fixed an issue that was alerting players with “Your Sony Entertainment Network account cannot access User Generated Content due to parental control restrictions.” after removing a broken Crew Emblem, and then attempting to reapply it.
Fixed an issue that caused the game to be stuck after attempting to join a friended player’s lobby that the player had left from their PlayStation Home Screen.
Fixed an issue that occurred when a player tried to access a published Job via a Live Tile.
Fixed an incorrect error message when attempting to join an ‘Invite Only’ GTA Online session via the Friends section of the PlayStation Home Screen.
Fixed some network connectivity issues that could occur after suspending and resuming GTA Online several times.

General / Miscellaneous – Xbox One Only

Fixed an issue for some Xbox One players that may have caused the game to crash when viewing the Stats tab in GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that occurred after trying to access the Personal Interactions Menu during Drop Zone.
Fixed an issue that occurred after setting the “You can buy and download” privacy setting to 'Blocked' which meant trying to access the Xbox Store using the prompt in Ammu-Nation would display an incorrect error message.
Fixed an issue where players would receive an inaccurate alert message when publishing a created Job after a service outage.
Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being informed why their GTA Online character is not available if they had experienced a service outage before entering Director Mode.
Fixed an issue that was causing a black screen when attempting to enter GTA Online after experiencing a service outage whilst loading into Single Player.
General / Miscellaneous – PC Only

Fixed an issue that caused the 3D Vision separation values in the NVIDIA Control Panel to reset on the first launch of Grand Theft Auto V after installation or update.
Fixed an issue that caused snow to not display on the ground when using Frame Scaling Mode in the ‘Advanced Graphics’ settings menu.
Fixed an issue that was causing Special Edition content to not be free on PC after transferring a character.
Fixed an issue that caused the Invetero Coquette to automatically revert to having a roof reapplied despite the player removing it after exiting and then re-entering GTA Online.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to purchase the Scope mod for the Special Carbine Rifle.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to open the left and right earring menu when using mouse and keyboard.
Fixed an issue that made scrolling to select a Yacht Move location when using a Joypad very difficult.
Fixed an issue that results in the mouse cursor to disappear after selecting Ornaments in Benny's for the Banshee 900R.
Fixed an issue that was causing new vehicle names to overlap in the Race Creator menu when displaying in 4:3.
Fixed an issue that was causing the game to freeze when right clicking to enter Director Mode.
hay mucha gente en el online de pc?

como va el tema de mods?
Se que había un hilo para ello pero esta ya archivado, sabéis algún sitio donde pillar el juego de manera mas o menos económica?

Bentley escribió:
paxama escribió:
DOSCO_09 escribió:Estoy buscando gente activa para golpes y demás. Sabéis donde puedo buscar?

Yo también estoy buscando,somos 2 y hablamos por Skype mientras jugamos,a ver si nos juntamos cómo mínimo 4,solemos jugar a partir de las 20:00 ó 20:30 horas
@Bentley te digo lo mismo que a DOSCO_09
Mi nick en steam es paxama

Dime tu nick en el juego, por que yo no lo tengo por steam o agregame, mi nick es Jedah-Dohma.

Te acabo de agregar. Hoy no jugare que tengo futbol. Pero mañana si.
davoker escribió:
Juanatan escribió:
davoker escribió:Una pregunta con la "sincronizacion vertical", veo que mucha gente la desactiva para ganar FPS, yo tengo que tenerla activada porque sino veo el efecto ese de que se parte la pantalla, la linea esa que se ve cuando te mueves y tal, a la gente es que eso no les molesta y juegan igual o depende de la pantalla que se vea o no?

Es que ya me da por pensar que si tienes un monitor decente ese efecto no se ve y puedes desactivar la sincronizacion vertical, "monitor decente" no son palabras que acompañen al mio precisamente xD

P.D: Por cierto, han cambiado el editor del foro no? lo de escribir mensajes, ayer no lo veia como hoy, y ya no me sale el boton de editor avanzado con mas opciones xD

Si quitas la Vsync aparece tearing (el efecto de pantalla partida del que hablas), pero se puede evitar poniendo el juego en modo "ventana sin bordes" en lugar de "pantalla completa". Al ejecutar el juego en modo "ventana sin bordes", aunque desactives la Vsync no sufrirás tearing, dado que se aplica al juego la Vsync del escritorio de Windows.

Resumen: modo ventana sin bordes + desactivar Vsync = más fps sin tearing

Espero haberte ayudado a pesar de que formulaste tu duda hace más de un mes.

No lo sabia omg, gracias friend, pues lo probare con todo juego, recuerdo una vez haber puesto el modo ventana sin bordes y me parecio ver que se veia la resolucion un pelin diferente, como si se viera un poquitin todo mas pequeño o algo asi, igual fue cosa mia, pero preferi ponerlo a modo de pantalla completa para no rayarme xD voy a probarlo, mientras no haya el efecto tearing asi se queda si con ello gano rendimiento jeje

El modo ventana sin bordes activa el V-Sync con el triple buffering. No es una solución mágica.
@NeoDecoy Ya compi, se que no es magia ¬_¬ pero sino lo sabes y te lo comentan pues oye, eso que gano, en GTA V noto la diferencia, en TW3 no tanto, lo noto mas en unos que en otros, pero notar se nota.

A mi me da igual lo que activa y lo que no, si noto mejoria me vale, mientras no joda otra cosa vaya [+risas]
davoker escribió:@NeoDecoy Ya compi, se que no es magia ¬_¬ pero sino lo sabes y te lo comentan pues oye, eso que gano, en GTA V noto la diferencia, en TW3 no tanto, lo noto mas en unos que en otros, pero notar se nota.

A mi me da igual lo que activa y lo que no, si noto mejoria me vale, mientras no joda otra cosa vaya [+risas]

Lo que digo es que estás haciendo exactamente lo mismo: activar el V-Sync. Si lo que buscas es una solución que no lo involucre, no es la adecuada. Dicho esto, el V-Sync en principio no tendría que afectar al rendimiento para nada. Si estás sufriendo tearing, es porque ya tienes maquina para mover al juego por encima de la velocidad de refreso.
NeoDecoy escribió:
davoker escribió:@NeoDecoy Ya compi, se que no es magia ¬_¬ pero sino lo sabes y te lo comentan pues oye, eso que gano, en GTA V noto la diferencia, en TW3 no tanto, lo noto mas en unos que en otros, pero notar se nota.

A mi me da igual lo que activa y lo que no, si noto mejoria me vale, mientras no joda otra cosa vaya [+risas]

Lo que digo es que estás haciendo exactamente lo mismo: activar el V-Sync. Si lo que buscas es una solución que no lo involucre, no es la adecuada. Dicho esto, el V-Sync en principio no tendría que afectar al rendimiento para nada. Si estás sufriendo tearing, es porque ya tienes maquina para mover al juego por encima de la velocidad de refreso.

Mm, lo puse a modo ventana sin bordes y desactive el v-sync para que cogiera el de escritorio, asi no tenia el efecto este que no recuerdo como se llama, el de pantalla partida, a pantalla completa con v-sync lo veia igual claro, pero noto un incremento en los FPS, podria decirte que igual es cosa mia, efecto placebo, pero me remito a las pruebas, en GTA V, como en otros juegos, puedo subir algunas opciones graficas, loq ue antes estaba en muy alto, a ultra, manteniendo la misma tasa de FPS que antes con pantalla completa, v-sync activado en el juego, y con esas opciones graficas un punto mas bajo, por eso te digo.

No se si deberia afectar o no, pero es lo que veo, a no ser que el contador de FPS me engañe claro, pero eso seria a simple vista, la fluidez la noto.

De maquina no ando sobrado, osea, de grafica al menos, el proce es un I7 4790, tengo 8gb de ram, que creo deberian bastar, ni lo que consume windows ni los juegos me consumen los 8, me sigue sobrando ram asi que creo que es suficiente, pero la grafica es una GTX 760 windforce de 4gb, muy cortita para mover a ultra juegos tan brutos, de hecho, GTA V casi todo esta al maximo, pero no juego a FHD, sino a 1366x768, y por eso puedo con esa grafica, si fuera a 1920x1080 es probable que loo que esta al maximo, en muy alto en caso de este juego, tendria que bajar a alto o tendria bajones muy serios con esta grafica.

Aun con esa resolucion, no consigo 60fps en nada si pongo todo al maximo, todo ronda los 50/60, no estables, tan pronto eta en 50, que sube a 60, o incluso algun bajon a 45, con este rollo he cosneguido mantener mas unos 50/55, y raro es que baje a 45, si acaso sube de 55 segun el juego.

P.D: Y no puedo fiarme de Nvidia Experience, a veces me dice que ponga cosas por encima de las posibildiades de mi grafica, y otras veces por debajo xD
(mensaje borrado)
señores una duda me estoy pasando el modo campaña y con Franklin me he tuneado un coche a mas no poder, la cosa es que cada vez que cambio de personaje, tengo que ir a buscar el coche al garaje o al deposito de la policia, hay alguna madera que al volver con franklin ya me saliera con el coche tuning
Una rayada, el tearing es la linea esta que se ve en pantalla que parece que se mueva de arriba hacia abajo? es que no lo entiendo, anteriormente, jugaba a pantalla completa con v-sync puesto y 0 problemas, luego me dio el punto y puse modo ventana sin bordes con v-sync quitado, tambien bien, no se veia nada de eso, ahora vuelvo a poner pantalla completa con v-sync activado, y ahora SI me sale la mierda de la raya esa que va bajando cada vez que me muevo...

No lo entiendo, si antes no salia porque cojones sale ahora? la configuracion de la grafica es la misma tanto en el juego como en el panel de nvidia, lo tengo puesto en el panel como "dejar decidir a la aplicacion 3D" como siempre, en el juego todo es igual a excepcion de que cambie pantalla completa con v-sync, por ventana sin bordes sin v-sync, y volvi a pantalla completa de nuevo con v-sync, deberia estar igual que siempre, pero ahora me sale el dichoso efecto ese y me obliga a jugar a ventana sin bordes sin v-sync...

Edito: se a solucionado solo... digo voy a ir el panel de nvidia, pongo la sincronizacion en activada, y la desactivo del juego, problema resuelto ahi, salgo de juego, vuelvo a ponerlo como estaba por defecto, y pongo de nuevo que "la aplicacion 3D decida", deberia haberme salido el tearing de nuevo, pero no, se a solucionado solito, que cosas mas rara, primero on me lo hacia, luego me lo hace, y luego otra vez no, y la configuracion no cambia, inexplicable para mi [+risas] pero bueno solucionado xD
Quien quiera hacer misiones de Lamar o atracos soy en steam ODIN//FUMAKE
Sabeis si se pueden comprar mas casas que las predeterminadas?

Me parecio leer que existian pero tenias que buscar el cartel de for sale,no via pagina web.
Pregunta señores, que me recomendáis para que el personaje aguante mejor los tiros? Y para el sniper la peña que apunta automaticamente? Consejos?

Puede un amigo pasarme dinero en el gta online???
alguien con ganas de hacer misiones que me de quedan para esta tarde?
ELwendo escribió:Puede un amigo pasarme dinero en el gta online???

No, por lo menos de manera legal, y sin uso de MODS, con el consiguiente riesgo de baneo.
ELwendo escribió:Puede un amigo pasarme dinero en el gta online???

Si alcanzas el nivel suficiente para pedir un atracador entrar en una partida privada dile a tu amigo que lleve encima la cantidad que te valla a pasar y en cuanto se la robe matas al atracador y te quedas el dinero , si no recuerdo mal le puede quitar hasta 10.000 pero hace tiempo que no lo uso,y luego vamos las veces que hagan falta llama a Lamar y por 1000 monedas (creo) lo tienes
estamos ahora mismo de mision en el ts de EOL GTAV
Donde lo puedo pillar barato??
Tengo una duda, a ver si alguien me puede ayudar...
En la version de consola te dejaba elegir servidores dependiendo de si usabas apuntado automatico o no.
Pasa tambien en PC? Es que uso mando y seria injusto jugar contra gente con raton D:
AgoYaMo escribió:Tengo una duda, a ver si alguien me puede ayudar...
En la version de consola te dejaba elegir servidores dependiendo de si usabas apuntado automatico o no.
Pasa tambien en PC? Es que uso mando y seria injusto jugar contra gente con raton D:


Y creeme, no es tan injusto porque el hitreg del juego es una soberana mierda xdd al final se está casi en ingualdad de condiciones.
Tengo una gtx 1080 y en este juego, no se porque sera, la carga de la gpu me va oscilando, en vez de estar al 99% como es normal va variando de 99 a 70%, tengo el vsync puesto a 144fps, y a 1440p esta grafica no llega a esos fps en lugares abiertos. En otra parte de este foro ya alguno me a dicho que le pasa lo mismo y tiene una 1070, y en youtube he estado viendo videos de la 1070 y 1080 y les pasa lo que a mi. El juego me funciona bien pero pierdo algunos fps porque la tarjeta no tira a tope siempre, antes con la gtx 970 esto no me pasaba. Dejo una imagen para que podais entender bien lo que digo. Tambien dejo un video de youtube de alguien que he visto que le pasa lo mismo

@Ruben1001 Enhorabuena por tu tarjeta y yo me pasaria por el hilo de problemas tecnicos
@anrura gracias, pero cual es el hilo de problemas tecnicos?
Ruben1001 escribió:@anrura gracias, pero cual es el hilo de problemas tecnicos?

Ves a la primera pagina de este hay lo tienes
@anrura ok , ya lo he visto gracias
no es un poco desesperante hacer las misiones online? , siempre muere alguien del grupo muchas veces por hacer el tonto y a empezar de nuevo [snif]
¿Sabéis como reiniciar las misiones? quiero decir cuando estas dentro de una misión y reiniciar esa misión porque sabes que no vale la pena seguir, por ejemplo en las carreras de coches. NO me refiero a repetir misiones desde el menú principal del juego.

Cassie escribió:no es un poco desesperante hacer las misiones online? , siempre muere alguien del grupo muchas veces por hacer el tonto y a empezar de nuevo [snif]

tienes toda la razon, eso es lo que me hecha siempre para atras. a la 3 vez salgo siempre
Lo que es desesperante es jugar con guiris a las carreras acrobáticas, yo veo normal que haya choques y te den por la espalda para joderte pero que siempre haya el tipico subnormal parado en la entrada de los tubos para joder la carrera a los demas es muy triste.
Que es mejor en el online ,comprar primero un buen coche,o una oficina de esas de negocios, gracias
5070 respuestas