BBrode Director del juego y rapero a tiempo parcial ha respondido una serie de preguntas de la comunidad. POngo algunas que me parecen interesantes:
-In your opinion, which card is most guilty at limiting future card mechanics?
Stonetusk Boar
Donais just walked by and I asked him this question - He said "Boar, but also Prep, Innervate, and Malygos."
Le preguntan que carta les limita mas a la hora de crear nuevas mecanicas en el futuro y responde que que el jabali con cargar. El de 1 de mana stats 1/1. Ademas de preparacion, estimular y Malygos.
-A while ago, arena rewards were discussed, and how getting common cards is such a "feelsbadman" reward. Is this still being looked at?
Yes, we are planning on making a change in an upcoming patch. Details to come.
-In the past you mentioned cards that have been previously nerfed might be un-nerfed and moved into the Hall of Fame in the next standard rotation, what is your/Blizzard's current stance on these cards, specifically Molten Giant? #HoFMolten2018
I'm a little torn. I think there are pros and cons. The potential downside I'm most worried about is our ability to make Handlock really insane in Standard going forward with new cards, without pushing it into insanity in Wild. We'd like to make Handlock a thing again - and we can do that in Wild by moving the card that and buffing it, or by making new cards in Standard that are good in both formats. This doesn't mean we won't move/buff it, it's just something we're thinking about.
-Rotate Ice Block when?
We wouldn't be doing Wild Rotations out side of Hearthstone New Year. It's definitely a card that matches our red flags for cards that maybe shouldn't be in Standard forever. That doesn't mean we don't want combo decks or freeze mage - it's just that we want things to change each year!
Y todas las respuestas en: