[HO] iRacing 2.0

Mustick escribió:Buenas,

Para la Season 4 van a sacar los 3 nuevos coches de las Nascar Xfinity, los 3 coches viejos pasan a ser gratis para todos. Si se ha comprado alguno de los coches en los últimos 24 meses te darán el nuevo gratis, si lo tienes comprado de antes darán 5$ en créditos para que salga más barato.

El Kia lo van a hacer también gratis para todos pero en este caso no van a dar créditos.

For Season 4 2019 we will be releasing all 3 new Xfinity cars to the iRacing service. The Xfinity Ford Mustang, Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro and the Xfinity Toyota Supra will be priced at $11.95. However, whoever purchased it's predecessor, in the last 24 months, and in the case of the Toyota Supra, that is the Xfinity Camry, will be granted the cars for free. Furthermore, anybody else who purchased the predecessor, prior to the two years will receive $5 in credit.

Also, the previous version of the Xfinity cars will be made free and will be listed with “archived” in the car’s name.

The Kia will also be made free starting with Season 4 as well. There will be no credit offered for this car.

Un saludo

¿Sabes si tienes la cuenta no activa darán esos créditos por los coches NASCAR Xfinity? Yo imagino que no, pero cawento , que yo tengo un Xfinity y la cuenta no está activa.

@behoram Yo entiendo que eso se queda ahí hasta que se active la cuenta y al entrar lo recibirías. Todo en las cuentas sigue pasando, si te tocaba subir o bajar de licencia va a pasar aunque lo dejaras a mitad de una temporada, cuando esa persona reactive verá el ascenso y descenso.

Un saludo
Mustick escribió:Buenas,

Para la Season 4 van a sacar los 3 nuevos coches de las Nascar Xfinity, los 3 coches viejos pasan a ser gratis para todos. Si se ha comprado alguno de los coches en los últimos 24 meses te darán el nuevo gratis, si lo tienes comprado de antes darán 5$ en créditos para que salga más barato.

El Kia lo van a hacer también gratis para todos pero en este caso no van a dar créditos.

For Season 4 2019 we will be releasing all 3 new Xfinity cars to the iRacing service. The Xfinity Ford Mustang, Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro and the Xfinity Toyota Supra will be priced at $11.95. However, whoever purchased it's predecessor, in the last 24 months, and in the case of the Toyota Supra, that is the Xfinity Camry, will be granted the cars for free. Furthermore, anybody else who purchased the predecessor, prior to the two years will receive $5 in credit.

Also, the previous version of the Xfinity cars will be made free and will be listed with “archived” in the car’s name.

The Kia will also be made free starting with Season 4 as well. There will be no credit offered for this car.

Un saludo

¡Qué grande! ¿noooo?
Lo suelen hacer siempre y es un detalle. Yo lo tengo más que amortizado y aún así me llevaré 5i$
Mustick escribió:@behoram Yo entiendo que eso se queda ahí hasta que se active la cuenta y al entrar lo recibirías. Todo en las cuentas sigue pasando, si te tocaba subir o bajar de licencia va a pasar aunque lo dejaras a mitad de una temporada, cuando esa persona reactive verá el ascenso y descenso.

Un saludo

Pues si es así, estupendo, a ver si en algún momento reactivo y me dan los créditos. Gracias.

thadeusx escribió:Gracias por la info @behoram.

Yo? Si ha sido @Mustick , jajajaja. Que empanao estás. Desde que tienes el DD no te enteras, jajajaajajajajajajaja.

Lol, eso @Mustick [+risas]
Es que sois iguales.
nene15708 escribió:Solo Fuel, no da tiempo a que las ruedas se desgasten demasiado en esa serie. Piensa que las ruedas aguantan si o si un deposito entero (hay que ser muy bestia para cargartelas antes de terminar el deposito). Por lo que siendo una serie con limitacion de Fuel, solo debes echar el Fuel correspondiente y tirando.

[oki] [oki]

Hoy intentaré apuntarme, espero que salga bien XD La verdad que la fixed de 15min también me gustan muchísimo.
(mensaje borrado)
Como ha cambiado la skip barber, antes era un coche de lo más fácil y ahora cuesta ir fino.
Clasifiqué el 10, y en la primera curva de silverstone voy en paralelo con el de mi izquierda, y gira cogiendo el piano como si yo no existiese.... Y lo primero que hace es quejarse por micro. -105 de iRating que me quitó.
Bueno pues ya he subido a licencia D, estoy viendo en que serie participar y no tengo ni idea. Veo que en la Ferrari fixed hay mucha participación, creéis que es buena idea?
El Skippy de momento no me llama mucho la atención, prefiero los turismos.
@srp99 Si te esperas a que empiece la temporada nueva en unas semanas estará el nuevo TCR que es un turismo delantera y además hacen el Kia gratis por lo que lo mismo antes de pegar el salto a los Gt3 puede estar bien darle a alguno de estos.

Aprovecha los mantenimientos de la temporada nueva para probar el Ferrari y ver si estás cómodo o se te hace complicado y ves que es mejor empezar por algo más sencillo.

Un saludo
srp99 escribió:Bueno pues ya he subido a licencia D, estoy viendo en que serie participar y no tengo ni idea. Veo que en la Ferrari fixed hay mucha participación, creéis que es buena idea?
El Skippy de momento no me llama mucho la atención, prefiero los turismos.

La Skippy es un mundo aparte, hay gente que literalmente es el único coche que corre, y otra que no puede verlo ni en pintura.
Si lo que te interesa a la larga es correr turismos creo que la Ferrari Fixed es la mejor opción, está ahí puesta para introducir a la gente en ese tipo de competición.

Un saludo.

Estoy pensando en probar el juego, hay alguna opcion de mes de prueba para probarlo?.

Un saludo,
Mustick escribió:@srp99 Si te esperas a que empiece la temporada nueva en unas semanas estará el nuevo TCR que es un turismo delantera y además hacen el Kia gratis por lo que lo mismo antes de pegar el salto a los Gt3 puede estar bien darle a alguno de estos.

Aprovecha los mantenimientos de la temporada nueva para probar el Ferrari y ver si estás cómodo o se te hace complicado y ves que es mejor empezar por algo más sencillo.

Un saludo

Un añadido, para poder probar el contenido durante los mantenimientos hay que tenerlo descargado con antelación antes de que empiece el mantenimiento.

@juanxugr7 gratis no, solo 3 meses a 5$.
@thadeusx en donde esta a 5$ 3 meses?

Tengo un volante g920 la configuracion por defecto esta bien?.

Un saludo,
srp99 escribió:Bueno pues ya he subido a licencia D, estoy viendo en que serie participar y no tengo ni idea. Veo que en la Ferrari fixed hay mucha participación, creéis que es buena idea?
El Skippy de momento no me llama mucho la atención, prefiero los turismos.

Sin conocer ni el coche (sólo lo he probado en algún mantenimiento) ni la serie del Ferrari, diría que es buena opción, aunque más bien es "casi" la única opción si te interesan los turismos. Como ya te ha dicho @Mustick para la temporada que viene entra el nuevo coche. Espera a probarlo en algún mantenimiento si puedes y ya decides. Al ser un tracción delantera la conducción será diferente, igual que pasa con el Kia. Por desgracia el Cadillac CTS-V se va para serie Rookie asi que....
Tendrías el Ford Mustang FR500S, que aunque a mi me gusta, la serie pues en participación no es la misma.

Ah, y muy bien en que no te llame el Skip Barber, no mola, jajaja XD (para que no haya malentendidos es que a mí no me gusta nada ese coche y por aquí andamos con esa broma, aunque sea verdad. No tengo ningún problema con la gente que le guste).

juanxugr7 escribió:Buenas,

Estoy pensando en probar el juego, hay alguna opcion de mes de prueba para probarlo?.

Un saludo,
juanxugr7 escribió:@thadeusx en donde esta a 5$ 3 meses?

Tengo un volante g920 la configuracion por defecto esta bien?.

Un saludo,

Poniendo el código PRHotlaps cuanto te das de alta, te salen los 3 meses por 5$. Si pagas mediante Paymentwall no pagas IVA por lo que sale por algo más de 4€ los 3 meses.
Varias cosas.
Entérate bien como va el tema de iRacing antes siquiera de probar esos 3 meses. Que sepas que hay que pagar suscripción y luego pistas y coches por separado. Con lo que tienes al inicio podrás participar solo en unas pocas series.
Si vas a probar es buen momento, aunque yo esperaría una semana o así. Para el martes de la semana que viene termina la temporada actual y empezará una "semana de descanso" entre temporadas (Semana 13) donde se desplegará la nueva actualización del juego y nuevos coches y circuitos. Durante esa semana lo más normal es que haya varios parones del servicio en los que no se podrá jugar, pero durante dichos parones habilitan una web para poder probar coches aunque no los tengas comprados (sólo hay que descargarlos antes). Sólo coches, no se pueden probar circuitos.
Y aparte si esperas, con la suscripción de 3 meses llegarás hasta finales de noviembre (desde primeros de septiembre hasta finales de noviembre principios de diciembre). Y esto es bueno porque llegarás al Black Friday, que es para el día de Acción de Gracias americano, a finales de noviembre, periodo en el cual suelen poner ofertas de renovación para los que ya son miembros. De esta forma puedes continuar con la cuenta que te hagas ahora para 3 meses luego ampliarla 1 o 2 años (que es lo que suelen poner de oferta).

En cuanto al volante, pues no deberías tener ningún problema. En el tema de configuración se podría ajustar alguna cosa para que el volante diera más y mejores sensaciones, pero vamos, con una configuración por defecto iría bien.

Espero haberte aclarado algo, y si tienes más dudas pregúntalas.


Mañana hay un mantenimiento de red, durará un poco menos de 2 horas pero han activado desde ya la página de test y estará activa hasta algo después del mantenimiento. Aprovechad lo que teníais dudas de contenido para darle caña.

iRacing.com will be coming down for some network maintenance on Tuesday, August 27th, beginning at 3:00am EDT.

This maintenance will affect all iRacing.com regions and members will be unable host or join sessions during the downtime.

We anticipate this network maintenance to last no longer than 2 hours.

The Test Drive iRacing service has been enabled, and will remain up until some time after this maintenance has been completed. Remember, you may use Test Drive for ANY pieces of content you have downloaded, even items you do not own! (Brand new content will be available for TestDrive only after several weeks.)
To download content and updates, use our Download site: https://members.iracing.com/download
To access the Test Drive iRacing service, use our Test Drive site app: http://testdrive.iracing.com/app#

iRacing.com Downtime Schedule:

Mon 2019-08-26 2100 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Tue 2019-08-27 0300 Race Servers Unavailable

Tue 2019-08-27 0100 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Tue 2019-08-27 0700 Race Servers Unavailable

Tue 2019-08-27 1100 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Tue 2019-08-27 1700 Race Servers Unavailable

All times are subject to change.

Sessions in progress at the start of maintenance will be terminated. There will be no record of such events whether official or not.

*Hosted sessions are allowed to be created and run that do not overlap the "Race Servers Unavailable" time. For example, 6 hours before the maintenance period begins, you can create a hosted session that lasts up to 5 hours, but not one that lasts for 6 or more hours.

Un saludo
@behoram @thadeusx @Mustick Voy a seguir vuestros consejos e intentare probar tanto el Ferrari como el nuevo Audi.
Como descargo los coches para poder probarlos durante los mantenimientos?
srp99 escribió:@behoram @thadeusx @Mustick Voy a seguir vuestros consejos e intentare probar tanto el Ferrari como el nuevo Audi.
Como descargo los coches para poder probarlos durante los mantenimientos?

Dos opciones, o entras a la Beta UI y arriba te pone "updates available", haces click y seleccionas los coches que quieres bajar o para hacerlo desde la web te vas a la carpeta de iRacing, borras 1 coche que tengas y al entrar te dirá que tienes descargas, bajas el coche que te falta y los demás que quieras.

Como decía ya está activo así que puedes probar el Ferrari desde ya.

Un saludo
Por fin!!!!!!
Ya se acabó Charlotte , lo odio .
Cuando acabe esta semana si tengo más de 3.00 de sr subo a c , no?
O es al final de la semana 13?
Y el mantenimiento de mañana a que hora es ? Es que con el horario me hago un lío.
juneunos escribió:Por fin!!!!!!
Ya se acabó Charlotte , lo odio .
Cuando acabe esta semana si tengo más de 3.00 de sr subo a c , no?
O es al final de la semana 13?
Y el mantenimiento de mañana a que hora es ? Es que con el horario me hago un lío.

Creo que al final de la Semana 13. Sobre todo porque en esa semana también se puede subir o bajar SR. Así que cuidado con que se hace en esa semana, que hay series en las que si cuenta el SR.

El mantenimiento era hoy y ya ha terminado. Para los horarios con buscar en internet la hora a la que empieza el mantenimiento y poner el uso horario ya te lo transforma a "tu horario local". Por ejemplo, el de hoy era a las 07:00 UTC, pues buscas eso en internet y te da tu horario local. El mío eran las 09:00 AM (09:00 de la mañana).

Muchas gracias por responder.
No pienso correr en la semana 13 nada oficial ni loco.

Han colgado fotos del Circuit de Barcelona.





Muy buena pinta la captura nocturna con las mejoras de iluminación de la nueva build.

Un saludo


¡Muy buena pinta el Circuit!
@R4ge Las capturas las ha colgado el twitter oficial del Circuit y las compartieron en el foro de iRacing. Van a poner un vídeo en los próximos días enseñando el circuito.

Un saludo

han añadido información sobre el Audi RS3

To answer a few of the questions in this thread:

-The car is the DSG version, which tops out just shy of 245kph. The promo video erroneously spec'd the SEQ top speed.
-The car uses NTM v7
-The car was built with both new and old collision. I'm not sure if it will be released on new collision or not at this time.
-The car has optional ABS brakes
-The car has a handbrake
-The car does not have traction control
-The car was built to the specifications of the car that was scanned. Additional BOP will be applied when needed as additional cars join the series.

We were fortunate to have a couple RL teams and drivers participate in the dev process, and the car came out absolutely great. We're all very excited for you guys to give it a try!

Traducción: "
  • El coche es la versión DSG con velocidad máxima 245kph. Hubo un error en el vídeo poniendo la especificación del coche con cambio secuencial.
  • El coche viene con NTMv7 [fies]
  • El coche tiene tanto el nuevo sistema de daños como el viejo. El desarrollador que contesta no sabe si saldrá con el nuevo o el viejo.
  • El coche tiene ABS opcional
  • El coche tiene freno de mano
  • El coche no tiene control de tracción
  • El coche viene sin capar con respecto a las especificaciones del coche escaneado. Si se añadieran nuevos TCR habría BOP para igualarlos

    Han participado en el desarrollo un par de equipos reales y sus pilotos en el proceso de desarrollo y el coche ha quedado muy bien."

Si confirman que sale con los nuevos daños y teniendo ntmv7 y la insistencia de la gente en tener un TCR lo mismo colapsa la tienda de iRacing [+risas]

Un saludo

Veo a pediros ayuda con el Trading Paints.
Me he puesto en el Mazda MX-5 unas pinturas de RedBull y cuando entro a iRacing, en el modo Test las puedo ver perfectamente, pero en el modo carrera no, sigo viendo la que tenía anteriormente

¿Estoy haciendo algo mal?
celorios escribió:Buenas!

Veo a pediros ayuda con el Trading Paints.
Me he puesto en el Mazda MX-5 unas pinturas de RedBull y cuando entro a iRacing, en el modo Test las puedo ver perfectamente, pero en el modo carrera no, sigo viendo la que tenía anteriormente

¿Estoy haciendo algo mal?

A mi me pasa a veces que en carrera se me carga la pintura pero en práctica no, y viceversa. Cuando te la acabas de cambiar las primeras veces que entras a alguna sesión puede no cargarse correctamente. Aún así si tienes tradingpaints abierto, pulsando Ctrl + R subido al coche se recargan las pinturas.

Un saludo.
Pues nada, un servidor estará mañana corriendo las 24 horas en el circuit de Catalunya por lo que estaré en el reducido grupo de los que pueden estranar el circuito antes de que salga oficialmente :)
https://www.circuitcat.com/es/eventos/2 ... rmi-velez/
(mensaje borrado)
Buena oferta ha salido para nuevos suscriptores que quieran probar iRacing.

3 meses por 1$.

Código promocional: PRNASCAR2019.

Imagen promoción


Editado por metalgear. Razón: referidos prohibidos
R4ge escribió:Buena oferta ha salido para nuevos suscriptores que quieran probar iRacing.

3 meses por 1$.

Código promocional: PRNASCAR2019.

Imagen promoción


Se agradece si alguien lo prueba y utiliza mi referido: https://www.iracing.com/membership/?refid=380908

Buena oferta para empezar y probar..
Para que te den los 10 iDollars creo recordar que el importe de la cuenta nueva, tiene que superar los 10€ o lo que vale un mes de iracing, sino no te dan los 10 iDollars de referidos.
Bueno, pues he aprovechado la oferta esta y asi pruebo por fin el simulador, su funcionamiento con las gafas VR, y de paso a ver que tal se me dan los ovalos ... xD


Para todo aquel que haya cogido la oferta que ponían un poco atrás, o cualquier otra oferta, que no se le olvide quitar la renovación automática, que si no a los 3 meses te cobran y luego vienen los lloros y lamentos.
Y también que ha sido un momento ideal para la promoción, yo creo que con los 3 meses se llega al Black Friday y así los que se quieran quedar en el servicio pues tendrán la renovación algo más barata.


Ya han colgado las notas de la actualización del Miércoles. 5 coches nuevos, 2 pistas, nuevo modelo de daños en Beta para el Skip, nuevo modelado de la temperatura de la pista, 5 idiomas para el spotter, NTMv7 para 5 coches extra y mejoras y un montón de mejoras de gráficos. Puede haber algún cambio en la notas el Miércoles.

This season release includes FIVE new cars, TWO new tracks, V7 Tires for some cars, and a Beta-Test version of the New Damage Model for the Skippy. We have also added FIVE foreign language spotter packages, rendering and audio improvements, and a chassis-load of other enhancements to make iRacing the most realistic simulation on the market.

Some highlights include:
• Audi RS 3 LMS
• NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2019
• NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2019
• NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra
• Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Lite (FREE!)
• Kia Optima (now FREE!)
• Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
• Fairbury Speedway
• Friends List for the iRacing BETA Interface
• Consolidated and updated the Block/Blacklist
• V7 Tires have been added to a select set of vehicles
• Beta-Test version of the New Damage Model for the Skip Barber Formula 2000
• New layered track temperature modeling
• HDR Rendering linear format lighting
• Lens/Solar Flare effect
• A set of new crash sounds
• A set of new flagman animations
• French Spotter Package
• German Spotter Package
• Italian Spotter Packages
• Portuguese Spotter Package
• Spanish Spotter Package
• Much more!

Full 2019 Season 4 Release details are below.


iRacing BETA Interface

- The Friends List feature has been added to the iRacing BETA Interface!
- - You can view your Friends List by clicking on the small tab at the bottom-right corner of the iRacing BETA Interface. The Friends List is divided into several distinct sections, including: Friends, Requests, and Blocked.
- - The Friends section includes all members whom you are Following, and/or with whom you are Friends.
- - The Requests section includes all members whom you have invited to be your friend, and members whom have invited you to be their friend.
- - The Blocked section includes all members whom you have decided to blacklist.
- - - Each section is sorted alphabetically, and is super-sorted by other factors, such as Online status, Following, and Favorite (Star) for ease of use.
- - - Clicking on a member name for each list type provides you with several list-sensitive actions, such as: View Profile, Request Friend, Follow, Unfollow, Accept Friend, Cancel Friend Request, Block, Unblock, or Join Session.
- - - Each entry in your Friends List also informs you as to what that Friend is doing at the moment, including; Offline, Idle, or Racing. The Friends List can also let you know when they were last online.
- - - - For a Friend in a Session, you can jump into the same Session with them, provided you meet all the event criteria, using the Friends List!
- - A Search box at the bottom of the Friends List can help you find new friends, new members to follow, or quickly find the person you are looking for in your own expansive Friends List.
- - Members may now hide their Online Status (ie: appear Offline) from other members, by using an option in the Friends List settings menu.
- - A member may now enable an option that disables ALL incoming Friend Requests. With this option enabled, this member may still send Friend Requests.
- - A member that has Blocked you, or has disabled ALL incoming Friend Requests, may not be sent a Friend Request. You will receive an alert message if this is attempted.

- Your iRacing funds balance is now displayed in the iRacing BETA Interface near the top-right corner. Clicking on it provides easier access to the membersite to add additional funds.

- The official iRacing Twitter feed is now embedded on the Home page.

- Your locally installed setups for each selected car will now be listed in the iRacing BETA Interface when you choose to use Fixed Setups for a Session. You can then optionally upload setups to iRacing, for use by others in the Session. You can also delete any previously uploaded Setups.

- Various Up Next/Current Series updates and fixes, including:
- - For the table view, the License Category of an event is now displayed within the License tooltip.
- - For the table view, Series logos are now always visible.
- - Inside the Tags dropdown menu, clicking on a tag's row now toggles the switch for that tag instead of requiring the user to click directly on the switch.
- - Countdown timers for events now have consistent and improved black styling. When a countdown is within 10 minutes of starting, or has started and may be joined (ie: Practice), it now has a white outline.

- Various Leagues updates and fixes, including:
- - League Owners and Admins can now set the League Owner’s Nickname and Preferred Car Number.
- - League Owners and Admins can now delete Sessions from a League Season.
- - When creating a League, the cost is now displayed with any applicable purchase taxes pre-calculated.
- - The League Search modal window now remembers search criteria between searches, meaning you will no longer lose your search results if you inspect a League, and then go Back to browsing those results.

- For Time Attack, when you want to drive against someone in the Standings, this button now appears if the Time Attack Competition only has one track.

- Fixed an issue that could occur where viewing certain Results pages that caused the interface to enter an unusable state.

- Fixed an issue for the table view in My Teams where the Team Created Date was always today.



- The Blacklist functionality has been consolidated and updated.
- - The separate list for banned (ignored) spotters and the Blacklist have been merged into a single list. The control in the Settings panel for managing ignored spotters still works, but now shows this combined blacklist, and any changes are reflected in the blacklist available from the myRacers page (and vice-versa).

- The effects of blacklisting have been expanded. Blacklisted users:
- - Cannot spot for you.
- - Cannot join a session hosted by you.
- - Cannot apply to a Team you own, though they can still be invited.
- - Cannot apply to a League you own, though they can still be invited.
- - Cannot send you a friend request. When blacklisting a current friend, that user is automatically un-friended.
- - Cannot view your online status.

- A new option has been added to the iRacing membersite Settings panel that, when enabled, blocks ALL incoming Friend Requests from all Members. You are still able to send outgoing Friend Requests with this option enabled.
- - This option is also natively available in the iRacing BETA Interface, via the new Friends List.

- The iRacing Membersite now features a Live Chat feature, as another way to contact Customer Support.
- - You can find the Live Chat widget located in the bottom-right corner of the Membersite.
- - - Clicking on the Live Chat widget will initially connect you to a BOT, who will gather some required information such as email address. Customer Support will then respond as available - if not immediately, then via email.

- Fixed an issue where the tracks for an Official Series’ current, previous, and next weeks must all be updated to be able to join a session in that Official Series.
- - Now, each Session only requires the correct track for the correct week to be up-to-date. The "Test Car on Track" button in the Race panel will only switch to "Get Required Updates" if the content listed in the Race panel is not up-to-date, or there are system updates required.

Windows 7 SP1

- This is a reminder that Microsoft will be ending support for Windows 7 on January 14th, 2020. At that time, iRacing will no longer support accessing the Membersite or running the Simulation on the Windows 7 operating system.
- - If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Customer Support at support@iracing.com.


- Fixed an issue where disabled or unavailable store items were counting towards the 100% Club Discount requirement.


- Some older vehicles that currently do not have an active Official Series have had their names prepended with "[Archive]" to denote this status.


- Fixed a bug where having an out-of-date intermediate content package (eg: "/tracks/charlotte") when using a piece of content inside that package's directory (eg: "/tracks/charlotte/2018/oval") would cause an Error 72.

Dynamic Track

- A new track temperature model has been added to the Simulation!
- - This upgraded model now utilizes multiple layers beneath the ground to track temperature and moisture, as well as simulating three days of weather prior to an event start time for generating the track initialization. This track model also continues to run and generate data that will be used for additional sessions if there is a skip between sessions. The multi-layer approach means that temperature on the surface will behave more realistically. Also included is a more accurate interaction between water and temperature, which can result in the track being cooler than the ambient air temperature if the conditions are right.
- - The end result compared to the previous Dynamic Track model should be that temperatures will likely be cooler in the morning and early afternoon, and warmer in the late afternoon. With the previous system, as the sun sets, the track temperature cools rapidly with the incoming solar energy gone. With this new model, the heat that is built up (especially if the skies have been clear) in the layers of earth below will work its way back up and warm the surface. Similarly, built-up heat from cars will last longer if a lot of laps have been driven. The layers allow a realistic recording of history that the old model simply could not.
- - Think especially about a very short, mild rain shower -- in the old model, the track temperature would plummet and never come back up, even after all the water was gone. With the new model, heat is retained in the lower layers and the surface may regain some of the lost temperature.
- - Also significant, when a session starts, the track temperatures are no longer calculated using the cloud conditions at the session start time. This meant if a session happened to start with the sun obscured, the track would have been unrealistically cool. In the new model, if the sun is out most of the time leading up to that moment, that will be captured and the track will still be hot but cooling off.

- The effectiveness of using a dirt cushion has been reduced.

V7 Tires

- The following vehicles now utilize V7 Tires:
- - Aston Martin DBR9 GT1
- - Audi RS 3 LMS
- - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- - Dallara F3
- - NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala
- - Skip Barber Formula 2000

- A lot of work has been done on improving the modeling of the tread rubber compound for this release. We have been testing on more cars than the original Skip Barber Formula 2000, which is helping us to dial the tread compounds in. The vehicles for which we have added V7 Tires represent cars with a wide variety of tire constructions and compounds, and this will help us plan for the future.

- Temperature spreads across the tire are more accurate, although carcass probe temperatures read higher than they should, generally. This is because they are reflecting temperatures deeper into the tire than would be typical for a tire probe.

New Damage Model

- The New Damage Model is now available in a Beta-Test version for the Skip Barber Formula 2000!

- The New Damage Model system includes major changes to improve both collision and damage.

- The New Damage Model is currently only active when all vehicles in a Session have these required updates. In all other circumstances, the session will run using the classic damage system.

- The New Damage Model includes the following improvements:
- - Collision shapes now closely match the vehicle shape and dimensions, and can deform appropriately when damaged.
- - Damage due to impacts can loosen and even detach some vehicle parts.
- - Wheel impacts can bend suspension, damage spring dampers, and break hub attachment points.
- - Wheels can hang from remaining attachment points or detach entirely.
- - Detached parts and wheels can impact and damage other vehicles. The parts will remain on track until they are out of a drivers' sight, when they will be cleared away.
- - Vehicle wheel on wheel contact is more accurate and considers wheel spin and friction appropriately.
- - All collisions with the track surfaces and environmental objects are now using a high resolution collision mesh.
- - Impacts against detached car parts and wheels do not count toward incident penalties.
- - Visual effects for debris and scrapes have been added and improved to support the New Damage Model.
- - Sound effect processing for impacts and scrapes has been improved to support the New Damage Model.

- Please keep in mind, this very complicated feature remains under development, but we wanted to share our progress with you, and get your feedback on the system. For normal racing and in light to moderate contact conditions, drivers should expect the system to behave appropriately. High-speed vehicle on vehicle impacts are in need of some further development. Please feel free to experiment, and let us know what you think. And have fun!

Pit Stops

- NASCAR pit stop time deviation has been reduced slightly.


- High-Dynamic Range (HDR) Rendering modes now use a linear format render target instead of a gamma encoded render target.
- - The linear formats support mathematically correct additive lighting which improves the accuracy of things like brake lights, back fires, windshield reflections, glow and bloom effects, and many other items which cannot work correctly with a gamma encoded render target. Many of these items have since also been adjusted to take advantage of the linear format improvements.

- Improved the accuracy of the default gamma encoding/decoding in the DX11 shaders for better color reproduction and contrast.

- The Simulator now supports launching directly in windowed HDR16F modes on HDR10 displays.
- - If HDR is enabled in the Graphics Options, and the Simulator is launched in windowed mode, it now checks the color space of the adapter output (the display) to see if it is HDR10. If so, it will launch using an HDR16F swap chain directly. Previously, one had to launch full-screen and then Alt-Enter back to a window to use windowed modes on HDR displays. If you have multiple monitors, it will check the adapter output that was specified during the graphics Auto-Configuration (see adapterIdx in app.ini or re-run the autoconfig to select/change the monitor to check).

- For Advanced Graphics Options, the video memory maximum footprint has been increased to 8GB (previously 4GB), and the system memory maximum footprint has been increased to 16GB (previously 8GB).
- - Please note that the auto-configuration utility will still not recommend utilizing over 4GB of video memory.

- A custom lens flare/bloom effect has been added to the solar disk (the Sun) via a post process step.

- Improved the environmental reflections in shadow coverage.

- Further improved the ambient light calculations for vehicle cockpits.

- The dynamic shadow map system was altered for cockpit camera views to attempt to work around the flickering shadow maps that a few customers were experiencing.

- Adjusted the brightness of haze/fog so that it is proportional to the world’s illumination levels.

- Additional objects have been converted from using older shaders to the newer physically based versions of the shaders, including track cones which were suffering strange specular artifacts.

- Backfire effects have been updated and now emit HDR lightmaps for different appearance at night vs. day.

- Stadium lights and headlights have been adjusted to work better with HDR linear render target.

- Headlight flare\bloom effects have been updated for HDR linear render target formats.

- Internal windshield reflections have been updated for HDR linear render target formats.

- Camera flashes have been updated for HDR linear render target formats.

- Smoke textures and shader colors have been updated for HDR linear render target formats.

- HDR bloom effects have been replaced with a more effective version.

- Cameras affixed to the outside of a vehicle now have their motion blur amount capped at the same value as the interior car cameras.

- Fixed an issue with flickering dynamic shadow maps for cameras with a Field of View (FOV) larger than 165 degrees.

- Fixed an issue where some car shadows (the drop shadows under the car that mimic ambient occlusion) could appear to have jagged edges.

- Fixed an issue with motion blur where tire barriers would appear to have a halo effect when dust was nearby.


- A brand new set of crash, bash, pop, bang, and scrape sounds have been added and enabled for the New Damage Model.

- Sounds for tires rolling on asphalt have been improved.


- A large variety of flagman animation updates have been completed for the following tracks:
- - Daytona International Speedway (ALL)
- - Las Vegas Motor Speedway (ALL)
- - Martinsville Speedway
- - Michigan International Speedway
- - New Hampshire Motor Speedway - Oval
- - ISM Raceway - Oval
- - Pocono Raceway
- - Richmond Raceway
- - Sonoma Raceway (ALL)
- - Talladega Superspeedway
- - Texas Motor Speedway (ALL)
- - Watkins Glen International (ALL)

Pace Car

- New window glass shaders have been applied to all of the Pace Cars and the Pace Truck.


- A brand new French Spotter Package has been added!

- A brand new German Spotter Package has been added!

- A pair of brand new Italian Spotter Packages have been added!
- - Many thanks to both Marco Arcidiacono and Renzo A. Olivieri for their help with this package!

- A brand new Portuguese Spotter Package has been added!
- - Many thanks to Guto Colvara for his help with this package!

- A brand new Spanish Spotter Package has been added!

- Audio samples for the "Aussie" Spotter Package have been updated.

- Audio samples for the "TJ and Steve" Spotter Package have been updated.

Paint Shop

- A new sponsor has been added to the Paint Shop!
- - Jim Beaver eSports is now available as a sponsor in the Paint Shop.


- A second clutch is now available for use with all applicable vehicles.


- Force feedback now slowly ramps up after entering the car to prevent DD wheels from snapping around.

- A new Fanatec API has been integrated.

- A new Logitech API has been integrated.

- Support has been added for mapping triggers individually for the latest wireless XBOX One controller with Windows 10 adapter.

Virtual Reality Headsets

- Fixed an issue where the Oculus Rift or other OpenVR headset stops rendering the track viewports when certain combinations of graphics options are active (such as Post Processing without HDR).

Loading Screen

- Some new loading screens have been added.

- Fixed an issue where the loading image was not scaling correctly if the aspect ratio was not square.


Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

- This vehicle now utilizes the V7 Tire Model!

- Anti-Roll Bars are now adjustable.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Audi R18

- 2019 Season 4 LMP1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Re-fuel rate has been adjusted so it is equal to other LMP1 vehicles.
- - Maximum regeneration power has been set to 400 kW.

Audi R8 LMS GT3

- 2019 Season 4 GT3 BoP Adjustments:
- - Weight has been slightly reduced.
- - Aero drag has been increased slightly.
- - Front tire toe adjustments have been constrained to toe in only.
- - Rear tire toe adjustments have been constrained to toe out only.

Audi RS 3 LMS

- - The Audi RS 3 LMS is now available for purchase!
- - - TCR racing has exploded in popularity around the world over the past few years, and the Audi RS 3 LMS has proven to be one of the class's most popular cars. Utilized by drivers on four continents, the RS 3 LMS found success quickly after its debut and was voted "TCR Model of the Year 2018" among vehicles from 12 manufacturers. Light and quick, the Audi RS 3 LMS produces up to 350 horsepower from its turbocharged two-liter powerplant. Sequential shifting and a quick 0-60 time mean that this front-wheel drive touring car produces plenty of exciting action, no matter where or when it's racing.
- - Add the Audi RS 3 LMS to your garage, by purchasing it from the iRacing store here: <LINK>

- This vehicle utilizes the V7 Tire Model!


- 2019 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments:
- - Weight has been moderately increased.
- - Engine power has been increased slightly.
- - Fuel consumption rate has been increased slightly.
- - Aero drag has been reduced at low wing angles.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

- This vehicle now utilizes the V7 Tire Model!

- Aerodynamics have been adjusted slightly.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Dallara DW12

- Oil cooling rate has been increased by 10%.

Dallara F3

- This vehicle now utilizes the V7 Tire Model!

- The yield limit for the sidepod collisions has been increased by 50%.
- - This should eliminate floor and sidepod damage from small impacts, such as curbs at Mosport.

Dallara IR18

- Engine parameters have been adjusted so that it heats up more quickly with abuse during cautions, increasingly the likelihood of engine failure.

- Oil cooling rate has been increased by 10%.

- Lumirank panels have been replaced by the roll hoop number panels to match the real world vehicle.

Dirt Late Model

- (Super) - The aerodynamics of this vehicle are now slightly more affected by vehicle pitch.

- (ALL) - Vehicle softshadow edges have been adjusted slightly.

Dirt Midget

- Front tire tread pattern has been adjusted slightly.

Dirt Sprint Car

- (ALL) - Opponent car ride heights have been adjusted to keep the right-front tire above the track surface in Replays.

Dirt Sprint Car Non-Winged

- (ALL) - Tire tread pattern and rear suspension geometry have been adjusted.

Ferrari 488 GT3

- 2019 Season 4 GT3 BoP Adjustments:
- - Aero drag has been slightly increased.
- - Fixed an issue with aero drag downforce at Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans.

Ferrari 488 GTE

- 2019 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments:
- - Aero drag has been slightly increased at low wing angles.

Ford GT

- This vehicle has been converted to use GGX shaders.

Ford GT - 2017

- 2019 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments:
- - Weight has been slightly decreased.
- - Aero downforce has been slightly increased at low wing angles.
- - Brake sensitivity has been reduced slightly to prevent lockups at low pedal travel/pressure values.

Kia Optima

- This vehicle has been granted to all users, as new default content!
- - The Kia Optima is now considered part of the iRacing default content, and is granted to all users, current and future, for free.

Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Lite

- - The Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Lite has been added as new default content for iRacing, and has been granted to all members for free!
- - - Get a taste of everything the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series has to offer on iRacing with the Pro 2 Lite! This truck is built exactly like the real-world Pro 2 that competes in LOORRS, but with reduced horsepower to help you make your transition to short course off-road racing and learn the ins and outs of controlling these trucks. Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series trucks feature massive suspension travel, are built to traverse heavily rutted dirt and huge jumps, and can withstand heavy contact from other competitors. The biggest difference between the signature Pro 4 and Pro 2 classes is the amount of driven wheels. Pro 2 trucks are rear-wheel drive vehicles, presenting a unique set of challenges for drivers. Careful throttle control is the key to fast lap times.

Lucas Oil Off Road Pro Trucks

- (ALL) - Minimum fuel level has been set to 2.0 gallons.

Modified - SK

- The position of opponent car wheel hubs have been adjusted.

NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

- This vehicle now utilizes the V7 Tire Model!

- Fixed an issue where the front headlight decal was clipped from the texture file.

- The lower grill decal texture has been moved to the "car_decal" texture layer.

- Season setups have updated.

NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified

- The position of opponent car wheel hubs have been adjusted.

NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2019

- - The NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2019 is now available for purchase and use!
- - - The NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro is the final step on the stock car ladder to the NASCAR Cup Series Chevys, Fords and Toyotas raced in the NASCAR iRacing.com Class A Series, the NASCAR iRacing Series and the eNASCAR PEAK Antifreeze Series Powered by iRacing.com. The Camaro has been updated with an all-new build reflecting the car and its performance in the 2019 NASCAR XFINITY Series season. Like its NASCAR XFINITY Series counterpart, the Camaro is powered by a 358 cu in (5.8 liter) pushrod V8 putting out 650-700 hp (450 hp with restrictor plates) and sports non-adjustable nose "splitters" and rear spoilers along with a variety of safety features including double frame rails aligning with front and rear bumpers to improve protection in side impacts.
- - Add the NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2019 to your garage, by purchasing it from the iRacing store here: <LINK>

- Any user who purchased the car previously known as the NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro within the past 24 months has been automatically granted this vehicle for free!

NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2019

- - The NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2019 is now available for purchase and use!
- - - The NASCAR XFINITY Ford Mustang is the final step on the stock car ladder to the NASCAR Cup Series Chevys, Fords and Toyotas raced in the NASCAR iRacing.com Class A Series, the NASCAR iRacing Series and the eNASCAR PEAK Antifreeze Series Powered by iRacing.com. The Mustang has been updated with an all-new build reflecting the car and its performance in the 2019 NASCAR XFINITY Series season. Like its NASCAR XFINITY Series counterpart, the Mustang is powered by a 358 cu in (5.8 liter) pushrod V8 putting out 650-700 hp (450 hp with restrictor plates) and sports non-adjustable nose "splitters" and rear spoilers along with a variety of safety features including double frame rails aligning with front and rear bumpers to improve protection in side impacts.
- - Add the NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2019 to your garage, by purchasing it from the iRacing store here: <LINK>

- Any user who purchased the car previously known as the NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang within the past 24 months has been automatically granted this vehicle for free!

NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra

- - The NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra is now available for purchase and use!
- - - The NASCAR XFINITY Toyota Supra is the final step on the stock car ladder to the NASCAR Cup Series Chevys, Fords and Toyotas raced in the NASCAR iRacing.com Class A Series, the NASCAR iRacing Series and the eNASCAR PEAK Antifreeze Series Powered by iRacing.com. The Supra has been updated with an all-new build reflecting the car and its performance in the 2019 NASCAR XFINITY Series season. Like its NASCAR XFINITY Series counterpart, the Supra is powered by a 358 cu in (5.8 liter) pushrod V8 putting out 650-700 hp (450 hp with restrictor plates) and sports non-adjustable nose "splitters" and rear spoilers along with a variety of safety features including double frame rails aligning with the front and rear bumpers to improve protection in side impacts.
- - Add the NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra to your garage, by purchasing it from the iRacing store here: <LINK>

- Any user who purchased the car previously known as the NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Camry within the past 24 months has been automatically granted this vehicle for free!

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Car (991)

- In-car engine sounds have been improved.

- New backfire sounds have been added for off-throttle, gear shifts, and ignition cuts.

Porsche 911 RSR

- 2019 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments:
- - Weight has been slightly increased.
- - Fuel capacity has been reduced to 99 liters, and fuel consumption and refuel rates have been adjusted to suit.
- - Brake sensitivity has been reduced slightly to prevent lockups at low pedal travel/pressure values.

Porsche 919 Hybrid

- 2019 Season 4 LMP1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Re-fuel rate has been adjusted so it is equal to other LMP1 vehicles.

- Vehicle sounds have been updated.

Radical SR8

- Season setups have been updated.

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- This vehicle continues to utilize the V7 Tire Model!

- This vehicle now utilizes the New Damage Model!
- - Whenever this vehicle is in a session that only includes vehicles that are utilizing the New Damage Model, the New Damage Model will be active! Otherwise, this vehicle will fall back on the classic damage system.

Street Stock

- Braking has been converted to a hydraulic model.

Super Late Model

- Grill tape configurations have been set to "Race" and "Qual" options only.

[Archive] Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro

- This car, formerly known as NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro, has been renamed to make room for the next generation of NASCAR Xfinity cars!

- This vehicle has been granted to all users, as new default content!
- - The [Archive] Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro is now considered part of the iRacing default content, and is granted to all users, current and future, for free.

- Any user who purchased this vehicle within the past 24 months has been automatically granted the new NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2019, for free!

- Any user who purchased this vehicle more than 24 months ago has received $5.00 in iRacing Credits.

[Archive] Xfinity Ford Mustang

- This car, formerly known as NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang, has been renamed to make room for the next generation of NASCAR Xfinity cars!

- This vehicle has been granted to all users, as new default content!
- - The [Archive] Xfinity Ford Mustang is now considered part of the iRacing default content, and is granted to all users, current and future, for free.

- Any user who purchased this vehicle within the past 24 months has been automatically granted the new NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2019, for free!

- Any user who purchased this vehicle more than 24 months ago has received $5.00 in iRacing Credits.

[Archive] Xfinity Toyota Camry

- This car, formerly known as NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Camry, has been renamed to make room for the next generation of NASCAR Xfinity cars!

- This vehicle has been granted to all users, as new default content!
- - The [Archive] Xfinity Toyota Camry is now considered part of the iRacing default content, and is granted to all users, current and future, for free.

- Any user who purchased this vehicle within the past 24 months has been automatically granted the new NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra, for free!

- Any user who purchased this vehicle more than 24 months ago has received $5.00 in iRacing Credits.


Atlanta Motor Speedway

- (Rallycross Long) - The starting grid has been relocated.

Autodromo Nazionale Monza

- Fixed an issue where the Astroturf surfaces at this track were not set to the correct surface type, resulting in no 1x penalties being given for driving on them.

Chicagoland Speedway

- Night lighting has been updated.

The Chili Bowl

- Fixed an issue where haze could appear at this indoor track.

Circuit of the Americas

- (Grand Prix & West) - A gain time checkpoint has been added on the runoff before the final turn of these configurations.

Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya

- - Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, an asphalt road course, is now available for purchase!
- - - Located just outside of Barcelona, the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya was built in 1991 and took over the Spanish Grand Prix the very same year. Many of the world's top race drivers have found themselves atop the podium at the unique circuit, including Michael Schumacher, who won the race a record six times, including four in a row from 2001-2004. The track requires drivers and teams to be on their A game at all times, as wind and weather can dramatically affect the strength of a given setup or tire compound. Barcelona mixes a long, fast front straightaway with flowing curves early in the lap and a number of heavy braking and even blind corners before heading back to the finish line.
- - Add Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya to your digital landscape, by purchasing it from the iRacing store here: <LINK>

Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps

- (ALL) - The gain time checkpoints along the right-hander prior to the pit entrance have been adjusted slightly to keep cars off of the curb.

- (ALL) - Fixed a course cut from driving on the grass at the Bus Stop chicane.

- (ALL) - Grip on asphalt and astroturf runoffs has been reduced.

Darlington Raceway

- Fixed some visual popping issues with several towers.

Daytona International Speedway

- Fixed a gap in the fences at Turn 1.

- Exorcised a ghost grandstand crowd who were using camera flashes.

Daytona International Speedway - 2007

- (Rallycross Long) - The Start/Finish truss has been realigned with the actual Start/Finish line.

Fairbury Speedway

- - Fairbury Speedway, a dirt oval, is now available for purchase!
- - - Located in Fairbury, Illinois Fairbury American Legion Speedway is a banked quarter-mile oval known for hosting World of Outlaws and DIRTcar Sprint Car and Late Model action. FALS is one of the most popular dirt tracks in America, winning three DIRTcar Track of the Year honors and earning its way into iRacing after being voted in by a passionate fanbase. FALS' signature event, the Prairie Dirt Classic, has run for nearly three decades and takes place at the end of July. The season runs from May to September with weekly competition.
- - Add Fairbury Speedway to your digital landscape, by purchasing it from the iRacing store here: <LINK>

Kokomo Speedway

- The white tire barriers have been moved slightly, in an attempt to reduce the reported top-dominant racing strategies.

Mount Panorama Circuit

- Pit speed limit has been reduced slightly to remove an exploit during Qualification and Time Trials.

Phoenix International Raceway - 2008

- (Rallycross) - The pit lane wall has been extended in order to protect the pit exit and prevent an excessively wide race line.

- (Rallycross) - The Joker Lap wall length has been extended slightly.

- (Rallycross) - Some track grip has been removed from the Joker section to help reduce the likelihood of car rollovers.

Pocono Raceway

- Fixed an issue where a driver's pit crew and war wagon where sometimes not aligned to the same stall.

Silverstone Circuit - 2011

- (Grand Prix) - Fixed a gain-time checkpoint at the last chicane that was overlapping onto the red curbing.

- (ALL) - The last two pit stalls have been removed since they were challenging to enter.

Snetterton Circuit

- Fixed an issue with track geometry along the back straight.

Sonoma Raceway

- (Rallycross) - Additional gain time checkpoints have been added along the hill to try keep racers on track.

- (IRL, IRL 2007, & Long) - Animated pitstops have been enabled on these track configurations!

South Boston Speedway

- Fixed some visual issues including:
- - An issue where a flagstand would pop into view when using LOW Detail settings.
- - An issue where a building seen in Turn 1 could appear to be flashing.
- - An issue where some bushes and trees were rendering in front of a fence instead of behind it.

Watkins Glen International

- Pit entrance barrels have been updated.

- Garage textures have been updated.

Wild West Motorsports Park

- The color of tire marks on the track surface have been adjusted slightly.

Final edits to be posted during deployment downtime.

Dejo un vídeo que subieron nuevo del TCR.

Un saludo

Se Sabe ya el calendario de la Nueva Season?

chupi2122 escribió:Buenas!

Se Sabe ya el calendario de la Nueva Season?


Calendario preliminar, no tiene por que ser el definitivo (aunque lo más seguro es que no sufra muchos cambios, si es que hay alguno), https://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3659269.page


Edito: No había mirado el calendario, y bueno, casi seguro que haya cambios. En Rookie el Dallara F3, cada carrera 300 vueltas, [+risas] , supongo que eso está mal.
Más cosas, ¿la Production Car Challenge (Jetta, Solstice Mazda MX-5 y Ford Mustang FR500S) en Rookie? Espero que no, que sea un error. Y la Global Challenge (Kia y Cadillac) sigue en clase D, ¿pero no habían dicho que iban a Rookie? [facepalm] . Estos cada día van a peor.
Pero porqué dices que está mal la f3 a 300 vueltas?
Lo mismo quieren probar cosas nuevas y hacer carreras al sprint XD

Acaban de avisar que se retrasa la build a mañana. Habrán encontrado un bug de última hora o algo así.

UPDATED: This downtime was originally scheduled for Wednesday, September 4th. It has been pushed 24 hours in the future.

iRacing.com will be coming down for deployment of the 2019 Season 4 Release on Thursday, September 5th, beginning at 8:00am EDT.

This maintenance will affect all iRacing.com regions and members will be unable host or join sessions during the downtime.

The Test Drive iRacing service will be enabled, and will remain up until some time after this deployment has been completed. Remember, you may use Test Drive for ANY pieces of content you have downloaded, even items you do not own! (Brand new content will be available for TestDrive only after several weeks.)
To download content and updates, use our Download site: https://members.iracing.com/download
To access the Test Drive iRacing service, use our Test Drive site app: http://testdrive.iracing.com/app#

iRacing.com Downtime Schedule:

Thu 2019-09-05 0200 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Thu 2019-09-05 0800 Race Servers Unavailable

Thu 2019-09-05 0800 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Thu 2019-09-05 1200 Race Servers Unavailable

Thu 2019-09-05 1600 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Thu 2019-09-05 2200 Race Servers Unavailable

All times are subject to change.

Sessions in progress at the start of maintenance will be terminated. There will be no record of such events whether official or not.

*Hosted sessions are allowed to be created and run that do not overlap the "Race Servers Unavailable" time. For example, 6 hours before the maintenance period begins, you can create a hosted session that lasts up to 5 hours, but not one that lasts for 6 or more hours.

Dejo el vídeo que han subido del circuit.

Un saludo
Mustick escribió:Buenas,

Acaban de avisar que se retrasa la build a mañana. Habrán encontrado un bug de última hora o algo así.

UPDATED: This downtime was originally scheduled for Wednesday, September 4th. It has been pushed 24 hours in the future.

iRacing.com will be coming down for deployment of the 2019 Season 4 Release on Thursday, September 5th, beginning at 8:00am EDT.

This maintenance will affect all iRacing.com regions and members will be unable host or join sessions during the downtime.

The Test Drive iRacing service will be enabled, and will remain up until some time after this deployment has been completed. Remember, you may use Test Drive for ANY pieces of content you have downloaded, even items you do not own! (Brand new content will be available for TestDrive only after several weeks.)
To download content and updates, use our Download site: https://members.iracing.com/download
To access the Test Drive iRacing service, use our Test Drive site app: http://testdrive.iracing.com/app#

iRacing.com Downtime Schedule:

Thu 2019-09-05 0200 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Thu 2019-09-05 0800 Race Servers Unavailable

Thu 2019-09-05 0800 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Thu 2019-09-05 1200 Race Servers Unavailable

Thu 2019-09-05 1600 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Thu 2019-09-05 2200 Race Servers Unavailable

All times are subject to change.

Sessions in progress at the start of maintenance will be terminated. There will be no record of such events whether official or not.

*Hosted sessions are allowed to be created and run that do not overlap the "Race Servers Unavailable" time. For example, 6 hours before the maintenance period begins, you can create a hosted session that lasts up to 5 hours, but not one that lasts for 6 or more hours.

Dejo el vídeo que han subido del circuit.

Un saludo

Pues vaya... A seguir esperando... :(
Por cierto han metido la Ferrari GT3 para los Rookies ? o ya estaba antes y no me he fijado

chupi2122 escribió:Por cierto han metido la Ferrari GT3 para los Rookies ? o ya estaba antes y no me he fijado


Sera una de las series de la Week 13.
Para empezar en la clase D de road por que irías Ferrari GT3 o Skip Barber?

chupi2122 escribió:Para empezar en la clase D de road por que irías Ferrari GT3 o Skip Barber?



Que te gusta mas, un turismo o un "monoplaza"?
@nene15708 Pues me llama más la atencion monoplaza y el skip barber lo veo más "domable" que el ferrari pero no estoy seguro
Muy buenas gente , voy a hacer mi primera compra y tengo una duda ( para variar )
El pago de la suscripción por un año la hice por medio de paymentwall y de neosurf que es una tarjeta que pagas con dinero y te dan un código , este código lo pones y ya está . Estas tarjetas sólo son de 50 euros y de 25 o 30 euros , no me acuerdo, como el importe del año eran 48 con algo compré una de 50 .
Ahora he hecho mi primer simulacro de compra y me sale a pagar 133 euros por lo que tendré que comprar 3 tarjetas de 50 euros pero lo que no sé es esos 17 euros a donde van , los pierdo o están en algún sitio?
He estado mirando mi cuenta y no veo ese euro y pico que me sobró cuando hice la suscripción por un año.
O si sabéis otra forma de pagar por paymentwall soy todo oidos.
No se si habrá otra forma de pagar por medio de algún código y que puedas pagar con el importe exacto.
Gracias por anticipado y perdonar el ladrillaco.
@juneunos Ese dinero sobrante estará en tu cuenta de paymentwall, en iracing no está porque el pago a iracing es una cosa y comprar tarjetas de paymentwall es otra.

De todas formas yo en paymentwall pago siempre con visa, metiendo los datos y luego metiendo el código que me llega el móvil. Ayer compré cosas y lo hice así, si no recuerdo mal es la tercera opción de dentro de paymentwall desde la izquierda, que pone visa.

Ten en cuenta que puede tardar hasta 24 horas en hacer el pago paymentwall, ayer me tardo a mí como 30 minutos desde que lo hice hasta que llego el recibo de iracing aunque siempre me había llegado al Segundo, abri el chat de iracing nuevo y me dijeron que podía tardar hasta 24 horas, que me abrían un ticket por si no llegaba pero al rato ya estaba.

Un saludo
Muchas gracias por responder.
El caso es que yo nunca me he hecho una cuenta en paymentwall , y el pagar por medio de neosurf fué porque siempre me daba problemas el pagar por tarjeta .
No sé , intentaré hacerlo con la tarjeta pero me dá a mí que no.
Y otra cosa, si no pongo mi tarjeta por ningún lado supongo que no tendré que quitar la autorenovación automática , no ?
Edito para decir que he intentado hacerme una cuenta de paymentwall y por lo visto si que tenia una :-? ahora lo que no se es donde está mi saldo.
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