Bhansee escribió:Estoy hasta los COJONES de gente que juega sin manos en las ranked. Hoy he jugado 3 rankeds, la primera yo de carry y un paseo, la segunda yo en top y bot fedeando que daba gusto y la tercera mas de lo mismo, y yo de jungler que solo he muerto por intentar salvarles -_-
HeKeToR escribió:He probado ha Nasus y me a gustado mucho algun consejo para la build? Yo he hecho esto:
Botas Jonias de lucidez.
Fuerza de trinidad.
Grial impuro de atenas.
Sable -pistola Hextech.
Angel de la guarda.
pro-fusion escribió:Bhansee escribió:Estoy hasta los COJONES de gente que juega sin manos en las ranked. Hoy he jugado 3 rankeds, la primera yo de carry y un paseo, la segunda yo en top y bot fedeando que daba gusto y la tercera mas de lo mismo, y yo de jungler que solo he muerto por intentar salvarles -_-
Sal del elohell usando un meta no corriente y ya esta.
HeKeToR escribió:He probado ha Nasus y me a gustado mucho algun consejo para la build? Yo he hecho esto:
Botas Jonias de lucidez.
Fuerza de trinidad.
Grial impuro de atenas.
Sable -pistola Hextech.
Angel de la guarda.
HeKeToR escribió:"Gracias" por los consejos.
PD: el codigo ese solo te desbloquea un icono de invocador que se llama Riven temporada 2 y el en azul con la espada de riven y un dos en numeros romanos (es el que sale en el enlace que puso el compañero unas paginas donde se desbloquea)
Por cierto solo se podia hacer durante las siguientes 24 horas a que saliera en los playoffs yo todavia no se si lo puse dentro de tiempo.
¿ Alguien sabe a que hora lo pusieron?
HeKeToR escribió:"Gracias" por los consejos.
PD: el codigo ese solo te desbloquea un icono de invocador que se llama Riven temporada 2 y el en azul con la espada de riven y un dos en numeros romanos (es el que sale en el enlace que puso el compañero unas paginas donde se desbloquea)
Por cierto solo se podia hacer durante las siguientes 24 horas a que saliera en los playoffs yo todavia no se si lo puse dentro de tiempo.
¿ Alguien sabe a que hora lo pusieron?
Bhansee escribió:si me van ganando juego defensivo farmeando lo que puedo esperando la ayuda del jungler o de otro compañero, pero no sigo atacando para que feedear mas.
FanDeNintendo escribió:Bhansee escribió:si me van ganando juego defensivo farmeando lo que puedo esperando la ayuda del jungler o de otro compañero, pero no sigo atacando para que feedear mas.
Suelo jugar de AD Carry, y odio cuando voy perdiendo en la línea y me toca esperar el gankeo del jungler. La última que eché me estuve esperando con la línea pusheada más de 10 minutos para que viniese, y no apareció por ahí, aunque no le culpo, el pobre tenía que salvar a una Nidalee que iba 0/5 arriba contra Malphite. Eso sí que no lo entiendo joder, si ves que Malphite te ha matado dos veces métete bajo torreta y reza esperando a que venga tu jungler y tu mid xDDDD
Gazkhull escribió:FanDeNintendo escribió:Bhansee escribió:si me van ganando juego defensivo farmeando lo que puedo esperando la ayuda del jungler o de otro compañero, pero no sigo atacando para que feedear mas.
Suelo jugar de AD Carry, y odio cuando voy perdiendo en la línea y me toca esperar el gankeo del jungler. La última que eché me estuve esperando con la línea pusheada más de 10 minutos para que viniese, y no apareció por ahí, aunque no le culpo, el pobre tenía que salvar a una Nidalee que iba 0/5 arriba contra Malphite. Eso sí que no lo entiendo joder, si ves que Malphite te ha matado dos veces métete bajo torreta y reza esperando a que venga tu jungler y tu mid xDDDD
Cualquier top a lvl 4 te divea como le sale del nardo.
Oros123 escribió:HeKeToR escribió:"Gracias" por los consejos.
PD: el codigo ese solo te desbloquea un icono de invocador que se llama Riven temporada 2 y el en azul con la espada de riven y un dos en numeros romanos (es el que sale en el enlace que puso el compañero unas paginas donde se desbloquea)
Por cierto solo se podia hacer durante las siguientes 24 horas a que saliera en los playoffs yo todavia no se si lo puse dentro de tiempo.
¿ Alguien sabe a que hora lo pusieron?
Las torretas EXISTEN. Cuando veas un champ enemigo con poca vida meterse debajo de una, piensatelo dos veces antes de entrar y lo mismo para ti, quedate bajo la cobertura de una torreta siempre que lo necesites.
vicodina escribió:Pues yo he hecho hoy una que ha durado una hora con Evelynn jungla, divertidisima. Bastante igualada desde el principio, al final han ganado la ultima TF y ya han destruido base, pero vamos, la ultima tf era la que decidia la partida y estabamos muy igualados en todas. Joder asi da gusto jugar y eso que hemos perdido.
Caso del tribunal escribió:Soraka[00:00:10] :Armor stack
Soraka[00:00:11] :And win
Riven[00:00:37] :gragas you can have lvl 1 blue
Gragas[00:00:48] :u don need it?
Riven[00:00:52] :no
Gragas[00:00:58] :k ty
Riven[00:01:04] :i mean. its more useful on mid then in the jungle
Gragas[00:02:10] :ty
Riven[00:02:13] :np
Olaf[00:04:03] :thanks riven
Olaf[00:04:06] :retard
Olaf[00:04:25] :thanks fucking retarded
Olaf[00:04:32] :fucking retard
Olaf[00:04:34] :cock sucker
Olaf[00:04:36] :retard
Soraka[00:04:48] :wut
Olaf[00:05:52] :riven
Olaf[00:05:53] :reatrd
Olaf[00:05:59] :retard
Olaf[00:06:00] :riven
Olaf[00:06:01] :mother fucker
Olaf[00:06:06] :SO FUCKING REATARD
Olaf[00:06:07] :riven
Olaf[00:06:28]ne more and im afk
Varus[00:06:37]ne more what exactly?
Olaf[00:07:30] :fuckign retard
Olaf[00:07:31] :riven
Olaf[00:07:31] :afk
Olaf[00:07:34] :yo uare here
Olaf[00:07:37] :cya
Olaf[00:07:38] :mother fucekrs
Olaf[00:07:40] :im afk
Soraka [All][00:08:04] :Report Olaf please
Varus [All][00:08:26] :Report our Olaf, he's gone afk after raging and flaming all game.
Riven[00:08:54] :ss yi
Varus[00:09:07] :ss
Olaf[00:10:37] :im feeding on purpose
Varus[00:10:47] :Why?
Olaf[00:11:05] :because i can
Olaf[00:11:13] :next time
Olaf[00:11:14] :tell riven
Varus [All][00:11:19]ur Olaf is feeding on purpose. Please report
Olaf[00:11:22] :to dont be a brainless retarded
Olaf[00:11:25] :mother fucker
Varus[00:11:33] :You didn't even explain what she was doing wrong.
Soraka[00:11:39] :You're not even making sense. You're just spamming curse words.
Olaf[00:11:40] :shes playing
Varus[00:11:41] :You just died stupidly then went OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
Olaf[00:11:43] :thats the mistake
Olaf[00:11:48] :not rly
Olaf[00:11:50] :i got dived
Olaf[00:11:53] :with both of them
Olaf[00:11:54] :low hp
Olaf[00:11:58] :and she was doing that golems
Varus[00:12:06] :Well, then say "Riven, help me top please. Stop jungling" or something.
Olaf[00:12:11] :i did ping
Olaf[00:12:13] :dont need to say
Soraka[00:12:16] :So by all means, rage about it for the entire rest of the match,
Varus[00:12:20] :It's hard to tell what you mean when you go OH RIVEN COCKSUCKERMEGATRONOPTIMUSBBQ
Varus[00:12:25] ::S
Olaf[00:12:30] :i dont care
Olaf[00:12:32] :its normal games ..
Olaf[00:12:40] :she doesnt care either
Vladimir [All][00:12:42] :minion power!!! ajajaja
Varus[00:12:43] :If you didn't care, you wouldn't rage so much
Olaf[00:12:45] :why should i try to win?
Soraka[00:13:14]kay, we'll just report you.
Olaf[00:13:19] :and i care?
Soraka[00:13:29]lease don't ruin games for other people in the future.
Soraka[00:13:31] :Thanks.
Olaf[00:13:33] :i will
Olaf[00:13:37] :if they ruin it first
Olaf[00:13:40] :ill make what they do
Olaf[00:13:45] :to see if they like
Varus[00:14:00] :And how does that solve anything when you get banned for it?
Olaf[00:14:10] :firs ti wont get banned
Olaf[00:14:12] :if i do so
Varus[00:14:13]r when you instantly flip off the handle.
Olaf[00:14:17] :its less tiem i paly with you retardeds
Olaf[00:14:18] :cunt
Varus[00:14:28] :If a game affects you this much, just stop playing.
Olaf[00:14:37] :it doesnt affect at all
Olaf[00:14:41] :thats why i dont care losing
Soraka[00:14:48] :Exactly. You're clearly not of a proper mental state.
Varus[00:14:50] :Yet you whine and rage?
Olaf[00:15:04] :i do
Vladimir [All][00:15:10]aaaam ajajajaa
Olaf[00:15:18] :it makes me confused
Olaf[00:15:22] :how can be out there
Olaf[00:15:25] :so much retarded people
Olaf[00:15:29] :like riven
Olaf[00:16:33] :funny
Olaf[00:16:36] :they come all to me
Olaf[00:16:39] :and you cant even push
Olaf[00:16:42] :varus in base
Olaf[00:16:43] :riven
Olaf[00:16:44] :afk
Olaf[00:16:46] :at the bushes
Olaf[00:16:47] :LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Olaf[00:16:49] :love thsi game
Olaf[00:16:52]layed by
Olaf[00:16:54] :retarded cunts
Olaf[00:17:00] :that cant paly a 4 bind game
Olaf[00:17:18] :AHHAHAHAHHAH
Olaf[00:17:19] :AHHAAHAH
Olaf[00:17:23] :thats why i love this game
Varus[00:17:29] :I kinda gave up on this game when you proclaimed you were afk/feeding. That's why I'm not pushing.
Soraka[00:17:31] :Then stop playing, please.
Varus[00:17:48] :And I still dont get why you play if you find so many "retards" in it.
Olaf[00:17:58] :cuase its fun
Olaf[00:18:03] :to watch them pla
Urgot [All][00:19:30] :like a boss
Olaf [All][00:19:57] :AHAHHAHAHA almost
Olaf [All][00:20:01] :fucking noob
Olaf[00:20:14] :and now
Olaf[00:20:16] :i vote no
Olaf[00:20:18] :to make you lose time
Olaf[00:20:23] :and be even more retarded
Olaf[00:20:26] :and annoying
Olaf[00:20:29] :then the retarded riven
Soraka [All][00:20:32]lease join me in reporting Olaf. Refusing to surrender on purpose.
Olaf [All][00:20:38]
Soraka [All][00:21:00] :"I vote no to make you lose time and be even more retarded and annoying"
Vladimir [All][00:21:01] :disapear insect........ ajajajaja
Olaf [All][00:21:02] :refusing to surrender on purpose?
Soraka [All][00:21:04] :And i quote.
Olaf [All][00:21:14] :is that reportable or even a reason to report?
Olaf [All][00:21:31] :i vote no cause i want
Soraka [All][00:21:47] :You;ve been greifing all game.
Olaf [All][00:22:01] :no pic no proof
Vladimir [All][00:22:34] :NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Vladimir [All][00:22:38] :ajajajaa
Obelus escribió:Ahora dice el Reginald que no se retira.
Desde Michael Jordan las retiradas ya no son lo que eran.
"La gente viendo en casa no significa nada para nosotros, ellos solo son un numero. Ustedes aquí en vivo son lo que nos importa"
-Deman, comentarista en ingles de riot mientras pensaba que el stream seguía caído.
Gazkhull escribió:Obelus escribió:Ahora dice el Reginald que no se retira.
Desde Michael Jordan las retiradas ya no son lo que eran.
Primero dijo que se retiraba, después hizo un vídeo en YT diciendo que si no encontraba a nadie que diera el nivel seguiría.
Yo creo que fue un rage del momento, y que analizando la situación con mas calma, se ha dado cuenta que dejarlo era una cagada monumental.
Cody_Travers escribió:y esto que me acabo de encontrar en los foros de league?"La gente viendo en casa no significa nada para nosotros, ellos solo son un numero. Ustedes aquí en vivo son lo que nos importa"
-Deman, comentarista en ingles de riot mientras pensaba que el stream seguía caído.
dicen que por eso es lo de pix2 y que encima en NA en regalado RP ¿alguien me confirma eso?
diaboko escribió:Pues nada, otra basura de rotación semanal:
PabloxEol escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mirror para bajarse el lol que no sea por el pando?
redog18 escribió:PabloxEol escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mirror para bajarse el lol que no sea por el pando?
¿De la pagina oficial?
diaboko escribió:Pues nada, otra basura de rotación semanal:
vicodina escribió:Mirad, un caso del tribunal, el jugador reportado es Olaf:Caso del tribunal escribió:Soraka[00:00:10] :Armor stack
Soraka[00:00:11] :And win
Riven[00:00:37] :gragas you can have lvl 1 blue
Gragas[00:00:48] :u don need it?
Riven[00:00:52] :no
Gragas[00:00:58] :k ty
Riven[00:01:04] :i mean. its more useful on mid then in the jungle
Gragas[00:02:10] :ty
Riven[00:02:13] :np
Olaf[00:04:03] :thanks riven
Olaf[00:04:06] :retard
Olaf[00:04:25] :thanks fucking retarded
Olaf[00:04:32] :fucking retard
Olaf[00:04:34] :cock sucker
Olaf[00:04:36] :retard
Soraka[00:04:48] :wut
Olaf[00:05:52] :riven
Olaf[00:05:53] :reatrd
Olaf[00:05:59] :retard
Olaf[00:06:00] :riven
Olaf[00:06:01] :mother fucker
Olaf[00:06:06] :SO FUCKING REATARD
Olaf[00:06:07] :riven
Olaf[00:06:28]ne more and im afk
Varus[00:06:37]ne more what exactly?
Olaf[00:07:30] :fuckign retard
Olaf[00:07:31] :riven
Olaf[00:07:31] :afk
Olaf[00:07:34] :yo uare here
Olaf[00:07:37] :cya
Olaf[00:07:38] :mother fucekrs
Olaf[00:07:40] :im afk
Soraka [All][00:08:04] :Report Olaf please
Varus [All][00:08:26] :Report our Olaf, he's gone afk after raging and flaming all game.
Riven[00:08:54] :ss yi
Varus[00:09:07] :ss
Olaf[00:10:37] :im feeding on purpose
Varus[00:10:47] :Why?
Olaf[00:11:05] :because i can
Olaf[00:11:13] :next time
Olaf[00:11:14] :tell riven
Varus [All][00:11:19]ur Olaf is feeding on purpose. Please report
Olaf[00:11:22] :to dont be a brainless retarded
Olaf[00:11:25] :mother fucker
Varus[00:11:33] :You didn't even explain what she was doing wrong.
Soraka[00:11:39] :You're not even making sense. You're just spamming curse words.
Olaf[00:11:40] :shes playing
Varus[00:11:41] :You just died stupidly then went OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
Olaf[00:11:43] :thats the mistake
Olaf[00:11:48] :not rly
Olaf[00:11:50] :i got dived
Olaf[00:11:53] :with both of them
Olaf[00:11:54] :low hp
Olaf[00:11:58] :and she was doing that golems
Varus[00:12:06] :Well, then say "Riven, help me top please. Stop jungling" or something.
Olaf[00:12:11] :i did ping
Olaf[00:12:13] :dont need to say
Soraka[00:12:16] :So by all means, rage about it for the entire rest of the match,
Varus[00:12:20] :It's hard to tell what you mean when you go OH RIVEN COCKSUCKERMEGATRONOPTIMUSBBQ
Varus[00:12:25] ::S
Olaf[00:12:30] :i dont care
Olaf[00:12:32] :its normal games ..
Olaf[00:12:40] :she doesnt care either
Vladimir [All][00:12:42] :minion power!!! ajajaja
Varus[00:12:43] :If you didn't care, you wouldn't rage so much
Olaf[00:12:45] :why should i try to win?
Soraka[00:13:14]kay, we'll just report you.
Olaf[00:13:19] :and i care?
Soraka[00:13:29]lease don't ruin games for other people in the future.
Soraka[00:13:31] :Thanks.
Olaf[00:13:33] :i will
Olaf[00:13:37] :if they ruin it first
Olaf[00:13:40] :ill make what they do
Olaf[00:13:45] :to see if they like
Varus[00:14:00] :And how does that solve anything when you get banned for it?
Olaf[00:14:10] :firs ti wont get banned
Olaf[00:14:12] :if i do so
Varus[00:14:13]r when you instantly flip off the handle.
Olaf[00:14:17] :its less tiem i paly with you retardeds
Olaf[00:14:18] :cunt
Varus[00:14:28] :If a game affects you this much, just stop playing.
Olaf[00:14:37] :it doesnt affect at all
Olaf[00:14:41] :thats why i dont care losing
Soraka[00:14:48] :Exactly. You're clearly not of a proper mental state.
Varus[00:14:50] :Yet you whine and rage?
Olaf[00:15:04] :i do
Vladimir [All][00:15:10]aaaam ajajajaa
Olaf[00:15:18] :it makes me confused
Olaf[00:15:22] :how can be out there
Olaf[00:15:25] :so much retarded people
Olaf[00:15:29] :like riven
Olaf[00:16:33] :funny
Olaf[00:16:36] :they come all to me
Olaf[00:16:39] :and you cant even push
Olaf[00:16:42] :varus in base
Olaf[00:16:43] :riven
Olaf[00:16:44] :afk
Olaf[00:16:46] :at the bushes
Olaf[00:16:47] :LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Olaf[00:16:49] :love thsi game
Olaf[00:16:52]layed by
Olaf[00:16:54] :retarded cunts
Olaf[00:17:00] :that cant paly a 4 bind game
Olaf[00:17:18] :AHHAHAHAHHAH
Olaf[00:17:19] :AHHAAHAH
Olaf[00:17:23] :thats why i love this game
Varus[00:17:29] :I kinda gave up on this game when you proclaimed you were afk/feeding. That's why I'm not pushing.
Soraka[00:17:31] :Then stop playing, please.
Varus[00:17:48] :And I still dont get why you play if you find so many "retards" in it.
Olaf[00:17:58] :cuase its fun
Olaf[00:18:03] :to watch them pla
Urgot [All][00:19:30] :like a boss
Olaf [All][00:19:57] :AHAHHAHAHA almost
Olaf [All][00:20:01] :fucking noob
Olaf[00:20:14] :and now
Olaf[00:20:16] :i vote no
Olaf[00:20:18] :to make you lose time
Olaf[00:20:23] :and be even more retarded
Olaf[00:20:26] :and annoying
Olaf[00:20:29] :then the retarded riven
Soraka [All][00:20:32]lease join me in reporting Olaf. Refusing to surrender on purpose.
Olaf [All][00:20:38]
Soraka [All][00:21:00] :"I vote no to make you lose time and be even more retarded and annoying"
Vladimir [All][00:21:01] :disapear insect........ ajajajaja
Olaf [All][00:21:02] :refusing to surrender on purpose?
Soraka [All][00:21:04] :And i quote.
Olaf [All][00:21:14] :is that reportable or even a reason to report?
Olaf [All][00:21:31] :i vote no cause i want
Soraka [All][00:21:47] :You;ve been greifing all game.
Olaf [All][00:22:01] :no pic no proof
Vladimir [All][00:22:34] :NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Vladimir [All][00:22:38] :ajajajaa
Esto es permaban sinceramente. Este sujeto ya se ve a simple vista que no es que tenga un mal dia.
PabloxEol escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mirror para bajarse el lol que no sea por el pando?
Necrofero escribió:vicodina escribió:Mirad, un caso del tribunal, el jugador reportado es Olaf:Caso del tribunal escribió:Soraka[00:00:10] :Armor stack
Soraka[00:00:11] :And win
Riven[00:00:37] :gragas you can have lvl 1 blue
Gragas[00:00:48] :u don need it?
Riven[00:00:52] :no
Gragas[00:00:58] :k ty
Riven[00:01:04] :i mean. its more useful on mid then in the jungle
Gragas[00:02:10] :ty
Riven[00:02:13] :np
Olaf[00:04:03] :thanks riven
Olaf[00:04:06] :retard
Olaf[00:04:25] :thanks fucking retarded
Olaf[00:04:32] :fucking retard
Olaf[00:04:34] :cock sucker
Olaf[00:04:36] :retard
Soraka[00:04:48] :wut
Olaf[00:05:52] :riven
Olaf[00:05:53] :reatrd
Olaf[00:05:59] :retard
Olaf[00:06:00] :riven
Olaf[00:06:01] :mother fucker
Olaf[00:06:06] :SO FUCKING REATARD
Olaf[00:06:07] :riven
Olaf[00:06:28]ne more and im afk
Varus[00:06:37]ne more what exactly?
Olaf[00:07:30] :fuckign retard
Olaf[00:07:31] :riven
Olaf[00:07:31] :afk
Olaf[00:07:34] :yo uare here
Olaf[00:07:37] :cya
Olaf[00:07:38] :mother fucekrs
Olaf[00:07:40] :im afk
Soraka [All][00:08:04] :Report Olaf please
Varus [All][00:08:26] :Report our Olaf, he's gone afk after raging and flaming all game.
Riven[00:08:54] :ss yi
Varus[00:09:07] :ss
Olaf[00:10:37] :im feeding on purpose
Varus[00:10:47] :Why?
Olaf[00:11:05] :because i can
Olaf[00:11:13] :next time
Olaf[00:11:14] :tell riven
Varus [All][00:11:19]ur Olaf is feeding on purpose. Please report
Olaf[00:11:22] :to dont be a brainless retarded
Olaf[00:11:25] :mother fucker
Varus[00:11:33] :You didn't even explain what she was doing wrong.
Soraka[00:11:39] :You're not even making sense. You're just spamming curse words.
Olaf[00:11:40] :shes playing
Varus[00:11:41] :You just died stupidly then went OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
Olaf[00:11:43] :thats the mistake
Olaf[00:11:48] :not rly
Olaf[00:11:50] :i got dived
Olaf[00:11:53] :with both of them
Olaf[00:11:54] :low hp
Olaf[00:11:58] :and she was doing that golems
Varus[00:12:06] :Well, then say "Riven, help me top please. Stop jungling" or something.
Olaf[00:12:11] :i did ping
Olaf[00:12:13] :dont need to say
Soraka[00:12:16] :So by all means, rage about it for the entire rest of the match,
Varus[00:12:20] :It's hard to tell what you mean when you go OH RIVEN COCKSUCKERMEGATRONOPTIMUSBBQ
Varus[00:12:25] ::S
Olaf[00:12:30] :i dont care
Olaf[00:12:32] :its normal games ..
Olaf[00:12:40] :she doesnt care either
Vladimir [All][00:12:42] :minion power!!! ajajaja
Varus[00:12:43] :If you didn't care, you wouldn't rage so much
Olaf[00:12:45] :why should i try to win?
Soraka[00:13:14]kay, we'll just report you.
Olaf[00:13:19] :and i care?
Soraka[00:13:29]lease don't ruin games for other people in the future.
Soraka[00:13:31] :Thanks.
Olaf[00:13:33] :i will
Olaf[00:13:37] :if they ruin it first
Olaf[00:13:40] :ill make what they do
Olaf[00:13:45] :to see if they like
Varus[00:14:00] :And how does that solve anything when you get banned for it?
Olaf[00:14:10] :firs ti wont get banned
Olaf[00:14:12] :if i do so
Varus[00:14:13]r when you instantly flip off the handle.
Olaf[00:14:17] :its less tiem i paly with you retardeds
Olaf[00:14:18] :cunt
Varus[00:14:28] :If a game affects you this much, just stop playing.
Olaf[00:14:37] :it doesnt affect at all
Olaf[00:14:41] :thats why i dont care losing
Soraka[00:14:48] :Exactly. You're clearly not of a proper mental state.
Varus[00:14:50] :Yet you whine and rage?
Olaf[00:15:04] :i do
Vladimir [All][00:15:10]aaaam ajajajaa
Olaf[00:15:18] :it makes me confused
Olaf[00:15:22] :how can be out there
Olaf[00:15:25] :so much retarded people
Olaf[00:15:29] :like riven
Olaf[00:16:33] :funny
Olaf[00:16:36] :they come all to me
Olaf[00:16:39] :and you cant even push
Olaf[00:16:42] :varus in base
Olaf[00:16:43] :riven
Olaf[00:16:44] :afk
Olaf[00:16:46] :at the bushes
Olaf[00:16:47] :LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Olaf[00:16:49] :love thsi game
Olaf[00:16:52]layed by
Olaf[00:16:54] :retarded cunts
Olaf[00:17:00] :that cant paly a 4 bind game
Olaf[00:17:18] :AHHAHAHAHHAH
Olaf[00:17:19] :AHHAAHAH
Olaf[00:17:23] :thats why i love this game
Varus[00:17:29] :I kinda gave up on this game when you proclaimed you were afk/feeding. That's why I'm not pushing.
Soraka[00:17:31] :Then stop playing, please.
Varus[00:17:48] :And I still dont get why you play if you find so many "retards" in it.
Olaf[00:17:58] :cuase its fun
Olaf[00:18:03] :to watch them pla
Urgot [All][00:19:30] :like a boss
Olaf [All][00:19:57] :AHAHHAHAHA almost
Olaf [All][00:20:01] :fucking noob
Olaf[00:20:14] :and now
Olaf[00:20:16] :i vote no
Olaf[00:20:18] :to make you lose time
Olaf[00:20:23] :and be even more retarded
Olaf[00:20:26] :and annoying
Olaf[00:20:29] :then the retarded riven
Soraka [All][00:20:32]lease join me in reporting Olaf. Refusing to surrender on purpose.
Olaf [All][00:20:38]
Soraka [All][00:21:00] :"I vote no to make you lose time and be even more retarded and annoying"
Vladimir [All][00:21:01] :disapear insect........ ajajajaja
Olaf [All][00:21:02] :refusing to surrender on purpose?
Soraka [All][00:21:04] :And i quote.
Olaf [All][00:21:14] :is that reportable or even a reason to report?
Olaf [All][00:21:31] :i vote no cause i want
Soraka [All][00:21:47] :You;ve been greifing all game.
Olaf [All][00:22:01] :no pic no proof
Vladimir [All][00:22:34] :NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Vladimir [All][00:22:38] :ajajajaa
Esto es permaban sinceramente. Este sujeto ya se ve a simple vista que no es que tenga un mal dia.
Estas conversaciones son confidenciales. Creo que no deberías de hacer de tribunal para cotillear, sal al tragaluz de tu edificio y habla con tus vecinos.
Marduk-360 escribió:No me interesa ninguno de la rotación.
Ya podria poner más de un dia lo del doble de PI que quiero pillar a rengar y jayce.
PabloxEol escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mirror para bajarse el lol que no sea por el pando?
Bhansee escribió:PabloxEol escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mirror para bajarse el lol que no sea por el pando?
Te lo bajas normal y luego te borras el Pando
PabloxEol escribió:Bhansee escribió:PabloxEol escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mirror para bajarse el lol que no sea por el pando?
Te lo bajas normal y luego te borras el Pando
Quiero instalarlo en el currele y no me va el pando allí
Necrofero escribió:vicodina escribió:Mirad, un caso del tribunal, el jugador reportado es Olaf:Caso del tribunal escribió:Soraka[00:00:10] :Armor stack
Soraka[00:00:11] :And win
Riven[00:00:37] :gragas you can have lvl 1 blue
Gragas[00:00:48] :u don need it?
Riven[00:00:52] :no
Gragas[00:00:58] :k ty
Riven[00:01:04] :i mean. its more useful on mid then in the jungle
Gragas[00:02:10] :ty
Riven[00:02:13] :np
Olaf[00:04:03] :thanks riven
Olaf[00:04:06] :retard
Olaf[00:04:25] :thanks fucking retarded
Olaf[00:04:32] :fucking retard
Olaf[00:04:34] :cock sucker
Olaf[00:04:36] :retard
Soraka[00:04:48] :wut
Olaf[00:05:52] :riven
Olaf[00:05:53] :reatrd
Olaf[00:05:59] :retard
Olaf[00:06:00] :riven
Olaf[00:06:01] :mother fucker
Olaf[00:06:06] :SO FUCKING REATARD
Olaf[00:06:07] :riven
Olaf[00:06:28]ne more and im afk
Varus[00:06:37]ne more what exactly?
Olaf[00:07:30] :fuckign retard
Olaf[00:07:31] :riven
Olaf[00:07:31] :afk
Olaf[00:07:34] :yo uare here
Olaf[00:07:37] :cya
Olaf[00:07:38] :mother fucekrs
Olaf[00:07:40] :im afk
Soraka [All][00:08:04] :Report Olaf please
Varus [All][00:08:26] :Report our Olaf, he's gone afk after raging and flaming all game.
Riven[00:08:54] :ss yi
Varus[00:09:07] :ss
Olaf[00:10:37] :im feeding on purpose
Varus[00:10:47] :Why?
Olaf[00:11:05] :because i can
Olaf[00:11:13] :next time
Olaf[00:11:14] :tell riven
Varus [All][00:11:19]ur Olaf is feeding on purpose. Please report
Olaf[00:11:22] :to dont be a brainless retarded
Olaf[00:11:25] :mother fucker
Varus[00:11:33] :You didn't even explain what she was doing wrong.
Soraka[00:11:39] :You're not even making sense. You're just spamming curse words.
Olaf[00:11:40] :shes playing
Varus[00:11:41] :You just died stupidly then went OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
Olaf[00:11:43] :thats the mistake
Olaf[00:11:48] :not rly
Olaf[00:11:50] :i got dived
Olaf[00:11:53] :with both of them
Olaf[00:11:54] :low hp
Olaf[00:11:58] :and she was doing that golems
Varus[00:12:06] :Well, then say "Riven, help me top please. Stop jungling" or something.
Olaf[00:12:11] :i did ping
Olaf[00:12:13] :dont need to say
Soraka[00:12:16] :So by all means, rage about it for the entire rest of the match,
Varus[00:12:20] :It's hard to tell what you mean when you go OH RIVEN COCKSUCKERMEGATRONOPTIMUSBBQ
Varus[00:12:25] ::S
Olaf[00:12:30] :i dont care
Olaf[00:12:32] :its normal games ..
Olaf[00:12:40] :she doesnt care either
Vladimir [All][00:12:42] :minion power!!! ajajaja
Varus[00:12:43] :If you didn't care, you wouldn't rage so much
Olaf[00:12:45] :why should i try to win?
Soraka[00:13:14]kay, we'll just report you.
Olaf[00:13:19] :and i care?
Soraka[00:13:29]lease don't ruin games for other people in the future.
Soraka[00:13:31] :Thanks.
Olaf[00:13:33] :i will
Olaf[00:13:37] :if they ruin it first
Olaf[00:13:40] :ill make what they do
Olaf[00:13:45] :to see if they like
Varus[00:14:00] :And how does that solve anything when you get banned for it?
Olaf[00:14:10] :firs ti wont get banned
Olaf[00:14:12] :if i do so
Varus[00:14:13]r when you instantly flip off the handle.
Olaf[00:14:17] :its less tiem i paly with you retardeds
Olaf[00:14:18] :cunt
Varus[00:14:28] :If a game affects you this much, just stop playing.
Olaf[00:14:37] :it doesnt affect at all
Olaf[00:14:41] :thats why i dont care losing
Soraka[00:14:48] :Exactly. You're clearly not of a proper mental state.
Varus[00:14:50] :Yet you whine and rage?
Olaf[00:15:04] :i do
Vladimir [All][00:15:10]aaaam ajajajaa
Olaf[00:15:18] :it makes me confused
Olaf[00:15:22] :how can be out there
Olaf[00:15:25] :so much retarded people
Olaf[00:15:29] :like riven
Olaf[00:16:33] :funny
Olaf[00:16:36] :they come all to me
Olaf[00:16:39] :and you cant even push
Olaf[00:16:42] :varus in base
Olaf[00:16:43] :riven
Olaf[00:16:44] :afk
Olaf[00:16:46] :at the bushes
Olaf[00:16:47] :LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Olaf[00:16:49] :love thsi game
Olaf[00:16:52]layed by
Olaf[00:16:54] :retarded cunts
Olaf[00:17:00] :that cant paly a 4 bind game
Olaf[00:17:18] :AHHAHAHAHHAH
Olaf[00:17:19] :AHHAAHAH
Olaf[00:17:23] :thats why i love this game
Varus[00:17:29] :I kinda gave up on this game when you proclaimed you were afk/feeding. That's why I'm not pushing.
Soraka[00:17:31] :Then stop playing, please.
Varus[00:17:48] :And I still dont get why you play if you find so many "retards" in it.
Olaf[00:17:58] :cuase its fun
Olaf[00:18:03] :to watch them pla
Urgot [All][00:19:30] :like a boss
Olaf [All][00:19:57] :AHAHHAHAHA almost
Olaf [All][00:20:01] :fucking noob
Olaf[00:20:14] :and now
Olaf[00:20:16] :i vote no
Olaf[00:20:18] :to make you lose time
Olaf[00:20:23] :and be even more retarded
Olaf[00:20:26] :and annoying
Olaf[00:20:29] :then the retarded riven
Soraka [All][00:20:32]lease join me in reporting Olaf. Refusing to surrender on purpose.
Olaf [All][00:20:38]
Soraka [All][00:21:00] :"I vote no to make you lose time and be even more retarded and annoying"
Vladimir [All][00:21:01] :disapear insect........ ajajajaja
Olaf [All][00:21:02] :refusing to surrender on purpose?
Soraka [All][00:21:04] :And i quote.
Olaf [All][00:21:14] :is that reportable or even a reason to report?
Olaf [All][00:21:31] :i vote no cause i want
Soraka [All][00:21:47] :You;ve been greifing all game.
Olaf [All][00:22:01] :no pic no proof
Vladimir [All][00:22:34] :NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Vladimir [All][00:22:38] :ajajajaa
Esto es permaban sinceramente. Este sujeto ya se ve a simple vista que no es que tenga un mal dia.
Estas conversaciones son confidenciales. Creo que no deberías de hacer de tribunal para cotillear, sal al tragaluz de tu edificio y habla con tus vecinos.
vicodina escribió:diaboko escribió:Pues nada, otra basura de rotación semanal:
Pues hay personajes interesantes para pillar. Yo probare a Pantheon que le tenia unas ganas enormes de llevarlo a la jungla y no lo tengo.
PD: Por cierto, como odio la gente que hace instalock. Un trynda y una Irelia dicen top y hacen lock. Ala, ya se han tenido que pelear como crios, el chat parecia un parvulario, ni siquiera he entrado a la partida, me he salido de ella antes de que empezara y listos. Cada vez se hace mas dificil jugar con jugadores que se adapten un poco.
manzanox escribió:vicodina escribió:diaboko escribió:Pues nada, otra basura de rotación semanal:
Pues hay personajes interesantes para pillar. Yo probare a Pantheon que le tenia unas ganas enormes de llevarlo a la jungla y no lo tengo.
PD: Por cierto, como odio la gente que hace instalock. Un trynda y una Irelia dicen top y hacen lock. Ala, ya se han tenido que pelear como crios, el chat parecia un parvulario, ni siquiera he entrado a la partida, me he salido de ella antes de que empezara y listos. Cada vez se hace mas dificil jugar con jugadores que se adapten un poco.
odio eso,encima tu sales perjudicado...te tragas media hora sin jugar,o una hora...en fin
Mph escribió:
Pues yo soy de los que hacen normalmente lastpick. Elijo dependiendo de lo que cojan los demas
Trog escribió:Mph escribió:
Pues yo soy de los que hacen normalmente lastpick. Elijo dependiendo de lo que cojan los demas
Hasta que se te hinchen los huevos de perder por el capricho de otros quienes, además, por su estulticia te obligan a jugar de un rol que igual en ese momento no te apetece.