Bhansee escribió:Yo acabo de perder mi 4 ranked consecutiva gracias a feeders y afks, me voy a poner a jugar a saco para mejorar que sino esta visto que es imposible ganar.
Alguna recomendacion de champ por 6300? Ni Jayce ni Ezreal que los van a nerfear y prefiero no jugarmela.
Bhansee escribió:Yo acabo de perder mi 4 ranked consecutiva gracias a feeders y afks, me voy a poner a jugar a saco para mejorar que sino esta visto que es imposible ganar.
Alguna recomendacion de champ por 6300? Ni Jayce ni Ezreal que los van a nerfear y prefiero no jugarmela.
manzanox escribió:uff singed,menudo top acabo de descubrir
manzanox escribió:uff singed,menudo top acabo de descubrir
sneeal escribió:Va decirme nombres para jugar juntos, quiero montar una especie de clan serio
pro-fusion escribió:Bhansee escribió:Yo acabo de perder mi 4 ranked consecutiva gracias a feeders y afks, me voy a poner a jugar a saco para mejorar que sino esta visto que es imposible ganar.
Alguna recomendacion de champ por 6300? Ni Jayce ni Ezreal que los van a nerfear y prefiero no jugarmela.
Joer, depende de que posicion lo quieras
sneeal escribió:Es que no sería ni clan, 5 personas para jugar juntos, nada más, con seriedad
Bhansee escribió:Yo acabo de perder mi 4 ranked consecutiva gracias a feeders y afks, me voy a poner a jugar a saco para mejorar que sino esta visto que es imposible ganar.
Alguna recomendacion de champ por 6300? Ni Jayce ni Ezreal que los van a nerfear y prefiero no jugarmela.
Another patch is about ready to hit the Public Beta Environment, so it’s time to take an in-depth look at a few of the potential updates slated to hit the Fields of Justice. We won’t cover everything, and some of this is likely to change based on your feedback, but here’s what you can expect when you log into the PBE.
League of Rengar
After his initial release, we made a series of improvements to help Rengar live up to his reputation as the ultimate predator. They worked – so well, in fact, that even after one round of nerfs Rengar’s still wreaking havoc all over the Fields of Justice.
To dial back some of the extra kick that we gave the Pridestalker, we’ve got a series of upcoming changes. Step one was taking the bonus from a Ferocity-charged Savagery attack down to a more reasonable level. We’re also reducing his base Health Regen to make him less sustainable in lane. Because his base survivability was so high, Rengar players were able to dump a disproportionate amount of their Ferocity into raw damage potential. This made him an incredibly frustrating lane bully. With his Health Regen at a more reasonable level, Rengar will now have to balance his Ferocity between sustaining with Battle Roar and raw ganking potential.
In addition to his laning presence, Rengar was able to abuse his ultimate to escape from sticky situations a little too easily. Since we wanted this ability to be about hunting people down and killing them, rather than split pushing and vanishing into the woods, we decided to reduce total stealth duration on Thrill of the Hunt and increase the cooldown. This should give the decision to go on the hunt a bit more gravitas.
Evelynn Makes Widows
Since the remake, the Widowmaker has really been living up to her name, and Agony’s Embrace has been causing tragic moments for champions all across the Fields of Justice. In an effort to mitigate the number of traumatized players Eve’s been leaving in her wake, we’re going to be dialing back the Ability Power ratio on her ultimate quite a bit. This should help to prevent her from snowballing out of control as the game goes on and she racks up AP.
Evelynn’s ultimate was intended to work as a great initiation tool, slowing enemies and giving Evelynn the shield she needed to stay up through a team fight. In conjunction with a Deathfire Grasp, however, it can brutally spike down an enemy before they can react.
Deathfire Grasp
While we’re on the subject, Deathfire Grasp is a particularly challenging item to balance because adding an additional nuke to an already bursty mage (like Evelynn) can be a rather scary proposition. Because the stats it offers are already so desirable, there’s almost no downside to folding the active ability on DFG in with your standard spell combo and simply blowing people up.
Because of the power the active brings to the table, we’ll be scaling back stat bonuses attached to DFG. We’re also scaling back the base damage on the active effect, but increasing the AP ratio to move it more toward the intended function of dealing with big, beefy tanks later in the game when you’ve had time to build up a bunch of Ability Power.
Syndra Rising
Syndra is getting a ton of quality of life improvements in the upcoming patch that should make her a lot easier to use effectively. While her overall utility placed her in a pretty strong position, getting the most out of the Dark Sovereign could be prohibitively tricky. In the new patch, her abilities should function much more intuitively. We also fixed a couple of nasty bugs that could prevent Force of Will, Scatter the Weak, or even Unleashed Power from functioning as intended, which could really hurt your game if you were relying on one them to keep an enemy at bay, set up a combo, or burst somebody down.
Jayce Gets Hammered
Jayce is proving a bit more formidable than we’d intended. The combination of Acceleration Gate and Shock Blast provides him with too much low cost poke, particularly for how difficult it can be to dodge the combo. To make Jayce players choose their shots a bit more carefully, we’re increasing the Mana cost on Acceleration Gate to make him a bit less frustrating to fight against.
We also removed the flat base damage from Thundering Blow to make early exchanges with the Defender of Tomorrow a bit less heavy hitting. We’d always intended for this skill to be a disengage tool, and having it function as his hardest hitting nuke made it a bit too powerful. Even with just the percentage damage and Attack Damage ratio to carry it, it still hits pretty hard, but should make the idea of exchanging combos with Jayce a little less of an intimidating proposition.
Robot Dancing
Sona and Blitzcrank are two supports who both bring a lot to the table, but both are actually too durable for the functions their currently serve. To make sure they pay the price for mistakes they might make in lane, we’ll be dialing back the base stats on both of these popular support champions.
For Sona, we really want to preserve the awesome poke gameplay she has with Hymn of Valor and Power Chord, but we still want her to be vulnerable when she overextends. She’s so safe in lane right now that other supports are actually less viable options by comparison. By taking her down a peg, we think we’ll actually open up the playing field in bottom lane to even more support characters.
While Blitz needs to be a great deal more durable than Sona to fill his role, right now he’s so resilient that he’s able to initiate with relatively little risk. While pulling an opponent is still definitely a viable way to initiate, Blitzcrank’s tanky attributes allow him to simply use Overdrive to run in and open with Power Fist, and then yank the opponent back into range with Rocket Grab as they start to run away. We’re pleased to see these balls-out Power Fist charges, but we’d like them to serve as more of a high-risk gambit than they currently are.
Ezreal’s Essence Fluxes
Ezreal’s been a pretty consistently dominant force in the AD carry lineup since his induction into the League, albeit with a significant learning curve. Ezreal was always intended to be a slippery, long-range, high-skill champion who relied on his extreme mobility and long range poke to take down enemies. Unfortunately, right now, the Attack Speed debuff on Essence Flux is so powerful that it allows him to dominate 1 v 1 duels without doing any of that.
In the upcoming patch, we’re removing the Attack Speed debuff on Essence Flux to prevent the Prodigal Explorer from simply casting his W on an adversary and then finishing off his crippled opponent with repeated attacks. This should force Ezreal players to be quicker on their feet and win duels through superior positioning rather than a brutal debuff.
Phage and Trinity Force
On a related note, we’re also bringing the slow effect on both Phage and Trinity Force down a peg. While this isn’t a direct nerf, both Ezreal and Corki (the two prime Trinity Force customers) can snowball pretty heavily through the added chasing potential that these items provide. To give injured opponents a better chance to escape from attackers both in top and bottom lane, we are reducing the slow effect applied by ranged attacks on both items, and reducing the slow duration on Phage.
redog18 escribió:Bhansee escribió:Yo acabo de perder mi 4 ranked consecutiva gracias a feeders y afks, me voy a poner a jugar a saco para mejorar que sino esta visto que es imposible ganar.
Alguna recomendacion de champ por 6300? Ni Jayce ni Ezreal que los van a nerfear y prefiero no jugarmela.
En el PBE ya han nerfeado a Jayce --> ... ?t=2694038
Thundering Blow's base damage reduced to 0 from 40/70/100/130/160 (la E en modo Martillo, han quitado el daño y han dejado solo el % de la vida. - Max Health to Damage Ratio: 8% / 11% / 14% / 17% / 20% )
Acceleration Gate's Mana cost increased to 50 from 30.
Notas siguiente parche:Another patch is about ready to hit the Public Beta Environment, so it’s time to take an in-depth look at a few of the potential updates slated to hit the Fields of Justice. We won’t cover everything, and some of this is likely to change based on your feedback, but here’s what you can expect when you log into the PBE.
League of Rengar
After his initial release, we made a series of improvements to help Rengar live up to his reputation as the ultimate predator. They worked – so well, in fact, that even after one round of nerfs Rengar’s still wreaking havoc all over the Fields of Justice.
To dial back some of the extra kick that we gave the Pridestalker, we’ve got a series of upcoming changes. Step one was taking the bonus from a Ferocity-charged Savagery attack down to a more reasonable level. We’re also reducing his base Health Regen to make him less sustainable in lane. Because his base survivability was so high, Rengar players were able to dump a disproportionate amount of their Ferocity into raw damage potential. This made him an incredibly frustrating lane bully. With his Health Regen at a more reasonable level, Rengar will now have to balance his Ferocity between sustaining with Battle Roar and raw ganking potential.
In addition to his laning presence, Rengar was able to abuse his ultimate to escape from sticky situations a little too easily. Since we wanted this ability to be about hunting people down and killing them, rather than split pushing and vanishing into the woods, we decided to reduce total stealth duration on Thrill of the Hunt and increase the cooldown. This should give the decision to go on the hunt a bit more gravitas.
Evelynn Makes Widows
Since the remake, the Widowmaker has really been living up to her name, and Agony’s Embrace has been causing tragic moments for champions all across the Fields of Justice. In an effort to mitigate the number of traumatized players Eve’s been leaving in her wake, we’re going to be dialing back the Ability Power ratio on her ultimate quite a bit. This should help to prevent her from snowballing out of control as the game goes on and she racks up AP.
Evelynn’s ultimate was intended to work as a great initiation tool, slowing enemies and giving Evelynn the shield she needed to stay up through a team fight. In conjunction with a Deathfire Grasp, however, it can brutally spike down an enemy before they can react.
Deathfire Grasp
While we’re on the subject, Deathfire Grasp is a particularly challenging item to balance because adding an additional nuke to an already bursty mage (like Evelynn) can be a rather scary proposition. Because the stats it offers are already so desirable, there’s almost no downside to folding the active ability on DFG in with your standard spell combo and simply blowing people up.
Because of the power the active brings to the table, we’ll be scaling back stat bonuses attached to DFG. We’re also scaling back the base damage on the active effect, but increasing the AP ratio to move it more toward the intended function of dealing with big, beefy tanks later in the game when you’ve had time to build up a bunch of Ability Power.
Syndra Rising
Syndra is getting a ton of quality of life improvements in the upcoming patch that should make her a lot easier to use effectively. While her overall utility placed her in a pretty strong position, getting the most out of the Dark Sovereign could be prohibitively tricky. In the new patch, her abilities should function much more intuitively. We also fixed a couple of nasty bugs that could prevent Force of Will, Scatter the Weak, or even Unleashed Power from functioning as intended, which could really hurt your game if you were relying on one them to keep an enemy at bay, set up a combo, or burst somebody down.
Jayce Gets Hammered
Jayce is proving a bit more formidable than we’d intended. The combination of Acceleration Gate and Shock Blast provides him with too much low cost poke, particularly for how difficult it can be to dodge the combo. To make Jayce players choose their shots a bit more carefully, we’re increasing the Mana cost on Acceleration Gate to make him a bit less frustrating to fight against.
We also removed the flat base damage from Thundering Blow to make early exchanges with the Defender of Tomorrow a bit less heavy hitting. We’d always intended for this skill to be a disengage tool, and having it function as his hardest hitting nuke made it a bit too powerful. Even with just the percentage damage and Attack Damage ratio to carry it, it still hits pretty hard, but should make the idea of exchanging combos with Jayce a little less of an intimidating proposition.
Robot Dancing
Sona and Blitzcrank are two supports who both bring a lot to the table, but both are actually too durable for the functions their currently serve. To make sure they pay the price for mistakes they might make in lane, we’ll be dialing back the base stats on both of these popular support champions.
For Sona, we really want to preserve the awesome poke gameplay she has with Hymn of Valor and Power Chord, but we still want her to be vulnerable when she overextends. She’s so safe in lane right now that other supports are actually less viable options by comparison. By taking her down a peg, we think we’ll actually open up the playing field in bottom lane to even more support characters.
While Blitz needs to be a great deal more durable than Sona to fill his role, right now he’s so resilient that he’s able to initiate with relatively little risk. While pulling an opponent is still definitely a viable way to initiate, Blitzcrank’s tanky attributes allow him to simply use Overdrive to run in and open with Power Fist, and then yank the opponent back into range with Rocket Grab as they start to run away. We’re pleased to see these balls-out Power Fist charges, but we’d like them to serve as more of a high-risk gambit than they currently are.
Ezreal’s Essence Fluxes
Ezreal’s been a pretty consistently dominant force in the AD carry lineup since his induction into the League, albeit with a significant learning curve. Ezreal was always intended to be a slippery, long-range, high-skill champion who relied on his extreme mobility and long range poke to take down enemies. Unfortunately, right now, the Attack Speed debuff on Essence Flux is so powerful that it allows him to dominate 1 v 1 duels without doing any of that.
In the upcoming patch, we’re removing the Attack Speed debuff on Essence Flux to prevent the Prodigal Explorer from simply casting his W on an adversary and then finishing off his crippled opponent with repeated attacks. This should force Ezreal players to be quicker on their feet and win duels through superior positioning rather than a brutal debuff.
Phage and Trinity Force
On a related note, we’re also bringing the slow effect on both Phage and Trinity Force down a peg. While this isn’t a direct nerf, both Ezreal and Corki (the two prime Trinity Force customers) can snowball pretty heavily through the added chasing potential that these items provide. To give injured opponents a better chance to escape from attackers both in top and bottom lane, we are reducing the slow effect applied by ranged attacks on both items, and reducing the slow duration on Phage.
Shadow Isles Patch Preview--> ... ch-preview
Lagos123 escribió:Véis demasiado locura usar a Syndra de carry ad?
KingSora escribió:Bueno pues nada, me toca una Vayne...... JUNGLER !! jajaja increible. Por supuesto perdimos la partida, lo peor de todo es que como les digas noobs o algo te reportan y banean a ti.
Loth Krain escribió:KingSora escribió:Bueno pues nada, me toca una Vayne...... JUNGLER !! jajaja increible. Por supuesto perdimos la partida, lo peor de todo es que como les digas noobs o algo te reportan y banean a ti.
En mi tierra hay un dicho que te viene como anillo al dedo.
"Ereh máh seguío que una paja"
Loth Krain escribió:Será porque tienes un ELO similar y una estadística de reportes similar a la de los trolls. ¿No te has parado a pensarlo? Si aquí nada más entras a ragear y flamear. No me quiero imaginar como eres en el juego.
Baktor escribió:No entiendo a la gente que le gusta alargar las partidas. Una partida que se veía que no se podía ganar desde el minuto 25 y que dure casi 1hora es un poco...
cracker_ct escribió:Creo recordar que cuanto más dure la partida más PI dan...
Baktor escribió:No entiendo a la gente que le gusta alargar las partidas. Una partida que se veía que no se podía ganar desde el minuto 25 y que dure casi 1hora es un poco...
Baktor escribió:No entiendo a la gente que le gusta alargar las partidas. Una partida que se veía que no se podía ganar desde el minuto 25 y que dure casi 1hora es un poco...
KingSora escribió:Loth Krain escribió:Será porque tienes un ELO similar y una estadística de reportes similar a la de los trolls. ¿No te has parado a pensarlo? Si aquí nada más entras a ragear y flamear. No me quiero imaginar como eres en el juego.
¿Quien ha dicho que sea en rankeds? como nos gusta hablar sin saber eh
uzumaki_henry escribió:KingSora escribió:Loth Krain escribió:Será porque tienes un ELO similar y una estadística de reportes similar a la de los trolls. ¿No te has parado a pensarlo? Si aquí nada más entras a ragear y flamear. No me quiero imaginar como eres en el juego.
¿Quien ha dicho que sea en rankeds? como nos gusta hablar sin saber eh
en las normales también hay elo
KingSora escribió:Pero que yo sepa en las normales no se te empareja con gente de tu mismo ELO, se te empareja con gente de tu mismo nivel de invocador. El ELO es para las rankeds.
KingSora escribió:Pero que yo sepa en las normales no se te empareja con gente de tu mismo ELO, se te empareja con gente de tu mismo nivel de invocador. El ELO es para las rankeds.
Arkayz escribió:El mio de normales yo creo que lo tengo por los suelos de tanto hacer el gilipollas xD
Por cierto, que fea me parece la skin de Janna que va a dar Riot a los que somos gold+, pero fea fea fea vamos.
dk_el_Emisario escribió:KingSora escribió:Pero que yo sepa en las normales no se te empareja con gente de tu mismo ELO, se te empareja con gente de tu mismo nivel de invocador. El ELO es para las rankeds.
Sabes mal.
El sistema es exactamente el mismo. La unica diferencia es que en los Ranked games el Elo es publico, en los normal games es oculto, solo empleados de Riot games pueden ver tu Elo oculto
Oros123 escribió:dk_el_Emisario escribió:KingSora escribió:Pero que yo sepa en las normales no se te empareja con gente de tu mismo ELO, se te empareja con gente de tu mismo nivel de invocador. El ELO es para las rankeds.
Sabes mal.
El sistema es exactamente el mismo. La unica diferencia es que en los Ranked games el Elo es publico, en los normal games es oculto, solo empleados de Riot games pueden ver tu Elo oculto
Pues ya me diras como calculan ese Elo, por que a mi me han emparejado con gente de +1000 victorias y yo apenas tengo 400... si es por el porcentaje de victorias/derrotas lo han hecho muy muy mal
tilmatine escribió:Creéis que hay mucha ventaja según el lado de mapa que te toque?
Acabo de leer este post: y me parece una exageración
Oros123 escribió:dk_el_Emisario escribió:KingSora escribió:Pero que yo sepa en las normales no se te empareja con gente de tu mismo ELO, se te empareja con gente de tu mismo nivel de invocador. El ELO es para las rankeds.
Sabes mal.
El sistema es exactamente el mismo. La unica diferencia es que en los Ranked games el Elo es publico, en los normal games es oculto, solo empleados de Riot games pueden ver tu Elo oculto
Pues ya me diras como calculan ese Elo, por que a mi me han emparejado con gente de +1000 victorias y yo apenas tengo 400... si es por el porcentaje de victorias/derrotas lo han hecho muy muy mal
Oros123 escribió:
Pues ya me diras como calculan ese Elo, por que a mi me han emparejado con gente de +1000 victorias y yo apenas tengo 400... si es por el porcentaje de victorias/derrotas lo han hecho muy muy mal
Akiles_X escribió:Oros123 escribió:
Pues ya me diras como calculan ese Elo, por que a mi me han emparejado con gente de +1000 victorias y yo apenas tengo 400... si es por el porcentaje de victorias/derrotas lo han hecho muy muy mal
Problema de matematicas de EGB
Tenemos dos jugadores:
Uno con 1000 victorias y 0 derrotas, otro con 1000 victorias y 100000000000000000000000 derrotas, cual es mejor jugador?
Pues eso, sin conocer el numero de derrotas tu comentario se convierte en uan soberana estupidez, ademas no es lo mismo vencer a un equipo de elo 1900 cuando tu eres 1200 que perder contra un equipo de 1200 cuando eres 1900.
Arngrim escribió:Ni de coña. Tengo muchos amigos con más victorias que yo (algunos incluso el doble) que los pobres son unos paquetes. Dos ejemplos:
1) A un amigo le intento explicar cosas tan básicas cómo el Last Hit y el dice que no, que el se aburre jugando así y que esto es un juego y es para divertirse y alla va el pusheando a saco.
2) Una amiga juega usando las habilidades CON EL RATON!!! xD se niega a usar el teclado y tiene cerca de 800 victorias.
Cuando juego con ellos se que voy a perder seguro, porque mi Elo normal es alto, y ellos encima de que juegan mal los ponen con gente que juega bien... pues palizon del 15.
Más partidas no es sinónimo de más conocimiento del juego ni de lejos.
Oros123 escribió:Akiles_X escribió:Oros123 escribió:
Pues ya me diras como calculan ese Elo, por que a mi me han emparejado con gente de +1000 victorias y yo apenas tengo 400... si es por el porcentaje de victorias/derrotas lo han hecho muy muy mal
Problema de matematicas de EGB
Tenemos dos jugadores:
Uno con 1000 victorias y 0 derrotas, otro con 1000 victorias y 100000000000000000000000 derrotas, cual es mejor jugador?
Pues eso, sin conocer el numero de derrotas tu comentario se convierte en uan soberana estupidez, ademas no es lo mismo vencer a un equipo de elo 1900 cuando tu eres 1200 que perder contra un equipo de 1200 cuando eres 1900.
Para soberana estupidez tenemos tu comentario. Sobre el papel esta muy bien, me ha gustado el problema de matematicas; 1000 victorias y 10000etc derrotas, chachi. Pero ahora si vamos a la practica, alguien con 1000 victorias, aun si tiene 2000 derrotas tiene mucho mejor conocimiento del juego y se movera mejor que alguien con 400, lo mires por donde lo mires el 99% de estos jugadores van a jugar mejor que tu, por que tanto en victorias como en derrotas se aprende, y el tiene como 3 veces mas horas echadas asi que salvo los pacos de nacimiento, tiene toda la ventaja.
Y baja esos humos campeon.