^atlas^ escribió:Sakuranbo escribió:kaiseki escribió:He leído acerca de un chat de EOL en el LOL, ¿cómo está la cosa? ¿se pueden crear salas de chat a medida?
El tema de chat lo veo muy descafeinado, le das a la sección de chat, abajo en lo de amigos, creas una sala con el nombre de "EOL" y si ya existe te metes dentro, si se van todos, se elimina y la creas cuando pones "EOL" así que, me parece muy light la programación del chat
¿Sabes si Nashor funciona bien para Heimerdinger? Lo voy a probar ahora, a ver qué tal.
Reno escribió:Champions:Anivia
o Increased HP per Level to 70 from 65
o Increased Base Damage to 48 from 45
Bandage Toss
o Reduced Cooldown to 16/14/12/10/8 from 18/16/14/12/10
Curse of the Sad Mummy
o Reduced Duration to 2 from 2.5
o Increased Mana per Level to 40 from 36
Static Field
o Reduced Cooldown to 30 from 40
o No longer targets stealthed units
o Reduced Cooldown to 15 from 20
o Reduced Mana Cost to 75 from 90
o Now Reduces Movement Speed by 75 instead of 25% (fixes an edge case bug)
Mana Barrier
o No longer uses or refunds Blitzcrank's mana
o Reduced Cooldown to 9 from 10
o Modified Mana Cost to 90 at all levels from 80/90/100/110/120
Vorpal Spikes
o Now classified as a SpellAoE (procs Rylai's Scepter and Spell Vamp)
Gatling Gun
o Reduced Mana Cost to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
Phosphorous Bomb
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130
o When Evelynn scores a kill or assist, she gains 100 + 30*level health.
Hate Spike
o Damage rescaled to 25/38/50/63/75 (+0.33) from 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.28)
o Second Hit does 100% damage, up from 50%.
o Second Hit prioritizes nearby wounded enemy champions instead of a random target.
o Hate Spike mana cost rescaled to 10/12/14/16/18 from 8/12/16/20/24.
o Hate Spike leeches 5/10/15/20/25% of the total damage dealt.
o If the target is alone, Hate Spike deals 33% bonus damage.
o Hate Spike seek range increased to 375 from 350.
Shadow Walk
o Duration fixed at 30 seconds from 20/30/40/50/60.
o Stun Hit effect coming out of stealth reduced to 1s at all levels.
o Gives 10/14/18/22/26% bonus movement speed during shadow walk and for 4 seconds after shadow walk.
o Evelynn fade time reduced to 1.25s down from 1.5. Her maximum fade time reduced to 4s down from 5s.
o Mana cost rescaled to 100/90/80/70/60 from 75/75/75/75/75
o Cooldown rescaled to 16/14/12/10/8 from 12/12/12/12/12
o Damage reduced to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.75) from 80/135/190/255/320 (+1)
o Mana cost reduced to 75/85/95/105/115 from 90/105/120/135/150
o Ravage now reduces 10/15/20/25/30 armor and magic resistance from the target (up from 10/14/18/22/26).
o Ravage range increased to 500 from 250.
o Ravage cooldown increased to 10 from 9.
o Ravage incorporates a dash to the target.
o Remade as Exuding Embrace.
o Evelynn channels the essence of night, blinding enemies in the targeted area as well as reducing their movement speed by 45/60/75%.
o Cooldown goes from 90/75/60 seconds.
o Range 650, AoE: 275
o Base AS increased to 0.695 from 0.658.
o Armor gain per level increased to 4.5 from 4.
o Base health increased to 414 from 389
o Health gain per level increase to 86 from 76.
o MP/5 per level increased to 0.4 per level from 0.25 per level.
o Base MP/5 raised to 4.6 from 3.6
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 12
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
Dark Wind
o Reduced Cooldown to 14 from 15
Righteous Gust
o Increased Mana Cost to 80/85/90/95/100 from 70/75/80/85/90
Resolute Smite
o Increased Mana Cost to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
Idol of Durand
o Increased Mana Cost to 100/150/200 from 100/145/190
o Reduced Duration to 2 from 2.5
Barrel Roll
o Reduced Cooldown to 11/10/9/8/7 from 12/11/10/9/8
o Now slows attack speed by 20/25/30/35/40%
Drunken Rage
o Reduced Cooldown to 25 from 30
Body Slam
o Increased Cooldown to 7 from 6
Explosive Cask
o No longer slows attack speed
Equipment Mastery
o Tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically
Leap Strike
o Cast time reduced by roughly 20% and travel speed increased accordingly
o Ability power ratio decreased to 0.7 from 0.8
o Now only deals damage to a single target rather than AoE
o Resets Jax'’s swing timer when cast
o Damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.3 AD)(+0.4 AP) from 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2 AD)(+0.2 AP)
o Mana Cost decreased to 20 from 35
o Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5/5/5/5/5
o Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage
o Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.
Counter Strike
o Damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.6 AP) from 80/100/120/140/160 (+0.6 AP)
Relentless Assault
o New Active: Immediately grants Jax full stacks of Relentless Assault. Costs 80 mana. Cooldown of 60/60/60 seconds.
o Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks which Jax is benefitting from.
o Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of Relentless Assault.
Lay Waste
o Reduced Mana Cost to 20/26/32/38/44 from 20/28/36/44/52
Wall of Pain
o Reduced Cooldown to 18 from 22
Nether Blade
o Reduced Cooldown to 12 from 15
Death Lotus
o Now fires 3 blades at all levels
Seismic Shard
o Reduced Cooldown to 8 from 10
Unstoppable Force
o Reduced Cooldown to 130/115/100 from 140/125/110
Ground Slam
o Fixed a bug causing it to look like it had shorter range than it actually did
Nether Grasp
o Reduced Range to 700 from 750
Call of the Void
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130
Null Zone
o Modified Mana Cost to 90/100/110/120/130 from 80/95/110/125/140
Miss Fortune
o Reduced Base Armor to 12 from 15
Scattershot(Make it Rain)
o Reduced Slow Percent to 15/20/25/30/35% from 20/25/30/35/40%
Bullet Time
o Reduced Range to 1400 from 1500
o Reduced Physical Scaling to 40% per shot from 45%
o Reduced Movement Speed Cap to 70 from 80
Ricochet Shot
o Reduced Bounce Range to 500 from 575
Black Shield
o Reduced AP Ratio to .9 from 1
Soul Shackles
o Reduced AP Ratio to .9 from 1
o Reduced Damage to 175/250/325 from 175/250/350
Siphoning Strike
o Now resets auto attacks
o Increased Base Damage to 49 from 46
Primal Surge
o Increased Cost to 80/85/90/95/100 from 65/70/75/80/85
Devastating Blow
o Now resets auto attacks
o Increased Movement Speed to 310 from 305
o Increased Base MP Regen to .9 from .75
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 11
Defensive Ball Curl
o Reduced Cooldown to 14 from 15
o Now Scales on 10% of Rammus's Total Armor
Puncturing Taunt
o Reduced Mana Cost to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
o Made it much more responsive (less likely to bug out =-D)
Updated Recommended Items
Base HP increased to 380 from 360.
Base Armor increased to 13 from 11.
HP Per level increased to 92 from 86.
Base movement speed increased to 315 from 310
Base HP Regen increased to 1.1 from 0.87
o Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 11/10/9/8/7
o AP ratio reduced to .4 from .45
o Mana cost decreased to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
Rune Prison
o No longer deals damage per tick and deals 60/95/130/165/200 damage up front. (down from 80/120/160/200/240 over the duration)
o AP ratio changed to a flat .6 from .4/.6/.8/1/1.2 (depending on snare duration)
o Now deals 5% of Ryze's maximum mana in bonus damage.
o Cast range increased to 625 from 600.
Spell Flux
o AP Ratio per hit increased to .4 from .38
o Mana cost reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 from 60/80/100/120/140
o Reduced MR to 30 from 35 (considered a bug)
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 11.5
Insanity Potion
o Reduced Cooldown to 100 from 120
o Reduced Duration to 20 from 25
Death's Caress
o Removed Initial Animation
o Reduced Damage to 110/160/210/260/310 from 120/170/220/270/320
On the Hunt
o Increased Haste to 30/60/90% from 25/45/65%
Spell Shield
o Increased Mana Return to 150 from 125
o Reduced Cooldown to 22/19/16/13/10 from 28/24/20/16/12
o Increased total AP ratio to 0.9 from 0.75.
o Fixed a bug where Decrepify would slow through Highlander or Ragnarok.
o Fixed a bug where the damage portion sometimes would not break upon leashing the beam.
o Increased AP coefficient to 0.7 from 0.5.
o Increased base damage to 75/115/155/195/235 from 72/110/148/186/224.
o Increased AP coefficient to 0.8 from 0.6.
Carrion Renewal
o Increased regen to 300% from 250%.
o Increased Cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 70/85/100/115/130
o Reduced Heal to 60/100/140/180/220 from 70/110/150/190/230
Base movespeed increased to 315 from 300.
o Fade time decreased to 1.5 seconds from 3.0
o Being invulnerable will prevent Teemo from Camouflaging. Specifically, Zhonya's Ring and Guardian Angel's effects will block Camouflage while they are active.
o Recalling will prevent Teemo from Camouflaging.
Blinding Dart
o Duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
o Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
o Will cancel autoattacks in progress when the blind is applied.
Move Quick
o Tooltip bug fixed -- will now update to display the effects of cooldown reduction.
Noxious Trap
o Teemo gains a "stored mushroom" charge every 30/26/22 seconds. Maximum three charges.
o Each cast requires and consumes a charge.
o Time to gain a charge is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at maximum charges.
o Teemo always has two charges stored upon reviving at base.
o Cooldown on placing a trap reduced to 1 second from 20.
o Reduced Cooldown to 12/11/10/9/8 from 14/13/12/11/10
o Increased Damage per Stack to 5 from 3
Spinning Slash
o Reduced Cooldown to 8 from 9
o Increased AoE to 225 from 185
Twisted Fate
Pick a Card
o Increased Blue Card Damage/Mana Return to 40/60/80/100/120 from 30/45/60/75/90
Debilitating Poison
o Now has a range indicator
o Now has a range indicator
Deadly Venom
o Reduced Duration to 6 from 8
+ Slightly Reduced Total Damage to 15-60 from 16-64
Removed "Recommended" tag
New Item: Hexdrinker
o Hexdrinker Recipe: Long Sword + Long Sword + Null-Magic Mantle + 570 gold = 1800 gold
o +35 Attack Damage
o +30 Magic Resistance
o UNIQUE Passive: If you are below 40% of your maximum health after taking magic damage, you gain 30 Attack Damage and 150 Magic Resistance for 4 seconds. This effect can occur once every 60 seconds.
Soul Shroud
o New recipe: Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + Mana Manipulator + 485 gold, total price and stats unchanged.
o Recipe price lowered to 375 from 425, making the price 850.
Shurelya's Reverie
o Recipe price increased to 550 from 500. Total price is unchanged.
o Recipe Changed to: Dagger + Dagger + Amplifying Tome + 550 = 1825 total cost.
o Base stats changed to +50% attack speed, 25 ability power from +50% attack speed, +15% life steal.
o Unique Passive changed to: Your physical attacks shred your target doing 20 magic damage and reducing their magic resistance by 6. Magic resistance reduction stacks up to 4 times.
Warmog's Armor
o Combine cost dropped to 980 from 1100 = 3000 total cost.
o Base stats changed to 920 health, 30 hp/5 up from 770 health, 30 hp/5
o Bonuses now cap at 450 health and 15 hp/5.
o Unique Passive changed to: Permanently gain 4.5 Health and .15 Health Regen per 5 sec per minion kill. Champion kills and assists grant 45 Health and 1.5 Health Regen per 5 sec. Bonuses cap at +450 Health, and +15 Health Regen per 5.
Atma's Impaler
o Recipe Changed to: Chain Vest + Health Crystal + 800 = 1975 total cost.
o Base Stats changed to 45 armor, 180 health from 45 armor, 18% critical strike.
o Unique Passive unchanged.
Rod of Ages
o Base Stats changed to 450 health, 525 mana and 60 ability power up from 360 health, 425 mana and 50 ability power.
o Bonuses cap at 180 health, 200 mana and 20 ability power, down from 270 health, 300 mana and 30 ability power.
Sakuranbo escribió:¿Cuando ponen la actu? Me gusta muchisimo lo de Eve y lo de Te emo, voy a comprarme a la ardilla militar, me he viciado
LoNe-WoLf escribió:Sakuranbo escribió:¿Cuando ponen la actu? Me gusta muchisimo lo de Eve y lo de Te emo, voy a comprarme a la ardilla militar, me he viciado
Son las notas del "server de pruebas"(Test realm) asi que puede que no metan todo, y los parches son cada 2 semanas y tal
Wanton escribió:Reno escribió:Champions:Anivia
o Increased HP per Level to 70 from 65
o Increased Base Damage to 48 from 45
Bandage Toss
o Reduced Cooldown to 16/14/12/10/8 from 18/16/14/12/10
Curse of the Sad Mummy
o Reduced Duration to 2 from 2.5
o Increased Mana per Level to 40 from 36
Static Field
o Reduced Cooldown to 30 from 40
o No longer targets stealthed units
o Reduced Cooldown to 15 from 20
o Reduced Mana Cost to 75 from 90
o Now Reduces Movement Speed by 75 instead of 25% (fixes an edge case bug)
Mana Barrier
o No longer uses or refunds Blitzcrank's mana
o Reduced Cooldown to 9 from 10
o Modified Mana Cost to 90 at all levels from 80/90/100/110/120
Vorpal Spikes
o Now classified as a SpellAoE (procs Rylai's Scepter and Spell Vamp)
Gatling Gun
o Reduced Mana Cost to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
Phosphorous Bomb
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130
o When Evelynn scores a kill or assist, she gains 100 + 30*level health.
Hate Spike
o Damage rescaled to 25/38/50/63/75 (+0.33) from 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.28)
o Second Hit does 100% damage, up from 50%.
o Second Hit prioritizes nearby wounded enemy champions instead of a random target.
o Hate Spike mana cost rescaled to 10/12/14/16/18 from 8/12/16/20/24.
o Hate Spike leeches 5/10/15/20/25% of the total damage dealt.
o If the target is alone, Hate Spike deals 33% bonus damage.
o Hate Spike seek range increased to 375 from 350.
Shadow Walk
o Duration fixed at 30 seconds from 20/30/40/50/60.
o Stun Hit effect coming out of stealth reduced to 1s at all levels.
o Gives 10/14/18/22/26% bonus movement speed during shadow walk and for 4 seconds after shadow walk.
o Evelynn fade time reduced to 1.25s down from 1.5. Her maximum fade time reduced to 4s down from 5s.
o Mana cost rescaled to 100/90/80/70/60 from 75/75/75/75/75
o Cooldown rescaled to 16/14/12/10/8 from 12/12/12/12/12
o Damage reduced to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.75) from 80/135/190/255/320 (+1)
o Mana cost reduced to 75/85/95/105/115 from 90/105/120/135/150
o Ravage now reduces 10/15/20/25/30 armor and magic resistance from the target (up from 10/14/18/22/26).
o Ravage range increased to 500 from 250.
o Ravage cooldown increased to 10 from 9.
o Ravage incorporates a dash to the target.
o Remade as Exuding Embrace.
o Evelynn channels the essence of night, blinding enemies in the targeted area as well as reducing their movement speed by 45/60/75%.
o Cooldown goes from 90/75/60 seconds.
o Range 650, AoE: 275
o Base AS increased to 0.695 from 0.658.
o Armor gain per level increased to 4.5 from 4.
o Base health increased to 414 from 389
o Health gain per level increase to 86 from 76.
o MP/5 per level increased to 0.4 per level from 0.25 per level.
o Base MP/5 raised to 4.6 from 3.6
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 12
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
Dark Wind
o Reduced Cooldown to 14 from 15
Righteous Gust
o Increased Mana Cost to 80/85/90/95/100 from 70/75/80/85/90
Resolute Smite
o Increased Mana Cost to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
Idol of Durand
o Increased Mana Cost to 100/150/200 from 100/145/190
o Reduced Duration to 2 from 2.5
Barrel Roll
o Reduced Cooldown to 11/10/9/8/7 from 12/11/10/9/8
o Now slows attack speed by 20/25/30/35/40%
Drunken Rage
o Reduced Cooldown to 25 from 30
Body Slam
o Increased Cooldown to 7 from 6
Explosive Cask
o No longer slows attack speed
Equipment Mastery
o Tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically
Leap Strike
o Cast time reduced by roughly 20% and travel speed increased accordingly
o Ability power ratio decreased to 0.7 from 0.8
o Now only deals damage to a single target rather than AoE
o Resets Jax'’s swing timer when cast
o Damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.3 AD)(+0.4 AP) from 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2 AD)(+0.2 AP)
o Mana Cost decreased to 20 from 35
o Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5/5/5/5/5
o Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage
o Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.
Counter Strike
o Damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.6 AP) from 80/100/120/140/160 (+0.6 AP)
Relentless Assault
o New Active: Immediately grants Jax full stacks of Relentless Assault. Costs 80 mana. Cooldown of 60/60/60 seconds.
o Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks which Jax is benefitting from.
o Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of Relentless Assault.
Lay Waste
o Reduced Mana Cost to 20/26/32/38/44 from 20/28/36/44/52
Wall of Pain
o Reduced Cooldown to 18 from 22
Nether Blade
o Reduced Cooldown to 12 from 15
Death Lotus
o Now fires 3 blades at all levels
Seismic Shard
o Reduced Cooldown to 8 from 10
Unstoppable Force
o Reduced Cooldown to 130/115/100 from 140/125/110
Ground Slam
o Fixed a bug causing it to look like it had shorter range than it actually did
Nether Grasp
o Reduced Range to 700 from 750
Call of the Void
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130
Null Zone
o Modified Mana Cost to 90/100/110/120/130 from 80/95/110/125/140
Miss Fortune
o Reduced Base Armor to 12 from 15
Scattershot(Make it Rain)
o Reduced Slow Percent to 15/20/25/30/35% from 20/25/30/35/40%
Bullet Time
o Reduced Range to 1400 from 1500
o Reduced Physical Scaling to 40% per shot from 45%
o Reduced Movement Speed Cap to 70 from 80
Ricochet Shot
o Reduced Bounce Range to 500 from 575
Black Shield
o Reduced AP Ratio to .9 from 1
Soul Shackles
o Reduced AP Ratio to .9 from 1
o Reduced Damage to 175/250/325 from 175/250/350
Siphoning Strike
o Now resets auto attacks
o Increased Base Damage to 49 from 46
Primal Surge
o Increased Cost to 80/85/90/95/100 from 65/70/75/80/85
Devastating Blow
o Now resets auto attacks
o Increased Movement Speed to 310 from 305
o Increased Base MP Regen to .9 from .75
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 11
Defensive Ball Curl
o Reduced Cooldown to 14 from 15
o Now Scales on 10% of Rammus's Total Armor
Puncturing Taunt
o Reduced Mana Cost to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
o Made it much more responsive (less likely to bug out =-D)
Updated Recommended Items
Base HP increased to 380 from 360.
Base Armor increased to 13 from 11.
HP Per level increased to 92 from 86.
Base movement speed increased to 315 from 310
Base HP Regen increased to 1.1 from 0.87
o Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 11/10/9/8/7
o AP ratio reduced to .4 from .45
o Mana cost decreased to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
Rune Prison
o No longer deals damage per tick and deals 60/95/130/165/200 damage up front. (down from 80/120/160/200/240 over the duration)
o AP ratio changed to a flat .6 from .4/.6/.8/1/1.2 (depending on snare duration)
o Now deals 5% of Ryze's maximum mana in bonus damage.
o Cast range increased to 625 from 600.
Spell Flux
o AP Ratio per hit increased to .4 from .38
o Mana cost reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 from 60/80/100/120/140
o Reduced MR to 30 from 35 (considered a bug)
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 11.5
Insanity Potion
o Reduced Cooldown to 100 from 120
o Reduced Duration to 20 from 25
Death's Caress
o Removed Initial Animation
o Reduced Damage to 110/160/210/260/310 from 120/170/220/270/320
On the Hunt
o Increased Haste to 30/60/90% from 25/45/65%
Spell Shield
o Increased Mana Return to 150 from 125
o Reduced Cooldown to 22/19/16/13/10 from 28/24/20/16/12
o Increased total AP ratio to 0.9 from 0.75.
o Fixed a bug where Decrepify would slow through Highlander or Ragnarok.
o Fixed a bug where the damage portion sometimes would not break upon leashing the beam.
o Increased AP coefficient to 0.7 from 0.5.
o Increased base damage to 75/115/155/195/235 from 72/110/148/186/224.
o Increased AP coefficient to 0.8 from 0.6.
Carrion Renewal
o Increased regen to 300% from 250%.
o Increased Cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 70/85/100/115/130
o Reduced Heal to 60/100/140/180/220 from 70/110/150/190/230
Base movespeed increased to 315 from 300.
o Fade time decreased to 1.5 seconds from 3.0
o Being invulnerable will prevent Teemo from Camouflaging. Specifically, Zhonya's Ring and Guardian Angel's effects will block Camouflage while they are active.
o Recalling will prevent Teemo from Camouflaging.
Blinding Dart
o Duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
o Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
o Will cancel autoattacks in progress when the blind is applied.
Move Quick
o Tooltip bug fixed -- will now update to display the effects of cooldown reduction.
Noxious Trap
o Teemo gains a "stored mushroom" charge every 30/26/22 seconds. Maximum three charges.
o Each cast requires and consumes a charge.
o Time to gain a charge is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at maximum charges.
o Teemo always has two charges stored upon reviving at base.
o Cooldown on placing a trap reduced to 1 second from 20.
o Reduced Cooldown to 12/11/10/9/8 from 14/13/12/11/10
o Increased Damage per Stack to 5 from 3
Spinning Slash
o Reduced Cooldown to 8 from 9
o Increased AoE to 225 from 185
Twisted Fate
Pick a Card
o Increased Blue Card Damage/Mana Return to 40/60/80/100/120 from 30/45/60/75/90
Debilitating Poison
o Now has a range indicator
o Now has a range indicator
Deadly Venom
o Reduced Duration to 6 from 8
+ Slightly Reduced Total Damage to 15-60 from 16-64
Removed "Recommended" tag
New Item: Hexdrinker
o Hexdrinker Recipe: Long Sword + Long Sword + Null-Magic Mantle + 570 gold = 1800 gold
o +35 Attack Damage
o +30 Magic Resistance
o UNIQUE Passive: If you are below 40% of your maximum health after taking magic damage, you gain 30 Attack Damage and 150 Magic Resistance for 4 seconds. This effect can occur once every 60 seconds.
Soul Shroud
o New recipe: Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + Mana Manipulator + 485 gold, total price and stats unchanged.
o Recipe price lowered to 375 from 425, making the price 850.
Shurelya's Reverie
o Recipe price increased to 550 from 500. Total price is unchanged.
o Recipe Changed to: Dagger + Dagger + Amplifying Tome + 550 = 1825 total cost.
o Base stats changed to +50% attack speed, 25 ability power from +50% attack speed, +15% life steal.
o Unique Passive changed to: Your physical attacks shred your target doing 20 magic damage and reducing their magic resistance by 6. Magic resistance reduction stacks up to 4 times.
Warmog's Armor
o Combine cost dropped to 980 from 1100 = 3000 total cost.
o Base stats changed to 920 health, 30 hp/5 up from 770 health, 30 hp/5
o Bonuses now cap at 450 health and 15 hp/5.
o Unique Passive changed to: Permanently gain 4.5 Health and .15 Health Regen per 5 sec per minion kill. Champion kills and assists grant 45 Health and 1.5 Health Regen per 5 sec. Bonuses cap at +450 Health, and +15 Health Regen per 5.
Atma's Impaler
o Recipe Changed to: Chain Vest + Health Crystal + 800 = 1975 total cost.
o Base Stats changed to 45 armor, 180 health from 45 armor, 18% critical strike.
o Unique Passive unchanged.
Rod of Ages
o Base Stats changed to 450 health, 525 mana and 60 ability power up from 360 health, 425 mana and 50 ability power.
o Bonuses cap at 180 health, 200 mana and 20 ability power, down from 270 health, 300 mana and 30 ability power.
para hacer un copy paste de otra web pon el link, o por lo contrario, ya que lo pones, traducelo :S
Zatch escribió:Gracios Riot por terminar de destrozar a Evelyn, estaba mal, muy mal, pero esk ahora es un pj que no cojera absolutamente nadie!
dk_el_Emisario escribió:
Zatch escribió:Cierto, lo he leido todo del reves xD
NeuL escribió:y habeis visto el rango que tiene en el video? es imposible escapar... en fin, seguro que lo tocaran, si no es imposible
Parn1024 escribió:El champion ese supuestamente nuevo ("animadora") me parece muy fake, quizas un mod echo por un chino.
Parn1024 escribió:El champion ese supuestamente nuevo ("animadora") me parece muy fake, quizas un mod echo por un chino.
rubenozgza escribió:Veis viable montar a miss fortune con ap???
rubenozgza escribió:La ultimate, la lluvia de balas, y lo de stackear ataques escalan con ap, aparte de tener mas vida y algo mas de mr y la Q funciona con la perdición del liche.
dk_el_Emisario escribió:rubenozgza escribió:La ultimate, la lluvia de balas, y lo de stackear ataques escalan con ap, aparte de tener mas vida y algo mas de mr y la Q funciona con la perdición del liche.
Vale.. Veamos....
rubenozgza escribió:dk_el_Emisario escribió:rubenozgza escribió:La ultimate, la lluvia de balas, y lo de stackear ataques escalan con ap, aparte de tener mas vida y algo mas de mr y la Q funciona con la perdición del liche.
Vale.. Veamos....
No le busco 5 pies al gato, solo he preguntado que si seria viable, y tu lo dejas muy claro que no
Para esto estan los foros, para aclarar dudas.
Sakuranbo escribió:¿Cómo sabes lo que sube por cada punto de AP o AD? O eres un autentico pro y te acuerdas de todoy te lo pregunto a ti directamente Poppy ¿AD o AP?
Fox escribió:Sakuranbo escribió:¿Cómo sabes lo que sube por cada punto de AP o AD? O eres un autentico pro y te acuerdas de todoy te lo pregunto a ti directamente Poppy ¿AD o AP?
Esa información está en internet.
Se como hacer una poppy que mate de 2 ostias, pero que te lo diga emisario, ya que al resto no le has preguntao
Me puedes poner la Build full ap de poppy? Es que he seguido una y no me ha gustado.
Sakuranbo escribió:Edito, paj 311:Me puedes poner la Build full ap de poppy? Es que he seguido una y no me ha gustado.
RolerDib escribió:Me doy por aludido pero joer, ni que me leyera todas las páginas todos los días... que algunos parece que vivís en este hilo (de buen rollo, eh?)
Sakuranbo escribió:Edito, paj 311:Me puedes poner la Build full ap de poppy? Es que he seguido una y no me ha gustado.
Yo ahora tiro por algo así:
1a) Pico de Kage. Porque lo usarás luego y farmeas poco.
1b) Códice Diabólico. Necesitas mana regen como el comer, y reducción de cooldowns.
2) Botas de velocidad 3. Las del hechicero molan, pero velocidad 3 + paragon = correr muuucho.
1c) Tenaza de muerte ígnea, obviamente.
3) Algo de protección. Ésta todavía no la tengo clara, he probado con la malla de Warden, la force of nature... incluso el mazo helado. Suelo tirar por algo barato.
4) Bastón del vacío o el cetro abisal, dependiendo de si tienes mucho caster en tu equipo o no.
5) Zhonya's Ring. Los que estén a favor gritad MUERTE!!!!
Siendo totalmente amateur y casera la build, eso sí. Pero a grandes rasgos, las botas de 3 y la tenaza me parecen obligatorias en esta build...
¿Cómo jugarla? En la lane, acojonando a carrys (les obligarás a estar cerca del centro, o incluso alejados de los creeps). En las teamfights, una vez iniciada tirarte a por el carry más peligroso, cuando te empiecen a atacar lanzas el ulti a alguien que haga poco daño, y sigues reventando el carry... si se focusean en ti, tu equipo tiene mucha ventaja; si no, te puedes llevar fácilmente a dos por delante...
^atlas^ escribió:Lo vuelvo a preguntar.
¿Las runas de energía son para los Ninja? No he obtenido respuesta.
¿Qué sabes de esto, Emisario?
Sakuranbo escribió:Iba a seguir esta guía, de hecho ya me he comprado la mitad de las runas:
http://leaguecraft.com/strategies/guide ... oppy.xhtml
Así ya tengo un pack de runas para mago y la pruebo, luego le echaré un ojo a la tuya, yo compro las botas que te dan 2 de velocidad y a los 6 segundos 5, vuelo, no ando, vuelo!
RolerDib escribió:Sakuranbo escribió:Iba a seguir esta guía, de hecho ya me he comprado la mitad de las runas:
http://leaguecraft.com/strategies/guide ... oppy.xhtml
Así ya tengo un pack de runas para mago y la pruebo, luego le echaré un ojo a la tuya, yo compro las botas que te dan 2 de velocidad y a los 6 segundos 5, vuelo, no ando, vuelo!
Yo es que no le acabo de ver el punto a esas botas. Pero si sabes usarlas, adelante... vas a cazar terriblemente bien
La build como todo, según gustos. Yo tengo las runas azules de cooldown, buscando maximizar el nº de golpes. La Lich bane es buen objeto (el brillo es muy, muy bueno) pero yo la encontré demasiado cara para Poppy (me parece obligatorio de primeras el pico y el códice), por eso me decanté por el Abyssal o el Void staff. Y el bastón del arcángel como último objeto no se yo
(Pero como todo, prueba y experimenta)
dk_el_Emisario escribió:
Lo siento, pero es que despues de ver autenticas barrabasadas, llega un momento en que la experiencia es frustrante.
LoNe-WoLf escribió:Champion Sneak Peak: Lux, dama de la iluminación
Rotación de campeones Primera Temporada - Semana 14
* Anivia
* Corki
* Katarina
* Kayle
* Nunu
* Pantheon
* Singed
* Tristana
* Veigar
* Zilean
LoNe-WoLf escribió:Champion Sneak Peak: Lux, dama de la iluminación
Rotación de campeones Primera Temporada - Semana 14
* Anivia
* Corki
* Katarina
* Kayle
* Nunu
* Pantheon
* Singed
* Tristana
* Veigar
* Zilean
Nothwin escribió:Es un campeón raro, yo diría que es como Ezreal pero más orientado al support.
Todavía es muy pronto para decir nada, pero si el campeón que sale se asemeja a lo que muestra ese video va a estar muy OP:
Celda como la de morgana pero atravesando y afectando a varios enemigos, stealth para aliados, slow en zona y una ulti con un daño y un AP ratio descomunal, con un rango como el de ezreal (todo lo que pille por banda) además de un CD de 30~40 secs... definitivamente la rebajarán bastante si quieren un personaje balanceado.
Pero bueno, también se habló mucho de Swain de lo OP que estaría y míralo...