Cosas que podemos hacer cada día:
Daily End Game Lost Ark
Chaos Dungeon – You can run the Chaos Dungeon twice per day for the proper rewards, per character. You get 100 energy per day per character, and each run uses 50 energy. You can run if you run out of energy, but your rewards will be different and worth much less.
Guardian Raid – Similar to the Chaos Dungeon, you can run the Guardian Raid twice per day. Gain 2 Guardian Souls per day. Each time you harvest a Guardian Soul in the dungeon, it will consume 1 Guardian Soul.
Trade Skills – Unlike many other MMOs, your trade skills such as Mining, Logging, etc. have energy. You can gather each day until your energy is depleted. The amount of energy you have is quite a large amount, so it will be unlikely you use it all unless you are just doing trade skills all day.
Rapport – You can play up to 5 songs per day and perform up to 5 emotes per day for NPCs. Performing these actions will increase your Rapport with the NPC, and allow you to gain rewards and reputation with them. This is a great way to make gold in Lost Ark as many NPCs will give 100-200 gold when you reach a certain level of rapport with them.
Adventure Island – Only Available at certain times Sat-Sun at 2PM / 9PM, Mon-Fri at 9PM. Visit an island of your choice for the chance to get Unbound Destruction or Guardian Stones, Gold, Silver, EXP Potions, and more!
Chaos Gate – Only available on specific days. You can receive loot only once per day it is open. Here you can get Chaos Fragments, Treasure Maps, and Frenzy Runes. Any gear enhancements, jewels, tripod levels, and cards are not applicable within the Chaos Gate
World Bosses – Sometimes there will be world bosses available around the world of Lost Ark. You can participate in killing them and receive loot one per day. You can get items like Bleed Runes, Destruction or Guardian Stones, Card EXP, etc.
Voyage Cooperative Missions – These can be completed multiple times per day. You can obtain Gateway Keys from these missions and spend them at a separate sea event later to obtain additional rewards. If you have multiple Gateway Keys, you can use them all together when you are at a Gateway.
UNA Daily Tasks – Every day, there are 3 daily tasks you can complete. This can be upgraded to be 6 daily tasks if you purchase the upgrade in the Cash Shop. You can obtain Una’s Task Rewards and EXP Potions from these. On your main character, you should complete tasks that give Leap Stones or Fragments.
Guild Support – You can perform 1 donation and research support each day. You can get Silmael Bloodstones from this action. Always pick donating 6,000 silver and completing research support.