@LoganAxecirl Ha comentado un desarrollador de CIG en reddit sobre esto de lumberyard...por lo visto CIG y Amazon tenian la misma versión de Cryengine, la 3.7 con cositas de la 3.8. casí todo el motor de CIG está ya modificado por ellos y es incimpatible con Cryengine pero la parte de administración del online, instancias, AWS de Amazon es lo que han cogido de Lumberyard.
Entiendo que este cambio no lo hace CIG pagando, ni siquiera gratis, vamos que tendrán un suculento descuento en los servidores a cambio de poner el logo de Lumberyard en el juego más caro e innovador de la historia.
"...StarEngine was based on CryEngine 3.7 (last big integration) with cherry picked changes from CryEngine 3.8 (mainly some Animation/Serialization fixes/improvements). The Lumberyard builds we used had the same CryEngine 3.7 base with the main changes on the Editor/Tools side. We heavily changed or have completely rewritten CPU/GPU side rendering, memory management, multithreading, entity/game object handling + added tons of engine features wich neither CryEngine nor Lumberyard have. Everything else is relatively easy to merge, thanks to the same code base + adding independent Lumberyard only features is straightforward too, especially with the help of Amazon developers. We are pretty good at handling the rest of the old CryEngine codebase, which CryEngine, Lumberyard and StarEngine have in common, ourselves
Lo de arriba es el primer comentario que ha hecho sobre este tema.
"More important is that the majority of the CryEngine knowledge back to FarCry is at CIG now, which is invaluable and makes a switch like this easier and safer.
The general direction of Amazon in regards to a stronger focus on network technology helps a lot though. So no worries about the future of Star Citizen, we will deliver the best game with the best technology, doesn't matter how it is called. Internally it is StarEngine."
Un saludo