Posting at a not-so-typical time of the day. An announcement has been made at E3: Mii Fighters are joining the battle!! "You can fight--anyone can fight!"

And Palutena is joining the battle! She's using a lot of powers in the video we released, but these are only a few of the powers featured in Kid Icarus: Uprising. For more details, check out the Super Smash Bros. official website. (

For the first time ever, we will be holding a tournament using an in-development version of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U! And you can watch the tournament live by visiting the website below!! Bear in mind, every participant will have little to no experience playing with the Wii U version...but what makes the Smash Bros. series really remarkable is the importance of improvisation over memorization. I'd like to stress that this is a work-in-progress version of the game, so please forgive us if we run into some issues.
Pic of the day, and a surprise announcement. A milestone of video-game history--PAC-MAN joins the battle! He's even older than Mario!!

- Mii
- Palutena
- Pac-man
- Semi confirmacion de game&watch (almenos aparece al final del video de Pac-man...)
Dejadme poner esa imagen final... deicr mitica es poco:

Nintendo vs Sega vs Namco vs Capcom
Solo falta Snake para tener a Konami tambien xD