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I’m an employee at Bandai Namco, choose to believe me or not, really don’t care. I have some information I wanted to share, mostly to sate my own curiosity.
I’m not high on the team at all, first off, so the information I know is very limited. I’ve seen bits and pieces, as well as heard some from fellow employees.
The meat of this information is that they ARE holding back characters for the wii U release. How many? I do not know, all I know is that among them are Isaac and some unknown fighter, who is the main reason why I’m even sharing this information.
Isaac from what we’ve seen is using his original design. He has an alt for Matthew. I’ve never played the other two Golden Suns, but I’m assuming this is his son. He fights using various Venus adept attacks, once of his B-moves involves lifting a wall of rock to effectively block attacks.
The next is the one I’m unsure about, and bothers me quite a bit. At first I thought he was Robin, or some sort of younger variant. I knew FE:A involved time travel, but that’s about it. A fellow employee who I described this too said Robin in no point in the game turns younger.
The character in question is a young man (who honestly, looks very similar to Robin) in a white robe. He fights using what I believe was a pickaxe, and magic. His final smash also has him riding a green dragon, capable of shooting tornado from it’s wings, which is why i thought he was another FE rep. According to what I’ve heard, he was also apparently one of the later characters developed, and was MEANT to be in the 3DS version, but was moved ahead until the Wii U patch because he wasn’t fully polished/balanced.
Beyond that I don’t know much about him. I was hoping you guys would.
Another thing I do know about is the return of Race to the Finish, though it was originally going to be a new mode completely.
There was a lot of experimenting going on with it. The first idea was that you’d be chased by very fast strong enemies trying to kill you as you ran through a maze, trying to find one end point.
This was scrapped because it caused performance issues, giving that to increase difficulty, more of these enemies had to spawn, making them stronger simply wasn’t enough.
Next it was made that a sort of following kill screen would come after you, like scrolling levels. But the end result felt no different than a regular scrolling stage. Finally, Race to the finish was brought back in it’s original incarnation (not the melee version with multiple exits). The team had a bit of discussion about whether each char would have a unique rttf or if there could just be multiple versions. They decided that <easy would have a specific easy course, and a different one for Hard and Very Hard.
Finally is, Sakurai’s method of obtaining information and balancing, though I’m sure people have figured this out. Conquest mode is in fact used to gauge characters, as well as for glory. There are plans to keep balance specifically tied to THESE modes (characters will play as they did vanilla unless somehow broken outside of these modes) and will patch them periodically. How often how for how long he decides to do it is unknown, but the plan is generally just enough to keep the competitive scene happy without giving them an inch and drastically changing the experience for everyone else.
Raydaralu escribió:No digo que más personajes no fuesen bienvenidos, pero al menos yo tengo sentimientos enfrentados. Me explico:
En el caso de Mario Kart me parece una chorrada monumental que te cobren por personajes que no afectan (al menos que yo sepa) a la jugabilidad del título. Deberían haber sido gratis.
Sin embargo, respecto al Smash si vería bien que añadiesen más (incluso que nos cobrasen por ellos) a pesar de estar vendiéndonos un juego incompleto, ya que ampliaría la experiencia original del mismo.
Como he dicho antes, todo esto resulta un tanto contradictorio, pero es a lo que nos vamos a tener que ir acostumbrando hoy en día. Que estos de Nintendo están empezando muy sutilmente con el tema DLC y van a seguir adelante con esta estrategia tan felices.
Raydaralu escribió:No digo que más personajes no fuesen bienvenidos, pero al menos yo tengo sentimientos enfrentados. Me explico:
En el caso de Mario Kart me parece una chorrada monumental que te cobren por personajes que no afectan (al menos que yo sepa) a la jugabilidad del título. Deberían haber sido gratis.
Sin embargo, respecto al Smash si vería bien que añadiesen más (incluso que nos cobrasen por ellos) a pesar de estar vendiéndonos un juego incompleto, ya que ampliaría la experiencia original del mismo.
Como he dicho antes, todo esto resulta un tanto contradictorio, pero es a lo que nos vamos a tener que ir acostumbrando hoy en día. Que estos de Nintendo están empezando muy sutilmente con el tema DLC y van a seguir adelante con esta estrategia tan felices.
Raydaralu escribió:En el caso de Mario Kart me parece una chorrada monumental que te cobren por personajes que no afectan (al menos que yo sepa) a la jugabilidad del título. Deberían haber sido gratis.
jon2491 escribió:El pack doble ha desaparecido de la web de MM (Estaba a 65€, ¿Se habrá agotado?), ¿Sabéis si en tienda física lo tendrán aún para reservar y si es al mismo precio?
QuiNtaN escribió:Raydaralu escribió:En el caso de Mario Kart me parece una chorrada monumental que te cobren por personajes que no afectan (al menos que yo sepa) a la jugabilidad del título. Deberían haber sido gratis.
Te cobran por personajes circuitos y coches, lo único que no afecta a la jugabilidad son los personajes, pero el resto sí.
arriquitaum escribió:y que tu no estes trabajando para sony o nintendo...
NeOz7 escribió:mas rumores4Chan
I’m an employee at Bandai Namco, choose to believe me or not, really don’t care. I have some information I wanted to share, mostly to sate my own curiosity.
I’m not high on the team at all, first off, so the information I know is very limited. I’ve seen bits and pieces, as well as heard some from fellow employees.
The meat of this information is that they ARE holding back characters for the wii U release. How many? I do not know, all I know is that among them are Isaac and some unknown fighter, who is the main reason why I’m even sharing this information.
Isaac from what we’ve seen is using his original design. He has an alt for Matthew. I’ve never played the other two Golden Suns, but I’m assuming this is his son. He fights using various Venus adept attacks, once of his B-moves involves lifting a wall of rock to effectively block attacks.
The next is the one I’m unsure about, and bothers me quite a bit. At first I thought he was Robin, or some sort of younger variant. I knew FE:A involved time travel, but that’s about it. A fellow employee who I described this too said Robin in no point in the game turns younger.
The character in question is a young man (who honestly, looks very similar to Robin) in a white robe. He fights using what I believe was a pickaxe, and magic. His final smash also has him riding a green dragon, capable of shooting tornado from it’s wings, which is why i thought he was another FE rep. According to what I’ve heard, he was also apparently one of the later characters developed, and was MEANT to be in the 3DS version, but was moved ahead until the Wii U patch because he wasn’t fully polished/balanced.
Beyond that I don’t know much about him. I was hoping you guys would.
Another thing I do know about is the return of Race to the Finish, though it was originally going to be a new mode completely.
There was a lot of experimenting going on with it. The first idea was that you’d be chased by very fast strong enemies trying to kill you as you ran through a maze, trying to find one end point.
This was scrapped because it caused performance issues, giving that to increase difficulty, more of these enemies had to spawn, making them stronger simply wasn’t enough.
Next it was made that a sort of following kill screen would come after you, like scrolling levels. But the end result felt no different than a regular scrolling stage. Finally, Race to the finish was brought back in it’s original incarnation (not the melee version with multiple exits). The team had a bit of discussion about whether each char would have a unique rttf or if there could just be multiple versions. They decided that <easy would have a specific easy course, and a different one for Hard and Very Hard.
Finally is, Sakurai’s method of obtaining information and balancing, though I’m sure people have figured this out. Conquest mode is in fact used to gauge characters, as well as for glory. There are plans to keep balance specifically tied to THESE modes (characters will play as they did vanilla unless somehow broken outside of these modes) and will patch them periodically. How often how for how long he decides to do it is unknown, but the plan is generally just enough to keep the competitive scene happy without giving them an inch and drastically changing the experience for everyone else.
Raydaralu escribió:Con Sonic Lost World los contenidos extras fueron gratuitos y la empresa no se ha muerto y los usuarios estamos contentos, pero en fin, me remito a lo que ha dicho redribbon sobre apoyar o no prácticas indeseadas.
NeOz7 escribió:nose ni si vale la pena ponerlo pero... supuesto roster con 3 personajes mas en DLC...
conde_cadista escribió:NeOz7 escribió:mas rumores4Chan
I’m an employee at Bandai Namco, choose to believe me or not, really don’t care. I have some information I wanted to share, mostly to sate my own curiosity.
I’m not high on the team at all, first off, so the information I know is very limited. I’ve seen bits and pieces, as well as heard some from fellow employees.
The meat of this information is that they ARE holding back characters for the wii U release. How many? I do not know, all I know is that among them are Isaac and some unknown fighter, who is the main reason why I’m even sharing this information.
Isaac from what we’ve seen is using his original design. He has an alt for Matthew. I’ve never played the other two Golden Suns, but I’m assuming this is his son. He fights using various Venus adept attacks, once of his B-moves involves lifting a wall of rock to effectively block attacks.
The next is the one I’m unsure about, and bothers me quite a bit. At first I thought he was Robin, or some sort of younger variant. I knew FE:A involved time travel, but that’s about it. A fellow employee who I described this too said Robin in no point in the game turns younger.
The character in question is a young man (who honestly, looks very similar to Robin) in a white robe. He fights using what I believe was a pickaxe, and magic. His final smash also has him riding a green dragon, capable of shooting tornado from it’s wings, which is why i thought he was another FE rep. According to what I’ve heard, he was also apparently one of the later characters developed, and was MEANT to be in the 3DS version, but was moved ahead until the Wii U patch because he wasn’t fully polished/balanced.
Beyond that I don’t know much about him. I was hoping you guys would.
Another thing I do know about is the return of Race to the Finish, though it was originally going to be a new mode completely.
There was a lot of experimenting going on with it. The first idea was that you’d be chased by very fast strong enemies trying to kill you as you ran through a maze, trying to find one end point.
This was scrapped because it caused performance issues, giving that to increase difficulty, more of these enemies had to spawn, making them stronger simply wasn’t enough.
Next it was made that a sort of following kill screen would come after you, like scrolling levels. But the end result felt no different than a regular scrolling stage. Finally, Race to the finish was brought back in it’s original incarnation (not the melee version with multiple exits). The team had a bit of discussion about whether each char would have a unique rttf or if there could just be multiple versions. They decided that <easy would have a specific easy course, and a different one for Hard and Very Hard.
Finally is, Sakurai’s method of obtaining information and balancing, though I’m sure people have figured this out. Conquest mode is in fact used to gauge characters, as well as for glory. There are plans to keep balance specifically tied to THESE modes (characters will play as they did vanilla unless somehow broken outside of these modes) and will patch them periodically. How often how for how long he decides to do it is unknown, but the plan is generally just enough to keep the competitive scene happy without giving them an inch and drastically changing the experience for everyone else.
Llevábamos una semana muy tranquilita, ya van a empezar a lanzar rumores cada 2x3 jajaj
diegotoste escribió:NeOz7 escribió:nose ni si vale la pena ponerlo pero... supuesto roster con 3 personajes mas en DLC...
al parecer esto viene de aquí:
así que otra falsa alarma
danisapphire escribió:diegotoste escribió:NeOz7 escribió:nose ni si vale la pena ponerlo pero... supuesto roster con 3 personajes mas en DLC...
al parecer esto viene de aquí:
así que otra falsa alarma
Sea o no fake, no se pueden descartar personajes porque esa razón, ya que en caso de que entraran es normal que usen esos trofeos, lo que no tendría sentido es que entraran personajes que ya tienen un trofeo y le añadieran otro. Si entra Mewtwo usará el diseño del trofeo.
QuiNtaN escribió:Raydaralu escribió:Con Sonic Lost World los contenidos extras fueron gratuitos y la empresa no se ha muerto y los usuarios estamos contentos, pero en fin, me remito a lo que ha dicho redribbon sobre apoyar o no prácticas indeseadas.
Yo lo del Mario Kart no lo veo mal, te ofrecen un juego completo y al cabo de un tiempo un DLC que aumenta la experiencia considerablemente por un precio correcto. Otro tema ya son DLCs para completar juegos, para X objetos que mejoran a los anteriores... Estos sí los considero abusivos.
danisapphire escribió:diegotoste escribió:NeOz7 escribió:nose ni si vale la pena ponerlo pero... supuesto roster con 3 personajes mas en DLC...
al parecer esto viene de aquí:
así que otra falsa alarma
Sea o no fake, no se pueden descartar personajes porque esa razón, ya que en caso de que entraran es normal que usen esos trofeos, lo que no tendría sentido es que entraran personajes que ya tienen un trofeo y le añadieran otro. Si entra Mewtwo usará el diseño del trofeo.
Sylansek escribió:Se sabe si habrá alguna promoción para tener una copia gratis al registrar la consola? Tal como hicieron con MH o Animal Crossing?
Tengo la 3DS sin registrar esperando un momento como este xD
Y la verdad es que es un juego para tenerlo en digital y llevarlo siempre encima, pero no pagando los 45 que pone en la Store
NeOz7 escribió:nose ni si vale la pena ponerlo pero... supuesto roster con 3 personajes mas en DLC...
Nexus_G escribió:¿Qué me he perdido durante mi ausencia? Torneo? Vídeos comerciales? DLC?
Raydaralu escribió:Pues por ahí estoy leyendo que, a causa de un bug, los ice climbers le aparecieron a un personaje. No puedo poner vídeos porque estoy en el curro, pero imagino que vosotros encontraréis la información en seguida
Raydaralu escribió:Pues por ahí estoy leyendo que, a causa de un bug, los ice climbers le aparecieron a un personaje. No puedo poner vídeos porque estoy en el curro, pero imagino que vosotros encontraréis la información en seguida
Someone on Neogaf believes they might have proof to DLC stages in Smash 3DS
Set the stages that won’t appear, even when selection is set to random.
All Off
All On
Turn all stages off.
Make all stages available when using random stage selection.
See stages you have downloaded.
See all regular stages.
Select OFF to exclude this stage from random stage selection.
Select ON to include this stage in random stage selection.
It matches the stage selection in additional rules perfectly.
Also note the notice the missing square, just like in the stage selection screen. That’s where you can select the DLC.
NeOz7 escribió:Raydaralu escribió:Pues por ahí estoy leyendo que, a causa de un bug, los ice climbers le aparecieron a un personaje. No puedo poner vídeos porque estoy en el curro, pero imagino que vosotros encontraréis la información en seguida
te refieres a eso?
no tengo audio asi que nose si es eso xD
NeOz7 escribió:Raydaralu escribió:Pues por ahí estoy leyendo que, a causa de un bug, los ice climbers le aparecieron a un personaje. No puedo poner vídeos porque estoy en el curro, pero imagino que vosotros encontraréis la información en seguida
te refieres a eso?
no tengo audio asi que nose si es eso xD
rumor sobre escenarios en DLC:Someone on Neogaf believes they might have proof to DLC stages in Smash 3DS
Set the stages that won’t appear, even when selection is set to random.
All Off
All On
Turn all stages off.
Make all stages available when using random stage selection.
See stages you have downloaded.
See all regular stages.
Select OFF to exclude this stage from random stage selection.
Select ON to include this stage in random stage selection.
It matches the stage selection in additional rules perfectly.
Also note the notice the missing square, just like in the stage selection screen. That’s where you can select the DLC.
mugen_champloo16 escribió:
Yo vi algo parecido pero tambien con personajes dlc , por lo visto han accedido a las texturas del juego y salen unas flechas en la pantalla de seleccion de rooster http://smashboards.com/threads/smash-bros-for-3ds-textures-leaked-ridley-isaac-and-bandana-dee-trophies-not-present.368798/
mugen_champloo16 escribió:Yo vi algo parecido pero tambien con personajes dlc , por lo visto han accedido a las texturas del juego y salen unas flechas en la pantalla de seleccion de rooster http://smashboards.com/threads/smash-bros-for-3ds-textures-leaked-ridley-isaac-and-bandana-dee-trophies-not-present.368798/
Nexus_G escribió:Jugar hasta con 8 jugadores? Será haciendo torneos porqué en un mismo escenario... Entonces no le vería excusa de meter los Ice Climbers para partidas de 4 jugadores
diegotoste escribió:Nexus_G escribió:Jugar hasta con 8 jugadores? Será haciendo torneos porqué en un mismo escenario... Entonces no le vería excusa de meter los Ice Climbers para partidas de 4 jugadores
eso tiene más sentido, aunque simplemente pueden ser unas texturas que se incluyeron porque tenían algo en mente que luego no se materializó y se quedaron ahí en el código; es algo muy común en casi todos los juegos
mante escribió:Habéis visto esto?????http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9W4odBxIXY[qmparto
Nexus_G escribió:
Texturas? Qué son para ti las texturas? Yo tengo entendido que són mejoras gráficas, dandole más realismo. Por lo que tu dices entiendo que son contenidos extras.
Hay veces que en el foto usáis unas nomenclaturas que me pierdo y tiro de contexto.
Aún así, gracias Diegotoste por tu sabia respuesta. Estas en todo!
Lloyd Irving escribió:A Pit le cambiaron el Smash Final porque en Brawl lo que hacia era llamar a Palutena para enviar un ejercito de angeles, y ahora solo usa una arma superpoderosa ---> Palutena jugable en smash 4
A Rey Dedede tambien se lo cambiaron, en Brawl lanzaba un ejercito de Dee y ahora en Smash 4 no.---> posibilidades de que lo hayan hecho por Bandana Dee de DLC
Lloyd Irving escribió:A Pit le cambiaron el Smash Final porque en Brawl lo que hacia era llamar a Palutena para enviar un ejercito de angeles, y ahora solo usa una arma superpoderosa ---> Palutena jugable en smash 4
A Rey Dedede tambien se lo cambiaron, en Brawl lanzaba un ejercito de Dee y ahora en Smash 4 no.---> posibilidades de que lo hayan hecho por Bandana Dee de DLC
Gerudo escribió:Lloyd Irving escribió:A Pit le cambiaron el Smash Final porque en Brawl lo que hacia era llamar a Palutena para enviar un ejercito de angeles, y ahora solo usa una arma superpoderosa ---> Palutena jugable en smash 4
A Rey Dedede tambien se lo cambiaron, en Brawl lanzaba un ejercito de Dee y ahora en Smash 4 no.---> posibilidades de que lo hayan hecho por Bandana Dee de DLC
A Pit se lo han cambiado porque tiene más contexto y sentido usar los tres tesoros sagrados (y por que en el brawl petaba la pantalla con los ángeles).
A Dedede se lo han cambiado porque llenaba la pantalla de waddle dees y gordos y la 3DS no puede, así sin más.
Escafurcio escribió:Tengo que comprar dos copias del Smash Bros para regalos de cumpleaños y me acordé del pack doble.
Se sabe algo ya de si en la caja de cartón vienen 1 o 2 cajas con su cartucho?
Hollow58 escribió:Escafurcio escribió:Tengo que comprar dos copias del Smash Bros para regalos de cumpleaños y me acordé del pack doble.
Se sabe algo ya de si en la caja de cartón vienen 1 o 2 cajas con su cartucho?
Pues no estoy seguro...lo lógico seria que cada juego tuviese una caja para él (viendo lo grande que es la caja del pack), pero viendo lo "rebajado" que está el precio, igual te vienen en esos "porta-cartuchos" pequeños...Tocará esperar, a ver.
fuji escribió:No se si nadie lo ha puesto, pero teneis el smash por 31 euros en rakuten: http://www.rakuten.es/tienda/juegaya/pr ... 000083510/
Si aplicais el codigo descuento RAKU10DESSEP os quita un 10% por lo que el envio sale gratis, y ya si teneis algunos puntos rakuten, pues mas barato. Diria que de momento es el sitio mas barato para la version pal españa.
bretto escribió:fuji escribió:No se si nadie lo ha puesto, pero teneis el smash por 31 euros en rakuten: http://www.rakuten.es/tienda/juegaya/pr ... 000083510/
Si aplicais el codigo descuento RAKU10DESSEP os quita un 10% por lo que el envio sale gratis, y ya si teneis algunos puntos rakuten, pues mas barato. Diria que de momento es el sitio mas barato para la version pal españa.
Alguien con experiencias para reservas en esa pagina?
NeOz7 escribió:yo, domingo pille hyrule warriors por 42 € mas o menos con el descuento que comenta el compañero, ademas te aplican otro descuento del 10 % si pagas con paypal (descuento en puntos para la proxima compra). El envio que elegi es de 48 h que salia por 3.99 € de mas. Lo enviaron el lunes y este mediodia lo tenia en casa
bretto escribió:NeOz7 escribió:yo, domingo pille hyrule warriors por 42 € mas o menos con el descuento que comenta el compañero, ademas te aplican otro descuento del 10 % si pagas con paypal (descuento en puntos para la proxima compra). El envio que elegi es de 48 h que salia por 3.99 € de mas. Lo enviaron el lunes y este mediodia lo tenia en casa
El problema es que como sale un viernes, si no lo envian antes, como minimo te llega el lunes, de ahi la pregunta