[HO] The Division 2

@DarkMessiah Exactamente es eso, 6 piezas de ese Set, además de sus caracteristicas random te dará una serie de Bonus por completar el lote. 2 Piezas proporcionan un Bonus, 3 piezas suman otro y así. Se pueden combinar unos con otros.

Estos sets ya estaban en el 1, no los mismos, pero funcionaban de la misma manera.
MAKUTOR escribió:Los set clasificados son set de 6 piezas, osea para sacarle partido a ese set tendras que equiparte entero con las piezas de ese set.Lo que tendras que farmear es si quieres por ejemplo que el chaleco de ese set te de un stat en concreto ya sea mas salud , o daño , etc.. no se si me he explicado..

6 piezas dices, ok entonces un poco lo que decía que será chaleco, guantes, pantalones, botas, etc

Luego ya para tema recalibrar, farmear para cambiar cierto stat como comentas, eso sí, ok.

Entonces ya con 2 piezas tendría ese beneficio que pone, con 3 eso otro y así hasta 6. Vale tio, comprendido :)

La cosa será, al lootear, fijarme bien entonces en lo que cojo, para ir guardando todas las piezas de cada set.

Hay por alguna otra parte, otra imagen como la que puse, con otros set?

Que no me suena haberla visto.


EDIT: O son estos los primeros 3 sets?. Que por lo que veo por Google es como si fuese así.
EDIT2: vale, deben ser los 3 primeros sets, entonces genial.

Tocará ir de compras por Washington DC [sonrisa]

Mientras, preparando en el curro las chuletillas [carcajad]

estos son los sets actuales

ya me está descargando la actualización 5,5GB
@rauluke ah vale joer pues sí que hay jajaja [carcajad] [beer]

lo que pasa que son de 3 piezas no?. Estos son de 6
@DarkMessiah no estoy muy puesto en sets, pero yo diría que el bonus 3 es al tener las 6 piezas equipadas

hay mantenimiento hasta las 12:30
rauluke escribió:@DarkMessiah no estoy muy puesto en sets, pero yo diría que el bonus 3 es al tener las 6 piezas equipadas

hay mantenimiento hasta las 12:30

Lo digo porque los nuevos, tienes 5 bonus, desde 2/6 hasta 6/6

Yeah, mantenimiento 9:30-12:30 como siempre que sacan parche, aunque puede que terminen antes / después

Perfect pues nada, me he impreso en el curro las 2 hojas y así lo tengo a mano [sonrisa]
De los sets que ha puesto @rauluke son solo 3 piezas de cada uno, son los basicos que vienen con el juego. Para mi son bastante tocapelotas, por ejemplo, no puedes poner 3 piezas de Sokolov Concern y 3 de Wyvern Wear en la misma build puesto que no caen guantes de ninguno de los dos [carcajad]

Y así varios, de algunos solo caen 3 o 4 piezas de las 6 que puedes llevar en el equipo y se hace un poco complicado buscar una build buena que te interesan las ventajas de 2 sets haciendote decidir por 1 full 3/3 o buscando un popurri de sets. Entiendo que es por motivos de balance.
Cantones escribió:De los sets que ha puesto @rauluke son solo 3 piezas de cada uno, son los basicos que vienen con el juego. Para mi son bastante tocapelotas, por ejemplo, no puedes poner 3 piezas de Sokolov Concern y 3 de Wyvern Wear en la misma build puesto que no caen guantes de ninguno de los dos [carcajad]

Y así varios, de algunos solo caen 3 o 4 piezas de las 6 que puedes llevar en el equipo y se hace un poco complicado buscar una build buena que te interesan las ventajas de 2 sets haciendote decidir por 1 full 3/3 o buscando un popurri de sets. Entiendo que es por motivos de balance.

La verdad, que mucho gear set, pero al final yo soy de hacerme un mix de todo lo que me va gustando, así que dudo que vaya a ir con sets completos xDDD
casi 6gb de parche no veas tu jeje
DarkMessiah escribió:
Cantones escribió:De los sets que ha puesto @rauluke son solo 3 piezas de cada uno, son los basicos que vienen con el juego. Para mi son bastante tocapelotas, por ejemplo, no puedes poner 3 piezas de Sokolov Concern y 3 de Wyvern Wear en la misma build puesto que no caen guantes de ninguno de los dos [carcajad]

Y así varios, de algunos solo caen 3 o 4 piezas de las 6 que puedes llevar en el equipo y se hace un poco complicado buscar una build buena que te interesan las ventajas de 2 sets haciendote decidir por 1 full 3/3 o buscando un popurri de sets. Entiendo que es por motivos de balance.

La verdad, que mucho gear set, pero al final yo soy de hacerme un mix de todo lo que me va gustando, así que dudo que vaya a ir con sets completos xDDD

Para poder dar caña en la ZO los necesitarás.
deviliban escribió:
DarkMessiah escribió:
Cantones escribió:De los sets que ha puesto @rauluke son solo 3 piezas de cada uno, son los basicos que vienen con el juego. Para mi son bastante tocapelotas, por ejemplo, no puedes poner 3 piezas de Sokolov Concern y 3 de Wyvern Wear en la misma build puesto que no caen guantes de ninguno de los dos [carcajad]

Y así varios, de algunos solo caen 3 o 4 piezas de las 6 que puedes llevar en el equipo y se hace un poco complicado buscar una build buena que te interesan las ventajas de 2 sets haciendote decidir por 1 full 3/3 o buscando un popurri de sets. Entiendo que es por motivos de balance.

La verdad, que mucho gear set, pero al final yo soy de hacerme un mix de todo lo que me va gustando, así que dudo que vaya a ir con sets completos xDDD

Para poder dar caña en la ZO los necesitarás.

El PVP la verdad que me da un poquito igual [carcajad]
La verdad es que después de los sets que teníamos en el primero, estos son bastante decepcionantes, a mi dadme mi LoneStar y dejáos de tonterías de colorines xDDDDD es que no creo ni que los vaya a buscar
Yo posiblemente tire a conseguir "Cableado".

Autoridad Tactica en el 1 me encantaba.

Por cierto, han extendido el Mantenimiento 45 minutos.
Cantones escribió:Yo posiblemente tire a conseguir "Cableado".

Autoridad Tactica en el 1 me encantaba.

Por cierto, han extendido el Mantenimiento 45 minutos.

Ese pinta más para PVP no?. El True Patriot no pinta mal contra la IA
La electronica es multi-usos, viene bien en cualquier situación [carcajad]
Cantones escribió:La electronica es multi-usos, viene bien en cualquier situación [carcajad]

[carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]
Vale, ya lo he visto xD
DarkMessiah escribió:
Cantones escribió:De los sets que ha puesto @rauluke son solo 3 piezas de cada uno, son los basicos que vienen con el juego. Para mi son bastante tocapelotas, por ejemplo, no puedes poner 3 piezas de Sokolov Concern y 3 de Wyvern Wear en la misma build puesto que no caen guantes de ninguno de los dos [carcajad]

Y así varios, de algunos solo caen 3 o 4 piezas de las 6 que puedes llevar en el equipo y se hace un poco complicado buscar una build buena que te interesan las ventajas de 2 sets haciendote decidir por 1 full 3/3 o buscando un popurri de sets. Entiendo que es por motivos de balance.

La verdad, que mucho gear set, pero al final yo soy de hacerme un mix de todo lo que me va gustando, así que dudo que vaya a ir con sets completos xDDD

Si este sigue los mismos pasos que el 1, para las raids vas a necesitar especializarte en un set, en el 1 habian raids que necesitabas a cada uno con un set especifico y aqui con 8 creo que va a ser parecido.... Al final ganas unos bonus muy buenos que tienes que aprovechar... Yo soy nivel 8 y estoy en la campaña y ya con los chorri sets que hay ahi ya se nota la diferencia con no tenerlos...
No consigo que salte el parche, y cuando entro me dice que reinicie para actualizar, alguna manera de forzar el update?
Sabéis si hay alguna pagina para hacerte tus builds?
O alguna que la gente las cuelgue y se pueda votar o algo parecido para saber por donde tirar?
Me refiero a algo como Diablofans por poner un ejemplo

Yo no he encontrado nada, de momento he ido tirando de Reddit, que parece que es el sustituto natural a ese tipo de paginas que habia antes [decaio]
Podéis ya jugar entonces con el nuevo parche?.

Yo tiro para casa, a ver si luego lo pruebo [beer]
Valarauko escribió:@MasterHunter

Yo no he encontrado nada, de momento he ido tirando de Reddit, que parece que es el sustituto natural a ese tipo de paginas que habia antes [decaio]

yo de momento voy viendo en youtube , algo es algo XD
ME da error Bravo 04 y que servers no están. Os pasa?? Acabo de hacer el update

Edit: ya va, al lío

Se me ha cambiado a inglés eso si xd
Han destruido totalmente el lanzador químico, era mucho más intuitivo antes.

No sé por qué tocar lo qué funciona :(
os funciona la estacion de recalibrado.Selecciono el talento a cambiar, y me sale un arma,y las dos piezas con el talento que quiero,pero sin posibilidad de recalibrar.Twngo todos los mats y dinero.
Por cierto, en heroico, cuando la squad palma, empiezas desde el principio???
Bueno pues fortaleza hecha solo y ya en Tier 5. Muy guapa. A ver ahora .

A la noche a ver si la hacemos en grupo en heroico
DarkMessiah escribió:Bueno pues fortaleza hecha solo y ya en Tier 5. Muy guapa. A ver ahora .

A la noche a ver si la hacemos en grupo en heroico

heroico creo que va a pedir lvl 500. yo antes una principal todos 460 y con build,y fue imposible.Y al morir casi al final.......de nuevo al inicio
ICETOSKI escribió:
DarkMessiah escribió:Bueno pues fortaleza hecha solo y ya en Tier 5. Muy guapa. A ver ahora .

A la noche a ver si la hacemos en grupo en heroico

heroico creo que va a pedir lvl 500. yo antes una principal todos 460 y con build,y fue imposible.Y al morir casi al final.......de nuevo al inicio

Bueno yo tengo 465 ahora pero si hay que subir a 500 se sube para heroico :)

Ya con piezas de 2 sets también. A darle caña agentes
Ahora con el Tier 5 se puede decir que el juego esta completo, porque ya hay mas razones para lootear, repetir misiones, explorar,etc y conseguir equipo de sets, armas de alto nivel.
Yo me espere hasta que saliera el T5, antes solo hice las misiones principales, ahora es darle con mas ganas.
Ya tengo 3/6 del set directiva abierta (ya me da +20% manejo arma y +25% daño por quemadura) y 2/6 del patriota auténtico.

Voy a equipármelos a ver si consigo el set completo, por variar [sonrisa]
flipo, subes de nivel y te dan una llave para caja especial de evento, esperaba que fuera mas dificil, pero no, una gozada XD
Se han quedado a gusto [carcajad]:

La tabla podéis verla al final - https://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/2 ... l-5th-2019

Patch Notes Invasion: Battle for D.C. - April 5th, 2019

New content:

Invasion: Battle for D.C. is now live. You can find a content overview in this article.

Weapons, Mods and Gear:

Overhauled the Weapon mod system, see the table at the end of the patch notes for detailed information.
Fixed a wrong long-range damage value for M4 (super 90) and P416. Previously, they could sometimes increase damage over longer ranges instead of the other way around.
Damage on the MK17 rifle reduced by 14%, also corrected this weapon not having a damage falloff over distance.
LW M4 damage increased by 5%, RPM increased from 240 to 360.
LVOA-C RPM increased from 240 to 380.

Marksman Rifles

Model 700 damage reduced by 13%.


AA12 damage increased by 16%.


MG5 damage increased by 12% and fixed reversed falloff, causing the weapon to do more damage over a longer range.

Updated initial accuracy on the Sig Sniper MCmillan T1. It should now be much more reliable to shoot as soon as it’s shouldered and the transition to scoped view is over.
Reduced the amount of Critical Damage and Headshot Damage that can roll on Gear, including the amount on existing Gear. The actual values will differ depending on the level and quality of the gear it occurs on. This is partially in preparation for another world tier, where we felt these values were already at the limit of what was healthy in WT4.
Complete overhaul of skill mods to give more achievable requirements and more reasonable bonuses.
A closer equivalence between required skill power and the bonuses granted.
Changed the amount of skill power on gear to not increase exponentially with level, but instead more linearly. This results in most skill power values on gear being lower, but in accordance with the lowered requirements.
Tweaked the ranges of bonuses to be within acceptable bounds where they had extreme values before due to scaling errors. Most notably radius and ammo/charges values.
Players will see both the bonuses and the requirements of almost all skill mods change as a result of this overhaul.
In end game, both Superior and High-End skill mods exist to cover the different needs of different builds. They can overlap in power, but High-End mods have a higher maximum roll potential.
We are looking at ways to provide lower value/quality mods in end game world tiers in the future to provide a solution to the fact that on very low skill power builds, there would be room for those mods, and currently we are aware that means you have to save mods from your leveling experience.

Player Skills:

Fixed an issue which caused the Bombardier Drone to get destroyed while climbing up/down a ladder or rope.
Improved feedback of Bombardier Drone crashing into obstacles during the bombing phase.
Fixed an issue with Firefly payload sometimes failing to activate when reaching its target.
Fixed an issue where Revive hive would not self-deploy if the agent was busy performing a different action such as using different skill when it triggered.
Revamped the Sniper Turret version of the turret skill.
It now will automatically target the hostile nearest to the players’ center-of-screen (the same method it uses to pick other turret targets) and will fire at that target when the button is pressed, without a lock-on order needed.
If a player aims at a hostile, the sniper turret will attempt to match their aim, allowing precision shots using the sniper turret.
An issue where the sniper turret wasn’t correctly getting bonus damage when hitting headshots has been fixed.

Revamped the Chem launcher skill platform.
Pressing the skill button will now equip the chem launcher similar to swapping to a weapon. The player can aim and shoot with normal weapon controls, as well as run with the skill and blindfire it.
Quick deploy at the agents own position is still available for the repair version of the chem launcher, using the same controls as before.
Unequipping the Chem launcher can be done using the skill button, the B (XBOX) / Circle (PS4) button or just using the weapon swap controls.

Loot & Rewards:

Control Point reward containers are giving the correct number of items for the corresponding Control Point's defense level. Defense level 4 now awards 5 items instead of 3.
Reduced DZ XP gain from Landmarks in Dark Zones.
Reduced the quality and power for items dropped in Propaganda Broadcast and one drop of Settlement Blockade activities to be more in line with other open world enemies and activities.
Updated XP rewards for low-level player playing in World Tiers to scale with player level.
Supply Drop activity loot container items now scale with every consecutive container you open. This includes lowering the reward of the first crate, but results in similar rewards for the activity as a whole.
Added 5 Specialized Apparel Cache Keys, awarded with levels 2 – 4.
As a thank you for playing, all players that played before April 4 get 5 Specialized Apparel Keys, regardless of their level.

Faction Key loot drops from Bounties are now guaranteed and are displayed in the loot preview.
Adjusted bounty credit rewards to use scaling values in World Tiers instead of flat values so if a lower level player is playing with a higher-level player, they will receive an amount of credits more appropriate for their level.
Changed Skill Unlock rewards to be non-invaded only so that players who co-op with a higher-level friend to play invaded before playing on story won't receive the rewards.
Added Apparel cache key fragments to the PvP reward caches.
Adjusted the rewards for the street execution activity to give slightly lower quality/source level gear so the rewards are more in line with the difficulty of the activity.
Reduced the quality and source level charts used for item drops from the living world activities settlement blockade and Propaganda broadcast to be more in line with other open world drops and the difficulty of the activities.
Updated Collectibles set XP reward to scale with player level.
Fixed an issue which caused the Drone Helicopter to not use the correct loot table.


Increased Material cap for Standard and Specialized crafting materials to 400 (with all perks).
Increased Material cap for High-End crafting materials to 50.
Materials required for crafting weapon mods does not scale as aggressively and has much lower values in endgame.
Removed a small increase on materials required for crafting weapon mods after upgrading the crafting bench quality.
Changed the upgrade blueprints for exotic weapons Lullaby and Ruthless to not show up on the vendor until you are level 30.
Increased the power for the wandering vendor so her inventory has a narrower Gear Score range closer to the top of the World Tier Gear Score Range.
Set all exotic upgrade blueprints to award you the upgraded weapon on the max gear score of the current tier.
Removed a tiny increase on materials required for crafting weapon mods after upgrading the crafting bench quality.
Exotic weapons are now pre-equipped with lore text mods. These mods do not have stats and cannot be equipped elsewhere.


Blind Justice – Modified the Buff that increases damage to your next shot now expires at end of combat and when out of combat
First Blood - Updated Normalized MMR Talent First Blood Text to correctly explain that the first shot after reloading from empty is the enhanced bullet.


Decreased damage of all NPC Automatic Shotguns
Decreased damage of all NPC SMGs
Hey agent! Staff in the Base of Operation will now shout at the player less frequently than before.

Main Missions Difficulty:

World Bank – Invaded – Server Room
​Increased the time which the Black Tusks needs to complete the download in the Server Room from 200 seconds to 250 seconds.
Reduced the difficulty in the Server Room by setting the Enemy group composition to light, light, medium - Instead of medium, heavy, medium.

DCD Headquarters

Mission level has been changed from 17 to 18.

Roosevelt Island – Invaded – Quarantine Docks
Reduced the difficulty of the first wave of enemies encountered in the last beat of the mission by lowering the amount of Elite and Veteran enemies.
Enemies in this part of the mission can only use mounted weapons if there are 2 players or more.
This should make it less punishing for solo-players attempting this mission.

Open World:

Removed death of civilian squad as a failure condition for Control Point takeover.
The Officer will now remain in downed state until players complete the takeover or wipe.

Black Tusk presence has been increased in invaded Open World zones.
New Ambusher NPCs now roam the streets of DC.


Added a “Friends & Clan” option for Call for Backup that only shows calls from friends and clan members.
Added a “Do Not Disturb” group privacy option that blocks all incoming invites.



Added a Field of View slider

PlayStation 4

Fixed an issue that could cause players to be stuck in the Specialization tutorial

Bug Fixes:

Fixed an issue that could cause undesired appearance changes to agents after login in or using the barber.
Players that have been permanently affected by an appearance change will unfortunately not be changed back with this fix. We want to apologize for any inconvenienced caused by this and we’re looking into options to allow players to fully customize their agent in the future, but we do not have a timeline for this feature.

Fixed an issue where the Cluster Seeker Mine could split up more often than intended.
Fixed an issue where the Defender Drone could have unlimited uptime.
Fixed an issue which prevented players from finishing the Unite cypher riddle.
We're confident this is not bugged anymore.

Fixed an issue that would cause the Stronghold activation animation to always play when entering the Base of Operations.
Fixed several instances of Audio logs not playing automatically when picked up.
Fixed an issue that could cause players being unable to finish the Side Mission Worksite Community.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to update their crafting bench after reaching a new World Tier.
Fixed an issue with NPCs sometimes not reacting properly to cooked grenades
Fixed an issue with Hunters not always appropriately despawning if a player flees a combat space
Fixed rare issue where NPCs could get stuck when attempting to melee a player in cover
Fixed issue with the Explosive Seeker Mine occasionally failing to path to its target
Fixed bug where players could fast travel to non-friendly Control Points
Fixed bug that made encounters with friendly NPCs requesting resources too rare
Fixed bug where underground enemies would come to the surface during the day
Fixed an issue where players were able to obtain gear with a higher gear score than intended
Any owned High-End items will be lowered to Gear Score 500.
Any owned Superior items will be lowered to Gear Score 490.
Clan caches no longer award items higher than the maximum loot Gear Score.
Recalibration still allows Gear Score to increase slightly past the maximum loot Gear Score.

Fixed a bunch of weird stairs and invisible walls.
JyL escribió:Se han quedado a gusto [carcajad]:

La tabla podéis verla al final - https://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/2 ... l-5th-2019

Patch Notes Invasion: Battle for D.C. - April 5th, 2019

New content:

Invasion: Battle for D.C. is now live. You can find a content overview in this article.

Weapons, Mods and Gear:

Overhauled the Weapon mod system, see the table at the end of the patch notes for detailed information.
Fixed a wrong long-range damage value for M4 (super 90) and P416. Previously, they could sometimes increase damage over longer ranges instead of the other way around.
Damage on the MK17 rifle reduced by 14%, also corrected this weapon not having a damage falloff over distance.
LW M4 damage increased by 5%, RPM increased from 240 to 360.
LVOA-C RPM increased from 240 to 380.

Marksman Rifles

Model 700 damage reduced by 13%.


AA12 damage increased by 16%.


MG5 damage increased by 12% and fixed reversed falloff, causing the weapon to do more damage over a longer range.

Updated initial accuracy on the Sig Sniper MCmillan T1. It should now be much more reliable to shoot as soon as it’s shouldered and the transition to scoped view is over.
Reduced the amount of Critical Damage and Headshot Damage that can roll on Gear, including the amount on existing Gear. The actual values will differ depending on the level and quality of the gear it occurs on. This is partially in preparation for another world tier, where we felt these values were already at the limit of what was healthy in WT4.
Complete overhaul of skill mods to give more achievable requirements and more reasonable bonuses.
A closer equivalence between required skill power and the bonuses granted.
Changed the amount of skill power on gear to not increase exponentially with level, but instead more linearly. This results in most skill power values on gear being lower, but in accordance with the lowered requirements.
Tweaked the ranges of bonuses to be within acceptable bounds where they had extreme values before due to scaling errors. Most notably radius and ammo/charges values.
Players will see both the bonuses and the requirements of almost all skill mods change as a result of this overhaul.
In end game, both Superior and High-End skill mods exist to cover the different needs of different builds. They can overlap in power, but High-End mods have a higher maximum roll potential.
We are looking at ways to provide lower value/quality mods in end game world tiers in the future to provide a solution to the fact that on very low skill power builds, there would be room for those mods, and currently we are aware that means you have to save mods from your leveling experience.

Player Skills:

Fixed an issue which caused the Bombardier Drone to get destroyed while climbing up/down a ladder or rope.
Improved feedback of Bombardier Drone crashing into obstacles during the bombing phase.
Fixed an issue with Firefly payload sometimes failing to activate when reaching its target.
Fixed an issue where Revive hive would not self-deploy if the agent was busy performing a different action such as using different skill when it triggered.
Revamped the Sniper Turret version of the turret skill.
It now will automatically target the hostile nearest to the players’ center-of-screen (the same method it uses to pick other turret targets) and will fire at that target when the button is pressed, without a lock-on order needed.
If a player aims at a hostile, the sniper turret will attempt to match their aim, allowing precision shots using the sniper turret.
An issue where the sniper turret wasn’t correctly getting bonus damage when hitting headshots has been fixed.

Revamped the Chem launcher skill platform.
Pressing the skill button will now equip the chem launcher similar to swapping to a weapon. The player can aim and shoot with normal weapon controls, as well as run with the skill and blindfire it.
Quick deploy at the agents own position is still available for the repair version of the chem launcher, using the same controls as before.
Unequipping the Chem launcher can be done using the skill button, the B (XBOX) / Circle (PS4) button or just using the weapon swap controls.

Loot & Rewards:

Control Point reward containers are giving the correct number of items for the corresponding Control Point's defense level. Defense level 4 now awards 5 items instead of 3.
Reduced DZ XP gain from Landmarks in Dark Zones.
Reduced the quality and power for items dropped in Propaganda Broadcast and one drop of Settlement Blockade activities to be more in line with other open world enemies and activities.
Updated XP rewards for low-level player playing in World Tiers to scale with player level.
Supply Drop activity loot container items now scale with every consecutive container you open. This includes lowering the reward of the first crate, but results in similar rewards for the activity as a whole.
Added 5 Specialized Apparel Cache Keys, awarded with levels 2 – 4.
As a thank you for playing, all players that played before April 4 get 5 Specialized Apparel Keys, regardless of their level.

Faction Key loot drops from Bounties are now guaranteed and are displayed in the loot preview.
Adjusted bounty credit rewards to use scaling values in World Tiers instead of flat values so if a lower level player is playing with a higher-level player, they will receive an amount of credits more appropriate for their level.
Changed Skill Unlock rewards to be non-invaded only so that players who co-op with a higher-level friend to play invaded before playing on story won't receive the rewards.
Added Apparel cache key fragments to the PvP reward caches.
Adjusted the rewards for the street execution activity to give slightly lower quality/source level gear so the rewards are more in line with the difficulty of the activity.
Reduced the quality and source level charts used for item drops from the living world activities settlement blockade and Propaganda broadcast to be more in line with other open world drops and the difficulty of the activities.
Updated Collectibles set XP reward to scale with player level.
Fixed an issue which caused the Drone Helicopter to not use the correct loot table.


Increased Material cap for Standard and Specialized crafting materials to 400 (with all perks).
Increased Material cap for High-End crafting materials to 50.
Materials required for crafting weapon mods does not scale as aggressively and has much lower values in endgame.
Removed a small increase on materials required for crafting weapon mods after upgrading the crafting bench quality.
Changed the upgrade blueprints for exotic weapons Lullaby and Ruthless to not show up on the vendor until you are level 30.
Increased the power for the wandering vendor so her inventory has a narrower Gear Score range closer to the top of the World Tier Gear Score Range.
Set all exotic upgrade blueprints to award you the upgraded weapon on the max gear score of the current tier.
Removed a tiny increase on materials required for crafting weapon mods after upgrading the crafting bench quality.
Exotic weapons are now pre-equipped with lore text mods. These mods do not have stats and cannot be equipped elsewhere.


Blind Justice – Modified the Buff that increases damage to your next shot now expires at end of combat and when out of combat
First Blood - Updated Normalized MMR Talent First Blood Text to correctly explain that the first shot after reloading from empty is the enhanced bullet.


Decreased damage of all NPC Automatic Shotguns
Decreased damage of all NPC SMGs
Hey agent! Staff in the Base of Operation will now shout at the player less frequently than before.

Main Missions Difficulty:

World Bank – Invaded – Server Room
​Increased the time which the Black Tusks needs to complete the download in the Server Room from 200 seconds to 250 seconds.
Reduced the difficulty in the Server Room by setting the Enemy group composition to light, light, medium - Instead of medium, heavy, medium.

DCD Headquarters

Mission level has been changed from 17 to 18.

Roosevelt Island – Invaded – Quarantine Docks
Reduced the difficulty of the first wave of enemies encountered in the last beat of the mission by lowering the amount of Elite and Veteran enemies.
Enemies in this part of the mission can only use mounted weapons if there are 2 players or more.
This should make it less punishing for solo-players attempting this mission.

Open World:

Removed death of civilian squad as a failure condition for Control Point takeover.
The Officer will now remain in downed state until players complete the takeover or wipe.

Black Tusk presence has been increased in invaded Open World zones.
New Ambusher NPCs now roam the streets of DC.


Added a “Friends & Clan” option for Call for Backup that only shows calls from friends and clan members.
Added a “Do Not Disturb” group privacy option that blocks all incoming invites.



Added a Field of View slider

PlayStation 4

Fixed an issue that could cause players to be stuck in the Specialization tutorial

Bug Fixes:

Fixed an issue that could cause undesired appearance changes to agents after login in or using the barber.
Players that have been permanently affected by an appearance change will unfortunately not be changed back with this fix. We want to apologize for any inconvenienced caused by this and we’re looking into options to allow players to fully customize their agent in the future, but we do not have a timeline for this feature.

Fixed an issue where the Cluster Seeker Mine could split up more often than intended.
Fixed an issue where the Defender Drone could have unlimited uptime.
Fixed an issue which prevented players from finishing the Unite cypher riddle.
We're confident this is not bugged anymore.

Fixed an issue that would cause the Stronghold activation animation to always play when entering the Base of Operations.
Fixed several instances of Audio logs not playing automatically when picked up.
Fixed an issue that could cause players being unable to finish the Side Mission Worksite Community.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to update their crafting bench after reaching a new World Tier.
Fixed an issue with NPCs sometimes not reacting properly to cooked grenades
Fixed an issue with Hunters not always appropriately despawning if a player flees a combat space
Fixed rare issue where NPCs could get stuck when attempting to melee a player in cover
Fixed issue with the Explosive Seeker Mine occasionally failing to path to its target
Fixed bug where players could fast travel to non-friendly Control Points
Fixed bug that made encounters with friendly NPCs requesting resources too rare
Fixed bug where underground enemies would come to the surface during the day
Fixed an issue where players were able to obtain gear with a higher gear score than intended
Any owned High-End items will be lowered to Gear Score 500.
Any owned Superior items will be lowered to Gear Score 490.
Clan caches no longer award items higher than the maximum loot Gear Score.
Recalibration still allows Gear Score to increase slightly past the maximum loot Gear Score.

Fixed a bunch of weird stairs and invisible walls.

No se si seguisteis el lanzamiento del 1, pero esto la mayoria son ajustes y balanceos, es decir esto en el 1 tambien lo hacian cada dos por tres, un juego tan grande y con tanto contenido tiene que ser asi, y aun asi a mucha gente le molestaba porque se hacian builds muy buenas que con los update dejaban de ir tan bien, veremos en este cuando llegue ese momento, pero que vamos, para mi la prueba de fuego y donde si el 1 supo mejorar al 200% son en los grandes update de contenido, tipo subsuelo o supervivencia del 1....ya con la raid de final de mes veremos a ver.....aunque estoy seguro que lo haran mejor que el 1 ya que tienen mas experiencia...
Dyson escribió:flipo, subes de nivel y te dan una llave para caja especial de evento, esperaba que fuera mas dificil, pero no, una gozada XD

A mí me han dado unas cuantas pero ya no me dan más.¿A alguien más le pasa?

Y otra pregunta: Se os quedan los enemigos de pie en el escenario después de morir?Me ha empezado a pasar después de este parche.
Sabeis que hace el manejo de arma? Lo he visto que lo da un set y tengo la duda desde que salio el juego.
AlvgarD escribió:Sabeis que hace el manejo de arma? Lo he visto que lo da un set y tengo la duda desde que salio el juego.

Se supone que esto:

El máximo de cajas a recoger en el evento que dura 4 semanas, es 30?. Porque llevo 7/30

AlvgarD escribió:Sabeis que hace el manejo de arma? Lo he visto que lo da un set y tengo la duda desde que salio el juego.

Mejora todo en el arma, todas las características
Zheox25 escribió:
Dyson escribió:flipo, subes de nivel y te dan una llave para caja especial de evento, esperaba que fuera mas dificil, pero no, una gozada XD

A mí me han dado unas cuantas pero ya no me dan más.¿A alguien más le pasa?

Y otra pregunta: Se os quedan los enemigos de pie en el escenario después de morir?Me ha empezado a pasar después de este parche.

A mi me pasaba antes del parche,pero muchísimo menos,ahora es constante y muy molesto.
No sé si os ha pasado, pero a mi unas cuantas veces y es reir por no llorar, echadle un ojo al thread por que no tiene desperdicio

https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/co ... ition_and/
Set Directiva abierta 6/6 --> Completado [bye]
el cap ahora para pensar en la build sera 500?
que os parecen los nuevos sets?
ICETOSKI escribió:el cap ahora para pensar en la build sera 500?
que os parecen los nuevos sets?

Pues lo de que recoja munición, granadas y botiquines en un radio de 40metros automáticamente es la leche xDD

Al final, terminaré con una pieza de cada, pero de momento... voy con el set de directiva abierta a full.

El de patriota casi (4/6) y del otro ni rastro. Ese debe ser más jodido de encontrar se conoce.

Me hice ahora Cuenca tidal por 3ª vez, esta vez en Desafío en grupo y la parte final nos ha costado unos intentos.

Heroico tiene que ser locurón [looco] [looco]
yo ya he visto a uno a 506 no veas como metia el tio jeje,guapisima la fortaceza nueva me a encantao
Me hice una mision principal y varias secundarias, es algo extenso el juego y aún le estoy pillando el truco.
A alguien le han dado piezas de set del eléctrico?
6565 respuestas