seaculorum escribió:Lo de los rasgos de personaje me estan tocando la moraluno de mis generales siempre adquiere el rasgo de "no muy en sus cabales" que reduce su autoridad en 2 (para mi... una putada
) y luego la mayoria adquiere cosas negativas como "peligroso" o cosas asi, siempre rasgos negativos cuando mi general esta ganando todas las batallas sin problemas... Vamos que me espero que salga algo positivo pero nanai...
Os pasa lo mismo? estoy haciendo algo mal?
Senegio escribió:seaculorum escribió:Lo de los rasgos de personaje me estan tocando la moraluno de mis generales siempre adquiere el rasgo de "no muy en sus cabales" que reduce su autoridad en 2 (para mi... una putada
) y luego la mayoria adquiere cosas negativas como "peligroso" o cosas asi, siempre rasgos negativos cuando mi general esta ganando todas las batallas sin problemas... Vamos que me espero que salga algo positivo pero nanai...
Os pasa lo mismo? estoy haciendo algo mal?
A mí me pasa parecido, pero no con pocos generales. Lo que me he dado cuenta, y es igual que el Rome I, es que si mantienes a un general estático muchos turnos en una provincia, empieza a coger rasgos negativos, como "Borracho" y demás. Sin embargo, los que uso para las batallas desde el momento en el que recluto al general, no me coge malos rasgos siempre y cuando no venga con ellos de serie xD
Here are the patch notes for Total War: ROME II- Patch 3:
Technical and Performance Issues
Significant improvements to multiplayer campaign speed, which is now limited by the slowest players machine.
Frame Rate improvements on Campaign map on low spec Core2 Duo cpu’s in windowed mode.
Fix for lock-ups reported on loading into battle in DirectX9.
Frame Rate improvements on Campaign map across all configurations when setting Effects Quality to Low or High.
Fix for minor stutters & terrain rendering glitches on some gpu’s when rendering the terrain.
Fixed a bug in the Graphics Benchmark frame rate display that reported the wrong per-frame time.
LAN multiplayer modes are now accessible when Steam is in Offline mode.
Fix for graphics crash caused by changing the games screen resolution shortly after loading a new Campaign.
Fix for a crash when performing an agent action on a wounded/assassinated unit in Campaign modes.
Further campaign map optimisations.
Optimised fire and smoke effects on the campaign map (improving the frames per second on all graphics setting, especially during the late gameplay where all faction territories are revealed)
Fix in Multiplayer Campaign, after Player 1 offers diplomacy to Player 2, Player 2 made a counter offer, then cancelled the offer, which caused the game to lock up for Player 1.
Fix to prevent the games user interface from flickering when SLI is enabled.
Improved culling on the campaign map to prevent props (e.g. the pyramids) from disappearing when the camera was set to certain angles.
Improved the desktop icon for Total War: ROME II to support multiple resolutions.
Gameplay Improvements
When the player is attacked whilst in a minor settlement (not provincial capital), a new "Sally Forth" button is available on the pre-battle panel to fight the attackers in an open field battle.
All armies that are forced to retreat, and then are attacked, no longer have a *Baggage Train battle. It is a normal open field battle with any campaign generated penalties applied as before.
When an army in forced march is attacked on the Campaign Map, an ambush battle is now triggered, rather than a baggage train Victory Point battle .
Combined battles where there is no navy in the defending alliance do not have *Victory Points/Baggage Trains.
Combined battles where the defender has a navy will retain their Victory Point.
Victory Points have had their capture time increased by 3x their previous length.
Attacking AI is now more likely to prioritise taking Victory Points in Siege Battles / City Assault Battles.
AI controlled Agents are now more likely to act upon the player's settlements instead of standing around outside of them.
Fixed issue in battle AI which prevented siege assault groups from responding to nearby threats.
Fixed timing issue in battle AI which could cause the attacking AI in port sieges to stop updating.
Substantially reduced free hits from enemies in battles, when moving a unit through enemy units (without attacking them), so units can disengage with less penalty.
Smaller and depleted AI controlled forces are now less likely to survive auto-resolved battles in Campaign modes.
Cavalry can no longer capture Victory Points in battles while mounted. They can still neutralise the Victory Points if they were previously in enemy control, and capture Victory Points when dismounted.
The size / radius of capture points has been increased in Coastal battles.
Fix for some instances of passive AI during River Crossing battles, when the AI is defending.
Fixed issue which prevented reinforcement artillery ships deploying.
Fixed issue in Siege Battles where the AI attempted to use breaches and gates which they could not reach.
In Battles, the number of ranks now factor into bracing mass bonus for collision system, i.e. thin lines will make you lose your bracing bonus against cavalry charges from the front
Fixed chasing down of routers at the end of battles, so they engage in combat more often and can be killed more easily.
Satrapies can no longer sign peace treaties with the enemies of their overlord (but still able to automatically make peace if their overlord signs a peace treaty with the enemy) in Campaign modes.
Snow ground type now replaces grass in snow attrition areas of the battle map.
Units in Testudo formation will now respond to an order to attack city gates in a City Assault battles.
Men throwing torches to ignite gates in battles, now have less chance of failing to throw their torches and hit the gate, if ordered more than once to ignite the same gate.
AI houses can no longer secure promotions without first meeting the required age and rank in Campaign modes.
Removed old concealed by distance logic, that was incompatible with the newer visibility system. For example, units that are visible at range could look like they were hidden on their user interface, when they could be seen.
Pikemen can move out of melee when pike phalanx is active in battles. For example, If only one of the pikeman is attacked, the entire unit will no longer start to be unresponsive to orders.
Improved responsiveness of Siege Equipment when dropped and picked back up multiple times.
In Campaign modes, the number of siege equipment entries is now capped to be the length of the siege - 1
Further improvements to AI collision detection with Deployables in battle.
Units that charge while in formation (e.g. block formation) stop sooner on contact with the enemy, to reduce "blobbing" where units converge into a disorganised brawl.
Fixed bug with missile units on ships not firing on enemies reliably during battles.
Fixed bug with ship artillery not firing on buildings reliably in battles.
Fix for ships surviving on the campaign map after sinking on the battle map.
Fix missile ships getting stuck when targeting land units just outside of their range.
Reduced the chance of AI (enemy) reinforcements and the players reinforcements joining a battle from the same location and therefore engaging in combat instantly in battles from Campaign modes.
Balancing Changes
Hit points for all units have been increased in combat.
Melee defence has been reduced for most melee cavalry units and for some elite infantry units.
Reduced melee weapon damage in battles, and increased melee defence from shields.
Various trait effects are now working as intended.
Improved pike weapon damage balancing in battles.
Fatigue for running and being in combat has been increased in battles.
Further tweaks and rebalancing has been made to unit morale in battles.
Elite infantry morale has been reduced slightly during battles.
Experience level thresholds have been increased for units.
Special ability cool down times have been re-balanced in battles.
Building costs have been updated to reflect the changes in building effects in Campaign modes.
Morale bonuses from training and religious building chains have been reduced in Campaign modes. Instead, these buildings now give more varied bonuses to the units.
Cost of experience bonuses for Custom and Multiplayer battles have been reduced.
Squalor and food consumption have been rebalanced (reduction for higher-level buildings) in Campaign modes.
The Headhunt ability has been re-balanced in battles.
The charge bonus for Celtic, Briton and Germanic units have been reduced.
The masses of horses and men on the battlefield have been made more reasonable.
Reduced the mass of camel units in battle.
Usability Improvements
The Balance Of Power bar on the Diplomacy screen now shows the correct ratio, rather than just 50/50.
Improved the desynchronisation detection in Multiplayer Campaign mode, and players are now given a popup message when a desynchronisation has occurred, with the options to resynchronise the game to continue, or quit the game.
When the host leaves the team lobby in Quick Battle multiplayer mode, a new host is found.
Improved multiplayer compatibility between players who own the Greek States DLC and those who don't.
In Multiplayer Ambush Battles, if Player 1 clicks the "Start Battle" button, and the Player 2 waits for the timer to run out for the battle to start, Player 2 will no longer be locked into Cinematic Mode with limited user interface controls.
All battles now end 5 seconds after the victory is decided (This used to be 10 seconds).
In Multiplayer Land Battles, when deployment is over, enemy armies will no longer be visible, when they are supposed to be hidden, for a couple of seconds before fading out.
In Multiplayer battles, a player who has conceded defeat will now turn into a spectator. They can then exit the battle if they want to.
Fix for battle music getting paused while in slow battle speed.
When on the campaign map, if an agent is placed close to the edge of an enemy settlement as it expands (builds a building in a construction slot) the agent is now teleported out of the way of the expansion, so they do not become stuck within the settlement. If the agent was already stuck in an expanded settlement before this update, they will remain stuck, and have to be disbanded. This update will prevent this situation from happening in the future.
Slightly improve combat responsiveness and animations for formation attacks in battles.
Fixed bug with ship artillery not firing at all after using first-person mode in battles.
The Attacking Testudo can no longer be activated in melee during battles.
Battering rams moves out the way correctly after battering a gate down in battles.
The Tortoise battering ram animation has been tweaked slightly so it collides with walls better, at the point of impact when a wall is destroyed.
Multiple waypoints displayed for units in siege equipment, as previously only 1 was displayed.
Selecting Dismount on mounted units continuously during deployment in battles will move the units towards their last ordered position less after dismounting.
During battles, if a cavalry unit is ordered to move to a location, and then ordered to dismount, the men will now dismount but not continue to move to the previously ordered location.
The number of arrows is now correctly depleted when units fire whilst moving during battles.
Correct bonuses are now being applied to units from Workshop buildings.
Fixed bug with pike phalanx not getting back into pike stance after running.
Charge bonuses are now correctly applied to units recruited in certain provinces.
Projectile impact effects hitting units and buildings are now positioned more accurately.
Improved fire effects for buildings, siege vehicles and deployables during battles.
Improved some visual effects for during battles. Better burnt version of buildings with burning embers, and running water down roofs and vertical surfaces in rain.
Damaged visual effects have been improved on the campaign.
Fixed Briton Chariot unit attributes.
Fix for Scythian horse unit variation.
The achievements "Noble Master", "Spymaster" and "Champion of the Gods" now unlock sooner after their requirements have been met.
Fix for the Campaign map terrain disappearing when repeatedly toggling between the Campaign Map and Campaign Tactical Map.
Province level bonuses (such as edicts with food bonuses) are now taken into account in the food level displayed in a province overview in Campaign modes.
Settlement labels on the campaign map are now positioned more accurately and no longer get offset from the settlements.
In the Province panel in Campaign modes, provinces can now be sorted by their level of food production.
Several Eastern buildings now correctly consume food (instead of either not consuming anything or giving contradicting public order effects) in Campaign modes.
The Qanat building (in the Eastern agricultural chain) now produces a small amount of food in campaign mode.
The warning message that informs the player that they are not researching any technology when they press the "End Turn" button in Single Player Campaigns is now also displayed in Multiplayer Campaigns.
The players armies in Ambush stance will no longer move by themselves in Campaign modes, which happened on rare occasions.
Fix for user interface bug showing the wrong tax level on the Province Details panel when the "Tax province" button was ticked in Campaign modes.
Culture conversion coming from some characters now correctly shows up as "character" in the culture tooltip, no longer as "building".
In Campaign modes, the culture that Consecrated Grounds belong to is now displayed in their title, to make it clearer why they need to be converted.
The "Reduces slave population decline" icon in the information panel when placing the mouse over the "Slave Trader" in the Commons buildings section in Campaign modes is now displayed as green instead of red (as it's a positive affect).
The first building in the equipment chain (E.g. Workshop for Hellenic, Quartermaster for Eastern etc.) can no longer be bypassed by converting from another faction's equipment chain without researching.
Technologies are now required to create the Level 4 Jewelsmith building, to prevent an exploit.
Improved ship melee/ramming target selection in battles.
Fixed boarding mode button state issues when attempting to board a ship in battle.
In battles, men who have already boarded an enemy ship no longer jump into the sea once their ship has started to sink or back onto their sinking ship. (Men who remain on the sinking ship still jump into the water.)
Improved Advisor lip sync in various pieces of advice in Campaign modes.
Clicking the "Square" special ability as a unit is attempting to man a siege tower will no longer stick the siege tower to that unit in battles.
When an agent is selected in Campaign mode, and the player right clicks on a settlement to sabotage the enemy, the menu will no longer act erratically.
When the player had a subject to deal with in the politics screen and the subject had an infamy effect, this effect once seen persisted in being shown for all other characters even if the subject is dismissed. This has been fixed.
Fix for some misaligned text on a tooltip displayed when a settlement with a port is blockaded by an enemy, and the player selects the enemy and places the mouse over the settlement.
Improved small glitches with Campaign selection markers and Forced March visual effects sometimes being displayed in the wrong positions when units move.
Fixed some inconsistent ability names for General Skill Types.
In Campaign mode, Roman "Basilica of X" temples have now been renamed to "Precinct of X".
Tooltip regarding the "Armoured Siege Units" technology bonus effects on pre-siege vehicles (all variants of Galleries, Siege Towers, Ladders and Battering Rams) is now clearer.
Fixed the tooltip when placing the mouse over the Columns I, II and III for War Exercises, Warrior Code, Tribal Economy and Druidic Council technology trees in the Technology Panel in Campaign modes.
Two pieces of advice from the Battlefield Advisor relating to flanking were mixed up in Italian and Spanish. These have now been corrected.
Fixed a couple of instances where what the Battlefield Advisors was saying did not match the text displayed in Spanish.
Some steep terrain in a Greek Minor Port battle map has been levelled out, to stop ships from going under the beach when they disembark.
Improvements to the wall connectivity in a Greek Port battle map.
Boiling oil poured from gate houses in battles will look better where it intersects with the ground.
Improved impact animations when pig carcasses hit the ground when fired as poison rounds form artillery in battles.
While crossing rivers in battles, units footsteps now default to mud sounds instead of water sounds.
Fix for a small hole in the terrain in a Greek Minor Port battle map.
When the player is defending in a siege battle from Campaign mode, and the enemy partially capture a Victory Point on the battle map, then the player re-gains control of the Victory Point, the Battlefield Advisor will no longer say "Our enemy have lost a victory point".
Fix for the Battlefield Advisor sometimes referring to the players own reinforcements as "Enemy Reinforcements" during battles.
Added some localisation text and audio fixes for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish and Turkish.
Added Stonehenge back to the custom battle map at these coordinates 0.137, 0238 (Iska).
Fixed typo on 'Conscription' edict in English.
Improved culling of certain rocks on the battlefield.
Added French, Italian, German and Spanish localisation to the word "Settlement" in the Agent Action Panel in Campaign modes.
Various text and grammar fixes for the Campaign user interface.
Beelzebul escribió:la virgeeeeeeeeen!!. Pero que nos han vendido?, una alpha??? jojojojo. Pila arreglos
Beelzebul escribió:la virgeeeeeeeeen!!. Pero que nos han vendido?, una alpha??? jojojojo. Pila arreglos
Beelzebul escribió:Quiero regalarle a un amigo mio el juego para jugarlo juntos. Si no me equivoco, tiene para poder jugarse la campaña cooperativa online ¿no?. Si es así, aqui va la siguiente pregunta... ¿es en plan heroes of might & magic?, osea, esperar al turno del otro mientras tú no puedes hacer nada?. ¿Se puede luchar juntos en algun ataque a la IA?, me refiero en el mismo escenario "en la batalla". Gracias
Nammlock escribió:Nas gente,
¿Sabeis si hay algún método alternativo a parte de la tecnología de bajar la corrupción?, es que he ido mirando las construcciones y no veo ningún edificio que baje la corrupción. Lo único que he visto es un edificio que creo que controla el tema de esclavos, pero de corrupción nada. A ver si es que no lo veo o no existe.
Nammlock escribió:Nas gente,
¿Sabeis si hay algún método alternativo a parte de la tecnología de bajar la corrupción?, es que he ido mirando las construcciones y no veo ningún edificio que baje la corrupción. Lo único que he visto es un edificio que creo que controla el tema de esclavos, pero de corrupción nada. A ver si es que no lo veo o no existe.
Senegio escribió:Nammlock escribió:Nas gente,
¿Sabeis si hay algún método alternativo a parte de la tecnología de bajar la corrupción?, es que he ido mirando las construcciones y no veo ningún edificio que baje la corrupción. Lo único que he visto es un edificio que creo que controla el tema de esclavos, pero de corrupción nada. A ver si es que no lo veo o no existe.
No que yo sepa. Creo que hay algún rasgo de agente o general que aumenta la corrupción (parecido al que había en el Rome I), pero aparte de eso y de la tecnología, no he visto ningún edificio que baje la corrupción
De todas formas, ¿por qué te preocupa? ¿Tanto dinero estás perdiendo?
Melkorian escribió:Me llego la guerra civil.. os pongo en situacion.. domino toda españa, mauritania, y africa y libia, luego toda italia, iliria, grecia y macedonia, en el momento en que llego la guerra civil me estaba haciendo con el sur de la galia.
La cosa es que me habia llevado medio juego guerreando con la confederacion celta... no paraba de arrasarles ciudades, luego las recuperaban ellos o rebeldes celtas, pero queria forzarles a que me pidieran la paz, pero nada, ni teniendo solo una ciudad sitiada querian la paz ( era mejor la I.A del civilization 2 en serio...), total tras mucho trajin, los hago estado clientelar.. y tenia 2 ciudades alejadas en norica o asi, no las queria para nada, y tenia los edificios destrozados, solo queria que acabaran saliendo rebeldes, o incluso una nueva faccion y las tomara ( de esta forma si era una faccion nueva al atacarles yo e invadirles asi me salia la opcion de subyugar y tenia un estado clientelar mas, que me servia como escudo para los barbaros)... total que pasaban los turnos y esas 2 ciudades seguian ai muertas de risa con mucho descontento y sin que las tomara nadie..
Y me llego la guerra civil.. me esperaba algo epico pero resulto que de una de esas ciudades de mierda medio destruidas salieron 2 mini ejercitos de aliados del senado o algo asi...... como es normal la guerra civil duro poco no se por que tan poca resistencia.. quizas es por que no tenia disturbios ni problemas de comida en ninguna otra provincia no?.
Y despues de la guerra civil muy flojo me dio a elegir entre republica e imperio.. elegi imperio pero .. nada mas.. ya no tengo opciones den lo de las familias, ni puedo ascender, ni sobornar, ni asesinar... siguen habiendo junios, cornelios.. no termino yo de entender esto.. podian haber metido algunas opciones mas... no se que pasara si eligo republica pero me ha dejado esto un poco frio.
P.D: El limite de ejercitos es 12?.. por que de ser asi me da ya miedo expandirme.. tengo que hacer malabares para colocar mis ejercitos en lugares estrategicos que me permitan defender varias posiciones a la vez.. miedo me da expandirme mas... tenia pensado llegar hasta egipto, pero eso supondria dejar desprovista de defensar a otras provincias...
Melkorian escribió:Alguien sabe que arregla la beta?, yo la he descargado, y lo que he notado ha sido que en el mapa de diplomacia me ha cambiado los colores, ahora no se quien este en guerra con quien, quien es estado clientelar..
Y para colmo he estado jugando un rato y soy incapaz de pasar de turno, cuando llega mi turno se pone la pantalla en negro y solo veo la flechita, no se si sera casualidad o el parche.. hay forma de quitarlo?, se me ocurre la forma bruta de desinstalar, volver a bajarlo y no tocar la opcion de la beta 4, pero si hay otra forma...
Technical and Performance Issues
•Further optimisation to Campaign pathfinding.
•Improved the performance of selecting units.
•Incremental performance improvements, reduced CPU bottleneck in a number of scenarios - further improvements pending in future patch.
•Fixed crashes occurring when entering battles, declaring war, and ending turn after changing the unit size in the advanced graphics options menu in Campaign modes.
•Fixed crash when placing deployables with a single click in invalid locations on the battlefield.
•Fixed rare crash in battles when unit banners were moving slowly due to low frame rates.
•Fixed an indefinite hang, when attacking Egyptian rebel army across the Nile in Campaign mode.
•Fixed crash in the ambush controller caused by incorrectly assuming that an are in an ambush battle was being loaded, when loading into a multiplayer land battle.
•Fixed crash occurs during AI turn cycle, after changing the unit size options while in Campaign mode.
•Fix for major performance issue caused by reinforcing naval units in certain circumstances.
•The Campaign game will no longer crash when selecting the "Province Details" panel after selecting "Raise Forces".
•Fix for crash due to transport ships erroneously being able to select shot types.
•Fix for crash when the game deleted the cached user interface panels, which would cause other panels to open and attempt to delete the cached panel again, when ending turn in single Player Campaign mode.
•Fixed Campaign lock up when a rank 2 or higher General dies, after selecting a replacement with the "Duty Calls" event, then selecting any other open event, and then attempting to open Diplomacy.
•Fixed a crash when rapidly clicking the fire button on the Polybolos unit in Frist Person mode.
•Fixed rare crash when selecting an active mission in the Objectives panel in Campaign modes.
•Fixed a rare crashing bug in the campaign when selecting units.
•Improved performance of drag-outs and holding space to show unit proxies, by no longer render ghosts for men and mounts, as they were too expensive to render. Artillery, ships and vehicles still have ghosts rendered.
Gameplay Improvements
•Improved AI construction logic. It now constructs more military buildings.
•Improved AI army compositions & unit quality. The AI uses better units and slightly less ranged units.
•AI research is more military focused at the start of the campaign.
•Slightly reduced the settlement defensive bonuses for the auto-resolver.
•Increased the willingness of the AI signing trade agreements and defensive alliance.
•The AI are now much more careful with constructing buildings that consume food or increase squalor. This has improved the AI's ability to fight food shortage problems.
•Added more restrictions on the AI running too often making them exhausted by the time they reach their opponents.
•Improvements to the AI defensive ambush behaviour.
•AI now have improved ability to place its forces appropriately to deal with simultaneous front and side attacks. This involves angling and bifurcation of its *line with appropriate units to deal with the players use of flanking or harassing forces.
•Fixed a bug where sometimes AI factions wouldn't generate a stance towards the player at the start of a Campaign, meaning they started the Campaign neutral to the players faction, and sometimes ask for peace immediately.
•When generating armies, the AI is now more likely to choose elite units when they have the funds to do so.
•Improved AI use of Pikemen in battles.
•Fixing bug where the AI will not know what do if river edge hint lines are present in a map without crossing hint lines. Also improving AI use of phalanx formation in river defence.
•Increased chance of AI making alliances in diplomacy.
•Slightly increased the effects of diplomatic events on relations with third party factions, and the AI remembers diplomatic events for a longer period of time.
•Difficulty can no longer be changed from the in-campaign game settings whist in a Campaign on Legendary difficulty.
•Deployed agents on the campaign map, no longer reset back to being un-deployed when they level up.
•Fix for missile troops sometimes firing in a "perfect" formation, rather than appearing natural and offset.
•Diplomacy improvements - Factions attitudes towards each other are now mapped with colours on the map on the diplomacy screen. When your faction is selected, it shows other factions attitudes to you, and when other faction selected, shows their attitudes to other factions. Also, the factors tooltip now works between two non-player factions by selecting a non-player faction and moussing over another faction.
•In Multiplayer battles, if the last remaining player in an alliance has a network timeout disconnection, the game will now be a draw.
•Fix for units pursuing enemies when reacting to melee (not for direct orders). *Units will no longer pursue enemies when reacting to melee.
•Fix for bug where units pursuing a routing unit could stop pursuing when the unit rallied even though they were still not in contact with the target.
•Made individual cavalry units breaking out of combat more easily, to reduce units getting stuck in brawls.
•Allied armies in siege battles now use separate default deployment lines so they don't deploy crammed into the same area.
•Reduced qualifying trait list for various "Mad" traits (such as "Not quite right" or "Unhinged") for generals in campaign modes.
•When a port is garrisoned in a port settlement, it is now possible to recruit units to the fleet.
•Units are now automatically assigned to siege equipment in deployment.
•If an AI faction offers an alliance to the player, it is no longer possible to offer satrapy status and have both active offers at the same time.
•Fixed the firing arch for African elephant units.
•The Loose formation button has been added for certain units in battle.
•Teutoburg Forest historic battle is now more tolerant to the general or other Roman forces wandering off the beaten track.
•The cap on Mounted Artillery pieces is now set at 6 per team / alliance instead of 6 per army.
•When a host decides to make changes to the game setup (e.g. add new player slots) in a multiplayer lobby, these changes are now more accurately displayed to the clients in the lobby.
•In Multiplayer Campaign mode, the "Show AI player moves" option is now reflected correctly for the client.
•Multiplayer Ambush battles can no longer be started with 2v2 (or greater) numbers of players. This battle type is now limited to 1v1 as intended.
•Whilst in a Campaign as Egypt, the "Defender of Alexandria" mission now requires the correct target to be completed.
•Various fixes for men being unable to disembark from ships in battles.
Balancing Changes
•Re-balancing for Transport ships.
•Enemies routing now have double the morale impact.
•The Form Square unit ability now gives a small increase to morale and a bracing bonus in battles.
•Re-balancing for the damage rate of fire on burning buildings and gates.
•The Charge timeout tolerance has been reduced so heavy units aren’t so good at chasing down skirmishers.
•Further reductions to Casualty morale penalties at lower levels.
•Flanking and rear charge morale penalties have been increased.
•Increase morale penalty for general death/fleeing.
•Increased effect of rear attack in melee.
•Reduced melee defence stats for most units, and increased shield melee defence values to even out the differences between units.
•Melee attack reduced slightly for most units.
•Increased melee defence for all shock cavalry units.
•Tweaked balancing of Hoplite units.
•Fix for Silver Shield Pikemen using wrong shield type.
Usability Improvements
•Players can now customise the emblem on their Generals and Admirals banners. 32 new emblems have been added. When you select a General or Admiral on the Campaign map, and click the "Details" button, players can select a new emblem via a new user interface.
•Switching graphics quality will no longer reset changes made to the "run in window" checkbox.
•Fixed issue in Multiplayer Campaign diplomacy, where both players had control over the accept/cancel buttons at same time, so they could (for example) spam the send offer button to result in multiple trade agreements with same player.
•Fixed user interface exploit which allowed the players in battles in Legendary difficulty, to pause battles and still issue orders to their units.
•The Maintain blockade button no longer appears on the pre-battle screen after attacking an enemy army and clicking fight battle.
•In Campaign modes, if an army is embarked on a navy and in a port (e.g. by capturing a port settlement with an army/navy) it is now easier to get that army out of the water and into the garrison.
•Fixed issue where if the player declared war several times successively in diplomacy in Campaign modes, some of the text on the declare war panel would go missing.
•Improved "Culture Details" interface when the mouse is placed over the "Culture" icon on a "Province Details" panel in Campaign modes.
•Slowed down scrolling with the mouse wheel on the Province tab in Campaign modes, as it was too fast.
•Prologue chapters are now unlocked as soon as the player plays them.
•Improved the progress bar above ships in battles when they are boarding each other.
•Fixed strength bar not being setup in negotiation screen of Diplomacy.
•The Banner emblems have been removed from the top of barbarian unit banners to make it easier to distinguish Generals and Admirals.
•The Cruel agent trait now has a positive icon instead of a negative one, as it has a positive effect.
•Improved responsiveness of the Technology panel user interface in Campaign modes.
•In Chat, remembered chat rooms are no longer re-created when they are not found. This is to fix the issue of lots of chat rooms being created, that only contain 1 person.
•There is now a faction flag for each alliance involved in battle on the loading screen when loading into a battle.
•Saving keyboard setups with characters such as "&, <, >," or ' " in the name is now supported.
•The list of save games in the Save / Load menu now loads faster, and prevent the player from over-writing files with the same name by prompting them when this is about to occur.
•Fixed issue when giving a double click move/attack order to a unit while dragging units into formation at the same time, which caused the drag-outs to get stuck to the cursor.
•Fix for a bug in the "Cloud" tab of the save menu. When closing the menu and re-opening it, the "Cloud" tab was selected, but the cloud saves weren't listed.
•Fix for a bug that allowed the player to use the "ping" function (which draws yellow arrows on the campaign map, when the player presses the [F5] key) in *Single Player Campaign, so it now only works in Multiplayer Campaign as intended.
•When there is a civil war during a Carthage campaign game, the emerging Adirim Loyalists' faction icon is now sown next to the settlement names of settlements owned by Adirim Loyalists, instead of the original Carthage faction icon.
•Fixed various missing texture issues on unit banners in battles for reinforcements, disembarking ships, and when had flags were off then turned on.
•The group morale frames on Unit Banners are coloured same as ungrouped units in battles.
•The "Attacker Direction" dropdown list has been hidden instead of greyed out in the Battle Setup screens for Custom and Multiplayer battles, when not applicable, to avoid confusion.
•Trample abilities effects on fatigue are now clearer in battles.
•In the Custom Battle setup screen, the Mare Ibericum battle map no longer remains selected when the player selects another map.
•The portrait of the selected character on the Character Details screen in Campaign modes no longer overlaps frame around the portrait.
•Fixed for land unit style category icons and tooltips sometimes being shown on ship unit banners during battles.
•Fixed subtitles on some tutorial videos in the Encyclopaedia.
•Fixed a bug where destroying one slave army would kill / make all the other slave armies disappear.
•Unit cards now scale horizontally to a certain limit, to reduce the likelihood of requiring double row of cards, which takes up quite a lot of space on the screen.
•The "Active Missions" button in the objectives panel now highlights correctly when selected.
•The description text for the second objective ("White India") of the fifth historical chapter ("Excelsior") of the Parthia faction now fits correctly in the text box in the Objectives panel.
•If the player uses the encyclopaedia shortcut while scrolling a menu, the scroll bar button will no longer appear on top (overlap) the encyclopaedia page.
•Experience levelling up effects on banners are no longer displayed when banners themselves are hidden, e.g. in Cinematic Camera view in Battles.
•The "Roma Captured" video now plays when Rome is captured on the Campaign map, when the player choses to loot or raze Roma.
•Fixed bug when making an Offer / Demand in diplomacy that would stop the diplomats mouth from moving as they spoke.
•Players can no longer select the Greek faction in Multiplayer Campaign mode with the arrow keys, when they don't own the Greek States Culture Pack DLC, which led to both players being returned to the main menu when loading the campaign.
•Having the "Add Offer/ Demand" window open in diplomacy, while breaking a treaty will no longer cause the "Add Offer/ Demand" window to remain visible.
•Players can now load a fleet or army on coastal and port assault battles, instead of only fleets.
•Fix for Socii units missing variations in battles.
•Added greaves to Carthaginian Hoplites units in battles.
•Fix for Chosen Spear and Sword band missing helmet variation in battles.
•Event messages that open automatically will now correctly open in order, one by one.
•Pressing the "Cancel" button when changing the Push To Talk key in the Voice Chat Settings menu now works as expected.
•The icon for glassware is now visible on the Hieron Ton Megalon Theon's building card.
•Better consistency between the attributes that are displayed on the recruitment user interface for Generals and the attributes of the General once recruited.
•Fixed tool tip on notification icon that appears on the "Details" button when units are available to upgrade.
•When entering the diplomacy screen for the first time in Campaign modes, the accompanying speech now matches the text displayed.
•Promotion level is now displayed on the Faction Summary and Faction Details *Panel in Campaign modes when a character is selected.
•Placeholder text no longer displays on the pre-battle user interface for one player, when a rebel army attacks the other player in Multiplayer Campaign mode.
•Pressing the Escape key while pacing the mouse over a construction options in the Settlement Details panel no longer leaves the construction options open while closing the Settlement Detail panel.
•Increased Cataphract armour, and strong version added for Royal Cataphracts units.
•Changed armour for Eastern Noble Horse Archers to Cataphracts.
•Fix for incorrect colouring of battle list entries.
•Clicking on the "zoom to location" button on event messages will now always take you to the correct location.
•Added in missing standard bearers to Spartan and Carthaginian infantry units.
•When an agent is with an army that is accompanying a fleet, separating the agent from the army now updates the user interface correctly, so that the agent no longer appears like it's with the army.
•Fixed missing text on the "Accept" button when offering diplomacy to another faction in Campaign modes.
•Fixed the arrows buttons functionality on various scrollbars in the Campaign user interface.
•When viewing the total number of army units listed in a merged fleet, in the top left corner of the unit panel in campaign modes, it now correctly shows the number of units instead of incorrectly displaying the fleet total.
•When a unit gains a rank during or after a battle in Campaign modes, there is now a "level-up" animation to highlight this.
•The red left and right arrows on either side of the settlement name in the left hand side of the screen when a settlement is selected on the campaign map, now toggle between settlements more effectively.
•When the Rhodes region is captured on the Campaign map, and under player control, viewing the Tactical Map will now colour the region correctly.
•The arrow to sort by Food Production in the Province panel in Campaign modes now sorts correctly.
•Switching between different forces on the Campaign map, while in the Details panel is open, will now update the stance button, so the changing the stance with this button will now set the stance for the currently selected force.
•When looking for an online multiplayer battle, the list of games available are in the Battle List window can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
•When exiting negotiations with faction in the Diplomacy panel, that faction now stays selected in faction list so the player doesn't have to scroll down the whole list each time.
•When placing the mouse over buildings that can be converted in a settlement in Campaign modes, the mouse now highlights the upgrades correctly.
•Fixed the sort by diplomatic status button in the "Known Factions" list in the diplomacy panel in Campaign Modes.
•In Multiplayer Campaign, when one player declares war on a faction and confirms this, the "Call your Allies to help!" checkbox is now hidden, as changing it after this point didn't do anything.
•While choosing an agent action in Campaign modes, the player can now see the current treasury status of the agent in the agent action panel.
•During all Quick Battle multiplayer games, when any player enters the deployment screen they are no longer shown as Rome for a couple of seconds while the game is set up.
•The expanded tooltip for client state in diplomacy now no longer always displays 0.
•Arrow keys can no longer be used to move artillery weapons in First Person mode, as this was not an intended feature.
•Fixed incomes from client states and satrapies not being shown correctly in diplomacy.
•Improved menu response to use of double-click when using the "Controls" menu under "Settings" in the main menu.
•In the Controls menu, if changes are made to controls and the Accept button is pressed, the save dialog appears automatically. If this dialog is cancelled, and the Accept button is pressed again, all control changes will no longer be discarded without warning.
•Fixed some layout issues with faction list in multiplayer campaign.
•Added hull upgrade icon to Unit Cards, and fixed upgrade icons not appearing in battle.
•Fixed the "Zoom to Province" button in campaign modes sometimes zooming to the last region within the province group, instead of the capital (main settlement).
•Removed the confirmation dialog when quitting a battle when the player had already won and was chasing down routers, to avoid confusion about what will happen (as the player has already won, quitting just ends the battle with victory).
•Text made more clear in the confirmation dialog when quitting a battle.
•The wider your resize the chat window the more rooms you can now see.
•The Escape key now works correctly with the "Lock Visibility" option in chat.
•Fixed issue where the cursor wouldn't update, if it had mouse over a text input box when transitioned between different areas of game, and stay as a text cursor within battles (for example).
•In the Defence of Campania chapter of the Prologue campaign, the "infinity symbol" is no longer displayed on unit cards when the units can be recruited.
•Fixed flickering graphics when the "downgrade warning" message appears on loading screens.
•Fixed issue where the shroud would disappear from the Campaign Tactical Map and Mini-Map when entering Tactical Map or moving a character.
•Fixed for rain being shown as an option for snowy regions in the Custom Battle setup screen, as it would just appear as snow in the battle anyway.
•Added tooltips to the left and right arrows in "Your Forces" panel in pre-battle campaign phase.
•Added some missing text for reinforcements on the pre-battle loading screen.
•Altered tooltip for Siege Turn Time and Fix for Order of Battle reinforcements tooltip not displaying.
•The text for "Shoa AI player movements" in Italian ("Mostra mosse dei giocatori") now fits correctly in the Multiplayer Campaign setup menu.
•Phase timers are now displayed as a ring around Ability buttons in battles.
•Added some text that was missing from the Faction Summary screen in Campaign modes.
•Added current ancillary card to the "Ancillary Gained" event message.
•The Province details button no longer remains selected after deselecting a settlement.
•Removed the sound effect when placing the mouse over blank / empty character options in the Family Politics panel.
•Update to the hyperlinks for '"Amies" in the Prologue Defence of Campania.
•The text for "Game Mode" in Italian ("Modalità di gioco") now fits correctly in the button in the Multiplayer Campaign setup menu.
•Some hyperlinks in the user interface in Campaign modes have been removed, as it opened a blank page in the Encyclopaedia.
•Fix for grammar errors in the subject dilemma text.
•Various localisation text and audio fixes in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish and Turkish.
Melkorian escribió:Bueno ami hoy me ha ido bien.. no se por que anoche cuando pasaba el turno se quedaba la pantalla en negro.. ignorare el hecho por ahora.
Soy al unico que se le ven los colores en el mapa de diplomacia.. un poco raros?, no se si es un fallo o han intentado cambiarlo pero yo me hago un lio, me refiero con la beta del ultimo parche.
Una preguntilla que tengo sobre la comida... si tengo algunas provincias con deficit de alimentos pero varias con muchos alimentos.. en general no habria hambrunas no?, solo que dichas provincias con deficit de alimento no tendrian crecimiento no?, por que en mi ultima partida tuve varias hambrunas y me quede sin ejercitos.
Parritron escribió:Ha salido la Beta del parche 4, 141MB.
Si os habéis encariñado con los mods NO os la descarguéis porque esta versión no es compatible con ellos.
lostzilla escribió:Parritron escribió:Ha salido la Beta del parche 4, 141MB.
Si os habéis encariñado con los mods NO os la descarguéis porque esta versión no es compatible con ellos.
Pues vaya putada, porque tenía algunos muy útiles intalados.
Melkorian escribió:Alguien sabe de algun mod que meta arqueros en la faccion de roma?.. me parece un poco jevi que no haya arqueros auxiliares ni nada de eso.. solo los puñeteros velites... me parece una cutrez, hasta que no me hise con alejandria no puede crear arqueros.
He probado a meter este ... eleased%29
El cual mete varias unidades nuevas a varias facciones entre ellas arqueros romanos pero no me sale ninguna unidad nueva... a no ser que este mod en cuestion haya dejado de ir por el nuevo parche...
Senegio escribió:Y así, en un vistazo por encima, los Arqueros de Creta parecen los mejores, pero te piden el campamento auxiliar a nivel IV, por lo que los cazadores auxiliares (campamento nivel 2) o los egipcios (al 3) pueden ser buena idea al principio.
Yo necesito urgentemente arqueros. Roma sin arqueros no vale una mierda. Estoy harto de tirar lanzas
lord_sanguinius escribió:Senegio escribió:Y así, en un vistazo por encima, los Arqueros de Creta parecen los mejores, pero te piden el campamento auxiliar a nivel IV, por lo que los cazadores auxiliares (campamento nivel 2) o los egipcios (al 3) pueden ser buena idea al principio.
Yo necesito urgentemente arqueros. Roma sin arqueros no vale una mierda. Estoy harto de tirar lanzas
Los honderos baleares son muy competentes y solo piden campamento de nivel 3.
Ademas están cerca de roma y su territorio es muy fácil de defender.
Tienen mucho alcance y buena potencia de fuego, no obstante no funcionan muy bien en fuego indirecto y carecen de munición especial.
Puedes probarlos (y compararlos con otras tropas) en Batalla Personalizada.
Melkorian escribió:Sabeis donde hay que crear las barracas para obtener esas unidades a distancia?... por ejemplo en qart hadash en hispania ( cartago nova para los amigos), me daba la opcion de honderos baleares, en alejandria me daba la opcion de arqueros egipcios, para los de creta donde seria?, vale en cualquier parte de grecia o macedonia?.
Yo preferiria que me rulara este mod como he dicho ... eleased%29
Ahi te vienen arqueros romanos, me jode tener que estar con los velites estoy acostumbrado a mi linea de arqueros asi jugaba en el 1.
er_gallar escribió:Buuueeeno...
¿Ya se puede jugar sin llorar por los FPS con una GTX 770?
Senegio escribió:er_gallar escribió:Buuueeeno...
¿Ya se puede jugar sin llorar por los FPS con una GTX 770?
Esa gráfica tengo yo desde que salió el juego y he jugado sin llorar por los FPS...
er_gallar escribió:¿Os habeis metido de lleno con el Zoom en la batalla? Y en que calidad le jugáis?.....Vamos en youtube hay videos que con una 770 en los comentarios ponen que como metan zoom adios....
seaculorum escribió:Donde si se notaba era en la batalla del prologo y alguna batalla historica donde se metia una tralla increible si que se notaba asi como si metes la camara en zoom en medio de un fregado con bolas de fuego explosiones y 1000 tios pegandose, pero jugando una campaña normal para nada.
Senegio escribió:Ya pasó con Shogun 2 y al final lo dejaron muy bien. Me toca los huevos que nos hagan lo mismo con Rome II, preferiría que hubiera salido en noviembre para evitar estos problemas, pero es lo que toca. Y mientras muchos de vosotros os dedicáis a mirar el contador de FPS en vez de disfrutar del juego, yo seguiré jugándolo y pasándomelo muy bien, porque este juego lo merece