› Foros › PlayStation 2 › Juegos
Neo Cortex escribió:Hiro escribió: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 y Castlevania Curse of Darkness = 15 euros
Silent Hill 4 The Room = 8 euros
Resident Evil Outbreak 1 = 8 euros
Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 = 10 euros
Killer7 = 7 euros
Metal Gear Solid 3 (edición caja metálica) = 3 euros
R: Racing = 3 euros
Persona 4 (con banda sonora, precintado) = 20 euros
Wipeout Fusion = 1.5 euros
Ese Wipeout Fusion es un juego bastante difícil de conseguir, y más a ese preciazo.
Buena caza, compañero
Hiro escribió:No suelo postear mucho mis compras pero debido a que estoy en mi recta final de acabar mi colección de PSP y PS2 me he animado a colgar una foto de mis adquisiciones de las ultimas 2 semanas:
Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 y Castlevania Curse of Darkness = 15 euros
Silent Hill 4 The Room = 8 euros
Resident Evil Outbreak 1 = 8 euros
Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 = 10 euros
Killer7 = 7 euros
Metal Gear Solid 3 (edición caja metálica) = 3 euros
R: Racing = 3 euros
Persona 4 (con banda sonora, precintado) = 20 euros
Wipeout Fusion = 1.5 euros
Ya cada vez falta menos!
peprimbau escribió:Hiro escribió:No suelo postear mucho mis compras pero debido a que estoy en mi recta final de acabar mi colección de PSP y PS2 me he animado a colgar una foto de mis adquisiciones de las ultimas 2 semanas:
Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 y Castlevania Curse of Darkness = 15 euros
Silent Hill 4 The Room = 8 euros
Resident Evil Outbreak 1 = 8 euros
Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 = 10 euros
Killer7 = 7 euros
Metal Gear Solid 3 (edición caja metálica) = 3 euros
R: Racing = 3 euros
Persona 4 (con banda sonora, precintado) = 20 euros
Wipeout Fusion = 1.5 euros
Ya cada vez falta menos!
Silent hills en un gane de Barcelona,donde?
alkaiser69 escribió:Los Silent Hill los reeditaron y en los GAME tenían muchísimas unidades de todos al igual que con los Metal Gears, los que tienen en las cestas como de segunda mano son porque los desprecintan y los sacan para poder venderlos pero si preguntas seguramente tengan precintados en el almacen
BocaRuidosa escribió:alkaiser69 escribió:Los Silent Hill los reeditaron y en los GAME tenían muchísimas unidades de todos al igual que con los Metal Gears, los que tienen en las cestas como de segunda mano son porque los desprecintan y los sacan para poder venderlos pero si preguntas seguramente tengan precintados en el almacen
De hecho cuando los cogi de la cesta, el dependiente me los cambio por unos precintados. A 4 euros la unidad con 5x20 me salieron dichas reediciones.
Hiro escribió:Yo los conseguí en el Game de las Arenas, quedaban miles de SH2 y solo un SH3 que me llevé. Del SH4 ya no queda nada, buscaron en su base de datos y ya no quedaba ni uno en ninguno de Barcelona. Al parecer ya han volado por aqui.
Atlantis35 tienes un MP.
deseoparadise escribió:¿¿Lupin PAL?? Lo desconocía totalmente, voy a buscar en Ebay ITA a ver si me puedo hacer con él ya que pensaba que era exclusivo del mercado Nipón.
Hiro escribió:Al menos solamente estaba 0.75€ mas barato que el que pedí, si no me hubiera tirado de los pelos entre los seminuevos
Hiro escribió:Justo fue ver los Viewtiful Joe 2 en el Game y mirar el pedido, pero precisamente un par de horas antes me lo enviaron y ya no tenia la opcion de cancelarlo. De todas maneras al ser la edicion española tambien en ingles me da lo mismo si el manual y la caratula viene en ingles sinceramente, aunque sé que la opcion de revenderlo en un futuro por estos lares se acota al ser PAL UK.
deseoparadise escribió:Menudas tramas se os ocurren a algunos...
Neo Cortex escribió:deseoparadise escribió:Menudas tramas se os ocurren a algunos...
Estoy convencido de que si se pasara Ken Follett por el foro, conseguiría material para una trilogía de mil páginas cada tomo.
Por mi parte, esta tarde daré una vuelta por los GAME, Cash y GameStop a ver si cazo algo, aunque viendo lo que tenían las últimas veces, creo que regresaré con las manos vacías.
alkaiser69 escribió: Gamestop es el único sitio donde podrías encontrar algo interesante ya que es donde tienen los precios mas caros y por lo tanto dan mas al vendedor
¡Que Pasa Neng!
.Hack Infection
.Hack Mutation
.Hack Outbreak
.Hack Quarantine
'Outlaw Tennis
007 Agente fuego cruzado
007 Desde Rusia con Amor
007 Nightfire.
007 Quantum of Solace.
007 Rogue Agent.
007 Todo o Nada
10 Pin Champions Alley
10.000 Bullets.
12 volt
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker.
187 Ride or Die.
1945 - I & II
2002 FIFA World Cup
21 Card Games
24 The Game.
25 To Life
4 x 4 Evo Racing Vol.2
4x4 Evolution
50 Cent Bulletproof
7 Blades
7 Sins
7 Wonders of the Ancient World
A Train 6
AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack
Ace Combat : Distant Thunder
Ace Combat: Jefe de Escuadrón
Ace Combat: The Belkan War
Ace Lightning
Aces of War
Action Girlz Racing
Activision Anthology
Adiboo and the Energy Thieves
Æon Flux
Aero Elite: Combat Academy
AFL Live 2003
AFL Live 2004
AFL Live Premiership Edition
AFL Premiership 2005
AFL Premiership 2006
AFL Premiership 2007
Agassi Tennis Generation
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Agent Hugo
Agent Hugo - Lemoon Twist
Agent Hugo: Hula Holiday
Agent Hugo: Roborumble
Aggressive Inline
Air Raid 3
Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter
Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter 2 ***
Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day
Akira Psychoball
Alarm for Cobra 11 Autobahn
Alarm for Cobra 11 vol.2 Hot Pursuit
Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002
Alien Humanoid
Aliens versus Predator: Extinction
All-Star Baseball 2002
All-Star Baseball 2003
All-Star Baseball 2004
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Alpine Racer 3
Alpine Ski Racing
Alpine Ski Racing 2007
Alter Echo
Altered Beast
America's 10 Most Wanted
American Chopper
American Chopper: Full Throttle
American Idol
AMF Xtreme Bowling 2006
AND 1 Streetball
Animal Soccer World
Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt
Antz Bully
Antz Extreme Racing
Anubis II
Ape Escape 2
Ape Escape 3
Ape Escape: Million Monkeys
Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed
Aqua Aqua
Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Arc: El Crepúsculo de las almas
Arcade Classics Vol.1
Arctic Thunder
Area 51
Armored Core 2
Armored Core 2: Another Age
Armored Core 3
Armored Core: Formula Front
Armored Core: Last Raven
Armored Core: Nexus
Armored Core: Nine Breaker
Army Men: Air Attack
Army Men: Green Rogue
Army Men: Major Malfunction
Army Men: RTS
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2
Army Men: Sarge´s War
Art of fighting anthology
Arthur & Los minimoys
Artlist Collection The Dog Island
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Asterix at the Olympic Games
Astro Boy
Atari Anthology
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny
Atelier Iris 3 : Grand Phantasm
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
Athens 2004
Atlantis III: The New World
ATV Off road Fury
ATV Off road Fury 2
ATV Off road Fury 3
ATV Off road Fury 4
ATV Quad Power Racing 2
Auto Modellista
Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood
Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home
Bad Boys: Miami Takedown
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue
Basketball Xciting
Bass Master Fishing
Bass Strike
Batman Begins
Batman Vengeance
Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu
Battle Engine Aquila
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Battlestar Galactica
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles
BDFL Manager 2002
BDFL Manager 2003
BDFL Manager 2004
Beach King Stunt Racer
Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance
Ben Hur
Beyond Good and Evil
Big Mutha Truckers
Big Mutha Truckers 2
Billiards Xciting
Billy the Wizard: Roclet Broomstick racing
Bionicle Heroes
Bionicle: The Game
Black & Bruised
Black Buccaneer
Black Market Bowling
Blade II
Blood Omen 2
BloodRayne 2
Bloody Roar 3
Bloody Roar 4
Bomberman Hardball
Bomberman Kart
Boxing Champions
Bratz: Forever Diamondz
Bratz: Rock Angelz
Bratz: The Movie
Brave: La Busqueda del danzarin espiritual
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Brian Lara International Cricket
Britney's Dance Beat
Broken Sword: El Sueño del Dragon
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds
Bujingai: The Forsaken City
Burnout 2: Point of Impact
Burnout 3: Takedown
Burnout Dominator
Burnout Revengez
Buscando a Nemo
Butt Ugly Martians: Zoom or Doom!
Buzz Junior: Carreras Locas
Buzz Junior: Dinos
Buzz Junior: Locura en la Jungla
Buzz Junior: Monster Rumble
Buzz Junior: Robot Mania
Buzz! : El Gran Reto
Buzz! El Concurso de Musca
Buzz! El Gran Concurso de deportes
Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz
Buzz! The Mega Quiz
Buzz!: El Gran Concurso Musical
Buzzrod Fishing Fantasy
BvB 09 – Club Football 2005: Borussia Dortmund
C.I.D 925: An Ordinary Life
Cabela's Big Game Hunter
Cabela's big game hunter 2005 adventures
Cabela's Dangerous Adventures
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts
Canis canem Edit
Capcom Classics Collection
Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2
Capcom Fighting Jam
Capcom vs SNK 2
Captain Scarlet
Car Wash Tycoon
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums
CART Fury Championship Racing
Cartero Paco
Cartoon Network Racing
Castle Shikigami 2
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Cell Damage Overdrive
Centre Court HardHitter
Champions of Norrath
Champions: Return to Arms
Championship Manager 2006
Championship Manager 2007
Championship Manager 5
Chaos Legion
Charlie y la fabrica de chocolate
Charlie's Angels
Chessmaster 9000
Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars
City Crisis
Clever Kids-Dino Land
Clever Kids-Pony World
Clock Tower 3
Club Football AC Milan
Club Football Ajax
Club Football Arsenal
Club Football Barcelona
Club Football Birmingham City
Club Football Celtic
Club Football Chelsea
Club Football Hamburgo
Club Football Juventus
Club Football Leeds United
Club Football Liverpool
Club Football Manchester United
Club Football NewCastle
Club Football Paris Saint Germain
Club Football Rangers
Club Football Real Madrid
Club Football Totenham
Clumsy Shumsy
Cocoto Fishing Master
Cocoto Kart Racer
Cocoto Platform Jumper
Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity
Code of the Samurai
Código: KND Operacion: V.I.D.E.O.J.U.E.G.O
Cold Fear
Cold Winter
Colin McRae Rally 04
Colin McRae Rally 2005
Colin McRae Rally 3
Colosseum: Road to Freedom
Combat Ace
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Commandos: Strike Force
Conan: The Dark Axe
Conflict Zone
Conflict: Desert Storm
Conflict: Desert Storm II
Conflict: Global Storm
Conflict: Vietnam
Conspiracy: Weapons of mass destruction
Contra: Shattered Soldier
Cool Shot
Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2006
Countryside Bears
Crash Bandicoot: La Venganza de Cortex
Crash Lucha de titanes Titanes
Crash Nitro Kart
Crash Tag Team Racing
Crash Twinsanity
Crash: Guerra al coco maniaco
Crazy Chicken X
Crazy Frog Racer
Crazy Frog Racer 2
Crazy Golf
Crazy Taxi
Crescent Suzuki Racing: Superbikes and Supersides
Crime Life: Gang Wars
Crimson Sea 2
Crimson Tears
Crisis Zone
Crouching Tiger: Hidden Dragon
Crusty Demons
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder
CT Special Forces
Curious George
Curse: The Eye of isis
Cy Girls
Cyclone Circus
Daemon Summoner
Dalmatians 3
Dance Europe
Dance Fest
Dance UK
Dance UK – Extra Trax
Dancing Stage Fever
Dancing Stage Fusion
Dancing Stage Max
Dancing Stage MegaMix
Dancing Stage SuperNova
Dancing Stage SuperNova 2
Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse
Dark Chronicle
Dark Cloud
Dark Summit
Dark Wind
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
David Beckam Soccer
David Douillet Judo
Dead or Alive 2
Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore
Dead to Rights
Dead to Rights II
Deadly Skies II
Deadly Strike
Death by Degrees
Deep Water
Def Jam Fight for NY
Def Jam Vendetta
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre
Demolition Girl
Demon Chaos
Destroy All Humans!
Destroy All Humans! 2
Destruction Derby Arenas
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy
Devil Kings
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition
Diabolik: The Original Sin
Die Hard - Vendetta
Digimon Rumble Arena 2
Digimon World 4
Dino Stalker
Dinosaur Adventure
Dinsey Cars
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Dirt track Devils
Disaster Report
Disaster Report 2
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Disney Chicken Little
Disney Dinosaur
Disney Golf
Disney Los Increibles
Disney Monsters
Disney Piglet´s Big Game
Disney Princesas: Un Viaje Encantado
Disney: El Libro de la Selva
Disney: El Planeta del tesoro
Disney: El Rey Leon
Disney: La Mansion encantada
Disney: Las Cronicas de Narnia
Disney: Mulan
Disney: Peter Pan
Disney: Stich , experimento 626
Disney: Tarzan
Disney: Winie the poo
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Dj decks & Fx
DNA Dark Native Apostle
Dog's Life
Donald Duck – Quack Attack
Donald Duck Phantomias Platyrhynchos
Dora La Exploradora
Downhill Domination
Downhill Slalom
Downtown Run
Dr. Dolittle
Dr. Muto
Dr. Seuss. Cat in the hat
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
Dragon Blaze
Dragon Quest: El Periplo del Rey Maldito
Dragon Rage
Dragon Sisters
Dragon's Lair 3D: Return to the Lair
Drakan: The Ancients' Gates
Drakengard 2
Driven to Destruction
Driver: Parallel Lines
Driving Emotion Type-S
Drome Racers
Droship United Peace Force
DT Racer
DTM Racer Driver 1
DTM Racer Driver 2
DTM Racer Driver 3
Duel Masters
Dynasty Tactics
Dynasty Tactics 2
Dynasty Warriors 2
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends
Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires
Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends
Dynasty Warriors 5
Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires
Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends
EA Sports Cricket 2004
EA Sports Cricket 2005
EA Sports Fight Night 2004
EA Sports Rugby
EA Sports Rugby 2004
Eagle Eye Golf
Earache – Extreme Metal Racing
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
Echo Night: Beyond
Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures
eJay Clubworld Crave Entertainment
El Club de la Lucha
El Código Da Vinci
El Hobbit
El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
El señor de los anillos: La comunidad del anillo
El señor de los anillos: La tercera edad
El señor de los anillos: Las aventuras de Aragorn
El señor de los anillos: Las dos torres
Empires of Atlantis
Energy Airforce
Energy Airforce Aim Strike!
England International Football
Enter the Matrix
Enthusia Professional Racing
EOE: Eve of Extinction
Ephemeral Fantasia
Escape from Monkey Island
ESPN Einter X-Games Snowboarding 2
ESPN International Track & Field
ESPN International Winter Sports
ESPN National Hockey Night
ESPN NBA Basketball
ESPN NHL Hockey 2K4
ESPN Winter Sports 2002
ESPN X Games Skateboarding
Esto es Futbol 2002
Esto es Futbol 2003
Esto es Futbol 2004
Eternal Quest
Eternal Ring
Euro 2004
Euro Rally Champion
European Tennis Pro
Everblue 2
EverQuest Online Adventures
Everybody's Golf
Everybody's Tennis
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
Evil Dead: Regeneration
Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles
Evolution GT
Evolution Skateboarding
Evolution Sonowboarding
Ex Zeus
Extreme Sprint 3010
EyeToy: AntiGrav
EyeToy: Chat
EyeToy: Groove
EyeToy: Kinetic
EyeToy: Kinetic Combat
EyeToy: Monkey Mania
EyeToy: Play
EyeToy: Play 2
EyeToy: Play 3
EyeToy: Ritmo Loco
F1 2001
F1 2002
F1 Career Challenge
F1 Championship Season 2000
F1 Racing Championship
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Fame Academy: Dance Edition
Family Game Night
Family Guy
Fantastic Four
Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
FIFA 2001
FIFA 2001
FIFA 2002
FIFA 2003
FIFA 2004
FIFA 2005
FIFA Football 2002
FIFA Football 2003
FIFA Football 2004
FIFA Football 2005
FIFA Street
FIFA Street 2
Fight Night Round 2
Fight Night: Round 3
Fighting Angels
Fighting Fury
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fight: Streetwise
Fire Heroes
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
Fire Warrior
Firefighter F.D. 18
Fisherman´s Challenge
Fitness Fun
Flatout 2
Flintstones : Viva Rock Vegas
Flintstones: The Bedrock Racing
Flipnic: Ulitmate Pinball
Flow: Urban Dance Uprising
Flushed Away
FMX: Freestyle Metal X
Football Generation
Football Manager 2004
Forbidden Siren
Forbidden Siren 2
Ford Mustang: The Legend Lives
Ford Racing 2
Ford Racing 3
Ford Racing 3
Ford Street Racing
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Formula 1 2003
Formula One 04
Formula one 05
Formula One 06
Forty 4 Party
Franklin: A Birthday Surprise
Freak Out
Freaky Flyers
Free Running
Freedom Fighters
Frogger Beyond
Frogger: The Great Quest
Fruit Machine Mania
Full Spectrum Warrior
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers
Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge
Furry Tales
Fussball Manager 2005
Future Tactics: The Uprising
G Surfers
G1 Jockey
G1 Jockey 3
G1 Jockey 4
Gadget and the Gadgetinis
Gadget Racers
Gaelic Football 2005
Galerians: Ash
Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension ***
Galleon: Islands of Mystery ***
Gallop Racer
Gallop Racer 2
Garfield 2
Garfield: Al Rescate de Arlene
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
Genji: Dawn of the Samurai
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Ghost Master
Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm
Ghost Rider
Ghost Vibration
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Girl Zone
Gitaroo Man
Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance
Glass Rose
Go Go Copter
Go Go Golf
Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde
God Hand
God of War
God of War II
Godai Elemental Force
Godzilla: Save the Earth
Godzilla: Unleashed
Golden Age of Racing
Gradius III and IV
Gradius V
Graffiti Kingdom
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec
Gran Turismo 4
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue
Gran Turismo Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva
Grand Prix Challenge
Grand Slam Tennis
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grandia II
Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt.
Gregory Horror Show
Groove Rider: Slot Car Racing
Groove Rider: Slot Car Thunder
Gt Racers
GT-R Touring
GTC Africa
GTR 400
Guerrilla Strike
Guilty Gear Isuka
Guilty Gear X
Guilty Gear X2
Guilty Gear X2 Reloaded
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero 5
Guitar Hero II
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero World Tour
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80's
Guitar Hero: Metallica
Gumball 3000
Gun Club
Gunbird: Special Edition
Guncom 2
Gunfighter 2
Gungrave: Overdose
Gungriffon Blaze
Habitrail: Hamster Ball
Hamster Heroes
Happy Feet
Hard Hitter 2
Hard Rock Casino
Hardware: Online Arena
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles: Race to the Rally
Harley-Davidson: Race to the Rally
Harry Potter El Caliz de Fuego
Harry Potter El Misterio del Principe
Harry Potter: El Prisionero de Azkaban
Harry Potter: La Camara Secreta
Harry Potter: La Orden del Fenix
Harry Potter: La Piedra Filosofal
Harry Potter: Quidditch Copa del mundo
Harvest Fishing
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Haunting Ground
Haven: Call of the King
Hawk-Kawasaki Racing
He-Man Masters of the Universe-Defender of Greyskull
Headhunter Redemption
Heartbeat Boxing
Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue
Heracles: Chariot Racing
Herdy Gerdy
Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff
Heroes of the Pacific
Hidden Invasion
High Heat Major League Baseball 2003
High Rollers Casino
High School Musical: ¡Canta con ellos!
Himmel and Huhn: Ace in Action
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman: Blood Money
Hitman: Contracts
Home Alone
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge
Hot Wheels World Race
Hummer Badlands
Hunter: The Reckoning: Wayward
Hype Time Quest
Hyper Street Fighter II
Ice Age 2
Ice Age 3
Increible hulk 2
Indiana Jones y el Cetro de los Reyes
Indiana Jones y la Tumba del Emperador
IndyCar Series
IndyCar Series 2005
Inspector Gadget
Intellivision Lives!
International Cricket Captain III
International Cue Club
International Cue Club 2
International Golf Pro
International League Soccer
International Pool Championship
International Snooker Championship
International Super Karts
International Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer 2
International Superstar Soccer 3
Iron Aces 2
Iron Man
Island Xtreme Stunts
Jackass: The Game
Jackie Chan Adventures
Jade Cocoon 2
Jak 3
Jak and Daxter: El Legado de los precursores
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Jak II : El Renegado
Jak X
James Pond: Codename Robocod
Jaws Unleashed
Jeremy McGrath Supercross World
Jet Ion GP
Jet Li: Rise to Honor
Jet Ski Riders
Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
Jimmy Neutron: Jet Fusion
Jonny Mosely Mad Trix
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death
Juiced 2
Junior Board Games
Junior Sports Basketball
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Just Cause
Kaan: Barbarian
Kaido Racer
Kaido Racer 2
Kao the Kangaroo Round 2
Karaoke Stage
Kelly Slater´s Pro Surfer
Kengo Master of Bushido
Kessen II
Kessen III
Kidz Sports: Basketball
Kidz Sports: Ice Hockey
Kill Switch
Kim Possible: What´s the Switch
King Arthur
King of Clubs
King of Fighters Maximum Impact
King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2
King of Route 66
King's Field IV
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Klonoa 2: El Mundo de Lunatea
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
Knight Rider 2 : The Game
Knight Rider: The Game
Knights of the Temple II
Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade
Knockout Kings 2001
Knockout Kings 2002
Kuri Kuri Mix
Kya: Dark Lineage
L.A. Rush
La Brujula Dorada
La Escuela de Miedos de Casper
La Fuga de Monkey Island
La Leyenda de Spyro: La Fuerza del Dragon
La Leyenda de Spyro: La Noche eterna
La Leyenda de Spyro: Un Nuevo Comienzo
La Pucelle: Tactics
Lake Masters EX
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: El Ángel de la Oscuridad
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend
Largo Winch: Empire Under Threat
Las Crónicas de Narnia: El León, La Bruja y El Armario
Las Cronicas de Narnia: El Principe de Caspian
Le Mans 24 hours
Le Monde des Bleus 2003
Le Monde des Bleus 2005
Leaderboard Golf
League Series Baseball 2
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Legaia 2: Duel Saga
Legend of Herkules
Legend of Kay
Legend of Sayuki
Legend of the Dragon
Legends of Wrestling
Legends of Wrestling II
Legion: The legend of Excalibur
Lego Batman: The Video Game
Lego Dome Racers
Lego Football Mania
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Lego Island Extrem Sports
Lego Star Wars II: La Trilogía Original
Lego Star Wars: El Videojuego
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
Lemony Snicket: A series o unfortunate events
Let's Make a Soccer Team!
Let's Ride: Silver Bucket Stables
Lethal Skies
Lethal Skies Elite Pilot
Little Britain: The Video Game
Living World Racing
LMA Manager 2002
LMA Manager 2003
LMA Manager 2004
LMA Manager 2005
LMA Manager 2006
LMA Manager 2007
Locos por el Surf
London Racer 2
London Racer Destruction Madness
London Racer World Challenge
London Taxi
Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal
Looney Tunes: De nuevo en Acción
Looney Tunes: Space Race
Los Caballeros del Zodiaco: El Santuario
Los Caballeros del Zodiaco: The Hades
Los Increibles
Los increibles: La amenaza del socavador
Los Simpsons: El Videojuego
Los Sims
Los Sims: Toman La Calle
Los Urbz: Sims en la Ciudad
Lotus challenge
Lumines Plus
Lupin the 3rd: Treasure of the Sorcerer King
Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter
Mad Maestro!
Madagascar 2
Madden NFL 06
Madden NFL 07
Madden NFL 08
Madden NFL 09
Madden NFL 2001
Madden NFL 2002
Madden NFL 2003
Madden NFL 2004
Madden NFL 2005
Magix Music Maker
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles Of The Sacred Tome
Maken Shao : Demon Sword
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
Manager de Liga 2002
Manhunt 2
Marc Ecko's Getting Up
Marcel Desaily Pro Football
Mark Davis Pro Bass Challenge
Marvel Nemesis
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2: Fusion
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16
Mashed Fully Loaded
Mashed: Drive To Survive
Master Rally
Masters o the Universe: He - Man Defender of Grayskull
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2
Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Maximo vs. Army of Zin
MaXXed Out Racing
Maze Action
McFarlane's Evil Prophecy
MDK2: Armageddon
Medal of Honor: European Assault
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Medal of Honor: Vanguard
Mega Man X Command Mission
Mega Man X7
Mega Man X8
MegaRace 3: Nanotech Disaster
Men in Black II: Alien Escape
Mercedes-Benz World Racing
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Mercury Meltdown Remix
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug 4
Metal Slug 5
Metal Slug Anthology
Mi Monstruo y Yo
Miami Vice
Michigan: Report From Hell
Micro Machines
Micro Machines V4
Midnight Club 2
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix
Midnight Club Street Racing
Midway Arcade Treasures
Midway Arcade Treasures 2
Midway Arcade Treasures 3
Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing
Mini Desktop Racing
Minority Report
Mission Impossible: Operation Surma
Mobile Light Force 2
Mobile Suit Gundam : Federation vs. Zeon
Moderngroove: Ministry of Sound Edition
Monopoly Party
Monster Attack
Monster House
Monster Hunter
Monster Lab
Monster Trux Arenas
Monster Trux Extreme
Monster Trux: Off Road Edition
Monsterit Oy
Monsters vs. Aliens
Monsters, Inc
Monstruos S.A La Isla de los sustos
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Moto GP '07
Moto GP '08
Moto GP ´09
Moto GP 2
Moto GP 3
Moto GP 4
Motocross Mania 3
Motor Mayhem
Motorbike King
Motorsiege: Warriors of Prime Time
MotorStorm Arctic Edge
Mr Golf
Mr Mosquito
MTV Music Generator 2
MTV Music Generator 3: This Is The Remix
MTV´s Celebrity Deathmatch
MTX: Mototrax
Muppets Party Cruise
Musashi: Samurai Legend
Music 3000
Music Maker
MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael
MX Rider
MX Super Fly
MX Unleashed Migrated
MX vs. ATV Unleashed
MX vs. ATV Untamed
MX World Tour: Featuring Jamie Little
My Street
Myst III: Exile
Mystic Heroes
Myth Makers : Orbs of Doom
Myth Makers: Super Kart Gp
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade Collection
Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja 4 / Narutimate Accel
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5 / Narutimate Accel 2
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2
NASCAR 06: Total Team Control
Naval Ops: Commander
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner 2
NBA 2K10
NBA 2K11
NBA Ballers
NBA Hoopz
NBA Live 06
NBA Live 07
NBA Live 08
NBA Live 09
NBA Live 10
NBA Live 2001
NBA Live 2002
NBA Live 2003
NBA Live 2004
NBA Live 2005
NBA Street
NBA Street 2
NBA Street 3
NBA Street V3
Need for Speed ProStreet
Need for Speed: Carbono
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Most Wanted Black Edition
Need for Speed: Undercover
Need for Speed: Underground
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Neo Contra
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
New York Race
Next Generation Tennis 2003
NFL Quarterback Club 2002
NFL Street
NFL Street 2
NFL Street 3
NHL 06
NHL 07
NHL 08
NHL 09
NHL 2001
NHL 2002
NHL 2003
NHL 2004
NHL 2005
NHL Hitz 20-02
NHL Hitz Pro
Ninja Assault
Ninjabread Man
Noble Racing
Obscure II
Odin sphere
Off-Road Extreme!
Off-Road Wide Open
Offroad Extreme!
One Piece Grand Adventure
One Piece Grand Battle
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
Onimusha 3
Onimusha Blade Warriors
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams
Onimusha: Warlords
Open Season
Operation Air Assault
Operation Winback
Operation Winback 2
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
Outlaw Golf
Outlaw Golf 2
Outlaw Volleyball
Outlaw Volleyball Remixed
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
Over the Hedge
Pac-Man Rally
Pac-Man World 2
Pac-Man World 3
Pacific Theater of Operations TV
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight
Panzer Front B
PaRappa the Rapper 2
Paris Dakar 2
Paris Dakar Rally
Party Girls
Pato Bill
PDC World Championship Darts 2008
Penny Racers
Perfect Ace 2: The Championships
Perfect Ace Pro Tournament Tennis
Pesadilla antes de Navidad: La Venganza de Oogie
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Phantasy Star Universe
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminous
Phantom Brave
Piglet´s Big Game
Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines
Pimp My Ride: Street Racing
Pinball Fun
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
Piratas del Caribe: En el Fin del Mundo
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Play it Chess Challennger
Play it Pinball
Playboy: The Mansion
Playmobil: Hype
Police 24-7
Police Chase Down
Police Madness
Pool Master
Pool Paradise
Pool Paradise: International Edition
Pool Shark 2
Pop Idol
Pop Star Academy
Portal Runner
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Power Volleyball
Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage
PowerShot Pinball
Predator: Concrete Jungle
Premier Manager 2002/2003
Premier Manager 2003/2004
Premier Manager 2004/2005
Premier Manager 2005/2006
Premier Manager 2006-2007
Pride FC
Prince of Persia: El alma del guerrero
Prince of Persia: Las arenas del tiempo
Prince of Persia: Las dos coronas
Prisoner of War
Pro Beach Soccer
Pro Evolution Soccer
Pro Evolution Soccer 2
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
Pro Evolution Soccer 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 4
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
Pro Evolution Soccer 6
Pro Evolution Soccer Management
Pro Rally 2002
Pro Tennis WTA Tour
Project Eden
Project Minerva
Project Zero I
Project Zero II
Project Zero III
Project: Snowblind
ProStroke Golf- World Tour 2007
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Psyvariar: Complete Edition
Puyo Pop Fever
Quake III: Revolution
Quien quiere ser millonario?
R – Racing
R-Type Final
Racing Simutation 3
Radio Helicopter
Raging Blades
Raiden III
Rally Championship
Rally Fusion: Race o Champions
Rampage: Total Destruction
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank 2
Ratchet & Clank 3
Ratchet: Gladiator
Raw Danger
Rayman 2: Revolution
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Rayman M
Rayman Raving Rabbids
RC Revenge Pro
RC Sports Copter Challenge
RC Toy Machines
Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2
Real World Golf
Realm of the Dead
Realplay Golf
Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk
Red Card
Red Dead Revolver
Red Faction
Red Faction II
Red Ninja: End of Honour
Reel Fishing III
Reign Of Fire
Reservoir Dogs
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
Resident Evil Outbreak
Resident Evil Outbreak: File#2
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Resident Evil: Survivor 2 Code: Veronica
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection
Rhytmic Star!
Ribbit King
Richard Burns Rally
Ricky Ponting Cricket
Ridge Racer V
Riding Spirits
Riding Spirits 2
Rig Racer 2
Ring of Red
Risk: Global Domination
RLH: Run Like Hell
Road kill
Road Rage 3
Road Trip Adventure
Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown
Robin hood: siege
Robot Warlords
Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction
Robotech: Battelecry
Robotech: Invasion
Rock Band 1
Rock Band 2
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 1
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
Rocket Power: Beach Bandits
Rocky Legends
Rogue Galaxy
Rogue Ops
Rogue Trooper
Roland Garros 2002
Roland Garros 2003
Rollercoaster World
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII
Room Zoom: Race for Impact
RPM Tuning
RTL Ski Alpine 2005
RTL Ski Jump 2005
RTL Ski Jumping 2007
RTL Skispringen 2003
RTL Wintergames 2007
RTX- Red Rock
Ruff Trigger: The Vanocore Conspiracy
Rugby 06
Rugby 08
Rugby 2004
Rugby 2005
Rugby League
Rugby League 2
Rugby League 2 World Cup Edition
Rugrats Rescate Real
Rugrats Royal Ransom
Rule of Rose
Rumble Racing
Rumble Roses
Runabout 3
Rune: Viking Warlord
Rygar: The Legendary Adventure
S.C.A.R. Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo
S.L.A.I.: Steel Lancer Arena International
Salt Lake 2002
Samurai Aces
Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku
Samurai Shodown V
Samurai Showdown Anthology
Samurai Warriors
Samurai Warriors 2
Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends
Samurai Western
SAS Anti Terror Force
SBK Superbike World Championship
SBK-07 - Superbike World Championship
Scarface: The World is Yours
Scooby Doo: Mystery Mayhem
Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights
Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
Scooby-Doo! y el Pantano Tenebroso
Scudetto 5
Search & Destroy
Second Sight
Secret Weapons Over Normandy
Seek and Destroy
Sega Bass Fishing Duel
Sega Classics Collection
Sega Mega Drive Collection
Sega Soccer Slam
Sega Superstars
Sega Superstars Eyetoy Bundle
SEGA Superstars Tennis
Sensible Soccer 2006
Serious Sam: The Next Encounter
Seven Samurai 20XX
Shadow Hearts
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Shadow Hearts: From The New World
Shadow Man: 2econd Coming
Shadow of Memories
Shadow of Rome
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow the Hedgehog
Shamu´s Deep Sea Adventures
Shark Tale
Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder
Shellshock: Nam '67
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army
Shinobido: La Senda del Ninja
Shogun´s Blade
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling
Shox: Rally Reinvented
Shrek 2
Shrek 3
Shrek Super Slam
Shrek: Smash ´n Crash Racing
Shrek: Super Party
Silent Hill 2 Director s Cut
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill: Origins
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Silent Line: Armored Core
Silent Scope
Silent Scope 2
Silent Scope 3
Silpheed: The Lost Planet
SingStar '80s
SingStar '90s
SingStar Anthems
SingStar Legends
SingStar Party
SingStar Pop
SingStar Pop Hits
SingStar Pop World
SingStar Pop World Events Code
SingStar R&B
SingStar Rock Ballads
SingStar Rocks!
SingStar The Dome
Sitting Duck
Ski Odyssey
Ski Racing 2005
Skijumping 2006
Sky Surfer
Slam Tennis
Sled Storm
Sly 2
Sly 3
Sly Racoon
Smarties Meltdown
Smash Cars Racing
Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament
Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2
Smuggler's Run
Smuggler's Run 2: Hostile Territory
Sniper Assault
Sniper Elite
SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1
Snk vs capcom
Snow Rider
Snowboard Racer 2
Soccer Life!
Soccer Life! 2
SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault
Sol Divide
Soldier of Fortune
Solo en Casa
Sonic Gems Collection
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Sonic Unleashed
SOS The Final Escape
Soul Calibur II
Soul Calibur III
Space Channel 5: part 2
Space Channel 5: Special Edition
Space Invaders: Anniversary
Space Invaders: Invasion Day
Space Race
Space War Attack
Spartan: Total Warrior
Spawn: Armageddon
Spectral Vs Generation
Speed boat GP
Speed Kings
Speed Machines 3
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - Amazing Allies Edition
Spindrive Ping Pong
Splashdown 2
SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends : Untie!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman
Spy Fiction
Spy Hunter
Spy Hunter 2
Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run
Spyro: A hero´s tail
Spyro: Enther the Dragonfly
SSX on Tour
SSX Tricky
Star Academy
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Star Trek: Conquest
Star Trek: Encounters
Star Trek: Shattered Universe
Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: BattleFront
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
Star Wars: Racer Revenge
Star Wars: Starfighter
Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: El Poder de la fuerza
Stargate SG-1: The Alliance
Starsky and Hutch
State of Emergency
State of Emergency 2
Stealth Force: The War on Terror
Steambot Chronicles
Steel Dragon EX
Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity
Stock Car Crash
Stock car Speedway
Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams Game
Street Boyz
Street Dance
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
Street Fighter EX3
Street Golfer
Street Hops
Street Racing Syndicate
Strike Force Bowling
Stunt GP
Stuntman Ignition
Sub Rebellion
Sudoku, Carol Vonderman´s
Suikoden IV
Suikoden Tactics
Suikoden V
Summer Heat Beach Volleyball
Summoner 2
Sunny Garcia Surfing
Super Bust a Move 2
Super Bust-A-Move
Super Dragon Ball Z
Super farm
Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
Super Trucks Racing
SuperBike GP
SuperBikes Riding Challenge
Supercar Street Challenge
Superman Returns
Superman: Sombra del Apocalipsis
Surfing H30
Sven-Göran Eriksson's World Challenge
SWAT: Global Strike Team
Swing Away Golf
Swords of Destiny
Swords of Destiny
Swords of Samurai
SX Superstar
Syberia 2
Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain
Taito Legends
Taito Legends 2
Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams
Tak and the Guardians of Gross
Tak and the Power of Juju
Tak: The Great Juju Challenge
Tank elite
Taxi Rider
Taz Wanted
Td Overdrive: The Brotherhood of Speed
Technic Beat
Teen Titans
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee
Tekken 4
Tekken 5
Tekken Tag Tournament
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows
Tenchu: La ira del cielo
Tennis court smash
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator 3: The Redemption
Test Drive
Test Drive Off-Road: Wide Open
Tetris Worlds
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Attack of the Twonkies
The Aka-Champion
The Ant Bully
The Arcade
The Arcade
The Bard's Tale
The Bible Game
The Bouncer
The Cue Academy
The Da Vinci Code
The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee
The Energy Thieves
The Fairly OddParents: Shadow Showdown
The Fast and the Furious
The Getaway
The Getaway: Black Monday
The Godfather: The Game
The Great Escape
The Hulk
The Italian Job
The King of Fighters 2001-2002
The King of Fighters 2003
The King of Fighters 2003
The King of Fighters Neowave
The Mark of Kri
The Matrix: Path of Neo
The Mouse Police
The Mummy Returns
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
The Operative: No One Lives Forever
Th3 Plan
The Polar Express
The Punisher
The Red Star
The Seed
The Shadow of Zorro
The Simpsons Hit & Run
The Simpsons Road Rage
The Simpsons Skateboarding
The Sims
The Sims 2
The Sims 2 Castaway
The Sims: Bustin' Out
The Sniper 2
The Sopranos: Road to Respect
The Spiderwick Chronicles
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
The Suffering
The Suffering: Los Lazos que nos unen
The Sum of All Fears
The Sword of Etheria
The Terminator
The Thing
The Toys Room
The Urbz: Sims in the City
The Warriors
Theme Park World
Thomas & Friends: A Day at the Races
Thunderhawk: Operation Phoenix
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006
Time Crisis 3
Time Crisis II
Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
TimeSplitters 2
TimeSplitters Futuro Perfecto
Titeuf Mega Compet
TMNT Tortugas Ninja Jovenes Mutantes
TOCA Race Driver
TOCA Race Driver 2
TOCA Race Driver 3
Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri
Tokyo Road Race
Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Zero
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Lockdown
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Tony Hawk's Project 8
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Tony Hawk's Underground
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Top Angler
Top Gear Daredevil
Top gun: Combat Zones
Top Spin
Torino 2006
Torrente 3: El Protector
Total Club Manager 2004
Total Immersion Racing
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
Tour De France
Tour de France Centenary Edition
Tourist Trophy
Transformers Armada
Transformers: The Game
Transworld Surf
Treasure Planet
Trigger Man
Trivial Pursuit
Trivial Pursuit Unhinged
Trixie in Toyland
Truck Racing 2
True Crime: New York City
True Crime: Streets of LA
TT Superbikes
Turok: Evolution
Twenty-2 Party
Twin caliber
Twisted Metal: Black
Twisted Metal: Black Online
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue
U-Move SuperSports
UEFA Challenge
UEFA Champions League
UEFA Euro 2004
UFC Sudden Impact
UFC: Throwdown
Ultimate Alliance
Ultimate Board Game Collection 20 classic
Ultimate Casino
Ultimate Mind Games :
Ultimate Pro-Pinball
Ultimate Sky Surfer
Ultimate Spider-Man
Under the Skin
Underworld: The Eternal War
Unlimited SaGa
Unreal Tournament
Urba Freestyle Soccer
Urban Chaos: Unidad Antidisturbios
Urban Extreme
Urban Reign
USA Racer
V-Rally 3
V8 Supercar
V8 Supercar 2
V8 Supercar 3
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
Vampire Night
Van Helsing
Victorious Boxers
Victorious Boxers 2
Video Poker & Blackjack
Vietcong Purple Haze
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Virtua Cop: Elite Edition
Virtua Fighter : 10 Anniversary Edition
Virtua Fighter 4
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
Virtua Tennis 2
Virtual Racer: Jackes Villeneuve
Volleyball Challenge
Wacky Races
Wakeboarding Unleashed
Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
War Chess
War of the Monsters
Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior
Warriors o Might and Magic
Warriors Orochi
Way of the Samurai
Way of the Samurai 2
We Love Katamari
Weakest Link
Whirl Tour
Wild Arms 3
Wild Arms 4
Wild Arms 5
Wild Wild Racing
Winter Sports
Winx Club
Wipeout Fusion
Without Warning
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land
Woody Woodpecker
World Championship Poker
World Championship Rugby
World Championship Snooker 2002
World Championship Snooker 2003
World Championship Snooker 2004
World Championship Snooker 2005
World Championship Snooker 2007
World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks
World Destruction League: War Jets
World Fighting
World Heroes Antology
World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars
World Poker Tour
World Racing 2
World Rally Championship
World Rally Championship 2
World Rally Championship 3
World Rally Championship 4
World Series of Poker
World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions
World Super Police
World War I: Aces Of the Sky
World War II: Battle over the Pacific
World War II: Tank Battles
World War II:Soldier
World War Zero
Worms 3D
Worms 4: Mayhem
Worms Blast
Worms Forts: Under Siege
Wrath Unleashed
WRC II Extreme
WRC: Rally Evolved
Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions
WTA Tour Tennis
WWE Crush Hour
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010
WWE SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain
WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006
WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It
WWI Aces of the Sky
WWI Red Baron
WWII Battle Over the Pacific
WWII Soldier
WWII Tank Battles
X-Files: Resist or Serve
X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge
X-Men Legends
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: El Videojuego Oficial
X-Men: Next Dimension
X-Treme Quads
Xena: Warrior Princess
Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse
XG3: Extreme G Racing
XGRA: Extreme-G Racing Association
Xiaolin Showdown
XII Stag
Xtreme Express
Yakuza 2
Yakuza Fury
YetiSports Arctic Adventures
Yokushin: Giga Wing Generations
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Tag Force Evolution
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses
Zapper: One Wicked Cricket
Zombie Attack
Zombie Hunters
Zombie Hunters 2
Zombie Virus
Zombie Zone
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Zoo Puzzle
deseoparadise escribió:Tengo más de 700 juegos de PS2... Y no tengo ni la mitad del catálogoYa pasarás esa lista aunque en principio tengo terminada la mía de PS2 pero siempre puede salir algo. Ahora me falta conseguir precintados los que no tengo así.
Hiro escribió:Me alegra saber que al menos llego al 1% de los juegos PAL que han salido aquiCuando llegue a casa miraré la coleccion de deseoparadise y BocaRuidosa, si las tienen colgadas claro, deben de ser espectaculares
Hiro escribió:Poned fotos de como quedan en las estanterias! Me gusta mas ver cómo se tienen ordenados antes que verlos encima de un mantel
BocaRuidosa escribió: No es descabellado hablar de comprar 300 titulos teniendo 250, ya que, como bien sabréis. El compi Neo llega casi a 500 (si, se nos irá la olla, pero almenos no me sentiré solo jaja)
Hiro escribió:Otro error: para PS2 salio solo el Deadly Skies 3 y no el 2 como indica. Ademas creo que el Dead or Alive 2 era para Dreamcast y la edicion Hardcore era la de PS2.
Neo Cortex escribió:BocaRuidosa escribió: No es descabellado hablar de comprar 300 titulos teniendo 250, ya que, como bien sabréis. El compi Neo llega casi a 500 (si, se nos irá la olla, pero almenos no me sentiré solo jaja)
No, no estarás solo, compañero![]()
En cuanto a la lista, la he mirado por encima y también he descubierto muchos títulos que no conocía; de todos modos contiene numerosos errores. Por ejemplo, ya en la letra "A" aparecen dos Ape Escape (los dos últimos) que no se editaron en zona PAL; de hecho, el Million Monkeys incluso aparece como cancelado en GameRankings.
Y luego está lo que comenta peprimbau, que la zona PAL también incluye Australia y aquí no vas a encontrar esos juegos.
Por cierto, peprimbau, ¿has visto el nuevo link de mi firma con acceso a la primera consola Binatone que tuve?
Tengo que pillar la lista con tiempo y filtrarla para descartar este tipo de errores; y luego me pondré a mirar los análisis y comentarios de los juegos que no conozca.
Neo Cortex escribió:No, esa lista no es PAL España; y si lo es, contiene numerosos errores porque pusieron varios títulos un poco a ojo.
En cuanto al Dead Or Alive, aunque no ponga nada, la edición de PS2 es la Hardcore.
oconnell_2k4 escribió:Hoy he comprado el Jack and Daxter 2 por 3,50 € y el Virtua Fighter Evolution como nuevo (parecía recién desprecintado) por 4,50 €.