› Foros › Retro y descatalogado › Xbox
Ketsui Arrange
Ketsui Black Lable
Ketsui Fast
all with videos
There are also some improvements to other areas, other files include.
Well here it is folks, CoinOps 4 full, The most fully featured Xbox emulator...The one and only experience for all.
Filter Modes...filter by Arcade only....Console Only....Vertical Games Only and lots more
Mortal Kombat with sound support
Automatic HD Support
Video Preview support support
Screenshot Preview support
Background Music support
Most featured sort engine for any emulator on the XBOX
Most acurate keymap arcade emulator on the XBOX
Simple favorite system support
Cheat support
Monitor on it side (tate) support
Keymap support
Simplest keymapping and aspect correction for Console on the XBOX
Greatest Aspect Correction support for any arcade emulator on the XBOX
One click aspect correction support
Commandline support
Game tracking stat support
Mouse and trackball support
Game Information support
Vector game support
Artwork support
Multple skin color support
Multiple skin type support
Many Many skins to choose from
Full Screen Previews support
Folder path support
2 - This list could go on and on as its come so far since CoinOPS 3 was released
3 - An Optomised Memory Core....allowing 1000s more games to be supported at greater speeds
4 - DRAGON Media Player and Dashboard seemless intergration...the exciting new Dash....The Year of the DRAGON
5 - Raiden Fighters Jet, DoDonpachi 2, DoDonpachi Arrange support, Demon Front
6 - Trackball, Spinner and analog dial support, a first for the xbox
7 - Atari ST, Atari 2600, CollecoVision and Intellivsion Support
8 - Monitor on side (tate) and Autorotate support for final burn games, a first for the xbox
9 - Virtua cop 3/All CPS3/DD Crew/Desert Breakers Support for 128 Meg users, a first for the xbox
10 - 100s more best of games from new systems supported and some more on all the old supported fav systems
11 - X68000 Support
12 - Amstrad Support
13 - MSX Support
14 - Mortal Kombat 3 with Sound
15 - Easiest Amiga Multi Disc ever
16 - Atari XL, 800, 7800
17 - Modified Capcom CPS3 Core..... SF3 SF3 2nd SF3 3rd JoJo JoJo Bizar Red Earth
18 - Multiple Skin types
19 - Spectrum Support
20 - Ulitmate Mortal Kombat with Sound
21 - New Skin Type....lots and lots of skins added....more music more more more
----------------------- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -----------------------
Q - How do I scan my games?
A - Press START on the games selection page and select Scan All Your Games
Note - Advanced Settings needs to be ENABLED in the settings page
Q - How do I exit a game?
A - Press START+BACK while playing a game this will take you back to the games selection page
Q - What Console Systems does this support?
A - Amiga
Atari 2600
Atari Lynx
Atari ST
Atari 5200
Atari 800
Atari XL
Commodore 64
Game Gear
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Color
Laser Disc DVD Support
Master System
Mega CD
Nintendo 64
PC Engine
PC Engine CD
Sega SG-1000
Super Nintendo
Q - So me games dont return to the game list when I press Start + Back?
A - Yes this is due to some games not have the source supplied so CoinOPS can only launch these
Examples of this are
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike
Stun Runner
Mortal Kombats II III
Marvel vs Capcom
and many more
Q - Can I filter to Arcade Only?
A - Yes change the FILTER setting to Filter to Arcades only
pressing the Black button will switch between Arcades Only and All Games
Note - You can then lock it to Favs only and this would lock it into only Arcade Games
Q - Can I lockout the start menu
A - Yes by removing the folder D:/RemoveThisFolderLocksStartMenu
Note - Or edit "E:/Tdata/save file/mameox.ini", "LockoutStartMenu=0" to "LockoutStartMenu=1"
Note - This will lock you out, make sure you can gain FTP access or you will require a boot disc
Q - Can I lockout the advanced settings
A - edit "E:/Tdata/save file/mameox.ini", "LockoutAdvancedOptions=0" to "LockoutAdvancedOptions=1"
Note - This will lock you out, make sure you can gain FTP access or you will require a boot disc
Q - I get FTP access?
A - Yes it is located in the start menu
Note - Advanced Settings needs to be ENABLED in the settings page
Q - Can I add my own dashboard?
A - Yes Just add it under the folder CoinOPS/Dashboard/ and it will appear in your start menu
Q - Why doesnt the Dooms run?
A - You require being in NTSC or Pal 60 for this to work
Q - How do I swap to Disc 2 on the Amiga?
A - Press Start to swap to Disc 2
Q - Why cant I use the favorites any more?
A - You have Filtered your games in the settings.Remove the filter and you will have these options back.
Q - How can I change the color of the Skin?
A - The Skin Color can be defined in Advanced Settings called BACKGROUND SKIN COLOR
Q - How do I setup "CONSOLE GAMES" in a different folder?
A - Console roms folder can be defined in Advanced Settings
NOTE - This will require a recan to update your games list
NOTE - This excludes Console 16bit games (See Below)
NOTE - Only Console games in the CONSOLE GAMES defined folder will launch
NOTE - Console games will be picked up in other folders including CoinOPS/roms but wont load if using another path
NOTE - Arcade games will be picked up in the Console folder and will load
Q - How do I setup "CONSOLE 16BIT" in a different folder?
A - Console roms folder can be defined in Advanced Settings
NOTE - This will require a recan to update your games list
NOTE - Only 16bit Console games in the CONSOLE 16BIT that are defined folder will launch
NOTE - Console games will be picked up in other folders including CoinOPS/roms but wont load if using another path
NOTE - Arcade games will be picked up in the Console folder and will load
Q - What are the "CONSOLE 16BIT" when I change there rom path?
A - Mega CD
PC Engine
PC Engine CD
Super Nintendo
Q - How do I setup Console games or Midway games or Killer Instinct games?
A - This is told to you in detail at the bottom of this Read Me
Q - Does this support Midway with sound?
A - YES setup required
Q - Why cant I use the joystick in Commodore 64 games?
A - You need to swap to the joystick mode using X button
Q - Why cant I start or select alot of options with the gamepad?
A - Some games use the virtual keyboard and the controller cant be used
Press White to bring up the virtual keyboard
Q - Why dont my XBOX Shortcut Pointers work correctly?
A - All Shortcuts Pointers must be in the root folder of CoinOPS
All Folder names must be Identical to the XBOX Pointer Name (XBOX_Gamename)
Q - Why doesnt my Nintendo 64 game play in 720P?
A - RomsN64HiDef/N64_Gamename.zip (POINTER) is required for the game to boot in 720P
Q - Midway games launch the wrong game?
A - The folder RomsMIDWAY requires
RomsMIDWAY requires these, no less and no more or it may launch the wrong game
It is set to launch the 1st, 2nd, 3rd..... game in that folder and will be the reason why it does this
Q - Does this support CPS2 (later Capcom stuff) at full speed?
A - YES setup required
Q - Does this support Killer Instincts?
A - YES setup required
Q - Does this support Streets of Rage Remake?
A - YES setup required
Q - Does this support Doom 2 and Final Dooms?
A - YES setup required
Q - Does Tekken 3 work?
A - Yes just keep pressing Start as the game is booting
Q - Why do some gamesnot have highscore saving support?
A - If you play a game that supports highscore saving but do not exit back to coinops game select the game will not save
Q - Why do games only save highscores sometimes?
A - Some PCB's had a battery that kept the score in the arcade, so when the game exits hiscores are lost as there is no battery
Q - Can I backup my highscores?
A - CoinOPS\hiscores\hiscore.dat - This is where hiscores are saved
Q - My Games take so long to boot?
A - The XBOX saves all info about roms when you launch a game some Hardrives struggle to do this well.
You can disable the saving of info to speed this up in the advanced settings "Disable Info Tracking For Slow Game Loading"
Q - How do I add or remove a game being taged as a Hot Game or an All Time Classic or Has No Sound?
A - This need to be setup in "general/romstatus.xml"
NOTE - You will require a game rescan for this to take effect
Q - How do I run a NEOGEO or CPS2 game in the Final Burn Core or remove it from the Final Burn Core?
A - This need to be setup in "general/romstatus.xml" adding
<Rom name="sfa3" version="?">
to this file makes Street fighter Alpha 3 run in this core, if you where to remove these lines it would run in CoinOPS Inferno Core
NOTE - You will require a game rescan for this to take effect
Q - What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Final Burn Core?
A - This Core is faster, but it loses the CoinOPS features like Pixel Perfect etc
Q - How do I enable Autofire?
A - Left Thumb Button - Enable Semi-Automatic fire
Right Thumb Button - Enable Autofire ( Pressing fire can charge your weapons )
BACK - Quickly Disable Autofire
Q - Is Game Information supported?
A - YES Load files (text files) into gameinfo/Gamename.ini
Press START on the games selection page and select Game Information
NOTE - If there is no gameinfo/Romname.ini file the option Game Information wont display
Q - Are Game Move Lists supported?
A - YES Load files (text files) into moves/Gamename.ini
Press START on the games selection page and select Game Move List
NOTE - If there is no moves/Romname.ini file the option Game Information wont display
Q - How do I access Settings?
A - Press START on the games selection page and select Settings
Q - How do I adjust the screensize? (Arcades)
A - Press START on the games selection page and select Screen Size Adjustment
Q - How do I adjust the screensize? (Consoles)
A - Press Right Thumb Button
NOTE - If Consoles Use Correct Aspect Ratio is enabled this option will be disabled
Q - How do I add videos?
A - The videos must be XMV XBOX format you will need to google this
Q - When I setup More Games locations in advanced settings the games dont show in the list?
A - Press START on the games selection page and select Scan All Your Games this will add the new games folder
Q - I cant see the Catagories of my games what do I do?
A - Press START on the games selection page and select Scan All Your Games this is sometimes required after a fresh start
Note - Advanced Settings needs to be ENABLED in the settings page
Note - These names are setup in CoinOPS\general\catver.xml
Q - How do I take a screenshot?
A - While playing a games press BACK + A + B (this can end up in the videos folder or pictures folder)
Q - How do I set it up to switch between consoles using Left / Right on the D-Pad?
A - Go into your settings and select LOCK GAMES To Be Sorted By - Console this will force it to so that
Or press back till it sorts by Console or press X button till it says sort by Console
Q - How do I change my default keymap? (Arcades)
A - ENABLE advanced settings and ENABLE Remap Default Gamepad ( This is the the Advanced Settings Tab)
Then when playing a game press BACK + WHITE and select Remap Gamepad
Note - If you have a cusom key map for this arcade game it will override the default keymap. The custom keymaps
are located in CoinOPS\cfg\ folder and if you wish to change the keys delete the custom maps ive done
Q - How do I change my default keymap? (Consoles & Final Burn)
A - ENABLE advanced settings and ENABLE Remap Default Gamepad ( This is the the Advanced Settings Tab)
then press Left Thumb Button
----------------------- FILES THAT CAN BE ADJUSTED BY YOU -----------------------
CoinOPS\general\catver.xml - This sets the Catagories of your games (eg 1v1 Fighter or Shooter etc)
This requires you to Scan All Your Games
CoinOPS\general\romstatus.xml - This allows you to alter what games will be classics or hot, no sound etc
This requires you to Scan All Your Games
CoinOPS\vm.txt - This automatically adjust the virtual memory for those games in Low Def
CoinOPS\vmhidef.txt - This automatically adjust the virtual memory for those games in Hi Def
CoinOPS\general\cheat.dat - The cheats file this can be updated
CoinOPS\backgroundmusic\All files - All the background music in WMA format
CoinOPS\gameinfo\Gamename.ini - Allows you to select Game Information in the start menu
CoinOPS\moves\Gamename.ini - Allows you to select Game Moves List in the start menu
----------------------- GAME SELECTION CONTROLS -----------------------
WHITE - Favorite / Average GAME switch ( Favorite game shows as GOLD colour )
BLACK - All / Favorite GAMES switch ( Shows all GAMES or GOLD Games )
Gamepad Left - Jump up for fast finding a GAME
Gamepad Right - Jump down for fast finding a GAME
BACK - This will change sort method By NAME, By YEAR, By MOST PLAYED.......
X - Sort by Name Split / Name Merged ( Pressing swaps between them )
Y - Sort by Type Split / Type Merged ( Pressing swaps between them )
Y - Sort by Maker Split / Maker Merged ( Pressing swaps between them )
Left Thumb Button - Display Game Information ( If availible )
Right Thumb Button - Sort by Times Played ( Jump to Most Played )
Right Stick Up / Down / Left / Right - Random Game
--------------------- ADVANCED IN GAME CONTROLS (ARCADES) ---------------------
BACK and WHITE - Pause Game and Remap Controller or Cheat
BACK and BLACK - Show Framerate And Free Memory
BACK and Left Trigger and Right Trigger - Restart Game
BACK and Right Thumb Button - Onscreen Display
BACK and Right Trigger and Right Thumb Button - Load Game ( Buggy )
BACK and Left Trigger and Right Thumb Button - Save Game ( Buggy )
BACK and Left Thumb Button - Lightgun Crosshair Display
BACK and A and B - Take In Game Snapshot
--------------------- ADVANCED IN GAME CONTROLS (CONSOLES & Final Burn) ---------------------
BACK and WHITE - Save State ( CONSOLES Only )
BACK and BLACK - Load Saved State ( CONSOLES Only )
WHITE - Virtual Keyboard ( Some CONSOLES Only )
BLACK / BACK / B - Close Virual Keyboard ( Some CONSOLES Only )
Left Thumb Button - Remap the Controller ( CONSOLES & Final Burn )
Right Thumb Button - Resize the Screen ( CONSOLES & Final Burn )
START - Swap to Discs ( Amiga Only )
BACK - Swap back to Disc 1 ( Amiga Only )
----------------------- GAME SELECTION COLORS -----------------------
WHITE - Stardard Game
GOLD - Set to Favorite
DARK BLUE - All Time Classic Game ( Color Classic and Hot Games is ENABLED )
LIGHT BLUE- Hot Game ( Color Classic and Hot Games is ENABLED )
GREY - Game doesnt have sound
----------------------- ADVANCED SETTINGS -----------------------
Enabling Advanced Settings allows alot more customising options like
VISUAL Options
------------------ SORTING CONSOLE SETTINGS ------------------
Sort By Name Arcade & Home Merged - This Merges it a one list or Arcades A-Z then Home A-Z
Display Home Games With - This can make any Home games display with an extension to the name
example My Game
My Game*
My Game ( System Name)
This allows for easy to see games running on diferent systems
------------------ ADVANCED ASPECT RATIO CORRECTION SETTING ------------------
Disabled - This sizes the screen to a good fit and doesnt worry about the aspect ratio
Scaled - This sizes the screen
Stretched - This fills the screen right to the edges and doesnt worry about the aspect ratio
Pixel Perfect x1 - Exact pixels of a game
Pixel Perfect x2 - Exact 2x2 pixels of a game
Pixel Perfect x3 - Exact 3x3 pixels of a game
Pixel Perfect Auto Fit - Pixel Perfect X1 or X2 or X3 is used to upscale the most it can to your setup screensize
Pixel Perfect Over Fit - Pixel Perfect X1 or X2 or X3 is used to upscale the most it can to fill the screen and about 20 percent more
Note - Anti-Aliasing is turned off for pixel perfect and on for everything else if set to Automatic
Note - Stretched, Pixel Perfect x1, Pixel Perfect x2 and Pixel Perfect x3 are on availble with advanced settings enabled
Note - If any Pixel Perfect mode is selected consoles will do as close as they can get Pixel Perfect
----------------------- COMMANDLINE AUTO LAUNCH -----------------------
example of the text in a .cut file to automatically launch from xbmc or evox
<label>Street Fighter Alpha 3</label>
----------------------- THROTTLE -----------------------
Throttle disabling is useful for games running at 57fps, 59fps, 58fps(cave), 61fps (namco).
Enter the ingame menu, "remap gamepad", and map one or several keys as THROTTLE.
(You can map your THROTTLE as back+X+B )
Example: If you think Dodonpachi (58 fps) isn't that smooth,
call the THROTTLE function by pressing the keys remapped. THROTTLE will be disabled
(because enabled by default)
This will force the game to run at 60 fps (60/58 fps): a small speedup but a smoother animation.
Throttle can also be used for 55 fps games (Midnight Resistance...) but the sound can glitch a bit (speedup).
Some older 61 fps Namco games are smooth with THROTTLE disabled and Frameskip 0 (Rolling thunder 1,2...)
If you want to know what the original framerate is for the games, press BACK+BLACK (default setting)
----------------------- CPU OVERCLOCK -----------------------
This can be very useful for some games with slowdowns.
To call the function press BACK+RIGHT THUMB, (the sound volume setting appears)
Go up or down a few times and check the CPU0, CPU1... overclock settings.
Examples (for 480p)
-BioMechanical toys has small slowdowns, Set the CPU0 to 125% = smooth animation.
-Double Dragon (original beat'em up) runs slowly: set the CPU0 and CPU1 to 150% = nice speed.
Don't overclock the games that can't reach their original framerate (ex: 52/60 fps, 36/57 fps), the emu will be slower.
Overclock only the games running at full framerate ! Biomechanical toys runs at 60/60 fps and
Double Dragon runs at 57/57 fps, so the values for CPU can have a higher setting.
We can also decrease the values:
-To get a better anim in Darius Gaiden (or some other Taito), keep CPU0 at 100%, and set the CPU1 (sound CPU) to 50%.
----------------------- CONFIGS -----------------------
A member wanted a config for CPS2 games (some Capcom games use LPunch+MPunch+HPunch, same for Kicks)
If for example LPunch=LTrigger, MPunch=X, HPunch=Y and you want a shortcut for furies on WHITE BUTTON
then "remap the game" this way:
P1 Button 1 = J1_LTrigger or J1_White
P1 Button 2 = J1_X or J1_White
P1 Button 3 = J1_Y or J1_White
Pressing White will call the 3 Punch Buttons !
----------------------- FAST FORWARD -----------------------
Sometimes it's boring to wait for a long time when a game is launched: memory tests, rom/ram tests, etc...
I personally use a fast forward function: just change the frameskip ingame.
My default Frameskip is AUTO.
I have remapped Frameskip Dec as L_Trigger R_Trigger X (FS decrease: Auto - 11 - 10 - 9 ... 3 - 2 - 1 - 0 - Auto ...)
and Frameskip Inc as L_Trigger R_trigger Y (FS increase: Auto - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 ... 9 - 10 - 11 - Auto ...)
When a game is just launched I Press LTrigger+RTrigger+X to run the game very fast (Frameskip 11).
To return to Frameskip Auto (normal speed) when the arcade tests are finished I Press LTrigger+RTrigger+Y.
This way I don't wait for the long rom/ram tests.
(Just press the keys one time, or you can get lost as the Frameskip value isn't shown anymore ingame).
----------------------- SERVICE MODES -----------------------
Some players like to have a Freeplay (no coin) or an easy setting for the games, but no DIP switches ?
All the games have a service mode NEOGEO, CPS1, CPS2, SEGA, MIDWAY, CAVE, NAMCO.
Remapping function in "Remap This Game" will help.
NEOGEO: Just remap the TEST SWITCH with the keys you want, and press thoses keys ingame: entering service mode.
CPS1 & CPS2: Just remap the SERVICE MODE for the same results.
SEGA 32: (outrunner, Golden Axe2, Arabian Fight, Spiderman...)
Remap the SERVICE MODE and the SERVICE 1: SERVICE MODE will enter the settings and valid a choice
SERVICE 1 will allow to switch between the different options.
MIDWAY: Remap the TEST (or use the option: ingame menu/game settings/Test Switch ON/OFF).
NAMCO: Remap the SERVICE MODE (or use the option similar to Midway's).
CAVE: (Esprade, DoDonpachi) Remap the SERVICE MODE and press the keys during 2 or 3 seconds.
Be careful ! Sometimes with some manufacturers you must reset the game (LTrigger+RTrigger+BACK) after you pressed
the service keys to be able to enter the arcade settings ! ! !
PS: it's unfortunate but set the biggest schumps to EASY to get less bullets on screen and limit the slowdowns
----------------------- GUN GAMES -----------------------
Playing a lightgun game like Lethal Enforcers 2 with the pad can be hard because we must reload by shooting outside
the screen. For this kind of games, enter the cheat menu and available the unlimited ammo setting.
Same for Underfire. The crosshair isn't shown ingame but it's playable with unlimited ammo
as we can see where we've just shot.
Disable the Crosshair (BACK+LEFT+THUMB) will help in Beast Busters.
----------------------- MULTI SCREENS GAMES (Darius 1, Darius 2, The Ninjawarriors, Warrior Blade) -----------------------
Disable the Widescreen setting for horizontal Games, and the games will play at fullscreen. 16/9 users will get
the best results.
Purists can also set a special "screensize adjustment" to get a suitable aspect ratio.
----------------------- HIDDEN IN E:/TDATA/Save name (ACADE4XX)/SYSTEM/MAMEoX.ini -----------------------
Alot of stuff is hidden in this file. Be warned enter with care.
LockoutStartMenu = 0 (if you enable this the Start button will no longer work, this will lock everything to the user)
LockoutAdvancedOptions = 0 (if you enable this you will have access to the start menu and basic settings but cant enable advanced settings)
----------------------- HOW TO SETUP A SHORTCUT TO LAUNCH XBOX GAMES -----------------------
Each game you must reopen Xbe Shortcut Maker to create a shortcut. i found that if i dont open a new one the games wont load
Name the folder the same as the pointer for this to work, so if the XBOX game is "Black", the pointer will be "XBOX_Black"
and the Folder it Should be pointing to should be called "XBOX_Black" at present if it isnt this causes an issue at times of it not rebooting.
So the Shortcut would be pointing to something like "F:/Games/XBOX_Black/default.xbe"
The shortcut must be located in the root folder of CoinOPS, eg CoinOPS/XBOX_Black.xbe or it wont launch
Note: To Create a Shorcut
1. Locate Game on XBOX Hard Drive ex. Xbox_Black Folder is located in my F: Drive
2. Open Xbe Shortcut Maker 1.0
3. (Target Path) - F:\games\XBOX_Black\default.xbe
4. (Title Name) - Enter Folder Name (ex. XBOX_Black)
5. Click Create Shortcut
6. Save File as The Same Name as Pointer Name (ex. XBOX_Black)
This should work consistantly
----------------------- HOW TO SETUP CONSOLE GAMES + MIDWAY AND KILLER INSTINCTS -----------------------
Games are shown in "Supported Games Lookup For Naming of Roms.txt"
roms/AMI_GamenameD1.adf (Press Back to swap back to Disc 1)
roms/AMI_GamenameD2.adf (Press Start to swap to Disc 2)
roms/AMI_GamenameD3.adf (Press Start to swap to Disc 3)
roms/AMI_GamenameSAV.adf (Save Disc)
roms/N64_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
RomsN64HiDef/N64_Gamename.zip (POINTER) If this is present the game will boot in 720P if availble
roms/PCD_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
roms/PCD_Gamename/ This the folder you put the contents of the game. Note the Cue file must be called "MP3.cue"
roms/PSX_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
roms/PSX_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
roms/PSX_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
roms/PSX_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
SEGA SG-1000
roms/XBOX_Gamename.zip (POINTER)
this will boot /XBOX_Gamename.xbe (This should be a created from "Xbe Shortcut Maker.exe" to tell it where to point)
roms/MI_1.zip (POINTER for Mortal Kombat)
roms/MI_2.zip (POINTER for Mortal Kombat II)
roms/MI_3.zip (POINTER for NBA Jam)
roms/MI_4.zip (POINTER for NBA Jam TE)
roms/MI_5.zip (POINTER for Narc)
NOTE - If you want to run these games you need all 5 RomsMIDWAY roms in that folder then you can select the Pointer of which games to display
roms/MI_6Doom2.zip (POINTER for Doom 2)
roms/MI_7FinalDoom.zip (POINTER for Final Doom)
roms/MI_8FinalDoom2.zip (POINTER for Final Doom 2)
DoomWADS/Doom2.wad (Doom 2)
DoomWADS/TNT.wad (Final Doom)
DoomWADS/Plutonia.wad (Final Doom 2)
roms/KI1.zip (POINTER)
roms/KI2.zip (POINTER)
KI1/ This the folder you put the contents of the game.
KI2/ This the folder you put the contents of the game.
roms/MI_S.zip (POINTER)
Rage.xbe (The old Default.xbe)
savegame (folder)
palettes (folder)
mod (folder)
Note - (POINTER) means this is a pointer file and the contents of the file is not important.
It just tells CoinOPS Inferno that this game is available.
This can be a renamed text file or an empty zip file renamed to the correct name.
Thanks go to BP for creating this for all of us to enjoy and all the nice folks over at CoinOPS Project.
alcruz89 escribió:Si esto fuera X-Files, habria cola por Scaly
hal9000 escribió:alcruz89 escribió:Si esto fuera X-Files, habria cola por Scaly
Ja ja ja, Scaly es cuarentona... no se yo, al tema no habrá por ahi el DAT de las roms que soporta esto, ¿no?
Yo tengo la ISO del Mamedox Platinum 2, el cual corría por t******, después apareció un parche llamado Arcades con unas cuantas roms mas.
He metido todas esas roms y también las que he podido encontrar del primer post, pero claro me haría ilusión saber que romset soporta.
hal9000 escribió:Una cosilla, como se entra en el menú oculto de los juegos de NeoGeo, por ejemplo en los Metal Slug para cambiar el color de la sangre.
redribbon escribió:Alguien, a dia de hoy, es capaz de convertir un video al formato .xmv para las previews de este Mame?
Me dice todo el mundo que busque en google, pero lo mas que he encontrado es un programa en ms-dos que no se utilizar.
redribbon escribió:He encontrado por ahi el xmvconverter y funciona.Aun no he probado a visualizar el video pero por lo menos los convierte.
Quiero añadir algunos juegos al Coinops con su correspondiente video pero no se como capturarlos.
He probado con un Mame para PC que trae la opcion de grabar en .avi pero me graba fatal
He probado con FRAPS y tambien me graba fatal, como a trompicones.
Como puedo hacerlo?
Chinot escribió:elsote, yo la última version la pillé completa. Hazte una copia de las roms y los screenshots que tengas puestos en la versión anterior y eliminala. Y luego te copias la R5 completa, así tendras una instalación limpia y te vuelves a pasar las roms.
eGladiator escribió:Alguien sabe si funciona el World Rally? Tengo el Reignite R5
A mi no me va y no sé si es el juego, la config o el emu
ryosaebaa escribió:Perdonar, supongo que se habrá dicho más de una vez, pero llevo varios dias buscando y no encuentro nada.
Que versión de DAT supuestamente soporta el CoinOps ?? la 0.85 ??
iroal21 escribió:eGladiator escribió:Alguien sabe si funciona el World Rally? Tengo el Reignite R5
A mi no me va y no sé si es el juego, la config o el emu
Tengo el Romset del R5 y no aparece.
El juego que más echo de menos es el Terra Cresta
En este enlace tenéis una lista de los juegos soportados y de su compatibilidad, la lista es actualizable.
http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key= ... dEQ&hl=en#
chachoman escribió:ese, junto con su segunda parte (que llevaba scroll horizontal si no recuerdo mal) y los alpha mission me tenían enganchado...
stratoeddie escribió:Joder, alcruz89, estás en todo xD
Venía a avisar de que ya estaba la nueva versión y veo que ya tienes actualizado el primer post, un 10
Por cierto... no acabo de ver las mejoras que trae con respecto a la anterior, merece la pena hacerse con ésta nueva teniendo la otra?
Supongo que sí, pero que soporta, nuevas roms? algun bug?
alcruz89 escribió:
El esfuerzo de los creadores siempre me llena el corazon digo el disco duro, aunque no tengo el tan-tan de la jungla, ni la fibra optica, todavia esta en proceso de transferencia.
******CoinOPS reigniteX Standalone RELEASED*******
pixel perfects in monitor on side
lots more console games added
console game names fixed
new sorting methods
monitor on side screensaver fixed
many many other tidy ups on the road make this the sum of CoinOPS to date
alcruz89 escribió:"Coinops reignite no estaba muerto estaba de parranda"
CoinOPS anuncia la subida de CoinOPS ShowROOM X con el siguiente contenido:.
1401 Arcade and Console games with preview vids
CoinOPS, the coolest Arcade emulator for Xbox.
After introducing HD in Ignite, Reignite offers many fixes for specific games.
Also many sorting options are added.
It also allows for the emulator to get booted into a game directly from XBMC with a cut file.
Furthermore, the FBL core has been added, as well as several console emulator cores,
so you can now add NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, SMS, GG, SMD, PCE and Lynx games to CoinOPS.
View the games lists in the '- FILES' folder for a full oversight of which console / handheld games are supported and by what name.
The ShowROOM version offers video's for all games included.
You can expand the games list yourself by adding roms and making CoinOPS scan the roms-folder(s).
All 2700 Arcade games found in previous CoinOPS versions are supported.
I put links to the 2700 video's and mameox final + Gold + Ignite rompacks in the forum for those that want to add more roms and video's.
For the games supported by the console / handheld cores added, check the games lists in the '- FILES' folder.
All games must be zipped with the correct name for CoinOPS to recognize them.
After adding games, rescan your roms folder(s) for them to show in CoinOPS.
Check the FAQ on how to do this.
If you find any bugs, have ideas for features, or just want to join the convo,
join 1emu forums
iq132 & britneyspairs
elosote escribió:alcruz89 escribió:"Coinops reignite no estaba muerto estaba de parranda"
estoy busque y busque pero no encuentro. Endonde consigo la ultima version de este emulador. porfavor, mandame un MP. saludos
ChepoXX escribió:una pregunta una vez entro a una rom y quiero cambiar de juego como salgo al menú de selección?
muchas gracias por su ayuda