› Foros › PlayStation 4 › Juegos
seil escribió:Buenas, que opinais del juego para jugar en solitario? Se hace divertido y entretenido o jugando solo llega un momento que puede llegar a aburrir?
davilopez10 escribió:Acabo de pillar el juego y soy un poco paquete la verdad, estoy probando a los diferentes personajes y tal. Cuales recomendáis para empezar por facilidad? O todos son iguales de complicados?
Alfe escribió:Buenas gente, yo he pillado el juego en digital, la edicion origin, quería saber si al comprarlo digital también me dan las cosas para heartstone y demás :S Ya que a los que compran físico le dan un código, pero a mi no me han enviado correo ni nada por pillarlo en digital.
TyrantLOL escribió:Se sabe algo de alguna actu para el nuevo modo competitivo y los nerfeos a WidowMaker y MCcree? A ver si nerfean al jodido John Wayne... Y mejoran a DVA como dicen, que hace poquisimo daño porque falta le hace.
Habia leido tambien mejoras en DVA pero no se si es cierto... Espero que si porque es de los que mas me mola y no lo uso porque me parece mejor personaje ahora mismo Zarya de los tanques y es la que uso cuando me cojo uno.melkor_91 escribió:TyrantLOL escribió:Se sabe algo de alguna actu para el nuevo modo competitivo y los nerfeos a WidowMaker y MCcree? A ver si nerfean al jodido John Wayne... Y mejoran a DVA como dicen, que hace poquisimo daño porque falta le hace.
No se si se ha aplicado el parche ya o se va a aplicar inminentemente pero se va nerfear a Widowmaker y McCree.
http://www.somosxbox.com/nueva-actualiz ... cree/78538
TyrantLOL escribió:Habia leido tambien mejoras en DVA pero no se si es cierto... Espero que si porque es de los que mas me mola y no lo uso porque me parece mejor personaje ahora mismo Zarya de los tanques y es la que uso cuando me cojo uno.melkor_91 escribió:TyrantLOL escribió:Se sabe algo de alguna actu para el nuevo modo competitivo y los nerfeos a WidowMaker y MCcree? A ver si nerfean al jodido John Wayne... Y mejoran a DVA como dicen, que hace poquisimo daño porque falta le hace.
No se si se ha aplicado el parche ya o se va a aplicar inminentemente pero se va nerfear a Widowmaker y McCree.
http://www.somosxbox.com/nueva-actualiz ... cree/78538
Widowmaker también ha sido balanceada. El daño normal ha bajado de 15 a 12 mientras que el disparo a la cabeza ha aumentado la efectividad de 2x a 2,5x, algo que también era necesario. Sin embargo, ahora tendremos que esperar algo más para apuntar ya que tendremos que esperar a cierta animación. Sobre la ulti de Widowmaker, se ha incrementado los puntos de coste en un 10%, por lo que tardaremos más en recargarla y podremos utilizarla menos veces a lo largo de la partida.
koki89 escribió:Meteran mas hereos en los dlc?? o gratis? xD
saizman escribió:no lo veía necesario, sobre todo lo de dificultar el sacar el arma.
j0k4s escribió:saizman escribió:no lo veía necesario, sobre todo lo de dificultar el sacar el arma.
No ha dificultado sacar el arma, lo que impiden es hacer quickscope.
Al apuntar, entre dispara y disparo, hay un pequeño retardo hasta que la potencia del arma empieza a cargarse. Con el quickscope se podía soltar el botón de apuntar y volverlo a pulsar rapidamente sin esperar a que la animación de dejar de apuntar terminase. Con esto se conseguía eliminar el retardo de recarga de potecia del arma con lo que se alcanzaba de nuevo el 100% más rapido.
Con el parche lo que hacen es que si dejas de apuntar tienes que esperar a la animación antes de volver a apuntar, sino me equivoco.
TyrantLOL escribió:Ayer vi una cosa que no me moló nada... Empiezan a aparecer los trolls en el juego y la gente que hace glitchs para jugar sucio.No recuerdo el mapa ni el nombre, pero me tocaba atacar y habia una Symmetra en el equipo contrario, pues puso alguna torreta en un sitio que no se veia y era justamente dentro de una maquina expendedora, pasabas por ahi y te hacia daño, intentabas disparar con todo y no se rompia.
Ya ya, yo solo digo en la partida esa... Es la primera vez que me encuentro algo "raro".Julian92ESP escribió:TyrantLOL escribió:Ayer vi una cosa que no me moló nada... Empiezan a aparecer los trolls en el juego y la gente que hace glitchs para jugar sucio.No recuerdo el mapa ni el nombre, pero me tocaba atacar y habia una Symmetra en el equipo contrario, pues puso alguna torreta en un sitio que no se veia y era justamente dentro de una maquina expendedora, pasabas por ahi y te hacia daño, intentabas disparar con todo y no se rompia.
Yo llevare mas de 150 partidas jugadas y no me he encontrado ningún troll en el juego. De todos modos en partida rápida a mi no me preocupa demasiado, en modo competitivo cuando lo saquen ya seria otra historia.
webeloss escribió:Que no haya promedios bajas/muertes parecerá una tontería pero ayuda a que la gente vaya más a por los objetivos y no se preocupe por matar y matar. Igual que el hecho que no haya rachitas para sacarse, solo la habilidad definitiva.
Yo juego solo y me lo paso demasiado bien, llevo un vicio tremendo. Lo único malo son algunas cosas inexplicables que hace la gente, como por ejemplo coger un punto de Nepal que esta en el medio del mapa, con un sitio genial para defenderlo ahi metido, y la gente cuando ya tienes el punto a veces se pira a dar vueltas como si fuera un deathmatch en vez de defenderlo. Luego te lo quitan y cuesta la hostia volver a cogerlo. Menudos subnormales.
Overwatch’s Game Director Jeff Kaplan provided some insights on the state of Overwatch development:
“There's a lot going on right now. We're working on content patches throughout the rest of the year and into early 2017 currently. Of course we have long term plans, but we like to remain agile to respond to the current direction of the game and players' needs.
Our big focus right now is Competitive Play. We did a big push on this feature in beta and got some really amazing feedback. We were hoping that from the beta version of Competitive Play, we would need to do some polish and iteration and then release the feature but we felt like the feedback we got was basically asking for a different direction. So Competitive Play is quite a big effort for us this time around -- almost as much work as the first version. But it's really far along. We're playtesting it multiple times a day. We're also looking into/debating putting up a Public Test Realm for this feature so that we can test it in a larger environment before putting it live. Even when it goes live, I anticipate our first few seasons will require iteration on the feature. We're working very hard to make it awesome at release but there are some things you need to see and feel along with a large population before you can properly sign off on the feature. I anticipate Competitive Play will require a few season's worth of iteration before we're in the place we want to be.
We're also working on new heroes right now. We have some that are very far along and others that are just getting started. We also have some prototype heroes that may or may not ever see the light of day. We do a lot of prototyping... I don't think we're at a point where I can really talk openly about the release schedule for the new heroes because I don't want to set expectations and then have something come up and suddenly we're backing out on a "promise" we never really made... if that makes sense.
We're also working on a few new maps right now. One of them is "officially" in our production pipeline as it has passed through enough prototyping and playtesting that we feel confident in it. So that map is in the hands of our art group at this time. They are busy making it look awesome and while they do that, we keep going back and playtesting it to make sure nothing changed between the early level design blockout and the final "artified" version of the map.
We have a few other maps that are in prototype and playtest phases right now. Some of them will become real maps and some of them will be totally scrapped -- so I can't really commit to you on those. For example, we tested a map yesterday that was amazing yet a total disaster at the same time. Aaron tried some very innovative level design tricks that we hadn't done before in OW. On the upside, the map was very unique. But the we ran into problems with sight lines and the map was basically dominated by long range heroes, leaving heroes like Reaper practically useless. So if we can fix the sight lines while not losing the overall vision, that map might turn into something some day.
So maps and heroes are being worked on daily. I wish I had dates for you but whatever date I gave you would change and then you'd all be mad at me. The good news is, like we've said before, for Overwatch, we won't be charging for those maps or heroes. Those will just be live updates that will come in a patch for free.
There are some other features that we have our eye on. For example, we want to make a lot of improvements to the spectator/broadcast/observer functionality in the game. The spectator feature has come a long way since the early days of beta but we know it can be improved. We've gotten tremendous feedback from people running tournaments and have a lot of good ideas how to make the game more watchable. We feel like some of these improvements will also benefit things like PoTG and Highlights as well once we get to them. These features are not being worked on heavily right now. We're more in a mode of design and planning around these. So there's not an immediate timeframe for the spectating stuff. But it's important to us and part of our daily conversation at this point.
We have a lot we want to do with Highlights and the PoTG as well. We would like to improve those features and there are a lot of cool ideas we want to see happen.
We talk a lot about the Brawls and Custom Games. These are really cool features that we feel like we haven't even fully scratched the surface with yet. We want to do a lot more with Brawls and there are some seriously awesome ideas from the team as well as the community that we want to get to. For Custom Games, we want to improve overall functionality but figure out a way for players to play more Custom Games with their friends or with strangers (for example, we're researching what a server browser-type feature would look like in OW). This is a ton of work so would not be on the immediate horizon. But in our dream world, you could play Custom Games with 11 other people (friends or strangers) with fun rules in play and gain EXP while doing it... so yeah.
There is more we want to do with the progression system eventually (this is more long term -- not immediate). We want to give you more customization options (we know people want to have random option for Poses for example). We have some cool ideas of how you could equip more than one spray or voice line... so those are fun things we'd like to get to. But they are minor and are far off. We also have some pretty cool new content we want to add to the progression system -- so we're looking forward to getting some of that in eventually.
There's an endless list of social feature improvements we want to make. These will most likely make their way in "some at a time" each patch -- rather than as a huge feature. We want to continually improve the social experience. For example, in the upcoming patch that has Competitive Play, you can now instigate many of the social actions on another player any time you have mouse control -- so in Hero Select, Assemble your Heroes, end of round card screen etc. (obviously, PC description listed). It's a minor thing but makes a big difference. So ongoing social feature improvements. We cannot stress enough the game is best played with other people -- it's a team game.
There are a lot of tech initiatives going on. I'm not the best one to speak to those. Obviously, we're putting a lot of effort against our high bandwith Custom Game option to see if we can explore proliferating that feature further. That's a big tech effort that isn't really player facing most of the time. We make constant adjustments to our matchmaking system. We're reworking some of our internal architecture so that designers can prototype game modes more easily -- not exciting player-facing features but this is the kind of thing that leads to fun stuff for the players eventually.
And then there is a never ending amount of bug fixing. For example, we have a few bugs on consoles right now that drive us crazy. You cannot leave a game as a group. This needs to be fixed. Also, if a friend gets recommended to your group you get a dialogue telling you to press Y/N... which doesn't exist on a console controller. So this needs to be fixed. There are and will always be things like this that need to be fixed. So that's something we're always addressing. There is a large anti-cheat and anti-hack effort going on, but I can't really discuss that (the first rule of fight club...).
Obviously, there is a lot more going on -- stuff I am forgetting to mention as well as some surprises. I can't stress this enough: some of this stuff might not happen. The reason developers usually don't give insight like this is because if something changes or doesn't happen, players get very angry at us. I would like to change that dynamic but we need to do that together. We'll share more information with you guys so long as you understand none of this is a promise and things do change throughout the course of development. So when we see a "HOW COME WE DIDN'T GET THE HIGHLY PROMISED RANDOM POSE OPTION" rage post 2 years from now, please feel free to quote this paragraph in the reply...
We'd love to hear your thoughts on this stuff. We frequently change our focus based on what we're hearing out of the community! Hope that helps to give some clarity on what's going on here in Irvine, CA.”
guille15 escribió:Chicos una cosa, que es que no sé por donde pillarlo, el juego en PS4, viene con algún código que se ligue a tu cuenta de battle.net, o se puede comprar de segunda mano como otros juegos. Gracias y saludos!!!
Eden Prime escribió:Buenas noches
El Nerf a Widowmaker, aplicado por ahora sólo en Usa, era muy necesario para los jugadores de Pc, con el Mouse y el QuickScoping era un gran despropósito. Os invito a ver vídeos, era brutal.
En Nerf a MacGree, busca balancear mejor el PJ, ya que con el Cd de la flash y el L2, te bajas Tankes sin problema. En Buenas manos, pega mucho.
Hay algunas zonas que como bien indicas, se pueden colocar las Torretas de Symmetra, fuera de la zona visible del mapa. Un ejemplo es el puente del mapa de "Dorado".
NOTA OFICIAL BLIZZARD(Hace 7 horas)Overwatch’s Game Director Jeff Kaplan provided some insights on the state of Overwatch development:
“There's a lot going on right now. We're working on content patches throughout the rest of the year and into early 2017 currently. Of course we have long term plans, but we like to remain agile to respond to the current direction of the game and players' needs.
Our big focus right now is Competitive Play. We did a big push on this feature in beta and got some really amazing feedback. We were hoping that from the beta version of Competitive Play, we would need to do some polish and iteration and then release the feature but we felt like the feedback we got was basically asking for a different direction. So Competitive Play is quite a big effort for us this time around -- almost as much work as the first version. But it's really far along. We're playtesting it multiple times a day. We're also looking into/debating putting up a Public Test Realm for this feature so that we can test it in a larger environment before putting it live. Even when it goes live, I anticipate our first few seasons will require iteration on the feature. We're working very hard to make it awesome at release but there are some things you need to see and feel along with a large population before you can properly sign off on the feature. I anticipate Competitive Play will require a few season's worth of iteration before we're in the place we want to be.
We're also working on new heroes right now. We have some that are very far along and others that are just getting started. We also have some prototype heroes that may or may not ever see the light of day. We do a lot of prototyping... I don't think we're at a point where I can really talk openly about the release schedule for the new heroes because I don't want to set expectations and then have something come up and suddenly we're backing out on a "promise" we never really made... if that makes sense.
We're also working on a few new maps right now. One of them is "officially" in our production pipeline as it has passed through enough prototyping and playtesting that we feel confident in it. So that map is in the hands of our art group at this time. They are busy making it look awesome and while they do that, we keep going back and playtesting it to make sure nothing changed between the early level design blockout and the final "artified" version of the map.
We have a few other maps that are in prototype and playtest phases right now. Some of them will become real maps and some of them will be totally scrapped -- so I can't really commit to you on those. For example, we tested a map yesterday that was amazing yet a total disaster at the same time. Aaron tried some very innovative level design tricks that we hadn't done before in OW. On the upside, the map was very unique. But the we ran into problems with sight lines and the map was basically dominated by long range heroes, leaving heroes like Reaper practically useless. So if we can fix the sight lines while not losing the overall vision, that map might turn into something some day.
So maps and heroes are being worked on daily. I wish I had dates for you but whatever date I gave you would change and then you'd all be mad at me. The good news is, like we've said before, for Overwatch, we won't be charging for those maps or heroes. Those will just be live updates that will come in a patch for free.
There are some other features that we have our eye on. For example, we want to make a lot of improvements to the spectator/broadcast/observer functionality in the game. The spectator feature has come a long way since the early days of beta but we know it can be improved. We've gotten tremendous feedback from people running tournaments and have a lot of good ideas how to make the game more watchable. We feel like some of these improvements will also benefit things like PoTG and Highlights as well once we get to them. These features are not being worked on heavily right now. We're more in a mode of design and planning around these. So there's not an immediate timeframe for the spectating stuff. But it's important to us and part of our daily conversation at this point.
We have a lot we want to do with Highlights and the PoTG as well. We would like to improve those features and there are a lot of cool ideas we want to see happen.
We talk a lot about the Brawls and Custom Games. These are really cool features that we feel like we haven't even fully scratched the surface with yet. We want to do a lot more with Brawls and there are some seriously awesome ideas from the team as well as the community that we want to get to. For Custom Games, we want to improve overall functionality but figure out a way for players to play more Custom Games with their friends or with strangers (for example, we're researching what a server browser-type feature would look like in OW). This is a ton of work so would not be on the immediate horizon. But in our dream world, you could play Custom Games with 11 other people (friends or strangers) with fun rules in play and gain EXP while doing it... so yeah.
There is more we want to do with the progression system eventually (this is more long term -- not immediate). We want to give you more customization options (we know people want to have random option for Poses for example). We have some cool ideas of how you could equip more than one spray or voice line... so those are fun things we'd like to get to. But they are minor and are far off. We also have some pretty cool new content we want to add to the progression system -- so we're looking forward to getting some of that in eventually.
There's an endless list of social feature improvements we want to make. These will most likely make their way in "some at a time" each patch -- rather than as a huge feature. We want to continually improve the social experience. For example, in the upcoming patch that has Competitive Play, you can now instigate many of the social actions on another player any time you have mouse control -- so in Hero Select, Assemble your Heroes, end of round card screen etc. (obviously, PC description listed). It's a minor thing but makes a big difference. So ongoing social feature improvements. We cannot stress enough the game is best played with other people -- it's a team game.
There are a lot of tech initiatives going on. I'm not the best one to speak to those. Obviously, we're putting a lot of effort against our high bandwith Custom Game option to see if we can explore proliferating that feature further. That's a big tech effort that isn't really player facing most of the time. We make constant adjustments to our matchmaking system. We're reworking some of our internal architecture so that designers can prototype game modes more easily -- not exciting player-facing features but this is the kind of thing that leads to fun stuff for the players eventually.
And then there is a never ending amount of bug fixing. For example, we have a few bugs on consoles right now that drive us crazy. You cannot leave a game as a group. This needs to be fixed. Also, if a friend gets recommended to your group you get a dialogue telling you to press Y/N... which doesn't exist on a console controller. So this needs to be fixed. There are and will always be things like this that need to be fixed. So that's something we're always addressing. There is a large anti-cheat and anti-hack effort going on, but I can't really discuss that (the first rule of fight club...).
Obviously, there is a lot more going on -- stuff I am forgetting to mention as well as some surprises. I can't stress this enough: some of this stuff might not happen. The reason developers usually don't give insight like this is because if something changes or doesn't happen, players get very angry at us. I would like to change that dynamic but we need to do that together. We'll share more information with you guys so long as you understand none of this is a promise and things do change throughout the course of development. So when we see a "HOW COME WE DIDN'T GET THE HIGHLY PROMISED RANDOM POSE OPTION" rage post 2 years from now, please feel free to quote this paragraph in the reply...
We'd love to hear your thoughts on this stuff. We frequently change our focus based on what we're hearing out of the community! Hope that helps to give some clarity on what's going on here in Irvine, CA.”
Shisui escribió:Pero es que precisamente es ese el problema, Eden. Widowmaker puede estar OP en PC, dado que es incomparable la precisión que puedes llegar a alcanzar con un ratón y no con un mando, pero en consola está muy bien. Hace falta mucha destreza si quieres saber manejarla, y con los ajustes que le van a hacer, yo creo que en consolas se la van a cargar.
Respecto a Mccre... Tengo mis dudas. Es cierto que es un personaje que mete mucho, pero joder, es que precisamente la gracia del personaje es esa: cualquier personaje que pilles solo, te lo cargas. Ahora bien, si lo pillas a él por sorpresa y sois unos cuantos, no dura prácticamente nada.
Francamente, yo veo a los 2 muy bien tal y como están, sobretodo a Widow.
rurouni phantom escribió:Si me compro una copia Europea puedo jugar online con una cuenta Americana?
Es que prefiero tener el juego en castellano, y la versión USA no se si lo tendrá (creo que es solo en ingles) .Aparte es para saber a que cuenta le cojo el PSplus
Eden Prime escribió:Shisui escribió:Pero es que precisamente es ese el problema, Eden. Widowmaker puede estar OP en PC, dado que es incomparable la precisión que puedes llegar a alcanzar con un ratón y no con un mando, pero en consola está muy bien. Hace falta mucha destreza si quieres saber manejarla, y con los ajustes que le van a hacer, yo creo que en consolas se la van a cargar.
Respecto a Mccre... Tengo mis dudas. Es cierto que es un personaje que mete mucho, pero joder, es que precisamente la gracia del personaje es esa: cualquier personaje que pilles solo, te lo cargas. Ahora bien, si lo pillas a él por sorpresa y sois unos cuantos, no dura prácticamente nada.
Francamente, yo veo a los 2 muy bien tal y como están, sobretodo a Widow.
Buenas Shisui
Opinamos igual, a la hora de Balancear a los personajes, tienen que tener muy claro el abismo existente entre PC y la versión de Ps4/Xbox, ya que cambia completamente el Gameplay.
Yo suelo coger bastante a Widowmaker, tengo una puntería muy acetable ya que he usado este rol con asiduidad en shooter, no me resulta novedad. Mi conslusion es que en este juego, por el ritmo del mismo y las habilidades, es más complicado acertar a un objetivo que en otros shooters (sumarle el tamaño reducido de algunos PJ). Por tanto veo totalmente inecesario un Nerf en consola(Soy nivel 82, con 15h con Widow).
En cuanto a MacGree discrepo de tu comentario, ya que era el único atacante que ofrecía una gran ventaja respecto al resto de su clase. Con el resto de atacantes, no sucede lo mismo, en muchas ocasiones tienes que huir cuando vea un Tank full de vida y estas solo. MacGree es un PJ, que sin necesidad de mucho skill, en el 1vs1 mata a cualquiera(Stun+L2). Esto me parece razonable, simpre que sea con sus iguales, pero no contra Tankes. McCree no te ofrece chance ninguno, con su combo no deja posibilidad de voltear la situación, si estas a rango de la granada...D.E.P.
Una reflexión respecto a la gente que juega "Soldado 76", algún día usarán el Heal para el resto del grupo? . Ves a gente en tu grupo baja de vida, pero no lo usan en ellos, prefiere tenerlo sin usar....en un juego coperartivo. Otra que me llama la atención es como la gente pide Heal, cambias de Rol seleccionando a Mercy.....pero en lugar de protegerte....van a lo suyo. Hay que proteger al Heal, luego nos extrañamos que la gente no elija este rol, es lo más desagradecido.
rurouni phantom escribió:rurouni phantom escribió:Si me compro una copia Europea puedo jugar online con una cuenta Americana?
Es que prefiero tener el juego en castellano, y la versión USA no se si lo tendrá (creo que es solo en ingles) .Aparte es para saber a que cuenta le cojo el PSplus
Nadie lo sabe?
Shisui escribió:Madre mía, ¿nivel 82 ya, cabrón? Pero si por lo que he leído en el hilo te pillastes el juego hace pocoMenudo vicio tienes que tener, Eden.
Yo estoy en nivel 91 y lo tengo de salida, y eso que también he estado con una viciada importante
Respecto a Widow... No la he cogido demasiado. A mí todo esto de que le bajen o no el daño me es indiferente en términos personales, dado que mi problema no tiene que ver con que esté OP o no, sino con que no acierto ni una bala. En resumidas cuentas, solo doy mi opinión sobre el cambio que le quieren hacer.
Y respecto a Maccre... También hay que tener en cuenta que es un personaje que no cuenta con habilidades de huida, Eden. Tracer tiene su teletransporte, Reaper la habilidad que lo hace inmortal al desplazarse, Soldado 76 el sprint, Genji el tajo que hace hacia delante, Pharah el vuelo... Todos tienen una buena habilidad de huida si se ven acorralados, todos excepto Maccre, que solo tiene una voltereta que recorre una distancia irrisoria si se realiza con propósitos de escape. Creo que por ello, deben compensar un poco al campeón con un daño más alto de lo normal respecto a los otros campeones.
De todos modos, si lo bajan un poco no me va a molestar en absoluto, ya que tampoco es cuestión de bajarse a los tanques en nada, pero si se pasan, pueden cargarse al personaje en mi opinión.
¡Un saludo!
Eden Prime escribió:Shisui escribió:Pero es que precisamente es ese el problema, Eden. Widowmaker puede estar OP en PC, dado que es incomparable la precisión que puedes llegar a alcanzar con un ratón y no con un mando, pero en consola está muy bien. Hace falta mucha destreza si quieres saber manejarla, y con los ajustes que le van a hacer, yo creo que en consolas se la van a cargar.
Respecto a Mccre... Tengo mis dudas. Es cierto que es un personaje que mete mucho, pero joder, es que precisamente la gracia del personaje es esa: cualquier personaje que pilles solo, te lo cargas. Ahora bien, si lo pillas a él por sorpresa y sois unos cuantos, no dura prácticamente nada.
Francamente, yo veo a los 2 muy bien tal y como están, sobretodo a Widow.
Buenas Shisui
Opinamos igual, a la hora de Balancear a los personajes, tienen que tener muy claro el abismo existente entre PC y la versión de Ps4/Xbox, ya que cambia completamente el Gameplay.
Yo suelo coger bastante a Widowmaker, tengo una puntería muy acetable ya que he usado este rol con asiduidad en shooter, no me resulta novedad. Mi conslusion es que en este juego, por el ritmo del mismo y las habilidades, es más complicado acertar a un objetivo que en otros shooters (sumarle el tamaño reducido de algunos PJ). Por tanto veo totalmente inecesario un Nerf en consola(Soy nivel 82, con 15h con Widow).
En cuanto a MacGree discrepo de tu comentario, ya que era el único atacante que ofrecía una gran ventaja respecto al resto de su clase. Con el resto de atacantes, no sucede lo mismo, en muchas ocasiones tienes que huir cuando vea un Tank full de vida y estas solo. MacGree es un PJ, que sin necesidad de mucho skill, en el 1vs1 mata a cualquiera(Stun+L2). Esto me parece razonable, simpre que sea con sus iguales, pero no contra Tankes. McCree no te ofrece chance ninguno, con su combo no deja posibilidad de voltear la situación, si estas a rango de la granada...D.E.P.
Una reflexión respecto a la gente que juega "Soldado 76", algún día usarán el Heal para el resto del grupo? . Ves a gente en tu grupo baja de vida, pero no lo usan en ellos, prefiere tenerlo sin usar....en un juego coperartivo. Otra que me llama la atención es como la gente pide Heal, cambias de Rol seleccionando a Mercy.....pero en lugar de protegerte....van a lo suyo. Hay que proteger al Heal, luego nos extrañamos que la gente no elija este rol, es lo más desagradecido.