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AzaToch escribió:
Al menos han dado señales de vida, nos vemos dentro de unos meses.
We have suspended all manufacturing due to worldwide shortage/pandemic. We could not move to our new warehouse/factory.
We will keep working on the games and improving until situation is resolved, it could take several months. Lot of great progress and awesome secrets in the making.
We are still have receiving some Kickstarter surveys time to time but since we've got some extra time, we will migrate all to our database later.
Regarding the past orders with delivery issues (lost parcels, wrong game, etc), we have re-organized things and they should dispatch shortly.
Fonzie: [00:00:00] I know everyone. Thank you for your patience. We had planned a much bigger video, but that the thing I have I think more important news for you. So thank you for your patience and sorry for the lack of news. Lately, we have been running running around all the time trying to speed up things. And this video for information about the progress in the game, you can skip to whatever thing appears on the video. So, yes, so we had planned to move all our stuff to a new factory, a new warehouse in March in China. But unfortunately, this is not possible because of copper reasons. And we had to start to leave China and we won't be able to do anything for next couple of weeks or months. So this is a very, very big letdown. And this is it's not coincidence. But all together with another fact is that we cannot all our suppliers say they give up on giving us any lead time, because I don't know if people know what by the time I mean by the time we complete the Kickstarter, the lead times, the jump from like six months. Like maybe three months to six months and six months to one year. And by the time we get paid, it was already one year time and like just a couple of weeks. And then it jumped to more than one year. And the war manufacturing market is completely messed up. And it's not at our advantage at the moment because as you know, we do everything ourselves and we don't.
Fonzie: [00:01:57] I mean, all the products are 100% Watermelon made. So we work with many, many factories. So it's not a good thing for us at the moment. Maybe I will give you some details. So all those things we know it for, we know there is some talk about suppliers for since the COVID 19, but people may think it's because of the COVID 19, but it's probably not. I mean, the COVID 19 is part of the problem, but it's not 1% the problem. I would say it's 50%-50% because there's some economic war between USA and China for maybe two years or maybe three years now. And the COVID 19 was a good reason to mess everything up. And it affects all the business work with electronics and things like this. And of course, last year in 2021, we had to redesign most of our future products, redesign everything to accommodate the component shortages, all of future products, including many and unannounced game and secret things. And but unfortunately, this was not enough because at the time I'm talking to you, supply issues affect everything. So no, let's keep positive. And I took the decision to instead of running after like I've been doing like for so the last few months is to try to solve the issues and run after things. And I have no time to do video, of course, because I'm always on the road.
Fonzie: [00:03:38] There is no way to make things properly. And I took the decision to postpone everything related to manufacturing and to use the situation is resolved and this means we must suspend anything related to any kind of manufacturing, any kind of any kind of assembly, any kind of things. And we only focus on the software for now. It's very difficult decision to take because, of course, some of you have guessed it's going to affect everything and because we are about making physical products. And so that's a sad thing. On the other hand, we have been paid by Kickstarter, so we have the funds and everything is put into good use and everything is secured. So we are not going to wait and do nothing. We are progressing and making all the games as good as we can and improving things. So let's say it's a little bit positive things and I'm not going to follow. We are not thinking about doing any kind of random erratic moves, like we could decide to do some apps for Apple Store in the meantime. No, no, no, no. I'm not doing this. We are going to continue working on our games and as we release when the manufacturing situation is resolved. So that's difficult. Yes. So some people may think or may ask why or Westworld, why is this? Why is that? Well. Is that the thing? We do everything 1% ourselves. And I mean some companies that can move very quickly around, like maybe they're just buying any kind of product.
Fonzie: [00:05:43] They put their logo on it and call it a day. So when one product is not available, they just change suppliers and buy the same product from somebody else and change put their new logo. And I mean some other products have a low performance like, like some Bluetooth. I give you some random example, like a microwave or car parts or something. They can just change the icy parts for something else that is not. And Corey, today, some some some products are very low specifics so they can accommodate to any kind of parts. Unfortunately, on our products, we are always on the edge because we the retro games and everything like, it's very high performance and very, very, very specific. So there is no way to just swap things. I mean, you can swap some, some things to some extent, but you cannot keep swapping for other brands or other. Functional functionalities. And so that's the thing. And so we are not as flexible as some other could be, could be. And for example, I give you this example. So this is a PCV for the current stick for this tool. So this is a realistic form. All the PCB fits here. I don't know if you can see it's very small PCV and it was made that smaller and because it could fit inside a wireless controller like a tripod or things like this. So this PCV has everything needed to make a grand stick.
Fonzie: [00:07:29] And this is, for example, we have redesigned this in 2021. It's not available anymore and it won't be available before two years. So we are going to likely redesign once again. But it's just a grand stick for, you know, and this PCV, you recognize this is a Dota board of the grand stick form. So PCBs were put together like this. So you see, for example, all this work is wasted, I would say, because we have to redesign the PCB to change faces and everything. So you can see we made this I think we had received that during the Kickstarter. So also. This is crazy. I just give you some examples. But for example, this was our flagship PCB redesign in 21 as well for some other games. And another issue is that I would say. 75% of the cases. Nobody wants to supply anymore. I mean, the lead times are two too long so and more crazy that events very small very simplistic things such as let's say sets or gates as a price, some some parts we got from 9% to 60%. So it's almost ten times the price. So that's why doing things erratically now at this time is not a good idea, because we could end with some products that are crazy expensive, or even though we fix issues now, maybe we won't be we won't get the ICD result later. I mean, it's completely messed up. So this PCV also go to the trash bin and this is a mini PCV, very nice PCV, very good design.
Fonzie: [00:09:43] I think this PCV, some parts we can get them. So it's not that bad. It's not that bad. It's very simple. Pcv So we had also a good copper more but this nice PCV, this prototype. Of course, some people don't know what it is, but we know what it is. Some people can guess so. Yeah. So that's what I wanted to tell, is that there is no point rushing anything now because whatever decision we would do would be a waste of resource and waste of time, waste, waste of resources. And we better focus now on doing things. We are 1% sure we are not wasting time with it now. So so things we are not wasting time is improving our games and making great graphics, great programming or things like this. So is that the thing? So now on the on the good news, because I understand for everybody, this is a big letdown. And because we we can tell when we will deliver the games, it's impossible to time now. Nobody can tell. And if people will tell you something. Of course, many people will say, I know better, but no, I don't know. So nobody knows. And we don't have lead times. So so it's a big letdown. But don't worry, we have the all the fans a second and we are focused on delivering. So it should be fine.
Fonzie: [00:11:21] One thing is a good thing is the progress. So I'm going to list make a small list of progress we have made. Just to give you an example and this video, I want to publish it as fast as possible. So I don't think there will be any editing. I will make another video later to show progress more specifically. So on mini program, great progress. Awesome. I mean, it was a game for Sega game gear. Very, very great progress, packaging, graphics, sound. It's totally astonishing. And what's left to be done is some of some audio tracks and of course, some programming, of course, quite a bit of programming, but except that a big chunk of the work is made. So there is also the Mega OST source, omega OSD. We were a bit reluctant to I mean, we wanted to know exactly the schedule before asking all the guests to work on it. But it's been the work has been start and we got a couple of remixes and things. The big of the it's a big chunk of the work is starting now. I think we have a one manager on this and it's going to be totally awesome. I work on the packaging also to prepare. It's going to be my side of anything made before on the for for OST soundtrack. Of course, it's not some cheap something great. I mean, some something I hope will look great. But you will say you will be surprised. I hope you will be surprised.
Fonzie: [00:13:04] And there was a good is some part of packaging we start manufacturing making some parts so but it was put to art because there's no way to ship or receive any samples. I mean, so it's some progress, but it's going to be very slow for a couple of weeks or months now. So on the packaging, I mean the Compendium. So it's a compendium, like I said, not it's a side project made by funds. So it's progress. And and we work on. We prepare some part of the packaging. But who cares if the book is good? And so packaging, we don't care, but we prepare some goodies as well. So we start some manufacturing, some parts and things. But the Progress compendium, I think there will be another video to show progress. So do not worry as a brand stick for again. So we have to redesign the PCB and we design some very, very nice connectors and a new way to to do assembly of the stick and high-performance contact sensing and we redesign the buttons to to say makes more improvements over our sunnova. So there's always things like this but he has been put art because because we don't have stuff anymore in China. So there is a lot of lot of custom parts in the grand stick. So we are getting everything ready. But so far everything has been put to art. So what we can do with the grand stick is redesign the PCB now.
Fonzie: [00:14:55] So we are going to do that probably later this year in September or something like this and Watters So again, everybody wants to know. So we have, of course, listed, but it was made a long time ago. We had listed all the tweaks and improvement and they have been put into the game and we were so we were waiting, like I said. So we include most of the tweaks. There will be more tweaking later on, but we include most of the tweaks in the game. On it was spot to more than I would say non mega drive platform. So there is some framework made and it's not completed yet, but there is. The thing a bit important is that we didn't start working on the graphics of the backgrounds yet and sprite improvements yet because this has been giving us a. So yeah, we planned everything, but we didn't do this work yet because it's better to make one person shows again place fine and because we have a lot of testing to do and it's not that much work. The biggest chunk of the big chunk of the work is to adjust the game for every platform and. The programming things are graphic. Sade is not that much. It's just retinol. It's no point to rush everything now and then decide to change later. It's something very well controlled and we do this. It should be very soon. Like we should start very soon and.
Fonzie: [00:16:44] That's the thing. So I would say good progress and there is some surprise. So we walk. We have all guy walking and something very special that will be included in every box of the game. On Switch and PS4, on every game we are making now, there will be something special inside the box. I cannot tell what it is, but it's a nice surprise and I can't spoil but something something nice. And of course I'm missing a lot of things. I mean, there is a lot of things going on and the Hong Kong printing is secure, unfortunately. We prepare everything. We have some person, everything, but we had to. We cannot do them and crafting of the tone yet because of course everything is put to art in the factories. So but everything has been secured. And it was a big challenge because. This kind of thing getting out of fashion for whatever reason, the it was the factory we had to work with at closed. So we had to find another one and we decided to increase the size of the total by one step. So even the more muscular people can put, it can fit. So it's the same thing a little bit bigger. And yeah. What was the most important thing we had to work on? So I'm quite proud of our team achieve figuring out how to make a new one. So that's the thing. So what's next? What's next? So we will just to say it again in case nobody.
Fonzie: [00:18:36] I mean, in case somebody don't understand, we continue working on the game. But the manufacturing has been postponed until we have news. And don't ask us. We will let you know when we know so fast. So we are. So it's getting very, very slow because like I said, I've been running around all the time to try to fix the issues. But for manufacturing, that was no, just a waste of time. We have reorganized our shipments and like I said last time, we have one stuff specifically preparing things so people had trouble with parsers and things like this. It should be very, very soon. I don't know when I cannot tell one, but it should be very, very soon. We had moved stock around and everything is more or less ready for shipping. So, so don't dispirited. Don't be. You will get your things. So also project NN which is a game for seniors or spend and do this thing. We have a big news very soon and I cannot spoil I can't tell it now because we have some checks to do and paperwork. But there is something so very, very, very big news. Good news. So also we have moved. We have like, I don't know, it's like ten cubic meters of documents and archives and samples of Guatemalans was being transported all around the place for the last few months. This is going to be the this is going to be moved at a new location very soon.
Fonzie: [00:20:25] And it will be a good time to show to you also how we work and things like, because it's very unclear for people what is what am I doing with the time. But we have like, I don't know, one ton of documents and things and impossible to move. The books are too big. So when they are at the final place, resting place and say it will be a good, good time to show you physically what we are doing, the work, progress and things like this. Also, the secret game people have been asking around and we have promised to find a way to sell it because we cannot sell it at the moment. The secret game because of the situation. Of course, I took the decision to not push this because there is no point. I mean, it would be a bit unfair to ask people money in this time until we have a better view of the situation. So I'm a bit hesitant to do anything about it. We are progressing on this game and we have, like I said last time, graphics are must be done except for some backgrounds and we keep improving the sprites and then saying it's going to be a very, very nice game. Very, very nice game. And. Also we had some caps like the most of some caps. And let's you you can be certain that we have been working on the caps for like over a year and there's a workshop sorry, the workshop.
Fonzie: [00:22:24] We complete all the caps by the end of next month, but or people may think what is fancy talking about and things. Well, like just, you know, a big, big chunk of work that is going to be completed for the sacred game next month. And it's just now a matter of time before we can announce anything about it. So good progress and thanks for everybody's support. And so yeah, one more thing is that it will take a few more weeks because we are not in Russia. Anymore. And we found out that some people keep sending us the survey. Every days or so we get a new survey. So it means there is still some people on the Kickstarter campaign who have yet to submit the survey. So we will we have prepared all the tools and everything, so we will migrate all the Kickstarter into our database shortly. So just some extra patience needed because some people remember I said we would do this one in March. I think I said that and we are end of April and I met. It's fine. There's no worry to do about this. And I will send a message and you will get an email when we move the things to database and you will get the link and you can use this link to check that everything, all your add ons, everything is listed, and if you want to change anything, you just let us know and we will.
Fonzie: [00:24:06] We would do it. The thought that's. Some prefer to do a video like this to let you know exactly the situation. So it's uncut. So we are not wasting too much time. And by the time we have more news and I think it's going to be a bit erratic for one or two more months and by the by the time we will, of course, like we promised, we will make a nicer videos showing progress and everything. And that's all like that's all this video is very simple because the computer used to make the editing is so slow that basically every minute is I'm not saying taking one day, but it's given the length of this video. If I do an editing on it, it's going to take me one week of work. And sorry, I'm not wasting your money for putting everybody's phones to good use. And and when we have a better computers and better filming or anything, location and more interesting things to show, we will do, of course, much better video and on the tour. And if so, yeah, that's the thing. One more thing is that for now we decide that we want to release everything at once. So we are not to to make sure we are focused on we are not wasting resources and we are not making anybody angry. Because that's the thing. If we release one thing and then. Some people will not get other things and it would be a big, big mess.
Fonzie: [00:25:48] So for now, we keep our walls that. Physical products are going to be received before at same time as digital products. So for now, we keep this spirit and of course, I know many people around the around the Kickstarter will be disappointed. But wow, look at the things that Kickstarter we made the Kickstarter about physical products and very, very high quality, very advanced things. And I don't want this Kickstarter to end with a cheap download code or something like this. So I hope everybody understand and most of the people of the campaign of this Kickstarter, they add physical products at the thing. So that's it. And now I'm going to take a few days, not a vacation. I'm going to take a few days to focus on working on a pipe dream. I have some programming to do in the game and very, very focused work and it's going to take maybe two weeks of work and then I will send monitors. So that's the thing. I've been running around all the time, like I said before, just to fix issues. It's no use like the world manufacturing market is fucked up. So, so that's it. So thank you for your time and and thank you for your support. And we talk very soon and sorry to have no better news, but don't worry, we are making good progress anyway. So thank you. And see you next time. I like.
NeORomani escribió:También ha dicho que están trabajando en un juego nuevo, pero que no quiere decir nada ni abrir campaña de KS antes de entregar que sería tener mucho morro...
Kensaiken escribió:@Astora_Knight Y espérate que esto es el principio, los que estáis en el kickstarter no sabéis el infierno que os va hacer pasar, los mil millones de excusas, chips, viajes a china, paypal etc.. que os va a soltar hasta el dia que os llegue el juego..
Como se dice aquí: Tu no sabes donde te has metido..
Kensaiken escribió:@Astora_Knight Y espérate que esto es el principio, los que estáis en el kickstarter no sabéis el infierno que os va hacer pasar, los mil millones de excusas, chips, viajes a china, paypal etc.. que os va a soltar hasta el dia que os llegue el juego..
Como se dice aquí: Tu no sabes donde te has metido..
Kensaiken escribió:@guillian-seed tranquilo guapo, mejor tomate un poco el aire que te veo muy caldeado.
No es culpa mia lo que haga Sam Bigotes se ria de la cara de la gente, aparte que la actualización es de hoy.
Relájate un poquito, venga de buen rollo eh![]()
@Astora_Knight no, no me rio es mas si este juego tuviese una distribución normal en plan lo compras en amazon, steam, xtralife, game etc.. pues seria muy tentador comprarlo.
Pero no se puede defender a un tio que se ha reído de la cara de la gente y sigue riéndose con sus excusas de mierda y mentiras.
Aparte de que aun no ha cumplido los primeros pedidos, que monta una segunda campaña que esta pendiente y después un kickstarter, aparte del mini paprium, periférico ese nuevo para conectar el cartucho a la megadrive y un juego nuevo en desarrollo.
Resumen: Quiero y no puedo
Kensaiken escribió:@guillian-seed tranquilo guapo, mejor tomate un poco el aire que te veo muy caldeado.
No es culpa mia lo que haga Sam Bigotes se ria de la cara de la gente, aparte que la actualización es de hoy.
Relájate un poquito, venga de buen rollo eh
ah jejeje, disculpad, es la primera vez en kickstarter
FFantasy6 escribió:No todo el mundo sabe de que va, no está mal recordar de vez en cuando que artes se usan.
ah jejeje, disculpad, es la primera vez en kickstarter
KorteX escribió:Da igual cuando leas esto pero cada 15 días vendrá alguien diciendo que cómo es posible que adultos se dejaran engañar dando el dinero al bigotes o cada mes vendrá alguien preguntando si ya está la rom volcada para jugar con el everdrive.![]()
KorteX escribió:KorteX escribió:Da igual cuando leas esto pero cada 15 días vendrá alguien diciendo que cómo es posible que adultos se dejaran engañar dando el dinero al bigotes o cada mes vendrá alguien preguntando si ya está la rom volcada para jugar con el everdrive.![]()
Pero si, va tocando refactorizar la frase actualizando el periodo (de 15 días -> cada vez que tengamos comunicado nuevo) y alguna cosa extra jajaja
Por cierto, ¿alguna novedad respecto al volcado de la ROM? Hubo avances mostrando algunos menus, pero no volví a saber nada.
FFantasy6 escribió:No todo el mundo sabe de que va, no está mal recordar de vez en cuando que artes se usan.
ah jejeje, disculpad, es la primera vez en kickstarter
Kensaiken escribió:Si las cosas fueran como tienen que ir bien y mas cuando montas nuevas campañas pues nadie podría decir nada.
Algunos olvidan que esto es un foro y aquí se viene a hablar, leer lo que se pone.
En ningún momento se critica la calidad del juego, solo las excusas de un señor que sigue tomando el pelo a la gente.
Si publica una información nueva como el video post de ayer, se va a comentar aquí te duela o no.
SuperPadLand escribió:Yo he financiado cositas en crowfunding sin mirar nada, leía el proyecto y me interesaba y lo compraba.
Pumuki13 escribió:Yo meti el dinero en 4 Papriums porque era mucho peor la idea de no tenerlos de aqui 8 años que el hecho de haber sido estafado, puse todo en una balanza y decidi que es mejor ser estafado que quedarme sin él.