› Foros › PlayStation 3 › Modchips y Softmods
FranScorpions escribió:¿Es que no ha salido aún la actualización para el online en este aparato? creí haber leído unos hilos antes que sí estaba ya.
quecon escribió: en la pagina de este Mod el que ahi del dia 12 no valen para la el firm 3.41 igual ahi que actulizarla a la version 3.50 para que funcione no????
FranScorpions escribió:¿Es que no ha salido aún la actualización para el online en este aparato? creí haber leído unos hilos antes que sí estaba ya.
Aquiles81 escribió:quecon escribió: en la pagina de este Mod el que ahi del dia 12 no valen para la el firm 3.41 igual ahi que actulizarla a la version 3.50 para que funcione no????
Ni se te ocurra actualizar a las 3.50... si lo haces adiós a los backups....FranScorpions escribió:¿Es que no ha salido aún la actualización para el online en este aparato? creí haber leído unos hilos antes que sí estaba ya.
Solo funciona para los que tienen la versión 3.15 en la ps3, para la 3.41 todavia no hay nada
Un saludo
zar_69 escribió:Ya tengo pedido mi amazebreak,por lo que espero tenerlo en un par de dias , me gustaria que me dijerais que pasos son los que debo seguir una vez que lo tenga,ya que hablais de tanto programas y tantas cosas,que ya estoy hecho un lio, echadme una mano por favor !!
yeyoX escribió:zar_69 escribió:Ya tengo pedido mi amazebreak,por lo que espero tenerlo en un par de dias , me gustaria que me dijerais que pasos son los que debo seguir una vez que lo tenga,ya que hablais de tanto programas y tantas cosas,que ya estoy hecho un lio, echadme una mano por favor !!
En estos dias empapate, lee y bueno en la primera pagina tienes como se actualiza y tal, no te asustes por mucho que leas que es mas simple que el mecanimo de un chupete.
frran1967 escribió:los demas clones ya se pueden enchufar a PSN hace dias y este trasto todavia no sera mejor cambiar
a ps3Key o alguno de esos
imanol25 escribió:frran1967 escribió:los demas clones ya se pueden enchufar a PSN hace dias y este trasto todavia no sera mejor cambiar
a ps3Key o alguno de esos
Pa eso pillate uno ke se le pueda meter cualkier hex xk kon el ps3key ese tb dependes de los firmwares del fabricante. Yo tengo el psjailbreak2 y va de lujo, tipo eclips3
zar_69 escribió:yeyoX escribió:zar_69 escribió:Ya tengo pedido mi amazebreak,por lo que espero tenerlo en un par de dias , me gustaria que me dijerais que pasos son los que debo seguir una vez que lo tenga,ya que hablais de tanto programas y tantas cosas,que ya estoy hecho un lio, echadme una mano por favor !!
En estos dias empapate, lee y bueno en la primera pagina tienes como se actualiza y tal, no te asustes por mucho que leas que es mas simple que el mecanimo de un chupete.
Vamos a ver,lo de como se actualiza y eso,por eso no hay problema,esta todo muy bien explicado en la primera pagina, pero lo que dudo es con respecto a cosas como las que veo de que si hermes y cosas asi, de ahi que os pida ayuda, ck estoy muy perdido.
zar_69 escribió:yeyoX escribió:zar_69 escribió:Ya tengo pedido mi amazebreak,por lo que espero tenerlo en un par de dias , me gustaria que me dijerais que pasos son los que debo seguir una vez que lo tenga,ya que hablais de tanto programas y tantas cosas,que ya estoy hecho un lio, echadme una mano por favor !!
En estos dias empapate, lee y bueno en la primera pagina tienes como se actualiza y tal, no te asustes por mucho que leas que es mas simple que el mecanimo de un chupete.
Vamos a ver,lo de como se actualiza y eso,por eso no hay problema,esta todo muy bien explicado en la primera pagina, pero lo que dudo es con respecto a cosas como las que veo de que si hermes y cosas asi, de ahi que os pida ayuda, ck estoy muy perdido.
quecon escribió:esto es de risa todos jugan online y avanzando y nosotros con el 3.41 nada de nada, algo pasa o esperan para hacerlo porque sino no es normal
c0d3m4st4 escribió:pues sí.. empezaron muy bien pero se van quedando atrás. Ya sabéis, dadles la coña via email. Mientras tanto recomiendo no comprar ningún cacharro al que no se le peuda meter el código que queramos. Eso sí, olvidáos de garantías en los que dejen meter el código que quieras, si te lo cargas es cosa tuya.
Por otro lado, y para daros una pequeña esperanza, creo que tengo localizado el chip que usan, y en efecto no es ni Atmel, ni PIC, ni Silabs... estoy luchando con el traductor de chino, para conseguir el código fuente del software para actualziar. Cuando lo tenga ya veremos que se puede hacer, pero tengo UN sólo Amaze v2... si cae en combate, adios esperanzas.quecon escribió:esto es de risa todos jugan online y avanzando y nosotros con el 3.41 nada de nada, algo pasa o esperan para hacerlo porque sino no es normal
almeria27 escribió:c0d3m4st4 escribió:pues sí.. empezaron muy bien pero se van quedando atrás. Ya sabéis, dadles la coña via email. Mientras tanto recomiendo no comprar ningún cacharro al que no se le peuda meter el código que queramos. Eso sí, olvidáos de garantías en los que dejen meter el código que quieras, si te lo cargas es cosa tuya.
Por otro lado, y para daros una pequeña esperanza, creo que tengo localizado el chip que usan, y en efecto no es ni Atmel, ni PIC, ni Silabs... estoy luchando con el traductor de chino, para conseguir el código fuente del software para actualziar. Cuando lo tenga ya veremos que se puede hacer, pero tengo UN sólo Amaze v2... si cae en combate, adios esperanzas.quecon escribió:esto es de risa todos jugan online y avanzando y nosotros con el 3.41 nada de nada, algo pasa o esperan para hacerlo porque sino no es normal
confio mas en ti que en los propios creadores del amaze , espero que tenga suerte y des con la tecla , en todo lo que te pueda ayudar hazmelo saber.
un saludo.
1. `//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. //
3. // USB HID Device and USB HID Device Manager Helper Classes
4. //
5. // The building blocks for this code was derived from the HCLIENT sample code
6. // provided by Microsoft in the Windows XP DDK.
7. //
8. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. // $Archive: /WirelessUSB/LS2/Firmware/LP KBM RDK/Software/Source Code/CUSBHidAPI/HidAPI.cpp $
10. // $Modtime: 10/01/04 2:03p $
11. // $Revision: 2 $
12. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. //
14. // Copyright 2003-2004, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
15. //
16. // This software is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress)
17. // and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United
18. // States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international
19. // treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal,
20. // non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create
21. // derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative
22. // works for the sole purpose of creating custom software in support of
23. // licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated
24. // circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction,
25. // modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this
26. // software except as specified above is prohibited without the express
27. // written permission of Cypress.
28. //
32. // Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the
33. // materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising
34. // out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein.
35. // Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in
36. // life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be
37. // expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of
38. // Cypress?product in a life-support systems application implies that the
39. // manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies
40. // Cypress against all charges.
41. //
42. // Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software
43. // license agreement.
44. //
45. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
46. #include "StdAfx.h"
47. #include <dbt.h>
49. #include "hidapi.h"
52. #define HIDMANAGER_CLASS _T("CHidManager")
53. CHidManager* CHidManager::m_pThis = NULL;
56. bool CHidDevice::InitializeHidDevice(PCHAR pDevicePath, USHORT uID)
57. {
58. nextHidDevice = NULL;
60. m_bOpened = false;
62. m_hDevice = NULL;
63. m_hDeviceRegistered = NULL;
64. m_hWnd = NULL;
66. m_bOpenedForRead = false;
67. m_bOpenedForWrite = false;
68. m_bOpenedOverlapped = false;
69. m_bOpenedExclusive = false;
71. m_uDeviceID = uID;
73. m_pHidDevicePath = NULL;
74. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
75. ::ZeroMemory(&m_HidCaps, sizeof(m_HidCaps));
76. ::ZeroMemory(&m_HidAttributes, sizeof(m_HidAttributes));
78. m_pInputReportBuffer = NULL;
79. m_pInputData = NULL;
80. m_ulInputDataLength = 0;
81. m_pInputButtonCaps = NULL;
82. m_pInputValueCaps = NULL;
84. m_pOutputReportBuffer = NULL;
85. m_pOutputData = NULL;
86. m_ulOutputDataLength = 0;
87. m_pOutputButtonCaps = NULL;
88. m_pOutputValueCaps = NULL;
90. m_pFeatureReportBuffer = NULL;
91. m_pFeatureData = NULL;
92. m_ulFeatureDataLength = 0;
93. m_pFeatureButtonCaps = NULL;
94. m_pFeatureValueCaps = NULL;
96. m_pHidDevicePath = new CHAR[lstrlen(pDevicePath)+1];
97. if (!m_pHidDevicePath)
98. return false;
100. ::strcpy(m_pHidDevicePath, pDevicePath);
102. return true;
103. }
105. void CHidDevice::DestroyHidDevice()
106. {
107. if (m_bOpened)
108. {
109. CloseHidDevice();
110. }
112. if (m_pHidDevicePath)
113. delete [] m_pHidDevicePath;
115. m_uDeviceID = 0xFFFF;
116. }
118. // sets appropriate access rights, attempts to open a
119. // handle to the HID device, obtains the top collection data, and
120. // makes a call to setup input, output, and feature data buffers.
121. bool CHidDevice::OpenHidDevice( bool bReadAccess,
122. bool bWriteAccess,
123. bool bUseOverlapped,
124. bool bExclusive)
125. {
126. DWORD accessFlags = 0;
127. DWORD sharingFlags = 0;
129. // Check for valid device path
130. if (!m_pHidDevicePath)
131. {
132. return false;
133. }
135. // setup access flag values
136. if (bReadAccess)
137. {
138. accessFlags |= GENERIC_READ;
139. }
141. if (bWriteAccess)
142. {
143. accessFlags |= GENERIC_WRITE;
144. }
146. if (!bExclusive)
147. {
149. }
151. //
152. // The hid.dll api's do not pass the overlapped structure into deviceiocontrol
153. // so to use them we must have a non overlapped device. If the request is for
154. // an overlapped device we will close the device below and get a handle to an
155. // overlapped device
156. //
158. m_hDevice = ::CreateFile (m_pHidDevicePath,
159. accessFlags,
160. sharingFlags,
161. NULL, // no SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure
162. OPEN_EXISTING, // No special create flags
163. 0, // Open device as non-overlapped so we can get data
164. NULL); // No template file
166. if (m_hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
167. {
168. return false;
169. }
171. // open was successful
172. m_bOpened = true;
174. // set access booleans appropriately
175. m_bOpenedForRead = bReadAccess;
176. m_bOpenedForWrite = bWriteAccess;
177. m_bOpenedOverlapped = bUseOverlapped;
178. m_bOpenedExclusive = bExclusive;
180. // obtain the top level collection's preparsed data from the HID device.
181. // the top level collection is a HID collection that is not nested with
182. // other collections. a HID collection is a meaningful group of HID controls
183. // and their respective HID usages.
184. if (!::HidD_GetPreparsedData (m_hDevice, &m_pHidPpd))
185. {
186. // if failure, close HID handle and return failure
187. CloseHidDevice();
188. return false;
189. }
191. // get the attributes of the top level collection
192. if (!::HidD_GetAttributes (m_hDevice, &m_HidAttributes))
193. {
194. // if failure, close HID handle, free preparsed data
195. // and return failure
196. ::HidD_FreePreparsedData (m_pHidPpd);
197. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
199. CloseHidDevice();
200. return false;
201. }
203. // get the top level collections capability
204. if (!::HidP_GetCaps (m_pHidPpd, &m_HidCaps))
205. {
206. // if failure, close HID handle, free preparsed data
207. // and return failure
208. ::HidD_FreePreparsedData (m_pHidPpd);
209. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
211. CloseHidDevice();
212. return false;
213. }
215. // attempt to setup the HID device
216. if (!SetupHidDevice())
217. {
218. // if failure, close HID handle, free preparsed data
219. // and return failure
220. ::HidD_FreePreparsedData (m_pHidPpd);
221. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
223. CloseHidDevice();
224. return false;
225. }
227. //
228. // At this point the client has a choice. It may chose to look at the
229. // Usage and Page of the top level collection found in the HIDP_CAPS
230. // structure. In this way it could just use the usages it knows about.
231. // If either HidP_GetUsages or HidP_GetUsageValue return an error then
232. // that particular usage does not exist in the report.
233. //
235. // verify that this is a HID device we care about
236. if (!VerifyHidDevice())
237. {
238. // if failure, close HID handle, free preparsed data
239. // and return failure
240. ::HidD_FreePreparsedData (m_pHidPpd);
241. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
243. CloseHidDevice();
244. return false;
245. }
247. // if overlapped I/O requested, close handle and reopen using overlapped I/O
248. if (bUseOverlapped)
249. {
250. ::CloseHandle(m_hDevice);
252. m_hDevice = ::CreateFile (m_pHidDevicePath,
253. accessFlags,
254. sharingFlags,
255. NULL, // no SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure
256. OPEN_EXISTING, // No special create flags
257. FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // Now we open the device as overlapped
258. NULL); // No template file
260. if (m_hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
261. {
262. // if failure, close HID handle, free preparsed data
263. // and return failure
264. ::HidD_FreePreparsedData (m_pHidPpd);
265. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
267. CloseHidDevice();
268. return false;
269. }
270. }
272. return true;
273. }
275. // registers the HID device handle for event notification, mainly to get
276. // notified when the device is removed
277. bool CHidDevice::RegisterHidDevice(HWND hWnd)
278. {
279. DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE broadcastHandle;
281. broadcastHandle.dbch_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE);
282. broadcastHandle.dbch_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE;
283. broadcastHandle.dbch_handle = m_hDevice;
285. m_hDeviceRegistered = ::RegisterDeviceNotification(hWnd, (PVOID) &broadcastHandle, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE);
286. if (!m_hDeviceRegistered)
287. return false;
289. m_hWnd = hWnd;
291. return true;
292. }
294. // sets up HID input, output and feature data buffers
295. // used to simplify communication with HID devices
296. bool CHidDevice::SetupHidDevice()
297. {
298. USHORT numCaps;
299. ULONG i;
300. USAGE usage;
302. PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS valueCaps;
303. PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS buttonCaps;
304. PHID_DATA data;
305. USHORT numValues;
307. //
308. // setup Input Data buffers.
309. //
311. //
312. // Allocate memory to hold on input report
313. //
315. if (m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength)
316. {
317. m_pInputReportBuffer = new CHAR[m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength];
318. if (m_pInputReportBuffer)
319. ZeroMemory (m_pInputReportBuffer, m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength);
320. }
322. //
323. // Allocate memory to hold the button and value capabilities.
324. // NumberXXCaps is in terms of array elements.
325. //
327. if (m_HidCaps.NumberInputButtonCaps)
328. {
329. m_pInputButtonCaps = new HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS[m_HidCaps.NumberInputButtonCaps];
330. if (!m_pInputButtonCaps)
331. return false;
333. ZeroMemory (m_pInputButtonCaps, m_HidCaps.NumberInputButtonCaps * sizeof(HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
335. numCaps = m_HidCaps.NumberInputButtonCaps;
336. ::HidP_GetButtonCaps (HidP_Input,
337. m_pInputButtonCaps,
338. &numCaps,
339. m_pHidPpd);
340. }
342. if (m_HidCaps.NumberInputValueCaps)
343. {
344. m_pInputValueCaps = new HIDP_VALUE_CAPS[m_HidCaps.NumberInputValueCaps];
345. if (!m_pInputValueCaps)
346. return false;
348. ZeroMemory (m_pInputValueCaps, m_HidCaps.NumberInputValueCaps * sizeof(HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
350. numCaps = m_HidCaps.NumberInputValueCaps;
351. ::HidP_GetValueCaps (HidP_Input,
352. m_pInputValueCaps,
353. &numCaps,
354. m_pHidPpd);
355. }
357. //
358. // Depending on the device, some value caps structures may represent more
359. // than one value. (A range). In the interest of being verbose, over
360. // efficient, we will expand these so that we have one and only one
361. // struct _HID_DATA for each value.
362. //
363. // To do this we need to count up the total number of values are listed
364. // in the value caps structure. For each element in the array we test
365. // for range if it is a range then UsageMax and UsageMin describe the
366. // usages for this range INCLUSIVE.
367. //
369. valueCaps = m_pInputValueCaps;
370. numValues = 0;
372. if (valueCaps)
373. {
374. for (i = 0; i < m_HidCaps.NumberInputValueCaps; i++, valueCaps++)
375. {
376. if (valueCaps->IsRange)
377. {
378. numValues += valueCaps->Range.UsageMax - valueCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1;
379. }
380. else
381. {
382. numValues++;
383. }
384. }
385. }
387. //
388. // Allocate a buffer to hold the struct _HID_DATA structures.
389. // One element for each set of buttons, and one element for each value
390. // found.
391. //
393. m_ulInputDataLength = m_HidCaps.NumberInputButtonCaps + numValues;
395. if (m_ulInputDataLength)
396. {
397. m_pInputData = new HID_DATA[m_ulInputDataLength];
398. if (!m_pInputData)
399. return false;
401. ZeroMemory (m_pInputData, m_ulInputDataLength * sizeof(HID_DATA));
402. }
404. //
405. // Fill in the button data
406. //
408. buttonCaps = m_pInputButtonCaps;
409. data = m_pInputData;
411. if (buttonCaps && data)
412. {
413. for (i = 0;
414. i < m_HidCaps.NumberInputButtonCaps;
415. i++, data++, buttonCaps++)
416. {
417. data->IsButtonData = true;
418. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
419. data->UsagePage = buttonCaps->UsagePage;
420. if (buttonCaps->IsRange)
421. {
422. data->ButtonData.UsageMin = buttonCaps->Range.UsageMin;
423. data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps->Range.UsageMax;
424. }
425. else
426. {
427. data->ButtonData.UsageMin = data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps->NotRange.Usage;
428. }
430. data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength = ::HidP_MaxUsageListLength (
431. HidP_Input,
432. buttonCaps->UsagePage,
433. m_pHidPpd);
435. data->ButtonData.Usages = new USAGE[data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength];
436. ZeroMemory (data->ButtonData.Usages, data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength * sizeof(USAGE));
438. data->ReportID = buttonCaps->ReportID;
439. }
440. }
442. //
443. // Fill in the value data
444. //
446. valueCaps = m_pInputValueCaps;
448. if (valueCaps)
449. {
450. for (i = 0; i < numValues; i++, valueCaps++)
451. {
452. if (valueCaps->IsRange)
453. {
454. for (usage = valueCaps->Range.UsageMin;
455. usage <= valueCaps->Range.UsageMax;
456. usage++)
457. {
458. data->IsButtonData = false;
459. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
460. data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage;
461. data->ValueData.Usage = usage;
462. data->ReportID = valueCaps->ReportID;
463. data++;
464. }
465. }
466. else
467. {
468. data->IsButtonData = false;
469. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
470. data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage;
471. data->ValueData.Usage = valueCaps->NotRange.Usage;
472. data->ReportID = valueCaps->ReportID;
473. data++;
474. }
475. }
476. }
478. //
479. // setup Output Data buffers.
480. //
482. if (m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength)
483. {
484. m_pOutputReportBuffer = new CHAR[m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength];
485. if (m_pOutputReportBuffer)
486. ZeroMemory (m_pOutputReportBuffer, m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength);
487. }
489. if (m_HidCaps.NumberOutputButtonCaps)
490. {
491. m_pOutputButtonCaps = new HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS[m_HidCaps.NumberOutputButtonCaps];
492. if (!m_pOutputButtonCaps)
493. return false;
495. ZeroMemory (m_pOutputButtonCaps, m_HidCaps.NumberOutputButtonCaps * sizeof(HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
497. numCaps = m_HidCaps.NumberOutputButtonCaps;
498. ::HidP_GetButtonCaps (HidP_Output,
499. m_pOutputButtonCaps,
500. &numCaps,
501. m_pHidPpd);
502. }
504. if (m_HidCaps.NumberOutputValueCaps)
505. {
506. m_pOutputValueCaps = new HIDP_VALUE_CAPS[m_HidCaps.NumberOutputValueCaps];
507. if (!m_pOutputValueCaps)
508. return false;
510. ZeroMemory (m_pOutputValueCaps, m_HidCaps.NumberOutputValueCaps * sizeof(HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
512. numCaps = m_HidCaps.NumberOutputValueCaps;
513. ::HidP_GetValueCaps (HidP_Output,
514. m_pOutputValueCaps,
515. &numCaps,
516. m_pHidPpd);
517. }
519. valueCaps = m_pOutputValueCaps;
520. numValues = 0;
522. if (valueCaps)
523. {
524. for (i = 0; i < m_HidCaps.NumberOutputValueCaps; i++, valueCaps++)
525. {
526. if (valueCaps->IsRange)
527. {
528. numValues += valueCaps->Range.UsageMax
529. - valueCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1;
530. }
531. else
532. {
533. numValues++;
534. }
535. }
536. }
538. m_ulOutputDataLength = m_HidCaps.NumberOutputButtonCaps + numValues;
540. if (m_ulOutputDataLength)
541. {
542. m_pOutputData = new HID_DATA[m_ulOutputDataLength];
543. if (!m_pOutputData)
544. return false;
546. ZeroMemory (m_pOutputData, m_ulOutputDataLength * sizeof(HID_DATA));
547. }
549. buttonCaps = m_pOutputButtonCaps;
550. data = m_pOutputData;
552. if (buttonCaps && data)
553. {
554. for (i = 0;
555. i < m_HidCaps.NumberOutputButtonCaps;
556. i++, data++, buttonCaps++)
557. {
558. data->IsButtonData = true;
559. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
560. data->UsagePage = buttonCaps->UsagePage;
562. if (buttonCaps->IsRange)
563. {
564. data->ButtonData.UsageMin = buttonCaps->Range.UsageMin;
565. data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps->Range.UsageMax;
566. }
567. else
568. {
569. data->ButtonData.UsageMin = data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps->NotRange.Usage;
570. }
572. data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength = ::HidP_MaxUsageListLength (
573. HidP_Output,
574. buttonCaps->UsagePage,
575. m_pHidPpd);
577. data->ButtonData.Usages = new USAGE[data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength];
578. ZeroMemory (data->ButtonData.Usages, data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength * sizeof(USAGE));
580. data->ReportID = buttonCaps->ReportID;
581. }
582. }
584. valueCaps = m_pOutputValueCaps;
586. if (valueCaps)
587. {
588. for (i = 0; i < numValues; i++, valueCaps++)
589. {
590. if (valueCaps->IsRange)
591. {
592. for (usage = valueCaps->Range.UsageMin;
593. usage <= valueCaps->Range.UsageMax;
594. usage++)
595. {
596. data->IsButtonData = false;
597. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
598. data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage;
599. data->ValueData.Usage = usage;
600. data->ReportID = valueCaps->ReportID;
601. data++;
602. }
603. }
604. else
605. {
606. data->IsButtonData = false;
607. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
608. data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage;
609. data->ValueData.Usage = valueCaps->NotRange.Usage;
610. data->ReportID = valueCaps->ReportID;
611. data++;
612. }
613. }
614. }
616. //
617. // setup Feature Data buffers.
618. //
620. if (m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength)
621. {
622. m_pFeatureReportBuffer = new CHAR[m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength];
623. if (m_pFeatureReportBuffer)
624. ZeroMemory (m_pFeatureReportBuffer, m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength);
625. }
627. if (m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps)
628. {
629. m_pFeatureButtonCaps = new HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS[m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps];
630. if (!m_pFeatureButtonCaps)
631. return false;
633. ZeroMemory (m_pFeatureButtonCaps, m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps * sizeof(HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS));
635. numCaps = m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps;
636. ::HidP_GetButtonCaps (HidP_Feature,
637. m_pFeatureButtonCaps,
638. &numCaps,
639. m_pHidPpd);
640. }
642. if (m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureValueCaps)
643. {
644. m_pFeatureValueCaps = new HIDP_VALUE_CAPS[m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureValueCaps];
645. if (!m_pFeatureValueCaps)
646. return false;
648. ZeroMemory (m_pFeatureValueCaps, m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureValueCaps * sizeof(HIDP_VALUE_CAPS));
650. numCaps = m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureValueCaps;
651. ::HidP_GetValueCaps (HidP_Feature,
652. m_pFeatureValueCaps,
653. &numCaps,
654. m_pHidPpd);
655. }
657. valueCaps = m_pFeatureValueCaps;
658. numValues = 0;
660. if (valueCaps)
661. {
662. for (i = 0; i < m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureValueCaps; i++, valueCaps++)
663. {
664. if (valueCaps->IsRange)
665. {
666. numValues += valueCaps->Range.UsageMax
667. - valueCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1;
668. }
669. else
670. {
671. numValues++;
672. }
673. }
674. }
676. m_ulFeatureDataLength = m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps + numValues;
678. if (m_ulFeatureDataLength)
679. {
680. m_pFeatureData = new HID_DATA[m_ulFeatureDataLength];
681. if (!m_pFeatureData)
682. return false;
684. ZeroMemory (m_pFeatureData, m_ulFeatureDataLength * sizeof(HID_DATA));
685. }
687. buttonCaps = m_pFeatureButtonCaps;
688. data = m_pFeatureData;
690. if (buttonCaps && data)
691. {
692. for (i = 0;
693. i < m_HidCaps.NumberFeatureButtonCaps;
694. i++, data++, buttonCaps++)
695. {
696. data->IsButtonData = true;
697. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
698. data->UsagePage = buttonCaps->UsagePage;
700. if (buttonCaps->IsRange)
701. {
702. data->ButtonData.UsageMin = buttonCaps->Range.UsageMin;
703. data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps->Range.UsageMax;
704. }
705. else
706. {
707. data->ButtonData.UsageMin = data->ButtonData.UsageMax = buttonCaps->NotRange.Usage;
708. }
710. data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength = ::HidP_MaxUsageListLength (
711. HidP_Feature,
712. buttonCaps->UsagePage,
713. m_pHidPpd);
715. data->ButtonData.Usages = new USAGE[data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength];
716. ZeroMemory (data->ButtonData.Usages, data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength * sizeof(USAGE));
718. data->ReportID = buttonCaps->ReportID;
719. }
720. }
722. valueCaps = m_pFeatureValueCaps;
724. if (valueCaps)
725. {
726. for (i = 0; i < numValues; i++, valueCaps++)
727. {
728. if (valueCaps->IsRange)
729. {
730. for (usage = valueCaps->Range.UsageMin;
731. usage <= valueCaps->Range.UsageMax;
732. usage++)
733. {
734. data->IsButtonData = false;
735. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
736. data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage;
737. data->ValueData.Usage = usage;
738. data->ReportID = valueCaps->ReportID;
739. data++;
740. }
741. }
742. else
743. {
744. data->IsButtonData = false;
745. data->Status = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
746. data->UsagePage = valueCaps->UsagePage;
747. data->ValueData.Usage = valueCaps->NotRange.Usage;
748. data->ReportID = valueCaps->ReportID;
749. data++;
750. }
751. }
752. }
754. return true;
755. }
757. // closes HID device handle, unregisters HID device notification,
758. // frees prepased data and data/report buffers
759. bool CHidDevice::CloseHidDevice()
760. {
761. // close handle, if valid
762. if (m_hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
763. {
764. ::CloseHandle(m_hDevice);
765. m_hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
766. }
768. // if HID device is registered, then unregister
769. if (m_hDeviceRegistered)
770. {
771. PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_UNREGISTER_HANDLE, 0, (LPARAM) m_hDeviceRegistered);
772. m_hDeviceRegistered = NULL;
773. m_hWnd = NULL;
774. }
776. // free preparsed data
777. if (m_pHidPpd)
778. {
779. ::HidD_FreePreparsedData(m_pHidPpd);
780. m_pHidPpd = NULL;
781. }
783. // free input report buffer
784. if (m_pInputReportBuffer)
785. {
786. delete [] m_pInputReportBuffer;
787. m_pInputReportBuffer = NULL;
788. }
790. // free input data buffer
791. if (m_pInputData)
792. {
793. PHID_DATA data = m_pInputData;
795. if (data->ButtonData.Usages)
796. {
797. delete [] data->ButtonData.Usages;
798. }
800. delete [] m_pInputData;
801. m_pInputData = NULL;
802. }
804. // free input button caps
805. if (m_pInputButtonCaps)
806. {
807. delete [] m_pInputButtonCaps;
808. m_pInputButtonCaps = NULL;
809. }
811. // free input value caps
812. if (m_pInputValueCaps)
813. {
814. delete [] m_pInputValueCaps;
815. m_pInputValueCaps = NULL;
816. }
818. // free output report buffer
819. if (m_pOutputReportBuffer)
820. {
821. delete [] m_pOutputReportBuffer;
822. m_pOutputReportBuffer = NULL;
823. }
825. // free output data buffer
826. if (m_pOutputData)
827. {
828. PHID_DATA data = m_pOutputData;
830. if (data->ButtonData.Usages)
831. {
832. delete [] data->ButtonData.Usages;
833. }
835. delete [] m_pOutputData;
836. m_pOutputData = NULL;
837. }
839. // free output button caps
840. if (m_pOutputButtonCaps)
841. {
842. delete [] m_pOutputButtonCaps;
843. m_pOutputButtonCaps = NULL;
844. }
846. // free output value caps
847. if (m_pOutputValueCaps)
848. {
849. delete [] m_pOutputValueCaps;
850. m_pOutputValueCaps = NULL;
851. }
853. // free feature report buffer
854. if (m_pFeatureReportBuffer)
855. {
856. delete [] m_pFeatureReportBuffer;
857. m_pFeatureReportBuffer = NULL;
858. }
860. // free feature data buffer
861. if (m_pFeatureData)
862. {
863. PHID_DATA data = m_pFeatureData;
865. if (data->ButtonData.Usages)
866. {
867. delete [] data->ButtonData.Usages;
868. }
870. delete [] m_pFeatureData;
871. m_pFeatureData = NULL;
872. }
874. // free feature button caps
875. if (m_pFeatureButtonCaps)
876. {
877. delete [] m_pFeatureButtonCaps;
878. m_pFeatureButtonCaps = NULL;
879. }
881. // free feature values caps
882. if (m_pFeatureValueCaps)
883. {
884. delete [] m_pFeatureValueCaps;
885. m_pFeatureValueCaps = NULL;
886. }
888. // set open to false
889. m_bOpened = false;
891. return true;
892. }
894. // reads an input report from the HID device, performs
895. // a validity check, and unpacks the report data
896. bool CHidDevice::Read()
897. {
898. DWORD bytesRead;
900. // read the input report data
901. if (!ReadFile (m_hDevice,
902. m_pInputReportBuffer,
903. m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength,
904. &bytesRead,
905. NULL)) // no overlapped
906. {
907. return false;
908. }
910. // make sure it was valid, ensure bytes read is what
911. // is expected for this report
912. ASSERT (bytesRead == m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength);
913. if (bytesRead != m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength)
914. {
915. return false;
916. }
918. // unpack the report data into a more useful form
919. return UnpackReport (HidP_Input,
920. m_pInputReportBuffer,
921. m_HidCaps.InputReportByteLength,
922. m_pInputData,
923. m_ulInputDataLength,
924. m_pHidPpd);
925. }
927. // for every report ID, pack a report buffer and write the report data to the HID device
928. bool CHidDevice::Write()
929. {
930. DWORD bytesWritten;
931. PHID_DATA pData;
932. ULONG Index;
933. bool Status;
934. bool WriteStatus;
936. // Begin by looping through the HID_DEVICE's HID_DATA structure and setting
937. // the IsDataSet field to false to indicate that each structure has
938. // not yet been set for this Write call.
940. pData = m_pOutputData;
941. if (!pData)
942. return false;
944. for (Index = 0; Index < m_ulOutputDataLength; Index++, pData++)
945. {
946. pData->IsDataSet = false;
947. }
949. // In setting all the data in the reports, we need to pack a report buffer
950. // and call WriteFile for each report ID that is represented by the
951. // device structure. To do so, the IsDataSet field will be used to
952. // determine if a given report field has already been set.
954. Status = true;
956. pData = m_pOutputData;
957. if (!pData)
958. return false;
960. for (Index = 0; Index < m_ulOutputDataLength; Index++, pData++)
961. {
962. if (!pData->IsDataSet)
963. {
964. // Package the report for this data structure. PackReport will
965. // set the IsDataSet fields of this structure and any other
966. // structures that it includes in the report with this structure
968. PackReport (HidP_Output,
969. m_pOutputReportBuffer,
970. m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength,
971. pData,
972. m_ulOutputDataLength - Index,
973. m_pHidPpd);
975. // Now a report has been packaged up...Send it down to the device
977. WriteStatus = WriteFile (m_hDevice,
978. m_pOutputReportBuffer,
979. m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength,
980. &bytesWritten,
981. NULL) && (bytesWritten == m_HidCaps.OutputReportByteLength);
983. Status = Status && WriteStatus;
984. }
985. }
987. return Status;
988. }
990. // obtains the feature report from each report ID exposed by the HID device
991. bool CHidDevice::GetFeature()
992. {
993. ULONG Index;
994. PHID_DATA pData;
995. BOOLEAN bReportStatus;
996. bool bStatus;
998. // Begin by looping through the HID_DEVICE's HID_DATA structure and setting
999. // the IsDataSet field to false to indicate that each structure has
1000. // not yet been set for this SetFeature() call.
1002. pData = m_pFeatureData;
1003. if (!pData)
1004. return false;
1006. for (Index = 0; Index < m_ulFeatureDataLength; Index++, pData++)
1007. {
1008. pData->IsDataSet = false;
1009. }
1011. // Next, each structure in the HID_DATA buffer is filled in with a value
1012. // that is retrieved from one or more calls to HidD_GetFeature. The
1013. // number of calls is equal to the number of reportIDs on the device
1015. bStatus = true;
1017. pData = m_pFeatureData;
1018. if (!pData)
1019. return false;
1021. for (Index = 0; Index < m_ulFeatureDataLength; Index++, pData++)
1022. {
1023. // If a value has yet to have been set for this structure, build a report
1024. // buffer with its report ID as the first byte of the buffer and pass
1025. // it in the HidD_GetFeature call. Specifying the report ID in the
1026. // first specifies which report is actually retrieved from the device.
1027. // The rest of the buffer should be zeroed before the call
1029. if (!pData->IsDataSet)
1030. {
1031. memset(m_pFeatureReportBuffer, 0x00, m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength);
1033. m_pFeatureReportBuffer[0] = (UCHAR) pData->ReportID;
1035. bReportStatus = HidD_GetFeature (m_hDevice,
1036. m_pFeatureReportBuffer,
1037. m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength);
1039. // If the return value is true, scan through the rest of the HID_DATA
1040. // structures and fill whatever values we can from this report
1042. if (bReportStatus)
1043. {
1044. bReportStatus = UnpackReport (HidP_Feature,
1045. m_pFeatureReportBuffer,
1046. m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength,
1047. m_pFeatureData,
1048. m_ulFeatureDataLength,
1049. m_pHidPpd);
1050. }
1052. bStatus = bStatus && bReportStatus;
1053. }
1054. }
1056. return bStatus;
1057. }
1059. // send a feature report for each report ID exposed by the HID device
1060. bool CHidDevice::SetFeature()
1061. {
1062. PHID_DATA pData;
1063. ULONG Index;
1064. BOOLEAN bReportStatus;
1065. bool bStatus;
1067. // Begin by looping through the HID_DEVICE's HID_DATA structure and setting
1068. // the IsDataSet field to false to indicate that each structure has
1069. // not yet been set for this SetFeature() call.
1071. pData = m_pFeatureData;
1072. if (!pData)
1073. return false;
1075. for (Index = 0; Index < m_ulFeatureDataLength; Index++, pData++)
1076. {
1077. pData->IsDataSet = false;
1078. }
1080. // In setting all the data in the reports, we need to pack a report buffer
1081. // and call WriteFile for each report ID that is represented by the
1082. // device structure. To do so, the IsDataSet field will be used to
1083. // determine if a given report field has already been set.
1085. bStatus = true;
1087. pData = m_pFeatureData;
1088. if (!pData)
1089. return false;
1091. for (Index = 0; Index < m_ulFeatureDataLength; Index++, pData++)
1092. {
1093. if (!pData->IsDataSet)
1094. {
1095. // Package the report for this data structure. PackReport will
1096. // set the IsDataSet fields of this structure and any other
1097. // structures that it includes in the report with this structure
1099. PackReport (HidP_Feature,
1100. m_pFeatureReportBuffer,
1101. m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength,
1102. m_pFeatureData,
1103. m_ulFeatureDataLength - Index,
1104. m_pHidPpd);
1106. bReportStatus =(HidD_SetFeature (m_hDevice,
1107. m_pFeatureReportBuffer,
1108. m_HidCaps.FeatureReportByteLength));
1110. bStatus = bStatus && bReportStatus;
1111. }
1112. }
1114. return bStatus;
1115. }
1117. // scans though the HID data report and fills in any values it can
1118. bool CHidDevice::UnpackReport(
1119. HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType,
1120. PCHAR ReportBuffer,
1121. USHORT ReportBufferLength,
1122. PHID_DATA Data,
1123. ULONG DataLength,
1125. )
1126. {
1127. ULONG numUsages; // Number of usages returned from GetUsages.
1128. ULONG i;
1129. UCHAR reportID;
1130. ULONG Index;
1131. ULONG nextUsage;
1133. reportID = ReportBuffer[0];
1135. for (i = 0; i < DataLength; i++, Data++)
1136. {
1137. if (reportID == Data->ReportID)
1138. {
1139. if (Data->IsButtonData)
1140. {
1141. numUsages = Data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength;
1143. Data->Status = HidP_GetUsages (ReportType,
1144. Data->UsagePage,
1145. 0, // All collections
1146. Data->ButtonData.Usages,
1147. &numUsages,
1148. Ppd,
1149. ReportBuffer,
1150. ReportBufferLength);
1153. // Get usages writes the list of usages into the buffer
1154. // Data->ButtonData.Usages newUsage is set to the number of usages
1155. // written into this array.
1156. // A usage cannot not be defined as zero, so we'll mark a zero
1157. // following the list of usages to indicate the end of the list of
1158. // usages
1159. //
1160. // NOTE: One anomaly of the GetUsages function is the lack of ability
1161. // to distinguish the data for one ButtonCaps from another
1162. // if two different caps structures have the same UsagePage
1163. // For instance:
1164. // Caps1 has UsagePage 07 and UsageRange of 0x00 - 0x167
1165. // Caps2 has UsagePage 07 and UsageRange of 0xe0 - 0xe7
1166. //
1167. // However, calling GetUsages for each of the data structs
1168. // will return the same list of usages. It is the
1169. // responsibility of the caller to set in the HID_DEVICE
1170. // structure which usages actually are valid for the
1171. // that structure.
1172. //
1174. // Search through the usage list and remove those that
1175. // correspond to usages outside the define ranged for this
1176. // data structure.
1178. for (Index = 0, nextUsage = 0; Index < numUsages; Index++)
1179. {
1180. if (Data->ButtonData.UsageMin <= Data->ButtonData.Usages[Index] &&
1181. Data->ButtonData.Usages[Index] <= Data->ButtonData.UsageMax)
1182. {
1183. Data->ButtonData.Usages[nextUsage++] = Data->ButtonData.Usages[Index];
1184. }
1185. }
1187. if (nextUsage < Data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength)
1188. {
1189. Data->ButtonData.Usages[nextUsage] = 0;
1190. }
1191. }
1192. else
1193. {
1194. Data->Status = HidP_GetUsageValue (
1195. ReportType,
1196. Data->UsagePage,
1197. 0, // All Collections.
1198. Data->ValueData.Usage,
1199. &Data->ValueData.Value,
1200. Ppd,
1201. ReportBuffer,
1202. ReportBufferLength);
1204. if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != Data->Status)
1205. {
1206. return false;
1207. }
1209. Data->Status = HidP_GetScaledUsageValue (
1210. ReportType,
1211. Data->UsagePage,
1212. 0, // All Collections.
1213. Data->ValueData.Usage,
1214. &Data->ValueData.ScaledValue,
1215. Ppd,
1216. ReportBuffer,
1217. ReportBufferLength);
1218. }
1220. Data->IsDataSet = true;
1221. }
1222. }
1224. return true;
1225. }
1227. // packages the HID report based on the data in the structures
1228. bool CHidDevice::PackReport(
1229. HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType,
1230. PCHAR ReportBuffer,
1231. USHORT ReportBufferLength,
1232. PHID_DATA Data,
1233. ULONG DataLength,
1235. )
1236. {
1237. ULONG numUsages; // Number of usages to set for a given report.
1238. ULONG i;
1239. ULONG CurrReportID;
1241. // All report buffers that are initially sent need to be zero'd out
1243. memset (ReportBuffer, (UCHAR) 0, ReportBufferLength);
1245. // Go through the data structures and set all the values that correspond to
1246. // the CurrReportID which is obtained from the first data structure
1247. // in the list
1249. CurrReportID = Data->ReportID;
1251. for (i = 0; i < DataLength; i++, Data++)
1252. {
1253. // There are two different ways to determine if we set the current data
1254. // structure:
1255. // 1) Store the report ID were using and only attempt to set those
1256. // data structures that correspond to the given report ID. This
1257. // example shows this implementation.
1258. //
1259. // 2) Attempt to set all of the data structures and look for the
1260. // returned status value of HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_ID. This
1261. // error code indicates that the given usage exists but has a
1262. // different report ID than the report ID in the current report
1263. // buffer
1265. if (Data->ReportID == CurrReportID)
1266. {
1267. if (Data->IsButtonData)
1268. {
1269. numUsages = Data->ButtonData.MaxUsageLength;
1270. Data->Status = HidP_SetUsages (ReportType,
1271. Data->UsagePage,
1272. 0, // All collections
1273. Data->ButtonData.Usages,
1274. &numUsages,
1275. Ppd,
1276. ReportBuffer,
1277. ReportBufferLength);
1278. }
1279. else
1280. {
1281. Data->Status = HidP_SetUsageValue (ReportType,
1282. Data->UsagePage,
1283. 0, // All Collections.
1284. Data->ValueData.Usage,
1285. Data->ValueData.Value,
1286. Ppd,
1287. ReportBuffer,
1288. ReportBufferLength);
1289. }
1291. if (HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS != Data->Status)
1292. {
1293. return false;
1294. }
1296. Data->IsDataSet = true;
1297. }
1298. }
1300. return true;
1301. }
1303. // obtains the manufacturer string from the HID device
1304. bool CHidDevice::GetManufacturerString(PCHAR szManufacturerString, ULONG ulManufacturerStringLength)
1305. {
1306. PWCHAR str = new WCHAR[ulManufacturerStringLength];
1308. if (str)
1309. {
1310. // attempt to get the manufacturer string, which is in Unicode format
1311. BOOLEAN result = HidD_GetManufacturerString(m_hDevice, str, ulManufacturerStringLength*sizeof(WCHAR));
1313. if (result)
1314. {
1315. // converts the wide character string (Unicode) to multi-byte string
1316. SIZE_T nBytes = wcstombs(szManufacturerString, str, ulManufacturerStringLength-1);
1317. if ((SIZE_T) -1 != nBytes)
1318. {
1319. delete str;
1320. return true;
1321. }
1322. }
1324. delete str;
1325. }
1327. return false;
1328. }
1330. // obtains the product string from the HID device
1331. bool CHidDevice::GetProductString(PCHAR szProductString, ULONG ulProductStringLength)
1332. {
1333. PWCHAR str = new WCHAR[ulProductStringLength];
1335. if (str)
1336. {
1337. // attempt to get the product string, which is in Unicode format
1338. BOOLEAN result = HidD_GetProductString(m_hDevice, str, ulProductStringLength*sizeof(WCHAR));
1340. if (result)
1341. {
1342. // converts the wide character string (Unicode) to multi-byte string
1343. SIZE_T nBytes = wcstombs(szProductString, str, ulProductStringLength-1);
1344. if ((SIZE_T) -1 != nBytes)
1345. {
1346. delete str;
1347. return true;
1348. }
1349. }
1351. delete str;
1352. }
1354. return false;
1355. }
1357. // obtains the serial numbert string from the HID device
1358. bool CHidDevice::GetSerialNumberString(PCHAR szSerialNumberString, ULONG ulSerialNumberStringLength)
1359. {
1360. PWCHAR str = new WCHAR[ulSerialNumberStringLength];
1362. if (str)
1363. {
1364. // attempt to get the serial number string, which is in Unicode format
1365. BOOLEAN result = HidD_GetSerialNumberString(m_hDevice, str, ulSerialNumberStringLength*sizeof(WCHAR));
1367. if (result)
1368. {
1369. // converts the wide character string (Unicode) to multi-byte string
1370. SIZE_T nBytes = wcstombs(szSerialNumberString, str, ulSerialNumberStringLength-1);
1371. if ((SIZE_T) -1 != nBytes)
1372. {
1373. delete str;
1374. return true;
1375. }
1376. }
1378. delete str;
1379. }
1381. return false;
1382. }
1384. // attempts to get a registry value from the registry key where the
1385. // device-specific configuration information is stored for the HID device
1386. bool CHidDevice::RegQueryValue(LPCTSTR lpValueName,
1387. LPDWORD lpType,
1388. LPBYTE lpData,
1389. LPDWORD lpcbData)
1390. {
1391. bool ret = false;
1393. HDEVINFO hwDeviceInfo;
1394. SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA devInterfaceData;
1395. GUID hidGuid;
1398. // get a copy of the HID GUID to be used below
1399. HidD_GetHidGuid (&hidGuid);
1401. // get a list of all HID devices present in the system
1402. hwDeviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&hidGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT|DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE);
1403. if (hwDeviceInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1404. {
1405. HKEY hkEnum;
1407. // loop through all HID devices, looking for a match for this specific HID device
1408. int iEnumInfo = 0;
1409. devInterfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(devInterfaceData);
1410. while ( SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hwDeviceInfo, 0, (CONST LPGUID)&hidGuid, iEnumInfo++, &devInterfaceData) )
1411. {
1412. SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfoData;
1413. PSP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA functionClassDeviceData;
1414. ULONG requiredLength = 0;
1415. ULONG predictedLength = 0;
1417. SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail (
1418. hwDeviceInfo,
1419. &devInterfaceData,
1420. NULL,
1421. 0,
1422. &requiredLength,
1423. NULL);
1425. predictedLength = requiredLength;
1427. // allocate the device data
1428. devInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(devInfoData);
1429. functionClassDeviceData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) new UCHAR[predictedLength];
1430. functionClassDeviceData->cbSize = sizeof (SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA);
1432. // retrieve the information from Plug and Play
1433. if (SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, &devInterfaceData, functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength, &requiredLength, &devInfoData))
1434. {
1435. // check to see if this HID device is a match
1436. if (strcmpi(functionClassDeviceData->DevicePath, m_pHidDevicePath) == 0)
1437. {
1438. // found a match, open a handle to the registry
1439. // where device-specific configuration information
1440. // is stored
1441. hkEnum = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey ( hwDeviceInfo,
1442. &devInfoData,
1444. 0,
1445. DIREG_DEV,
1448. if (hkEnum != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1449. {
1450. // if the reg handle was open, attempt to obtain
1451. // the registry value
1452. if (RegQueryValueEx(hkEnum,
1453. lpValueName,
1454. NULL,
1455. lpType,
1456. lpData,
1457. lpcbData
1458. ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1459. {
1460. // indicate success
1461. ret = true;
1462. }
1464. // close the reg handle
1465. RegCloseKey ( hkEnum );
1466. }
1468. // release the allocated device data and
1469. // leave the loop
1470. delete [] functionClassDeviceData;
1471. break;
1472. }
1473. }
1475. // release the allocated device data
1476. delete [] functionClassDeviceData;
1477. }
1479. // destroy the list that was created above
1480. SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hwDeviceInfo);
1481. }
1483. return ret;
1484. }
1486. // attempts to set a registry value in the registry key where the
1487. // device-specific configuration information is stored for the HID device
1488. bool CHidDevice::RegSetValue(LPCTSTR lpValueName,
1489. DWORD Type,
1490. LPBYTE lpData,
1491. DWORD cbData)
1492. {
1493. bool ret = false;
1495. HDEVINFO hwDeviceInfo;
1496. SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA devInterfaceData;
1497. GUID hidGuid;
1500. // get a copy of the HID GUID to be used below
1501. HidD_GetHidGuid (&hidGuid);
1503. // get a list of all HID devices present in the system
1504. hwDeviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&hidGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT|DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE);
1505. if (hwDeviceInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1506. {
1507. HKEY hkEnum;
1509. // loop through all HID devices, looking for a match for this specific HID device
1510. int iEnumInfo = 0;
1511. devInterfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(devInterfaceData);
1512. while ( SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hwDeviceInfo, 0, (CONST LPGUID)&hidGuid, iEnumInfo++, &devInterfaceData) )
1513. {
1514. SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfoData;
1515. PSP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA functionClassDeviceData;
1516. ULONG requiredLength = 0;
1517. ULONG predictedLength = 0;
1519. SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail (
1520. hwDeviceInfo,
1521. &devInterfaceData,
1522. NULL,
1523. 0,
1524. &requiredLength,
1525. NULL);
1527. predictedLength = requiredLength;
1529. // allocate the device data
1530. devInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(devInfoData);
1531. functionClassDeviceData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) new UCHAR[predictedLength];
1532. functionClassDeviceData->cbSize = sizeof (SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA);
1534. // retrieve the information from Plug and Play
1535. if (SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail(hwDeviceInfo, &devInterfaceData, functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength, &requiredLength, &devInfoData))
1536. {
1537. // check to see if this HID device is a match
1538. if (strcmpi(functionClassDeviceData->DevicePath, m_pHidDevicePath) == 0)
1539. {
1540. // found a match, open a handle to the registry
1541. // where device-specific configuration information
1542. // is stored
1543. hkEnum = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey ( hwDeviceInfo,
1544. &devInfoData,
1546. 0,
1547. DIREG_DEV,
1550. if (hkEnum != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1551. {
1552. if (RegSetValueEx(hkEnum,
1553. lpValueName,
1554. NULL,
1555. Type,
1556. lpData,
1557. cbData
1558. ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1559. {
1560. // indicate success
1561. ret = true;
1562. }
1564. // close the reg handle
1565. RegCloseKey ( hkEnum );
1566. }
1568. // release the allocated device data and
1569. // leave the loop
1570. delete [] functionClassDeviceData;
1571. break;
1572. }
1573. }
1575. // release the allocated device data
1576. delete [] functionClassDeviceData;
1577. }
1579. // destroy the list that was created above
1580. SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hwDeviceInfo);
1581. }
1583. return ret;
1584. }
1587. CHidManager::CHidManager()
1588. {
1589. m_OS.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
1590. GetVersionEx( &m_OS );
1592. InitializeHidManager();
1593. }
1595. CHidManager::~CHidManager(void)
1596. {
1597. // remove all HID devices in the maintained list
1598. RemoveAllHidDevices();
1600. // destroy the invisible window, if it exists
1601. if (m_hWnd)
1602. {
1603. ::DestroyWindow(m_hWnd);
1604. m_hWnd = NULL;
1605. }
1607. // if we registered for notificiation for this device, then clean up
1608. if (m_hDeviceNotification)
1609. {
1610. // issue callback indicating the device notification is being unregistered
1611. if (m_pHidCallback) (*m_pHidCallback)(m_pHidCallbackParam, NULL, HIDCB_NOTIFY_DEVICE_UNREGISTERED);
1613. // unregister device notification
1614. // NOTE: for Windows 98x, it can become unstable if you unregister the device notification
1615. if (m_OS.dwMajorVersion > 4)
1616. {
1617. ::UnregisterDeviceNotification(m_hDeviceNotification);
1618. }
1619. m_hDeviceNotification = NULL;
1620. }
1622. // NULL callback function and parameter pointers
1623. m_pHidCallback = NULL;
1624. m_pHidCallbackParam = NULL;
1625. }
1627. // standard initialization
1628. void CHidManager::InitializeHidManager()
1629. {
1630. m_pThis = this;
1632. m_bEnabled = false;
1633. m_hWnd = NULL;
1634. m_hDeviceNotification = NULL;
1635. m_pHidCallback = NULL;
1636. m_pHidCallbackParam = NULL;
1638. m_pHidDeviceListHead = NULL;
1639. m_pCurrentHidDevice = NULL;
1640. m_nHidDevices = 0;
1642. ZeroMemory(m_bUniqueIDs, HIDMGR_SUPPORTED_HID_DEVICES);
1643. }
1646. // registers for notification of events for all HID class devices and
1647. // calls HID callback function to indicate registration was completed
1648. bool CHidManager::RegisterHidNotification(HWND hWnd)
1649. {
1650. DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE broadcastInterface = {0};
1652. broadcastInterface.dbcc_size = sizeof(broadcastInterface);
1653. broadcastInterface.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE;
1655. // get HID GUID
1656. ::HidD_GetHidGuid(&broadcastInterface.dbcc_classguid);
1658. m_hDeviceNotification = ::RegisterDeviceNotification(hWnd, (PVOID) &broadcastInterface, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE);
1659. if (!m_hDeviceNotification) return false;
1661. if (m_pHidCallback) (*m_pHidCallback)(m_pHidCallbackParam, NULL, HIDCB_NOTIFY_DEVICE_REGISTERED);
1663. return true;
1664. }
1667. // registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to CreateWindow, used below
1668. ATOM CHidManager::RegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance)
1669. {
1670. WNDCLASSEX wcex;
1672. wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
1674. wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS;
1675. //wcex.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WindowProc; /////////////////////////////////////////////
1676. wcex.cbClsExtra = 0;
1677. wcex.cbWndExtra = 0;
1678. wcex.hInstance = hInstance;
1679. wcex.hIcon = 0;
1680. wcex.hCursor = 0;
1681. wcex.hbrBackground = 0;
1682. wcex.lpszMenuName = 0;
1683. wcex.lpszClassName = HIDMANAGER_CLASS;
1684. wcex.hIconSm = 0;
1686. return ::RegisterClassEx(&wcex);
1687. }
1689. // creates an invisible window and uses the returned window handle
1690. // to register for HID device notification events, then it creates
1691. // a list of existing HID devices that will be maintained by the
1692. // HID manager
1693. bool CHidManager::Create(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hParentWnd, PHidCallback pHidCallback, void *pHidCallbackParam)
1694. {
1695. bool bResult = true;
1697. m_pHidCallback = pHidCallback;
1698. m_pHidCallbackParam = pHidCallbackParam;
1700. // class so WindowProc function is called
1701. RegisterClass(hInst);
1703. // Create an invisible window
1704. m_hWnd = ::CreateWindow(HIDMANAGER_CLASS, _T(""), WS_POPUP,
1707. NULL, 0,
1708. hInst, 0);
1710. if (!RegisterHidNotification(m_hWnd))
1711. {
1712. bResult = false;
1713. }
1715. if (bResult)
1716. {
1717. // setup all existing and valid HID devices
1718. RefreshHidDevices();
1720. // everything was created successfully
1721. m_bEnabled = true;
1722. }
1724. return bResult;
1725. }
1727. // attempts to open a handle to the HID device to determine
1728. // if it is present (or not) and returns the result
1729. bool CHidManager::IsHidDevicePresent(CHidDevice *pHidDevice)
1730. {
1731. // attempt to open a handle to the HID device, if the device
1732. // is present then this should return success
1733. HANDLE h = ::CreateFile(pHidDevice->m_pHidDevicePath,
1736. NULL,
1738. 0,
1739. NULL);
1741. if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1742. {
1743. // close handle and indicate device is present
1744. ::CloseHandle(h);
1745. return true;
1746. }
1748. return false;
1749. }
1751. // attempts to create and maintain a unique ID for the associated HID device
1752. USHORT CHidManager::CreateUniqueDeviceID()
1753. {
1754. USHORT i;
1756. for (i=0;i<hidmgr_supported_hid_devices;i++) (!m_buniqueids[i])="" m_buniqueids[i]="true;" i;="" return="" 0xffff;="" }="" frees="" the="" specified="" unique="" id="" void="" chidmanager::freeuniquedeviceid(ushort="" uid)="" {="" if="" (uid="">< HIDMGR_SUPPORTED_HID_DEVICES)
1757. {
1758. m_bUniqueIDs[uID] = false;
1759. }
1760. }
1762. // returns a pointer to the first HID device in the list
1763. CHidDevice* CHidManager::GetFirstHidDevice()
1764. {
1765. m_pCurrentHidDevice = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1766. return m_pCurrentHidDevice;
1767. }
1769. // returns a pointer to the next HID device in the list
1770. CHidDevice* CHidManager::GetNextHidDevice()
1771. {
1772. if (m_pCurrentHidDevice)
1773. m_pCurrentHidDevice = m_pCurrentHidDevice->nextHidDevice;
1775. return m_pCurrentHidDevice;
1776. }
1778. // returns a pointer to the current HID device in the list
1779. CHidDevice* CHidManager::GetCurrentHidDevice()
1780. {
1781. return m_pCurrentHidDevice;
1782. }
1784. // scans the current list of HID devices and returns a pointer
1785. // to the HID device that matches the device path provided
1786. CHidDevice* CHidManager::GetHidDeviceWithPath(PCHAR pDevicePath)
1787. {
1788. CHidDevice * pCurHidDevice = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1790. while (pCurHidDevice)
1791. {
1792. if (!lstrcmpi(pCurHidDevice->m_pHidDevicePath, pDevicePath))
1793. break;
1795. pCurHidDevice = pCurHidDevice->nextHidDevice;
1796. }
1798. return pCurHidDevice;
1799. }
1801. // scans the current list of HID devices and returns a pointer
1802. // to the HID device that matches the device handle provided
1803. CHidDevice* CHidManager::GetHidDeviceWithHandle(HANDLE hHidDevice)
1804. {
1805. CHidDevice * pCurHidDevice = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1807. while (pCurHidDevice)
1808. {
1809. if (pCurHidDevice->GetDeviceHandle() == hHidDevice)
1810. break;
1812. pCurHidDevice = pCurHidDevice->nextHidDevice;
1813. }
1815. return pCurHidDevice;
1816. }
1818. // determines if the HID device already exists in the list
1819. bool CHidManager::HidDeviceAlreadyExist(CHidDevice *pHidDevice)
1820. {
1821. CHidDevice * pCurHidDevice = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1823. while (pCurHidDevice)
1824. {
1825. if (pCurHidDevice == pHidDevice)
1826. return true;
1828. pCurHidDevice = pCurHidDevice->nextHidDevice;
1829. }
1831. return false;
1832. }
1834. // checks if the provided HID device already exists, and if not,
1835. // adds the new HID device to the end of the list, increments the
1836. // HID device counter, and call the HID callback function to indicate
1837. // a new HID device was added
1838. bool CHidManager::AddHidDevice(CHidDevice *pHidDevice)
1839. {
1840. // determine if HID device already exists
1841. if (HidDeviceAlreadyExist(pHidDevice))
1842. return false;
1844. // add HID device to end of list, if first device
1845. // then set it as the first device in the list
1846. if (m_pHidDeviceListHead == NULL)
1847. {
1848. m_pHidDeviceListHead = pHidDevice;
1849. }
1850. else
1851. {
1852. CHidDevice * pHidTemp = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1854. while (pHidTemp->nextHidDevice != NULL)
1855. {
1856. pHidTemp = pHidTemp->nextHidDevice;
1857. }
1859. pHidTemp->nextHidDevice = pHidDevice;
1860. }
1862. // increment HID device counter
1863. m_nHidDevices++;
1865. // call HID callback function to indicate HID device was added
1866. if (m_pHidCallback) (*m_pHidCallback)(m_pHidCallbackParam, pHidDevice, HIDCB_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ADDED);
1868. return true;
1869. }
1871. // closes outstanding handle to the HID device, call HID
1872. // callback function to indicate HID device is being removed,
1873. // removes the HID device from the list, and deletes the HID device
1874. bool CHidManager::RemoveHidDevice(CHidDevice *pHidDevice)
1875. {
1876. // check for valid HID device pointer
1877. if (pHidDevice)
1878. {
1879. // close handle to HID device
1880. pHidDevice->CloseHidDevice();
1882. CHidDevice * pHidTemp = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1883. CHidDevice * pHidPrev = NULL;
1885. // loop through all HID devices in the list to find the
1886. // matching HID device to be removed
1887. while (pHidTemp)
1888. {
1889. // check if HID device was found
1890. if (pHidTemp == pHidDevice)
1891. {
1892. // found, so decrement HID device counter
1893. m_nHidDevices--;
1895. // call HID callback function to indicate HID device is
1896. // being removed
1897. if (m_pHidCallback) (*m_pHidCallback)(m_pHidCallbackParam, pHidDevice, HIDCB_NOTIFY_DEVICE_REMOVED);
1899. // remove HID device from list
1900. if (pHidPrev)
1901. {
1902. pHidPrev->nextHidDevice = pHidTemp->nextHidDevice;
1903. }
1905. if (pHidTemp == m_pHidDeviceListHead)
1906. {
1907. m_pHidDeviceListHead = pHidTemp->nextHidDevice;
1908. }
1910. // delete HID device
1911. DeleteHidDevice(pHidTemp);
1913. // end loop
1914. pHidTemp = NULL;
1915. }
1916. else
1917. {
1918. // get next HID device in list
1919. pHidPrev = pHidTemp;
1920. pHidTemp = pHidTemp->nextHidDevice;
1921. }
1922. }
1923. }
1925. return true;
1926. }
1928. // scans though all HID devices in the list and removes them
1929. void CHidManager::RemoveAllHidDevices()
1930. {
1931. CHidDevice * pCurHidDevice = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1933. while (pCurHidDevice)
1934. {
1935. CHidDevice * pNextHidDevice = pCurHidDevice->nextHidDevice;
1937. RemoveHidDevice(pCurHidDevice);
1939. pCurHidDevice = pNextHidDevice;
1940. }
1942. m_pHidDeviceListHead = NULL;
1943. }
1945. // validates that all HID devices in the list are still present,
1946. // removes those from the list that are currently not present,
1947. // scans the list of all existing HID devices present, and then
1948. // attempts to add the existing HID devices to the list
1949. bool CHidManager::RefreshHidDevices(void)
1950. {
1951. bool bRetVal = false;
1952. CHidDevice *pCurHidDevice = m_pHidDeviceListHead;
1954. // first check that all devices are still valid
1955. // remove if not
1956. while (pCurHidDevice)
1957. {
1958. CHidDevice * pNextHidDevice = pCurHidDevice->nextHidDevice;
1960. if (!IsHidDevicePresent(pCurHidDevice))
1961. {
1962. RemoveHidDevice(pCurHidDevice);
1963. bRetVal = true;
1964. }
1966. pCurHidDevice = pNextHidDevice;
1967. }
1970. // open a handle to the plug and play dev node, SetupDiGetClassDevs()
1971. // returns a device information set that contains info on all installed
1972. // devices of a specified class.
1973. GUID hidGuid;
1974. HDEVINFO hardwareDeviceInfo;
1975. SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA deviceInfoData;
1976. PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA functionClassDeviceData = NULL;
1977. ULONG predictedLength = 0;
1978. ULONG requiredLength = 0;
1979. ULONG i = 0;
1980. bool bDone = false;
1982. HidD_GetHidGuid (&hidGuid);
1984. hardwareDeviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs (&hidGuid,
1985. NULL, // define no enumerator (all HID devices)
1986. NULL, // define no
1987. (DIGCF_PRESENT | // only devices present
1988. DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE)); // function class devices.
1990. if (hardwareDeviceInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
1991. {
1992. // return true to indicate something may have changed
1993. return true;
1994. }
1996. deviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
1998. while (!bDone)
1999. {
2000. if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (hardwareDeviceInfo,
2001. 0, // don't care about specific PDOs
2002. &hidGuid,
2003. i,
2004. &deviceInfoData))
2005. {
2006. //
2007. // allocate a function class device data structure to receive the
2008. // goods about this particular device.
2010. SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (
2011. hardwareDeviceInfo,
2012. &deviceInfoData,
2013. NULL, // probing so no output buffer yet
2014. 0, // probing so output buffer length of zero
2015. &requiredLength,
2016. NULL); // not interested in the specific dev-node
2019. predictedLength = requiredLength;
2021. functionClassDeviceData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) new UCHAR[predictedLength];
2022. if (functionClassDeviceData)
2023. {
2024. ZeroMemory (functionClassDeviceData, predictedLength);
2025. functionClassDeviceData->cbSize = sizeof (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
2026. }
2027. else
2028. {
2029. SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo);
2031. // return true to indicate something may have changed
2032. return true;
2033. }
2035. //
2036. // retrieve the information from Plug and Play.
2037. //
2039. if (! SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (
2040. hardwareDeviceInfo,
2041. &deviceInfoData,
2042. functionClassDeviceData,
2043. predictedLength,
2044. &requiredLength,
2045. NULL))
2046. {
2047. SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList (hardwareDeviceInfo);
2048. delete [] functionClassDeviceData;
2050. // return true to indicate something may have changed
2051. return true;
2052. }
2054. HidDeviceArrival(functionClassDeviceData->DevicePath);
2056. delete [] functionClassDeviceData;
2057. }
2058. else
2059. {
2060. if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
2061. {
2062. bDone = true;
2063. }
2064. }
2066. i++;
2067. }
2069. return bRetVal;
2070. }
2072. // makes sure the HID device does not already exist in the list,
2073. // and then creates a new HID device device, opens a handle to
2074. // the device, adds the new HID device to the list, and registers
2075. // event notification for this new HID device
2076. void CHidManager::HidDeviceArrival(PCHAR pDevicePath)
2077. {
2078. // attempt to match a HID device in the list
2079. // based on the device path provided, if not then
2080. // it is okay to add this HID device to the list
2081. // otherwise the HID device already exists in our
2082. // list
2083. if (!GetHidDeviceWithPath(pDevicePath))
2084. {
2085. // this HID device is not in our list, so create
2086. // a new one and attempt to add it to the list
2087. CHidDevice *pNewHidDevice = NewHidDevice(pDevicePath);
2089. if (pNewHidDevice)
2090. {
2091. // make sure we can open a handle to
2092. // the HID device before we add it
2093. // to the list
2094. if (pNewHidDevice->OpenHidDevice())
2095. {
2096. // handle to the HID device open, so
2097. // now add it to the list and register
2098. // it for event notification
2099. AddHidDevice(pNewHidDevice);
2100. pNewHidDevice->RegisterHidDevice(m_hWnd);
2101. }
2102. else
2103. {
2104. // could not open handle, so just delete
2105. // the HID device craeated
2106. DeleteHidDevice(pNewHidDevice);
2107. }
2108. }
2109. }
2110. }
2112. // readies the HID device for removal by making sure the handle is closed,
2113. // this version expects the device path
2114. void CHidManager::HidDeviceQueryRemoval(PCHAR pDevicePath)
2115. {
2116. CHidDevice *pHidDevice = GetHidDeviceWithPath(pDevicePath);
2118. if (pHidDevice)
2119. {
2120. pHidDevice->CloseHidDevice();
2121. }
2122. }
2124. // readies the HID device for removal by making sure the handle is closed,
2125. // this version expects a handle to the device
2126. void CHidManager::HidDeviceQueryRemoval(HANDLE hHidDevice)
2127. {
2128. CHidDevice *pHidDevice = GetHidDeviceWithHandle(hHidDevice);
2130. if (pHidDevice)
2131. {
2132. pHidDevice->CloseHidDevice();
2133. }
2134. }
2136. // removes the HID device, this version expects the
2137. // device path
2138. void CHidManager::HidDeviceRemoval(PCHAR pDevicePath)
2139. {
2140. CHidDevice *pHidDevice = GetHidDeviceWithPath(pDevicePath);
2142. if (pHidDevice)
2143. {
2144. RemoveHidDevice(pHidDevice);
2145. }
2146. }
2148. // removes the HID device, this version expects a
2149. // handle to the device
2150. void CHidManager::HidDeviceRemoval(HANDLE hHidDevice)
2151. {
2152. CHidDevice *pHidDevice = GetHidDeviceWithHandle(hHidDevice);
2154. if (pHidDevice)
2155. {
2156. RemoveHidDevice(pHidDevice);
2157. }
2158. }
2160. /*
2161. // the global (static) callback function for the CHidManager window
2162. LRESULT PASCAL CHidManager::WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2163. {
2164. CHidManager* pHidManager = m_pThis;
2166. // make sure our window is the target for this message
2167. if (pHidManager->GetSafeHwnd() == hWnd)
2168. {
2169. if (message == WM_DEVICECHANGE)
2170. {
2171. PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR broadcastHdr = (PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR) lParam;
2173. if (wParam == DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL)
2174. {
2175. if (broadcastHdr->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
2176. {
2179. // HID device arrival
2180. pHidManager->HidDeviceArrival(pBroadcastInterface->dbcc_name);
2181. }
2182. }
2183. else if (wParam == DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE)
2184. {
2185. // if this message is received, the device is either
2186. // being disabled or removed through device manager.
2187. // To properly handle this request, we need to close
2188. // the handle to the device.
2190. if (broadcastHdr->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
2191. {
2194. // HID device query removal
2195. pHidManager->HidDeviceQueryRemoval(pBroadcastInterface->dbcc_name);
2196. }
2197. else if (broadcastHdr->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE)
2198. {
2201. // HID device query removal
2202. pHidManager->HidDeviceQueryRemoval(pBroadcastDevice->dbch_handle);
2203. }
2204. }
2206. {
2207. // do the same steps for DBT_DEVICEREMOVEPENDING and
2210. // the DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE request is not called
2211. // for a device if it is disabled or removed via
2212. // the Device Manager, however, in this case it will
2213. // receive the DBT_DEVICEREMOVEPENDING
2215. // remove the device from our currently displayed
2216. // list of devices and unregister notification
2218. if (broadcastHdr->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
2219. {
2222. // HID device removal
2223. pHidManager->HidDeviceRemoval(pBroadcastInterface->dbcc_name);
2224. }
2225. else if (broadcastHdr->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE)
2226. {
2229. // HID device removal
2230. pHidManager->HidDeviceRemoval(pBroadcastDevice->dbch_handle);
2231. }
2232. }
2233. }
2234. else if (message == WM_UNREGISTER_HANDLE)
2235. {
2236. ::UnregisterDeviceNotification ( (HDEVNOTIFY) lParam );
2237. }
2238. }
2240. // now the process the message, just default it
2241. return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
2242. }
2243. */ </hidmgr_supported_hid_devices;i++)></dbt.h>
almeria27 escribió:He estado buscando lo que has puesto (...)
imanol25 escribió:bueno, como ya le dije al usuario que los vende, esto estara bien para empezar, y eso es lo que ha sido. Depender de gente para que te saquen los firms es lo que tiene, que cuando han vendido demasiado, ya les da bastante igual. Pero bueno, yo lo que pague, ya lo he amortizado.
Os recomiendo a todos que os pilleis algun otro en dealextreme o paginas asi, que os cuesta 4 duras y mientras llega, unas cuatro semanas, sigais tirando del amaze.
c0d3m4st4 escribió:Así es, lo mejor ahora mismo lo mejor es pillar cualquier plaquita de desarrollo que permita meterle tu propio código (ojo, que de los dongles conocidos, muy pocos permiten que les metas tu propio código, y acabará pasando lo que con el amaze a pesar de ser más caros).
aiitooreet escribió:c0d3m4st4 creo haber dado con el chip que lleva nuestro aparatito y considero que es un avance bastante importante, el modelo en cuestion es Cypress Semiconductor SL811HST-AXC.
Aqui dejo una imagen:
Juraria que es el nuestro, mirarlo y decirme que os parece.
c0d3m4st4 escribió:podría ser, aunque el precio tumba un poco la teoría... $8.57 por unidad, más que el amazebreak completo xDaiitooreet escribió:c0d3m4st4 creo haber dado con el chip que lleva nuestro aparatito y considero que es un avance bastante importante, el modelo en cuestion es Cypress Semiconductor SL811HST-AXC.
Aqui dejo una imagen:
Juraria que es el nuestro, mirarlo y decirme que os parece.
LordJohn escribió:a lo mejor la van a unir en una sola, con la actualización para las versiones de firm 3.42 y 3.50 =D
Redlm1986 escribió:aqui teneis lo q me han dixo los desgraciaos de amazebreak españa esta mañana.
Asunto*: reclamacion
> Mensaje*: Me parece una verguenza el soporte que estais dando todos los dongles estan actualizados en cuestion de horas para poder usar el online encima q vuestro dongle lo unico q hace es usar el trabajo realizado por hermes y lucraros de ello no sois capaces de portar el parxe para jugar online de manera eficaz para q funcione en la version 3.41.espero una contestacion a mail sobre si estais trabajando en ello o realmente lo unico q haceis es copiar el trabajo de terceros q hacen de manera desinteresada y gratuita.
Muy buenas,
Nosotros somos simples distribuidores en España, no tenemos nada que ver
ni en el hardware ni en el software. Si tienes alguna queja respecto al
software o al hardware de amazebreak dirígete directamente al
fabricante, http://www.amazebreak.cc
Nosotros no podemos hacer otra cosa, esperemos que salga la
actualizacion pronto.
Un saludo.
Jose A. Merino
ESTOS tios se pasan la pelota y se cagan no tienen verguenza a mi punto de ver un saludo y espero q deis vuestra opinion.
Redlm1986 escribió:aqui teneis lo q me han dixo los desgraciaos de amazebreak españa esta mañana.
Asunto*: reclamacion
> Mensaje*: Me parece una verguenza el soporte que estais dando todos los dongles estan actualizados en cuestion de horas para poder usar el online encima q vuestro dongle lo unico q hace es usar el trabajo realizado por hermes y lucraros de ello no sois capaces de portar el parxe para jugar online de manera eficaz para q funcione en la version 3.41.espero una contestacion a mail sobre si estais trabajando en ello o realmente lo unico q haceis es copiar el trabajo de terceros q hacen de manera desinteresada y gratuita.
Muy buenas,
Nosotros somos simples distribuidores en España, no tenemos nada que ver
ni en el hardware ni en el software. Si tienes alguna queja respecto al
software o al hardware de amazebreak dirígete directamente al
fabricante, http://www.amazebreak.cc
Nosotros no podemos hacer otra cosa, esperemos que salga la
actualizacion pronto.
Un saludo.
Jose A. Merino
ESTOS tios se pasan la pelota y se cagan no tienen verguenza a mi punto de ver un saludo y espero q deis vuestra opinion.
Diego_Sanchez escribió:Redlm1986 escribió:aqui teneis lo q me han dixo los desgraciaos de amazebreak españa esta mañana.
Asunto*: reclamacion
> Mensaje*: Me parece una verguenza el soporte que estais dando todos los dongles estan actualizados en cuestion de horas para poder usar el online encima q vuestro dongle lo unico q hace es usar el trabajo realizado por hermes y lucraros de ello no sois capaces de portar el parxe para jugar online de manera eficaz para q funcione en la version 3.41.espero una contestacion a mail sobre si estais trabajando en ello o realmente lo unico q haceis es copiar el trabajo de terceros q hacen de manera desinteresada y gratuita.
Muy buenas,
Nosotros somos simples distribuidores en España, no tenemos nada que ver
ni en el hardware ni en el software. Si tienes alguna queja respecto al
software o al hardware de amazebreak dirígete directamente al
fabricante, http://www.amazebreak.cc
Nosotros no podemos hacer otra cosa, esperemos que salga la
actualizacion pronto.
Un saludo.
Jose A. Merino
ESTOS tios se pasan la pelota y se cagan no tienen verguenza a mi punto de ver un saludo y espero q deis vuestra opinion.
A mi lo que me parece una verguenza es que te dirijas así a un simple distribuidor, él no es el fabricante, el no desarrolla el software, él sólamente distribuye el producto, y hace una cosa que ni debería hacer que es poner las descargas del software a tu disposión y no está obligado a ello.
Como ya he dicho, no se pasan la pelota si no que ellos no son quienes tienen que solucionar ese tema.
Por otro lado que muestres tanta indignación y que te dirijas a ellos de tan malas formas no lo veo ni medio lógico. Este team no está dejando tirado a nadie, tarden más tarden menos van solucionando los problemas y actualizando su software para la satisfacción del cliente.
Seguramente si no presionarais tanto y fuérais más cordiales las atualizaciones serían mejores ya que si trabajas con presión para que salga rápido y los nenes se callen la boca muy bien no puede salir...
Un saludo
Redlm1986 escribió:aqui teneis lo q me han dixo los desgraciaos de amazebreak españa esta mañana.
Asunto*: reclamacion
> Mensaje*: Me parece una verguenza el soporte que estais dando todos los dongles estan actualizados en cuestion de horas para poder usar el online encima q vuestro dongle lo unico q hace es usar el trabajo realizado por hermes y lucraros de ello no sois capaces de portar el parxe para jugar online de manera eficaz para q funcione en la version 3.41.espero una contestacion a mail sobre si estais trabajando en ello o realmente lo unico q haceis es copiar el trabajo de terceros q hacen de manera desinteresada y gratuita.
Muy buenas,
Nosotros somos simples distribuidores en España, no tenemos nada que ver
ni en el hardware ni en el software. Si tienes alguna queja respecto al
software o al hardware de amazebreak dirígete directamente al
fabricante, http://www.amazebreak.cc
Nosotros no podemos hacer otra cosa, esperemos que salga la
actualizacion pronto.
Un saludo.
Jose A. Merino
ESTOS tios se pasan la pelota y se cagan no tienen verguenza a mi punto de ver un saludo y espero q deis vuestra opinion.
mlorenzo escribió:Redlm1986 escribió:aqui teneis lo q me han dixo los desgraciaos de amazebreak españa esta mañana.
Asunto*: reclamacion
> Mensaje*: Me parece una verguenza el soporte que estais dando todos los dongles estan actualizados en cuestion de horas para poder usar el online encima q vuestro dongle lo unico q hace es usar el trabajo realizado por hermes y lucraros de ello no sois capaces de portar el parxe para jugar online de manera eficaz para q funcione en la version 3.41.espero una contestacion a mail sobre si estais trabajando en ello o realmente lo unico q haceis es copiar el trabajo de terceros q hacen de manera desinteresada y gratuita.
Muy buenas,
Nosotros somos simples distribuidores en España, no tenemos nada que ver
ni en el hardware ni en el software. Si tienes alguna queja respecto al
software o al hardware de amazebreak dirígete directamente al
fabricante, http://www.amazebreak.cc
Nosotros no podemos hacer otra cosa, esperemos que salga la
actualizacion pronto.
Un saludo.
Jose A. Merino
ESTOS tios se pasan la pelota y se cagan no tienen verguenza a mi punto de ver un saludo y espero q deis vuestra opinion.
Amazebreak upgradefile08
Connect PSN without upgrade your console to FW3.50 (for 3.15, not for 3.41).
Notice: maybe BAN your console with this file, pls be careful to use it.
ya salio