Los que decís que hay una actualización el 20 en el psjailbreak que dará soporte a 3.42 y 3.50, por favor, leed:
We have now shipped all our loyal dealers and we assure you, the wait has been worthwhile. We apologize for the delay of the support we promised, but it is indeed coming. We will officially be releasing our support for new firmwares by October 20th, and Backup Manager v1.1 a few days after. It will have all the features that clone makers have been providing, along with some new ones that will blow you all away. As mentioned in previous news updates, we are still receiving large amounts of mail about our high price compared to our competition, so we will reiterate. Clones are low quality, have high defect rates and will only work on firmware 3.41. So for all you dealers out there, why buy a product that limits your market? Ours allows you to distribute to all end users and provides your clients with more options.
A ver, ¿dónde dice que se dará soporte a 3.42 y 3.50? Porque puede ser soporte a 3.15 y 3.40, por ejemplo. Así que leed bien antes de dar por cierto algo, además, otra cosa es que cumplan lo prometido, no es la 1º vez que donde dicen digo, dicen Diego. No critiqueis ps3key por "intangibles" psjailbreak del día 20, criticadlo por lo que hay ahora en otros clones y no en ps3key, porque lo de psjailbreak está por ver.