Mr. Ecclestone, however, is becoming desperate to get rid of the big manufacturers to cling on to his job. Even eternal F1 competitor Ferrari are apparently not happy about Ecclestone’s increasingly despotic way of running the sport. E’s weapon of choice is to push the concept of a two-tier championship, a concept that Mercedes is categorically opposed to. In an early January meeting with Red Bull tsar Dietrich Mateschitz, Ecclestone is said to have developed a price model. According to the top teams would hand down their old chassis to the smaller teams for a fixed sum of 10 million, with another 10 million added for V8 engines with a less complex KERS system (read: the engines F1 ditched two years ago) and another 5M for gearboxes, amounting to a technical budget of 25M for which teams like Force India can come last week in and week out.
Jumm, esto cada vez se parece mas a Le Mans, entiendo que quiere crear 2 divisiones dentro del mundillo, equipos grandes que se costean sus monoplazas y los pequeños, que recibiran componentes de la temporada anterior...
Entonces si mercedes arrasa, todos los beneficios van para Mercedes economicamente hablando ya que logicamente los equipos pequeños iran a por los mejores equipos....descompensando AUN mas la situacion...