Anunciado el Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection en LRG. Incluye por lo que veo:
Scramble- The side-scrolling shooting game which started it all. It could be considered to be the original game which inspired the creators of the Gradius series.
TwinBee- The first game of the TwinBee series loved for its cute graphics.
Nemesis (also known as Gradius)- The smash-hit first installment in the Gradius series, known for its unique power-ups and enemies.
Salamander (also known as Life Force)- The second entry in the Gradius series which took the series to the next level with its upgraded gameplay and improved graphics.
Typhoon (also known as A-Jax)- The timeless shooting game that introduced ground-breaking sprite zooming and rotation effects that added depth to the graphics.
Haunted Castle- The arcade version of Castlevania which bewitched the fans with its haunting graphics.
Vulcan Venture (also known as Gradius II)- Considered by many to be the pinnacle of the Gradius series, memorable for its beloved music and top-notch level design.
Thunder Cross- The game that introduced many players to the shoot'em up genre, thanks to a more inclusive difficulty and unique design
Van a sacar 3 ediciones por 34,99, 64,99 y 159,99 (más envío e impuestos). ... collection ... ic-edition ... te-edition