ACTUALIZADO ( 05/03/09 )
El Titan Pack estará disponible el día 19 de marzoLa salida del Titan Pack en la Playstation Store se retrasa dos semanas por problemas de certificación, ( han tardado más de lo normal ).
Lo que ya está disponible es la descarga del parche con la pantalla partida, trofeos, arreglo de bugs y el navegador para los mods.Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control, the certification process for the PS3 patch and DLC has taken much longer than we expected. As a result, we have been forced to push back the release date for the PS3 version to 3/19.
The PC patch contains updates that will improve mods cooked for PS3, so we'll be taking advantage of this extra time to work with mod authors to make sure the best mods for UT3 are cooked with the latest patch.
Menuda sorpresa, al final Epic se va a portar.
Han anunciado "UT3 Titan Pack" para PC y PS3, saldrá el día 5 de marzo.
El parche será GRATUITO.
Para PS3 van a meter trofeos, modo para dos jugadores a pantalla partida y un navegador para descargar los mods directamente a la PS3. Aparte de más mapas, personajes, modos de juego...
Contenido completo:
“Unreal Tournament 3: Titan Pack” includes:
* 16 environments – four Warfare, three vCTF, six Deathmatch, and three CTF maps – that are new to the PC and PS3 versions
* Three bonus pack maps, CTF-Face, CTF-Searchlight and DM-Morbias
* The namesake Titan mutator, which lets players overwhelm opponents as a 15 foot tall titan, or crush them as a 30 foot tall Behemoth
* Greed and Betrayal, two gametypes that breed new-found fervor throughout the competitive UT3 arena
* Two powerful weapons, the Stinger Turret and Eradicator Cannon artillery
* Two valuable deployables, the X-Ray Field and Link Station
* The Slow Field power-up, a portable version of the Slow Field deployable
* Stealthbender, a new vehicle that carries two spidermine trap deployables, one EMP mine, and one each of the new Link Station and X-Ray Field deployables
* Two new characters, Nova and Kana
* 57 awards attainable as Steam Achievements and PS3 Trophies
* Broad improvements for PC and PS3: Significant AI enhancements, especially in vehicle gametypes; networking performance upgrades; greatly improved menu flow and UI usability; better mod support
* Client-side demo recording, highly improved Server Browser, a new maplist system, plus mid-game mutator and gametype voting functionality for PC
* High demand PS3 features including PS3 Trophy support, two-player split-screen support, and mod browsing
Más info : del parche por IGN ( versión PC ) : es la primera lista de mejoras que salió cuando se aún no se habia anunciado el parche, son de la versión PC, pero parece, visto el anuncio de hoy, que la gran mayoría también aparecerán en PS3: