Tu video no, es de ign. Me fio de webs más serias que hacen análisis de verdad con buen equipamiento e igualando la salida de imagen.
Those hoping for the Wii U version to slip somewhere in between the PS3/360 and PS4/XO experience are in for a disappointment though. Ubisoft has created a two-tier product and the Nintendo version is very definitely pegged at the lower level. Native 720p resolution is standard here, and the same in-house post-process anti-aliasing solution is also in effect, delivering similar results to Xbox 360 and PS3. In fact, the only points of difference revolve around slightly reduced texture filtering in some scenes, and a cooler overall colour balance that doesn't quite covey the warm glow of the tropical sun quite as well as the other platforms. Both of these things are small nitpicks though, not harming the overall presentation in any meaningful way.
In terms of the actual shipping product, while image quality is largely a match, performance is a genuine issue, providing an overall experience that comes across as distinctly sub-par when compared against the last-gen releases, let alone the vastly superior PS4 and Xbox One versions.
However, while AC4 is indeed feature-complete on PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U, the highly variable frame-rates genuinely impact gameplay. While the Assassin's Creed series has never really required a crisp controller response, the heavy drops in fluidity simply make it harder to quickly traverse the environment, particularly when chasing down targets. With performance so far behind every other version of the game, it's hard to recommend the Wii U game at all, despite its image quality matching PS3 and Xbox 360.
De verdad no sé por qué soltáis barbaridades si sabéis que son mentira. Os debe gustar que os owneen con los hechos.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QGNeLufdAUA nivel jugable, el aspecto que más afecta es la tasa de frames, y si esta es menor que en las versiones "homólogas", para mi es automáticamente una versión inferior, por mejor iluminación o texturas que pueda tener.
Ni eso, encima no tiene mejoras gráficas respecto a la competencia. Es ridículo presumir de una versión que está demostrado que es peor y tratar de que cuele. Igual en el subforo de wiiu la gente se lo cree, aquí sabemos encontrar la información, no la manipulación.