XBOX Series X

TCR escribió:Será la primera vez que suelten dos modelos de consola, no? Me parece una buena estrategia.

A ellos tambien

@informativo cierto.

@Thánatos qué bien lo sabes. [qmparto]

Es más, con xCloud, Game Pass y la pera limonera van a llover billetes pero bien. Se rumorea que los usan en el WC de Redmond y todo.
PowerMore escribió:Buen Domingo!!!

"I work for a 3rd party developer, and I've been having a laugh at all these next gen "leaks" . I want to set the record some what straight.

PS5 is a very nice and powerful machine, it shares the same design philosophy as the PS4. The GPU is 11.1tflops at 1550mhz It has a single pool of 16gb gddr6 with a separate 4gb of ddr4 allocated to the OS. The rest of the specs are known.

The next gen Xbox's are very similar in design, the higher end model has a very Similar GPU to PS5 but it's more powerful with a 1655mhz clock which produces 12.7tflops and 24gb of gddr6 with 4gb for the OS. the lower end model is basicly half the GPU and 16gb gddr6."

De ser asi la diferencia seria enorme, ya no por la GPU, sino por la Vram. ahora bien, esto encajaria con el precio, si PS5 son 400$ Anaconda son 500$.
Es mejor para el rendimiento que la ram no esté toda unificada en una sola memoria, no?.

Si eso de que la ps5 lo unificará todo en una sola ram, y el precedente de la X con una ram en múltiples memorias se mantiene, podría haber otra cuestión ahí para el rendimiento.
PowerMore está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
informativo escribió:
TCR escribió:Será la primera vez que suelten dos modelos de consola, no? Me parece una buena estrategia.

Tengo ganas de ver los diseños de las nuevas consolas. No espero una diferencia enorme en Xbox respecto a los modelos actuales en cambio sí en PS5.

Curiosidad por ver sus sistemas de refrigeración y nivel sonoro amén de los nombres para los modelos de Xbox.

1 año. Con tanto rumor casi se me está quedando el próximo E3 descafeinado y yo soy de café solo sin azúcar. [+risas]

En en lanzamiento de 360 sacaron dos modelos diferentes

Pero eran la misma consola,ahora son dos consolas diferentes con grandes diferencias.

Como bien dicen 4Gb de VRAM son mucha diferencia,si a eso se añaden unas pocas más de CU en la GPU,mayores anchos de banda y velocidades además de chips dedicados … bien aprovechado puede resultar un salto muy grande.

Queda más de una ño para que puedan modificarse cosas como la cantidad de VRam y la frecuencia de los relojes.

A este ritmo especulativo vamos a llegar con la lengua fuera.
forajidox escribió:
informativo escribió:
TCR escribió:Será la primera vez que suelten dos modelos de consola, no? Me parece una buena estrategia.

Tengo ganas de ver los diseños de las nuevas consolas. No espero una diferencia enorme en Xbox respecto a los modelos actuales en cambio sí en PS5.

Curiosidad por ver sus sistemas de refrigeración y nivel sonoro amén de los nombres para los modelos de Xbox.

1 año. Con tanto rumor casi se me está quedando el próximo E3 descafeinado y yo soy de café solo sin azúcar. [+risas]

En en lanzamiento de 360 sacaron dos modelos diferentes

Pero eran la misma consola,ahora son dos consolas diferentes con grandes diferencias.

Como bien dicen 4Gb de VRAM son mucha diferencia,si a eso se añaden unas pocas más de CU en la GPU,mayores anchos de banda y velocidades además de chips dedicados … bien aprovechado puede resultar un salto muy grande.

Queda más de una ño para que puedan modificarse cosas como la cantidad de VRam y la frecuencia de los relojes.

A este ritmo especulativo vamos a llegar con la lengua fuera.

En teoría deberia haber la misma diferencia que entre One X y One S. Al final son las substitutas de estas.
PowerMore está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Lo pongo en Spoiler. Lo abres bajo tu responsabilidad. Game On.

Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive - Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


Bluepointe - Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games - Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis
PowerMore escribió:Lo pongo en Spoiler. Lo abres bajo tu responsabilidad. Game On.

Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive - Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


Bluepointe - Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games - Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis

Lo puse en el Google traductor y salía esto :

Que pereza ...paso de traducir todo eso
PowerMore está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Thánatos escribió:
PowerMore escribió:Lo pongo en Spoiler. Lo abres bajo tu responsabilidad. Game On.

Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive - Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


Bluepointe - Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games - Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis

Lo puse en el Google traductor y salía esto :

Que pereza ...paso de traducir todo eso

Pues yo creo que dos consolas de distintas potencias de inicio no me parece una buena estrategia porque divides esfuerzo en ello (no lo duplicas) y una de las dos va a vender mejor que la otra y esa otra se verá perjudicada al final. Además están los desarrolladores que no son consolas para exclusivos nada más. Por cuál van a apostar? por las dos? frenar a una para contentar a la otra y por consiguiente desaprovechamiento de potencia? o pasar de una y preocuparse de la potente dejando a los usuarios de la menos potente jodidos con juegos seminjugables? Aún si la competencia hiciese lo mismo... pero si Sony se inclina a un lado o a un intermedio las thirds iran por el camino más cómodo que es cuanto más aprovechable sea un proyecto mejor. Al final depender de la competencia va ser malo, lo mejor es imponer tú el estándar. No sé, si las diferencias entre ellas fuesen menos evidentes aún pero si no lo son al final la potente se vendería muy poco comparada con la otra como pasa con la ps4 pro y a Microsoft tampoco es que le rente mucho tener un modelo para unos poquitos clientes.

No sé, personalmente prefiero una muy potente aunque algo más cara que la competencia o equilibrar la potencia a un precio normal. Si total al final vas competir más con servicios y juegos. En todo caso, siendo dos,le vería más sentido a una consola próxima a la competencia aunque sea un pelín inferior y otra premium que despunte mucho, pero si la competencia se queda en el medio tirando bastante más hacia la premium como en esas tablas que ponéis...
informativo está baneado por "Troll"
PowerMore escribió:Lo pongo en Spoiler. Lo abres bajo tu responsabilidad. Game On.

Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive - Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


Bluepointe - Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games - Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis

Pues si esa filtración es cierta confirmaría que los juegos de anaconda/Lockhart no funcionarían en one
PowerMore escribió:Lo pongo en Spoiler. Lo abres bajo tu responsabilidad. Game On.

Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive - Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


Bluepointe - Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games - Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis

Puedes hacer un resumen para no andar con el Google indio traductor XDDDDDDD. Gracias tio :)
@informativo lógicamente,por eso sale una de ellas mas economica
informativo está baneado por "Troll"
chris76 escribió:@informativo lógicamente,por eso sale una de ellas mas economica

Tan lógico no porque aquí se lleva repitiendo meses que los juegos de la nueva gen van a servir en las actuales one
Los juegos de nueva generacion pensados en sacar el rendimiento a las nuevas maquinas solo funcionaran en las nuevas maquinas,ahora cada uno que piense lo que quiera,eso es libre....
Haber que tal ese FABLE Xbox NextGen.pero Si hablan de juegos crossgen,entonces seguiran siendo generciones como asta ahora.solo espero que anaconda/lockhar si sean retro con los juegos de xone,x360 y xoriginal.
PowerMore está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
SCREAM25 escribió:
PowerMore escribió:Lo pongo en Spoiler. Lo abres bajo tu responsabilidad. Game On.

Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive - Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


Bluepointe - Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games - Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis

Puedes hacer un resumen para no andar con el Google indio traductor XDDDDDDD. Gracias tio :)

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + Nuevo trailer y lanzamiento de Holiday 2020 (generación cruzada)
Gears 5 - Juego completo Revelado / Demo Tutorial + Multijugador y la fecha de lanzamiento de septiembre es realmente real (lo sabía antes de que ocurriera la filtración)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + Nuevo trailer y Fecha de lanzamiento para PC a finales de este año
Ori y el WIll of the Wisps - Tráiler final con fecha de lanzamiento final para este año.
Bleeding Edge : el próximo juego de Ninja's Theory (estoy escuchando 2 informes contradictorios, 1 que indica que es un juego de acción de ciencia ficción similar a una horda con extraterrestres en diferentes planetas e intensas peleas de jefes y otro que es un juego de PvP multijugador en la arena. aún no hay una confirmación del 100% sobre qué es exactamente. Una cosa es segura de que es realmente un juego en un universo de ciencia ficción y muy probablemente un título de generación cruzada también para 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, nuevo tráiler de juego y fecha de lanzamiento
Cyberpunk 2077 - Actualización de progreso / Nuevo tráiler de juego y una fecha específica

Age of Empires IV - Lanzamiento de Info Dump / Gameplay Reveal-2020

Fable - Esto no es nada nuevo o verdadero secreto en este punto. Sinceramente, el secreto peor guardado, esto se filtró a finales de 2017 / principios de 2018 en Eurogamer si no me equivoco. Se dijo que Playgrounds está trabajando en un juego de Open World y luego especuló que era Fable. Sin embargo, no se confirmó si era 100% Fable, sino simplemente Open World RPG. Algunas personas esperan que no sea Fable y un nuevo mundo abierto RPG IP y, por supuesto, los fanáticos de Fable quieren que sea Fable.

Sin embargo, ahora puedo confirmar que es un juego de Fable. Algunos especulan que en realidad es Fable IV, pero la realidad es que es un nuevo comienzo para la franquicia de Fable. Este juego comenzó a desarrollarse a finales de 2017 y ha estado en desarrollo desde hace poco más de 2 años. SOLO es un juego de próxima generación y lo más probable es que NO lo veas hasta el 2021 en la venta al por menor lo antes posible. Verá un pequeño avance del teaser en el E3 de este año y en 2020 verá mucho más del juego.

Sea of ​​Thieves : Joe Neate y Mike Chapman confirmaron en una de sus últimas actualizaciones de desarrollo en su canal oficial de Sea of ​​Thieves en YouTube que estarán en modo teaser para el próximo contenido de Sea of ​​Thieves en el E3 de este año.

Battletoads : se anunciaron el año pasado con una fecha de lanzamiento de 2019. Veremos un poco de juego y finalmente veremos cómo se ve, se juega y se siente el juego junto con un objetivo final de lanzamiento también.

Proyecto xCloud : volcado de información, fechas de pruebas públicas / lanzamientos: este será uno de los más importantes de Microsoft, si no el más importante, este año antes de los lanzamientos del sistema de próxima generación. Aquí es donde los ayudaremos a prepararse para un año sólido más o menos antes de que los nuevos sistemas salgan a la luz.

Xbox Lockhart / Xbox Anaconda - Revelado al estilo de Escorpio (similar a Scorpio / Xbox One X Tease del E3 2016) No tiene un aspecto físico de la consola, sino una línea de base de especificaciones que incluye tFlops, RAM, ancho de banda, CPU, SSD y, por supuesto, seguimiento de rayos. Esto se considera una pequeña revelación. Lo más probable es que el próximo año se produzca una revelación completa, todavía estamos a un año y medio del lanzamiento del sistema de nueva generación y todavía hay muchos títulos de terceros y de terceros que aún no se han publicado en los sistemas de generación actuales, pero sí, la burla y La obvia revelación en este punto está en camino.

MechAssault / Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft posee el derecho a MechAssault, para quienes no lo saben. Existe una posibilidad MUY alta de que un nuevo juego de mech haya estado en las obras y finalmente se revelará aquí)

Próxima Forza Motorsport - Revelar (Ha pasado un tiempo desde que Turn 10 ha mostrado algo y este año están saltando a Forza con mayor probabilidad de lanzar con la próxima generación de sistemas el próximo año como una experiencia de carreras de primera generación de primera clase. Muy buenas posibilidades de una bromear / revelar)

Capcom Next Big Title - Revelar (Cada año y cada E3 y honestamente, toda esta generación Capcom ha estado en una locura de satisfacer a sus fanáticos y cumplir sus sueños. Poco después del lanzamiento de Resident Evil 2 Remake: rumores sobre Resident Evil 8 y Resident Evil 3 Remake comenzó a aparecer en toda la web. Sin embargo, Capcom también tiene otros títulos en su haber y recientemente dijeron que Dead Rising sigue siendo una importante franquicia para ellos hasta el día de hoy.

Si bien no sé qué juego puede ser exactamente lo que hay es revelador. Sé que van a estar haciendo lo que los fanáticos quieren y, sí, nunca han negado la existencia de Dino Crisis y declararon no hace mucho tiempo en su twitter oficial que les encantaría hacerlo dependiendo de lo mal que los fanáticos Lo quiero - aquí está el enlace al tweet . Así que la historia con Capcom es que están abiertas a muchas cosas y la pregunta es cuándo revelar qué y dónde.

Personalmente lo dudo, Resident Evil 8, creo que aún es temprano y si es que Resident Evil 3 Remake llegará primero en lo que respecta al calendario de lanzamientos. ¿Ahora es Dead Rising 5 o Dino Crisis Reboot? Eso es realmente difícil de decir, Dead Rising tiene una sólida historia de Xbox, así que podría ver esto como algo para el final de 2020 como otro título de lanzamiento o quizás quieran sorprender a todos con una burla de Dino Crisis (similar a como lo hicieron con DMC 5 el año pasado y Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) o quién sabe, quizás estén trabajando en algo completamente nuevo e inesperado.

Más juegos / equipos japoneses: el año pasado, E3 Microsoft tuvo a muchos desarrolladores japoneses en su etapa. Espero más de lo mismo este año con algunas sorpresas también.

¿Qué tiene una pequeña posibilidad de suceder? (Proyectos a largo plazo, pocas posibilidades de ser objeto de burlas, ya sea aquí o probablemente el próximo año)

Rare IP de próxima generación : de acuerdo con lo que he escuchado, la próxima IP de Rare se describió como "Si disfrutas de un juego como Sea of ​​Thieves, estarás esperando su próximo proyecto". ¿Qué hago con esto? ? Bueno, esta es una tarea difícil, porque estoy muy consciente y estoy seguro de que la mayoría de ustedes también saben que Rare es una empresa mucho más grande ahora que antes y que tienen varios equipos trabajando en nuevos proyectos mientras hablamos.

Sin embargo, todo se reduce a esto: ¿queremos ver todo lo que Microsoft tiene para ofrecer? Por supuesto lo hacemos. ¿Es una buena idea para ellos hacer eso? Absolutamente no, como dije anteriormente, todavía estamos a un año y medio del lanzamiento de Next-Gen y creo que esto es algo que preferiría ver en el E3 del próximo año. También existe la posibilidad de que esto suceda en este año, pero sinceramente dudo mucho que suceda. Fable, el nuevo título de Capcom, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game y otras sorpresas de terceros que tienen en la manga honestamente deberían ser más que suficientes para nosotros y para nosotros hasta la Imo E3 del próximo año.

Reinicio de Perfect Dark: reinicio de la franquicia, pero esta vez en vista de tercera persona en lugar de primera persona, no ha sido desarrollado por Rare sino supervisado por Rare (recuerde que Rare NO funciona en IP antiguos, los entrega a otros estudios / equipos - Battletoads es un ejemplo de eso - está siendo desarrollado por Dlala Studios bajo la supervisión de Rare en lo que a mí respecta. Este es un juego que no verás en un 100% durante mucho tiempo, pero es probable que ocurra el próximo año.

Xbox Game Studios

Sé de 3 estudios que han sido contactados en algún momento para una oferta o una adquisición real que se está procesando actualmente

Aproximado / En proceso de compra

IO interactivo: los rumores sobre esto comenzaron a flotar hacia fines del año pasado. Además, aparentemente no hace mucho tiempo, hace algunos meses ya se había entregado una carta de intención a este estudio en particular, según algunas fuentes. Sin embargo, lo extraño es que IO Interactive realmente se expandió y abrió una nueva oficina en un país diferente a principios de este año en enero, por lo que estoy un poco confundido sobre lo que realmente está sucediendo con ellos en este momento o si la fuente es correcta y no desinformado

Relic Entertainment : Microsoft les está hablando, quieren un estudio dedicado a los juegos de estrategia en tiempo real y también son los que hacen Age of Empires IV para ellos también en este momento. Sin embargo, Sega es un poco de barricada en este momento)

Asobo: yo mismo no sé mucho sobre este estudio, pero escuché de fuentes que están en las conversaciones.

Si alguno de los estudios realmente obtiene una compra, no estoy seguro de que todos ellos se anuncien en el E3, pero supongo que, por especulación personal, sería el mejor lugar para hacerlo si todo va según lo planeado. . Recuerde que las compras como estas son una empresa enorme, toman tiempo y también pueden fracasar en el último momento también por razones desconocidas: esta es mi opinión personal al respecto.

No esta pasando

2 estudios que conozco por un hecho que *NO* se están comprando / acercando

CD Projekt Red
Asamblea creativa

Hubo cierta especulación entre los fanáticos de que estos dos estudios en particular se están acercando o conversando para una posible adquisición, ese *NO* es el caso y *NO* sucederá.
Creative Assembly*


Bluepointe - Estudio que tiene una larga historia con Sony. Ellos son los principales responsables del Shadow of the Colossus Remaster recientemente lanzado (que realmente consideraría un remake honestamente, porque está muy bien hecho) Nathan Drake Collection y un par de otros puertos / remasters muy bien recibidos. Bluepointe está dotado cuando se trata de remasterizar o recrear ciertas experiencias. Lo último que escuché es que actualmente están trabajando en Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. Sin embargo, Microsoft está aparentemente hablando con un estudio que tiene una sólida historia con Sony en el pasado, este estudio en particular se ha rumoreado mucho en muchos foros, sitios web, etc. Personalmente, no he escuchado nada desde mi final de las cosas en cuanto a la compra o el acercamiento de Bluepointe, así que tengo que decir 0, pero puedo darte mi opinión.

Creo que sería una compra fantástica para Microsoft si quieren tener un estudio dedicado a remasterizar / rehacer ciertos títulos. Microsoft está sentado en una gran cantidad de direcciones IP antiguas como Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo, etc. Muchos fanáticos han estado rogando que estos juegos regresen de alguna forma y Bluepointe sería el candidato perfecto para tal misión.

Platinum Games - Esta es una situación muy complicada. Entonces, lo que realmente sucedió con los juegos de Platinum es que durante el desarrollo de Scalebound también se desarrollaron otros 3 títulos al mismo tiempo y creo que también podrían manejar a Scalebound. Bueno, en realidad, terminaron fallando miserablemente y no cumplieron con sus fechas límite y el juego no cumplió con las expectativas de Microsoft en cuanto a las fechas límite y los niveles técnicos. Por lo tanto, Microsoft los despidió del contrato y los dejó ir debido a su irresponsabilidad y mala administración.

Ahora, recientemente, Platinum Games salió y defendió a Microsoft después de tanto tiempo. Es bastante extraño que de repente salgan y los defiendan. Pero tal vez el tiempo acaba de pasar y tuvieron tiempo para pensar en lo que sucedió y querían pedir perdón a los fanáticos y admitirles que no fue realmente culpa de Microsoft el motivo por el cual el juego nunca se convirtió en un producto final. En este momento, los juegos Platinum están trabajando actualmente en Babylon Fall para PlayStation 4 y PC. A pesar de su mala relación y ruptura con Scalebound, sacaron Nier Automata el año pasado y lo mostraron para Xbox One X en el E3 del año pasado. Entonces, ¿tal vez la relación no sea tan mala en lo que respecta al negocio? Lo ves. Estas cosas son muy complejas y nunca sabremos qué sucede detrás de las cortinas.

Este estudio también se rumorea para su compra simplemente porque Microsoft tenía un título exclusivo que se estaba desarrollando para su sistema y también porque Platinum es conocido por ser un desarrollador muy interesante con juegos únicos y divertidos que llenan cierto nicho y, por supuesto, es un estudio japonés. También todos sabemos que hay un estudio japonés al que se está acercando ahora, para comprarlo también. ¿Podría ser este uno de ellos? Personalmente no tengo ni idea ni ningún tipo de información sobre Platinum Games, solo puedo especular qué es lo que estoy haciendo aquí.

4A Games : desarrollador ruso / ucraniano de la franquicia de Metro. Metro comenzó su fuerte comercialización y desarrollo de fanáticos desde los días de Xbox 360. 4A Games tiene una larga historia de trabajo con Microsoft: NO me sorprendería mucho si este estudio se comprara en algún momento. Phil ha declarado muchas veces que quiere que los estudios de diferentes países de todo el mundo agreguen diversidad de diferentes formas de arte y, por supuesto, culturas.
Si fuese así sería un E3 fantástico. Me invade el cochino hype.

Noctisblue está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
Ostras algunos estudios. Si se compraran darían un golpe en la mesa. Hay otros que ni fu ni fa. Pero es importante tener más firt y por eso ya vale la pena.

Quizás digan la memoria ram de la next gen? No me lo creo. De lockarth podría ser pero de anaconda. No creo que diga más información de la que dijo Sony.

Cpu zen 7nm, gpu navi 7nm y RT. Todo personalizado con ssd.
Dudo que digan algo más referente a lo técnico. Ahroa eso si. Los servicios de xcloud y tal es interesante a tener en cuenta.
daniel_mallorca está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
Rumor: Microsoft podría presentar el reinicio de Perfect Dark en el E3 2020

El juego, que se ha rumoreado en varias ocasiones, cambiaría la vista subjetiva por la tercera persona.

En los últimos años se ha rumoreado el regreso de Perfect Dark, el juego de Rare en primera persona, que volvería con cambios. Se especuló con una colaboración de The Coalition -actuales desarrolladores de Gears of War- y Wal-Mart lo mencionó en su filtración -la misma que confirmó Rage 2-.
Un mensaje en la comunidad de Neogaf recopila algunos de los juegos que Microsoft podría revelar en el E3 2019 y más adelante, y aunque no ofrece ninguna prueba, asegura que el nuevo Perfect Dark es real.
Sería "un reinicio de la saga pero esta vez en tercera persona, estaría supervisado por Rare pero no desarrollado por ellos -Rare ya no trabaja en sus antiguas licencias, se las ceden a otros estudios, Battletoads es un ejemplo-" en referencia a Dlala Studios. Para el juego de Perfect Dark todavía queda mucho tiempo hasta su lanzamiento, pero podría ser presentado el próximo año.
Del próximo juego de Rare, dice que "si te ha gustado un título como Sea of Thieves, entonces estate atento a su próximo proyecto".
Fuente: ... l-e3-2020/
Noctisblue escribió:Ostras algunos estudios. Si se compraran darían un golpe en la mesa. Hay otros que ni fu ni fa. Pero es importante tener más firt y por eso ya vale la pena.

Quizás digan la memoria ram de la next gen? No me lo creo. De lockarth podría ser pero de anaconda. No creo que diga más información de la que dijo Sony.

Cpu zen 7nm, gpu navi 7nm y RT. Todo personalizado con ssd.
Dudo que digan algo más referente a lo técnico. Ahroa eso si. Los servicios de xcloud y tal es interesante a tener en cuenta.

No todo tienen que ser estudios grandes,un AAA se tarda años en hacer y la idea de micro es surtir de juegos "sus plataformas" y para eso hay que tener de todo,equipos potentes,medios y pequeños.

Sin olvidar que AAA no es sinónimo de mejor juego y que un juegode tipo medio puede ser muy divertido sin llegar al éxtasis técnico.
chris76 escribió:Los juegos de nueva generacion pensados en sacar el rendimiento a las nuevas maquinas solo funcionaran en las nuevas maquinas,ahora cada uno que piense lo que quiera,eso es libre....

¿Cuáles son las características de Zen2 insalvables para el Jaguar?
daniel_mallorca está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
Más nuevos rumores:

Testing of Next Gen PlayStation and Xbox Dev Kits
I work in the Tools group at a developer large enough to now have the early next gen PS and XBX dev kits.
- The Sony inserts made a big deal about their high-speed storage, and they included a demo of Spider-Man that I assume is the same one that Cerny referenced. We have our own game data asset “loading/streaming” stress test, and we ran this for both dev kits. The PS showed a major performance advantage of approximately 30% faster loading until the highest resolution textures were enabled, which brought the performance down much closer to what the XBX showed. While they both have SSDs, it does seem that the PS may have some special magic or “sauce” to gain some additional advantage here.
- Sony also mentioned next gen audio in their inserts and included some sample demos. Whatever they are doing here does sound and almost “feel” like next gen Sonrisa The audio demo included a toggle to enable/disable RT.
- The Xbox inserts mentioned an architectural focus (combination of hardware/software) for RT, AI and frame rate. The only sample demo application provided appears to be an updated version of that ‘Insects’ demo that they released for the Xbox One X. I have to admit that this little demo is pretty crazy what the lighting and shadows look like in this.
- We ran our internal demo stress test application (think ridiculous number of graphic and physics effects being applied) against both dev kits, attempting to target 60 fps. Both seemed to be the same locked 60 performance at 1080p and 1440p. XBX showed a performance difference at 4K on our test at least. It was able to maintain a nearly locked 60 with only an occasional dip, with the PS in the low 50s. 
- We also have a DirectX 12 specific performance test that we run and profile using the Microsoft PIX. The XBX was able to render at 4K resolution with nearly locked 60 fps for a demo that we have run with wildly inconsistent results using even the more powerful current desktop graphic cards.
daniel_mallorca escribió:Más nuevos rumores:

Testing of Next Gen PlayStation and Xbox Dev Kits
I work in the Tools group at a developer large enough to now have the early next gen PS and XBX dev kits.
- The Sony inserts made a big deal about their high-speed storage, and they included a demo of Spider-Man that I assume is the same one that Cerny referenced. We have our own game data asset “loading/streaming” stress test, and we ran this for both dev kits. The PS showed a major performance advantage of approximately 30% faster loading until the highest resolution textures were enabled, which brought the performance down much closer to what the XBX showed. While they both have SSDs, it does seem that the PS may have some special magic or “sauce” to gain some additional advantage here.
- Sony also mentioned next gen audio in their inserts and included some sample demos. Whatever they are doing here does sound and almost “feel” like next gen Sonrisa The audio demo included a toggle to enable/disable RT.
- The Xbox inserts mentioned an architectural focus (combination of hardware/software) for RT, AI and frame rate. The only sample demo application provided appears to be an updated version of that ‘Insects’ demo that they released for the Xbox One X. I have to admit that this little demo is pretty crazy what the lighting and shadows look like in this.
- We ran our internal demo stress test application (think ridiculous number of graphic and physics effects being applied) against both dev kits, attempting to target 60 fps. Both seemed to be the same locked 60 performance at 1080p and 1440p. XBX showed a performance difference at 4K on our test at least. It was able to maintain a nearly locked 60 with only an occasional dip, with the PS in the low 50s. 
- We also have a DirectX 12 specific performance test that we run and profile using the Microsoft PIX. The XBX was able to render at 4K resolution with nearly locked 60 fps for a demo that we have run with wildly inconsistent results using even the more powerful current desktop graphic cards.

Noctisblue está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
daniel_mallorca escribió:Más nuevos rumores:

Testing of Next Gen PlayStation and Xbox Dev Kits
I work in the Tools group at a developer large enough to now have the early next gen PS and XBX dev kits.
- The Sony inserts made a big deal about their high-speed storage, and they included a demo of Spider-Man that I assume is the same one that Cerny referenced. We have our own game data asset “loading/streaming” stress test, and we ran this for both dev kits. The PS showed a major performance advantage of approximately 30% faster loading until the highest resolution textures were enabled, which brought the performance down much closer to what the XBX showed. While they both have SSDs, it does seem that the PS may have some special magic or “sauce” to gain some additional advantage here.
- Sony also mentioned next gen audio in their inserts and included some sample demos. Whatever they are doing here does sound and almost “feel” like next gen Sonrisa The audio demo included a toggle to enable/disable RT.
- The Xbox inserts mentioned an architectural focus (combination of hardware/software) for RT, AI and frame rate. The only sample demo application provided appears to be an updated version of that ‘Insects’ demo that they released for the Xbox One X. I have to admit that this little demo is pretty crazy what the lighting and shadows look like in this.
- We ran our internal demo stress test application (think ridiculous number of graphic and physics effects being applied) against both dev kits, attempting to target 60 fps. Both seemed to be the same locked 60 performance at 1080p and 1440p. XBX showed a performance difference at 4K on our test at least. It was able to maintain a nearly locked 60 with only an occasional dip, with the PS in the low 50s. 
- We also have a DirectX 12 specific performance test that we run and profile using the Microsoft PIX. The XBX was able to render at 4K resolution with nearly locked 60 fps for a demo that we have run with wildly inconsistent results using even the more powerful current desktop graphic cards.

Ojala sea así. Firmaba por eso y 24gb de ram.
Pienso pillarme la ps5 de salida. Bueno tres ps5.
Pero esto que dicen es brutal. La anaconda mas potente y la otra por debajo. Bastante guay.
Y un ssd más rápido en Sony. Guay.

Yo firmaba por esto! Siempre con sus 24gb de ram las dos.
Thánatos escribió:
daniel_mallorca escribió:Más nuevos rumores:

Testing of Next Gen PlayStation and Xbox Dev Kits
I work in the Tools group at a developer large enough to now have the early next gen PS and XBX dev kits.
- The Sony inserts made a big deal about their high-speed storage, and they included a demo of Spider-Man that I assume is the same one that Cerny referenced. We have our own game data asset “loading/streaming” stress test, and we ran this for both dev kits. The PS showed a major performance advantage of approximately 30% faster loading until the highest resolution textures were enabled, which brought the performance down much closer to what the XBX showed. While they both have SSDs, it does seem that the PS may have some special magic or “sauce” to gain some additional advantage here.
- Sony also mentioned next gen audio in their inserts and included some sample demos. Whatever they are doing here does sound and almost “feel” like next gen Sonrisa The audio demo included a toggle to enable/disable RT.
- The Xbox inserts mentioned an architectural focus (combination of hardware/software) for RT, AI and frame rate. The only sample demo application provided appears to be an updated version of that ‘Insects’ demo that they released for the Xbox One X. I have to admit that this little demo is pretty crazy what the lighting and shadows look like in this.
- our internal demo stress test application (think ridiculous number of graphic and physics effects being applied) against bWe ranoth dev kits, attempting to target 60 fps. Both seemed to be the same locked 60 performance at 1080p and 1440p. XBX showed a performance difference at 4K on our test at least. It was able to maintain a nearly locked 60 with only an occasional dip, with the PS in the low 50s. 
- We also have a DirectX 12 specific performance test that we run and profile using the Microsoft PIX. The XBX was able to render at 4K resolution with nearly locked 60 fps for a demo that we have run with wildly inconsistent results using even the more powerful current desktop graphic cards.


El texto entero confirma que es posible mover en X lo que se avecina. Por ejemplo:

The XBX was able to render at 4K resolution with nearly locked 60 fps for a demo that we have run with wildly inconsistent results using even the more powerful current desktop graphic cards.

Dice que la Xbox One X ejecuta la demo en 4K y 60 fps casi fijos y que los resultados son inconsistentes incluso con las tarjetas gráficas más potentes del mercado. Es decir, Xbox One X sí, PC Gamer tocho no.

our internal demo stress test application (think ridiculous number of graphic and physics effects being applied) against bWe ranoth dev kits, attempting to target 60 fps. Both seemed to be the same locked 60 performance at 1080p and 1440p. XBX showed a performance difference at 4K on our test at least. It was able to maintain a nearly locked 60 with only an occasional dip

Esto es todavía más difícil de creer, ¿dice que la X es capaz de renderizar en 4K60 una demo con carga gráfica de Scarlett y que en Scarlett se mueve en 1080p y 1440p? Ni de coña. Vale que es la de "Insects", pero si está actualizada para los nuevos SDK pues.........Estos comentarios sí que son inconsistentes.

El problema de la compatibilidad hacia delante vendrá por el SSD, el RT y el posible DirectML.

- El SSD es insalvable para los juegos que texturicen desde ahí, pueden hacer los dos métodos, pero no creo que lo haga nadie excepto Microsoft.

- Por otro lado, el tener soporte para RT y compatibilidad hacia delante implica implementar el RT y seguir haciendo mapas de luces y sombras. Igual que antes, más allá de Microsoft es difícil.

- Y si Scarlett tiene metacomandos por hardware, más jodido aún.

De todas formas, estos escollos no son ni la mitad de problemáticos que hacer un juego para One y otro para X360. Lo que ahora veo diferente es que sea el mismo juego, antes estaba convencido de que sí, ahora no tanto, puede ser que sí o que no. Aunque lo importante es el tema de licencias, que es transparente al usuario, como los Play Anywhere ahora.

Esto es todavía más difícil de creer, ¿dice que la X es capaz de renderizar en 4K60 una demo con carga gráfica de Scarlett y que en Scarlett se mueve en 1080p y 1440p? Ni de coña. Vale que es la de "Insects", pero si está actualizada para los nuevos SDK pues.........Estos comentarios sí que son inconsistentes.

Coñe , eso si que es raro

Como siempre gracias por la explicación [beer]
Xlooser escribió:
chris76 escribió:Los juegos de nueva generacion pensados en sacar el rendimiento a las nuevas maquinas solo funcionaran en las nuevas maquinas,ahora cada uno que piense lo que quiera,eso es libre....

¿Cuáles son las características de Zen2 insalvables para el Jaguar?

Mis conocimientos son solo a nivel usuario,pero por logica,sabemos que ps5 para sony si es una nueva generacion,cualquier juego multi que se programe para ella para sacarle rendimiento funcionara en las nuevas xbox,pero no en las actuales ps4,ps4 pro,one y one x,son sistemas cerrados y los nuevos mejoran mucho en todo
Tendremos version actual gen y version next gen,juegos intergeneracional como siempre durante un tiempo
chris76 escribió:
Xlooser escribió:
chris76 escribió:Los juegos de nueva generacion pensados en sacar el rendimiento a las nuevas maquinas solo funcionaran en las nuevas maquinas,ahora cada uno que piense lo que quiera,eso es libre....

¿Cuáles son las características de Zen2 insalvables para el Jaguar?

Mis conocimientos son solo a nivel usuario,pero por logica,sabemos que ps5 para sony si es una nueva generacion,cualquier juego multi que se programe para ella para sacarle rendimiento funcionara en las nuevas xbox,pero no en las actuales ps4,one y one x,son sistemas cerrados y los nuevos mejoran mucho en todo

Hasta ahora, las diferencias de la CPU de una consola y la anterior eran enormes, eran otra arquitectura, así que te puedes imaginar. Los cambios de ahora, no irán más allá de un i7-8700 con un i3 de los primeros. Todo lo que haga un Zen2 lo hará el Jaguar, pero más lento. La CPU ni la GPU serán el gran problema.
@Xlooser Cuando habla de XBX está hablando del kit de desarrollo de la próxima Xbox, no de Xbox One X. Lo digo porque por tu comentario parece que has entendido lo otro.

La única referencia que hace a Xbox One X es que la demo de insects del kit de desarrollo está basada en la que está disponible en One X.
MMiX escribió:@Xlooser Cuando habla de XBX está hablando del kit de desarrollo de la próxima Xbox, no de Xbox One X. Lo digo porque por tu comentario parece que has entendido lo otro.

La única referencia que hace a Xbox One X es que la demo de insects del kit de desarrollo está basada en la que está disponible en One X.

Aclarado, gracias. Y veo que sólo se habla de GPU, lo que todos decimos que es lo menos importante.
@Thánatos ¿Dónde está tu Dios ahora?

Por lo que pone en el texto ese, parece que un 10-15% de mayor rendimiento en Anaconda.
David Ricardo escribió:@Thánatos ¿Dónde está tu Dios ahora?

Por lo que pone en el texto ese, parece que un 10-15% de mayor rendimiento en Anaconda.

Mande ? Mi Dios?

[qmparto] [qmparto]

PD: Algo estara buscando el rastreador , veras [qmparto]
Thánatos escribió:
David Ricardo escribió:@Thánatos ¿Dónde está tu Dios ahora?

Por lo que pone en el texto ese, parece que un 10-15% de mayor rendimiento en Anaconda.

Mande ? Mi Dios?

[qmparto] [qmparto]

PD: Algo estara buscando el rastreador , veras [qmparto]

Espérate cualquier cosa. Hay gente que aún no entiende que equivocarse no es malo, pero sí hacer todo lo posible por esconderlo y seguir en la misma senda.

Por otro lado, lese desarrollador expresa que Scarlett tendrá más rendimiento que una RTX2080TI, ninguna sorpresa, pero está bien que se hable de ello ahora.

Digo yo que lo dirá por chorradas que dije en Twitter pero vamos , de sobras sabe el que solo eran chorradas para ganar adeptos y poder pagarme la hipoteca. Si no es eso , ya no se por donde va .

Pero vamos , que él ya está oliendo el miedo y no hay mejor ataque que un contraataque. Recuerdo que él en uno de sus tantos y tantos mensajes un día dijo :

Si al final la primicia Xbox es mejor tendré que joderme y cambiar de bando

Algo así , no exactamente esas palabras pero daba a entender eso . Y creo recordar que estaba hablando de la retro en ps4

Siempre he tenido todas las plataformas y muchos lo saben , todo lo demás son tontas
. Scarlett tendrá más rendimiento que una RTX2080TI, ninguna sorpresa, pero está bien que se hable de ello ahora.

¿Ninguna sorpresa???

Ese pronóstico me parece muy ostentoso/fantasioso.

RTX 2080 Ti

Estamos hablando de un monstruo de:
616 GB/s de ancho
4352 núcleos CUDA
576 Tensor cores.
88 ROP

en definitiva, un bicharraco de 16 TF por 1200€ (¿900€ en 2020?)

Comentar que Anaconda será superior por 499€, es de ir fumao cuanto menos.

1X se equipara a una GTX 1070 aproximadamente.
Si Anaconda iguala a una GTX 2070 Ti, ya podríamos tirar cohetes.
Lammothh escribió:
. Scarlett tendrá más rendimiento que una RTX2080TI, ninguna sorpresa, pero está bien que se hable de ello ahora.

¿Ninguna sorpresa???

Ese pronóstico me parece muy ostentoso/fantasioso.

RTX 2080 Ti

Estamos hablando de un monstruo de:
616 GB/s de ancho
4352 núcleos CUDA
576 Tensor cores.
88 ROP

en definitiva, un bicharraco de 16 TF por 1200€ (¿900€ en 2020?)

Comentar que Anaconda será superior por 499€, es de ir fumao cuanto menos.

1X se equipara a una GTX 1070 aproximadamente.
Si Anaconda iguala a una GTX 2070 Ti, ya podríamos tirar cohetes.

Que mala gente, aquí el peta no ha llegao, pero me ha hecho gracia igualmente lo de la 2080ti... XD
¿Como es posible que esa rtx 2080 ti valga 1200€ con 14 tflops, y la gráfica de las nuevas consolas tengan unos 10 tflops costando enteras 400 o 500€?.
Noctisblue está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"

A ti se te va la pinza.
IridiumArkangel escribió:
Lammothh escribió:
. Scarlett tendrá más rendimiento que una RTX2080TI, ninguna sorpresa, pero está bien que se hable de ello ahora.

¿Ninguna sorpresa???

Ese pronóstico me parece muy ostentoso/fantasioso.

RTX 2080 Ti

Estamos hablando de un monstruo de:
616 GB/s de ancho
4352 núcleos CUDA
576 Tensor cores.
88 ROP

en definitiva, un bicharraco de 16 TF por 1200€ (¿900€ en 2020?)

Comentar que Anaconda será superior por 499€, es de ir fumao cuanto menos.

1X se equipara a una GTX 1070 aproximadamente.
Si Anaconda iguala a una GTX 2070 Ti, ya podríamos tirar cohetes.

Que mala gente, aquí el peta no ha llegao, pero me ha hecho gracia igualmente lo de la 2080ti... XD

Se lo ha quedado el Kojima pa él solo.


[qmparto] [qmparto]
Noctisblue escribió:@Xlooser

A ti se te va la pinza.

Justamente es de los pocos que dicen cosas coherentes
Noctisblue está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
Thánatos escribió:
Noctisblue escribió:@Xlooser

A ti se te va la pinza.

Justamente es de los pocos que dicen cosas coherentes

Si y para algunos vox también dirá cosas coherentes.

Por normal general el suele ser un poco flipando con todo esto.pero es normal a todos nos pasa.

Ahroa soltar igual o mejor que una rtx2080ti y sin sorpresas. Ahí se le va la pinza. Por el hecho de el entusiasmo está claro. Pero irse en ese comentario se le ha ido.
Noctisblue escribió:
Por normal general el suele ser un poco flipando con todo esto.pero es normal a todos nos pasa.

Ahroa soltar igual o mejor que una rtx2080ti y sin sorpresas. Ahí se le va la pinza. Por el hecho de el entusiasmo está claro. Pero irse en ese comentario se le ha ido.

Le dijo el mangoo a la sartén
Noctisblue está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
Thánatos escribió:
Noctisblue escribió:
Por normal general el suele ser un poco flipando con todo esto.pero es normal a todos nos pasa.

Ahroa soltar igual o mejor que una rtx2080ti y sin sorpresas. Ahí se le va la pinza. Por el hecho de el entusiasmo está claro. Pero irse en ese comentario se le ha ido.

Le dijo el mangoo a la sartén

Hombre ya que pones en negrita. Ponlo todo. Porque como también digo. ES NORMAL A TODOS NOS PASA.
No sea taaan selectivo.
Señor Ventura escribió:¿Como es posible que esa rtx 2080 ti valga 1200€ con 14 tflops, y la gráfica de las nuevas consolas tengan unos 10 tflops costando enteras 400 o 500€?.

Eso solo es valido en este hilo [qmparto] en el mundo real una RTX 2070 tiene menos tflops que una Vega 56 y rinde más. Nadie compara el rendimiento así.

No sea taaan selectivo.

Dejamos que piensen por nosotros y luego venga a largar por largar.
niñodepapa escribió:
Señor Ventura escribió:¿Como es posible que esa rtx 2080 ti valga 1200€ con 14 tflops, y la gráfica de las nuevas consolas tengan unos 10 tflops costando enteras 400 o 500€?.

Eso solo es valido en este hilo [qmparto] en el mundo real una RTX 2070 tiene menos tflops que una Vega 56 y rinde más. Nadie compara el rendimiento así.

Igual que los 6TF de los que hablaba Phil Spencer en el E3 2016 decía la peña que eran rendimiento como las GPU de AMD en aquel entonces y que no superaria por 499 el nivel de una 980 TI (5,63 TF), y fijate cuando salió que superaba de sobra a toda esa gama y se acerca a la 1070 en multiplataformas, y llegando a su nivel de sobra en juegos First Party.

Aún recuerdo mucha gente decir que la Xbox One X con 6 TF costaría entre 800 y 1000€


Por cierto. Sony acaba de asegurar PS4 durante un mínimo de 3 años. Viendo como MS desarrolla los videojuegos y los pasa tmb a PC, me dá que Xbox One durará entre 3-5 años con juegos periodicos. Está claro que le es mucho más fácil escalar los juegos.
Noctisblue está baneado por "Saltarse el ban con un clon"
eloskuro escribió:
niñodepapa escribió:
Señor Ventura escribió:¿Como es posible que esa rtx 2080 ti valga 1200€ con 14 tflops, y la gráfica de las nuevas consolas tengan unos 10 tflops costando enteras 400 o 500€?.

Eso solo es valido en este hilo [qmparto] en el mundo real una RTX 2070 tiene menos tflops que una Vega 56 y rinde más. Nadie compara el rendimiento así.

Igual que los 6TF de los que hablaba Phil Spencer en el E3 2016 decía la peña que eran rendimiento como las GPU de AMD en aquel entonces y que no superaria por 499 el nivel de una 980 TI (5,63 TF), y fijate cuando salió que superaba de sobra a toda esa gama y se acerca a la 1070 en multiplataformas, y llegando a su nivel de sobra en juegos First Party.

Aún recuerdo mucha gente decir que la Xbox One X con 6 TF costaría entre 800 y 1000€


Por cierto. Sony acaba de asegurar PS4 durante un mínimo de 3 años. Viendo como MS desarrolla los videojuegos y los pasa tmb a PC, me dá que Xbox One durará entre 3-5 años con juegos periodicos. Está claro que le es mucho más fácil escalar los juegos.

Hombre no entiendo de donde sacas esa idea pero vale.

El tema que sony confirma es más un me gustaría hacer que dure 3 años más y vamos a intentarlo.
Pero realmente en la práctica sus inversiones todas están puestas en ps5. Así que de apoyo.. Real real. No es así.

Y Xbox lo dudo horrores cua do su grandes bazas. Ya son cross gen menos gear 5.

Lo normal es la One muera para 2021 quizás dure más la ps4 porque alguna desarrolladora pequeña saquen algún juego más pero para 2022 ps4 muerta también.

Entiéndase como muerta que la inversión hacia esa plataformas bajan al mínimo. No que no valgan o dejen de funcionar o se dejen de vender.
211818 respuestas