Alex Kidd in Miracle World
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Alex Kidd in Miracle World

Descripción del videojuego, tratando de plasmar lo mejor y más claramente posible sus características principales.
Contenido |
Historia del desarrollo
En 1984 Nintendo Japón lanzó la videoconsola Famicom (conocida en occidente como la "NES") y un año después en los Estados Unidos, con gran éxito. Gran parte de este éxito se debía al lanzamiento del videojuego Super Mario Bros, el primer juego creado específicamente para una videoconsola doméstica.
Mientras, Sega había fallado en tomar el 5% del mercado japonés, estaba decidida a vender la Mark III (conocida en occidente como Master System) fuera de Japón.
More technically advanced than the NES, the Master System never reached the same level of popularity in the U.S. (it sold only 125,000 consoles in the first four months compared to two million Nintendo consoles), but in other markets such as Europe, Master System sold welaystem Information site] with information on old consoles.
This was the situation when Alex Kidd in Miracle World was released. The game, along with Wonder Boy, was meant to be Sega's answer to Super Mario Bros, but until Naoto Ōshima created Sonic the Hedgehog (Yuji Naka and others), Sega was unable to compete with the creation of Shigeru Miyamoto. Eventually Alex Kidd was dropped as the company mascot, in favor of Sonic.
Many centuries ago, on the planet Aries (known as Miracle World), there lived a boy named Alex Kidd. For seven years he lived alone on Mt. Eternal, where he studied and trained in the Shellcore technique, an ancient art that makes one strong enough to break rocks into pieces.[4] This technique enables an Arian to alter the size and toughness of his fists through sheer willpower, and enables one to shatter rocks with one's bare fists. One day as he was leaving the mountain for his spiritual homeland, Alex encountered a dying man who told him that the peaceful city of Radactian was in grave danger, and who gave Alex a map and a medallion. After the disappearance of King Thunder of Radactian, Alex finds out that his first defeat was at the hands of Janken the Great, ruler over the planet Janbarik. Janken kidnaps the heir to the throne, Prince Egle (sometimes referred to as "Igul"), and his fiancée Princess Lora.
Many of the citizens are turned to stone through Janken's magic. Alex Kidd learns from a dying man that he is in fact a lost member of the Radaxian Royal Family, son of King Thunder and brother of Prince Egle. Alex sets out to discover the whereabouts of his father, rescue his brother, restore the kingdom, and destroy the monstrous minions of Janken. He must discover numerous magical artifacts and medallions to progress in the story.
After defeating Gooseka, Alex Kidd is on the island of St. Nurari. He discovers that he is the prince of Radaxian, but when he was younger, was kidnapped by an evil Lord, and that now his hometown is being ruled by the tyrant Janken the Great. Alex then goes to the people of the village of Namui, where a man says that Alex's twin brother, Egle, is imprisoned in the castle of Radaxian. Then Alex goes to the castle Radaxian, beating Chokkina and Parplin on the way. In the castle, Alex rescues his brother who tells him he must find a personal letter from the kingdom of Niban in a room of the castle, and the Medallion of the Moonlight, which is located in the Kingdom of Niban. Alex picks up the letter from the castle; to leave it, he must defeat Gooseka one last time.
Alex goes to the city where he defeats Chokkina definitively. After that, he moves into the realm of Niban, where he speaks with his Royal Highness Stone. Alex communicates that the Medallion of the Moonlight has been stolen, begging to be transported to Lake Rocks, where the golden crown is found, giving the stone to Hirotta. Alex goes to the castle of Janken, definitively defeating Parplin. In the castle is Janken, whom Alex must defeat to get the Medallion of the Moonlight. After that, Alex finds Princess Lora, who says Alex's mother Patricia is in good hands. After that, Alex leaves for the Lake of the Rocks, where, after deciphering the stone Hirotta introduced, finds the gold crown and ends the game.
After Alex takes the crown of gold, the game explains that Alex restores peace to Radaxian, and the people who were turned to stone because of Janken return to normal. In the city, Egle is crowned king of Radaxian, and Alex Kidd, with his martial arts, takes the position of defender of the city, although his next goal will be to find his father, King Thunder.
Mecánica de juego
Modos de juego
- Monte Eterno
- Camino Hacia el Lago Profundo
- Lago Profundo
- Isla del Santo Nurari
- Hacia el pueblo de Namui
- Pueblo de Namui
- Monte Kave
- Blakwoods
- El Río
- La Tierra Baja de Bingoo
- El Castillo de Radaxian
- Ciudad de Radaxian
- Viajando a Nibana
- El Reino de Nibana
- El Lago de las Rocas
- El Castillo de Janken
- El Lago de las Rocas
- La cueva de la Corona de Oro
Creadores del juego
- Diseñador - "Ossale Kohta" (Kotaro Hayashida).
- Compositor - Tokuhiko Uwabo.
Juegos, secuelas y versiones
- La fase 3 incluye un camino secreto que se encuentra dentro de la tinaja del primer pulpo, al que hay que derrotar para poder entrar en ella. De esta forma se llega a una isla a la que no se llegaría de otra forma.
- Las rondas 5 y 9 comienzan fuera del agua, pero si se recibe un golpe el vehículo (lancha o helicóptero) se hunde y el resto de la pantalla debe recorrerse bajo el agua.
- Aunque originariamente fue lanzado en soporte de cartucho, finalmente fue incluido dentro de la memoria de la propia consola Master System II. En la versión de cartucho, cuando se termina el nivel, Alex se come una bola de arroz, mientras que en la versión incluida dentro de la consola se come una hamburguesa.
- La portada del primer Alex Kidd es una parodia de la portada del primer Super Mario Bros, una muestra más de la lucha que mantenían Sega y Nintendo por aquel entonces. A pesar de eso, el sistema de juego es notablemente diferente entre ambos juegos.