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You are now chatting with 'Jeff'
Jeff: Hello, thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. My name is Jeff. Please give me a moment to review your question.
RANJIT: hi jeff!
RANJIT: i preordered fifa 15 in the store
RANJIT: when i ll be able to play it?
Jeff: Hi there! As I understand here, you wanted to know when are you able to play your pre- ordered game, is that right?
Jeff: Thank you for clarifying that.
RANJIT: yes i have download it already, but need to know when will be ready to play
RANJIT: activate
Jeff: Let me check it for you.
RANJIT: thanks buddie
Jeff: You're very much welcome!
Jeff: Thanks for your patience.
Jeff: As I have checked, it will be released on 9/23/2014
Jeff: Please check this link, ... -xbox-one/RANJIT: o nice, so that s only a few hours from now, right?
RANJIT: sweet
Jeff: That's correct!
Jeff: You're very much welcome Ranjit!
RANJIT: because when i downloaded the game (a few days ago) i ssays 26/09
RANJIT: thank u
RANJIT: u made my day, !
Jeff: Thank you too for your patience and understanding there!
Jeff: Is there anything else I can help you resolve today?
RANJIT: nothing more
RANJIT: see ya

Jeff: If that was everything, I'd like to thank you again for contacting Xbox Customer Support. To properly end the chat session, please click on the "Close chat" button on the upper right hand corner of the chat window. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
Jeff: Take care as well Ranjit!