› Foros › Multiplataforma › Consolas alternativas
WBYYO escribió:Cambio el tema para los que no se han enterado y bueno, traigo algo de luz a la consola
ReGBA parece que promete:
naxeras escribió:WBYYO escribió:Cambio el tema para los que no se han enterado y bueno, traigo algo de luz a la consola
ReGBA parece que promete:
Se ve fluido y tiene buena pita pero a ver si hace un vídeo de los juegos "gordos".
Un Saludo.
WBYYO escribió:Ya se lo comenté, para juegos 2d el más exigente es final fantasy vi, juego que para mí ha de funcionar al 100% fijaos en la firma
Y en cuanto a juegos 3d, los de motor de doom2 tiran muchísimo, duke nukem 3d, y golden sun 2 son de los más difíciles de emular.
Edito: Me refiero a las versiones advance, no a los ports de pc de doom2 y duke nukem 3d.
link82 escribió:Me ha llegado hoy el aviso de correos para recoger mi ZERO!!!!
link82 escribió:Me ha llegado hoy el aviso de correos para recoger mi ZERO!!!!
Eras starter o special?link82 escribió:Me ha llegado hoy el aviso de correos para recoger mi ZERO!!!!
KFR escribió:Eras starter o special?link82 escribió:Me ha llegado hoy el aviso de correos para recoger mi ZERO!!!!
naxeras escribió:He mirado el emulador de GBA y está basado en Temper que a su vez esta basado en gpsp, por lo que Doom2, FFVI etc... van como el ojete a no ser que el programador que está detrás haya hecho modificaciones intensas en el dynarec cosa que aun no he visto a nadie hacer aparte de exophase claro.
Un Saludo.
hi-ban escribió:El duke nukem advance, doom II, golden sun, golden sun 2 y mario golf van a 60fps sin fallos.
El doom 1 se pone en una pantalla gris como un segundo despues de empezar un nivel, imagino que será alguna incompatibilidad rara y que una vez arreglada irá igual de bien que el doom II.
El FFVI advance lo estoy probando ahora y parece ir perfecto. hay algun punto específico en el que se pete el juego o algo?
Naxeras, el Temper es un emulador de PC engine. Creo que te refieres al TempGBA.
Por si quieres echarle un vistazo: https://github.com/Nebuleon/ReGBA/commits/master?page=1
WBYYO escribió: No me digas eso!
En la wiz el ffvi con frameskip 3 a 533 mhz me va perfecto, el recompilador para mips creo que era más rápido... espero jugarlo aunque sea a frameskip 1 sin petardeo ni lag
hi-ban escribió:el ReGBA todavia no tiene ni menu, asi que va con las opciones por defecto:
- Frameskip desactivado.
- Vsync.
- Escalado Fullscreen por software (uno de los scalers de Paul Cercueil) Estira hasta 320x240.
- Sonido a 44100Hz (aun están puliendo la sincronizacion, ya que por lo visto la GBA funciona a 59.73fps, y la GCW va a 60fps.)
No he notado ninguna bajada de frames en ningun momento puntual. Claro que, tampoco tengo un contador de fps en pantalla, pero al estar el frameskip desactivado, lo hubiera notado en el sonido.
Naxeras, SNES va a fullspeed en todo excepto en cuatro juegos contados, y solo en algunos momentos puntuales de esos juegos.
hi-ban escribió:el ReGBA todavia no tiene ni menu, asi que va con las opciones por defecto:
- Frameskip desactivado.
- Vsync.
- Escalado Fullscreen por software (uno de los scalers de Paul Cercueil) Estira hasta 320x240.
- Sonido a 44100Hz (aun están puliendo la sincronizacion, ya que por lo visto la GBA funciona a 59.73fps, y la GCW va a 60fps.)
No he notado ninguna bajada de frames en ningun momento puntual. Claro que, tampoco tengo un contador de fps en pantalla, pero al estar el frameskip desactivado, lo hubiera notado en el sonido.
Naxeras, SNES va a fullspeed en todo excepto en cuatro juegos contados, y solo en algunos momentos puntuales de esos juegos.
link82 escribió:Hoy recojo mi consola, tío dame un pequeño tuto de qué hacer para poder jugar, cómo ponerle lo básico, please.
link82 escribió:Falsa alarma. No era la consola, era una carta internacional de nintendo con un regalo del catálogo de estrellas. A seguir esperando
hi-ban escribió:WBYYO, el frameskip normalmente tiene tres modalidades: apagado (0), Auto y fijo (X).
Frameskip Apagado (0) significa que dibuja todos los frames. Si no puede dibujarlos en tiempo real, ralentizará la emulacion.
Frameskip Auto significa que dibujará todos los frames que pueda. Si no le va a dar tiempo a dibujar un frame a tiempo real, se lo salta y va a por el siguiente. Asi la emulacion no se ralentiza, pero el movimiento pierde fluidez en mayor o menor medida, dependiendo de la cantidad de frames que se salte. Ojo, los cálculos necesarios para determinar si se salta un frame o no, pueden hacer perder mas tiempo al emulador. Por eso a veces un juego puede ir a 60 con frameskip apagado, pero a 55 con frameskip Auto.
Frameskip Fijo, significa que se saltará siempre el mismo numero de frames. Ni mas, ni menos.
Si el Frameskip es 1, solo dibujará 1/2 de los frames (30 de cada 60).
Si el frameskip es 2, solo dibujará 1/3 de los frames (20 de cada 60).
Si el frameskip es 3, solo dibujará 1/4 de los frames (15 de cada 60).
Si el frameskip es 4, solo dibujará 1/5 de los frames (12 de cada 60).
Luego, los contadores de FPS en los emuladores a veces tienen dos modos de contar: Emulated y Rendered.
Emulated: Te muestra los frames emulados. Esto se puede traducir como la velocidad del juego. Normalmente este contador siempre está en 60 si el juego emulado es NTSC, o en 50 si el juego emulado es PAL. En consolas portátiles normalmente está en 60.
Rendered: Te muestra los frames renderizados. Este es el contador que interesa, porque es el que te dice los frames que el emulador está dibujando en la pantalla.
hi-ban escribió:Con frameskip a 3 no se puede decir que vaya "perfecto", ya que solo está dibujando 15 frames por segundo (en vez de 60), Y con frameskip a 1 tampoco, ya que solo dibuja la mitad de los frames que debería.
Un juego corre "perfecto" cuando lo puedes poner a frameskip 0 sin que se ralentize, o cuando en frameskip Auto no baja de 59fps ocasionalmente.
Los fps "Emulated" no cuentan para nada, los que cuentan son los "Rendered".
Por cierto, aqui un video con el doomII, duke nukem advance y otro mas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFoLkhFjM94
hi-ban escribió:Con frameskip a 3 no se puede decir que vaya "perfecto", ya que solo está dibujando 15 frames por segundo (en vez de 60), Y con frameskip a 1 tampoco, ya que solo dibuja la mitad de los frames que debería.
Un juego corre "perfecto" cuando lo puedes poner a frameskip 0 sin que se ralentize, o cuando en frameskip Auto no baja de 59fps ocasionalmente.
Los fps "Emulated" no cuentan para nada, los que cuentan son los "Rendered".
Por cierto, aqui un video con el doomII, duke nukem advance y otro mas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFoLkhFjM94
WBYYO escribió:Eso + la opción de savestates, la opción de turbo y la de fast forward/disable framelimiter en mi opinión serían imprescindibles, --->nativo, 320x240, y max scale keep aspect ratio
The Cure escribió:Para pedir la cruceta más pequeña ¿Existe algún tipo de formulario o se manda directamente un correo electrónico al "CEO" de GCW?
link82 escribió:Project Update #62: Update September 6th, 2013
Posted by Justin BarwickLike
Why did I goto PAX?
For this project to stay alive after the KickStarter it needs exposure to attract more developers Indie and Commercial alike so the console library will be always evolving and growing.
It was also a place to make connections with other vendors to make the console and it's experience better for everyone.
I stated the amount of consoles shipped at PAX and met a lot of kewl KickStarter backers in the process. They also got to have a hands on experience with the hardware and it gave a good grueling test of the hardware in the four days and all units were still working and in good condition. So it was a good test of wear and tear on the system.
Did consoles ship while I was gone to PAX?
Yes as stated in update I made a deal with a local shipping house and fedex to do shipping also so consoles continue to ship. I will still continue to ship also to boost the numbers and ensure shipping gets out there.
I understand everyone wants their pledge reward and I will do my best to ensure you get them as soon as possible. But to not answer e-mails from other Vendors, KickStarter Backers, and new fans would make this project for nothing as we would have nothing after fulfilling the KickStarter pledges.
I have to take the time to reply to e-mails trivial or just information or concerns to just ignore them would be rude and counter productive to the project and the purpose of KickStarting it in the first place.
Alot of projects not naming any are way over their expected dates it's not an excuse just a fact all of the projects for most part are just like me one to three people operations on logistics side with a great idea and the ability to produce the product.
The stalemate to the equation is getting it out to everyone and staying in budget you have from KickStarter funds you raised.
We've had our delays in this project let there be no doubt and have tried our best to navigate through them with as little effect to you the backers as we can.
This project means alot to me hence I have put mostly my own funds to fund development and produce the prototypes that were shown and even now after the KickStarter pledge portion has ended.
I funded PAX out of my own money just as I'm funding and covering the excess cost of shipping that has arisen due to delays and the swap of D-Pads and buttons shipping costs back to China then back to the States.
Once again thank your for your faith in the project and your pledge to make this project/start-up a reality with out you and the early adopters this dream would have died along time ago.
Please read these to get a better understanding of what KickStarter purpose and what it is for:
http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/kicksta ... ot-a-store
The Cure escribió:link82 escribió:Project Update #62: Update September 6th, 2013
Posted by Justin BarwickLike
Why did I goto PAX?
For this project to stay alive after the KickStarter it needs exposure to attract more developers Indie and Commercial alike so the console library will be always evolving and growing.
It was also a place to make connections with other vendors to make the console and it's experience better for everyone.
I stated the amount of consoles shipped at PAX and met a lot of kewl KickStarter backers in the process. They also got to have a hands on experience with the hardware and it gave a good grueling test of the hardware in the four days and all units were still working and in good condition. So it was a good test of wear and tear on the system.
Did consoles ship while I was gone to PAX?
Yes as stated in update I made a deal with a local shipping house and fedex to do shipping also so consoles continue to ship. I will still continue to ship also to boost the numbers and ensure shipping gets out there.
I understand everyone wants their pledge reward and I will do my best to ensure you get them as soon as possible. But to not answer e-mails from other Vendors, KickStarter Backers, and new fans would make this project for nothing as we would have nothing after fulfilling the KickStarter pledges.
I have to take the time to reply to e-mails trivial or just information or concerns to just ignore them would be rude and counter productive to the project and the purpose of KickStarting it in the first place.
Alot of projects not naming any are way over their expected dates it's not an excuse just a fact all of the projects for most part are just like me one to three people operations on logistics side with a great idea and the ability to produce the product.
The stalemate to the equation is getting it out to everyone and staying in budget you have from KickStarter funds you raised.
We've had our delays in this project let there be no doubt and have tried our best to navigate through them with as little effect to you the backers as we can.
This project means alot to me hence I have put mostly my own funds to fund development and produce the prototypes that were shown and even now after the KickStarter pledge portion has ended.
I funded PAX out of my own money just as I'm funding and covering the excess cost of shipping that has arisen due to delays and the swap of D-Pads and buttons shipping costs back to China then back to the States.
Once again thank your for your faith in the project and your pledge to make this project/start-up a reality with out you and the early adopters this dream would have died along time ago.
Please read these to get a better understanding of what KickStarter purpose and what it is for:
http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/kicksta ... ot-a-store
Ahora mismo no sigo muy de cerca el tema de como va el KickStarter y mi inglés no es el mejor pero ...
¿Se supone que está pidiendo disculpas por los retrasos?
¿Que ha ido al evento PAX Prime para promocionar la GCW Zero? Donde lo más interesante puede haber sido ver a un casi olvidado "Wesley Crusher" cansado de hacer de némesis de Sheldon Cooper en la apertura del evento.
¿Es que aun nadie de por aquí ha recibido la consola de KS?
PD: Y para postre suelta, de una manera más o menos correcta políticamente hablando - ¡Hey! Que esto es KickStater ¿No sabías donde te metías?
Macarthur Inbody:
Oh great, you fucking are still selling the units to goddamn resellers _before_ you give the units to backers. Way to go, ay to run a business. Also you were _selling_ ks units at pax! Brilliance I say! Way to run a business. Let's sell them to resellers and others so I can make more money, rather than giving the units to those who actually believed in this goddamn thing.Resllers should _not_ be getting _any_ units until KS units are satisified.
I also got to stop by the GCW PAX booth and met Justin. The system is real, it's got a good feel to it, and it will eventually be in your hands. Justin said about 550 out of 1500 have been shipped (sorry if the numbers are not exact, I don't recall precisely).
alexei_gp escribió:The Cure escribió:link82 escribió:Project Update #62: Update September 6th, 2013
Posted by Justin BarwickLike
Why did I goto PAX?
For this project to stay alive after the KickStarter it needs exposure to attract more developers Indie and Commercial alike so the console library will be always evolving and growing.
It was also a place to make connections with other vendors to make the console and it's experience better for everyone.
I stated the amount of consoles shipped at PAX and met a lot of kewl KickStarter backers in the process. They also got to have a hands on experience with the hardware and it gave a good grueling test of the hardware in the four days and all units were still working and in good condition. So it was a good test of wear and tear on the system.
Did consoles ship while I was gone to PAX?
Yes as stated in update I made a deal with a local shipping house and fedex to do shipping also so consoles continue to ship. I will still continue to ship also to boost the numbers and ensure shipping gets out there.
I understand everyone wants their pledge reward and I will do my best to ensure you get them as soon as possible. But to not answer e-mails from other Vendors, KickStarter Backers, and new fans would make this project for nothing as we would have nothing after fulfilling the KickStarter pledges.
I have to take the time to reply to e-mails trivial or just information or concerns to just ignore them would be rude and counter productive to the project and the purpose of KickStarting it in the first place.
Alot of projects not naming any are way over their expected dates it's not an excuse just a fact all of the projects for most part are just like me one to three people operations on logistics side with a great idea and the ability to produce the product.
The stalemate to the equation is getting it out to everyone and staying in budget you have from KickStarter funds you raised.
We've had our delays in this project let there be no doubt and have tried our best to navigate through them with as little effect to you the backers as we can.
This project means alot to me hence I have put mostly my own funds to fund development and produce the prototypes that were shown and even now after the KickStarter pledge portion has ended.
I funded PAX out of my own money just as I'm funding and covering the excess cost of shipping that has arisen due to delays and the swap of D-Pads and buttons shipping costs back to China then back to the States.
Once again thank your for your faith in the project and your pledge to make this project/start-up a reality with out you and the early adopters this dream would have died along time ago.
Please read these to get a better understanding of what KickStarter purpose and what it is for:
http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/kicksta ... ot-a-store
Ahora mismo no sigo muy de cerca el tema de como va el KickStarter y mi inglés no es el mejor pero ...
¿Se supone que está pidiendo disculpas por los retrasos?
¿Que ha ido al evento PAX Prime para promocionar la GCW Zero? Donde lo más interesante puede haber sido ver a un casi olvidado "Wesley Crusher" cansado de hacer de némesis de Sheldon Cooper en la apertura del evento.
¿Es que aun nadie de por aquí ha recibido la consola de KS?
PD: Y para postre suelta, de una manera más o menos correcta políticamente hablando - ¡Hey! Que esto es KickStater ¿No sabías donde te metías?
Yo no he recibido mi consola del kickstarter...ademas ese mensaje lo dice porque le han mandado 1650 e-mails y no puede responder a todo el mundo.Pero sabes que es lo peor? que ahorita puedes comprar la gcw zero a ithic.com sin ningun problema,sin retrasos etc...y no se supone que los que estamos en el kickstarter ibamos a recibir las consolas primero antes que lo vendan algún reseller? Para mi la imagen de justin ha quedado mal con todo el mundo no cumplio con una de sus promesas que es mandar las consolas a los que apoyamos el kickstarter... en fin a ver que sucede en estas semanas porque en cualquier momento esto va estallar.
Y para que vean que no miento pongo el quote de esta persona que se ha dado cuenta de lo que les digo:Macarthur Inbody:
Oh great, you fucking are still selling the units to goddamn resellers _before_ you give the units to backers. Way to go, ay to run a business. Also you were _selling_ ks units at pax! Brilliance I say! Way to run a business. Let's sell them to resellers and others so I can make more money, rather than giving the units to those who actually believed in this goddamn thing.Resllers should _not_ be getting _any_ units until KS units are satisified.
y este quote en la cual solo han despachado 550 unidades de los 1650 que somos del kickstarter:I also got to stop by the GCW PAX booth and met Justin. The system is real, it's got a good feel to it, and it will eventually be in your hands. Justin said about 550 out of 1500 have been shipped (sorry if the numbers are not exact, I don't recall precisely).
Y sobre la venta de las gcw zero del reseller ithic.com puedes verlo aquí que no estoy mintiendo:http://ithic.com/en/gcw-zero/72-gcw-zero.html
Ahora bien esto que estoy posteando no es flame,solo estoy poniendo los hechos sobre la mesa para que todo el mundo lo vea.Yo por mi parte quiero la consola pero sera lo ultimo que le compre a justin barwick ya que ha hecho muchas promesas y ha cumplido muy poco para la gente que lo apoyo.
Alex Forsyth:
Wow that "Kickstarter is not a store" link um interesting. Especially when Justin himself used kickstarter like a store. His "project" wasn't "I have a cool idea" it was "I have this finished product and all I need is preorder commitments"
Looks like Justin ran out of money and needs to start selling units to retailers to fund fulfilling the rest of the kickstarter.
He had PAX flyers that said "preorder now at Thinkgeek" and Think Geek's site says the item will be in stock in mid October. No way the remaining 1000 or so KS units will be finished in the next month.
Hopefully the motivation of making some money will get things moving along faster. Fulfilling kickstarter orders doesn't seem to be that motivating because that small group of people that went over to help that one weekend were somehow like 20x+ more productive.
John3d escribió:Para Hi-ban y otros que ya la tienen, de bateria ¿que tal va?
TimeDevouncer escribió:Señoras y señores, primer contacto con el driver OPENGL funcionando:
Vicios al Quake 3 online? No estaría nada mal[buenazo]
KFR escribió:Para mi superar las 8 horas me parece una cifra mas que buena, ya 10 minutos arriba o abajo poco me importa. Me alegro del dato pero sigo esperando a ver cuando termina la pu.. pelicula de los envios y pax's varios, etc etc... solo faltaria volviese a salir a escena la compra de atari xD