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Tyler Durden escribió:Por otro lado, volviendo a Vegeta, en BoG, cuando el Sr. Bills pega a Bulma y Vegeta rabia y aumenta su energia, se entiende que no llega a un nivel SSJ 3, no? Eso me ha confundido, ya que ha podido hacerle frente a Bills, incluso le ha dado un par de puñetazos, pese a que Goku, en SSJ 3 no le dura prácticamente nada.
fR1k0 escribió:Podriais poner mas o menos lo que sale en la versión extendida? Porque si son diálogos que no merecen la pena me lo ahorro.
Tyler Durden escribió:Gracias por subirlas.
Si todas son de ese estilo, creo que no merece la pena seguir viéndolas, a no ser que alguna aporte algo realmente interesante.
Absolute Terror escribió:El aumento de poder bestial de Freezer entrenando un poco en un cortisimo periodo de tiempo no tiene sentido alguno.
Spark89 escribió:![]()
Goku en Namek (por ejemplo) no está de acuerdo con esa afirmación.
the entire 1000-warrior fight ends with Freeza's new strongest solider, the horned Shisami, sent out to fight Piccolo.
Despite what the trailer leads you to think, he does not get 'one-shotted'. They exchange blows for a while before Piccolo launches a (terribly animated) Makankosappo at Shisami. However, he dodges it before catching Piccolo totally off guard and knocking him out.
This 'caught off guard' theme is actually one of the major recurring themes of the film and is part of a key plot point later on..
Following this, Gohan steps in, turns Super Saiyan in an awesome sequence and then one-shots Shisami. However, Gohan then returns to his normal state before Freeza catches him off guard (see the theme?) and "kills" him in one punch. Sumitomo's awesome score comes in with this incredibly dark chant that reminded me of Duel of the Fates. It's a deeply disturbing moment, but luckily Piccolo resuscitates him with a small ki blast to the chest, allowing Kuririn to give him a senzu bean to bring him back around.
bad_iori escribió:Descripción del Piccolo vs Shisami según un espectador del pre estreno:the entire 1000-warrior fight ends with Freeza's new strongest solider, the horned Shisami, sent out to fight Piccolo.
Despite what the trailer leads you to think, he does not get 'one-shotted'. They exchange blows for a while before Piccolo launches a (terribly animated) Makankosappo at Shisami. However, he dodges it before catching Piccolo totally off guard and knocking him out.
This 'caught off guard' theme is actually one of the major recurring themes of the film and is part of a key plot point later on..
Following this, Gohan steps in, turns Super Saiyan in an awesome sequence and then one-shots Shisami. However, Gohan then returns to his normal state before Freeza catches him off guard (see the theme?) and "kills" him in one punch. Sumitomo's awesome score comes in with this incredibly dark chant that reminded me of Duel of the Fates. It's a deeply disturbing moment, but luckily Piccolo resuscitates him with a small ki blast to the chest, allowing Kuririn to give him a senzu bean to bring him back around.
Me cuadra entonces, porque la gente estaba haciendo un drama pensando que el tipo cornudo era más fuerte que Freezer la primera vez que lo vimos en Namek o que Piccolo había sido nerfeado como Gohan.
Me imagino cual es la escena de Piccolo lanzando el makankosappo, salía en el trailer y es verdad que da un poco de penilla.
Absolute Terror escribió:El aumento de poder bestial de Freezer entrenando un poco en un cortisimo periodo de tiempo no tiene sentido alguno.
I think I do prefer Battle of Gods, but this film is definitely a lot of fun.
Battle of Gods was very much a story and character-driven film; from the introduction of Beerus and Whis to Vegeta's 'My Bulma' and Gohan's 'I'm a daddy!' sequence, the film was steeped in development. It opened many new pathways for the series that I think got a lot of people excited for the future.
Fukkatsu no F is very much a film that focuses on action over everything else. It doesn't tread a whole lot of new ground, but there's plenty set up to be explored in the future. Despite the intense focus on action for a majority of the film, the first 40 minutes do feature nice little moments with our familiar characters:
We get to see Kuririn in an all-out car chase which ends with him jump kicking two goons off a bike before his phone rings with the 'We Are!' theme from One Piece (a reference to Kuririn's Japanese voice actor, Mayumi Tanaka, who also voices Luffy). This is followed by an awesome scene where he asks #18 to shave his head. As he flies off, #18 mutters to herself "kakkoii" aka "so cool!".
Jaco arrives at Bulma's place and we get to see some hilarious interaction between the two as he warns her that Freeza is coming..."In one hour!". Since Bulma's never seen Freeza before, Jaco draws her a picture which looks a bit like this. It's amazing.
As Goku and Vegeta are off training with Whis, the scene then ends with Bulma trying to summon Whis with a giant bowl of ice cream. She's all high pitched with a cute "Whiisss-san!! Whiiiiiis-san!". It reminded me of a person trying to get their dog inside with a treat. It's a really great scene.
This leads us to Goku and Vegeta fighting in tandem against Whis. It's really nicely animated and is quite a departure from the usual fighting we get in the series. This film is very much focused on 'real' martial arts. There's still the trademark flurry of punches and kicks, but a majority of the film is highly choreographed - kinda like this.
I appreciate some fans felt it was more akin to the early Dragon Ball fights rather than the later ones, but I think Yamamuro managed to combine the two very nicely, even if I do find his compositions rather flat.
After this reintroduction is done with, Freeza is finally on Earth. Yes, it's that fast of a transition. One of the many instances in the film where things just move far too fast for their own good. The entire opening sequence takes place four months before anything I've mentioned so far and yet there's nothing to really tie the two together. It's very incongruous.
Anyway, the Z Warriors [and Bulma] are ready and waiting (Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Kamesen'nin, Jaco, Gohan and Piccolo). Freeza launches his 1000-soldier army at the gang and the first significant fight begins.
This fight has some absolutely amazing moments. Kamesen'nin bulks up, jabs his staff into the ground and hops on top of it while ten or so goons lunge at him. He then jumps up as they crash into each other and launches a huge Kamehameha to blow them all away.
Jaco (voiced by Hanae Natsuki aka Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul) is being chased by a good few hundred, too. He leads them into a cliff before backflipping over them and diving into the water. As they stand over him sending ki blasts into the water, a giant fish pops up and eats them. It's such a perfect moment for a brilliantly funny character.
Gohan fans need not worry as he gets some of the most well animated scenes. One of the best moments involves a slow-mo sequence where he dips between about 20 enemies, hitting their vital points, before he stops, time speeds up again and they all drop to the ground.
However, I think my favourite moment of this 1000-warrior sequence has to involve Piccolo. He leads a huge bunch of enemies into a cavern before stopping dead in his tracks and turning to face them. He takes off his weighted hat and hands it to an enemy, who is instantly smashed into the ground from the weight of it. Piccolo then takes off his cape and throws it at the remaining enemies, who also fall into the ground.
There's some more awesome sequences with Tenshinhan, but the entire 1000-warrior fight ends with Freeza's new strongest solider, the horned Shisami, sent out to fight Piccolo.
Despite what the trailer leads you to think, he does not get 'one-shotted'. They exchange blows for a while before Piccolo launches a (terribly animated) Makankosappo at Shisami. However, he dodges it before catching Piccolo totally off guard and knocking him out.
This 'caught off guard' theme is actually one of the major recurring themes of the film and is part of a key plot point later on.
Following this, Gohan steps in, turns Super Saiyan in an awesome sequence and then one-shots Shisami. However, Gohan then returns to his normal state before Freeza catches him off guard (see the theme?) and kills him in one punch. Sumitomo's awesome score comes in with this incredibly dark chant that reminded me of Duel of the Fates. It's a deeply disturbing moment, but luckily Piccolo resuscitates him with a small ki blast to the chest, allowing Kuririn to give him a senzu bean to bring him back around.
And that pretty much ends that entire 1000-warrior sequence of events. It's an absolutely amazing sight to behold. It's great to see all of these fighters finally getting their chance to shine again. It's well and truly fanservice, but it's fanservice done right!
Goku and Vegeta arrive, and after some bickering about taking turns, Goku steps in to fight Freeza. First, Freeza transforms into his (regular sized) fourth form. It's a great sequence that's pretty much a darker, grander version of his first to second transformation from the series. Goku then increases his ki and they begin to fight.
What's really interesting about this scene is the lack of music. It's silent apart from the sound effects, which are huge. You've never heard punches that sound this good before. They are earth-shakingly powerful, and on top of the sounds of mountains crumbling, they do a great job of conveying just how strong these two are.
This goes on for a while until Goku transforms into his blue-haired form, which he describes as 'a Super Saiyan with the power of the Super Saiyan God'. Freeza then transforms into his Golden Form and the second part of the fight begins. You've seen all of this in the trailers, so you should know that it's a fantastic moment.
Unfortunately, I can't say I really loved a majority of the fight that follows it. The animation is rife with unsightly CGI that really turned me off. Fortunately, once they emerge from the smoke of the volcano, it returns back to traditional animation for the better. The fight then ends with Goku tanking a punch to the face from Freeza before delivering a one inch punch in return to Freeza's chest. Goku then sends a large Kamehameha at Freeza to bring him to the ground.
Freeza is extremely upset at this point and starts to scream while apparently powering up. Fortunately, it appears he's out of energy as he drops to his knees. Goku stands over him, unaware that Freeza is gesturing to Sorbet. Unaware of anything, Goku is shot through the heart by an energy blast from Sorbet's ring (More examples of this caught off-guard theme!)
I'd read the plot summary, so I was well aware that it was coming, but it still took me entirely by surprise. Freeza proceeds to ruthlessly stamp on Goku over and over, before flipping him on his back and digging his foot right into Goku's wound. He then sends him flying into a cliff.
It's a level of violence we haven't seen from the franchise in a long time. I was genuinely surprised at how brutal it was. It is definitely not pleasant viewing material. Amazing scene though!
Vegeta then steps in to help. I cannot describe his presence than anything but intense. Horikawa's voice acting is amazing during this part. Anyone looking for a callback to the Vegeta of old will be more than happy. He's still very much Battle of Gods Vegeta, in that he cares about everyone, but he's much darker and more akin to his Boo arc appearance, I feel.
He talks about the destruction of Planet Vegeta before telling Kuririn to come and grab Goku and give him a senzu. This pretty much begins my favourite portion of the film, and what is really the intended highlight of it, too.
As Kuririn flies towards them, Freeza launches a ki disc at him. Vegeta teleports and knocks it away from Kuririn, right in the direction of Sorbet (RIP!).
After this, Vegeta then transforms into the blue form and begins to slowly walk towards Freeza; spouting off in his usual arrogant way. Freeza looks panicked and responds with a flurry of ki blasts. These don't affect Vegeta at all and he walks right through them; glaring right at Freeza. After a short conversation, Vegeta punches Freeza right in the stomach and begins his beatdown.
The entire sequence features the best animation of the entire film. It looks incredible. Everything is wonderfully framed, beautifully smooth, and incredibly well drawn. It's short but it rivals the Shida cut we got in Battle of Gods where Goku bursts out of the rocks against Beerus.
The scene features no music. It's carried entirely by it's incredible sound effects. They shake the entire room. The beatdown is absolutely one-sided and ends with Freeza dropping back into his regular fourth form. Vegeta finally gets to stand over Freeza triumphant.
As I'm sure many know by now, Freeza then decides to destroy the Earth in a last ditch attempt at victory (Vegeta is caught off guard! Woo themes!). He punches the ground over and over before it explodes around them. Tornadoes of fire erupt from the earth in a nice callback to Namek's destruction.
Whis quickly wraps up Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Kamesen'nin, Jaco, Gohan, Piccolo, Bulma, Beerus and Goku in a bubble and transports them above Earth, just in time to see it explode.
Bulma breaks down and begins to cry over 'Vegeta, Trunks, Papa and Mama'. It's a short but touching moment. The group looks totally defeated before Whis reveals that he can turn back time. Something he uses to restore the planets that Beerus unreasonably destroys.
He taps his staff on the ground before time begins to rewind and we rewatch Freeza on his knees again. Just before he destroys the Earth, Goku teleport in and launches a giant Kamehameha to finish him off.
In an extremely brief denouement, Goku apologises and explains to Vegeta why he stole the kill. Whis tells them that if they'd worked together, they would have won. Vegeta and Goku both agree that that is never going to happen. There's a little bit more talking and the film finally ends.
In a post-credits scene, Freeza is back in his cocoon in hell, he yells 'Nooooooo!' (in English) and that wraps up everything.
Overall, I enjoyed the film a lot. I don't think it's perfect as it has some real pacing and structure issues. It lacks a distinct middle and a lot of the transitions in time feel very disjointed. The ending is extremely sudden and doesn't really satisfy you in the same way that Battle of Gods did. There's nothing to indicate a sequel and the only real potential for new content comes from the Blue Super Saiyan.
However, the battles are a real joy to watch. The character interaction is absolutely fantastic, and being a Toriyama-written film, they all feel very much like themselves. Vegeta's beatdown against Freeza is one of the most memorable moments from the entire franchise, and the new sound effects are incredible.
If you can get over some minor continuity stuff, there's a really enjoyable film underneath that should satisfy those wanting more Battle of Gods stuff and those who just really wanted to see these characters beat the shit out of each other again.
El Hombre Araña escribió:Pero vamos a ver, si el super saiyan god es más fuerte que Vegetto SSJ3 (cosa que no tiene puto sentido) y Freezer gana a Goku en estado de super saiyan god, esto significa que Freezer en 4 meses es más fuerte que Vegetto SSJ3... Si esto tiene sentido apaga y vámonos.
bad_iori escribió:coloco el resumén en ingles del espectador del pre estreno en usa:
Parte 1I think I do prefer Battle of Gods, but this film is definitely a lot of fun.
Battle of Gods was very much a story and character-driven film; from the introduction of Beerus and Whis to Vegeta's 'My Bulma' and Gohan's 'I'm a daddy!' sequence, the film was steeped in development. It opened many new pathways for the series that I think got a lot of people excited for the future.
Fukkatsu no F is very much a film that focuses on action over everything else. It doesn't tread a whole lot of new ground, but there's plenty set up to be explored in the future. Despite the intense focus on action for a majority of the film, the first 40 minutes do feature nice little moments with our familiar characters:
We get to see Kuririn in an all-out car chase which ends with him jump kicking two goons off a bike before his phone rings with the 'We Are!' theme from One Piece (a reference to Kuririn's Japanese voice actor, Mayumi Tanaka, who also voices Luffy). This is followed by an awesome scene where he asks #18 to shave his head. As he flies off, #18 mutters to herself "kakkoii" aka "so cool!".
Jaco arrives at Bulma's place and we get to see some hilarious interaction between the two as he warns her that Freeza is coming..."In one hour!". Since Bulma's never seen Freeza before, Jaco draws her a picture which looks a bit like this. It's amazing.
As Goku and Vegeta are off training with Whis, the scene then ends with Bulma trying to summon Whis with a giant bowl of ice cream. She's all high pitched with a cute "Whiisss-san!! Whiiiiiis-san!". It reminded me of a person trying to get their dog inside with a treat. It's a really great scene.
This leads us to Goku and Vegeta fighting in tandem against Whis. It's really nicely animated and is quite a departure from the usual fighting we get in the series. This film is very much focused on 'real' martial arts. There's still the trademark flurry of punches and kicks, but a majority of the film is highly choreographed - kinda like this.
I appreciate some fans felt it was more akin to the early Dragon Ball fights rather than the later ones, but I think Yamamuro managed to combine the two very nicely, even if I do find his compositions rather flat.
After this reintroduction is done with, Freeza is finally on Earth. Yes, it's that fast of a transition. One of the many instances in the film where things just move far too fast for their own good. The entire opening sequence takes place four months before anything I've mentioned so far and yet there's nothing to really tie the two together. It's very incongruous.
Anyway, the Z Warriors [and Bulma] are ready and waiting (Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Kamesen'nin, Jaco, Gohan and Piccolo). Freeza launches his 1000-soldier army at the gang and the first significant fight begins.
This fight has some absolutely amazing moments. Kamesen'nin bulks up, jabs his staff into the ground and hops on top of it while ten or so goons lunge at him. He then jumps up as they crash into each other and launches a huge Kamehameha to blow them all away.
Jaco (voiced by Hanae Natsuki aka Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul) is being chased by a good few hundred, too. He leads them into a cliff before backflipping over them and diving into the water. As they stand over him sending ki blasts into the water, a giant fish pops up and eats them. It's such a perfect moment for a brilliantly funny character.
Gohan fans need not worry as he gets some of the most well animated scenes. One of the best moments involves a slow-mo sequence where he dips between about 20 enemies, hitting their vital points, before he stops, time speeds up again and they all drop to the ground.
However, I think my favourite moment of this 1000-warrior sequence has to involve Piccolo. He leads a huge bunch of enemies into a cavern before stopping dead in his tracks and turning to face them. He takes off his weighted hat and hands it to an enemy, who is instantly smashed into the ground from the weight of it. Piccolo then takes off his cape and throws it at the remaining enemies, who also fall into the ground.
There's some more awesome sequences with Tenshinhan, but the entire 1000-warrior fight ends with Freeza's new strongest solider, the horned Shisami, sent out to fight Piccolo.
Despite what the trailer leads you to think, he does not get 'one-shotted'. They exchange blows for a while before Piccolo launches a (terribly animated) Makankosappo at Shisami. However, he dodges it before catching Piccolo totally off guard and knocking him out.
This 'caught off guard' theme is actually one of the major recurring themes of the film and is part of a key plot point later on.
Following this, Gohan steps in, turns Super Saiyan in an awesome sequence and then one-shots Shisami. However, Gohan then returns to his normal state before Freeza catches him off guard (see the theme?) and kills him in one punch. Sumitomo's awesome score comes in with this incredibly dark chant that reminded me of Duel of the Fates. It's a deeply disturbing moment, but luckily Piccolo resuscitates him with a small ki blast to the chest, allowing Kuririn to give him a senzu bean to bring him back around.
And that pretty much ends that entire 1000-warrior sequence of events. It's an absolutely amazing sight to behold. It's great to see all of these fighters finally getting their chance to shine again. It's well and truly fanservice, but it's fanservice done right!
Goku and Vegeta arrive, and after some bickering about taking turns, Goku steps in to fight Freeza. First, Freeza transforms into his (regular sized) fourth form. It's a great sequence that's pretty much a darker, grander version of his first to second transformation from the series. Goku then increases his ki and they begin to fight.
What's really interesting about this scene is the lack of music. It's silent apart from the sound effects, which are huge. You've never heard punches that sound this good before. They are earth-shakingly powerful, and on top of the sounds of mountains crumbling, they do a great job of conveying just how strong these two are.
This goes on for a while until Goku transforms into his blue-haired form, which he describes as 'a Super Saiyan with the power of the Super Saiyan God'. Freeza then transforms into his Golden Form and the second part of the fight begins. You've seen all of this in the trailers, so you should know that it's a fantastic moment.
Unfortunately, I can't say I really loved a majority of the fight that follows it. The animation is rife with unsightly CGI that really turned me off. Fortunately, once they emerge from the smoke of the volcano, it returns back to traditional animation for the better. The fight then ends with Goku tanking a punch to the face from Freeza before delivering a one inch punch in return to Freeza's chest. Goku then sends a large Kamehameha at Freeza to bring him to the ground.
Freeza is extremely upset at this point and starts to scream while apparently powering up. Fortunately, it appears he's out of energy as he drops to his knees. Goku stands over him, unaware that Freeza is gesturing to Sorbet. Unaware of anything, Goku is shot through the heart by an energy blast from Sorbet's ring (More examples of this caught off-guard theme!)
I'd read the plot summary, so I was well aware that it was coming, but it still took me entirely by surprise. Freeza proceeds to ruthlessly stamp on Goku over and over, before flipping him on his back and digging his foot right into Goku's wound. He then sends him flying into a cliff.
It's a level of violence we haven't seen from the franchise in a long time. I was genuinely surprised at how brutal it was. It is definitely not pleasant viewing material. Amazing scene though!
Parte 2Vegeta then steps in to help. I cannot describe his presence than anything but intense. Horikawa's voice acting is amazing during this part. Anyone looking for a callback to the Vegeta of old will be more than happy. He's still very much Battle of Gods Vegeta, in that he cares about everyone, but he's much darker and more akin to his Boo arc appearance, I feel.
He talks about the destruction of Planet Vegeta before telling Kuririn to come and grab Goku and give him a senzu. This pretty much begins my favourite portion of the film, and what is really the intended highlight of it, too.
As Kuririn flies towards them, Freeza launches a ki disc at him. Vegeta teleports and knocks it away from Kuririn, right in the direction of Sorbet (RIP!).
After this, Vegeta then transforms into the blue form and begins to slowly walk towards Freeza; spouting off in his usual arrogant way. Freeza looks panicked and responds with a flurry of ki blasts. These don't affect Vegeta at all and he walks right through them; glaring right at Freeza. After a short conversation, Vegeta punches Freeza right in the stomach and begins his beatdown.
The entire sequence features the best animation of the entire film. It looks incredible. Everything is wonderfully framed, beautifully smooth, and incredibly well drawn. It's short but it rivals the Shida cut we got in Battle of Gods where Goku bursts out of the rocks against Beerus.
The scene features no music. It's carried entirely by it's incredible sound effects. They shake the entire room. The beatdown is absolutely one-sided and ends with Freeza dropping back into his regular fourth form. Vegeta finally gets to stand over Freeza triumphant.
As I'm sure many know by now, Freeza then decides to destroy the Earth in a last ditch attempt at victory (Vegeta is caught off guard! Woo themes!). He punches the ground over and over before it explodes around them. Tornadoes of fire erupt from the earth in a nice callback to Namek's destruction.
Whis quickly wraps up Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Kamesen'nin, Jaco, Gohan, Piccolo, Bulma, Beerus and Goku in a bubble and transports them above Earth, just in time to see it explode.
Bulma breaks down and begins to cry over 'Vegeta, Trunks, Papa and Mama'. It's a short but touching moment. The group looks totally defeated before Whis reveals that he can turn back time. Something he uses to restore the planets that Beerus unreasonably destroys.
He taps his staff on the ground before time begins to rewind and we rewatch Freeza on his knees again. Just before he destroys the Earth, Goku teleport in and launches a giant Kamehameha to finish him off.
In an extremely brief denouement, Goku apologises and explains to Vegeta why he stole the kill. Whis tells them that if they'd worked together, they would have won. Vegeta and Goku both agree that that is never going to happen. There's a little bit more talking and the film finally ends.
In a post-credits scene, Freeza is back in his cocoon in hell, he yells 'Nooooooo!' (in English) and that wraps up everything.
Overall, I enjoyed the film a lot. I don't think it's perfect as it has some real pacing and structure issues. It lacks a distinct middle and a lot of the transitions in time feel very disjointed. The ending is extremely sudden and doesn't really satisfy you in the same way that Battle of Gods did. There's nothing to indicate a sequel and the only real potential for new content comes from the Blue Super Saiyan.
However, the battles are a real joy to watch. The character interaction is absolutely fantastic, and being a Toriyama-written film, they all feel very much like themselves. Vegeta's beatdown against Freeza is one of the most memorable moments from the entire franchise, and the new sound effects are incredible.
If you can get over some minor continuity stuff, there's a really enjoyable film underneath that should satisfy those wanting more Battle of Gods stuff and those who just really wanted to see these characters beat the shit out of each other again.
It's a level of violence we haven't seen from the franchise in a long time. I was genuinely surprised at how brutal it was. It is definitely not pleasant viewing material. Amazing scene though!
Adinx escribió:Absolute Terror escribió:El aumento de poder bestial de Freezer entrenando un poco en un cortisimo periodo de tiempo no tiene sentido alguno.
Has abierto el cajón de mierda xD
Spark89 escribió:El Hombre Araña escribió:Pero vamos a ver, si el super saiyan god es más fuerte que Vegetto SSJ3 (cosa que no tiene puto sentido) y Freezer gana a Goku en estado de super saiyan god, esto significa que Freezer en 4 meses es más fuerte que Vegetto SSJ3... Si esto tiene sentido apaga y vámonos.
¿Quién es Vegetto SSJ3? ¿Dónde sale?![]()
Y Goku en FnF no es el SSJ God de BoG.
Spark89 escribió:Absolute Terror escribió:El aumento de poder bestial de Freezer entrenando un poco en un cortisimo periodo de tiempo no tiene sentido alguno.
Goku en Namek (por ejemplo) no está de acuerdo con esa afirmación.
Tyler Durden escribió:Eso de Vegetto en SSJ 3 ya se le está yendo de las manos...
Absolute Terror escribió:Spark89 escribió:Absolute Terror escribió:El aumento de poder bestial de Freezer entrenando un poco en un cortisimo periodo de tiempo no tiene sentido alguno.
Goku en Namek (por ejemplo) no está de acuerdo con esa afirmación.
Si, igualito el aumento de poder de Goku en Namek que el de Freezer ahora.
Spark89 escribió:Absolute Terror escribió:Spark89 escribió:![]()
Goku en Namek (por ejemplo) no está de acuerdo con esa afirmación.
Si, igualito el aumento de poder de Goku en Namek que el de Freezer ahora.
Cierto, diría que el aumento de poder con el que Goku acaba en Namek es mucho más alto (y en menos tiempo) que el de Freezer. Mea culpa
Meich escribió:Te equivocas, Goku pasa de tener unas 10.000 unidades cuando se recupera del combate contra Vegeta a tener 90.000 al llegar a namek.
Perfect Cell ya debe de ser 20 o 30 veces superior a Freezer 100%
Tyler Durden escribió:¿Se sabe a que se debe el aumento de poder de Freezer para esta película?
adriano_99 escribió:Leete el comentario que tienes justo encima anda.....
Una cosa es la percepción que tengas tu de cuan débil es comparado con kid bu y otra la realidad, que ese es el problema que tenéis muchos, habéis asimilado que la diferencia entre bu y freezer es de cientos o miles de veces y no es así.
Absolute Terror escribió:adriano_99 escribió:Leete el comentario que tienes justo encima anda.....
Una cosa es la percepción que tengas tu de cuan débil es comparado con kid bu y otra la realidad, que ese es el problema que tenéis muchos, habéis asimilado que la diferencia entre bu y freezer es de cientos o miles de veces y no es así.
El comentario de arriba es incorrecto, en el manga Goku es mas fuerte que Ginyu al llegar a Namek y Ginyu tiene 120.000 unidades.
La diferencia entre Bu y Freezer es ridiculamente abismal. Porque la diferencia entre Perfect Cell y Buu es abismal, y la diferencia entre Perfect Cell y el Trunks del futuro es abismal, y la diferencia entre el Trunks del futuro y el Mecha Freezer que es mas fuerte que el Freezer 100%, es abismal.
Siguiendo la logica del manga, Freezer es menos que un mosquito comparado con Bu.
adriano_99 escribió:Leete el comentario que tienes justo encima anda.....
Una cosa es la percepción que tengas tu de cuan débil es comparado con kid bu y otra la realidad, que ese es el problema que tenéis muchos, habéis asimilado que la diferencia entre bu y freezer es de cientos o miles de veces y no es así.
Joey wheeler escribió:La diferencia es abismal, no cientos o miles de veces, pero entre Freezer y Buu hay una diferencia muy abismal.
La transformacion de poder de Goku aun siendo muy bestial, es el unico temor de Freeza en el manga, que aparezca el "legendario super saiyano" y pueda derrotarle. Destruye el planeta vegeta por miedo a esto y es derrotado por alguien que se supone que es un ser milenario (aunque mas tarde saldrian mas) y cuyo power up evidentemente tiene que ser el mas fuerte de la serie.
Pero oye, ahora en 4 meses, freeza que habia vivido acojonado toda la vida con esto, se entrena, se transforma y no se si le superará (a falta de ver la peli no puedo afirmar esto).
Nah, independientemente del tema de unidades que deja de usarse despues de Namek porque no se sostenia, no tiene ninguna coherencia todo esto.
Fairyboy escribió:Me has hecho reflexionar con tus palabras. Freezer dice en el manga de esta película (y por tanto en la peli) que no había necesitado nunca entrenar porque era demasiado fuerte de forma natural (y de hecho por eso debe contener su poder con sus transformaciones), pero realmente no debía ser tan fuerte si temía al Super Saiyan legendario, ¿no? ¿Por qué no entrenó entonces en vez de destruir el planeta Vegeta? Vale que para él era mucho más sencillo destruir el planeta que entrenar, sólo tenía que mover el dedo. Pero si de verdad podía existir un ser más fuerte que él, podrían existir otros más en otros planetas.
¿Por qué no se entrenó si sabía que realmente alguien podía hacerle frente?
No es incoherente, pero me parece muy estúpido y confiado por parte de Freezer.
Tyler Durden escribió:Fairyboy escribió:Me has hecho reflexionar con tus palabras. Freezer dice en el manga de esta película (y por tanto en la peli) que no había necesitado nunca entrenar porque era demasiado fuerte de forma natural (y de hecho por eso debe contener su poder con sus transformaciones), pero realmente no debía ser tan fuerte si temía al Super Saiyan legendario, ¿no? ¿Por qué no entrenó entonces en vez de destruir el planeta Vegeta? Vale que para él era mucho más sencillo destruir el planeta que entrenar, sólo tenía que mover el dedo. Pero si de verdad podía existir un ser más fuerte que él, podrían existir otros más en otros planetas.
¿Por qué no se entrenó si sabía que realmente alguien podía hacerle frente?
No es incoherente, pero me parece muy estúpido y confiado por parte de Freezer.
Con la anterior película, BoG, ya queda claro que Freezer conoce al Sr. Bills, así que ya sabía que había alguien mucho más poderoso que él.
Joey wheeler escribió:En su momento en el manga,(tomo 21 o 22, no se, no lo tengo a mano) Freeza le dice a Son Goku que es una pena que tenga que matarlo porque sin contarse a el mismo, Goku seria el mas fuerte de la galaxia. Luego claro, en estas pelis te dicen que Freeza conocia de la existencia de Bills (y creo que en el manga este de 2 capitulos tambien hablan de Majin Buu) y no hay por donde cogerlo.
Fairyboy escribió:No es incoherente, pero me parece muy estúpido y confiado por parte de Freezer.
adriano_99 escribió:Goku es mas fuerte que guinyu solo usando el kaioken, con su poder base esta pro debajo. Es completamente correcto lo de las 90.000 unidades
Y sigues usando tus percepciones y no ningún dato ni nada minimamente objetivo.
La diferencia entre trunks y mecha freezer no es para nada abismal, loq ue pasa es que a diferencia de goku el le ataca cuando tiene la guardia baja y le elimina al instante, y te recuerdo que en namek vegeta baja la guardia ( a posta)y krilin casi le mata osea que no hace flata ni si quiera ser mas fuerte para matar a alguien con la guarida baja....
Joey wheeler escribió:Tyler Durden escribió:Fairyboy escribió:Me has hecho reflexionar con tus palabras. Freezer dice en el manga de esta película (y por tanto en la peli) que no había necesitado nunca entrenar porque era demasiado fuerte de forma natural (y de hecho por eso debe contener su poder con sus transformaciones), pero realmente no debía ser tan fuerte si temía al Super Saiyan legendario, ¿no? ¿Por qué no entrenó entonces en vez de destruir el planeta Vegeta? Vale que para él era mucho más sencillo destruir el planeta que entrenar, sólo tenía que mover el dedo. Pero si de verdad podía existir un ser más fuerte que él, podrían existir otros más en otros planetas.
¿Por qué no se entrenó si sabía que realmente alguien podía hacerle frente?
No es incoherente, pero me parece muy estúpido y confiado por parte de Freezer.
Con la anterior película, BoG, ya queda claro que Freezer conoce al Sr. Bills, así que ya sabía que había alguien mucho más poderoso que él.
En su momento en el manga,(tomo 21 o 22, no se, no lo tengo a mano) Freeza le dice a Son Goku que es una pena que tenga que matarlo porque sin contarse a el mismo, Goku seria el mas fuerte de la galaxia. Luego claro, en estas pelis te dicen que Freeza conocia de la existencia de Bills (y creo que en el manga este de 2 capitulos tambien hablan de Majin Buu) y no hay por donde cogerlo.
adriano_99 escribió:@Absolute Terror
Es que las 90 mil unidades son el estado base, que al usar el kaiokenx2 se quedan en 180 mil y ya esta por encima de guinyu con 120 mil.
Claro que goku es mas débil que freezer, goku en estado base que es lo que dicen los datos de ki.
Absolute Terror escribió:Esto es como decir que Goku es mas debil que Freezer porque se tiene que transformar en SSJ para ganarle.
Menuda interpretacion tan cutre, ahora resulta que el Trunks del futuro que se carga a Mecha Freezer y a King Cold lo hace porque les pilla atandose los zapatos, no porque es abismalmente superior y el mismo lo refleja diciendoles que los matara en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Y cuando Goku y Trunks estan hablando de los androides y Goku se sorprende de que les llame monstruos y dice que ...si alguien como tu que ha derrotado a Freezer en un abrir y cerrar de ojos les llama monstruos, deben ser poderosisimos..., tampoco cuenta.
Absolute Terror escribió:El estado base es irrelevante, lo que cuenta es el poder maximo que pueden alcanzar.
Absolute Terror escribió:adriano_99 escribió:@Absolute Terror
Es que las 90 mil unidades son el estado base, que al usar el kaiokenx2 se quedan en 180 mil y ya esta por encima de guinyu con 120 mil.
Claro que goku es mas débil que freezer, goku en estado base que es lo que dicen los datos de ki.
El estado base es irrelevante, lo que cuenta es el poder maximo que pueden alcanzar.