Soy el unico al que el combate del darkfall le parece igual de ortopedico? parece que estes dandole palos a una piñata, como MMO puede ser la repera, pero a mi el combate me parece igual de aburrido, con que solo tubiese un gameplay similar al del Blade o Dark&Messiah ya ganaria por 1000.
Le pasa algo similar a la saga elder scroll que como RPG tiene unas posibilidades inmensas, pero a la hora de combatir cuerpo a cuerpo es muy ortopedico, y bueno el sistema de magias muy limitado.
por cierto ,si reservas el juego fisico en no tienes codigo para la pre-order?
gracias por el link, he activado la key que me dan. Ahora simplemento tengo que esperar al evento no? Pensaba que con la key ya podria bajar el juego y viciar xD
deangelis escribió:Soy el unico al que el combate del darkfall le parece igual de ortopedico? parece que estes dandole palos a una piñata, como MMO puede ser la repera, pero a mi el combate me parece igual de aburrido, con que solo tubiese un gameplay similar al del Blade o Dark&Messiah ya ganaria por 1000.
Le pasa algo similar a la saga elder scroll que como RPG tiene unas posibilidades inmensas, pero a la hora de combatir cuerpo a cuerpo es muy ortopedico, y bueno el sistema de magias muy limitado.
Pues mi el darkfall no me parcia nada ortopedico de hech el combate yo creo que era de lo mejor, mezcla de mmo y fps , haciaf alta bastante habilidad..aunque yo me quedo con el tipo de combate del age of conan..para dar tenias que dar.. nada de pulsar la habilidad del arma y darle aunque este a cuatro kilometros como la mayoria.. tenias que saber entrar y salir de la distancia , me parecia muy divertido...pena que como el darkfall, hayan fallado en otras cosas.
deangelis escribió:Se puede ser MMO y FPS sin tener un gameplay tan ortopedico, sin contar el diseño artistico que es jodidamente horrible.
la muestra la tienes en Tribes,PlanetSide o Global Agenda por ejemplo.
Y Fallen earth
(Más rumores, de la mano de massively, sobre el vanguard gratuito) Dios lo quiera así.
pues seria un puntazo que lo pusiesen gratuito, jugue muy poco porque con la gente que jugaba se canso, pero me calo el juego tenia algo "especial" y eso que jugaba en los servers ffa pvp, vamos un desciporre total esos servers sin ningun tipo de aliciente para darse de palos, pero recuerdo mi ¿raki? umm no se si era el nombre de los zorros o me lo invento , y ese PEDAZO de mundo impresionante, si lo pusiesen gratis seguramente lo probaria por pura nostalgia , saludos
EDIT: o dios me a dado por meterme en la pagina oficial de vanguard y buscar mi pj , si se llamaba raki, por dios que nostalgia mas tonta a estas horas de la mañana
Son casi los mismos vídeos que puse en su momento .
El encanto de Vanguard siempre estará en nuestros corazones... Y allí mismo, esperando a que alguien de el primer paso y se lance de lleno a ese mundo junto con sus amigos.
Son casi los mismos vídeos que puse en su momento .
El encanto de Vanguard siempre estará en nuestros corazones... Y allí mismo, esperando a que alguien de el primer paso y se lance de lleno a ese mundo junto con sus amigos.
Ains.. qué nostalgia
Ese es el problema del Vanguard, que es imposible de solear. Recuerdo la cadena de quest épicas que hicieron falta para conseguir al lobo, que la tuve que hacer de la mano de lvl 50 porque ya no había jugadores. O las sesiones de diplomacia con mi Bloogmage.
Joer, ojalá se haga gratis, aunque sería la primera vez que SOE da ese paso. A otros los ha cerrado y fuera (¿Autoassault era de ellos? si no se nos queda en MotorCity y Matrix). La verdad es que con el Everquest rebuild ese, el DC y el Vanguard lo mismo me pago una station acces.
CaronteGF escribió:La verdad es que con el Everquest rebuild ese, el DC y el Vanguard lo mismo me pago una station acces.
Con lo mal que vas tú de tiempo siempre no deberías. Sería como atarte a jugar a los 3 MMO's a la vez porque "los estás pagando". O al menos a mí me agobiaría muchísimo... Más que nada por el dinero xD
CaronteGF escribió:La verdad es que con el Everquest rebuild ese, el DC y el Vanguard lo mismo me pago una station acces.
Con lo mal que vas tú de tiempo siempre no deberías. Sería como atarte a jugar a los 3 MMO's a la vez porque "los estás pagando". O al menos a mí me agobiaría muchísimo... Más que nada por el dinero xD
Tienes más razón que un santo. Fíjate si no en la hora de mi anterior post y de este. No, no es que trasnoche mucho.
Por cierto, sobre meternos todos al vanguard tengo una ligera sensación de Deja Vú...
hombre yo es un juego que en su momento no pude probarlo y siempre e tenido esa espinilla clavada. Creo estaba bastante viciado al halo 3 y al Call Of Duty 4 en un clan asi en rollo "profesional" ivamos a torneos y no tuve tiempo de provar este juego. Pasada esa epoca Vanguard cayo en una espiral infinita , cayo desde un acantilado para finalmente ser engullido por un agujero negro y ya pase de probarlo DDD
Los rumores de Vanguard f2p van y vienen cada año creo yo. Cualquier otra compañía habría hecho algo con el juego, pero sony prefiere sacar un par de suscripciones más para el station pass, dejar que muera y que no le haga competencia al EQ2. Ah por cierto que no se ha comentando por aquí mucho, el Everquest 2 Extended (el f2p) es una castaña enorme, mejor pagar la suscripción si os gusta el juego.
Jormavio escribió:Al final he podido comprarlo en D2D:
3 horas y media para contestarme con que han desbloqueado lo de la llamada de teléfono en mi cuenta. Luego todo ha ido automático, compra --> codigo--> pagina rift --> selección plan (3 meses)-->aceptación de la cuenta.
Total por la edicción coleccionista digital: 36,19 € cargados. Con ese cambio, el mes pagado en $ sale a 9 € en el plan de 3 meses.
Nos vemos en Rift.
puedes explicar como lo has hecho pq yo no veo en ningun lado lo de 36 € la edidcion de coleccionista
Jormavio escribió:Al final he podido comprarlo en D2D:
3 horas y media para contestarme con que han desbloqueado lo de la llamada de teléfono en mi cuenta. Luego todo ha ido automático, compra --> codigo--> pagina rift --> selección plan (3 meses)-->aceptación de la cuenta.
Total por la edicción coleccionista digital: 36,19 € cargados. Con ese cambio, el mes pagado en $ sale a 9 € en el plan de 3 meses.
Nos vemos en Rift.
puedes explicar como lo has hecho pq yo no veo en ningun lado lo de 36 € la edidcion de coleccionista
ya paso la prommoción,por si le interesa tengo un código para con el 20% de descuento.
deangelis escribió:Se puede ser MMO y FPS sin tener un gameplay tan ortopedico, sin contar el diseño artistico que es jodidamente horrible.
la muestra la tienes en Tribes,PlanetSide o Global Agenda por ejemplo.
Y Fallen earth
(Más rumores, de la mano de massively, sobre el vanguard gratuito) Dios lo quiera así.
Si lo ponen gratuito espero que dejen usar los antiguos personajes ( cosa que dudo muy mucho ) ya que a mi no me importaria darme un paseo con mi bardo level 50, como corria el condenao xD
Jormavio escribió:Al final he podido comprarlo en D2D:
3 horas y media para contestarme con que han desbloqueado lo de la llamada de teléfono en mi cuenta. Luego todo ha ido automático, compra --> codigo--> pagina rift --> selección plan (3 meses)-->aceptación de la cuenta.
Total por la edicción coleccionista digital: 36,19 € cargados. Con ese cambio, el mes pagado en $ sale a 9 € en el plan de 3 meses.
Nos vemos en Rift.
puedes explicar como lo has hecho pq yo no veo en ningun lado lo de 36 € la edidcion de coleccionista
ya paso la prommoción,por si le interesa tengo un código para con el 20% de descuento.
ernestow escribió:LOL habeis visto un banner de publicidad del RIFT que dice: We´re not in Azeroth anymore... xDDD eso es legal?
En EEUU si, siempre y cuando no se insulte explicitamente a la compañia rival. En Europa las leyes de competencia leal impiden dar datos referentes a otras compaías salvo que sean datos estrictamente verídicos, como lo de los zumos Don Simón o lo de las audiencias de Antea 3 y Tele 5 (aun así, ambos anuncios han sido retirados por no poder la información completa sobre de donde proviene la información.
7.437 mensajes desde ago 2006 en Northlands (Donosti)
ernestow escribió:LOL habeis visto un banner de publicidad del RIFT que dice: We´re not in Azeroth anymore... xDDD eso es legal?
En EEUU si, siempre y cuando no se insulte explicitamente a la compañia rival. En Europa las leyes de competencia leal impiden dar datos referentes a otras compaías salvo que sean datos estrictamente verídicos, como lo de los zumos Don Simón o lo de las audiencias de Antea 3 y Tele 5 (aun así, ambos anuncios han sido retirados por no poder la información completa sobre de donde proviene la información.
Bueno como ya muchos sabeis la sexta beta del rift es del 4 al 7.
Beta 6: Planar War Feb 4th, 18:00 GMT – Feb 7th, 18:00 GMT
Levels 1-35
Telara is left in chaos as the elemental planes force their way into reality. The armies of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Life, and Death launch devastating invasions through the rifts opening across the land. Beat back the invasions and eliminate the planar blight that’s eroding this once-peaceful world. Play to win! Seal any rift and receive planar loot and you could be eligible to win an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 video card! Terms and conditions apply, click here for details. And In-Game Prize Packs will be given away to ten (10) select players who complete the objective!
Aparte también decir que presentarán estos cambios
Alpha 25-7-D 1/27/2011 === FEATURED === * A grand combat rebalance comes in with this patch. Specifics are below under COMBAT and individual SOULS. * Brand new system: Ancient Wardstones. See under the heading ANCIENT WARDSTONES for more detail. GENERAL GAMEPLAY * New characters no longer auto-join General or LFG chat. General chat has been removed. * /lfg is now a shortcut for /join LFG chat. * The Last Resort item has been removed. If you find yourself stuck, use the ‘I’m Stuck’ button on the Support window! * Fixed a bug causing players to be unable to loot items above the set loot threshold even if in Free For All or Round Robin loot settings. * Hoppy, the Harbinger of Regulos, and Planar Squirrels no longer cause unwarranted aggro. * Companion pets now function in a similar fashion to toggled abilities. * Cleaned up the duplicate error messages when renaming a pet to something that fails the name filter. * Underwater breathing abilities no longer disable fatigue. ANCIENT WARDSTONES * Keep in mind this is a first iteration of a new type of content, so be aware that it will evolve and improve over time. We welcome your feedback and suggestions as we try to turn the awesome up to eleven. * Intended to act as a form of player-driven content that bridges the gap between Rifts/Invasions and Quests; to that end, we present ‘Ancient Wardstones!’ *fanfare* * On entering Scarlet Gorge, a new quest is being offered. Defiants should seek out Mariko Bella at Old Mule Run, and Guardians find Paula Becksten at Overwatch. This quest provides the ability ‘Activate Ancient Wardstone’ and shows you what these new objects look like. The next step is to go exploring and find them! * Once you discover an Ancient Wardstone, use your new ability to start an event. This might be one of several things. They’re a bit of a surprise and award experience and Rift currency. * Completing these events allow the Ancient Wardstone locations to upgrade. Standard quests are daily repeatable, while area quests reset every 10 minutes while the Wardstone is active. Rewards for the first quest completion are naturally higher than subsequent turn-ins. * Beware! Not only do these Ancient Wardstone locations become Invasion targets, they can also be destroyed by members of the other faction. Guard them with care. For the more adventurous – you can activate Ancient Wardstones in areas of zones controlled by opposing factions. Any Ancient Wardstone location can be activated for either Guardians or Defiants. * Yes, some of the content in opposing areas is PvP oriented, but not all. * But wait, there’s more: * Deep in Scarlet Gorge, a horrible beast of the Planes has slept for millennia. Behold – Urthura, ‘The Dweller Below.’ If a single Guardian or Defiant faction controls all Ancient Wardstones in Scarlet Gorge, the sweet smell of power awakens Urthura from her slumber, causing her to rampage across the Gorge, intent on destroying everything in her path. Where she spawns depends on which faction activated the wardstones that summoned her. Once spawned, she can be claimed by either faction, so get that raid together quick! * Fortunately for the residents of Scarlet Gorge, Urthura tires easily, and can only awaken once per 20 hour period. Alpha 25-7-D1/27/2011 === FEATURED ===* A grand combat rebalance comes in with this patch. Specifics are below under COMBAT and individual SOULS.* Brand new system: Ancient Wardstones. See under the heading ANCIENT WARDSTONES for more detail. GENERAL GAMEPLAY* New characters no longer auto-join General or LFG chat. General chat has been removed.* /lfg is now a shortcut for /join LFG chat.* The Last Resort item has been removed. If you find yourself stuck, use the ‘I’m Stuck’ button on the Support window!* Fixed a bug causing players to be unable to loot items above the set loot threshold even if in Free For All or Round Robin loot settings.* Hoppy, the Harbinger of Regulos, and Planar Squirrels no longer cause unwarranted aggro.* Companion pets now function in a similar fashion to toggled abilities.* Cleaned up the duplicate error messages when renaming a pet to something that fails the name filter.* Underwater breathing abilities no longer disable fatigue. ANCIENT WARDSTONES* Keep in mind this is a first iteration of a new type of content, so be aware that it will evolve and improve over time. We welcome your feedback and suggestions as we try to turn the awesome up to eleven.* Intended to act as a form of player-driven content that bridges the gap between Rifts/Invasions and Quests; to that end, we present ‘Ancient Wardstones!’ *fanfare** On entering Scarlet Gorge, a new quest is being offered. Defiants should seek out Mariko Bella at Old Mule Run, and Guardians find Paula Becksten at Overwatch. This quest provides the ability ‘Activate Ancient Wardstone’ and shows you what these new objects look like. The next step is to go exploring and find them!* Once you discover an Ancient Wardstone, use your new ability to start an event. This might be one of several things. They’re a bit of a surprise and award experience and Rift currency.* Completing these events allow the Ancient Wardstone locations to upgrade. Standard quests are daily repeatable, while area quests reset every 10 minutes while the Wardstone is active. Rewards for the first quest completion are naturally higher than subsequent turn-ins.* Beware! Not only do these Ancient Wardstone locations become Invasion targets, they can also be destroyed by members of the other faction. Guard them with care. For the more adventurous – you can activate Ancient Wardstones in areas of zones controlled by opposing factions. Any Ancient Wardstone location can be activated for either Guardians or Defiants.* Yes, some of the content in opposing areas is PvP oriented, but not all.* But wait, there’s more:* Deep in Scarlet Gorge, a horrible beast of the Planes has slept for millennia. Behold – Urthura, ‘The Dweller Below.’ If a single Guardian or Defiant faction controls all Ancient Wardstones in Scarlet Gorge, the sweet smell of power awakens Urthura from her slumber, causing her to rampage across the Gorge, intent on destroying everything in her path. Where she spawns depends on which faction activated the wardstones that summoned her. Once spawned, she can be claimed by either faction, so get that raid together quick!* Fortunately for the residents of Scarlet Gorge, Urthura tires easily, and can only awaken once per 20 hour period. RIFTS AND INVASIONS * A number of Rift locations in Gloamwood, Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade Highlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor that could trap players in the world objects that spawn will no longer do so. GUILDS * Guild Perks: Earthly Ties no longer reduces the cooldown of *everything*. It does work, though. * Guild charters now sell and re-sale for appropriate amounts. * Fixed issues with multiple guild members able to accept a guild quest on the same day. COMBAT * Weapon damage added to abilities has been normalized. There should be a much smaller difference in damage done using a fast weapon versus a slow one. This sounds minor but is actually a high impact change! * Fixed a bug where resistances were providing less than half of the mitigation they should have been. * NPCs now hit a bit harder and have more health. * Increased the base damage on all weapons. * Increased the base damage for all Attack Power-based abilities. * Auto-attack no longer benefits from Attack Power. * Pets will try to position themselves behind their target if they are not their target’s target, and they are a melee pet. This check happens every 5 seconds. * You can now command your pet to attack enemies that are under debuffs that break on attack. SOULS * Warriors: Auras should no longer disappear when zoning. * Warriors: Damage values have been rebalanced across all Warrior souls. * Warrior Tank Souls: Each now gets a passive buff with 5 point spent that enhances their max hit points based on how many points are spent in the soul. * Warriors: Light’s Decree, Storm Blade, Avatar of Fire, and Furious Strikes’ extra attacks should no longer trigger the extra attacks off of each other. * Warriors: Fixed cleaves so they hit targets properly when they are in front of the Warrior. * Mages: Fixed an issue causing abilities that consume a set amount of Charge to be free of cost when another Charge consuming ability was active. * New icons are in for all souls. ASSASSIN * Magnify Pain: Now increases the Critical Hit damage and healing bonus by 10-20%. * Serrated Blades: Now work with both Ranged and Melee weapon attacks. Now causes your target to bleed based on 70-210% of your weapon’s damage over 6 seconds, down from 100-300%. Note that the damage computed is based on normalized weapon damage. If you are using different one-handed weapons with different swing speeds and base damage, they should deal approximately the same damage if they have the same overall DPS. * Slip Away: Taken off of global cooldown. * Murderous Intent: Now benefits Saboteur’s Charges. * Enduring Brew: Healing increased. The DoT and healing debuff now stacks to 5 instead of 10. * Impale: Duration increased to 16 seconds from 10. Total damage increased. BARD * Motif of Regeneration: Changed tooltip to indicate amount healed every 3 seconds. * New Root ability – Verse of Captivation: Available at 34 points, replaces Motif of Encouragement. Mesmerizes an enemy for 8 seconds. Any damage on the enemy removes the effect. Mez lockdown! * Motif of Encouragement: Rather than removing this entirely, it now causes up to 5 surrounding critter mobs to follow the Bard. Lasts 15 seconds. Yes, that means you can have a squirrel army. BEASTMASTER * Enraged Companion: Roots instead of Snares on Pounce. * Fight as One: Now has a cooldown of 1 minute and a duration of 10 seconds. * Dismiss Pet will now activate properly. BLADEDANCER * Blade Finesse: Increases your auto-attack damage by 10-50%, up from 5-25%. * Contra Tempo: Whenever you parry or dodge an attack, there is a 50-100% chance of gaining an advantage, causing your next Combo Point generating attack to generate an additional Combo Point on your target. This is increased from only applying to Keen Strike, Quick Strike, and Precision Strike. CABALIST * Obliterate: Now has a 60 second cooldown. * Affinity for Death: Now takes up to 5 points, reducing the cooldown of Obliterate by 6-30 seconds. * Leviathan’s Mark: Now takes up to 3 points, reducing the cooldown of Sigils by 10-30 seconds. * Dark Water: Now has a 15 second cooldown, lasts 15 seconds. * Death’s Dominion: Now increases the damage of Shadow’s Touch by 2-10%. * Surge: Now only 1 point, increasing the number of enemies Maelstrom can effect by 2. * Symbol of the Ancient: Now available as a 36 point root ability. Increases spell damage by 5%, plus an additional 2% per point spent in Cabalist above 36. * Negation of Life: Now a tier 6 branch ability. Increases Obliterate’s modifier to Lurking Decay’s damage by 25%+3% per point spent in Cabalist above 26. * Tyranny: Now a targeted AE instead of GTAE. CHLOROMANCER * Living Shell: Now returns 2% of the Chloromancer’s max mana per second while active. * Chloromancers now gain the ability to Track Life Rift creatures after spending 10 points. DOMINATOR * Mana Wrench: Now drains and returns mana based on the max mana of the Dominator instead of a flat amount. * Improved Mana Wrench: Now increases the amount of mana drained and returned by Mana Wrench by an additional 1% of the Dominator’s max mana, per point spent in the ability. * Clinging Form: Now a tier 1 branch ability. * Mental Discipline: Combined into Efficient Control. * Improved Mana Wrench: Now a tier 3 branch ability. * New Branch Ability – Quick Thinking: Reduces cast time of the next spell cast after a crowd control spell by 0.25-0.5 seconds. Tier 1 branch ability. * New Branch Ability – Quicken Form: Reduces casting time of Transmogrify to 0. This is a tier 4 branch ability. * New Branch Ability – Durable Control: Causes your Transmogrify, Mass Exhaustion, and Disorient effects to break after the enemy receives damage equal to 5% of your max health, plus an additional 0.25-0.5% of your max health per point spent in Dominator. Tier 4 branch ability. * Reflective Presence: Added 1 minute cooldown. DRUID * Strength of the Fae: No longer triggers global cooldown. Now has a 2 minute cooldown. * Combined Effort: Now increases Attack Power and Spell Power by 50% for 10 seconds. Also deals more damage. * Summon Satyr: Increased the damage of both Enraged Assault and Satyr Sweep. * Heed the Call: Moved to a tier 2 branch ability. * Spirit of the Wood: Moved to a tier 4 branch ability. Now grants your Fervent Strike a 6-30% chance to cause your pet’s next ability to critically hit. * Brutal Impact: Now a tier 3 branch ability. * Rage of the Fae: Now increases the pet’s damage and healing by 100%. * Stone Strike: Root now lasts 4 seconds. * Earth’s Clutch: Removed. * Friend of the Weald: Now available at 36 points. Increases the damage and healing of your pets’ abilities by 10%, plus an additional 6% per point spent in Druid beyond 36. Increases Fervent Strike damage by 5% plus an additional 1% per point spent in Druid above 36. * Forest Blessing: Moved to a tier 5 branch ability. Now takes only 1 point, reducing area of effect damage done to your pet by 35%, plus an additional 2% for points spent in Druid over 21. * Savage Force: Now increases Bombard and Eruption of Life damage by 5-25%. ELEMENTALIST * Elemental Forces: Reduced damage dealt. * Greater Elemental Affinity: Now reduces area of effect damage done to Elemental pets by 35%, and an additional 2% per point spent in Elementalist beyond 21. * Force of Nature: Now increases the damage done by Elementals by 0.4-2% per point spent in Elementalist. * Planar Expansion: Now increases the Air Elemental’s damage by 2-10%. * Air Elemental: Reduced damage of Lightning Bolt and Ball Lightning. * Swapped positions of Elemental Armor (38) and Sever Bonds (44) in the root abilities. * Velocity: Now gives Crystalline Missiles a 50% chance to increase the damage Elemental pets do against the target by 10-50% for 10 seconds. * Elementalists now gain the ability to Track Elementals after spending 10 points. INQUISITOR * Life and Death Concord: Now has a 4-20% chance to proc. * Contempt: Now takes only 2 points. Causes Vex to heal you for 45-90% of damage done. * Fanatic’s Faith: Now directly increases your Critical Hit damage/healing bonus by 4-20%. * Vengeful Recovery: Removed. * Mental Resilience: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing Vex and Sanction Heretic damage by 2-10%. * Ritual of Judgment: Now a 36 point root ability. Increases spell damage by 5%, plus an additional 2% per point spent in Inquisitor above 36. * Nysyr’s Rebuke: Now ranged, single target. Damage increased. * Fanaticism: Now has a 45 second cooldown. * Corporal Punishment: Now lasts 5 seconds. MARKSMAN * Single Minded Focus: Increases the damage of your single target Marksman abilities by 3-15%, up from 2-10%. * Marksman’s Pedestal: Increased the damage bonus with ranged weapons by 15%, up from 10%. * Rapid Extrication now affects Controlled Fire, Fire and Forget, and Close Quarters Combat. NECROMANCER * Ancient Tomb: Now reduced area of effect damage done to Undead pets by 35% and an additional 2% per point spent in Necromancer above 21. * Deadly Plague: Now causes Deathly Calling to increase the damage of Plague Bolt by 1-5% per stack. * Shadow Revenant: Ruination ability now spreads Necrosis and Looming Demise to each enemy hit, if the initial target is affected by those abilities. * Life Bane: Now increases the damage done by Undead pets by 0.4-2% for each point spent in Necromancer. * Shadow Revenant: Reduced damage of Ruination. Increased damage of Oblivion. * Reduced damage of melee DPS pet’s Jagged Wound, Soul Rend, and Blood Spike. * Skeletal Zealot: Blood Spike now uses Necrosis to receive a 100% chance to critically hit, instead of Looming Demise. * Skeletal Knight: Bone Shatter now uses Necrosis to deal additional damage, instead of Looming Demise. * Reduced damage of tanking pet’s Bone Strike and Grave Touch. Bone Strike now deals an additional 10% damage for each stack of Deathly Calling on the target. NIGHTBLADE * Scourge of Darkness: Fixed a bug so this now benefits from Coup de Grace and Heat Retention. * Dusk to Dawn: No longer causes your pet to stop attacking. * Necromancers now gain the ability to Track Undead after spending 10 points. * Blazing Fury: Now benefits Saboteurs’ Charges. PALADIN * Enduring Stamina: Now Unyielding Defense. Increases the amount of damage mitigated by a block. * Unyielding Defense: Moved to a tier 3 branch ability. * Graceful Under Pressure: Moved to a tier 2 branch ability. * Aggressive Guardian: Moved to a tier 1 branch ability. Now 10/20% bonus. * Reverent Protection: Properly absorbs damage. * Improved Reverent Protection: No longer modifies duration; instead if increases damage absorbed by 10-20%. * Shield of the Hero: Now gives additional 5% Hit instead of 10%. * Aggressive Block: Now increases Block by 10% instead of 20%. Last edited by Amary; 01-28-2011 at 04:06 AM. PARAGON * Teaching of the Five Rings: Changed; now increases damage while dual wielding by a percentage for each point spent in Paragon up to 30. * Predictable Movements: Cooldown increased to 2 minutes. PURIFIER * Fiery Kinship: Removed. * Flame Ward: Now takes up to 2 points, increasing armor by 3-6% after healing. * Protection of the Ancestors: Moved to a tier 2 branch ability. Now takes up to 5 points, increasing the amount absorbed by Shield of the Ancestors, Ward of the Ancestors, and Rite of the Ancestors by 10-50%. * Healing Blessing: Now instant cast, lasts 1 minute, and has a 2 minute cooldown. Reduced the healing amount. * Intense Flames: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing the healing of Healing Flare, Healing Flame, and Restorative Flame by 1-5%. * Disciple of Flame: Now a 36 point root ability. Increases absorption of all absorb shields by 5% plus an additional 2% per point in Purifier above 36. * Rite of the Ancestors: Now has a 2 minute cooldown. Lasts for 15 seconds and cannot be triggered more than once every 3 seconds. * Fiery Blessing: Now has a 2 minute cooldown. * Life’s Blessing: Now takes up to 5 points, reducing the cooldown of Blessings by 6-30 seconds. * Divine Cascade: Now only hits up to 3 enemies. * Ancestral Flame: Moved to a tier 4 branch ability. Now takes up to 5 points, adding an absorb to Restorative Flame equal to 7-35% of your Spell Power. * Caregiver’s Blessing: Now instant cast, lasts 1 minute, and has a 2 minute cooldown. Causes the next 3 single-target heals to grant the ally an absorb shield. * Spiritual Conflagration: Increased the benefit from Spell Power to 200%. Now heals and shields the ally (not the Cleric) every second for 4 seconds. No longer interruptible by damage. * Enflamed Rejuvenation: Now a 2-10% chance on a single target heal to increase the effectiveness on your next single target heal by 6-30%. PYROMANCER * Burning Bright: Now increases Fire damage by 0.2-0.6% for each point spent in Pyromancer, and reduces max health by 3-9%. * Mass Burn: Removed. * New Ability – Fulminate: Unleashes FLAMING DEATH on the target. Instant cast, consumes 100 charge when cast. 45 second cooldown. 51 point root ability. * Pyromancers now gain the ability to Track Fire Rift creatures after spending 10 points. * Fixed an issue preventing Fiery Concentration from affecting the max ranks of Fireball and Cinder Burst. RANGER * Doubleshot: Increases the chance to fire an additional shot when ranged auto-attacking by 10-50%, up by 5-25%. * New Branch Ability – King of the Jungle: Increases your pet’s damage by 10% and reduces the damage your pet takes from area of effect abilities by 35%. For every point spent in Ranger above 21, your pet’s damage is increased by 3% and damage from AEs reduced by 2%. * Improved Escape Artist: Reduced to take only 1 point. * Improved Trick Shot: Each additional enemy affected by your Trick Shot has a 15% chance to add 1 Combo Point, up from 5%. * Shadow Stalker: Pet removed. * Rain of Arrows: Now a tier 5 branch ability, down from 51 point root unlock. New ranks have been added, so remember to go train! Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds and damage dealt has been reduced. * New 51-point Root Ability – Feral Aggression: Increases the Critical Hit chance of the pet by 100% and causes pet to be immune to all Fear and Confuse effects for 15 seconds. * Master Huntsman: Functionality changes to Dire Wolf and Blood Raptor. Your Dire Wolf’s Maul infects the enemy, reducing healing taken by 6-30%. Reduces the cooldown of your Razorbeast’s Quills by 1-5 seconds. Gives your Blood Raptor’s Bloodied Blow a 5-25% chance to double attack. * Some changes have been made to Dire Wolf and Blood Raptor. The Dire Wolf is a DPS pet with more focus on PvP. The Blood Raptor is a DPS pet with more focus on group encounters. * Dire Wolf Abilities: Bite: causes Physical damage. Maul: Causes a bleed for Physical damage over 10 seconds. Howl – Greater Dire Wolf – Reduces the Hit chance of surrounding enemies by 5% for 10 seconds. * Blood Raptor Abilities: Bloodied Blow: Causes physical damage and returns some to the pet as health. Razor Lash: Hits up to 4 enemies for Physical damage. Rend: Causes a bleed for physical damage over 10 seconds, can be applied up to 3 times. * Trick Shot: Removed cooldown. Damage has also been reduced. REAVER * Blood Fever, Flesh Rot: Fixed damage type in tooltips. * Planar Attunement: Moved to a tier 1 branch ability and now affects all damage over time abilities. * Strong Constitution: Replaced by Power From the Masses, which gives you 1% damage mitigation for each enemy you hit with an AOE up to a max of 10%. This has been moved to a tier 5 branch ability. * Sinister Bindings: Changed to Sinister Intent, which increases threat generation of all Reaver damage over time abilities by 15%. * Wasting Away: No longer stacks, and now has a 5-15% reduction to Strength. * Entropic Embrace: No longer has multiple applications, and now gives 4-20% bonus. * Power in the Blood: Swapped places with Planar Attunement. RIFTBLADE * Elemental Deflection: Should now properly increase Parry. Moved to tier 2 branch ability and can take up to 3 points. * Riftwalk: Icon in the Soul Tree has changed. * Rift Fury: Now enhances the damage of non-physical abilities by a percentage for each point spent in the Riftblade up to 30. SABOTEUR * Fixed a bug so a Saboteur will no longer remove the Blast Charges and Spike Charges of other Saboteurs when they are detonated. This means multiple Saboteurs attacking a target will stop roflstomping each other. * New Ability – Track Constructs: Added at 6 points. * Fragmentation Bomb: Cooldown increased to 15 seconds. Damage increased. SENTINEL * Healing Benediction: Increased the benefit from Spell Power to 250%. No longer interruptible. * Vigilance: Increased the benefit from Spell Power to 250%, along with increasing the base value. * Divine Call: Increased the benefit from Spell Power to 250%. * Watchful Gaze: Now a tier 1 branch ability. Increases Spell Power by 1-5%. * Righteous Burden: Now takes up to 2 points, causing Light Bolt to reduce enemy’s movement speed by 15/30%. * Swift Recovery: Removed. * Life’s Return: Now resurrects and heals the target to 50% health. * Lasting Invocation: Now takes up to 5 points, healing the target for an additional 6-30%. * Walk in the Light: Now directly increases your Critical Hit damage/healing bonus by 4-20%. * Intensity: Removed. * Protect the Flock: Now takes up to 2 points, causing AE heals to reduce damage the target takes for 3-6 seconds. * Embolden: Moved to a tier 3 branch ability. * Shared Recovery: Lowered the benefit from Spell Power to 75%, increased mana cost. * Word of Hope: Now available as a 36 point root ability. Increases the Spell Power bonus your Healing Invocation uses by 5%, plus an additional 3% per point spent in Sentinel above 36. * Touch the Light: Now available at 14 points. * Healer’s Covenant: Now available at 20 points. Has a 2 minute cooldown. * Life Efficiency: Now increases AE heal effectiveness by 1-5%. SHAMAN * Overwhelming: Now directly increases your Critical Hit damage/healing bonus by 4-20%. * Thick Skinned: Moved to a tier 1 branch ability. Now takes up to 3 points, reducing the damage you receive by 1-3%. * Favored of the Valnir: Moved to a tier 2 branch ability. Now takes up to 2 points, increasing healing received by 5-10%. * Unstoppable Force: Removed. * Endless Winter: Moved to a tier 5 branch ability. Now takes up to 2 points, causing Critical Hits with melee attack abilities to restore 2-4% mana. * Hailstones: Removed. * Long Memory: Moved to a tier 3 branch ability. Now takes up to 5 points, granting Crushing Blow a 6-30% chance to reset the cooldown of Massive Blow. * Lust for Blood: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing the damage of the next melee attack ability after a Critical Hit by 6-30%. * Stormborn: Now a tier 4 branch ability. Takes up to 5 points, increases Lightning Hammer’s Air damage by 6-30%. * Call of Ice: Now a 36 point root ability. Increases melee damage by 5%, plus an additional 3% per point spent in Shaman above 36. * Rage of the North: No longer triggers global cooldown. Lasts 7 seconds, works on all melee attacks, and has a 1 minute, 30 second cooldown. * Vengeance of the Winter Storm: Lowered base damage. * Frozen Embrace: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing Massive Blow’s chance to Critically Hit by 6-30%. * Lightning Hammer: Now has a 6 second cooldown. * Brutalize: Now a tier 5 branch ability. Takes up to 2 points, giving Massive Blow’s Critical Hits a bleed that deals 20-40% additional damage. STORMCALLER * Cloudburst: Reduced the benefit from stacks of Electrified to 15% per stack. Reduced Cloudburst damage. * Stretch of Cold: Now increases Water damage by 0.33-1% for each point spent in Stormcaller. * Icicle, Ice Shear: Reduced damage. VOID KNIGHT * Void: Fixed an issue that kept this ability from reducing elemental damage. * Improved Pain Tolerance: Now Blood from a Stone. Gives a chance of gaining a Pact by attacking a target that does not have Mana. * Energy Retention: Now takes up to 5 points, and is a tier 1 branch ability. * Pain Tolerance: Now Quality Care, which gives you a 10-30% chance to gain a Pact whenever you are healed. * Rift Shield: should now absorb all forms of Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Life, and Death attacks. WARDEN * Surging Rapids: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing instant heals by 3-15%. * Ebb and Flow: Now a 6-30% chance to increase Wisdom by 2% per application (up to 5) for 10 seconds. * Restorative Tide: Now takes up to 2 points, healing 75-150% of your Wisdom when critically hit. * Tidal Resonance: Now takes up to 2 points, reducing the mana cost of your next HoT by 15-30% after getting a critical hit with a water-based ability. * Unbound Steps: Removed. * Still Waters: Now takes up to 5 points, reducing the cooldown of Deluge by 6-30%. * Diona’s Gift: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing the healing bonus granted by your Tidal Surge by 6-30%. * Overflow: Now takes only 1 point, granting a proc that heals for the Warden’s Wisdom when the ally is hit after being Critically Hit by a heal. * Rising Waters: Now takes up to 5 points, increasing the additional healing done by Deluge by 6-30%. * Downpour, Healing Showers: Increased the benefit from Spell Power to 250%. * Ocean’s Blessing: Now a 36 point root ability. Increases the Spell Power bonus on your heal over time spells by 6%, plus an additional 3.6% per point spent in Warden above 36. WARLOCK * Empowered Darkness: Reduced Charge consumption. Added a 1 minute cooldown. * Neddra’s Influence: Now increases damage done by DoT effects by 5-15% plus an additional 0.2-0.6% per point spent in Warlock. * Draining Bolt: Increased damage. Swapped positions with Neddra’s Grasp. * Draining Bolt, Neddra’s Grasp: Swapped positions. Damage and ranks for these abilities adjusted to reflect their new acquisition levels. * Sacrifice Life: Speed: Removed. * New Ability – Defile Life: 38 point root ability. Deals Death damage over 10 seconds, Consumes Charge, instant cast. * Neddra’s Grasp: Reduced Damage. WARLORD * Dancing Steel: Icon changed. * Imposing: Now a short term buff. * Figurehead: Incoming healing bonus reduced from 5% per point to 2%. * Call to Aid: Now increases all healing by 5% and has a duration based on how many Attack Points are used. Cooldown lowered to 10 seconds. DUNGEONS AND RAIDS * Increased the damage that Dungeon and Indoor Raid mobs deal. * Remember that time you awesomely ran out of the boss AE just in time, only to get hit with Exposed and beaten down after your effort? Fear no more! Dungeon and raid instance creatures can no longer cause the Exposed debuff. * Dungeon mobs of levels 1-50 no longer critically hit. * Added Drakith Hatchery test raid lure to the Fire planar merchants in each capital city. * Additional raid rift lures are available for Terror of Undeath, Winds of Chaos, and Hunger of the Deep on appropriate planar faction merchants. * Raid members now display a tooltip when hovering over their display in the raidframes. This is an option that can be disabled under Combat settings. Player tooltips now display race and zone names as well. * Pets can now be displayed in raidframes. This can be enabled through the raid panel. * Raid leaders can now reset instances which are bound to the raid. * Post-50 Dungeons and Raids now require Focus, Hit, and Toughness. * Tier 1 Experts cap out at 50 Toughness. * Tier 2 Experts and Outdoor Raids cap at 100 Toughness, 100 Hit, and 100 Focus. * Indoor Raids cap at 150 Toughness, 200 Hit, and 200 Focus. AKALA [Raid] * Akala raid boss should be equal in difficulty to 10-person raid Rifts. ABYSSAL PRECIPICE * Standard: Kaler Andrenos once again casts all of his abilities. CHARMER’S CALDERA * Expert: Fixed duplicated icons and addressed snare and stun ability stacking issues used by Ryka Dharvos’ Death Cannon. DARKENING DEEPS * Expert: Glubmuk will no longer respawn after looting. * Expert: Scarn will no longer take off when below 10% health, as a bandaid fix for him dying while airborne. GREENSCALE’S BLIGHT [Raid] * Greenscale’s Blight now supports 20 players instead of 10. * Greenscale’s Blight is now itemized. * Oracle Aleria awaits challengers in Greenscale’s Blight. * Duke Letareus: Will not case Furious Pursuit before Duke’s Wrath. * Hylas’ Invocation of Life now heals a greater amount per tick. * Greenscale and his minions now drop Grotesque Souls. ZONES FREEMARCH * Sunken Confession: The thief in this quest has undergone a name change. * King for a Day: Players killed by Jakub can now recover their corpse on the first tower before the encounter instead of on the actual encounter area. GLOAMWOOD * Renamed Shadefallen Ancient I to Felling an Ancient. * Renamed Shadefallen Ancient II to Ending a Legend. * If you happen to kill the targets for these quests without being on them, you get a quest starter drop! MATHOSIA * Fixed some spirit spawning issues with High Elven Inquisition and Dwarven Inquisition. MERIDIAN * New ‘Saga of the Endless’ quest arcs are available in Meridian at level 20. These have a prerequisite that your character has completed the appropriate racial quest (By the Ancestors, On Distant Shores, or The Pride of the Eth). MOONSHADE HIGHLANDS * Improved visuals of item and object actions for Essential Extraction, The Iron harvest, and Rational Ward. * Added underwater breathing vents to Kelpmere and Acrid Basin. * Reduced population density in Kelpmere. SCARLET GORGE * Guardian and Defiant quests in Rock Ridge have been reordered slightly. * Three new quests added to Rock Ridge. * Rats in a Cage: Quest removed. * Mission of Mercy: Fixed a problem that could cause players to not get credit. * Adriana Weaver now stealths before unlocking the cages. * Rise Up has replaced Caged and Abused as a daily repeatable quest. * Updated pricing of Rare Planar Goods. SCARWOOD REACH * Rare planar merchant is back to full operational status. Now offering epic loot with adjusted prices to match the new Planarite progression. SHIMMERSAND * Population around The Dragon’s Tail has been improved. * The Cleansing of Firesand: The Maelforge Revenant mob is now a bit tougher. * The Order’s Charge: Quest should now function more consistently. SILVERWOOD * Kaerin Brandeon in South Argent Glade will now respawn after 30 seconds instead of instantly. * Rift: Maelow’s Horde: The seeds required for stage 4 of this Rift should now properly spawn. TERMINUS * Shyla the Fallen no longer repeats herself when engaging the player for the first time. PVP/WARFRONTS * Stat and power distribution on PvP Favor set gear has been updated to match recent changes to PvE power progression. * Improved Solo queue times. * Duels now play a countdown animation before the battle starts. * Warfront daily quests now sort under the appropriate zone instead of under the Daily quest category. * Port Scion: The leaderboard now shows stats for Sourcestone Returned, Quests Completed, and NPC Kills. * Port Scion: New map icons added for bosses. * Whitefall Steppes: Removed duplicate message when you are forced to drop the Sourcestone. ITEMS * Equippable items marked Unique are now shown as Unique Equip to distinguish them from items which are Unique to player inventory. * Some quests still rewarded Jagged and Glowing Sourcestone, some Rift NPCs still dropped it, and some vendors still sold it. All of this has been corrected! * Some planar currency was rewarding the incorrect type when acquired. This has been fixed! * Added Valor and Toughness stats to item tooltips. * Dyes now buy and re-sale for appropriate amounts. * New Major Relic vendors in the Lodge of the Planes in Sanctum. CRAFTING * Crafting dailies have been updated. They now reward experience. Lowered the items required and increased Artisan Mark rewards. * Fixed the duplication of Mighty Philters of Restoration. There should also be a Heroic version. * Various other Apothecary name and icon fixes. * Mana Tonics now display the proper amount of mana restored on the item tooltip. * Apothecary daily quests should now display required items. * Bows no longer require Forges to craft. They use Workbenches. * Fixed some miscategorized recipes. This was especially apparent for Artificer recipes. * Divine Defender recipe no longer creates a Blessed Maul. * Defender’s Helmet, Steel Sabatons, Shadethorn Spellstaff, and Stoneshatter Spellshield recipes no longer create misnamed items. * Fixed flavor text on Exceptional Runebirch Sample. * Tweaked respawn rates for harvest nodes in Droughtlands to have faster respawn times. * Fixed Artificer Dailies from Arcane Hand and Ice Watch using an obsolete Rune. * Defiant Rift notoriety vendors should no longer sell recipes requiring Guardian faction notoriety. They should also now have appropriate notoriety requirements. GRAPHICS AND AUDIO * Breath sounds for players are much quieter. * Even more subtle Bard music effects. * Casting an ability and then queuing the same ability will properly animate, again. * Bards casting musical abilities should no longer see their instruments flicker during casting. COMMANDS AND MACROS * Added two slash commands to dump useful stuff to XML files: - /dumpguild <filename> – Dumps the Guild Roster to the given XML file (defaults to Guild.xml in the Rift directory). - /dumpraid <filename> – Dumps the Raid member list to the given XML file (defaults to Raid.xml in the Rift directory). UI/SETTINGS * Chat channel coloring now works properly. * Warfront and Guild Officer chat can now be colorized and moved just like every other chat channel! * The confirmation popup windows now stay on screen regardless of UI scale – and won’t disappear with the Reset UI Scale action. * The experience bar now plays nice when importing UI settings. * Fixed a crash on relog after changing video settings. * Pet portraits should display correctly again. * The Stealth action bar is now only auto-populated with abilities that are used while stealthed. * You can choose to preserve the aspect ratio when resizing windowed clients by holding down shift while resizing the window. CLIENT/SERVER * Server lag and capacity improvements! * Improved login queue wait time estimates. Alpha probably won’t see this!
Y la séptima beta del 15 al 21 supuestamente
Beta 7: Telara the Merciless Feb 15th, 18:00 GMT – Feb 21nd, 18:00 GMT Levels 1-42
A tireless and unending horde, invaders from the planes continue their assault on Telara. The final (beta) battle is at hand and the fate of the planet depends on the courage and strength of Telara’s champions. Become one of the Ascended and fight for a world that’s on the brink of losing all hope. Play to win! Defeat any dungeon boss and you could be eligible to win an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 video card! Terms and conditions apply, click here for details. And In-Game Prize Packs will be given away to ten (10) select players who complete the objective!
True Warrior!
4.375 mensajes desde feb 2008 en Luna con casinos&furcias
Son mongolos, asi lo unico que consiguen es dar de comer a la bestia, la publicidad buena o mala es publicidad, si no contarle al world of tanks las alusiones que hacian al eve en el video promo y la de peña que despues jugo al eve gracias al WoT
FrutopiA escribió:Son mongolos, asi lo unico que consiguen es dar de comer a la bestia, la publicidad buena o mala es publicidad, si no contarle al world of tanks las alusiones que hacian al eve en el video promo y la de peña que despues jugo al eve gracias al WoT
Dios, ese anuncio del world of tanks era la ostia, lo que me pude reir
Razork escribió:Con la nueva beta del Rift habra que volver a empezar desde nivel 1 no?
Seguramente no. Es brutal lo de las betas del rift, yo no me lo voy a comprar, pero Trion está poniendo el listón de las betas muy alto. No creo que haya habido una beta mejor que la de rift. Sólo hay que ver el changelog último que han posteado arriba, no solo arreglan cosas y rebalancean el juego si no que meten features y parece que bastante guapas.
Razork escribió:Con la nueva beta del Rift habra que volver a empezar desde nivel 1 no?
Seguramente no. Es brutal lo de las betas del rift, yo no me lo voy a comprar, pero Trion está poniendo el listón de las betas muy alto. No creo que haya habido una beta mejor que la de rift. Sólo hay que ver el changelog último que han posteado arriba, no solo arreglan cosas y rebalancean el juego si no que meten features y parece que bastante guapas.
Ese changelog es del servidor alpha, donde aún hay NDA, por lo que no sé si es muy bueno tener eso posteado aquí... suerte que está en un spoiler Y se supone que serán los cambios a aplicar para este nuevo evento.
Como bien dices PotajiTo, es de las mejores betas, por no decir la mejor, en la que he estado (y van demasiadas ya ).
Razork escribió:Con la nueva beta del Rift habra que volver a empezar desde nivel 1 no?
Seguramente no. Es brutal lo de las betas del rift, yo no me lo voy a comprar, pero Trion está poniendo el listón de las betas muy alto. No creo que haya habido una beta mejor que la de rift. Sólo hay que ver el changelog último que han posteado arriba, no solo arreglan cosas y rebalancean el juego si no que meten features y parece que bastante guapas.
Ese changelog es del servidor alpha, donde aún hay NDA, por lo que no sé si es muy bueno tener eso posteado aquí... suerte que está en un spoiler Y se supone que serán los cambios a aplicar para este nuevo evento.
Como bien dices PotajiTo, es de las mejores betas, por no decir la mejor, en la que he estado (y van demasiadas ya ).
Como todos la estais probando lo mismo me animo el finde, pero es que me da mucha pereza andar haciendo el loco con las keys para luego tener un WoW. Muy bueno, si, pero un wow al fin y al cabo. Eso si, el anuncio es la leche. Mola el mito lovecraftiano saliendo del bujero.
Yo al que le tengo ganas es al Vindictus, pero digo lo mismo: ¡Que pereza andar con proxys o AOL´s!
7.437 mensajes desde ago 2006 en Northlands (Donosti)
Habria que definir bien el significado de la palabra grind hoy dia, me da a mi que ningun MMO se salva, en todos vas a grindear algo, ya sea exp, reputacion, equipo, etc... xD
Lo único que le pasa al Vindictus es que acaba rallando tenerte que meter 40 veces en la misma instancia una y otra vez para sacar X cosas. Además del límite de las instancias premium si no compras los pases, etc.
Pero vamos que es normal en un juego de este tipo. Imaginároslo como un Monster Hunter pero sin el Hunter.
PD: Madre mía con los cambios del Rift. Hay bugs que había sufrido yo mismo que por fin están arreglados... ¡Y las Ancient Wardstones tienen pinta de ser muy divertidas! (sobretodo en Raid, claro)
Si ya me parecia uber la combi que tengo en el cleric, para colmo bufean las 3 ramas x'D, Cabalist+inquisidor+justiciar, o lo que es lo mismo, un shadowpriest con el aguante de un palaca.
Hombre, no sé hasta cuán útil sería esa build a nivel Max. pero vamos, sí que es verdad que necesitaba (y más que van a hacer, seguro) balanceo en almas y en las habilidades, porque hay combinaciones que... agüita.
Ten en cuenta que dudo que un cabalist tenga mas dps que un mague con build de dps pura, y en pvp para aguantar esta el templar que es una build exclusiva para PvP que da resistencias tipo resilence.
pero bueno,para levelear es la poya, pillas grupos de 5 o 6 y no te baja la vida a base de dotearlos con el vex y rematarlos con el obliterate.
Jormavio escribió:Al final he podido comprarlo en D2D:
3 horas y media para contestarme con que han desbloqueado lo de la llamada de teléfono en mi cuenta. Luego todo ha ido automático, compra --> codigo--> pagina rift --> selección plan (3 meses)-->aceptación de la cuenta.
Total por la edicción coleccionista digital: 36,19 € cargados. Con ese cambio, el mes pagado en $ sale a 9 € en el plan de 3 meses.
Nos vemos en Rift.
puedes explicar como lo has hecho pq yo no veo en ningun lado lo de 36 € la edidcion de coleccionista
Pagando en $ y con el 20% de descuento y directamente con tarjeta de crédito. Mira los posts anteriores (3 o 4 paginas atras)
deangelis escribió:pero bueno,para levelear es la poya, pillas grupos de 5 o 6 y no te baja la vida a base de dotearlos con el vex y rematarlos con el obliterate.
Pues la verdad es que sí, algo así como el lock de vanilla con el drain life xD. Pero bueno, la verdad es que lo de acumular mobs lo podía hacer con el warrior y meter los dos con el cleave, el remate de fuego y las lanzas que van saltando. Pero eso sí, cogía 4 o así porque tampoco veía muchos juntos, cosa que ese minilock sí podría hacer. También hay que tener en cuenta que ahora con este parche nuevo van a cambiar algo importante como la resolución del AP en combate, la cantidad de vida que tienen los mobs, etc... Veremos a ver qué tocan esta próxima beta
la pagina oficial de rift me sigue sin ir y en el control de betas no me da un enlace de descarga. Lo puedo descargar de algun sitio? Lo digo para ya tenerlo para cuando abran la proxima beta.
Jormavio escribió:Global agenda con un 75 % de descuento (7,5 $) en steam hasta el jueves 4 pm PST.
A los que por navidad lo pillasteis, ¿merece la pena?
Hombre por 6€ yo lo pillaba, esta bastante bien para un par de meses, quizas al cabo de un tiempo se vuelve "repetitivo" ,sobretodo si no tienes guild.
Eso si, como MMO desde mi punto de vista se queda corto, es mas un Guild Wars , solo hay una zona de quest open world y es low lv 1-20 , el resto del juego es a base de dungeons y pvp.
Jormavio escribió:Global agenda con un 75 % de descuento (7,5 $) en steam hasta el jueves 4 pm PST.
A los que por navidad lo pillasteis, ¿merece la pena?
Yo no he llegado a jugar ni 3 horas, y eso que soy de FPS de toda la vida. El diseño artístico me parece horroroso, y no hay absolutamente nada en Global Agenda que llame mi atención. Eso si, por 6€ a lo mejor te merece la pena probarlo.
Paboh escribió:la pagina oficial de rift me sigue sin ir y en el control de betas no me da un enlace de descarga. Lo puedo descargar de algun sitio? Lo digo para ya tenerlo para cuando abran la proxima beta.
y habeis pensado de jugar Warhammer online? está bastante barato, bastantes mejoras, cliente 6€ y la misma cuota mensual de Wow. Incluye expansiones que no han de ser pagadas. tiene muy buena pinta
7.437 mensajes desde ago 2006 en Northlands (Donosti)