Modified executable is not a crack, doesn't affect copy protection at all. You need EA Origin and Crysis 3 original game. This tool is provided as is. No support from EA, no support from Crytek and no support from me.
Use under your responsibility. This tool is for Crysis 3 singleplayer mode. Using it in multiplayer may result in a permanent ban. This tool has been created after patch 1.1. If possible, I will release an updated version of MaLDo OnTheFly tool after every patch.
- See more at: ... az3e2.dpufBINDED KEYS
Use them while you are ingame and not while you're in menus.
O - Hide HUD (Maybe you want to take some beautiful screenshots)
P - Show HUD (Maybe you want to locate enemies after taking screenshots

I - Modify weapon FOV (Crysis 3 resets weapon FOV after every respawn)
6 - Reload low quality preset
7 - Reload recommended quality preset
8 - Reload ultra quality preset
9 - Activate normal Depth of field
0 - Activate ultra Depth of field
T - Activate slowmotion
Z - Deactivate slowmotion.
- See more at: ... az3e2.dpuf