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_DeMenCia_ escribió:Habeis leido la informacion sobre lo que viene en el nuevo audio drama con cosas despues del ff x-2?- Most of this bonus audio are told by 2 characters: Chuami and Kurugum. They are sent to Besaid Island by Baralai to search for Yuna.
- Tidus isn't together with Yuna anymore, but of course, the real reason isn't explained. At the beggining of the drama, when Chuami, one of the protagonists asks Yuna about Tidus being her boyfriend, she still confirms, but at another point (although
I'm sure it's a lie) when the 2 protagonists are spying a convo between them, she is jealous about some Tidus' friend (Marufi - a friend according to him). Then, she tells him she doesn't care anymore and apparently got another person she likes. Weird enough, he just ask: Who?, which she replies "Someone you don't know."
- Later though, Tidus asks Lulu if she know about who could be Yuna's new love. Lulu gets pretty disappointed and says she thought Tidus would know Yuna a little bit more. She then tells Tidus to figure it himself.
- The weird part about this is when Kurugum, the other protagonists, tells Chuami that he likes Yuna and they should separate from each other. (Like they are trying to induce people to believe he is Yuna's new love, but I doubt it could be, as he has a voice of a 14 years old kid).
- Tidus is still a Blitzball star, but when Chuami handshake him, she notices he's pretty injured and with no energy at all, although he is trying to hide it. Later, when she meets him again, hiding from someone in Bevelle, she also notices he's injured. This may be related to why he and Yuna aren't together anymore.
- Apparently, Yuna woke up from her "bad dream" (aka her FFX-2 version) and is talking like her FFX self again. Rikku and Paine aren't mentioned in this bonus audio.
- Sin is back, although it's not explained why and how it's back. It's told, however, that it was activated by something (note that they use the word Summoned anymore).
- One of the protagonists (Chuami) of this bonus audio drama claims to be Auron's daughter, although this is confronted by Lulu when she mentions about it. Lulu even saus she doesn't look like Auron like Yuna looked like Braska and Tidus looked like Jecht.
- When she asks Lulu if her mother is a liar, she tells her that she wouldn't go so far, but if Auron was really her father, he would definitively make sure she would know, because that's how Auron was.
- In the end of the bonus audio, Yuna's famous words from FFX about defeating Sin are back, with the crowd cheering. You know what that means, right?
Tidus: It has been two years since the Eternal Calm began.
I have obtained a new life.
I stayed with Yuna for a year.
It was truly...great.
Chiami: Kurugum and I were walking around the Bevelle stadium (once called the Mika stadium). The stadium was supposed to be completed and open to the public soon so the tournaments can begin, but all I can see is the framework. If it's not finished, I don't know how the council of Spira intends to take responsibility for this....
Well, anyway. It has nothing to do with me.
My problem is this crowd of people, and the shining star standing at the centre...
Kurugum: Chiami, we have to hurry!
Chiami: We're late because I was waiting for you. Hey, isn't that Tidus?
Kurugum: Hm? Oh, it's really him!
Chiami: Let's go see him up close.
Kurugum: Um...right.
Chiami: What? Don't tell me you're nervous...
Kurugum: Heheh...Um...
Chiami: What makes Kurugum so nervous about Tidus isn't his status as a Blitzball superstar. It's because he's one of the legendary guardians, the man who saved Spira along with High Summoner Yuna. In truth, I'm a little nervous too...
He must have known...my father.
Chiami: Tidus, sir. Give it your best!
Tidus: Hiya!
Chiami: "Hiya"? He sounded carefree, but when I shook his hand, it was like he had no strength at all.
Tidus: Well, I have to get going! See ya all at the stadium!
Kurugum: He's really a star...
Chiami: Well, I'll give him that. However...
Kurugum: What?
Chiami: He's hurt. He might be not be well. Anyway, Kurugum. Who do you think will win the championship?
Kurugum: Probably the Besaid Aurochs.
Chiami: What's your second choice?
Kurugum: The Al Bhed Psyches, maybe.
Chiami: Alright, let's go place some bets. We might just make a profit, you know.
Kurugum: I...don't really know about that...
Chiami: Let me introduce us properly. This is my childhood friend, Kurugum. Normally, he would be a summoner, but at these times, he is an official sender of the Spiran council. He specialises in sending people to the Farplane.
My name is Chiami, and I act as his assistant. Though, in truth, I call the shots in this relationship.
Don't get the wrong idea! We're not lovers or anything. Nor will we ever be. I don't know about the future, but this much I'm sure of.
Kurugum: Hey. Let's go.
Chiami: Right, right.
Chiami: We headed to Besaid Island as representatives of the head of the Spiran Council, Baralai. We're running errands.
(On the ship)
Kurugum: Is that Besaid Island?
Chiami: Silly, that's obviously Kilika-
Shipguy: We're approaching Besaid Island! Gather your belongings!
Chiami: Is that a sneer, I hear?
Kurugum: Me? Neve-owowow, that hurts! Cut it out!
Chiami: Our aim is to meet High Summoner Yuna. Right now, she holds the position of the counsellor of Yevoner. That anachronistic doctrine that blindly follows tradition, a band of guardians over all our morals and rules. The trouble the radical Yevoners have caused has died down, but the fact that this group still somehow exists in Spira leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I hate Yevoners. On the other hand, saying that I have no interest in meeting the heroine who defeated Sin and released Spira from a thousand years of hell would be a lie. She must have known my father as well...
(in the village)
Lulu: And? What exactly does the council want?
Kurugum: M-My apologies, mayor Lulu. However, my instructions say that I must speak personally to Lady Yuna-
Wakka: Is that it? Welp, you're expecting us to say there's no helping it and take you to her? Nope.
Lulu: We are here so Yuna need not be disturbed. Well? What is your issue?
Kurugum: But-
Wakka: I guess I can understand your position. Okay, here's what we'll do: I'll take you to where Yuna is and listen to your story on the way.
I almost wanted to say something, but I kept my mouth shut. This huge-boobed mayor and her manservant were legendary guardians as well. Eventually, I might have to inquire them about my father. Picking a fight with them right now is not advised.
(In the temple)
Wakka: This used to be called the Cloister of Trials. Without the Fayth this is just a corridor, but in the past, summoners used to pass through here to get to the Chamber of the Fayth. That's where Yuna is.
Chiami: What is Lady Yuna doing there now? The Fayth are no longer here.
Wakka: She's praying. Even without the Fayth, that is her current job.
Kurugum: What is Lady Yuna praying for?
Wakka: Spira's peace-
Chiami: Crappy lie~
Wakka: Did you say something?
Chiami: Not at all! Say, Wakka, sir...I don't know much about Yevoners. What is your goal? It can't be something like restoring the temples, right?
Wakka: What? No. But it's important, so keep it in mind. Yevoners are not trying to rule the world via the temples as the old Yevon used to. They just teach us to abide by the teachings in our daily lives.
Chiami: I don't see how that is any different from before...
Wakka: The temples used to feed us with outrageous lies, like how Sin was born from our transgressions and that we had to abstain from machina to atone. But besides those, there were pretty respectable things among the teachings. Cherish the blessings of nature, pray, love thy neighbou-
Chiami: So, weren't all those common sense? It's not like you have to be a Yevoner or pray in order to do that.
Wakka: That's what I'm sayin', ya? People lead different livestyles. They're free. How old are you?
Chiami: 17.
Wakka: Then you'll get it soon enough. Adults don't get to change their lives so easily. There are people who cannot catch up with the times changing. Those gather under us Yevoners.
Kurugum: Is it different from New Yevon?
Wakka: New Yevon was just using Yevon's name to gather faithful followers. They were looking ahead, to the future.
Chiami: So apparently Yevoners look to the past, eh?
Wakka: That's not what I meant! Anyway, New Yevon is no more. It's now become the council. Nothing we can do about it, ya?
Chiami: By the sound of things, Yevoner is apparently a place for the weak to gather.
Kurugum: Chiami!
Wakka: Don't be so smug about it. We're all aware of it, ya?
Chiami: If you're aware of it, then you shouldn't be holing yourselves in this place. You should make an effort to improve the lives out there. Does thinking that just your prayers preserve Spira's peace make you happy with yourselves?
Wakka: Chiami, ya? Try to be a little more open-minded. And nicer. Those that think like you hurt those people.
Chiami: The way he said "those people" made me curious. It's as if he was talking about someone else.
Wakka: Wait here, ya? I'll go get Yuna. But only talk to her about what you were sent for. No picking on her like you did to me, or you'll be shown the door.
Chiami: "Picking"...maybe I did. It made me angry. Praying for Spira's peace? At such a time...
My mother died on a Yevoner hunt.
The hunter's spear pierced through her chest, and she bled to death.
She wasn't even a Yevoner! She just sympathized with their plight!
If only these Yevoners didn't exist...!
Kurugum: Chiami! I know how you feel, but right now, we have a job to do.
Chiami: I know.
Kurugum: Please—oh, the Lady Yuna.
Yuna: Good day. Allow me to welcome you to Besaid, village of the Yevoners. I am Yuna, the High Priest.
Kurugum: An honour to meet you. I am Kurugum, an official sender. I had always wanted to meet you in person—oh, the head of the council, Lord Baralai, has sent something for you—
Yuna: I see. Then please, leave it here and go.
Chiami: Wait a minute...didn't you hear what he just said? He's always wanted to meet you! What do you-
Kurugum: Er, no, no, it's fine! Lady Yuna must be busy.
Chiami: Kurugum. You keep quiet.
Kurugum: But Lady Yuna said she's busy—
Chiami: To do what? Eat? Sleep? She doesn't even have time to talk to people who came all the way from Bevelle?
Yuna: I'm sorry, but I can't interrupt my prayers...
Chiami: I think Spira will be peaceful enough if it goes five minutes without prayer. Even when fights break out here and there, it's the council that mediates between them.
Yuna: Hmmm. You're right.
Wakka: Hey! I told you to cut that out, ya? Just give us what you were supposed to.
Kurugum: Yes sir! Here it is!
Chiami: Kurugum handed Yuna a recording sphere entrusted to him by Lord Baralai. It contained a recording of the Moonflow. A huge, yet tame animal called a shoopuff was standing with another of its kind, binding their trunks together peacefully.
Wakka: Two shoopuffs?
Kurugum: The second one just appeared there one morning.
Wakka: Where did it even come from?! Wasn't the Moonflow shoopuff supposed to be the last of its kind?
Kurugum: There were two up until three years ago, but it appears the male one was attacked and killed by Sin. There is evidence that this is the same shoopuff.
Yuna: It must have been...called.
Wakka: No other explanation, I s'ppose...
Yuna: However, this wasn't Yevoner. I have forbidden summons outside the Farplane.
Kurugum: I don't know the details, but Lord Baralai tasked us with showing this to you and then escorting you back to Bevelle.
Yuna: Kurugum. You are a sender, correct? You can do this too. This shoopuff is an illusion created by pyreflies. If you send it, it will settle the matter.
Kurugum: That isn't the only issue.
Chiami: Pyreflies float together again. They were always active in the Moonflow, but something like this can't be normal. We have to investigate the source of this phenomenon and find out who called this shoopuff. I thought this was the Yevoners' handiwork. So did the council. That's why Lady Yuna has to come and explain things. Her opinion carries the heaviest weight, after all.
Wakka: Baralai...that damn...! Does he intend to have Yuna handle the whole council?
Yuna: Wakka...
Wakka: He promised he'd keep Yuna out of politics! That's why this...
Chiami: "This"?
Yuna: I'm sorry. I can't go. But then you'd get in trouble...ok, here's what we'll do: I'll write a letter sphere for you to take back to Baralai.
Chiami: We met Tidus in Bevelle. He's your lover, correct?
Yuna: Yes. Was he well?
Chiami: He was trying to hide it, but he looked hurt.
Yuna: Really? Wakka, did you know?
Wakka: Errr...no.
Chiami: You must be worried now...
Kurugum: Chiami...
Yuna: So that's how it is...
Wakka: Yuna. Let's go talk with Lu.
Yuna: Yes.
Chiami: When we exited the temple, they left us alone for a bit. I don't know what those people are talking about, but I'm sure of one thing. What sparked Yuna into action wasn't our plight, but the possibility that her boyfriend was hurt.
Chiami: Kurugum. I'm kinda...pissed off.
Kurugum: But we did our job. Although, I would have liked to talk to Lady Yuna a bit more. I have always wanted to ask her what a summoner's life is like now that there are no Fayth. Chiami, you should ask about Sir Aur-
Chiami: Hush! If they knew I was his daughter, they would treat me differently. This info is my ultimate weapo-
Lulu: Sir Auron's daughter?
Chiami: Mayor?!
Lulu: Is that true?
Chiami: It is. Why are you laughing!
Lulu: Have you ever lived together with him?
Chiami: No, but I heard from my mother—
Lulu: Have you met him?
Chiami: I was too young, so I don't remember.
Lulu: Hmmm....
Chiami: That proves nothing!
Lulu: But you don't look like him at all...
Chiami: I take after my mother.
Lulu: That other child looked more like him.
Chiami: Huh?
Lulu: Auron, Braska, Jecht...many imposters like to identify themselves as their children and ask for their belongings.
Chiami: You...you think I'm one of them? Are you calling my mother a liar?!
Lulu: I wouldn't go that far. But if Sir Auron had a child, there is no way you would not remember him. Nor would he hide it from us. That's the kind of person he was.
Chiami: Just because your rack is huge, you think you can act superior...Just because you knew Auron, you think you can say whatever you want?! That does it: this mayor is the enemy. Whatever. We'll eventually get to the bottom of this.
Anyway, we (myself, Kurugum, Yuna and her escort, Wakka) passed by the Moonflow before heading to Bevelle. The airship was broken, so the journey was harder than I imagined. A big crowd had gathered to observe the two Shoopuffs at the river.
Wakka: There's really two of them! Shoopuffs! And this is quite a crowd of onlookers!
Yuna: Wakka...it's a bit different. Half of these people are illusions. They are visions that pyreflies conjure by reacting with the thoughts of the living. It's just like the Farplane.
Kurugum: Yes.
Chiami: Kurugum? You can tell?
Kurugum: I can. For instance, that family there. The father and the daughter are alive, but that poor mother...
Chiami: I've never actually been to the Farplane, but they look pretty alive to me.
Yuna: They're a little different...almost like the real thing...
Father: Meilu, let's go. It'll be dark soon.
Meilu: Ok. Mum will be coming hom with us, right?
Father: That...isn't possible.
Meilu: Why! We just came to see her!
Father: Then let's come back here again. We can see her.
Meilu: NO! I want to go home with her!
Chimai: Uuugh, what a no good father. What did he expect? Having the girl say goodbye to her mother for a second time since she died is just cruel.
Meilu: Mummy! Let's go home! Together!
Mother: Yes, meilu...let's go home...
Meilu: Really?
Father: No way...
Kurugum: Lady Yuna...did you see this?
Yuna: I can't believe this...
Chiami: Kurugum! Explain.
Kurugum: Illusions that are called by pyreflies cannot speak. To be more precise, they cannot hear voices.
Chiami: Then, they're not illusions? They could be real?
Yuna: We must report to the council as soon as possible.
Chiami: Yes, let's go. Hey, Kurugum! What are you doing! Don't surprise me like this!
Kurugum: If we don't send them...this will only distort the order of things.
Yuna: Kurugum. Let's just stop now. We'll just make them all sad.
Kurugum: But this is strange! It's abnormal, unnatural! If the council knew...that's why they contacted you, Lady Yuna! So you could do something!
Yuna: Even so, we cannot do this now. No one has the right to interfere with this reunion. Not us, and not the council.
Chiami: Just look at how happy they are. If you send them all, we'll just end up getting hit in the face. You'll even get me involved! Gimme a break...
Wakka: Before we proceed with any sendings, why don't we calm down first? Let's come back later.
Kurugum: But—
Yuna: Kurugum. Please.
Chiami: And so we returned to Bevelle.
Kurugum: Chiami, that's loud...
Chiami: Hmph! Just how long are we gonna wait?
Kuru: More importantly...
Chiami: "More importantly?" There's something more important than my question? Iiiiis there?
Kuru: When I stopped the sending, Lady Yuna looked relieved.
Chiami: I guess.
Kuru: I thought Lady Yuna was a just person.
Chiami: You admired her too much. Set your expectations too high.
Kuru: Perhaps...
Chiami: Thinking back, I should have been able to guess this would happen. What we saw at the Moonflow was not just an omen. It was the beacon for its resurrection. Before my eyes was...Sin.
Kuru: Sin...no way...Chiami! That has to be just some huge monster!
Yuna: No...that is Sin...Sin, who is not supposed to exist anymore!
Kuru: You mean...someone wished and called him back?!
Yuna: Yes...someone who strongly sought Sin.
Chiami: What are we gonna do!
Yuna: The only thing that can defeat Sin is the Final Summoning.
Kuru: But without the Fayth...!
Wakka: Yuna! Let's go back to Besaid. They'll just pile this on you. No one cares about the Fayth. Once they see Sin, it's all about the summoner handling it. Kuru, are you coming?
Kuru: I will trust Lady Yuna's judgement!
Yuna: I...have to meet Tidus.
Chiami: What the hell is wrong with this woman!
(Chiami is pacing in the hallway)
Kuru: Chiami...
Chiami: How long is this wait gonna be?
Kuru: Chiami! This room is...!
Chiami: Hush!
Kuru: Chiami! Eavesdropping is bad!
Chiami: Don't you want to know what the High Summoner and the Blitzball star are saying? Now hush!
Tidus: What do you mean?
Yuna: You have that girl, don't you?
Tidus: I told you, Marfi is just a friend!
Yuna: Is that true?
Tidus: Yuna. If you think about it, you'll see.
Yuna: I can't.
Tidus: This isn't like you.
Yuna: You're right...I'm acting weird. I'm sorry.
Tidus: If you acknowledge it, then it's fine.
Yuna: That's not what I meant. I'm sorry. I can't see you anymore.
Tidus: Eh?
Yuna: I found someone that I like.
Tidus: Uh...Who?
Yuna: It's...someone you don't know.
Tidus: Then let me meet him!
Yuna: I'm sorry.
Chiami: Kuru...this came completely out of left field. This woman is having a lovers' quarrel now of all times? Hey, Kuru! Why are you crying?
Kuru: Chiami...I'm sorry. I love Lady Yuna...so I can't be with you. I'm sorry...
Chiami: What is that about? When did we ever...? I don't get you!
Kuru: If you don't feel like that, then it's fine. Yes, this is better...let's part ways here. We have to become independent.
Chiami: Kuru?
Kuru: You can't understand. Only summoners can.
Chiami: Ah. You finally said it. It's over.
Kuru: I'm sorry.
Chiami: Do what you want!
Chiami: Separated from the summoners, I returned to Besaid. A lot of crazy things happened and I wasn't thinking clearly, but I feel I may be drawn to those who have already defeated Sin once. I can't help but worry that this burden is too heavy for Kuru...
Tidus: And that's what happened.
Lulu: That's why you ran back here? I'll start laughing.
Tidus: Who do you think is this guy that Yuna likes?
Lulu: Use your head.
Tidus: But she said I don't know him!
Lulu: (sighs)
Tidus: What?
Lulu: Search and you'll find him.
Tidus: Buuuut...!
Lulu: You sad, sad man! I thought you understood Yuna a little better.
Tidus: I intended to, but...
Lulu: But.
Chiami: More importantly, Sin. I'm worried about them. What if this is aimless?
Lulu: And if it's not?
Chiami: Eh?
Lulu: Sin has been revived, yes? If something else can also be revived, then the return of Sin is not surprising.
Chiami: I didn't really understand what she meant, so I looked at Tidus. That man's eyebrows were raised, his gaze fixated on the mayor with his eyes widening in surprise.
Lulu: We have to go.
Tidus: ...Yeah.
Chiami (is apparently in a ship somewhere, since it's the Moonflow music): As always, I couldn't understand. But I couldn't ask. All I finally managed to ask was...
Chiami: I wonder where they are?
Tidus: Wherever they go, I'll follow.
Yuna: Even though she abandoned you?
Tidus: I promised I'd always be with her.
Chiami: I wondered why he sounded so fond of her. After seeing his face in pain though, I could do nothing but keep quiet.
(Yuna is in a stadium with people cheering)
Yuna: I will defeat Sin. I must defeat Sin!
Tiny detail: The word used for the dead and Sin coming back isn't "summon" (召喚), but call (呼び寄せる), which, as far as I can tell, is the word used when people remember their dead in the Farplane.
wabo escribió:Acabo de leer que Tidus muere porque le estalla la puta cabeza dos días después de resucitar... y vuelve a resucitar gracias a Yuna. Y que Tidus le dice a Yuna que no sabe si podrá luchar en condiciones porque le pone cachondo...
Desgraciadamente de S-E ya me lo creo todo
Tidus va y le pega una patada a una bomba pensado que es una pelota y hace que le vuele la cabeza. La cabeza cortada va a parar a yuna a la que supongo que le da un chungo importante
Y al parecer tidus esta todo el rato haciendole chistes sexuales a yuna
_DeMenCia_ escribió:wabo escribió:Acabo de leer que Tidus muere porque le estalla la puta cabeza dos días después de resucitar... y vuelve a resucitar gracias a Yuna. Y que Tidus le dice a Yuna que no sabe si podrá luchar en condiciones porque le pone cachondo...
Desgraciadamente de S-E ya me lo creo todo
Al parecer eso es de una novela, que sigue(o es anterior, vete a saber) a los eventos del audio drama. Y si, en el libroTidus va y le pega una patada a una bomba pensado que es una pelota y hace que le vuele la cabeza. La cabeza cortada va a parar a yuna a la que supongo que le da un chungo importante
Y al parecer tidus esta todo el rato haciendole chistes sexuales a yuna
Y lo peor es que parece que no es una broma, es real![]()
Que cojones square
Yuna tiene sexo con el cadaver de Tidus para poder revivirlo. Y no, no es broma. Al parecer los Oradores se crean así.
_DeMenCia_ escribió:wabo escribió:Acabo de leer que Tidus muere porque le estalla la puta cabeza dos días después de resucitar... y vuelve a resucitar gracias a Yuna. Y que Tidus le dice a Yuna que no sabe si podrá luchar en condiciones porque le pone cachondo...
Desgraciadamente de S-E ya me lo creo todo
Al parecer eso es de una novela, que sigue(o es anterior, vete a saber) a los eventos del audio drama. Y si, en el libroTidus va y le pega una patada a una bomba pensado que es una pelota y hace que le vuele la cabeza. La cabeza cortada va a parar a yuna a la que supongo que le da un chungo importante
Y al parecer tidus esta todo el rato haciendole chistes sexuales a yuna
Y lo peor es que parece que no es una broma, es real![]()
Que cojones square
sinuba escribió:_DeMenCia_ escribió:wabo escribió:Acabo de leer que Tidus muere porque le estalla la puta cabeza dos días después de resucitar... y vuelve a resucitar gracias a Yuna. Y que Tidus le dice a Yuna que no sabe si podrá luchar en condiciones porque le pone cachondo...
Desgraciadamente de S-E ya me lo creo todo
Al parecer eso es de una novela, que sigue(o es anterior, vete a saber) a los eventos del audio drama. Y si, en el libroTidus va y le pega una patada a una bomba pensado que es una pelota y hace que le vuele la cabeza. La cabeza cortada va a parar a yuna a la que supongo que le da un chungo importante
Y al parecer tidus esta todo el rato haciendole chistes sexuales a yuna
Y lo peor es que parece que no es una broma, es real![]()
Que cojones square
Oh, y hay más.Yuna tiene sexo con el cadaver de Tidus para poder revivirlo. Y no, no es broma. Al parecer los Oradores se crean así.
zackner escribió:En serio lo que habéis dicho es en serio?![]()
Que ha pasado con el final del LR? Spoiler free si puede ser.
Por supuesto, pero acabé hasta los sobacos de matar enemigos con ellaLa verdad es que esto si recordaba haberlo hecho hace muchos años, pero por asegurarme...
Me costó horrores, pero al fin pude dejar a Cloud con la vida en 7777 y comprobé de primera mano la veracidad de esto. Me cargue a Arma Esmeralda así, con eso digo todo xD
Vaya que si se puede, pero para tenerlas... Leí en cierto lugar (en el vamos a jugar a FFVII creo que fue) que subiendo a nivel maestro TODAS las materias de una clase, luego ibas a la sala especial en Cañón Cosmo, y tocando la materia enorme de ese color, las materias se fusionaban y se convertían en una materia maestra. Pues lo hice y ahora llevo 6, las 3 que te da el viejo de Kalm más otras 3 que he "fabricado" yo (magia, comando e invocación). Una chetada del copón.
No sé dónde leí que el arma final de Vincent, cuantos más enemigos mates con él, va haciendo más daño, hasta que llega un punto que por un glitch mata a cualquier enemigo de un solo golpe (creo que vi un vídeo de esto contra Esmeralda). Bueno pues a mí no me ha funcionado, el arma hace 9999 de daño pero nada más...
Es bastante famoso esto, pero a mí solo me salía con Aerith o con Tifa en todas las partidas que he hecho a lo largo de mi vida. Pues siguiendo una guía he conseguido sacar la cita con Barretque es la que más me llamaba la atención (por lo grotesco del asunto
). Ya sabiendo esto, me creo también que se pueda con Yuffie.
Muy cierto. Subí a TODOS al máximo de nivel con las tinajas mágicas (y materia super exp) y la verdad es que, sin llegar al nivel de las armas, el combate final aumenta bastante su dificultad. Me tiró una supernova que me quitó 7500 de vida, y eso que tenía Muro activado... La vida también le aumenta bastante, yendo normal con dos Caballeros le matas, con los niveles a 99 aguanta hasta 5.
Cuando Cloud "viaja" y le suelta el omnilátigo a Sephiroth, realmente es el subconsciente de Cloud (de hecho se ve cómo se separa de él), el que estaba influenciado por Jenova y adoptaba la personalidad de Zack. Y luego, después de cortar en rebanadas a Sephi, esa escena de la mano de Aerith creo que representa que esa parte de Cloud muere, se va con ella, de hecho ya se ha redimido al ajustar cuentas con Sephiroth. El Cloud que aparece después de eso en la cueva destruyéndose es el verdadero, por fin totalmente independiente y liberado de su otra parte manipulada.
DarthVardagrod escribió:Han pasado 18 años desde que lo jugué por primera vez, y han hecho falta muchos replays y muchas lecturas en internet, pero creo que a día de hoy, ya lo comprendo todo al 100%
squall 18 escribió:DarthVardagrod escribió:Han pasado 18 años desde que lo jugué por primera vez, y han hecho falta muchos replays y muchas lecturas en internet, pero creo que a día de hoy, ya lo comprendo todo al 100%
Te has pasao un añito jeje, el juego salio en enero del 97.
Respecto a lo de Barret, sabia que se podía con Yuffie pero ni idea de esto ultimo xD. Muy curioso!
DarthVardagrod escribió:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi0yL_KvW7g&feature=youtube_gdata_player Aria di Mezzo Caratiere (la de la ópera)
gominio escribió:Lo estoy jugando en emulador de GBA, muchas musicas me recuerdan al FF IX
Namco69 escribió:gominio escribió:Lo estoy jugando en emulador de GBA, muchas musicas me recuerdan al FF IX
el FF IX era un "regalo" para acercarse a los final fantasy originales ;9
gominio escribió:Namco69 escribió:gominio escribió:Lo estoy jugando en emulador de GBA, muchas musicas me recuerdan al FF IX
el FF IX era un "regalo" para acercarse a los final fantasy originales ;9
No entiendo bien lo que quieres decir, espero que no te estes metiendo con IX.![]()
zackner escribió:Joder llevaba atascado en el FFIV de DS en la cueva de las puertas que eran monstruos que en un turno te localizan y en el siguiente te matan un personaje, y si tardas mucho se vuelve otro monstruo mas fuerte. La solucion a mi dolor de huevos es usar espejo en el personaje que va a morir. No veas lo que me ha ahorrado.
gominio escribió:AH JAJA. Por cierto, estaba mirando unos video del juego, y se ven bastante bien, pero el mio se ve.. super mal.. que version es la que se ve bien?
cloud_cato escribió:Creo q este año por fin me pasare el FFXII y me pondré con el FFXIII...
Últimamente tenía muy abandonados los JRPG, y las consolas en general, pero ayer empece el Ni no Kuni y me han vuelto las buenas sensaciones de los viejos tiempos
Quiero pasarme los pendientes (el FFX también lo deje justo al final) y rejugar mis clásicos de PSX, empezando por el FFIX q es del q tengo un recuerdo más vago, a pesar de haber sido el último de esa época.
Ojalá pueda sacar el tiempo necesario para conseguir este "pequeño" objetivo antes de q se acabe el año... pero lo veo muy complicado, incluso planteandomelo hoy día 4 de Enero
Namco69 escribió:DarthVardagrod escribió:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi0yL_KvW7g&feature=youtube_gdata_player Aria di Mezzo Caratiere (la de la ópera)
De mis temas favoritos de la saga, sin duda. Cuando sonaba en la opera hasta me parecia oir la voz de los personajes cantando. Si no recuerdo mal estaba muy bien hecha la escena a pesar de la limitación de la consola, porque los personajes iban moviendo la boca al ritmo de la "voz" que suena, como si fuera la suya.
cloud_cato escribió:Creo q este año por fin me pasare el FFXII y me pondré con el FFXIII...
cloud_cato escribió:Y sobre el estilo de juego, yo no farmeo casi nunca, más allá de lo justo y necesario para no pasarlo mal con los enemigos medios.
El capítulo 3-A, en los Montes Yaschas. El Bégimo que pulula en la oscuridad le he conseguido matar gastando colas de fénix, pero es duríiiiiisimo. Para colmo, creía que ya no volvería a aparecer, y menudo susto me he llevado cuando he visto que salía otrosaliendo por patas mode on!
DarthVardagrod escribió:4. Vincent el "killer"...No sé dónde leí que el arma final de Vincent, cuantos más enemigos mates con él, va haciendo más daño, hasta que llega un punto que por un glitch mata a cualquier enemigo de un solo golpe (creo que vi un vídeo de esto contra Esmeralda). Bueno pues a mí no me ha funcionado, el arma hace 9999 de daño pero nada más...
_DeMenCia_ escribió:Hombre DarthVardagrod, es que se supone que el bicho tienes que esquivarlo, por eso esta todo eso de las luces, ir de saco a por el es lo que NO debes hacer
A mi el juego me parecio bastante sencillito, no farmee en absoluto pero simplemente explorando un poquillo me basto para ir sobrado de nivel y no pasar ningun apuro. Lo cual fue un poco decepcionante viniendo de lo que disfrute con el XIII y su mayor dificultad que de costumbre(la gente que se pasaba el XIII-2 sin explorar si que se quejaban en algunso jefes, eso si)
Hope creciditoaunque me suponía que saldrían algunos personajes del XIII
cloud_cato escribió:Es la versión española, no se si coincide con la q dices...
Y sobre el estilo de juego, yo no farmeo casi nunca, más allá de lo justo y necesario para no pasarlo mal con los enemigos medios.
THumpER escribió:Pues para mi el XIII-2 es bastante inferior al XIII. Osea es cierto que han arreglado algunas cosas pero por contra empeoraron otras y al final la historia y el juego en si con los viajes temporales se me hizo muy cansino.... creo que ha sido el primer FF en dejarlo a medias 2 veces en la misma partida porque se me hacia bastante aburridoNo es que sea mal juego porque tiene cosas que están bien pero de elegir entre los 2 FFs de esta generación, me quedaría con el XIII ya que la historia y acontecimientos me gustaron mas.
Dene escribió:THumpER escribió:Pues para mi el XIII-2 es bastante inferior al XIII. Osea es cierto que han arreglado algunas cosas pero por contra empeoraron otras y al final la historia y el juego en si con los viajes temporales se me hizo muy cansino.... creo que ha sido el primer FF en dejarlo a medias 2 veces en la misma partida porque se me hacia bastante aburridoNo es que sea mal juego porque tiene cosas que están bien pero de elegir entre los 2 FFs de esta generación, me quedaría con el XIII ya que la historia y acontecimientos me gustaron mas.
Coincido de pleno en lo que dices.
Por lo menos los acontecimientos finales y el final en si están muy bien. Para mi lo mejor del juego, y auque no me gustara mucho, el llegar al final tuvo su recompensa.
kulunguelejfn escribió:Dónde jugaríais los XIII y XIII-2, PS3 o X360?
Dene escribió:Yo me he pasado el XIII en ambas, y la versión de PS3 es claramente superior gráficamente, el XIII-2 sólo me lo he pasado en PS3, ese no he tenido ganas de repetirlo.
kulunguelejfn escribió:Dónde jugaríais los XIII y XIII-2, PS3 o X360?