Halo 3 final previewed: 5/5, one small negative - graphics good not great
Reputable UK magazine Games Master has published a preview on a final build of Halo 3 and has awarded it a score of 5/5. Despite it oozing perfection, they can find one 'negative' if you will and that is that the graphics look good not amazing. However, they metaphorically draw this to not kissing Scarlett Johansson just because she has spinach in her teeth. It might be a slight imperfection but you will get over it just as you will with the lack of amazing Halo 3 graphics.
The only, only we can think of is that, while it looks great it doesn't look amazing. Which is a stupid thing to criticise really.You wouldn't refuse Scarlett Johansson a snog because she had a bit of spinach stuck in her teeth would you? Of course not, so we'll just get over it.
GM Verdict:
GM Loves:
+The Perfect combat
+The Scope of it
+The Awesome
GM Hates:
-That everybody online will completely murderise us
News Source:
![Lee! [rtfm]](/images/smilies/rtfm.gif)
En general dice:
Es perfecto, y lo unico que se le puede achacar son los graficos. (sobre esto dice que es el unico, y UNICO punto "negativo", vamos por buscarle un defecto. Hace la comparacion con Scarlett Johanson, dice,¿ le bajarias puntos a esta chica por tener una pekeña espinaca entre los dientes?.
Mi opinion:
Vamos, que roza la perfeccion, y si el unico defecto son los graficos, despues de ver los videos, puedo decir que va a ser DIOS. Ademas dice los graficos, por buscarle un defecto al juego.