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kikon69 escribió:en resumen...........a los k lo tenis......¿el juego para jugar solo offline a 1 jugador es mejor o peor k el 1?
porke si es igual como k lo pillo corriendo compadres......
Terraxptan escribió:una pequeña Duda , en el modo campaña con 2 jugadores offline hay alguna manera de que la pantalla se vea almenos como la del left 4 dead?, es que se ve muy chiquitica y la mitad negra con una especie de mapa y asi es muy dificil jugar con alguien.
hay alguna opcion que la quite o directamente no se puede?
agradeceria alguna respuesta. gracias y saludos.
Por cierto, me pasé el juego y no me aparece como completado (en modo normal). Ahora me lo quiero pasar en difícil para ir al modo experto. ¿Qué me falta? ¿Puede ser eso del prólogo 0-B? ¿Cómo se pasa?
Frenrihr escribió:Hombre, pero yo lo decía porque en otras partes, si te matan da igual la barra de batalla; te ponen "misión fallida" directamente. Bueno, al menos me pasó luchando contra el Akrid G del desierto, cuando usas el cañón del tren. Si no le das el último disparo a tiempo, vuelves a empezar el capítulo desde el principio.
Por cierto, me pasé el juego y no me aparece como completado (en modo normal). Ahora me lo quiero pasar en difícil para ir al modo experto. ¿Qué me falta? ¿Puede ser eso del prólogo 0-B? ¿Cómo se pasa?
puszar20 escribió:Seguramente me vais a matar porque estara mas que preguntado, pero, tiene modo cooperativo offline?
Estoy por ir a pillarmelo hoy mismo y me gustaria saber si podriamos hecharnos vicios mi novia y yo en modo campaña... ^^
TeNo escribió:Una duda, como se saca el trofeo de.. "Completa el capítulo 0-B del episodio 1" por que vamos yo creo que hice todo el capitulo 1, y nunca me salto el trofeo, tambien fue por el camino secreto y eso
TeNo escribió:Ah, pues no se, sera eso, sabia que 2 tipos desaparecian y supongo que van juntos el 3 y el 4, por que el 1 y 2 van por otros sitio, ya probare y eso
Frenrihr escribió:No, no eres solo tú. Yo ni me molesto en jugar en competitivo, sólo juego online en coop. Ahí no hay tanto lag (o por lo menos no se nota...).
Lo suyo sería un filtro de búsqueda por países, quizás así iría mejor al jugar solo con españoles.
evilryu20 escribió:Lo de postear todos nuestras iD en la página principal sería un puntazo, para cuando queramos desbloquear good jobs, y algun que otro trofeo que requiere de un 2º jugador.
Dauragon85 escribió:¿Qué significa la barra que aparece debajo de la salud, la que pone equipo? ¿Son los puntos o tiene que ver con las continuaciones? La verdad lo estoy jugando offline y no sé si se tienen continuaciones infinitas o se pueden acabar. El juego está bastante bien, pero claramente está enfocado al online (muy diferente a la primera parte).
popelin13 escribió:Para mi gusto el Lost Planet 1 le da mil vueltas al 2º.
El modo offline está bien, pero eso de ver el nombre de los compañeros encima de sus cabezas y que al terminar una "fase" salga un mensaje del estilo: "Próxima fase en 10.. 9.. 8... segundos" me parece un poco cutre.
La ambientación no está mal, pero sigo pensando que el primero es mejor. De todos modos tendré que ponerme más a fondo con el segundo a ver si cambio de idea.
TeNo escribió:Una duda, como se pone una personalizacion en modo Campaña online? por que ya tengo visto a mas de 1 con diferentes xD y queria tambien hacerlo yo u_u
Edit: Vale es llegando a nivel 40 con algun pj
Frenrihr escribió:No sé, es muy raro. Mis rangos de "normal" son bastante mediocres, pero los de "difícil" y "experto" son casi todos "S", y hago prácticamente lo mismo. No sé muy bien cómo va xD
Por cierto, ya he visto a mucha gente conseguir exactamente 20.000 puntos en algunas partidas incluso jugando peor que yo, y me da bastante rabia. Se forran de experiencia luego. ¿Sabéis algo de eso?
KuroShad escribió:TeNo escribió:Una duda, como se pone una personalizacion en modo Campaña online? por que ya tengo visto a mas de 1 con diferentes xD y queria tambien hacerlo yo u_u
Edit: Vale es llegando a nivel 40 con algun pj
No, no, es pasándote el juego por primera vez
neoryu escribió:popelin13 escribió:Para mi gusto el Lost Planet 1 le da mil vueltas al 2º.
El modo offline está bien, pero eso de ver el nombre de los compañeros encima de sus cabezas y que al terminar una "fase" salga un mensaje del estilo: "Próxima fase en 10.. 9.. 8... segundos" me parece un poco cutre.
La ambientación no está mal, pero sigo pensando que el primero es mejor. De todos modos tendré que ponerme más a fondo con el segundo a ver si cambio de idea.
No creo que cambies de idea... el 1 le da mil patadas...
Episode GJ Awards
Episode 1 : Chapter 1
Part 1
•All Data Posts Online - Activate Data Post 1, 2 and 3.
•Akrid Decimated - When you encounter the Chryatis you need to shoot off each of his arms then kill him for the gold.
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Part 2
•Enemy Lines Crossed: No Casualties - Make your way through the Village and do not loss any AI or Human players.
•Survived the Akrid Gauntlet - Take the right hand path and make your way through the Akrid Nest.
Part 3
•Perfect Victory - Do not let the Enemy Take back control of any of the 4 posts.
Episode 1 : Chapter 2
Part 1
•All Data Posts Activated - Activate Data Post 1, 2, 3 and 4.
•All Akrid Defeated - Defeat all the Vodogg in this Area.
•Hidden Route Found - To find the Hidden Route use the Video in this Post
Part 2
•All Akrid Defeated - At the end of this Section kill the 2 Vodogg, the Chryatis and the Reibee.
•Mission Accomplished: No Casualties - Cross the Bridges without Dying (involves all players including AI)
Part 3
•Category G Akrid Decimated - When you encounter the Queen Gorechryatis you need to shoot off each of her arms at least once then kill him for the gold.
•Team Member Rescued - Timed Event, When the Queen Gorechryatis uses her Ice Breath and freezes one of your Team Mates Break them free by shooting, grenading or meleeing them.
•Akrid Massacre - Destroy a certain amount of Akrid.
Episode 1 : Chapter 3
Part 1
•Broke Through: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•All Turrets Silenced - Destroy the two Turrets you encounter in this Area.
•VS Completely Destroyed - At the of this Area Destroy the VS.
Part 2
•Perfect Victory: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•VS Strategically Used in Battle - Use a VS to get a Total of 7 or more kills.
•Multi-seat VS Procured - Just after you cross the bridge, head down a slop on your right and you will find the Drion.
Part 3
•Total Victory - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•Super Leg Destroyed - Destroy 4 of the Gordiant's legs.
•Core Fighter - Deal enough damage to the Orange core on the Gordiant's Back.
•Infiltrated: All Players - When instructed to Infiltrate the Cat-G all 4 Players must enter via his mouth (involves all players including AI).
•All Data Posts Activated - Activate Data Post 1, 2 and 3.
•We Did It! - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold
Episode 2 : Chapter 1
Part 1
•Avoided the Searchlights - Progress through this area avoiding the moving Searchlights.
•Infiltrated: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Part 2
•All Data Posts Activated - Activate Data Post 1, 2 and 3.
•S Rank - Complete this section of the mission without setting off one of the Security System's Alarms.
•VS Completely Destroyed - Set off 5 of Security System's Alarms and you'll encounter a VS at the End of the area.
Part 3
•All Akrid Defeated - Kill the 2 Defolma you encounter in the Underground sew sections.
•All Bleed VSs Destroyed - Destroy the 3 Bleed VS's you encounter in this area.
Part 4
•Not A Scratch - Complete this section of the mission without dying once by the train (involves all players including AI)
•Total Victory - Do not let the Enemy Take back control of the control post.
•Cyclops Annihilation - Destroy the 3 Cyclopes VS's you encounter in this area.
Episode 2 : Chapter 2
Part 1
•The Press is an Ally - Just before the end of the area you will encounter the Press, Try to trick one of the enemies to get close to it then shoot them to stun them, They'll have a better chance of getting crushed.
•The Pulverizer is an Ally - Shoot an enemy into the Big spinning blades.
•All Turrets Silenced - Just after Data Post 1 you'll encounter some Turrets destroy the node at there side to kill them all.
Part 2
•Gold - Reach the end of the Area Under 7 Minutes
•Enemy Forces Annihilated -Take your time advancing through this area and kill all the enemy soldiers.
•Window-Breaking Maniac -Destroy 6 of the big Windows on the starting level before heading down the Stairs/Ladder
Part 3
•Total VS Scrapyard - Destroy a total or 9 or more VS's in this area.
•VS Weapons Strategically Used - Use VS Weapons to get a Total of 10 or more kills.
Episode 2 : Chapter 3
•Core Fighter - Destroy a his limbs a total of 4 times.
•Pile Bunker: 3 Times - When instructed to use the Pile Bunker, Find it and use it on Akrid X You must hit is 3 times, but the hits do not have to come from one player so Player 2 could hit it twice and player 3 could get the third.
•Total Victory - Defeat Akrid X without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•We Did It - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Episode 3 : Chapter 1
•Left the Cat-G in the Dust - Use the Barrels to repel Red Eye 7 times.
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Episode 3 : Chapter 2
•Akrid Exterminated - Kill both of the Debouse
•Avoid the Akrid - Timed Event, When told to keep it quiet do not move at all (involves all players including AI)
Episode 3 : Chapter 3
Part 1
•No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•All Turrets Destroyed - There are 2 Turrets on the Rail Gun's rear Carriages Destroy them both.
Part 2
•Front of Train: Under 5 Minutes - Activate Data Post 1, 2 and 3 Under 5 Minutes
Part 3
•Core Fighter - Destroy any 4 of the Red Spots on the Akrid's left or right side.
•Fired Powerful Combo Shot -
•Good As New - Use the Coolant System when Instructed too (Only will pop up if the train has under 30% health).
•Anti-air Master - Shoot down 3 of the large Spiked Balls the Red Eye fires at you.
•Bullseye - Use the Rail Gun's main cannon to make the final shot and kill Red Eye.
•We Did It - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Episode 4 : Chapter 1
Part 1
•All Data Posts Online - Activate Data Post 1 and 2.
•Gold - Reach the end of the Area Under 7 Minutes.
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Part 2
•All Data Posts Online - Activate Data Post 1 and 2.
•All Akrid Defeated - Kill the 3 Defolma you encounter in the lower part of the level.
•Akrid Massacre - Destroy a certain amount of Akrid.
Part 3
•All VSs Destroyed - Destroy all VS's in this Area.
Episode 4 : Chapter 2
Part 1
•Enemy Lines Crossed: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•All VSs Destroyed - Destroy all VS's in this Area.
Part 2
•Lighting Quick - Reach the end of the Area Under 7 Minutes.
•All VSs Destroyed - Destroy all VS's in this Area.
•Sub Taken: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
Episode 4 : Chapter 3
Part 1
•Enemy Lines Crossed: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•All Bleed VSs Destroyed - Kill the 3 Bleed VS's you encounter as you progress towards the Base
•All Ospreys Destroyed - Destroy all the Osprey you encounter later on in this Area.
Part 2
•All Data Posts Online - Activate Data Post 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
•Akrid Defeated - Kill the Tencale 8 at the beginning of this area.
•All Sentries Defeated - Kill all of the Dongo Gear you encounter through this area.
Episode 4 : Chapter 4
Part 1
•All VSs Destroyed - Destroy the 2 Granseed and 2 Triseed you encounter at the end of this Area.
•Akrid Exterminated - Kill the 2 Dabula you Encounter in this Area.
Part 2
•Reached the Other Side - Use the Fastrey or Osprey to reach the Bridge Controls.
•All VSs Destroyed - Destroy the 2 Bleed and the Drio Encounter in this Area.
•All Ospreys Destroyed - Destroy all the Osprey you encounter later on in this Area.
Episode 4 : Chapter 5
Part 1
•All Data Posts Online - Activate Data Post 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
•All Akird Defeated - Kill the Vodoggs that come out of the Containment Tubes in the 2nd Level Down.
•All Sentries Defeated - Kill the 3 Dongo Gear you encounter on the Lowest Level
Part 2
•Torpedoes Destroyed - Destroy 20 Torpedo's fired by the Vital Fortress, (Doe's not count Interdiction Torpedo's or Sea Mines)
•All Armor Destroyed - Destroy The Left Wing twice, The Right Wing twice, The Rear Fin twice and The Sensor Eye's.
•Interdiction Torpedo: Team Member Rescued - Timed Event, The Interdiction Torpedo's fire when the the Vital Fortress is below 70% of its max health. So try to hang around your AI/Human Partners and wait for the Interdiction Torpedo's, if you get caught there is a Slim chance the AI will shoot you free. But with Human players Will shoot you free quicker. If your Partners get caught shoot them free.
•Reinforcements Routed - Kill 8 of the Enemy Soldiers that appear during the Fight with the Vital Fortress
•Completist - Collect 20 ? Boxes dropped by the Vital Fortress.
Episode 5 : Chapter 1
Part 1
•Super Fast - Unlock the Rear Door of the Overland Battle Ship in 7 Minutes or Under.
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Part 2
•In and Out - Complete the area in 7 Minutes and Under.
•Kept Control - Do not let the Enemy take back control of the 2 Post
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Episode 5 : Chapter 2
Part 1
•First - Complete the area in 7 Minutes and Under.
•Smackdown! - Destroy all the Osprey you encounter in this Area.
•Emote: All Players - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Part 1
•4 Legs - Excellent! - Destroy the 4 Weakpoints on the Baiztencale's Legs.
•Cleared the Skies - Shot down 10 of the Bolsepia Bombs that the Baiztencale release's at you.
•Fully Charge Shot - Fire a Shot that has been fully charged by a Human Team Mate.(Must be the first shot that is fired!)
•Weak Spot Found - Climb up the Baiztencale's Front left leg to his back to find his weak spot.
•Got a Bunch - Collect 10 ? Boxes.
Episode 5 : Chapter 3
•Way to Get the Job Done! - Completely Destroy the 4 Wings and the Cannon on the Enemy Overland Battle Ship in 7 Minutes and Under.
•We Did It! - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold
Episode 6 : Chapter 1
Part 1
•Targets Emliminated - Defeat the 3 enemies in Battle Armour
•All Aboard -
•We Did It! - You Need 4 Players (AI or Human) and you all need to use a Emote at the end of the Chapter for the gold.
Part 2
•Zero-G: Total VS Scrapyard - Destroy a certain amount of VS's.
Episode 6 : Chapter 2
Part 1
•Defenses Crossed: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•All VSs Destroyed - Destroy the 2 Triseeds you encounter in this area around Data Post 4.
•T-ENG Charger Found - The T-ENG Charger is found near Data Post 1.
Part 2
•No VSs Lost - Do not let a Single one of your VS's get Destroyed (Includes the AI)
•Super Quick -
Episode 6 : Chapter 3
Part 1
•All Data Posts Online - Activate Data Posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
•Outstanding Fighting - Destroy a certain amount of Akrid.
Part 2
•Held the Fort: No Casualties - Complete this section of the mission without dying once (involves all players including AI)
•Double G Victory - Kill both the Undeep you encounter near the end of this Area.
Episode 6 : Chapter 4
Part 1
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Akrid Production Levels Near Zero
•Critical Condition
•Mission Accomplished: No Casualties
•Anchor Master
•Blink of an Eye
Co-op GJ Awards
Co-op 1:
•Data Post Activated: 7 Data Post Streak - In any Game Mode Activate 7 Data Post's in a row without Dying, Must be done in one area.
•T-ENG Boost: 1000 Supplied - Use your Thermal Supplier to Give a Team Mate 1000 T-ENG when his/hers is below 600.
•Shield Support: 1000 Guard Points - Use a Shield at take a large amount of Damage, Must be done in one area.
•Injection Gun Support: 5 Players - Use the Injection Gun on 5 Players (AI, Humans or Enemies), Must be done in one area.
•Regen Grenade Support: 5 Players - Use a Regen Grenade to heal 5 different Team Mates.
•V Device Support: 5 Players - Use a V Device with 5 different Team Mates in the V Device's field range.
•Data Post Activation Stopped: 5 Kill Streak - Kill 5 Enemies with 1 shot as they are taking your Data Post without dying, Must be done in one area.
•Support Weapon Transform Attack: 10 Kill Streak -
•Team Osprey Battle: 5 Kill Streak - Get 5 Kills in the Support Gunner seat of the Osprey without dying, Must be done in one area.
•Team Drion Battle: 5 Kill Streak - Get 5 Kills in ether of the Support Gunner seats of the Drion without dying, Must be done in one area.
•Team VS Battle: 5 Kill Streak - Get 5 Kills while hanging on to the side of any VS without dying, Must be done in one area.
•Team Merged VS Battle: 5 Kill Streak - Get 5 Kills with a Merged VS without dying, Must be done in one area.
Co-op 2:
•Team Emote: 8 Players - in a Team Elimination Get all 8 Players from one team to Taunt at the same time, can only be done once per match and every player in the match gets the award regardless of team they are on.
•Anachor Attack: 5 Attacks - Hit an Enemy Soldier with your anchor until he falls over, Do this 5 times without dying in one area.
•Warp Field Opened - In any Game Mode Use the Warp Grenade.
•Leader Heads: 5 Kill Streak - Kill 5 Players who are wearing Faction Leader Heads in Online Battle without dying.
•Kill Streak Ended - In any Online Battle Mode Kill an Enemy that has a Good Job Streak.
•Points Earned: 10 Points - In a Team Elimination Points Match score 10 points.
•5-Point Opponents: 5 Kill Streak - Kill 5 Players who have 5 points or more in a Team Elimination Points Match without dying.
•Akrid Egg Goal: 3 Goal Streak - In Akrid Egg Battle (Online Battle) Steal the Oppents Egg and score with it 3 times without dying.
•Akrid Egg Intercepted: 5 Interception Streak - In Akrid Egg Battle (Online Battle) Kill the Egg Carrier 5 times without dying.
•5 Fugitive Kill Streak - In Fugitive (Online Battle) Kill 5 Fugitives without dying as a Hunter.
•5 Hunter Kill Streak - In Fugitive (Online Battle) Kill 5 Hunters without dying as a Fugitive.
•VS Leader Killed - In VS Annihilator (Online Battle) Kill the Enemies Lead VS.
Battle GJ Awards
•Standard Weapon: 20 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 20 Enemies with Standard Weapons without dying in one area.
•Standard Weapon: 30 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 30 Akrid with Standard Weapons without dying in one area.
•Standard Weapon: 10 M-Size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 10 Akrid with Standard Weapons without dying in one area.
•Standard Weapon: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Standard Weapons without dying in one area.
•Short Range Weapon: 20 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 20 Enemies with Short Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Short Range Weapon: 30 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 30 Akrid with Short Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Short Range Weapon: 10 M-Size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 10 Akrid with Short Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Short Range Weapon: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Short Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Long Range Weapon: 20 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 20 Enemies with Long Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Long Range Weapon: 20 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 20 Akrid with Long Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Long Range Weapon: 10 M-Size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 10 Akrid with Long Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Long Range Weapon: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Long Range Weapons without dying in one area.
•Heavy Weapons: 20 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 20 Enemies with Heavy Weapons without dying in one area.
•Heavy Weapons: 20 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 20 Akrid with Heavy Weapons without dying in one area.
•Heavy Weapons: 10 M-Size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 10 Akrid with Heavy Weapons without dying in one area.
•Heavy Weapons: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Heavy Weapons without dying in one area.
•Normal Grenade: 15 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 15 Enemies with Normal Grenades without dying in one area.
•Normal Grenade: 20 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 20 Akrid with Normal Grenades without dying in one area.
•Normal Grenade: 7 M-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 7 Akrid with Normal Grenades without dying in one area.
•Normal Grenade: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Normal Grenades without dying in one area.
•Gum Grenade: 15 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 15 Enemies with Gum Grenades without dying in one area.
•Gum Grenade: 20 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 20 Akrid with Gum Grenades without dying in one area.
•Gum Grenade: 7 M-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 7 Akrid with Gum Grenades without dying in one area.
•Gum Grenade: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Gum Grenades without dying in one area.
•Disc Grenade: 15 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 15 Enemies with Disc Grenades without dying in one area.
•Disc Grenade: 20 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 20 Akrid with Disc Grenades without dying in one area.
•Disc Grenade: 7 M-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 7 Akrid with Disc Grenades without dying in one area.
•Disc Grenade: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Disc Grenades without dying in one area.
•Release Grenade: 15 Soldier Kill Streak - Kill 15 Enemies with Release Grenades without dying in one area.
•Release Grenade: 20 S-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 20 Akrid with Release Grenades without dying in one area.
•Release Grenade: 7 M-size Akrid Kill Streak - Kill 7 Akrid with Release Grenades without dying in one area.
•Release Grenade: 7 VS Kill Streak - Kill 7 VS's with Release Grenades without dying in one area.
•50 Kill Streak - Obtain a Kill Streak of 50 with ut dying in one area of Campaign or Online Battle.
•Headshot! 12 Kill Streak - Kill 12 Enemies with Head shots without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•Jump Shot! 12 Kill Streak - Kill 12 Enemies while jumping without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•Swim for It! 12 Kill Streak - Kill 12 Enemies while Swimming without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•Rocketman! 12 Kill Streak - Kill 12 Enemies while using the Jet Pack without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•Eliminated Immobilized Targets : 5Kill Streak - Kill 5 Enemies while they are Frozen play Plasma Shock without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•Injection Gun - Attack: 5 Kill Streak - Kill 5 Enemies while you are under the effect of Injection Gun I's Attack Increase function without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•Injection Gun - Defense: 5 Kill Streak - Kill 5 Enemies while you are under the effect of Injection Gun I's Defense Increase function without dying in one area or in Online Battle.
•VS Weapon: 30 Kill Streak - Obtain a Kill Streak of 30 using VS Weapons without dying in one area of Campaign or Online Battle.
•Piloting VS 15 Kill Streak - Obtain a Kill Streak of 15 while Piloting a VS without dying in one area of Campaign or Online Battle.
•Akrid Rider: 7 Kill Streak - Obtain a Kill Streak of 7 while Piloting Dongo Gear, Battle Neegal or Tencale 8 without dying in Online Battle
dctcmb escribió:Muy buenas,yo tengo un problema con le trofeo este de fusionar los 2 VS,estoy con el tanque y con el otro vs,el segundo es el menos importante creo, el tema es que e mirado vídeos y por mucho que lo intento no consigo colocar el tanque en posición de fusionarse,en el manual pone que es con las palancas L3 y R3 pero por mas que lo intento no hay manera...alguien lo a conseguido ya?
Porque seguro que es algo absurdo y le estoy dando vueltas sin parar