Bueno por fín nuevos datos.
La desarrolladora ha confirmado que el juego saldrá para Octubre de este año, en formato físico y digital, el motivo, la mejora gráfica que ofrecerá, han puesto nuevas SCANS.
De momento las cosas pintan mucho mejor de lo que pensaba, saldrá en formato físico y va a tener una mejora gráfica, desde luego este juego es de los que más espero del año, simplemente por el tema que toca, para amantes de juegos tipo Silent hill o Alan wake, estamos de suerte.
Brighton, March 30 th, 2012 – Today, publisher Lace Mamba Global and developer Shiver Games confirm the final release date for the upcoming 3D horror adventure game Lucius: The game is now scheduled to be published in October 2012. “
Over the past few months we have internally reviewed our game and decided that we should spend more time reworking and improving areas that influenced the storytelling and overall presentation of the game. Unfortunately, even small changes in these areas take time to implement. Therefore we also decided to spend this time improving all the cut scenes in the game, which has resulted in a huge increase in the level of graphical detail. We’ll now be reaching beta status soon, and are looking forward to releasing Lucius in October 2012”, explains Johannes Aikio, founder of and lead designer at Shiver Games.
A new set of screenshots, showing the latest cut scene improvements, has been published today.
His childish innocence wasn't meant to last long, oh no: When little Lucius was born on the meaningful date of June 6th, 1966, nobody expected him to be anything other than a normal little boy. His childhood, spent in a luxurious manor, was as normal as every kid's young years - well, except for the extreme wealth of his parents, as Lucius grew up with everything he desired, including several maids, the family's own butcher and Lucius' private teacher.
Everything changed, though, when Lucius turned 6: His real father, the Devil, appeared in his dreams the night before his birthday, revealing that Lucius was his son.
The Beast managed through Lucius to bring a descendant back to the earth - and so it is Lucius' task now to accomplish the missions of Evil, which is gaining control over the world. Firstly, Lucius needs to get rid of all his family members and the service staff in the manor to be able to make their wealth and powers his.
Equipped with supernatural powers, Lucius starts off to a blood-flooding tour of horror through his house, using hell's powers of telekinesis and mind control to orchestrate deadly accidents that will minimize the population of the manor one by one by one...
Lucius, the new 3D horror adventure game by Lace Mamba Global, developed by Shiver Games in Helsinki, will emerge directly from hell to retail stores world-wide in October 2012.