ch4mi escribió:T0rrES escribió:que yo sepa el Kirin por ejemplo salio en el MH1 solo en una mision de descarga, podria pasar algo asi con nuevos monstruos o tal vez con alguno antiguo)
Nop, en el MH1 (el de psp) salian dos misiones de kirin diferentes, pero eran de estas que solo aparecen de vez en cuando

Claro, en el MHF1, pero no asi en el MHP1. En el Portable (Japones) si no recuerdo mal habia una mision de descarga, creo que era la de dos kirin en volcan(weno, en el volcan donde sale fatalis rojo). Aun asi no era exclusivo de esa mision, en el UMD tmb estaba.
Por cierto dejo esto, tal vez a alguien le interese: (Sacado del hilo de Liquidzigong donde se hablaba del patch de MH3rd) (Traduccion Google)
Current developments far beyond my imagination. My own personal safety is completely not be guaranteed. I've already started rumors around arrested. To this end, I will completely break out PSP community, let Prometheus system will disappear forever in the history of the corner of the bar. As for the monster hunter hack, you can go to seek foreigners, they should be able to break in a week or several weeks.
Major Chinese group, ask you to destroy all of your Prometheus -4 distributed firmware.
A9 administrator, delete all my posts and id.
Write here, can not help but sadly cried. Remember the days before the overnight break MGSPW think of you support my crack KHBBS post, think of countless times and games played against the company on a crack programmer day. Everyone for their encouragement will be memories of my life. However, all this really should be over.
Pirates of the gods Prometheus gave fire to mankind, the Lord of the gods Zeus, enraged. Zeus ordered Prometheus power of God and the Vulcan will nail a cliff in the Caucasus, exposed to wind, frost, rain and snow and sun baked under way to warn him not to indiscriminate human sympathy. Vulcan Hephaestus Prometheus very sympathetic, but he was unable to resist the command of Zeus, in the power of God's supervision and urging, will be firmly nailed Prometheus cliff.
Did not think I have a Promethean start, there are a Promethean end...
Fuente: ... 30&t=22571Fuente original: ... rid=330991EDITO: Vale, veo que se me adelanto Nordal