a ver , un par de noticias nuevas
Konami have apparently pulled the demo that was expected to be released to Xbox Live Marketplace and on PSN tomorrow. However, we understand that the big news of the day will be the Official reveal of the Champions League Licence.
Konami aparentemente postergo la demo que era esperada para la psn y xbolx live mañana. De todas maneras, entendemos que las grandes noticias del dia seran la revelacion oficial de que la licencia de la champions league estara en el juego.
It remains to be seen whether this will or will not be the case, as we found out last year, there was so much messing about over the demo that no-one seemed to know what others were doing. Don't dismiss seeing an Xbox 360 demo tomorrow as happened last year, when the demo aired a week or so early, and the statement from Konami UK mentions an announcement will be made in conjunction with Sony, that wouldn't be anything to do with the Xbox Demo.
Habra que si esto sera asi o no. No se sorprendan con ver el demo en xbox 360 mañana, tal como paso el año pasado, cuando el demo salio unas semanas antes. Si bien konami UK anuncio que daria la noticia del demo junto a sony, esto no significa nada con respecto al demo para xbox.
So cross your fingers and hope it's just a case of one office not knowing what another are doing!!
Mantengan sus dedos cruzados, y tengan esperanza.
Meanwhile, expect news of the Champions League Licence to be officially released, including screenshots and as we understand it, possible a new video!
Mientras tanto, se espera que la confirmacion official de la licencia de champions league sea revelada mañana, incluyendo fotos y un possible video.
Fuente: PESrepublic
Interesante seria ver un video de la champions..