solbadguy0308 escribió:Los 4 primeros fueron traducidos en NDS y puedo decir que fueron de los juegos más vendidos de la consola, cuando sacaron el 5º con Koch Media, dijo Capcom "¿sabes qué? Si son tan idiotas que compran 3 versiones de Street Fighter en la misma generación, seguro que comprarán el juego en inglés, porque total, vamos a pasar de Nintendo" y lo sacaron en inglés, a día de hoy, ni lo he jugado, ni pienso jugarlo, ya que Capcom ha tomado la decisión de no editarlo traducido ni de sacar su continuación, ni que contar del Layton vs Phoenix Wright.
Respecto a los que piensan que no van a traer JRPGs, llevan trayéndolos desde hace años, muchos nos vienen doblados en inglés, otros subtitulados en inglés y otros se nos prometen unas cosas y al final acaban siendo otras, es más díficil que traigan visual novels porque aquí no hay mercado que JRPGs. Star Ocean The Last Hope International que salió en PS3 es una opción más aceptable (porque trae el doblaje japonés) que la de 360 y ahora me diréis que en 360 no se puede por temas de espacio, no, es por pereza, y da igual que los discos sean de doble capa, blurays o cds mismamente, hay una verdad universal: todas las consolas con lector mueren tarde o temprano, TODAS, por el desgaste de las piezas móviles, lo realmente importante en la grabación es colocar los datos de forma que el lector no ande pegando saltos, que eso SÍ estresa el funcionamiento correcto de un lector y creo que los que hacen videojuegos les interesa colocar (por una tema de orden) todos los datos relativos a un nivel cercanos y ordenados para evitar esos problemas.
Nalgisa escribió:El disco PAL de The Last Story es de doble capa. Sobrepasa el tamaño de un DVD-5 por apenas cosa de unos 800 megas. La excusa de no usar un DVD-9 porque estropea las lentes de las consolas ya no vale. ¿Qué les costaba dejar el audio japonés? Está la mitad del disco vacío.
Por otro lado, totalmente de acuerdo con solbadguy0308. Tiene todo el derecho del mundo a quejarse y a no dar su dinero por un producto que considera que no lo merece por arrastrar una carencia que le destroza la experiencia de juego. Yo mismo puedo decir que si he pagado por él ha sido exclusivamente porque se le pueden quitar las voces desde el menú de opciones. De no ser por esto, en la tienda se hubiera quedado.
Time Master escribió:Nalgisa escribió:El disco PAL de The Last Story es de doble capa. Sobrepasa el tamaño de un DVD-5 por apenas cosa de unos 800 megas. La excusa de no usar un DVD-9 porque estropea las lentes de las consolas ya no vale. ¿Qué les costaba dejar el audio japonés? Está la mitad del disco vacío.
Por otro lado, totalmente de acuerdo con solbadguy0308. Tiene todo el derecho del mundo a quejarse y a no dar su dinero por un producto que considera que no lo merece por arrastrar una carencia que le destroza la experiencia de juego. Yo mismo puedo decir que si he pagado por él ha sido exclusivamente porque se le pueden quitar las voces desde el menú de opciones. De no ser por esto, en la tienda se hubiera quedado.
Bueno, quizás gracias a la scene se descubra la forma de extraer el audio jap e insertarlo en el juego pal. Tiempo al tiempo.
Valvemi escribió:Cada uno es lbre e pensar lo que quiera. A mi que venga solo en japo me da grima, me gusta en ingles porque asi me esfuerzo en entender el doblaje y de paso aprendo. El japo con esas voces chillonas y cansinas.... uffff quita quita. Lo suyo seria que vinieran todos los idiomas para poder elegir.....
Albertohh escribió:vyrushardlife escribió:timehero escribió:
solo una cosa luego no te quejes si los Jrpgs llegan en ingles o ni llegan si por razones no vitales no los compras, que macho, el mercado de los Jrpgs en europa no esta como para esta quisquilloso especialmente cuando nintendo esta haciendo mas que muchas.
Y por dios con lo que cuidan los de atlus a sus fans que digas eso tiene delito.
Totalmente deacuerdo con timehero, no obstante, solbadguy también tiene su parte de razón, el doblaje en inglés apesta.
Yo no entiendo como la gente protesta tanto por que falta el audio en japones, si ni siquiera entendeis japones. Ademas, yo por lo menos, en un juego no estoy todo el dia fijandome en si los labios van sincronizados. Por dios, que tiquismiquis es la gente, encima que los jrpgs no nos llegan boicoteadlos encima, a ver si llegan menos.
PD: Yo el Xenoblade lo jugue con voces en inglés y no me pareció mal doblaje en absoluto.
Time Master escribió:Ahí está, como con el Lost Odyssey, que venía inglés, japonés, italiano y creo que francés. Ah, y alemán (aquí fuimos los únicos pringados sin doblaje)
Fumadikto escribió:Y aparte del rollo del idioma (que a mi ni me va ni me viene....) para todos los que estais jugando que tal el juego en general? Esta a la altura de los mejores de wii? Un saludo.
vittton escribió:Creo que las quejas de solbadguy0308, en este caso concreto, están más que justificadas, y lo están porque The Last Story es uno de los últimos grandes juegos para Wii, su creador es el responsable de la saga Final Fantasy -palabras mayores- y en Occidente se esperó casi dos años su llegada; muchas razones de peso para que Nintendo mimara más este lanzamiento, edición coleccionista muy buena al margen.
Dicho esto, por la tarde pasaré por un MM a comprar el juego.Lo que no sé es de dónde sacaré tiempo para tanto juegazo porque soy de los que se pone a pasear como tonto en Xenoblade y en Skyward Sword más de lo mismo.
A los que ya lo tienen: ¿los servidores online europeos ya están funcionando?
DRaGMaRe escribió:Time Master escribió:Nalgisa escribió:El disco PAL de The Last Story es de doble capa. Sobrepasa el tamaño de un DVD-5 por apenas cosa de unos 800 megas. La excusa de no usar un DVD-9 porque estropea las lentes de las consolas ya no vale. ¿Qué les costaba dejar el audio japonés? Está la mitad del disco vacío.
Por otro lado, totalmente de acuerdo con solbadguy0308. Tiene todo el derecho del mundo a quejarse y a no dar su dinero por un producto que considera que no lo merece por arrastrar una carencia que le destroza la experiencia de juego. Yo mismo puedo decir que si he pagado por él ha sido exclusivamente porque se le pueden quitar las voces desde el menú de opciones. De no ser por esto, en la tienda se hubiera quedado.
Bueno, quizás gracias a la scene se descubra la forma de extraer el audio jap e insertarlo en el juego pal. Tiempo al tiempo.
Eso ya se ha hecho... es muy sencillo, solo hay que hacer copy paste de los archivos de audio.
AsUkA LAnglEy escribió:Chicos, soy la única a la que le ha devuelvo 14€ de el The Last Story a pesar de estar enviado ya desde el viernes pasado?
Sergirt82 escribió:AsUkA LAnglEy escribió:Chicos, soy la única a la que le ha devuelvo 14€ de el The Last Story a pesar de estar enviado ya desde el viernes pasado?
Que no te hayan enviado la edición normal en lugar de la coleccionista y te estén devolviendo la diferencia![]()
Dear Customer
Thanks for placing your order with Order number:197xxxxx.
We are pleased to let you know that we have refunded you the amount of
£12.86 following our price promise on The Last Story: Limited
Should you have any further questions please contact us through your
online account message centre and we will be happy to help you.
Many Thanks,
Camecube escribió:Joder la gente que juega en online debe de tener un problema gordo con los numeros no son capaces de matar al kraken o a nebirous o como se llame con unos niveles bajos y se van a por los de nivel 90/99 como una puta cabra en fin...
Armenos escribió:Camecube escribió:Joder la gente que juega en online debe de tener un problema gordo con los numeros no son capaces de matar al kraken o a nebirous o como se llame con unos niveles bajos y se van a por los de nivel 90/99 como una puta cabra en fin...
A mi me ha pasado exactamente lo mismo. Todos nivel bajo contra uno de nivel 99... Por lo menos le quitamos la mitad de la energía hasta que murió uno del grupo. Saludos.
P.d. ¿No deberíamos intentar hacer un grupo para matar los jefes en el juego compartiendo nuestros códigos de amigo?
drneo escribió:una pregunta..., una mision que da un niño en la ciudad, de buscar unas monedas, las han encontrado?¿ porque yo solo veo 2 xDD, me da que voy a seguir con el juego porque sino me pego toda la vida aqui xDD
Estan todas cerca de los lugares emblematicos de la ciudad, plazas y coliseo basicamente
Es más que copiar y pegar, es quitarle la censura a la versión europea, que la hay, aunque no se note mucho.
Efren escribió:Me he comprado la edición limitada y voy a jugarlo en emulador de PC (1080p, filtros...), ¿alguien puede confirmar que podré ajustar los controles del juego al mando de Xbox 360 sin problemas? Así como hice con Xenoblade al poder usar la configuración del mando clásico de Wii. Gracias.
atticusfinch escribió:Otro que le han reingresado 10 dolares de . ¿De que promesa habla el correo? No entiendo nada
Shilien escribió:drneo escribió:una pregunta..., una mision que da un niño en la ciudad, de buscar unas monedas, las han encontrado?¿ porque yo solo veo 2 xDD, me da que voy a seguir con el juego porque sino me pego toda la vida aqui xDD
Si.Estan todas cerca de los lugares emblematicos de la ciudad, plazas y coliseo basicamente
Clive escribió:tengo una duda
llevo poco jugado ya que acabo de llegar a la ciudad y he estado explorando un poco, estaba buscando una tienda de armaduras y al encontrarla vi que las armaduras que hay valían todas igual y solo pone que son buenas para magia, ataque físico y demas
las armaduras son siempre mas o menos las mismas y se basa en mejorarlas? o te van saliendo armaduras mas potentes con mejores atributos?
pollazoro escribió:Clive escribió:tengo una duda
llevo poco jugado ya que acabo de llegar a la ciudad y he estado explorando un poco, estaba buscando una tienda de armaduras y al encontrarla vi que las armaduras que hay valían todas igual y solo pone que son buenas para magia, ataque físico y demas
las armaduras son siempre mas o menos las mismas y se basa en mejorarlas? o te van saliendo armaduras mas potentes con mejores atributos?
Bueno pues otro más que ya lo tiene, en 3 horas que llevo el juego me está enganchando, tiene muchas cinemáticas. Lo que no acabo de ver es el sistema de combate pero habrá que darle tiempo.
Y me uno a la duda de las armaduras, me he encontrado más de una pero todas me salen con los mismos porcentajes, no lo entiendo.
Y por cierto, ya se podían haber currado un poco las tiendas
Shilien escribió:drneo escribió:una pregunta..., una mision que da un niño en la ciudad, de buscar unas monedas, las han encontrado?¿ porque yo solo veo 2 xDD, me da que voy a seguir con el juego porque sino me pego toda la vida aqui xDD
Si.Estan todas cerca de los lugares emblematicos de la ciudad, plazas y coliseo basicamente
Now then on to the list of Sub-Quests:
1000th Customer [Chapter 4]
Speak with the Fortune Teller who is located in front of the Central Plaza
(Ariel's Tavern side). She will tell Elza that it is his lucky day and that he
can get a free equipment upgrade at Lotta's Shop. Head over to the shop and
Lotta will exclaim that Elza is indeed the 1000th customer! You are free to
upgrade one piece of equipment free of charge, however if it has a material
component, you are still required to provide it.
Toy Coins [Chapter 4]
Speak with a boy at the South Gate Plaza. He will call out to Elza and
'challenge' him. This particular challenge involves finding Six shiny toy
coins. Agree to the boy's challenge, and he will run off to hide the coins
around the city. You will find the coins at the following locations: Central
Plaza, Fountain Plaza, South Gate Plaza, the Marche, West of the Arena, and on
the way to the Castle Gate Plaza. Return to him after finding all six coins
and he'll hand over his 'treasure', the Hoe weapon. Note that the Hoe is an
awful weapon until you are able to upgrade it in a New Game Plus.
Charisma Chef [Chapter 4]
If you head to the Marche, there is a man in red that wanders around the area.
There are two men dressed like this, however only one of them will speak with
you. He is the Charisma Chef [ƒJƒŠƒXƒ}—¿—l] of the Marche and he requires
ingredients for meals that he needs to prepare. He will reward you for your
trouble however. You can repeat this however many times you'd like.
The other recipes that he can make will appear as you progress through the
Starting Request
Birthday Cake: Coconut, Wheat, Egg.
Gnome's Copper Ore x 2
Chapter 22
Merchant's Banquet: Ripe Pumpkin x10, Wheat x6, Coconut x2.
Gurg Sand x4
Noble's Dinner Party: Wine x10, Wheat x3, Gigantic Shark's Fin x2
Gnome's Gold Ore x4
Aspiring Patissiere [Chapter 4]
In Craftsman's alley, there is a girl in blue [ƒpƒeƒBƒVƒG‚Ì‚½‚Ü‚²] that stands
along the left side near a large bell-like structure. Speak with her and she
says that she wants certain ingredients for recipes. She will reward you in
return for the ingredients you bring her. You can repeat this however many
times you'd like. The other recipes that she can make will appear as you
progress through the game.
Starting Request
Coconut Milk: Coconut, Sugar, Banana.
Gnome's Copper Ore x2
Chapter 22
Florentine: Wheat x8, Almond x8.
Gnome's Silver Ore x4
Pumpkin Cake: Ripe Pumpkin x5, Wheat x10, Sugar x2
Gnome's Gold Ore x3
The Trader [Chapter 4]
A somewhat frazzled young man [–fˆÕ¤l] standing in Castle Gate Plaza is
missing the materials needed to make special goods. Help in out and he will
reward you in kind. You can repeat this however many times you'd like.
The other items that he can make will appear as you progress through the game.
Starting Request
Pocket Watch: Copper, Iron.
Light of the Foreigner x1
The last two requests show up around Chapter 27
Silk Dress: Silk x10, Fur x10
Ogre Nail x1
Mofu-Mofu Bag: Fur x10, Diamond x3
(To be honest, I have NO idea what that even MEANS)
Lizard's Canine x1
The Orchid Robber's Group [Chapter 4]
As you approach the alleyway West of the South Gate Plaza that leads back
towards Ariel's Tavern, there will be a young girl sitting on a bench there.
Speak with her, and suddenly Elza's wallet will be stolen (the paltry sum of
100 G). There are three of them, and you have to find them in Seek mode to get
your wallet back, as well as a Dragon Hide x1.
They are hiding around the following locations:
On top of the South Gate
On the roof of Ariel's Tavern (This is the kid who has the wallet)
On the Street Light south of the Arganan Bridge
After finding them, you learn why the people here aren't too fond of
The Comedian [Chapter 4]
There's a fellow sitting North of the Arena, he looks kind of like a mime,
with a black hat. Speak with him and he talks about bananas. He asks Elza a
question and if you say you want to learn about the secret, he'll ask you to
bring him a banana. Hand one over and he'll give you Prank Banana x50 in
return. You can repeat this however many times you'd like.
Friend of the Frogs [Chapter 4]
From the Central Plaza, Elza can go down some stairs to the riverside. On the
west end, there is a boy standing on the wooden deck there. Speak with him and
he says that he'll teach Elza something neat if he can catch three frogs.
There is a catch however. In order to have the frogs appear, Elza must first
speak with the Fortune Teller, and she will tell you where a frog is hiding.
There are six possible locations for where they are:
On the riverside Wood Deck, North-West area
Near the well behind Ariel's Tavern
Near the Fountain in Castle Gate Plaza
Near the Fountain in Fountain Plaza
Near the well around the Eastern Gate; near Marche area
Near the well behind the Color shop north of Central Plaza
Elza must slowly approach the frog from behind and press A to catch it. Once
you've caught a frog, every member of the party gains +5 to their speed. This
can be repeated six times (for a total of +30 speed). In order to have a new
frog appear, Elza must go into Ariel's Tavern, leave and then talk to the
Fortune Teller again.
Once you've collected enough frogs, the boy will teach Elza how to Dive into
the river and explore other parts of the city he couldn't reach before.
Frog of Good Luck [Chapter 4]
Once you've caught six frogs in the previous sub-quest, every frog thereafter
will reward you with either a Green Four Leaf Clover or a Yellow Fish Scale.
The procedure is still the same. You can repeat this however many times you'd
Tent Watchman [Chapter 4]
On the riverside closest to the Tavern, there will be a young boy standing
guard in front of a tent with a treasure chest inside. He says that he won't
EVER budge from his spot if you want that treasure. He will however hint that
he wants to see fireworks. So launch a few of them into the sky, run into the
tent, snag the Dragon Hide and then run away. If he comes back before you
finish up, he'll take it back.
Cooking Ingredients [Chapter 4]
Near the arena, there is a female shopkeeper standing next to a man cooking.
Speak with her (she's somewhat vocal), and she'll say that she doesn't have
enough ingredients ready for the customers around the arena. Offer to help her
and she'll have over 3000 G for Elza to buy Banana x1, Egg x2 and Coconut x3.
Pick these up for her in the Marche and hand them over. She'll let you keep
the change, give you a Dragon Hide and makes her shop available to shop at.
The Old Sailor [Chapter 4]
Head near the East gate, just North-east of the Marche. There should be an
older looking gentleman wearing blue-grey sitting on a bench. Take a seat next
to him and he'll talk to Elza. He will ask Elza what's more important, Your
physical health, or economic sense. Pick physical health to increase you
defence by one, or pick economic sense for 100 G. Personally I'd go for the
Defense boost.
Tripping Ladies [Chapter 4]
Around the Castle Gate Plaza, there will be a girl waiting on tables griping
about how the ladies sitting/standing nearby are simply loitering and not
ordering something. She wishes someone would 'do' something about it. So grant
her wish by shooting all the ladies in the area with Prank Bananas, and this
will make her day. She has a good laugh and hands over Wheat x1.
Solitary Old Man [Chapter 4]
Once you've obtained the ability to Dive into the river, if you head along the
east most point of the river and climb up the ladders, you will arrive at a
strange old man's residence. He will tell you some very... obscure facts about
what Elza has done in the city. And reward you for it too. He'll even give you
a Dragon Hide for visiting him the first time around.
How many times you've bumped into people on the streets.
50 Times: Leek weapon
100 Times: Frying Pan weapon
150 Times: Kitchen Knife weapon
300 Times: Dragon Fang x9
How many times you've banged your head/face on low-hanging signboards.
20 Times: Hammer weapon
50 Times: Axe weapon
100 Times: Lance weapon
150 Times: Dragon Fang x9
How many times you've slipped and fell (banana peels, oranges etc.)
20 Times: Pitch Fork weapon
50 Times: Wooden Club weapon
100 Times: Stool weapon
150 Times: Dragon Fang x9
All the weapons you receive from him have very unique effects, but cannot be
upgraded during Round 1, and are VERY weak. They are however very amusing to
use in cut-scenes and in online play.
Behind the East River Gate [Chapter 7]
West of the Marche, there is a young man who says there are strange noises
coming from behind the water gate on the East side of the river. After
speaking with him, if you Dive into the river and approach the left-most grate,
there should be a circle there, indicating that you can interact with it.
Should you CHOOSE to enter, Elza will spot three Cave Cougars (level 40)
enemies and they are a million kinds of nasty this early in the game. You can
choose either to fight them, or retreat depending on your level. Note that
Elza has to fight these by himself, so if you're still in the early stages of
the game, it is a good idea to come back later.
Defeating the cougars will earn you a Sylph's Bowstring x3 (one from each) and
the three chests contain: Silver Thread x1, Indigo Thread x1 and Divine Beast
The Starving Kid [Chapter 7]
You may have met this kid earlier along the riverside, but you couldn't do
anything for him... yet. Anyway, after clearing the Robber's Hideout, go to
Ariel's Tavern and speak with her. She says that she just finished making a
new boxed lunch and hands over Key Item: Ariel's Bentou to Elza. She warns him
not to go near Manamia with it though, or else she'll eat it.
Head over to the riverside to the boy who's sitting on the ground next to a
tent. He'll notice that you're carrying the lunch box. Talk to him and he'll
offer to trade a Towel (for wiping sweat) in exchange for the food. Agree and
you receive Key Item: Towel
Go to the Craftsman's Alley (you might have seen this guy gripe about being
sweaty earlier). He'll notice you have the towel and he'll offer the Key Item:
Basic Magic Spell book in exchange for it. Make the trade.
Once you have access to Ruli Castle, head to the library and one of the magic
school kids (a boy) will notice you have the book. He'll talk to you and offer
Key Item: Aristocrat's Basics book in exchange for the spell book.
Take this book outside of Ruli Castle and around the Castle Gate Plaza area.
One of the ladies (that you had tripped earlier) will notice you. She even has
that annoying 'Ohohoho' laugh too. Trade the book for Key Item: High Grade
Gem in hand, head back to the castle and up to the third level in the main
area. Go to the end of the hallway near the Earl's office, and a lady will
stop you. She'll offer in exchange for you shiny stone, Key Item: Zola's Ship
Now this will take a while... once you've hit Chapter 22, you can finally
enter the prison and find Zola. Speak with him and he'll notice you have his
journal. He demands that you give it back to him, but will offer his sword in
return. Take him up on his offer and you'll receive Zola's sword. This katana
can be upgraded to the Rokujou Hannya, which is especially handy in a lot of
fights against human foes.
Blue Bird [Chapter 7]
The title of this is somewhat... confusing, but whatever. Before you head to
Ruli Castle, there is a girl standing on the second floor of Ariel's Tavern
(she'll stand out, so don't worry you'll see her). Speak with her and she says
that she wants to get some Angel's Thread in order to make a special kind of
dye. Agree to help her and she sends you off to the Central Plaza, saying that
the feathers of blue birds contain Angel's Thread (I have no idea how that
works), but whatever. You'll notice that Seek mode pops up and you have to
look for the blue birds.
1. Top of the central pillar in the Central Plaza
2. West side fence of the central area in the Central Plaza
3. Far hanging lamp on the doorway on the East side of Central Plaza
4. Near hanging lamp on the doorway on the West side of Central Plaza, Chase
it the Castle Gate Plaza Fountain and Seek it again.
Once you've picked up four Angel's Threads for her, go back to the tavern and
speak with her. She'll hand over the Stimulating Bleach, which makes Armor
invisible (insert boob joke here).
Miina from Marche [Chapter 7]
Wander around the Marche, and head over to the South end where the hill is.
Elza will hear a girl yell in surprise and a wagon full of fruit is dumped in
his general direction, causing him to slip and fall on his ass. A girl named
Miina will run up to him and apologize for goofing up. As the story progresses,
make sure you attempt to speak with Miina whenever you can. Once you've spoken
to her three times, by Chapter 23 she will go out on a date with Elza, and
introduce you to her stray cat Mii. Feed the cat some almonds and it will
follow you around the city (for a short period of time anyway). After Elza has
been knighted (sort of, around Chapter 30) you can speak to her again and
she'll give you a Dragon Fang.
Search for the Lost Kitten [Chapter 7]
As you wander around the city, you'll notice that the Seek button pops up when
you approach the area North of the Central Plaza. You'll spot a young boy
standing on the roof top of the Color Shop calling out for his lost kitten.
Run up behind the building and climb the ladder to speak with the boy and
agree to help him find his kitty, Mari. To do this, speak with the Fortune
Teller, who directs you to the Fountain Plaza. There you will find a white cat
waiting for you. Chase after the cat through the back alleys of Ruli City and
she'll lead you to where the kitten has gotten itself stuck. Elza will
automatically return to the boy with the kitten, and he receives the Tea Ladle
(a Japanese tea ladle) as his prize (yet another joke weapon).
Stolen Permission Pass [Chapter 7/19]
In order to start the events which lead to this sub-quest (as well as
activating Chapter 21), go to the area North of the Arena to find a boy
speaking with his older sister. You will learn that his sister has a strange
illness. After Chapter 19, go back to the same area and you'll find the boy by
himself, lamenting the fact that he can't do anything for his sister who is
now bedridden. Return to Ariel's Tavern, and then leave. A scene will occur as
the boy bumps into Elza and runs off. Elza will realize that his Permission
Pass just got jacked. Chase after him, and if he bumps into pedestrians, that
is your chance to grab him. If you mess up and lose sight of him, wander
around the area and Elza will wonder if people nearby have seen him. Continue
to give chase, once you've cornered him twice Elza will drag the boy with him
back to the Tavern, while Ariel will berate the thief. Elza can then choose to
either take back his pass, or give it to the boy. Giving it to him will cause
another scene between Elza and Quark to play out, with Quark saying that Elza
is too nice for his own good. After this little mess, Elza gains +20 to his
Speed and the boy will have dropped a Dragon Fang inside the Tavern. You can
go back outside to the arena area later and find out why the boy's sister is
Gatekeeper of Ruli Castle: West [Chapter 8]
Once you have access to Ruli Castle and can move about freely, head towards
the West gate to speak with the guard there. He says that three generations of
his family have been guarding this gate, his grandfather, his father and
himself. What's behind the gate however is a mystery. Head to South Gate Plaza
to find an elderly man sitting on a bench and speak with him. He will say that
he is the young man's grandfather and give you some special Cooling Herbal
Medicine to give to his grandson. Return to the gate and hand it over to the
guard. He gives Elza a Dragon Hide as thanks.
Gatekeeper of Ruli Castle: East [Chapter 8]
Approach the Eastern gate, and try to open the door. The Gatekeeper here isn't
as talkative as his friend on the other side, and tells you that you can't go
through this door. He will say that since you took the trouble to chat with
him, he'll give you a Gnome's Copper Ore, just because.
Kanan's One-Piece [Chapter 19]
A particularly easy sub-quest. After the events in Chapter 19, Kanan will want
to be left alone and will refuse to see Elza. Go to Jill's room next door to
Kanan's and examine the closet in his room. You will find Kanan's One-Piece
there. Elza will even comment 'What the heck is this doing here...?' Creepy.
Marche Store-Keeping [Chapter 19]
One of the shop keepers in the Marche, one that you have to approach from
behind his stall to talk to, says that he has some errands to run and needs
someone to watch his stall for a bit. Volunteer to do so and Elza can sell the
party's excess junk to people passing by for a pretty penny. Go into Seek mode
to select your potential customer. Do note that the civilians have different
tastes and will buy different things from you.
Lizard Counter-Attack [Chapter 19]
There is a soldier standing in the Courtyard of Ruli Castle on the East side.
He will tell Elza that he has received a message addressed to him. Choose to
read it and it will be narrated by a particularly belligerent Lizard man who
wishes to challenge Elza to a mano-to-mano duel. Kind of.
Elza will arrive at the Cliff Road, and lo and behold, there is a lizard man
waiting. While riding a Gurg Beast. Elza asks if this is even remotely a mano-
to-mano duel and the lizard tells him to shut up and tries to run him over
with the beast. Knock the lizard off the beast, the commandeer it, press and
hold A to make the beast dash around and flatten all who stand in your way, as
this is no longer a one-on-one match, but a bloodbath as Elza squishes the
crap out of the incoming lizards. Press B to dismount the beast if you want.
Stomp enough lizards and they'll run away cursing Elza's name. You will
receive one of the following rewards:
Pirate's Ring x1
Noble's Ring x1
Legendary Fertilizer x2
You can repeat this, but the lizards aren't getting any stronger (and they
aren't learning their lesson either).
Dragonmeister [Chapter 19]
East of the arena in the maze like alleyways, there's a robed man sitting
there. Speak with him and he says that if you bring him 5 Dragon Hides, he'll
make you something good. You can choose to either make Dragon Armor or Dragon
Legs. This choice is represented by him asking Elza about what his preferences
are. 'What do you like' -> Answers being 'Boobs' or 'Butts'. (Seriously, those
are the choices).
This can be repeated as long as you have enough Dragon Hides.
Pumpkin Garden [Chapter 19]
Just outside of Ariel's Tavern, there should be a mustached man in a hat
standing on the street corner. Talk to him and agree to follow him to the
newly made fields. You will arrive at the area outside of Ruli City and on a
pumpkin farm. He will give you a Seedling and some regular Fertilizer.
You can then grow pumpkins for recipes and profit.
First off, you must plant a seedling, then you must fertilize it.
Fertilizer -> Small Pumpkin
High Quality Fertilizer -> Normal Pumpkin
Legendary Fertilizer -> Ripe Pumpkin
After you've cleared a map or a chapter, return to the farm to harvest your
The Key Thief [Chapter 19]
Head over to Craftsman's Alley. You should spot the girl you met in the Tavern
hanging around here. She will say that she has something new for Elza, but her
key to the warehouse has been stolen. Elza will say that's too bad, but who
would steal a key for dyes? She then will say, oh someone who looks just like
that, as a boy (who strikingly resembles the permission pass thief) shows up.
Give chase and get the key back from him. After she scolds him, she gives Elza
the Shocking Bleach, which makes Legs invisible (insert dirty joke here)
Elza's Groupies [Chapter 21]
This sub-quest is available after clearing the optional Chapter 21, Tavern
Salamander. Speak with the Fortune Teller in front of Central Plaza and she'll
say that she is now telling Love fortunes. Ask her to tell your Love fortune
and she will direct Elza to the Eastern balcony of Central Plaza, where he can
flirt with one of eight girls from Ruli City.
Elza must correctly answer at least two of their questions for them to agree
to meet him later at the Tavern Salamander. Here are some 'rough' translations.
Older Lady in Love —ö‚·‚邨‚΂³‚ñ
Yes, I like older women. ‚Í‚¢ ”NãD‚«‚Å‚·
I do think so. ‚»‚¤Žv‚¢‚Ü‚·
With pleasure. Šì‚ñ‚Å
Older Sister in Love —ö‚·‚邨Žo‚³‚ñ
No. ‚¢‚¢‚¦
Older I guess. ”Nã‚©‚È
Yes! ‚Í‚¢!
Lady in Love —ö‚·‚é‹M•wl
There's no need for basics and such in being stylish. ‚¨‚µ‚á‚ê‚ÉŠî–{‚È‚Ç‚È‚¢‚Å‚·
I think that's wonderful. ‘f“G‚¾‚ÆŽv‚¢‚Ü‚·
Of course it is. ‚à‚¿‚ë‚ñ‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·
Spoiled Princess in Love —ö‚·‚邨•P—l
The way you did you eyes is very pretty. ãY—í‚È–Ú‚ð‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚Ë
You're very determined to be charming. Ÿ‹C‚Å–£—Í“I‚Å‚·‚Ë
That's not the case. ‚»‚¤‚Å‚à‚È‚¢
Relaxed Girl in Love —ö‚·‚é‚Ù‚®‚·—«
Thank you. ‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤
I think doing it gently is wonderful. —D‚µ‚‚Ä‘f“G‚¾‚ÆŽv‚¤
I am fond of the gentle and older type. —D‚µ‚¢”Nã‚ÍD‚Ý‚Å‚·‚æ
Fun Girl in Love —ö‚·‚éŠy‚µ‚¢—«
That's right. ‚»‚¤‚¾‚Ë
In my mind. ‰´‚Ì“ª‚Ì’†
For the time being, how about getting a meal? ‚Æ‚è‚ ‚¦‚¸ HŽ–‚Å‚à‚Ç‚¤‚Å‚·‚©H
Romantic in Love —ö‚·‚郃}ƒ“ƒ`ƒXƒg
Yes, I will most certainly come to welcome you. ‚¤‚ñ ‚«‚Á‚ÆŒN‚ðŒ}‚¦‚É‚‚é‚æ
You're already closer enough I think. ‚à‚¤‹ß‚‚É‚¢‚é‚©‚à‚µ‚ê‚È‚¢‚æ
How about me being your prince? ‰´‚ªŒN‚̉¤Žq—l‚Á‚Ä‚±‚Æ‚³
Serious Girl in Love ^–Ê–Ú‚È—«
Having calm judgment. —âÂȔ»’f—Í
A mind that fears the world. ¢‚Ì’†‚ðŠëœœ‚·‚éS
A self-confident mindset. Ž©•ª‚ÉŽ©M‚ðŽ‚ÂS
You'll need to go back and forth between Ariel's Tavern and the Fortune teller
in order to meet all eight girls. After the ninth time (assuming you've done
it right) the fortune teller will tell Elza that he has a fated meeting at the
Tavern Salamander. You can now go there to feel... appreciated (I guess).
Although this does mean that Elza has learned a thing or two from Jackal
(despite saying he wants nothing to do with Jackal's art of seducing women).
Bow Expert [Chapter 22]
Elza must have sworn loyalty to the Earl first. During the celebrations at
Ariel's Tavern, one of the men on the second floor will mention that there is
a man looking for a 'bow expert'. Speak to him and say that you're interested.
He will tell Elza that a man in a blue hat and clothes is hanging around the
Fountain Plaza looking for a 'bow expert'. Elza can head out the next morning
in search of him. When you approach him the first time, he asks Elza to shoot
someone with this arrow. Elza says 'There's no way I'm going around killing
people'. Jackal will show up and wonder what's going on, and Elza explains to
him that this guy wants him to assassinate people for him. The man explains to
them that he doesn't want that, and Jackal realizes that the arrow is a Charm
Arrow. Elza catches on and agrees to help him, despite the fact the guy should
really try harder himself. Once you've received the arrow, target the girl in
blue. Elza will react if you hit the right person, which leads to a scene with
the guy 'flirting' with his target, until she snaps out of her stupor and
slaps him. Elza will gain +2.0 to his Arrow damage if successful. This can be
repeated at least once every chapter until Chapter 31. It is possible to reset
it by going to one of the replayable dungeons and clearing them. Failure in
hitting the right target will earn you Prank Banana x10.
Knight's Armor [Chapter 22]
Once Elza is allowed to 'stay' in Ruli Castle, there is a
wardrobe/closet/cabinet in his room that he can examine. Inside he finds an
old set of Knight's Armor.
The Drunk [Chapter 27]
After escaping from Prison, it will be night time in Ruli City. Head over
towards the Tavern Salamander, and south-east (not SE on the map, but
physically if you're looking at the door) of its entrance should be a man
leaning against the wall, looking rather ill. Go into Seek mode and look at
him until he talks to you, saying that just looking at the empty bottle makes
him ill, he will ask you to take care of it and hands over the Wine Bottle.
Gurg Lost and Found [Chapter 29]
While you are in the Gurg Castle, do NOT pick up any of the Gurg items in the
treasure chest. Instead wait until you have reached the Epilogue and then talk
to the following Gurg citizens that now reside in Ruli City.
Gurg Pot -> Gurg man in Marche.
Gurg Comb -> Gurg woman in front of Castle Gate Plaza.
Gurg Doll -> Gurg girl in South Gate Plaza.
Now you can go to the castle and fetch the items in the chests.
Return these items to them and you will receive a Gurg Esoteric Writing x1
from each of them.
Fashion Magazine to Gurg Castle [Chapter 31]
The last sub-quest. You can listen to a girl in blue near the East gate. She
will mention that her boyfriend has been stationed somewhere faraway. There
aren't that many faraway places where knights would be, so head to the Gurg
castle. Once you're there, listen to the knight standing near the exit. He
says that he's bored and wishes that he had something, namely a fashion
magazine to read. Speak with him to return to Ruli Island, then speak to the
girl at the East gate. She will hand over Key Item: Fashion Magazine. Go back
to Gurg Castle and give the magazine to the knight. He will ask you to deliver
Key Item: Letter to Girlfriend. Go back and give the letter to the girl. She
will then give you a Dragon Fang.
dantemugiwara escribió:he probado poco el juego y ya veo una cosa que no me gusta... ¿no han dejado el doblaje en japonés? He rebuscado en todas las opciones pero no hay manera.
Me aprece una chorrada que no lo incluyan... al fin y al cabo el jeugo es un DVD9 y el japonés era un DVD5