Budathecat escribió:¿que pensais de Dr. Kawashima: Revitaliza Cuerpo y Mente ?
ami me llama bastante la atencion me gustan ese tipo de juegos
y el yoostar, vendra en castellano(doblado) no??? sino vaya bajon! Ya podiamos ir diciendole a namco( creo que es la distribuidora) que o lo doblan o se atengan a las consecuencias
Por cierto, semiurgente!
desde hace un tiempo no me funcina el kinect para hablar en las partys, ni en los juegos con kinect.
Me sale el simbolo del microfono pero simplemente no se me oye. ¿¿ Que puede pasar??
para mi que configure algo mal, o igual es que si cambia un poco el ruido ambiente ya no me oye nada?? Aun calibrando el sonido sigue pasando..
Tengo activado el microfono del kinect en el perfil en preferencias creo que es..
No se que ocurre, a alguien mas le pasa?
La verdad es que al principio lo usaba para charlas pero empeze a enchufar los cascos y desde ahi no pude volver a usar el kinect para charlar normalmente..( ni como digo por ejemplo para jugar al sports con mis hermanos.. tengo que estar con el mando y los csascos cojidos si quiero hablar con ellos es ridiculo..)
ojala alguien me sepa decir que arme.
jorgeandmanson escribió:ayer mi novia me regalo un kinect para mi cumpleaños... y queria saber que me recomendariais? veo que ya hay 3 juegos de baile y es lo que mas me llama cual de los 3 creis que vale mas la pena?
y algun otro jueguecillo que no sea de baile y no se sea kinect adventures evidentemente
Speaking to EG, HVS boss Eric Nofsinger wouldn’t say more, other than an announcement would come “around GDC,” adding it was a “licensed game.”
“It’s not announced yet,” said Nofsinger. “We’re doing that with 2K. It’s a licensed game. That’s our bread and butter as a developer. That’s how we’ve stayed in business for almost 18 years.
“We don’t develop for just one hardware. We don’t develop for just one genre of game. We don’t develop with just one publisher. We’ve diversified all the way through.”
[b]“This game works well with or without the Kinect,” he continued. “It’s supported as a device, so if you have the device it works very well, but I don’t think it’s this brilliant, genius idea.[/b]
“It works really well because it’s a 360 game. I don’t think it necessarily works really well because it’s a Kinect game.”
HVS will release its next title, The Conduit 2, on April 22 for Wii.
F: http://www.vg247.com/2011/02/04/high-vo ... le-for-2k/
holonio escribió:Budathecat escribió:¿que pensais de Dr. Kawashima: Revitaliza Cuerpo y Mente ?
ami me llama bastante la atencion me gustan ese tipo de juegos
y el yoostar, vendra en castellano(doblado) no??? sino vaya bajon! Ya podiamos ir diciendole a namco( creo que es la distribuidora) que o lo doblan o se atengan a las consecuencias
Por cierto, semiurgente!
desde hace un tiempo no me funcina el kinect para hablar en las partys, ni en los juegos con kinect.
Me sale el simbolo del microfono pero simplemente no se me oye. ¿¿ Que puede pasar??
para mi que configure algo mal, o igual es que si cambia un poco el ruido ambiente ya no me oye nada?? Aun calibrando el sonido sigue pasando..
Tengo activado el microfono del kinect en el perfil en preferencias creo que es..
No se que ocurre, a alguien mas le pasa?
La verdad es que al principio lo usaba para charlas pero empeze a enchufar los cascos y desde ahi no pude volver a usar el kinect para charlar normalmente..( ni como digo por ejemplo para jugar al sports con mis hermanos.. tengo que estar con el mando y los csascos cojidos si quiero hablar con ellos es ridiculo..)
ojala alguien me sepa decir que arme.
La solución es muy sencilla. En cuanto empieces a hablar quitales las pilas al mando y que tu interlocutor (con quien hablas) haga lo mismo
- High Voltage desarrollara un videojuego para Kinect/PAD -
RPD_Nightmare escribió:- High Voltage desarrollara un videojuego para Kinect/PAD -
Hmmm son noticias interesantes![]()
Parece que por fin van a salir juegos con soporte para Kinect Y para mando a pesar de lo que muchos pensaban antes. Parece ser que se podra jugar de las dos formas, o, como minimo se usara Kinect como complemento...
Ya veremos en que queda la cosa![]()
jorgeandmanson escribió:ayer mi novia me regalo un kinect para mi cumpleaños... y queria saber que me recomendariais? veo que ya hay 3 juegos de baile y es lo que mas me llama cual de los 3 creis que vale mas la pena?
y algun otro jueguecillo que no sea de baile y no se sea kinect adventures evidentemente
A listing has shown up on GameFly for a shooter called 'Heavy Fire: Afghanistan' which, judging by the cover art, requires Kinect. The synopsis on the official site of little-known publisher Mastiff Games doesn't give much away, reading like virtually any other modern shooter.
"Fly in helicopters. Ride in tanks and trucks. Take it to the ground and get up close and personal with the enemy. Your objective is simple: Grab the biggest gun you can find, then knock out the enemy with your Heavy Fire!"
Given the publishers catalog of games, and the complete lack of media, our expectations aren't high for what could be Kinect's first traditional shooter. It's currently unknown how Kinect will be utilized and, although it is required on the Xbox 360, the game will be hitting "all major consoles and mobile platforms".
We won't have long to find out, the game launches April 30th.
RPD_Nightmare escribió:A ver si ponen mas informacion o imagenes del Heavy Fire. Porque la verdad, es que la idea parece buena, pero como funcionara exactamente??
RPD_Nightmare escribió:A ver si ponen mas informacion o imagenes del Heavy Fire. Porque la verdad, es que la idea parece buena, pero como funcionara exactamente??
Ironbird escribió:RPD_Nightmare escribió:A ver si ponen mas informacion o imagenes del Heavy Fire. Porque la verdad, es que la idea parece buena, pero como funcionara exactamente??
Apuntas tus manos/pistola al kinect y dices "PUM!"Y si pillas una ametralladora, pues "Ratatata!"
La verdad es que no se como iria un shooter con el kinect, ya que esta jodida el tema de apuntar.. aunque nadie ha dicho que sea un shooter
Rovio, the developer behind the iPhone and Android game phenomenon Angry Birds, have unveiled via Twitter not only that Angry Birds will be heading to the Wii and 3DS later in the year, but that the upcoming Xbox 360 version of the game might well feature Kinect Support.
Confirmation that the game is coming to Xbox Live Arcade, as well as Sony's Playstation Network was given at last years Social Games Summit by Rovio CEO Peter Vesterbacka. Late last week, replying to a plea from a Twitter user asking for Kinect Support, Rovio replied that "You might just get what you ask for..."
This would be the second Xbox Live Arcade game announced to feature Kinect after Twisted Pixel's The Gunstringer was unveiled last week. Hopefully there are many more to come!
fenix_supremo escribió:-Segundo posible Arcade con soporte para Kinect-
¡ Angry Birds !
Franxj escribió:Buenas, alguien sabe si el your shape tiene pilates? aunque sean por medio de DLC????
gracias y saludos.
IGN escribió:Using the power of Kinect for Xbox 360 and Ubisoft's proprietary ... including yoga, Pilates, martial arts and boxing. ...
djohny24 escribió:Hola buenas, tengo una preguntilla. Estoy a punto (o no) de adquirir una 360 y tengo dudillas... El kinect, es también compatible con el resto de juegos actuales? bueno, aunque sea una proporción jeje, por ejemplo el Trivial Pursuit y cosas así para jugar con la parienta.
Si no es así, es por dicho de si me cojo una Wii o la 360....
Mil gracias de ante mano!
According to an early survey issued by publisher Microsoft Game Studios, there could well be a long list of new features potentially being readied for Dance Central 2, with possible improvements to the overall presentation, an online store, a bolstered soundtrack and set of game modes and much more a distinct possibility.
The set of proposed features would bring Dance Central 2 in line with Harmonix's far more exhaustive Rock Band franchise, which is bursting with all manner of features, customisation options and thousands of downloadable songs in its online store. It could be that Dance Central will follow suit, with features like a karaoke option enabling players to sing and online multiplayer via Xbox Live potentially in the offing for the follow-up.
Harmonix co-founder and CEO Alex Rigopulos has said that a new Dance Central has been in pre-production since November 2010, so this enormous list is by no means a definitive rundown of features for Dance Central 2. Think of this as more of a 'what could be' kind of thing, as none of this has been officially confirmed just yet. Don't let that stop you looking through the list though:
Custom Dances
* Custom dance crafting - Lets you choose individual dance moves and string them together into custom choreographed sequences.
Break-it Down Improvements
* Individual move practice - Lets you practice a single dance move from any routine that's causing you difficulty without having to practice the entire song.
* Repeat recap sequences - Lets you replay recap sequences in Break It Down. That is, you can practice specific dance sequences repeatedly. You would still have to practice the entire song.
* Individual recap sequences - Lets you practice specific dance sequences from any routine without having to practice the entire song.
* Improved feedback - The game will provide more specific feedback on what EXACTLY the player is not doing correctly. This may include arrows, text, auditory instructions or other feedback so players know how to correct their dancing.
* Performance comparison - Lets you see a side-by-side video playback of your performance and the dance character's performance so you can see how your performance of the dance moves differed from the dance character's performance.
Difficulty Settings
* Easy song inclusion - Includes more songs that people new to Dance Central can play successfully.
* Loose filters mode - Lets people flawlessly perform a move even if they are not perfectly accurate. This mode would be good for new players or at a party where greater participation is more important than mastering the moves.
* On-screen lyrics - Lets you see the song lyrics on the TV while you're dancing.
* Sing along - Lets people who are not dancing sing along to songs and score points for the person dancing.
Online Store
* Dance Central Store - Lets you preview and purchase additional content including new songs, news dance moves, character outfits and other items from the Dance Central game.
Voice Interaction
* Voice control - Lets you use the voice commands to navigate menus such as selecting songs, selecting song difficulty, etc. Voice control will be implemented in addition to current gesture controls.
Dancer Character Customization
* Build your own dancer - Lets you build your own character by choosing body shapes and features. This is similar to creating your avatar.
* Customize your dancer - Lets you customize characters currently in the game by changing items such as clothing, jewelry, etc.
Importing Songs
* Song merging - Lets you easily import the songs from one version of Dance Central into another, so you don't have to switch between two discs.
* Stop motion freestyle - Lets you see your freestyle played back in a series of photographs. This is how Dance Central currently shows freestyles.
* Video freestyle - Lets you see your freestyle played back as a standard continuous video clip.
* Non-photographic freestyle - Lets you see your freestyle played back as a silhouette or an other abstract version of yourself.
* Copy-me freestyle - Lets you play a mini-game during the freestyle such as copying specific dance moves (like H-O-R-S-E for dancers)
* Graphical freestyle - Lets you see your freestyle played back as abstract graphics or art work instead of any player representation.
* No freestyle - Lets you continue dancing to choreographed dance moves without having to come up with your own dance moves.
Photo Sharing
* Exporting pictures - Lets you export pictures taken during gameplay to your PC.
* Exporting videos - Lets you export videos taken during gameplay to your PC.
* Social Network picture sharing - Lets you export pictures taken during gameplay directly to social media networks such as Facebook.
* Social network score sharing - Lets you post/share Dance Central scores through social media networks such as Facebook. You would also have the option to post an in-game photo of you or your character from when you earned that score.
* In-game challenges - Lets you challenge your friends or the game can issue specific challenges to you. For example, challenge a friend for the highest score on a particular song or difficulty found within the game.
* Downloadable content (DLC) challenges - Lets you challenge your friends or the game can issue specific challenges to you on content only available for purchase online.
Game Modes
* Campaign mode - Follow a guided progression of dance challenges while working through the song list. Along the way you would earn rewards and unlock additional content (such as new characters, outfits, cinematics or songs)
* Fitness mode - Lets you create customized workout playlists for continuous dancing (that is, without a break between songs). A calorie counter will also calculate calories burned within a song, playlist and across workouts.
* Party mode - Lets you create customized party playlists for continuous music and dancing. This will include time between songs to allow players to switch. Additionally, achievements would not be scored during party mode.
* 2 player - Lets you play with a friend side by side simultaneously. You play together in a co-op game or against each other in a head to head dance battle.
* 2 player over Xbox Live Avatar - Lets you play online with a friend through Xbox Live. You and your friend will be able to see each other's Avatars performing the dance moves.
* 2 player over Xbox Live Silhouettes - Lets you play online with a friend through Xbox Live. You and your friend will be able to see silhouettes of each other performing the dance moves.
* Background dancing - Lets friends play behind the primary players as backup dancers. The performance of the backup dancers will help increase the number of points scored.
The site is also carrying a shot of the game, albeit apparently from an old build of the game, showing Marcus in the main window with the player in a window bottom right of the screen.
Kotaku claims a demo of the game re-used elements, like assets and events, from Gears of War 2.
In November, Epic design boss Cliff Bleszinski said a Gears reveal at the Spike VGAs would be “not what you’re expecting”.
But just a few hours before the event itself, Major Nelson confirmed the showing had been canceled until sometime this year at least.
Epic also trademarked something known as Gears of War: Exile recently.
celorios escribió:Por cierto, una ayuda... Me ha parecido leer que se pueden compartir las fotos que te hacen en el adventures en facebook?? ¿Cómo se hace? Alguien podria explicarmelo? Gracias!
RPD_Nightmare escribió:Joder muy pronto para un futuro DC2 no? Quiero decir, aun hay muchisima gente que lo juega o aun ni lo ha comprado xDDD
Y sobre el GOW2 on rails, a mi me parece buena idea. Seria una forma de jugarlo o experimentarlo, y como la mayoria de cosas de Kinect y pad, los veo cosas complementarias![]()
Ya he estado viendo muchas criticas y opiniones por los foros, pero pinta muy interesante. Asumo que esta era la cosa que se andaban entre manos Microsoft y Epic con el famoso portal/zona de gearsofwar.kinectY el de Halo.kinect, sera del estilo o usara un nuevo modelo de juego como base seguramente...
RPD_Nightmare escribió:Joder muy pronto para un futuro DC2 no? Quiero decir, aun hay muchisima gente que lo juega o aun ni lo ha comprado xDDD
Y sobre el GOW2 on rails, a mi me parece buena idea. Seria una forma de jugarlo o experimentarlo, y como la mayoria de cosas de Kinect y pad, los veo cosas complementarias![]()
Ya he estado viendo muchas criticas y opiniones por los foros, pero pinta muy interesante. Asumo que esta era la cosa que se andaban entre manos Microsoft y Epic con el famoso portal/zona de gearsofwar.kinectY el de Halo.kinect, sera del estilo o usara un nuevo modelo de juego como base seguramente...
celorios escribió:Para los que somos un poco novatos en esto de los videojuegos, ¿que quiere decir cuando un juego va sobre railes?
El GOW on rails x ejemplo
Lo sient si parezco medio tonto pero es que ni idea de terminologia de juegos
celorios escribió:Para los que somos un poco novatos en esto de los videojuegos, ¿que quiere decir cuando un juego va sobre railes?
El GOW on rails x ejemplo
Lo sient si parezco medio tonto pero es que ni idea de terminologia de juegos
celorios escribió:Para los que somos un poco novatos en esto de los videojuegos, ¿que quiere decir cuando un juego va sobre railes?
El GOW on rails x ejemplo
Lo sient si parezco medio tonto pero es que ni idea de terminologia de juegos
fenix_supremo escribió:Venga vamos a actualizar.
- Lista de posibles mejoras de Dance Central 2 -
ernesvk escribió:e visto por algun lado el brain training alguien lo ha probado??
WyrmCule escribió:ernesvk escribió:e visto por algun lado el brain training alguien lo ha probado??
Venia en busca de la misma información, he visto que ha salido pero no leo en ningún sitio opiniones de ningún tipo, ni buenas ni malas, y me interesa saber que tal esta el Dr.Kawashima este xD
Alguien lo ha catado? Opiniones plz.
Y Gracias